RANKING Every BATMAN Suit From The Batman Arkham Trilogy (TIER LIST) - PART 1

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what's up guys welcome back to the comic Lads I'm Thomas I'm Rin we got [ __ ] merch oh yeah baby oh my God no store nothing to sell it on nope you can buy it no extra copies we're never selling it it's merch for us maybe one day maybe maybe fingers crossed today we are back with another tier list feel like we're we're we're kind of well versed in that genre of YouTube video now we're going to be ranking all of Batman's unlockable suits from the main Arkham Trilogy big disclaimer we're not going to be ranking the suits from Arkham Origins but if you guys highly request it we will make a separate yes tier list ranking of the Arkham Origin suits cuz it could be its own video there's like 25 of them yeah something like that I didn't even know ridiculous amount absurd so we're going to start with the two from Arkham Asylum we got the main one the classic first Arkham Asylum suit this suit's phenomenal you can't even argue this is not an S no it's you know what I mean this is an S for sure yeah this is like a peak Batman suit yeah this has become like in all of Batman like history and lore this is now like one of the most recognizable suits in like everything so it has to be up there absolutely all right [ __ ] whopping s right at the start okay next we have the armored suit from Arkham Asylum I've never even seen this okay I don't I don't know actually serious no I've never like I've seen it but I've never played with it yeah me neither well I don't you can't like play it in the story I don't think if I'm not mistaken you guys can correct me in the comments you can only play it in like challenge Maps it's like what is that yeah you know I like certain things with it I like the chin strap I that's one of the parts I don't like really yeah I don't know I don't like I don't like Batman with a chin strap it's kind of like tactical it's a little bit more like upgraded I don't hate it also I think it's pretty cool I think it's pretty cool I think it's like a a b for Batman yeah B or C I think B is good B for B oh sucks yeah I think it's a B I think it's a b what do you think about that I think that's good now we got the Arkham City suit we're diving straight into Arkham City now cuz there's only two suits in Asylum yeah this is his main suit there's not too much different from the first game I think it's still solid it's like a little lighter on the on the blue and black parts of the suit yeah like Arkham City is my favorite game of all time so I have like a very emotional attachment to the suit just because like when I think of Arkham City I think of that first suitup scene where he's like on the roof and he's like yeah did it arrives right on top so good you know what I mean but do I like it as much as the Asylum suit I think the Asylum suits Black portions look cooler in Asylum than they do in City yeah so I'm thinking like maybe it's an a I think it's an A too yeah it's very high up there in a though ice see I like that I like that okay so next we got the Batman animated series suit from Arkham City so I like this suit a lot man I like it too it's so it stands out so much and it's like so immersion breaking but it's also such a Vibe when you're just free roaming in City and like having Kevin Conroy's Voice come out of it it's just it's Peak are we just dropping this at a I think this is a what do you think I think so above or below Arkham City soon well it's a copy let's put it above people are going to be pissed at that this one goes so hard man with the white eyes it's like straight up Neil Adams I sick it is one of the only suits in the Arkham games with those white eyes and they do that a lot in City unfortunately don't do it enough in night it is a good one I know it's like straight out of like challenge of the Super Friends yeah where do you see it it's my most used suit from City it's got to be an a then has to be top yeah yeah oh brother man all right so now we have the year one suit I think all of the suits in Arkham City pretty much our our hits yeah they're all great in their own way this one sucks ass cheeks it's awful this one's so bad I don't know who cooked and it's like such a great idea to put the year one just classic straight up like no tactical designs no no [ __ ] on it it's just the cloth bat suit and then they just made his face so Derpy dude he's just like and he's a bit more pudgy too like the ABS are gone yeah this is a never put on for me personally this this is an F this is an F it's going down there absolutely it's an F all right next up we got the Earth One suit I like this suit it was never my favorite suit from the comics this used to be my favorite suit when Arkham City first came out way back in the day cool but I know as time has gone on I don't use it too much I don't use it too much and the more I look at it the more I'm like it's not really that great you know I mean it's not doing that much out of the ordinary yeah See's looking a little lonely let's do it all righty now we got the Dark Knight return suit Banger oh man I really like this suit a lot of people I've seen have said this is like a really ugly suit which like I can't argue against because it is like objectively ugly yeah like his face is nasty this might be a high SE I think okay yeah yeah right above him okay cool now I think we've reached probably both of our second most used suits in Arkham City this the Batman Beyond suit in 2011 this suit went crazy hard yeah but now it's kind of weird looking I still really like it and I'll tell you why there is another Batman Beyond suit further down this list in the night game but I feel like that one obviously tries to do something different and goes really futuristic this one still feels very classic and faithful to the Batman Beyond design the cartoon which I like but on this like massive body dude it just like doesn't work for me I don't know like his like you know he's running around and his ass is just like he runs like this and because there's no cape you can fully see like the animation of his arms going yeah does he do the Wings come out in City when you they do they're like super tiny kind of I like it I don't think it cracks a though no this is a b this is a be what do you think I think we could put it above this like weird armored suit though what do you say all righty all right so next we have the Sinestro suit I just the only kind of gripe I have with it is that the yellow Parts look are like very stained they're muddy yeah yeah like he like he literally went mudding before putting it on that's the only thing I'm like it's supposed to be like an alien like energy suit it feels like they could have pushed it a little bit further too like with the visual effects exactly like maybe if you get into a fight like the uh free flow Focus instead of having like a red Trail would be like a yellow one with his like ring you know what I mean yeah but I think for what it is it's pretty good the white eyes are sick with it too agreed needed more of those at night that's for damn sure agreed where do you think we're putting in this I'd see this is another another b or top of C once again somewhere in that range what do you think let's put it in B I think it goes hard still you want to put it like at the bottom yeah all righty now we got the Batman Inc suit listen top half fire what are we doing with this stainless steel jock strap bro out of the suit it's so whack the cowl with the suit in city is so muscular and badass looking so from the back when you're playing as him and like he's walking through Arkham City it looks so badass but then the camera turns around he has a massive dick and it's just like shiny and this is a d bro this is a d f this giant dick makes it a d it's a d for giant dick put it in there we're in Arkham Knight I think this is my favorite Arkham suit of all time post Arkham City suit it's the the suit that you start the game with this suit is ridiculous dude it's like a a perfect updating of what the original Arkham suit was it still has all the things that you love about the classic gray and black suit like it has some of the trunks still going on it has the trunks you know what I mean but they're like very subtle so it's not like what what is he doing fighting in his like underwear you know what I mean and it has like all those like armor plating bits in there this needs to be a movie suit I don't know why they can't just make a suit like this for the movies I know almost like like let's let's do our own thing I'm like no do this this is top of s and I don't know if anything's going to touch it okay listen this suit goes hard man come on no no we're going to disagree but I like certain things with this suit I like everything from the neck down I however don't like the pointy ass ears bro they are so pointy and short like this long too I know and it's just whenever I see him run like especially when he start charging like he kind of like we'll go like face first first and like bro if a thug was in his way he's dead I still think the suit is fantastic though I think it's great I don't think it touches s though I see it in the A to B range what do you think where do you rank I think if it's an a it's going to be like a top of a now we got like what am I going to call this the 240% suit this looks cool but what are we doing like I can't believe you got 24 it's so crazy guys I one of the very few people on this [ __ ] planet that has actually gotten the suit yeah I got to the end of it I completed it I didn't feel triumphant at all I felt like I need to go outside and smell some [ __ ] fresh air right now yeah I think the disrespect Factor like puts it in C yeah it is pretty disrespectful right this is a c I agree with you oh yeah yeah what do you think top bro throw this [ __ ] in the metal bro next up we got the new 52 suit this suit should be one of the coolest ones but I find he looks like an action figure it's never really been my my favorite either you make a really good point about looking like an action figure especially with the shoulders cuz they seem so much bigger than the other it looks like Samus or something I think bottom C is where is where it belongs oh all right now we have the Timberton Batman 89 suit I'm going to come out here and say I think this suit this is the best this suit has ever looked I think it looks better in this game than it does on Michael Keaton's body I I I I wore this one quite a bit I'm not going to lie what do you think B yeah I think it could be like a high B what do you think maybe right behind Beyond yeah I was going to say that as well I like that I like that ooh okay now we got the Earth 2 Batman suit I like this suit it's not the craziest it's not the it's not the most unique alternate design I like it a lot I think the red eyes are a really big stand out with it cuz not a lot of the ones in this game Chang the color of his eyes agreed bottom B yeah maybe around there what do you think about that yeah that's good nice all right next we have the Noel suit this one's sick this one is so good yeah and I have to give you kind of partial credit for making me like this suit because I never put the suit on in the past and we were doing a run through of Arkham Knight together like a couple months ago or something and we put it on and it was basically like just so good like I love the bat symbol it's attached to the cape I know this would be like another Perfect movie bat suit also I think this is an a this is definitely an a yeah what do you think bottom a maybe right or above Arkham City yeah I think so yeah go right there this is the only suit that we're ranking twice from both games it's it's like a repeat from Arkham City this is the Batman Inc suit I wanted to rank it twice just because I find it's an improvement it's a lot cleaner but the jock trrap is still there still awful it's still there so I'm like I think it's a c but I think I'm putting this on more than New 52 though all right let's put it right above that right above it still in see oo okay baby now we got the flasho Batman suit this suit's so sick this suit is one of the standouts from Arkham Knight for me mhm I just think it's so cool I love that they included the guns in the holsters it's so awesome the shoulders go a little bit too intense for me at times but I know that's just like a factor what this like original suit design is yeah I love it just to build off what you said like it is the shoulder spikes are kind of jarring but I also think it's a really clever way for them to incorporate his like impossible Cape design I think this is an a for sure this is an a 100% like is this top of a yeah I think so yeah it is yeah yeah yeah you want to disrespect this one a bit oh no this actually is another repeat from Arkham City but this time around it's worse it's 100% worse this is the 1970s bat suit it's still cool to play like I'll put it on playing Arkham Knight for sure yeah but they took away the white eyes such an L he has like a weird kind of like seam strap thing going around his face that makes it look kind of like a helmet rather than a cowl yep and like like the actual belt is brown [ __ ] what yeah it's like they took everything great about the Arkham City suit like the white eyes the colors really popping out they muted everything yeah I know they were like oh I'm going to take this perfect design and like put my dick in it you know and it's just nah but I still I do put it on more than once again the new 52 suit bro the new 52 suit has to come down yeah it's too whack yeah I know are we putting it it's there it's top of D or is it nah [ __ ] no it's bottom it's bottom we're choosing the jock no but this is good cuz I feel better about this one being in C now I agree so maybe this could be like I think bottom C bro all I just think I didn't feel good about it being bottom C uh over new52 cuz I like it more than it I agree I agree now we got the Arkham Origin suit which guys we just recently did a playthrough of Arkham Origins check it out it's previous video watch go watch it watch it after this one yep and one thing that was a constant throughout that video was us just commenting on how great the Arkham Origin suit was in that game so sick however they slightly remodeled it for the worse in this game they mucked it they it was such a cool Stark like full dark gray across the whole suit and then they inexplicably inexplicably gave it a gold belt in this game nerds like us like this is breaking my immersion it's just not an Arkham Origin suit if he has a glowing gold belt it also feels a lot darker than that one I don't know if it's a product of the lighting engine or what it's it's very like it's much more black than it is gray yeah like the it almost looks like they tried to combine the Ark of origin suit and Batman begin suit into one yeah and it's just I don't know like the the bat symbol is lost in the dark but I think this like I don't think it can go higher than b this one yeah it definitely belongs in B I agree I think it's going to like right here what do you think about that you you it lower I can tell because I like the Sinestro coru so much more than I do with this one well [ __ ] them and you know what you know I'm I'm going to do a little I'm going to do a little yeah I agree 100% 100% all right so now we have the Batman black and gray suit which is the suit that Dick Grayson actually wears in the brief time that he becomes Batman in the comics m one thing that I like about the suit uh is the cowl it like has this really nice like wrinkly almost like cloth like texture on the back when you see him walking it's hard to judge the suit because it's very very simple MH but for what it's going for it does it very well it does it's like I I I would say it's the best just comic bat suit that we got in this game bottom a but I do think that the Batman Beyond suit is slightly better well then I mean what kind of friend am I right really nice all righty Batman's original suit from Detective Comics 27 I think it's great I think it should be in the game I agree it's like I'm happy it's there but I hate it yeah I never put it you know what I mean bro I'm going to be completely real with you for me this is an F what I'm going to tell you I'm going to tell you why I'm going to tell you why okay listen listen to my case before you judge all right this is an F because one how how often have you put the suit on like for real how often have you put the suit on other than just like a joke just like [ __ ] around cuz it's so ugly that you can't wear it in any other context number two there is no number two two it's just ugly as [ __ ] number two it's number two cuz it's [ __ ] no okay but I'm going to fight you for a d this is going [Laughter] F fine but I want it on the record I'm pissed all right guys if there's a between D andf that's where it is yeah all right it's an I guess okay so next we have another repeat suit from Arkham City this is The Dark Knight return suit this is included once again on the list because it does a lot of things better than the Arkham City suit but also a few things worse what would you say it does worse it doesn't feel as original as the Arkham City suit cuz that one had such a dedication to the source material with the face design yeah and you can still see it's still the main Bruce model right from Knight in this one yeah yeah they could have added like some wrinkles you know but it's also not a bad bat suit and it looks great in game what do you think is it cheap to put it right behind the city Dark Knight return suit that's exactly where I was thinking right yeah next up we have the Batman versus Superman dot of Justice suit as I like to call it the fat Flex suit I love this suit in this game I like it in this game more than I like it in the movie I use this suit a lot I do too like like this might be like this is probably like in my three like most used suits for Arkham Knight yeah the only thing I don't like is the nose on the mask yeah it's very like a hooked yeah it looks like a witch nose or something or like a beak top of B I don't what are you thinking I think this could be top of B this is a really really strong suit yeah I like it a lot okay so now we have another Batman Beyond suit very different though very very very different it pretty much doesn't look anything alike besides the color scheme and maybe like the bat symbol a little bit Sy yeah uh I like this suit in a lot of ways and I feel like if I turn down the brightness on a little bit it works better because I don't like to see his mouth through the cowl I also don't it takes me out of it especially in cut scenes when he's like interrogating someone you can like see his mouth moving inside you know what it reminds me of like when you see Willam defoe's mouth Behind the Green Goblin mask I think it's way too overdesigned for a Batman Beyond suit personally this could be an A or even an S for me crazy yeah so like we could put an a like here I could yeah I'm good with that cool now we got the Adam West suit this suit's just sick this is another suit that I I think we both have a big emotional attachment to just because we both grew up with the Adam West show y like if I try to take myself out of it but I can't I can't it's just too good you it's really dope like the blue is so nice and shiny yeah I love it this could be an a is that [ __ ] up is that [ __ ] up that's pretty [ __ ] up I think lower I think bottom a bro okay cuz I I still think the Batman Beyond suit is a stronger pick for it okay okay okay this suit I'm like you guys put could have put so many other suits instead of this one this is the Justice League 3000 suit n yeah it's really really just a big Fistful of nothing yeah it's so much red it's so shiny looks like an action figure again but like not in a good way and I hate the ears they're like slanted backwards well they're not even slanted backwards they're like rectangles they're not like points I don't know this is a d for me personally this is definitely a d yeah and I think it's at the bottom yeah 100% yeah next we have the Christian Bale Dark Knight suit this suit is okay look the Arkham night suits all of them pretty much all have the same build in terms of like the muscular stature that they have but this one is the one that really goes against that kind of green and I feel like it's the only one that has that kind of like nice skinny build that Christian Bale had with his suit I agree this has always been my favorite movie bat suit it still is like I could put this in s personally I could put put s2o bottom of s yeah let's go I think it's good let's go let's go all right so next we have a very unfortunate one this is the anime Batman suit yeah I've seen some people online really Rave about this suit and like its inclusion it would have been cooler if they pulled like an insomniac and made it kind of cell shaded like how it is in the uh in the movie this is another one that I never put on it looks so bad I what do you think f cuz I I don't think I put this maybe I put it on once just to see what it was like and then I immediately like promised myself I was never going to equip it again yeah I think it's like middle F yeah let's do it all righty o okay I think we have strong differing opinions about this one this is the Zur andr suit this is such a classic weird alternate Batman suit that I find like it's just should be a staple for alternate suits in a Batman game I'm all for you know trying out new things with uh superheroes and all that [ __ ] but I just feel feel like it's too Goofy for me yeah there's so much going on it's like violating my eyes a little bit yeah I think I would have liked it a lot more if it didn't have these like really really prominent stitching patterns that look kind of like it's like stitching his skin he's like Frankenstein yeah exactly and like he has the shoulder things coming out the color scheme is very different it's just it's a very jarring suit to me agreed I'm thinking of putting it like like somewhere here I think somewhere in SE is pretty good okay this is the Batman suit we waited on doing an Arkham series suit ranking video just for the suit to come out cuz we knew it was going to come out now that it's here it looks really not as good as I would want it to look no they scuffed it dude I mean it especially looks bad on the switch port cuz it looks like Play-Doh yeah it does what makes it work in the movie is patson and his like crazy jaw that like he looks cool like he fills out the suit and he looks really dope in it on this Arkham Knight body mold it looks so weird and like he just has this like thousand yard stair like in all the screenshots it's because of his helmet bro his helmet comes down to like here and so he's like this the whole time I mean I dislike it yeah this blows I don't absolutely hate it this is a d though I think it's a d as well what do you think top maybe middle I'm I'm I'm going to put on the new 52 one more yeah you're right you're right there it goes I think that's where the Batman suit goes all right guys so that is our suit rankings of all the Arkham suits from the trilogy do you agree with our list please let us know in the comments below what you guys would rank in the S and the F category of suit rankings those are the most interesting to hear about what is your absolute favorite and least favorite let us know in the comments below if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like rating on it it really helps us out small growing Channel we appreciate all of you we're a tiny little baby Channel please help us also consider subscribing we're currently doing bats we're covering Batman medium all throughout the month of December all the way up until the new year so if you like Batman or any other superheroes which we will get back to Once New Year comes please consider dropping a sub and joining our Crusade see what I did there and uh yeah guys with the comic blads and we'll see you on the next one thanks for watching guys [Music] peace
Channel: Comic Lads
Views: 17,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KjxFcaOqe9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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