Ranking EVERY One Piece Chapter from 2023!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] St [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] what's going on everyone it's time to rank every single one piece chapter from 2023 and I saw that before I even went live uh my guy Vex being as generous as he usually is just gifted 10 memberships uh and I forgot to put up my ring light and I'm doing that right now uh I just put my Chinese food in the fridge oh jeez that's bright uh and so I just put that in the fridge and uh forgot to set this up so but anyway hope you're all doing well thank you all for showing up uh I'm really excited for the stream because 2023 was a great year um for one piece I just want to get this set up real quick there we go but um I do have a couple announcements I suppose let me move that light back a little bit a couple announcements uh first off tomorrow evening I'm going to be doing a top 30 strongest stream um with a number of creators I got to double check who has 100% signed up but um uh Power Vision should be there Chestnut and he should be there and uh uh let's see Eden will be there Kev dog should be there preach and or should be there so fun top 30 stream coming tomorrow give me one second I got to I can tell my audio is a little bit low one second all right my bars are a little bit lower than they should be that looks all right um so yeah fun top 30 coming tomorrow evening uh around 700 p.m. and then also on Saturday uh The Last Arc is having I think it's like an all day stream I'm not exactly sure uh Vex if you want to update me or make sure I'm I'm saying this correctly but uh they're having uh a stream that I will be participating in I will be there I believe it starts at like noon EST and it goes almost all day uh there'll be a number of creators there it's just a fun you know open one piece discussion stream I'm sure they have a lot planned for that um the stream of Liberation that's what it's called exactly uh okay cool Vex just put a link in there so that's going to be a lot of fun make sure you go check out the last LK it's a great group of creators already and they're bringing even more creators so it's like you know a group bringing another group which is just you know that's going to be a lot of Creator so uh yall should definitely go check that out um I got to get some music on on my end I think you guys have the lowii but I do not have any music and I need something that'll work um I think we're good cool all right um and yeah like I said earlier major thank you to Vex for dropping those 10 memberships bro thank you so much that's super generous of you always being generous one of the goats and then also uh francher Style before the stream even started a long long while ago I think like yesterday probably uh became a member thank you so much for anre I really appreciate that um and thank you guys all for the support on the TCG stream uh what was it like two days ago I can't even remember every all the days are melted into one these days um and that was a lot of fun too thank you guys for all the support there uh lick lick you said any news who's going to host revery 13 um when I'm allowed to tell you you will it will it'll be public info so that's all I can say for now um I see I see a lot of uh interesting takes about the uh about the chapter rankings I feel like I might have some unpopular opinions uh now I want to say every chapter was good so what I did is I went through every single chapter and just reread them pretty quickly and I gave them a ranking you guys can't see him right here but like I have it on my on like a Word document basically and I gave them roughly a tier to think about and I really didn't have a reason to put anything below like a high C which like I even say high SE because I mean all the chapters are so good that it's just kind of moving the window like normally I think every chapter this year could have been uh a well above average chapter you know what I mean compared to the grand scheme of things but compared to each other there are some that are a lot better so um and then Brandon King you said I think it's par Vision well just have to stay you know stay linked to to the socials and the the announcement pages I suppose um oh I need to I need to share this link real quick in the Discord I forgot to do that that's my fault um okay this is not the kind of music I want to be listening to right now sometimes I'm on Spotify and I and I pick a song or like an artist or something and two songs later I have veered so far from the original genre and type of music I was listening to that it's just nothing even close I just got to go to my playlist my one piece playlist all right there we go which don't get me wrong I like Spotify but [Music] man okay sharing this in the Discord and then we're going to get started prettyy quickly because this might take a little while um and I also want to bring up I did do a poll yesterday uh asking you guys what you guys thought about the best chapter of the year and um there was quite I thought there were some interesting results so you know as far as which one got voted on the most I do think there's a layer of uh definitely recency bias but there's also a layer of like you're going to click the top option most likely or like the you know what I cuz I had 1102 as the first one and like you're going to you know whenever you have a poll and there's three options and then other you're you're usually just going to pick one of the three even if it's truly another option you know what I mean uh but I will say there were so chapter 1102 ended up getting 60% of the vote and chapter 1079 got 19% after 1096 got 14% And then other was seven so again I doubt 1102 is truly 60% but you know whatever um I can only put four options so uh but there were like a million comments for chapter 1082 which is the buggy chapter so I'm excited to rank that one because I know a lot of people like that uh Kev dog I'm sure like that one a lot it's got to be his chapter of the year um but uh but it's going to be fun ranking these guys it's going to be a lot of fun and also uh this tier list that I'm using I literally if you interested and ever checking this out it's literally like the first result if you look up One Piece chapters 2023 I guess everyone's doing this um I think morge did one I didn't look at his results I didn't want to get uh you know skewed at all so I didn't look at it but I'm sure he had some uh some good takes and some interesting takes but everyone does right uh Sam Fisher said do you think emu's voice will be androgynous yeah I part of me hopes emu's voice is like a robot you you know or like uh I don't know how to put it like maybe like Karen from SpongeBob something like that but I feel like it's going to be male um because U has male Celestial Dragon kanji like whenever the gors address emu the kanji that means they Celestial Dragon it's it's a male one uh I'm not I'm not a super expert on this but that seems to be the case so oh look there's Kev talking about 1082 we were just talking about you my man you said I'm waiting to read 1103 when things settle down here a bit okay cool yeah we're not going to be ranking 1103 but obviously I've read it and I and I bet a lot of people here have read it already so you know I'm not going to be talking about it too much but if you guys do you know want to bring a chat up asking me about it I will answer but U I'm going to try avoiding it just because I think some of you probably haven't read it um because you know we don't even want to factor it in right this is all about 1071 to 11:02 so um and I you know I know everyone loves 1082 and Kev while you're here I guess I'll just say 1082 is going to be up there um but first uh oh yeah and someone said is there only 21 chapters a year there was 30 well there was 32 cuz you would count 1071 and 1102 right it's like inclusive I think is whatever 31 32 chapters usually it's in the 40s and oda's even gone like close to 50 before but um you know he takes the month off now he took a ton of breaks this year so 31's like a low point for one p piece in terms of the number but it's a high point in terms of the quality in the number so um uh Chu you just said not sure how I'd rank certain Kuma chapters but a lot of these are top five candidates yeah I have I have kind of the same issue where like you know they the the flashback only works when it like Builds on itself like each step sequentially made the next thing worse you know so it's kind of hard for me to rank them cuz like collectively the whole flashback is probably my highlight of the whole year uh I did really like the re stuff the gar there's a lot of good stuff this year honestly but that Akuma flashback as a whole is probably my highlight but you know each chapter's got to be graded separately and some are kind of a little more set upy even though they're still sad so so we're going to talk about that for sure um but I guess so I am going to get into it I guess I'll just ask you guys please like d stream if you have not already uh does do wonders for the algorithm and I've actually had this stream scheduled but unlisted for like over a week and I was worried that this wouldn't even work cuz I was using the same link as before I just didn't want to reset it up and it did work but I don't know if that's like going to mess with the algorithm at all because like it's such an old like I scheduled it so long ago but you know went live today so either way uh if you guys would like the stream that'd be great but all right so we're going to get into it and the way I'm going to do this is I'm going to go by chapter so like we're going to start at 1071 and just go through and just sequentially and I will say so I have a rough outline of my rankings but I didn't come to like a 100% locked in ranking so roughly know where I'm going to slide them in so so as I go I'm going to put them in you know uh a a row but it doesn't mean that's even guaranteed where they're going to stay like even within the row or where they're at in the row I'm going to I'll rearrange it later um but I just want to you know we're going to lay it out you know in some kind of order first and then fine-tune it and maybe you guys can even help me you know determine where I should put things I might do a couple polls and stuff like that so um but all right let's get into it so first off we got chapter 1071 and I thought 1071 was really interesting for one huge reason and that's that uh let me scroll up and find my notes okay there we go cuz it starts with like 1071 almost set up all the major plot lines for 2023 and so I have a hard time ranking this chapter Because the actual events aren't that insane but when you think about it in terms of like what makes a good setup chapter this might be one of the best setup chapters ever I'll be honest because it because the first thing we see is Kuma crashing into the red line which we know how that that matters right now he he you know we all know that um and then they even talked about like the Ally which ended up being Stuy on the island uh I'm trying to see what else and then the chapter ends with kid getting to elb and then GARP saying it's time to go save Kobe so we got the GARP Kobe plotline the kid elb plot line and the kuma you know trying to go to Egghead or marijua or whatever plotline all set up in the same chapter which like that it's hard to beat that in terms of setup so um so for 1071 I'm going to slide this into 16 to 20 range because it is a setup chapter but we'll see cuz like I said this is the maybe the best setup chapter uh ever potentially um trying to keep oh I just hit the wrong hold on I accidentally just pulled up Microsoft teams come on no don't I don't want to go through the setup process all right there we go it it really that icon being down there I got to I got to get it off the taskbar but um uh Lick Lick said rank 16 to 20 yep exactly cuz just ultimate setup chapter but then 1072 we're going to get into that one next um so this one was pretty good because we start off because it starts off with the mat cover story which you know that that continues for a little bit further this is the the peak of the MS cover story that I'm going to bring up later later cuz I did like that but um so that was part of it and then we actually get to see Bonnie use distorted future in this chapter and she uses it on bega Punk and while that's happening we got to see Kuma climbing the red line so if I would have talked about 1072 before the kuma flashback I probably wouldn't have thought of it this highly but because of how deep all that hits now knowing the end of it that does mess with things a little bit um because then Bonnie finds the memory bubble and this is also where Vega Punk's talking about the 21 Gams of soul and how like getting Kuma's memories will help Advance science and that in retrospect is really important because like the kuma memory thing I kind of forgot until I reread 1072 that it like Vega Punk was kind of begging Kuma for them cuz Kuma's like that's too personal dude I don't want to do that but Vega Punk's like this will really help Advance science this is come on please this is this is a you know big deal please help out whatever so I think that's that's actually pretty important I think that's kind of cool too cuz that's like that's like added backdrop for what we saw like looking at 1072 in conjunction with like 1102 or whatever or 11:01 um I think that's really interesting uh and this is also where we saw awakened Kaku and the stucy trader reveal so a lot of things happen in this chapter I'm a big big fan of 1072 um I am going to rank I I have so many windows open I'm going to get multiple monitors like this week I'm going to put 1072 right up here in the 11 to 15 for right now cuz I do think it's better than 1071 but they're pretty close so I'm going to I'm just going to put them there for now um hey Ox gamer you said 1072 is an 11 to 15 baby pluton you said 15 all right hey look see we're all on the same page so far it seems like um and again I am going to reorder them a little bit later but this is just ballparking it so then we're going to get into to uh 1073 and I really like 1073 now I don't think it's as good as 1072 but the cover page was the Vega Punk cover page where he wins the eyeb Bel piece prize and he has the tanks that have like the flowers that uh Bloom and gunpowder so he's like you know has cannons to shoot flowers everywhere and that is one of my favorite cover pages of the year and probably my number one honestly because of the connection to Dr herey luck right cuz that was his whole thing is he was trying to I mean rough roughly speaking that was his whole thing it and whenever we go to uh drum Island it ends with the cannon shooting out you know it's pink snow or whatever but Vega Punk actually completed that goal in actuality right and we see that with that cover page and it's that's how he gets the Peace Prize like the cover page itself for me is a huge factor in this chapter cuz like it being the Peace Prize and then with you know like that here you luck even though he wasn't like a great doctor and you know caused uh caused a little more Mayhem than peace sometimes you know what I mean like he obviously meant well and you know wanted that and so just awesome awesome awesome but um but then we also get to see Stuy take out Luchi Zoro clashes with esaw and then something that I kind of forgot about and we need to get resolution on is Weevil protecting Sphinx but then getting taken by greenbull because then what bachan says is that Dr Vega Punk is the only guy who can prove that Weevil is whitebeard's Son and we have not really touched on that very much right um we we need to get the like whatever's going on with Weevil if Vega Punk is the one who can answer that he's he might have to live for a little bit longer at least to tell us that because if that is true I mean we need to get the resolution to that so that's something I kind of forgot about and so that's really important um but then at the very end of the chapter we get Saturn's name reveal so 1073 was pretty big now in the grand scheme of things it's it's really the cover page which I personally rate highly and then bachan and the Saturn reveal like those are like the main things that happen in that chapter uh like you know moving pieces around wise but um but yeah so I'm going to put 1073 in between 1071 and 1072 right now but upon but later I might put it above 1073 all three of these are really close I think but 1071 is probably probably the lowest because it is a setup but uh real quick I want to give a major major shout out to my guy LOL sof McGee with the 10 gifted memberships thank you so much bro that's amazing uh shout out to all 10 of you I see Kev dog getting in the mix there um appreciate all you all you guys well I guess it's mainly you know law sauce gifting him but I you know it's awesome you guys are a part of the afro gang now uh because I guess I'll just mention this real quick I think a lot of you guys know this but I do one piece giveaway TCG giveaways every month and I'm going to be doing another one this month so it'll be on the lookout in a couple weeks for members only Community post you get to sign up there and we'll do the giveaway later this month basically uh now that you got a membership you're eligible so LW sauce appreciate you thank you so much bro that's amazing [Music] um just want to make sure okay cool all right so I got 1073 right there but I might move it all right and so now we're going to get into chapter 1074 and I'll admit this section right here this and the next couple chapters are the probably like the lowest of the year I would say like if I had to pick like the lowest five chapter section of the year it's probably this upcoming section uh which these chapters are good but not quite the same I would say um so 1074 is where we get to learn about the mark iiii pacifista which is cool but and then saru orders them to stand guard at the coast uh Vega Punk's missing and then we do get to see the start of the kuma flashback which if you go back to like my streams I was kind of talking this up specifically because I was like oh that little bit of the kuma flashback convinced confirmed everything I needed to see that his flashbacks going to be Peak and I think we all can agree that ended up happening so this is a good setup chapter in that regard but we kind of knew a little bit you know that this was kind of happening eventually cuz we already had like the memory bubble thing set up before this so it's like I guess what I'm saying is this chapter wasn't didn't move the needle quite as much for me um it's in retrospect at the time I was really pumped but now that we've seen the full flashback you know this little bit of it it's really sad cuz he's like a little kid and he's kind of like getting hit with a baseball bat and stuff so it's really sad but now that I see the full extent it's kind of like okay the other stuff you know is is is the real peak kind of deal so um but then Bonnie does go back into the bubble which you know that's how she got all the memories which is important we still see Kuma climbing the red line so Oda kind of jux opposing those events together is still really cool um and then we get to see Morgans at the end and Viv appear which is cool but again this is a lot of this is just sort of setup right it's and this is setup that is cool but doesn't move the needle as much so this is actually going to be the lowest one so far [Music] um D you said the VV reveal was hype I I completely agree I like that that's the tough thing about some of these chapters is like see like we bounced around so much in Egghead right like we went to Island to Island situation like even the VV thing like that's Egghead adjacent because like they're coming Egghead they're talking about Egghead but it's not really Egghead like they're not at it right now and it's a completely new thing so we bounced around so much that it all these reveals are definitely dope but it it it got to a point where I'm like okay I'm so glad that these people are getting involved but how are they getting involved what are they going to do and like you know what I mean so it kind of became the setup is is just not the reveal is cool but it's I there's just so many that that's the main thing um okay then let me get to the next one which is 1075 so according to my rankings this is one of the lowest ones we're going to we're going to double check that right now cuz I gave it a pretty bad grade so we're going to see uh so on the cover we see Vega Punk with the goray which is really cool but we I think we could already presume he met the gor we already knew that cuz Saturn mentioned it a few chapters ago and you would just presume that he's been working for the government he would have met them um we do see the mysterious shadow in this chapter that is still unexplained that I still think is Saturn uh it was like that thing where like they're looking at the cameras trying to figure out what's going on and this like murder mystery plot that Oda set up and the shadow like blocked the camera I still think that's Saturn but we still don't know that was this chapter um but most of the chapter was like different groups running throughout the lab looking for Vega Punk right like that that was most of this chapter like all the groups kind of splitting up and like Robin and Atlas are talking about I think the organs and Nami like sees the jewels and all that kind of stuff um and then York also gets turned to stone here which like helped her disguise her plot a little bit or not be viewed as a subject uh which is still like her plan we get her plan later but it's still a little iffy in my opinion unlik there's so much going on is she really going to get all the seraphim in a small group and huddle and talk to him with nobody noticing like you know I don't know um but then at the end of the chapter the seraphim kind of start cooking and then we get the Luchi and Luchi Luffy Zoro Luchi Kaku team up that was the start of that where they started talking about it um which I was never a huge fan of that I'll be honest and I mean it's already kind of over right and we saw why this is why I wasn't a fan of it we knew that Luchi and Kaku were bad people like there's I mean they're they're not gonna actually keep their word uh remember when Luffy like in this this is I think in a chapter or two where Luffy kind of talks smack to Luchi and he's like you're not going to go after my weak friends once once you lose right well like he kind of did cuz remember later once kizaru showed up he went after uh Vega Punk and uh and like he starts fighting Zoro later right so I was never a big fan of that cuz obviously it was bad news like there's I mean Luffy's I get that Luffy's like a blindly trusting guy like shouldn't be doing that but that was like too dumb even for him I felt like but I mean they had to do it at the moment so I get it but I feel like Oda could have just wrote it differently like we didn't need it but whatever it is what it is um so I'm going to have 1075 as I'm going to put it down here in 21 to 25 um but I could see why people would like it more I I definitely could but for me this was not uh not a banger for me compared to all the others again 1075 in comparison to the first 1075 chapters of One Piece is probably like a top 20% chapter you know or something but um oh I see Prince D Professor my guy pulling up I appreciate you bro hey I like the name change by the way it it sticks out not that uh not that Prince of all anime was an issue or I mean May well maybe maybe it wasn't that's why you changed it I don't know but I mean I liked it but Prince D Professor I'm a big fan of that I like that man I'm a big supporter of that uh Vex thank you for plugging his uh his links thank you very much and uh and just one more time I know I mentioned it earlier but Vex if you want to plug the stream of Liberation on Saturday at TLA that I will be at that'd be dope because we do have a good amount more people now than I did the first time I mentioned it um so yeah Saturday I'll be doing a stream with the Last Arc and a bunch of other creators make sure to go check that out that'll be a lot of fun [Music] um okay we're going to move on to the next one which is chapter 1076 and again this one is a little low for me but I could see why people would have it higher so that the Zoro the Luffy Zoro Luchi Kaku team up continues and you know Luchi says all of his goals like taking out people that you know Luffy doesn't want him to take out Luffy talks smack and says like well you're not going to go after him um and then you know and so that whole thing that's kind of It kind of carries into what I was saying with 1075 or like to me I get why it happened but like Oda didn't need to do that and I didn't like that he did it that was like one of the that's probably one of my least favorite Egghead things um cuz it also like it was cool to see him tag team a little bit but they it's not like it we got anything super special or like for instance it would have been really cool if like Luffy teaming up with with Luchi would have taught him something or like maybe Luchi even makes a comment like why aren't you using your awaken Zone form and then Luffy goes I don't have a Zone you or just something that would have made their the connection that they made there a little more interesting but uh we never really got that like it was just kind of like they punched the seraphim around and talked a little bit and that was it so um but then we also get to see where um Vega Punk is locked up with the other Cipher pole agents but then at the end we see Shanks at elb and kid pulling up to elb now this is this isn't the Divine departure chapter uh but this is the setup for that where kids like kids pulling up he's like well not if I lose and we get to see Shanks like being friendly with the Giants which is really cool because we kind of like knew they they had a connection but we didn't know how close they were now we see that they like love Shanks they're like very close to them um so that ending was really cool so it is better than 1075 uh but most of the chapter was again that the teamup stuff like where they're just kind of punching the seraphim over and over and uh and yeah it's just I don't know it again it didn't really move the needle in a major way it was just kind of like a hold over in my opinion even though the fighting was cool like it'll be a lot cooler in the anime um but I'm going to put this this above 1075 well maybe I'll put it in this one but 1075 can be yeah I'm going to keep 1076 above 1075 I feel bad cuz I know Shanks was in this chapter but it's just again it's a it's setup I just it's 1079 is going to be way higher I'm I'm going to say that much I'm going to say that much um give one second uh earlier hesitant you said I wish there was a video that summarizes every chapter from Egghead that would be kind of a cool video to make like go through and just one like one piece rewind of 2023 I feel like some there's got to be someone who does that someone's had to have thought of that and and made those um but all right we're going to get into chapter [Music] 1077 um so in this chapter we get a lot of more kind of setup and in this chapter it's kind of overt setup to Ohara where saru is making like a bunch of overt comparisons to it basically like we even get like a little box that says like refresh around the Ohara incident and like we see all the people rushing for the evacuation ships and all that kind of stuff um so that was kind of cool but it I remember even in that chapter when I read it I was like hey did we really need the the reminder box like we know you know we're I get that like not everyone's as into it as maybe we are you know but I feel like the Ohara incident is a big enough thing that we would know and like 10 chapters before this we were talking to Robin about Saul and Ohara and all that so we should have already been reminded recently so that was weird but it was cool to kind of have this ominous setup from sent tomoru about the situation um and then in this chapter is is also where Zoro makes the connection to King where like uh the seraphim are lunarians you know and he's like he's like yeah if I noticed ear earlier I could have helped and everyone's like oh it's all right you wouldn't have known he's like yeah if it wasn't for the black wings and dark skin and flame on their back and white hair and like all these things you know that were super obvious so that was really funny that was actually like that's such a Zoro thing and uh and I I like that a lot um and then also similarly cuz that's like a kind of a Zoro moment but while he's fighting a sarapin we actually got a Sanji moment while he's fighting a seraphim so I just like that uh inter chapter connectivity you know between the wings I guess cuz sanji's fighting the Gin Bas seraphim because Nami was fighting him like Zapped him then he dropped into the floor and then came back out uh so I like that because he's also I think that's where he says like if I had a kingdom my first rule would be you know like kill anyone that that harms Nami and I can't whatever it was that whole thing uh so that was cool um and then at the end we also get or not the very end but we also learn about the Bubbles in this chapter so the bubbles ended up being important cuz I did capture the sarap him uh so again this is kind of a theme I think with how I rank a lot of these chapters is like like this bubble stuff it's not like that big of a deal because at least in this chapter cuz like it did stop s snake a little bit but s snake still ended up turning them to Stone like Frankie turned half to Stone and Lilith and Usopp turned to stone but learning about the Bubbles ended up mattering later because the seraphim got trapped in the bubbles so that's kind of comparing it to like the uh the team up between Luffy Zoro Luchi Kaku like that didn't really end up mattering very much but the bubbles did so I kind of waigh the bubbles higher in that regard cuz it was like important um but then at the end of the chapter we get uh shocka getting capped at the very end so uh that was I remember that that's a moment from 2023 that I vividly remember as like a big Cliffhanger like that's one where everyone was you know they knew that was a big deal like that that's just like a crazy thing to see we don't normally see people die in one piece in general um you know in ve we don't really I think we actually do have a confirmation Shaka is dead because they cuz at later on they say two of the Vega punks are dead so we do I think but you know we don't see people die very often and to see it in that fashion right and for Shaka who like everyone liked that was crazy um but like and and that also obviously ended up being a very heavy plot Point going forward too so um big fan of that chapter like big fan relative to some of the others but this is still kind of a setup cuz Shaka dying is big but that kind of just was a setup for the rest of the murder mystery more or less like Shaka dying was almost for Oda to tell us hey it's not Shaka you know um so I'm going to put that one probably right behind 1076 yeah cuz see now now I'm thinking about these just in my head and like I feel like I might do this and put 1074 down here and then 1077 cuz I'm just thinking 1074 yeah I'm thinking this is more accurate sliding them around cuz a lot of these are close the whole 1070s I'm going to be honest are pretty close until you get to 1079 once you get to 1079 and then the 1080s and 1090s then we're talking like the highest ranking chapters so in all honesty a lot of these 1070s will probably end up being I'll have to move them down a little bit in relativity because the other ones are going to be so high but U I'm just going to put them here for now um one second get my setup back there we go um growth songs you said 1080 was the best part of 2023 the fact there was a kid vers Shanks debate was wild yeah wait isn't wait isn't 1079 is where where Shanks beats him right I think whatever it was yeah hold on we're we're going to we're going to get to that in a moment if that if that's what you mean if that's what you meant that chapter I can't remember what was in actually 1080 though I'm going to look real quick just so I remember oh oh yeah well if you did mean 1080 1080 is also highly ranked on this so uh all right we're just I'm just going to keep moving though just to keep going uh 1078 let's get into 1078 so in chapter 1078 uh s snake kills Pythagoras like she Stomps on him and I think that's that's our second Vega Punk death basically um and then this is also the chapter where Atlas is like oh there was one room that I didn't think would matter but maybe we should go there which you know from a writing perspective you have to do something like that cuz like if they if they deduce that that room the answer right away then it it you know I get it but I would also just imagine if you're a Vega Punk that's lived in that lab for so long and all this mystery stuff is happening would you not go check that room sooner like I I you know if I if I ran a lab and I checked everywhere for for the Stella and I couldn't find him I would probably go to the rooms I haven't checked yet you know like that's just my brain but anyways uh we also get to see Sanji tank and S shark attack like he's just standing there like not moving uh I I assume because of his like German enhancements or whatever and that shark like can't affect them which is really cool cuz it's kind of like kind of like bioenhanced person versus bioenhanced person which I know like the sarapin maybe bioenhanced isn't the right way to say it but you guys know what I mean uh so I think both of those are cool uh like that that connection was really cool uh and then we also get to see more of the Luchi Luffy Zoro Kaku teamup thing where they're fighting es bear and Es Hawk which again in the anime that's going to be fire I'm probably going to use those clips all over the place whenever we get to that uh but this is like maybe the most important part of their team up because uh Zoro basically es Hawk runs off and like they kind of deduce oh that he's probably going for the weaker people cuz like we're holding him off like we're strong so he's going to go for weaker people and mess with our mentality or whatever so Zoro and Kaku run off and while Kaku is running off Luffy calls him Usopp which I just I mean he's he's done that before but I just love that that uh Oda threw that in there especially when Kaku is like running to kind of go help the crew in a way cuz he's going to go help Zoro stop esaw from hurting the straw hats essentially so it is kind of cool that like that's when he gets called Usopp you know I thought that was kind of cool so um but then I think the cool thing about 10 1078 is that it ends with the like kind of ominous ending where it's like only one day remains before the Egghead incident however this taale was set in Emotion 3 months ago go and then we get to go back and see like Marines Gathering and all that kind of stuff so like that that whole kind of ominous setup like okay we're about to see something huge whenever when whenever this all goes down that was awesome and then at the very end of this chapter we get the York Trader reveal and so you would think that like when we get the trader reveal the chapter would be ranked pretty highly uh and I do have this one decently ranked but I still most of this chapter I just felt like I don't know if setup's the right word but but it's like a holdover chapter like it's like Oda it's almost like time needs to pass a little bit to make everything feel normal you know so it's like that's why we're seeing some fighting here we see Pythagoras die we see some discussions it's like nothing super serious for the plot but it's just kind of like holding over for the time period um so I'm a little iffy on on how much I wait all of that but the ending part with the the ominous ending and then the York Trader reveal like that does matter um so I think I'm going to put 1078 oh man maybe maybe right below [Music] 1077 maybe maybe right below 107 this is this this is tough guys this whole chunk of chapters right here are pretty close I mean 1072 is I think worthy of being up there and 1073 probably too but a lot of these are really close it's I don't know uh chout you said it's for pacing not filler but it's for plot exactly that's exactly it that uh I feel like Oda did that a lot in the 1070s and he's doing that a little bit in the 1090s like not not with the kuma flashback he he's cooking there he's slow cooking he's got this the wagu you know basting in the butter time and garlic uh but 1070s I think he was he was almost in like wano mode a little bit like still you know what I mean like a like a little bit like okay we we can we can go you know like we we don't have to spend this much time on this random stuff which it's cool random stuff but still uh Mr Bushido my guy with the or fiveo Super Chat thank you bro uh 1081 top five 1081 108 1081 is a really good chapter I definitely don't have a top five but it is a really good chapter um I'm going to get to that one a little bit but 1081 will be higher than a lot of these that we're looking at right now okay so uh I'm going to get into 1079 which I think a lot of people have been waiting for uh I mean 1079 is one of the best chapters of the year for sure um so it actually starts with getting York's backdrop to her plan uh with and like how she's speaking to the sarapin which I mentioned earlier I do have a little bit of issue with this I'm really glad we got the info because I think Oda had to show it to us cuz otherwise it's just like we're like lost but uh we get the back drop on her plan and like how she got the sarap him in a huddle and it's kind of telling like you got to go over here do this don't attack this make sure this is safe blah blah blah she's giving all the orders um so that that's cool but then we get to see Blackbeard's ship pulling up to Egghead which we still have not gotten any information on still that we don't know who's on that ship which a lot of us still think it's lefit and Katarina Devon I'm definitely in that boat um but we don't know for sure and uh the fact that they haven't shown themselves as just ominous I think in my chapter reviews which again I promise you guys I'm going to get back to those I want to get a new camera and probably do the recorded version CU it's a little bit easier regardless discussion for another day um I mentioned back then like I mentioned in all my reviews I should say like almost at the end of everyone where is where are leit and Katarina Devon like that I hate that OD I love and hate that Oda did this because we're all waiting for it we know it's here and all he's going to do is have the Blackbeard pirat sneak into the last second and take care of business like they always do like get what they want at the last second and just sneak out um so I love that they showed that but then so obviously what we're all waiting for though with this chapter is the ending part where kid gets the elb shanks is you know talking to the Giants and all that then he gets on the ship and he's like any news on Blackbeard you know I thought he was going to wano and he wasn't and they're like no but got some news on kid and he's like oh he's from the south blue blah blah blah and then we get Divine departure right it was like it was it was kind of like that too like very sudden he's getting the news cuz then we get to see Shanks you know have the future sight to kind of see like oh kids about to blow up elb or like shoot a bunch of rail gun lasers over there let me go you know I'm going to go take care of him like right now um and I think well so that's super dope that's amazing not going to Discount that but I think what makes that so good is that it's followed up with Shanks getting the the road poneglyph rubbings like very clearly cuz we didn't see that with Blackbeard later in law uh he gets the rubbings and then we like Dory and brogi just basically had to to teabag uh almost said Shanks kid by destroying their ship with Hoku sovereignty right like the whole Shanks thing was cool but it was like the utter decimation in the situation like it wasn't just that Shanks one-shotted kid it was that the their entire pirate dream ended in like two seconds which like I I I believe kid will come back and have an important role in some way shape or form uh don't have to get into that right now but like seeing them decimate a uh not a yonko crew but a three billion Berry crew like that you know I know we love to make fun of kid but regardless I mean that was insane you know like I mean we all that was I I one of the top chapters of the Year easily um both in terms of like setup because like th this is the type of chapter where it's delivery and setup in one because it is delivery where we're getting to see the culmination of this Shanks and kid kind of Feud cuz they've been fighting like they fought before that's how he lost his arm but it's also a setup because now we're like okay what's kid's role going forward well shank said he's going to be leaving soon like he said it multiple times while in the short little bit that we saw him at elb so where's he going to it was just that it was just and he like he has the r poneglyph rubbings he can go probably get the one piece all he would need is the Man Mark By Flames one which he might have for all we know not that he is man marked by Flames but he's been around so long he was there last time we saw fisherman Island so um that that like dual setup and delivery is part of what makes it Peak also um and so I am going to put 1079 for now in the top five it's not going to be number one probably uh you know I think I know what my number one is um and I don't want to spoil anything but I think I know what my number one is but 1079 will probably be in the top five that one was just for the community sake it deserves to be in the top five like what no matter what my my i p personally think of any parts of the situation it's like for the community you know what I mean like this was such a a good chapter for the community to enjoy um so many good memes came out of it uh and then Mr Bushido my guy a couple a couple okay cool I want to make sure I didn't miss any other ones uh two Euros twice 1081 is Kobe pinching the right the hand right uh 1081 is oh punching the hand I think you it that is not him punching the hand that one will be very very very highly ranked I can't remember what number it is but I it I think it's 1087 or eight somewhere around there whatever it is the Kobe one I got that way up there uh and then you said Kid kill Shanks calling it well if you if you saw my last video thumbnail you know you know I can't agree to that but um I you know K kids's going to do something I'll say that much he's not going to kill Shanks I don't think but he's going to come back he's going to get hockey cuz I know we we he has it technically we never see him use it which is a problem if you're not using hockey on the regular by now you're trash I you know like there if you have three a three billion Berry Bounty and you don't use hockey every time you attack you're a scrub you know like no other way to put it baby mole Mr Bushido my brother carrot is not on eggh head hey there's been quite there's been a number of rabbits on Egghead um but yeah no no no carrot sightings just yet okay we're going to get into chapter 1080 so 1080 is a really cool chapter CU this starts the haosu thing um which gets culminated in like 7 or eight chapters from this point so it's really cool that we got this kind of boxed into like a a you know like I said chapter 1071 set up all the major plot lines of 2023 and one of those was G being like let's go save Kobe and so this is where he dives into that so like like in 1071 we saw kid going to elb or arriving to elbaf and so we got to see that culminated in 1079 and then in the very next chapter 1080 Oda picks up on the other plot line which is the GARP one so it's just and then and then we'll talk about this in a little bit but then we get back to Egghead and then Oda dips into that last plot line that he had set up which was Kuma and so Oda was really masterful with like the timing of of things even though we bounced around a lot Oda did kind of organize it in a a really neat way I think but so it starts all the hosu stuff we see Kobe has a five-star Bounty uh and he's you know running around the island trying to save people all and all that we get the pizaro fruit reveal which uh I had to go recommission part of a thumbnail for that cuz I I was going to say it was a different fruit and I'm I'm kind of glad it happened when it did but uh we also got the Vasco fruit reveal which that's uh to this today one of I shouldn't say only Theory L's cuz I probably do have some other like minor Theory L's like not specific like super big ones but that was one where I had a clear answer and was wrong so you know it is what it is I do want to do an updated Vasco video I'm torn right now on whether I still think Vasco is going to fight Brooke I kind of have an idea for a change it's going to be one or the other we're going to figure it out it doesn't matter uh we also get to see uh San Juan Wolf's fruit reveal and then we also get to see Blackbeard talking about making haosu a kingdom and I love that whole thing uh cuz he's like you know make it a a government recognized territory the I don't think he actually says it but like the Blackbeard Kingdom whatever it is and the reason why I like that is cuz I think we all know that's not his real goal right like that is a stepping stone for the future and so getting to kind of see what he is trying to do with Kobe with that with that section right there where he's like in the throne room which by the way the throne room that he's in is like a Caribbean sty throne room which I love that uh cuz I mean a lot of a lot of famous pirate stories and pirates in general are from that area like the Caribbean pirate stuff whatever uh I mean Pirates of the Caribbean um but just like I don't know it just it fits so well I just I felt like the whole setup and just the way his crew and like shiru was invisible in the corner like the whole the whole scene was perfect I thought um but again it's just the back getting the backdrop like why he's trying to use Kobe like what his goals are like at least sequential goal is uh super dope uh but then we also get to see uh we learn about sword right we get we learn we Kobe says he's in sword and Al keiji gives us a breakdown of what that is now to be honest I think we still need a little bit of info cuz while we know what it is I feel like sometimes like if I go back and reread the explanation it's not like I 100% get it like you would think if you're someone who joins sword like why like why are the Marines keeping you in the sense of like you you can disobey technically you can go like you can go after Emperors cuz you have thrown away your papers or whatever your badge I don't know like again maybe a little more maybe like some backdrop on how it started would be really good cuz like we get what it is today but if we got how it started and maybe how people got into it then we would kind of maybe you know understand a little more but regardless learning about it was really cool uh we get to see perona get freed which matters because um we we didn't see any more of perona or Mor after that but because of that little panel we can presume that Moria escaped I think because she was like Moria is in a deeper cell if you help him I'll free you Kobe so you know Kobe being who he is he probably helped so that means Moria is out and about somewhere so that's important and I like that um and then we learn about Prince Gru's ability in this chapter uh kujaku shown to have the whip fruit which is really cool and then at the very end we get the Galaxy fist that's chapter 1080 so you know th this is one of those chapters that I was like pretty much every page I was super into you know like every little event I was like okay what's coming next like you have we have no idea what's about to get revealed in the next panel or so um so that's why I was I was a huge fan at 1080 especially on my reread like I loved it when I read it but whenever I first thought of like chapters of the Year this one didn't really stand out but even on reread I'm like damn like every page has something and then the cap off with the Galaxy fist hard to beat that I'm going to be H like there are chapters that do but it's hard to beat that um so 1080 I'm going to slap up here in 6 to 10 range um it's probably not going to make the top five but it is really close uh in a lot of other years it would be top five but it might be number six it might be that might be where it's at so I'm just going to put it there for now but uh no disrespect for the Galaxy fist I feel bad like top six especially in 20123 is outstanding but I feel bad doing that because we love the Galaxy fist so much but you know we we got to we got to put him somewhere uh so then 1081 this is where it's revealed that aiji is the 10th Titanic captain so this chapter um is pretty interesting because I think like a lot of people were theorizing that he would be or like it seemed like the easy answer but it almost seemed too easy like I didn't think he was because I was like well he's definitely working for Blackbeard but if he's working for him which we already know why why wouldn't it just be revealed that he is the 10th but it was this chapter and it was the the title of the chapter which not a huge fan of that Oda you know you're on your your episode titling game like for a lot of the 1080s Oda was on his toway toway stuff like he was every single chapter title was like an episode title uh but um but regardless it was pretty cool uh we get to see GARP still cooking on the island you know no one can really take him out but then it leads back to that aliji flashback with Blackbeard uh where you know they're they're all drinking together they talk about the Man Mark by flames and this and that and the third um and uh and and that was just really cool because I mean we get to see him actually join the crew and I think I think for the straw hats we've seen so many epic moments where Luffy asks them to join the crew and like like for instance when Luffy asks Chopper to join the crew that is still one of my favorite uh moments in the series when he when he asked Brooke to join the join the crew the second time cuz remember he asked him when when he first meets him and he says yes and then changes his mind cuz he's like well really I got to get my shadow but then later when he's playing the piano and and Luffy's laying on the top and he's like so you want to join my crew and then Brooke just starts crying and stuff top tier moments like like like seriously all over the place Top tier so um so getting to see Blackbeard do that right like we get to see Blackbeard having the moment of inviting someone on his crew I mean I don't know that to me that's really Peak I I I love seeing that I I've always said that if we're going to get like extra movies after one piece is done you know I don't want to get like future stuff or like I don't want to get the straw hats grouping together for random events I would want to get like past things that happened and if you know and if we got to incorporate Luffy or or you know whatever to make the marketing better cuz people maybe wouldn't want a full movie just on Whitebeard amassing his crew which I would but maybe like for marketing that wouldn't be good enough may I don't know if they got to find a way to include Luffy somehow whatever but I want to get movies on the past on how everyone got their crew members I always thought that would be like the coolest thing to see uh and so seeing Blackbeard say it and also like the pose he was in when that happened was so cool uh he also says like you know we all gain from having our own agendas working together um I I don't know I I I maybe I just love Blackbeard a lot that might just be it I'm I'm a huge Blackbeard Stan so you know be ready for the uh top 30 tomorrow um a huge fan of that one and then uh but then we also get to see garit aliji with the Blue Hole um oh and then oh man and then we also get to skip over to the end of law vers Blackbeard I forgot that was this chapter and remember this is where we get to see beo get the rumble ball from Chopper who I was just talking about and he saves law so I maybe you know maybe it's just me but I wait that one so heavily like that moment where that little panel from Chopper he's like I'm not sure if it'll work but like here you go amazing to me still I that lives rentree in my brain um and and I think also beo who has been you know shat on so many times for not doing anything like in juano he did nothing to see him do that and like go up against an emperor and save law in that instance with chopper drugs and after Chopper you know got his drugs enhanced by Caesar and he's like carrying that forward and now we're also seeing that like Chopper Rumble balls work on not just Zone forms but now animals with suong that kind of ties suong to zones in a weird way in my opinion so there's just there's all sorts of stuff you can read into there so I was a big big big fan of this chapter um so I'm going to slide this one for right now it's it's pretty much tied with 1080 do I is it Sac religious is it sacriligious to do to to put Galaxy fist below is that is that sacriligious what do you guys think 10 uh 1081 or 1080 what do you which one do you guys think is better I feel like you guys are going to say 1080 because of Galaxy fist if I had to guess b a betting man that's what you guys would say but I need to go I want to set up a poll but I like never do this I'm I'm going to figure it out guys I'm going to figure out how to do a poll we're going to we're going to figure it out live can I not do it if I have the chat popped out is that why uh maybe not uh maybe I am just ah here we here it is okay I found it on the pop the pop out chat was th was throwing me off all right I'm going to do Which chapter was better 1080 or 1081 th th this is this is a really close one I think I feel like you could like these might just be interchangeable but the hard thing is the next one uh the the next one is the buggy chapter so uh while you guys vote on on 1080 and 1081 I'm going to jump over to the buggy chapter uh in my notes on this all I literally have cuz all the stuff I've been saying to you guys is like I'm I'm just look you know I have like a good amount of notes on every chapters because like there's obviously a lot of chapters especially during the Egghead Arc have just had like different sections with different places so I've been taking a lot of notes uh but for 1082 it's literally rip T-Bone the buggy chapter literally my notes for this what else do I need to say um so this one man I mean it starts off with you know T-Bone which I I kind of hope we come to find out that T-Bone isn't actually dead and it was like a fake death situation because he wanted to give money to his town because he's a good person like I think uh cuz like he he kind of looks a little malnourished or something and the people from the town look that way I think that was the theory I didn't really I didn't like look back on it but I think that's like the running Theory right now um so you know rip T-Bone I also like getting to see sen Goku's uh like reaction to that that was cool because even though s Goku's retired he's still really important and I think there's a good chance that he's gonna meet up with law um because not only does the the beo and law thing happen at the end of 1081 excuse me at the end of 1081 where then 1082 starts off with sangoku talking about T-Bone right like it literally ends with law leaving go starts with sangoku talking I don't I don't know if that's like you know good good theory material like if that's like like a strong thing to base it off of but for me I I don't know it's almost I just I'm trying to be in oda's mind like if oda's thinking about it is like law well it's like well I just had law freed so if I'm if I am going to have sangoku meet up with law later I probably should show sangoku so it doesn't seem super random like I'm just trying to get in his head a little bit cuz sang Goku and law have a connection from uh cor zone right and so for for sangoku to kind of give back to Corone by Saving law maybe or helping law in a certain situation I think that would be top tier so I did want to mention that um not that not that we've seen anything that would indicate that cuz we haven't seen law or really sang Goku I don't think since this but um but then from there on it's pretty much the buggy chapter which I think you guys know what I mean that's you know buggy standing up to crock and mihawk kind of talking smack telling them you know basically their dreams aren't big enough and he gets on the mic and and tells his whole crew you know we're going for the one piece like he thinks back to Shank and Shanks is like I'm not going to go get it and Buggy's finally you know feeling like he's good enough or like he like why not me kind of deal and it's cool because you know Luffy's been that way since day one right Luffy's always had that mindset and Buggy's kind of the reverse of Luffy in a lot of ways and so to see him get that attitude towards the end like he's finally developed it and he developed it in the face of these really strong people I mean that is beyond Peak like that was so unexpected did also for buggy like uh cross Guild is one of my favorite factions ever that Odis created I think a lot of people feel that way but what but now my like I just liked it because of just the aesthetic I like all the characters like all that was cool but that buggy moment vaulted them much higher than they were for me personally cuz I'm like okay there's like some conviction here now right like they're they're go they they're going for the championship like they're not here cuz Croc is going for ancient weapons mihawk is chilling it seems like he like wants a sword challenge I don't know but I to see buggy be the one to stand up cuz he's he is the leader of the organization also so like everyone's like listening to him and it's just like you know he's making like the will of the group in such a way to go get the one piece now and that was so insane and this is something I've actually wanted to like do a video or a short on or something and I guess I can talk about it now a little bit is you know buggy and Kobe also which I'm going to talk about that in a little bit with his chapters later but buggy and Kobe are like are like the examples of what Odo wants us to to become after reading the story right cuz like Kobe and buggy both didn't believe in themselves and they didn't think these Big Dreams were possible and they thought uh like you look back to KOB he's like getting the one piece going to do this and that and and becoming King of the Pirates like there's no way no one's ever only gold Roger like he's like freaking out like we you know Oda used Kobe in chapter two to explain to us how crazy that dream was and uh and so and by extension because of Luffy's you know tenacity kind of Kobe changed his mind a little bit and is like well maybe I can accomplish something like maybe I can become a a great marine or what have you uh and you know Luffy caused that by just being who he is and just influencing people around him which he's done throughout the whole story and so I think Kobe and buggy CU buggy did the same thing not necessarily because of Luffy so much it was more because of Shanks and the situation and all that but still they have become the examples of like OAS like if you're going to read one piece this is what I want you to be like like I I not that he hopes we're all dejected but he's like if you are you know someone who doesn't believe in yourself or whatever he wants you to like see people you know going for their dreams and whatnot and just saying screw it like like I don't care how unlikely it is I don't care who's around me I don't care the the big names I'm saying it to you know I'm not afraid of it like that that's why one piece is great and to see buggy actually have that development in real time is amazing like that's just that it was one of a million reasons why OD is the goat um so 1082 for me is uh is going to go in the top five right now it's hard for me to not put the buggy chapter in the top five uh that and and I know a lot of you guys commented it and you guys didn't influence me I already knew this was going to be in the top five uh this now I will say there's a there's a small chance it could slide down to six maybe but it's got to be top five um it it just it it spoke to me it it literally you know I'm like I'm like I felt ready to go like you know what I mean I'm like okay okay all right buggy when we sailing out man you need me to to to Hoist the sale or to to drop the sale whatever it is like bro I'll do whatever I got to do you know um so huge fan of that chapter can't can't say enough good stuff about that one um and so now we're going to go to chapter 1083 or actually here first off I'm going to go back up real quick to that poll just CU I want to see the result uh so you guys very close split uh with 54% saying 1081 so I am going to leave 1081 as the of the two cuz that is what I did before I don't know if I influenced you guys but it's really close those two those two are so close in the like in the anime I think I'll like 1080 more but in the manga and just as a chapter I think 1081 is a little bit better but 1082 is is top five all right so uh we're going to get into 1083 so for chapter 1083 uh we start off with Sabo starting to explain what happened at the revery Dragon mentions the gods Knights which is you know another setup thing where it's like okay Dragon talking about them and that light kind of tells me they're really strong they're really important uh which we did find out later is definitely true um and then Sabo starts recounting some of the events like destroying the symbol destroying some of the food Etc uh we get to see kassu susut fruit reveal which that is really cool still one of the most badass fruits uh well badass in terms of just like I just think it looks cool the aesthetic maybe it's not like the strongest but it obviously did have some uh really good abilities like sending crows everywhere which is amazing I wonder if being able to make all those different crows is similar to kizaru making all the different Shadow clones later which we're going to talk about uh I wonder if that's you know I I I kind of compared it before to like gear forth for loas in a way where like gear fourth isn't Awakening but it is like a learn skill with the fruit that takes a while to to learn so I maybe that's what the what like the shadow clone business is um and what else happened uh then morle throwing hands with greenbull which is a big L for greenbull I think Fuji Toro was trying to bring down a meteor shower and and he shouldn't have like uh greenbull is yelling at him so that was funny um but then we see VI being mad at Luchi and then Cobra starts the talk with the goray so this chapter to me is a just a massive setup chapter like we got to see a little bit of the events at the Ry like the the different commanders doing things but those weren't like the big events of the Ry you know what I mean like the big events were the deaths and like the get the stealing of Kuma and all that kind of stuff so this is just a big setup this 1083 was basically setting up all the Ry backdrop we got so 1083 is really good but I it's not on the level of some of these other ones so I think I'm going to put it down here maybe maybe maybe I'll even put it that low cuz again it's it's a lot of setup like it's Sabo talking about what happened in some of the stuff we kind of already knew but we're just seeing it like we were told now we're being shown and Oda does do that sometimes and it doesn't hit as hard um and like like I said there was nothing like crazily revealed here like kurasu susut fruit is probably the biggest reveal quote unquote maybe like the maybe like the symbol the Celestial Dragon symbol we didn't know about but still so this one wasn't wasn't that crazy in my opinion cuz Co cuz Cobra starts the talk in this chapter but he doesn't reveal anything it's just like oh okay let's start talking so um in one second um okay and then we're going to get to chapter 1084 so this section for me personally 108 I'm going to say 1084 85 86 87 88 this is one of oda's best stretches maybe ever now the kuma flashback is is almost unprecedented for it cuz it's so emotional and all that but this whole section was just hype like this is like like wide-eyed type reading sort of chapters you know what I mean like oh my God like we're getting all this like that that that was this whole section um so 1084 we see Sabo and Bonnie infiltrating Pangia Castle together we also get like that mention about the Phantom room thing which we still don't really know about but whatever it doesn't matter we we'll figure that out later uh but then Cobra starts cooking and to me that this is one of these things that in the anime um even though it's not going to be like a big time action scene with like like I don't know if the the like the music it's not like a thing where I feel like the anime can can add a whole lot but I'm still really pumped to see it just because like the ominousness of the situation you know what I mean like Cobra in the room with the gors like I want to see how the anime kind of positions them like how far they are and just like how daunting they make everyone look like there's a lot they could do with that that would just make the situation seem like so scary right um but he's talking about the G he's talking to the gor about Lily and the 20 kingdoms um he asks and then Cobra or and then the gor are like oh well you know we don't really know what happened to Lily that's that's lost to history and then so Cobra's like well what's the meaning of d and that is oh bro still oh my God that still lives rentree in my mind like just that just it's just oh there's even a moment later I'm just going to keep talking cuz like the any time Cobra is cooking in these couple chapters it it hits me so hard like not just cuz he's dead but cuz like he's Cobra and like he I don't know like it it he's already been through a lot all right the guy the guy is suffered quite a bit and to see him you know putting his foot down like not only did he get rid of the Warlords at this Ry but then he goes and ask the gor say this question like the gumption bro the gumption um and then uh but then we actually skip over to Charlos trying to get shiroshi again and then Sai and Leo come over and deck him which I oh I still remember reacting to that chapter and being like Oda please please take this man out like the whole time like please like I'm actually mad Oda you can't we can't do it and then he did it in that chapter which is so fulfilling for me uh so that that matters a lot that it was that was that like the shiroshi thing was set up and delivered in the same chapter um and then uh and then at the end we see emu walk in to talk to COBRA so overall really good chapter it's we're getting some backdrop to some of the biggest mysteries in the story you know like the the Lily the 20 kingdoms all that stuff uh and so I so but and here's the thing is 1085 is the really insane1 in my opinion 1084 is great and there's a lot of reasons I like it that Charlo getting getting cooked The Mention Of The D and Lily and all that excuse me I'm burping B burping and hiccuping at the same time I Hade some really good Chinese food earlier like really good but I ate a lot of it and it's it's you know you know we're feeling some type of way but anyways um so I'm going to put 1084 it's going to be in the 6 to 10 range I'm going to leave it here for now it's really hard I want to put it even higher but the the GARP stuff that was like the thing about 1084 is that 1085 and 886 and some other stuff are so good that I almost just have to put it a little bit lower because it was setting up the greatness even though there was a lot of good delivery here too this one might get moved around later I'll be honest with you um but now we got to get into 1085 so I'm going to just get straight down to the Brass tax about this I'm going to just drag it up up here right now and I'm going to be honest I'm not done okay I was a big fan of 1085 I'm going to put it there I'll move it more in a little bit I'm going to just put it there for now so we start with emu cooking which that alone puts it in the top 10 cuz emu's talking right automatically top 10 I don't want to hear any any complaints and then we hear about Lily and the blunder and the the these vexing relics with being the poneglyphs that are spread around the world 800 years ago and uh and emu is like I wonder if it's all part of a bigger plan but you know uh Cobra I wonder did you leave out a certain letter is there a is there a reason why you only said that her name was nefari or or was that her name was Lily of the house nefari was there another name and he and then Cobra's like well there's probably nothing I could say to get out of here huh and they're like uh your fate was sealed the second emu walked in and he's like then he like reads it to them he's like signed by nefari D Lily and then immediately bro the YouTube thumbnail that the attack from emu the the arrow from the thumbnail it comes out immediately for Cobra he's cooked immediate and then uh but then Sabo comes in and we get to see all the forms there and we get to see Sabo say that line about I didn't know hell would be on the top of the world which to me is still like underrated because the gorade might be tied to the actual underworld like that summoning circle thing we're going to talk about that for sure but that summoning Circle stuff you know and he also said I can't remember the last time I came to the surface like I th that whole scene bro that like when that gets animated I'll I'll I'll probably be reacting to 1085 the chapter not the episode cuz that won't that those won't line up um but the thing is is like everything I've said already probably deserves top five but it's not even over because then we get to see cobra have such a peak moment where sabo's trying to save him and remember well okay first actually sabo's trying to save him but then Cobra is like uh hey I'm I'm dead weight you got to drop me uh but I need you to tell Lily and Luffy something and uh it's that we share the moniker D and then Sabo immediately thinks back to the the sad like the Sabo thing the this you know the sad bow thing whatever like like there's so much you can read into there like okay so like could you get the will of D even if it's not through blood because Sabo is getting it by becoming their brothers through sake cups type of deal like there's so much you can read into there it's insane and just getting the Silhouettes of all their forms right like especially now that we've seen Saturn's form and we can almost look at those forms from that chapter and be like okay so that one was Saturn's and that was accurate so now we can start really really thinking about what the other ones are going to be you know what I mean um so I can't say enough good things about 1085 guys uh I it I I have a hard time I have a hard time putting it much higher but I think I I think I I might have to put it above the buggy chapter which hurts me there's going going to be a lot of decisions that hurt me um I think I might have to you know guys I'm going to be honest I I'm going to do this for now and see how I feel later that that's how highly I view 1085 1079 was huge and it was it was amazing to see and all that and it's going to be even better in the anime but there's something about big lore drops that always are going to Peak my interest and I so I I got I got to do it I I have to I have to and look 1079 is still number two right now all right and look maybe maybe later we can we can talk about it it I think once I do all the rankings I'm going to like do a poll of like what's what's the worst one and I'll like list for the chap like what's my worst ranking and then you guys can tell me we'll see I'm going to put that there though I it might be a personal thing I'm I'm I'm heavily biased all these takes are are biased takes um I'm going to say this though I think I have a chapter that is over all these that I don't think anyone else will but I we'll get into it we'll get into it all right 1086 we're going to get into 1086 um this is another extremely good chapter extreme like almost on the level of 1085 because uh first we see Vivi and wapple talking to Morgans and stuff like the you know the followup of them leaving basically cuz uh cuz at the end of 1085 I didn't mention it at the end of 1085 we also see uh wle save VV and they run out right so then we see the continuation of that and then we see Sabo on his way to La Lucia and then we get to see the goray and emu talk about the mother flame and L Lucia this was the chapter where we get the mother Flame name revealed and where the mother frame debate ever started right that was this chapter and we also get the goras name reveals and their role reveals like what their jobs are in the government that that alone to me is like top 10 worthy because that just that getting all their names and their positions to me that you that is that's hard to top no matter what uh like that kind of reveal and then also emu asked to retrieve vivv right after which is still like a remaining plot line that we're really thinking about I'm sure once the crew meets with Viv that's going to become the thing like the government cuz remember like the government's wanted Robin this whole time right like they always say that but now it's going to be VI like they want a different straw and maybe by the end they'll want Nami maybe by the very very end Nami will be the one that get that is like all the girls are trying to get captured from the straw heads uh then we also see the doofy Moria and crocodile seraphim going to empty Bluffs that's Peak and this is where Ivanov goes into theorist mode and is talking about neurona Emu from 800 years ago we're talking about the ancient weapon uh and then we also end the chapter with the Garling reveal okay like I think 1086 is slept on in terms of people's rankings like I haven't watched a lot of them but like you know based off the the poll I did in the comments and just talking to people I don't hear 1086 brought up as one of the best chapters of the year but it I think it really should be cuz neurona emu like we not only got the goray name reveals we got emu's name reveal like we got all of their their names in the same chapter that that that's crazy and then Farland Garling in that chapter too that's that's that's obscene and and something that I think is underrated from this chapter that I I mentioned in my review but I I haven't heard a whole lot of other people discuss is that emu predicted that sabba was going to L Lucia like the way we understood it is that it was the the denend Mushi call which that is an element like that was the confirmation that he was there but that discussion in 1086 happened days before Sabo got to lauia like like Sabo just left the Ry he was on the ship to lcia like he was like bleeding and all that in this chapter and then so it's like a like days later like so so emu's like send the mother flame over there I I got a hunch I know where sabo's going cuz then as soon as Sabo got there and made the call the mother Flame was already there remember Saturn said it may take a while for the preparations for the mother flame so I think that's really underrated cuz that's almost like can emu see the future like emu's got some crazy future sight or like you know I don't know how that how emu knew that days ahead right like that's that's a little scary like emu knows everything or something um and you even go back to like the map where like emu's Crossing out uh the map on on chapter 1060 it's like I don't know it's just like does how does emu know that like emu can almost predict where the chest pieces are moving um so I got 1086 really high I'm going to put 1086 at the top of this range right now and it's because I know I'm going to have two other chapters in the top five that I'm going to have over 1086 but this hurts to not put this in the top five I'm going to be hon there's so many chapters that deserve top five this year and this is this one would easily be top five almost any other year but this year there's just so many good ones and the fact it came after 1085 which to me was a little bit better it it it hurts yeah 10 108 uh King you said lowkey I was sleeping on 1086 I appreciate the honesty cuz I I mean even I was this was whenever I thought about best chapters of the Year this didn't come to my mind but after reading it I'm like God damn dude like like seven name reveals if you count the five well four six cuz we already knew Saturn but we got the all the goray and emu and fagar and Garling like revealed fully like bro insane right that hard to beat that hard to really beat that um real quick I did see a something or other what was it uh let me find it oh Brandon King my guy one of the goats of the community appreciate you remember for five months uh 10 out of 10 for saint for St Mac Tonight Garling alone I like that also uh I like the Fry Emoji too thank you Brandon King I appreciate you um yeah that Garling reveal cuz here's the thing about the Garling reveal super dope right especially like how unexpected it was and also something I didn't mention which I probably can't move it in the rankings but now that I'm thinking about it more it does move it up a little bit in my mind but the ending with miard being executed right where where Garling made the decision and he's like those who protect fishmen are worse than scum or or whatever that was a really really really good way to introduce him like he looks badass on the throne and all that his hair is crazy all that but then to see that like that that little bit of personality to it and like we see the culmination of like cuz we knew the gods Knights judge the celestial dragons and to see him be like yeah I don't really care who is right and wrong I care about who's doing what we want Celestial dragons to do like we want you guys to be we want you guys be pieces of [ __ ] and and you know racist basically which is terrible obviously uh so I that was just so cool to see that little bit of character because we know confirmed he's a terrible person right um and like we knew the Farland connection from film Red by this point like this was like a year after that I think so seeing forland Garling revealed was just come on uh D you said Mard rip I I was so hoping that Kuma would save Mio's guard while he was up there and maybe he did on accident like he blew up the the execution stage and maybe mosg guard ran away which would be that's the type of Oda writing that he does where like Oda doesn't even make us think about these other side things but after the side things are revealed it's like oh of course mgar would get revealed while Kuma blew up uh marijua like duh right CU cuz Kuma went on the Rampage up there so so I you know all around um 1086 super slept on 1086 is the most underrated chap of the year I'm going to I'll give it that award 1086 is underrated all right now we're going on to chapter 1087 Battleship bags this is so I so I I'll guess I'll run through the events of the chapter real quick before I give my full thoughts but it it is a pretty good one but probably not as high as some of these others even but not not to diss it because I mean you see GARP and aiji you know punching the battleship bags like learning like they don't use hockey or devil fruits or whatever Peak um and we also see GARP throw San Juan wolf into the water which having the battleship bag chapter being the same one as seeing San Juan who's so huge thrown into the water that's like I don't even know how to put it like that's that's oda's genius like od's like oh I'm going to spend this chapter showing you how strong GARP is and how he got that strong like so I'm going to like I'm going to show you the battleship bag stuff then I'm going to show you throw San Juan wolf into the water then I'm going to show you this like that I just love that mix and matching it's so cool the back and forth um we get to see Vasco shot's powers in action finally if we knew they were fire Rel ated because or like well we knew it was a sake fruit or whatever but we knew he did fire related stuff because they commented on that in a prior chapter but then we got to see him use fire so that was cool uh we got to see pizaro uh use his powers finally which those are really underrated in terms of how cool they are like you know I wanted him to get a different fruit but it you know Oda did pretty well um even though it's weird like I feel like there needs to be some limitations um and then this chapter we also see the rescue ship is ready to go with all like the this the hostages and all that which that ends up being an important plot point because that's you know what Kobe does but we're going to talk about that trust me uh this is also the chapter where uh shiru and whoever pull that little trick on Kobe and GARP where GARP gets stabbed by shiru um a little reminiscent excuse me again a little reminiscent of uh uh what I uh Momo could I'm totally blank Momo and kaido remember how like like uh higashi pretended to be Momo and then Odin got distracted very similar thing here but with GARP and then GARP had a pretty cool line I thought where he was like uh Kobe don't flatter yourself he was going for me the whole time like you know Kobe was never the real Target they knew that GARP would take the damage there right um so that was really cool uh cuz it because it also shows you know GARP like it's just GARP and Kobe's difference a little bit um and we're going to learn and so we learn about that in the next chapter in 1088 which I'm going to talk about quite a bit but in 1088 we start with that with the like them learning lessons from each other and this is kind of different where Kobe always values the innocent lives no matter what where GARP is like dude you got to care for yourself first because if you get cooked you're done like we need you to stay alive like that's kind of their debate between each other like Kobe Kobe has no problem sacrificing himself basically that that's essentially what the thing is and garp's like dude stop like you need to live also that that's kind of garp's whole message to him basically uh and we learned that 1088 a little bit more but I'll talk about that there uh in this chapter we also see GARP has a three Crown bouncy which is the same as an admiral um I mean that's cool like we all knew garp's Bounty would be high but I I think the coolest part is just us learning how the the bounty system works for the cross Guild right like just seeing that kind of build I think is cool uh then we get to see GARP and aiji hit each other at the same time like that iconic panel where like they both strike each other with hockey and like their their heads go back like the uppercut kind of thing uh so that's really cool and then it ends with pizaro and the ominous hand over the rescue ship so um so so this chapter I cons this I consider this almost a setup chapter because there is a lot of delivery here like getting getting the backdrop for GARP and aiji that that's a reveal like that's important um seeing like the the shiryu thing seeing GARP throw San Juan wolf into the water like that's like you cool fighting scenes the three Crown stuff all that's cool but it's it's still kind of all a setup for Kobe and 1088 right like everything that happened in 1087 made 1088 cooler you know uh so I got to put 1087 a little lower than maybe a lot of people would not cuz I don't like it but it's just it's it is a setup chapter I feel like so I'm going to put it right above 1072 in this in this row right now that I think that's that's kind of fair um and it's not that I diss it it's just 1088 for me is so obscenely Peak and it's because of the setup from 1087 so there setup setup chapters tend to get a little lower ranking um oh and I also got to mention here I I I put it in the notes I put it in the notes just to make sure um you know Bogard this this was the section of the story where we were waiting for Bogard uh to to do something and he never did so um you know that's why these chapters are ranked so highly uh is the Bogard in action if Bogard had done something uh who knows who knows where these could be the rankings could be completely different um but I was happy to see the Bogard uh inefficiency cuz uh you know I knew that was going to happen the only time he could have popped up was when shiru was invisible because it's like one V one like bogard's always invisible cuz he's never on panel and shiru has the invisibility fruit so those two fighting each other would have been absolutely per we would we would have just never saw the fight you know what I mean it would have just been off screen entirely uh we would wouldn't have seen it but that was his only chance and so um for the for the bo for the anti- Bogard agenda I I a big fan big fan of 1087 and 1088 huge fan massive fan uh and also if you guys uh check in for the top 30 strongest tomorrow uh if Bogard gets mentioned one time the stream's ending I don't I don't want to hear his name if bogar gets mentioned at all all right so so before I talk about this chapter I'm just going to tell you guys right now 1088 is in the top five and it's not leaving the top five period uh upon my reread if I had to pick one chapter cuz I know I talk about a lot about 1086 being underrated um which is true it's the most underrated chapter I think but 1088 for me I I knew it was good and I knew it was going to be near my top five but that one upon rad that's one that like got me right back in my feels like that's one that I was like damn this is why I love one piece like that like multiple times in that in that chapter like there both in terms of what happens at the end of 1088 and the deeper philosophical setup things that Oda did to make 1088 great so I have 1088 uh I'm telling you right now 1088 isn't going to be number four either it's going to be a little bit higher but I'm just going to put it there until I all my points cuz I don't want to seem too crazy um uh and I'll just 1088 is the Kobe honesty impact chapter but I'm going to go through all the events of it but I just wanted to say that so you guys know that's the Kobe chapter um so first and this is actually what what pequ my interest the most about 1088 cuz the endings Peak we all know that but I forgot how good the beginning was because the beginning is where GARP is giving Kobe a lesson right he's like um it's that old like if there if you have a boat with only two spaces and there's an old man and a child and you what two of the three are you going to save and kobby goes uh I'm GNA stay behind and put the old man and the child on the boat and I'll try to find my own way off and GARP like throws a bottle at him he's like no dude you leave the gezer behind and you save you and the child cuz like the future matters like the younger you are the more potential you have like the more years you have like it's more important to have you and the old gezer he has less life left he has less potential it doesn't matter and even I forget who it was but the other Marine with him the other Marine woman I can't remember was like yelling at him like GARP don't say that like you don't you don't say leave people behind like you even if you have a point you don't that's not how you do it but Kobe's over there like uh I don't know like you know he's like not he's like still thinking about it like that's just not me you know I'm that's not how that's not my sense of justice basically is what he's thinking cuz this is Young Kobe right this is like day one Kobe like Kobe still in this in this part I'm talking about k Kobe looked like he did in Chapter 2 still so this is like fresh after meeting Luffy so we get to see like Kobe's will to a degree right like his like raw will like his personality and I think that's so cool to see the ju AOS because even though there is this difference GARP still picked Kobe to be the future of the Marines right like so this this hits way like a lot because at the end of the chapter what happens they leave the old gezer behind who is GARP right GARP taught that lesson to Kobe so that they make so that they're okay leaving Gart behind in the end right who not saying that that Kobe would have definitely stuck behind no M like without this lesson because given the situation he had to go save the evacuation ship and all that but just learning that lesson at the beginning of this chapter than seeing at the end that he does leave the old gizer behind in the end being GARP who was teaching him that lesson like that peak writing like that to me that's that is part of what makes one piece so so freaking good and then earlier I mentioned how 1087 is kind of what makes 1088 great and part of it is like this lesson thing right because remember like how how GARP got stabbed by shiru that's a similar thing cuz Kobe do Kobe thinks I need to save the innocent person immediately and and so we see this difference here where GARP because GARP thinks the way he is he he knew that was coming but Kobe didn't but you know but there's going to be advantages the way Kobe thinks especially if he's going to be the future of the Marines so that's part of the setup but then um and then oh I guess I'll also mention this so we also in this chapter I forgot about this entirely but in this chapter we got to see the backdrop of of how Kobe got kidnapped at Amazon Lily because we knew roughly how it happened like okay Kobe uh like you know Kobe was trying to make a deal with Blackbeard and boa and all that and then at the end it says he's he's kidnapped it's like okay Blackbeard somehow strong armed him into it whatever but we actually get to see the backdrop to that this chapter and I completely forgot I I even read it was like dude did I read this before like I I didn't even my brain does not register this um because what happened is Kobe walks up to Blackbeard right before Blackbeard leaves at Amazon Lily and he's like hey uh what if I exchange myself for the 800 Marines and and Pirates you have uh kidnapped right now like you have hostage on your ship if you give me that Battleship back and all 800 people you have kidnapped you can take me as hostage like he went up to Blackbeard and made that off for straight up you know what I mean like he it wasn't that Blackbeard forced him to become uh a hostage Kobe went and made the offer and to me that is like this chapter is all about why Kobe's goated you know like it it's time and time again why Kobe's such a good dude and then um and then maybe the most underrated part of this chapter I would say is uh oh I guess I guess I guess I should say real quick cuz just trying to go go sequentially um then GARP gives each sword member a command like uh Gru you're going to protect the falling debris Kobe you're going to you're going to destroy that hand and save everyone hel Meo make sure no one gets to them like he gives them orders and they all just go like they follow the orders and go I thought that was really cool um GARP uh GARP hits Kuan with like a speed Blitz like kuan's like oh GARP I thought you were hurt and garp's like yeah that's why you suck and just like punch him in the face like that's basically what he said he like yeah you're still too soft and socked him in the face and then he also hit pizar with a Galaxy divide which I forgot about so GARP was going ham there which is really cool but here is why 1087 makes 1088 so great in my opinion is we get to see this little flashback with Kobe talking about how he has no battle prowess and he's like I need to put in 10 no 100 no 200 times the effort in my training and then what do we see him do working on the battleship bags right secretly GARP didn't know GARP didn't tell Kobe to do it think about the difference with aliji if if you're if you're GARP and you're comparing aliji and Kobe and you're like okay they're both like aiji is a little questionable now but at least for a lot of the time like okay aiji seems to be a good person even though he's part of the Marines and doing some sketchy stuff he's a good person relative to a lot of the others he wants to be strong cuz he went to to Gar asking for help but Kobe didn't go to GARP and ask for like he did ask for help in general for the initial training but didn't ask to go do Battleship bags right he didn't ask that wasn't something he was introduced to and made to do tasked to do he just went and did it bro he just started punching him and that that to me it was like a big mover in terms of where I'm ranking this and I know that sounds like such a dumb thing but just that it's like the rock Le vibe from Naruto you know what I mean it's that very same kind of thing and just and and I and I Rock Lee and Mike guy maybe combined I know they're they're very similar obviously my probably two favorite characters are Naruto honestly and it's and the big reason is because of that the the hard work element like I don't have special powers I just got to work harder than everyone seeing that from Kobe who has who we've seen like where he started with Luffy from just a writing perspective being able to introduce this guy in Chapter 2 have him have his own development going on in the background and then to culminate in chap 1088 with all this backdrop with like the lesson the the training and all that and then obviously he goes and hits pizaro's hand with the honesty impact like I mean we knew it was coming cuz like just with the setup like it's like Kobe's not going to go up and fail you know what like just with the Manga and Anime the way it is co Kobe's not going to fail in this moment like it's it's he has to uh you know like but seeing it didn't change anything it was just as cool in my opinion as like Galaxy impact which is why it's honesty impact and Galaxy impact like both impacts you know what I mean like he learned it from GARP I guess man that cuz it it's it's it's the end of an era carrying into the beginning of a new one right like GARP came in crashing in with the Galaxy impact you know beating the [ __ ] out of everyone just showing how much of a badass the legendary hero of the Marines is and all that but then he kind of hands it off to the future of the Marines in one Fell Swoop and he saves the rest of the future of the Marines like all of his comrades and sword and all that uh with the honesty impact it's like GARP gave that final sendoff you know and that again it's just the writing of it like the the layers here the like Oda took so long for Kobe to get to this point you know and Kobe's here and it was I I still it it still hits me it like makes me almost emotional because I think I think a lot of us in our lives you know we've had moments where I'm sure all of us have our own natural Talent and all that but there are probably times where a lot of us are like well if I want to get good at this I probably just got to start working and Kobe had to work so much to get where he's at bro like more than anyone in the story I would argue and honestly yeah I don't think there's I don't even think there's a good argument otherwise at this point I mean like Luffy sort of but Kobe is just raw hard work at this point right um but then I think something else that's cool is after the honesty impact GARP is laughing right like like full smile laughing and it even ends with GARP with the giant ice Spike running through him and he's still laughing it and I love how like all the Blackbeard Pirates are looking at him and they all look like kind of like almost dejected like they failed like bro you got GARP like you have Monkey D GARP under your possession now but still that it's it's I think it's that feeling of like man we got gar but we just let we let like Kobe's kind of a beast like we cuz Kobe's also the hero of the marine or the or he's like he's the the hero not the hero of the like you know GARP has that title but just the hero at this point it's like may maybe we should have kept Kobe you know like we how did we let him do that kind of deal like uh that wasn't that wasn't part of the plan you know like we just let all those people escape just for GARP it's like how did we not how and just and it's all CU of Kobe right Kobe started the The Escape on the island even before GARP got out there so this was the culmination of Kobe in general and Kobe's here you know like next time we see him he's going to mean business so um I am actually going to put 1088 so 10 I like 1088 for the same reasons I like 1082 this is like Kobe and buggy are what Oda wants us to become when we read one piece to get inspired and to take ourselves to kind of the next level like don't be afraid to chase those dreams kind of thing um and I'm going to be hon honest I got it even above 1079 and I know everyone's got I know I know a lot of people probably got 1079 top one or two it's still top three guys all right and I don't think it's going to move a lot lower maybe one slot cuz ofuma which I don't think you guys would blame me much for that 1079 is going to be in the top five um but 1088 for me the the Deep the Deep Cuts there I'm almost tempted to put it number one but the the the reveals in 1085 for me were insane so uh Andy said who helped train him Bogard Andy Andy I like you man don't don't get on my bad side man don't don't mention him don't mention him in the chat uh chout you said 1079 is trash relative to these I'm slandering it yeah I mean hey you know I think people would view me putting it at three right now as slander and it it has one of the hypest moments of the year but that's kind of the bulk of the chapter right that's that's like the reason we like it so that's my thing is like all these other ones have much deeper thematic things to it where that's just badass which still earns a good spot but either way um I'm glad a lot of you guys aren't aren't uh aren't aren't dissing 1079 too much cuz yeah like it is really good for me but it's just like I almost want to put buggy above it I might put that up to a vote later but 1079 is really good just seeing Shanks in action period you know that's crazy but I'm I'm glad you guys kind of aren't uh aren't complaining cuz I know a lot of people are 1079 truthers which I get it it's hype but um but all right I'm going to go down to chapter 1089 uh so 1089 was was a really interesting chapter I loved this chapter personally because it ends with us seeing the straw hats again I remember going into this chapter uh saying and like I even said it for weeks leading up to it like I'm ready to go back to Egghead this is all really cool I love I love the GARP stuff I love the rerey I love uh Shanks I love all this I want to go back to Egghead I want to see the crew and this was the chapter where we did that um but it starts off with seeing the aftermath of the mother flame and that's really important because uh we see tsunamis and earthquakes are are going all around the world from this explosion we see that the sea level has risen one meter like even at kamaka Kingdom they're like well we can't go on the beach anymore that's that sucks um so that was really cool because I think a lot of people including myself have talked about how flooding ties to the void century and I mean destroying islands and stuff I mean that does seem like an ancient weapon which is tied to the void Century so long story short this was like okay is this like what happened during the void Century like is this that are what we're is what we're seeing right now what led into the void Century that kind of set up like so that was kind of ominous cuz the whole world was like what the hell is happening we even saw whoop slap which is cool anytime you see whoop slap something important is happening um but then we get to see back when we go back to Egghead we see all the troops like like the Marines um I just got I just I just rubbed my eye and I guess I had some spicy something from the Chinese place still on my hand and uh my eyes is going to be burning for a little bit here wow but anyways uh we see all the Marine troops stacked up and we see kizaru uh eating his Ramen and he says like I'm just a cog in the machine that famous line which was kind of divisive I feel like people you either hated it or loved it I feel like I loved it um especially seeing his potential actions lately like maybe being a a NAA fan you know if that is true so seeing some of that I think given that backdrop makes it all deeper and just a little bit of a richer story but um we also see the Marines kind of laying out the situation like where each party is and what their plan is sort of uh and then we also get the backdrop to York calling the gors and kind of saying like I'm glad I sent you the mother flame I can recreate it and the gors are like well we'll keep you alive if you're going to work for us and make more mother Flames I guess um so getting that backdrop was good too and then it ends with I I was super excited when I saw this panel I remember remember dropping a big F bomb and people in the chat were like Dak you don't usually do that and I was like I had to um which I do do that in real life all the time by the way I just try not to on stream but um and we get to see like the crew you know York's tied up the crew is all good the Stella's back and healthy everyone's all good love that panel so I love 1089 because it took us back to Egghead and kind of gave us a little bit of backdrop to some of the events we just saw it was a good segue for for getting back to Egghead but again it was a setup chapter like this wasn't really like I guess it's it's a since we saw the aftermath it's kind of more of a uh like a ending chapter for that plot line but a setup for a lot of other stuff but nothing too crazy happened I guess is what I would say you know nothing too insane and even the York thing like that was actually kind of like my Theory going into I thought that was like the the safe guess was that York was involved in giving them that and that's what we learned it so 1089 is good but I don't think it really Stacks up to what came before and what comes after it to be honest with you um so I'm going to put 1089 maybe like right here for now but it'll probably drop down cuz now as I add these other chapters I'm going to have to start sliding things around so I'll probably put 1089 there but it was it was it was decent um we're going to get back if I can I got so many tabs open right now guys okay there we go uh then chapter 1090 uh so this one is pretty good uh good vibe you said bro Dak you got to use the bottom level we'll get to it we'll get to it I I have one chapter in here that might be bottom level worthy but a as I you know as we get to it I'll I'll I'll force it down I just felt bad putting some in the very bottom off rip you know we we'll get to it I promise all right chapter 1090 uh so this actually starts with Luffy talking smack to the goray like he gets on the denden Moosh and he's like you know like like we're going to beat your ass you know give us uh like if you want York alive you better get listen to our commands and this that and the third like Luffy's just trying to sound all uh intimidating but then he starts like saying oh yeah we're kind of badly injured and blah blah blah and they're like no Luffy stop like don't don't don't tell them that that Intel you know so that was kind of funny and kind of cool to see Luffy like cuz Luffy's always done that right I remember I think one of the coolest ones is in Fishman Island when he talks to big mom and he's like I'm going to become king of the Pirates and kick your ass all over the new world and big mom's like mama my mama you know come visit me straw hat like whatever whatever that whatever however it worked like that was was Peak and this is similar to that not not exactly the same I would say probably not as cool even but um but it's kind of a similar thing where he's just talking fing smack you know to to the goray and all that um and then we also get to see like The Cypher pole agents are eating we see the sarapin in bubbles we see how s snake listen to Luffy and like there's that lineage Factor element to it like what's really going on um we learn that there's a passcode that needs broken we learn that elath is our next Island um they talk about the plan with the Vega force and the coup burst and then the Marines talk about their plan and start putting it into action where kizaru is going to go take out sent Maru and then the ships are like some of the vice Admirals are going to go to the is some are going to take out the seab Beast and whatever um and then kizaru and camaru Clash at the very end and then Luffy's like oh a strong person's here I'm going to be honest I this chapter I have a I have pretty low um and the reason why is that oh also one other thing in this chapter I forgot to mention and it's kind of important because I I really didn't like it is this is also where we see Luchi in the background like leaking Intel to the gor and and kizaru like even though he's in the room with everyone like pay attention to the guy like how how do you not have someone near Luchi 24 how do you have you not searched him and taken out his his transponder name you know so that that that everything with Luchi and Egghead makes me mad I'm I'm going be honest like that Luchi his form is cool him being awaken is cool but like Oda is using him and I just I just hate Luchi at this point that's all it is I'm sorry Kev if you're here I love you Kev um so but the thing but the reason why I have this chapter rank kind of low is even the way I explained it it's like it is literally setup after setup like it's like uh like we see the seraphim and Bubbles which I guess that's like a delivery but it's set up in terms of okay the seraphim are done what's next you know we we know elb's our next Island set up for the next Arc uh they make a plan with the Vega force and the coupa burst that's a setup for escaping uh the Marines talk about their plan and and start to put it into action that is another setup for the next thing even kizaru clashing with sentomaru that is a setup for the next chapter um Luffy sensing kizaru's presence that is also a setup for the next chat like literally everything was just like od's like here's a cool thing that's going to happen here's a cool thing here's a cool thing here so I got 1090 kind of low I'm going to be honest this is one of those chapters that was like eh I it you know just going to be honest about it um I'm going to put 1090 I'm going to put 1090 down here I think I'm going to put it I'm going put it that probably right there is probably good around there for now it might it'll proba go even one slot lower once I rearrange but I think that's I think that's good for now wasn't a big fan of 1090 L Luchi I like that I like I'm a big fan um let me see if I missed anything I did see a Super Chat and it was my guy Adam Murray Adam I appreciate you bro thank you so much oh man I just blinked in that W that hot sauce is spreading in my eyeball whatever hot sauce or just the capsen I have remaining on my hand I guess uh Adam you said said glad I caught this live thanks for the pack stack not to derail the stream too much just wanted to give back hey thank you so much bro I really appreciate that and no problem at all in the packs um I'm going to be shipping those out realistically Friday or Saturday my us USBS is open on Saturday or mine is at least so I can go drop it off but definitely um by then um but you are going to get those so no problem and again if you guys didn't know we do TCG giveaways every month if you're a member though you got to be a member to see the post to enter the giveaway basically um and I am going to be doing a giveaway for the whole Community eventually uh but I and I I think I've mentioned I don't want to if you know what it is I've said it before if you know what it is it is still the same thing nothing's changed but I have a cooler way of doing the giveaway that I'm trying to plan so you'll see anyway you guys will have that opportunity later but for the packs that's members only in every month if you wanted to join so thank you so much Adam I really appreciate you alrighty next chapter is 1091 so this is where kind kind of like I said with 1090 how it's setup after setup after setup um it's uh hey Kev with Kev with that with that thing you just said stay tuned okay stay tuned till I get to 1093 okay I'm going to be honest with you just stay stay tuned because that that 1093 is the chapter you're talking about stay here uh 1091 so again it this is like carrying off of the thing set up in 1090 basically so like the Marines start their attack like the vice Admirals are attacking blah blah blah we see sent tomaru and kizaru battling sent tomaru well I think he said the greatest guard in the world last chapter but then kizaru says it this chapter cuz he like blocks sent maru's attack uh sent maru's like I gave my word to Straw Hat Luffy which was cool um because just seeing like that the like he really trusts Luffy at this point that was cool uh and then I think the coolest part of this chapter honestly is the flashback with saru because saru looks like he's from wanu right he has the the the knot in the back whatever that's called uh which like Odin had just his like sumo wrestler Vibe that's wano esque uh and even if you go go to the island that they found him on you could if you told me that was wano I'd believe you just like the the way the trees are looks like the almost like the the mountain Bandit Forest the ayama Bandit whatever they were um it almost looks like that Forest like at least to me so ending point is like we saw Vega Punk and kizaru meet saru there like where saru is just an orphan of some kind so were they on wano right like that why would kizaru and Vega Punk be on wano and if you think about the time frame with with how old sent tomoru is I I did the the the real math and a review video for for chapter 1091 on redacted if you guys care enough to go look at the math for that but it's something like this would have had to be around 25 years ago like this would have had cuz like with sentto maru's age and like like we knew Vega Punk was a certain age at Ohara and he's younger in this part so he's like a littleit only a little bit younger and so sent tomoro based off his age would be around I forget what so it's around 25 years ago and that's when kaido took over wano and so I'm almost wondering did ve is this a sign that Vega Punk and kizaru went to kaido to try working with him first for like to get money to build things but for some reason it didn't work and the reason why I think that is really important and valid is in act one wano uh ve Orochi asked Cipher pole for Vega Punk remember that well how does Orochi even know who Vega Punk is or why would he want him or anything well maybe it's because now that they've developed everything so far they have enough money for Vega Punk like they could actually use his machines like they have all these factories and stuff they could they could have used Vega Punk now back then they didn't have the money for him probably kaido even talked about that how like from from the years from like the 5 years that Odin was dancing they they were stacking money up right like that they were stacking their forces building the Mansion getting the weapons like that was their development period Vega Punk might have went there at the beginning and got shot down like they don't have the money for him him and it that would just be a really cool plot line especially because like Vega Punk's like hey kaido I know I was experimenting on you back then um but uh uh we what you want to you know we can make a water under the bridge now if you want to work together you know so there I think there's something there like we got to figure out what Vega Punk was doing on that island if it is wano especially but even in general like I don't know what what's he why what's he doing you know so I think that's really important uh saw power pull up appreciate you bro uh dak's looking hella good right now damn bro hey man hey I I appreciate you I appreciate you man um par I'm I'm looking forward to the uh the top 30 tomorrow uh I I was telling people if I hear bogard's name I'm ending the stream immediately I'm hitting I'm hitting end stream the red button on streamlabs if I hear bogard's name so uh you know be be careful um but then in this chapter we also see kizaru beats camaru and then he like takes the authority chip and I and I don't like this I'm going to be H I did not like this element to this chapter because he gets the authority chip and starts talking to it and he's like hey uh the old uh guy who is controlling you is down so I'm giving you a new order do the exact opposite thing as before cuz like kizaru at least on the hierarchy we saw he's not there it's like sent tamaru the Vega punks the goray or something to that effect right I don't know but but he said it like hey the guy is incapacitated so I'm going to talk now it's like is that how I don't I don't know you would just you would think there'd be like a little more clarification I guess but um and then kizaru sneaks into the labo stratum because he's light speed of course uh he has that cool panel where like it's just his face and it's all shaded and it says Vega Punk's elimination is our top priority that's a really cool panel I got to admit uh and then Luchi tries to attack Vega Punk but stucy tanks it in this chapter um I even have in my notes Luchi a [ __ ] which again I just Luchi in it of himself is fine the way he's been using egad I am just not a fan cuz like we knew this was going to happen the second that team up was planned I knew this was going to happen he's been leaking Intel like from chapter 1089 or 1090 he's leaking Intel in the room with all the other straw hats there then he does this like bro I'm I'm good like I Luchi stop you know uh and then Zoro and him start fighting in this chapter so that's where that cuz that Clash is still ongoing as we speak uh and then Luffy kizaru Clash at the end too where Luffy's like we a 100 times stronger than last time tying to uh shaki uh saying that rley was 100 times stronger so it's like a little carryover so that was really cool too so overall there's some cool elements to this but this is a little bit in the like what 1090 suffered from where like we're getting we're we're getting the delivery of the setup from 1090 but like like the Marines finally attacking and then kizaru finishing sent tomaru that in and of itself is almost set up for the good stuff it's like 1090 set up the first layer 10 then 1091 got got us to where we can finally get into the cool stuff in in really 1094 I would say and 1095 like those chapters um so 1091 I got to admit I have I do have pretty low I'm probably going to put it I'm probably going to put it here and I'm going to put 1090 here I think 1090 is a little bit worse than 1091 um but I do have them pretty low relative to each other um it's just again it it's just pointless I shouldn't say pointless cuz Oda has to have the plot move a certain way with a certain time you know like speed to it so it makes sense but it's just not nothing that I was super hyped about like it it set up things I was hyped about uh and then 1092 so 1092 is where Kuma is fighting in marijua and he gets and he's fighting a kindu and gets half his face blown off and gets his foot presumably blown off although well I I won't I won't say much but it just yeah that happened and then um and then we also see uh all the Marines are getting into Egghead finally they landed cuz the Sea Beast lost so the Marines are literally like like the the lowlevel ones are getting into the island basically uh kizaru and Luffy are still fighting uh kizaru kicks Luffy and sends him into the Vega Force One and breaks the Vega Force which is heartbreaking to me because I love the Vega force uh kizaru basically no diffs Bonnie and kicks her into the wall like kicks her through the labo Strat him into the wall um and then this is the chapter where kizaru shows up to Vega Punk thinking Luffy's done but then Luffy comes back in gear Fifth and he's like man that hurt like because he got hit by the lasers on the way out and the way in I presume uh but he's in like giant gear fifth mode and grabs kizaru and kizaru is like oh there he is or whatever like as if he like knew that form was coming uh but I think honestly well okay the kuma and marijua stuff was really cool cuz there's a lot of stuff where a he was like you lost your personality where could you be going if you're not a slave we have to kill you like what is what's going through your mind Kuma like I'm like I just like a kindu doing stuff at this point in the story because he's always just complaining about his job is what it sounds like he's just in the office just bitching but to see him actually doing something was cool um and like you know Whitebeard is one of the best dads in one piece I think we can all agree on right uh even though he's like not a biological dad other than maybe to Weevil but that's another story but to all of his other Sons right to adopted sons and he got half of his face blown off right and then for Kuma to get half his face blown off you know before he you know had headed headed out from uh the red line like that that's just so cool I think just that little that little like oda's like let me get a kuu in there real quick you know let me let me just make that a little bit deeper it was real quick uh so I I did like that element but honestly I think the coolest part is the ancient robot waking up cuz we we still don't know we still don't know where that's going you know we have that that's a plotline that could go a million different ways that that could be like Dragon potentially showing up in the future and the ancient robot waking up that could um who knows you know like I who knows what what Oda could do whatever he wants is what I'm getting at that that could be the Escape Route that could be what takes out Saturn that could be that could reveal some info from the past like that who knows who like seriously um so 1092 is cool but again like 1090 in 1091 it's almost a setup chapter like the ancient robot waking up that's a setup uh kizaru getting Luffy to go into gear fifth that that's quite frankly a setup cuz like the fight was never going to be super serious until he went into gear fifth right which like happens at the end of this so Kuma with a K is really the main plot element in this chapter so H 1092 I am going to have higher than some of the other ones um I think I'm going to go I think I'm going to go here I think I'm going to go below 1087 right I think that's a pretty good range for 1092 I think so um all right what's parin saying I I was talking way too long I I feel like I see a lot of par [Music] chats baby pluton you said of Luchi top 30 then it's valid to end the stream well he won't be top 30 in my list but at least one of the viewers will probably have him in the top 30 Kev I don't know if you're here uh par you said I hate that Dome that laser doome not killing Bonnie yeah like that like if Bonnie really is a 12-year-old girl which I I'm presuming Bonnie doesn't have hockey I don't know if that's been mentioned in a vaver card but she really shouldn't like if you're 12 years old and you have hockey like you shouldn't get hockey just for aging up with that fruit right like maybe you could maybe I'm wrong maybe that is how it work but I would feel like hockey is a little bit of a deeper thing like like you would have the same ambition and will in all those timelines you would just evolve different L right so like you shouldn't get hockey because you got older like You' have to develop it normally I would imagine so yeah I either way like Bonnie should just be like a regular 12-year-old girl so her not dying from the laser when like Kaku got sent flying back by it you know and he's like a grown man with hockey and Roku rokushiki and all that stuff so um that little whisper Dak yeah Kev you you know you know uh chout you said Luchi in the top 30 makes sense tomorrow's going to be a fun stream that's all I got to say tomorrow will be fun make sure you guys tune in 7 P.M tomorrow um all right we're going to go to 1093 so Kev I know you were talking smack about this chapter so I'mma just I'm I'm going just be honest this probably isn't going to be the final resting spot but I need to use the bottom row and it's going to be in the bottom row so I'm putting 1093 down there I'm sorry uh even when I briefly brought this up like this stream that I was doing in my last stream I even brought it up where I was like off the top of my head this is maybe the most disappointing chapter of the year it's not that it is straight up the worst chapter but is the most disappointing chapter because when I open up a one piece chapter you know on on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday afternoon whatever it is and I see Luffy vers kizaru I'm like oh like I'm ready man oh man oh who know loia Awakenings I'mma see oh man like I you know we're going to see some crazy stuff you know I'm ready I'm I'm so ready give me this chapter like if you would like just literally during wano if you would have told me dude chapter 1093 is going to be called kizaru vers Luffy I'd be like oh I need oh give me that best one like it's the best chapter of the whole series like I be oh I don't care what the arc is I need to see that chapter you know but it wasn't that good I'm I'm going to be straight up with you it just wasn't that good it was called Luffy vers kizaru but it was mostly other stuff the fighting that we like honestly the coolest panel of the chapter other than maybe the shadow clone jutu which was cool other than maybe that I think the coolest panel was sent to Maru holding Bonnie because he was like all burnt up like we thought he had already lost and he was like destroyed but he was standing there all like beat up and burnt up holding Bonnie cuz she fell from the wall that might have been the coolest thing in the whole chapter I'm going to be honest like that that was like a emotional thing but then like like we also see Zoro fighting Luchi in this chapter for for like a half page or something which like I get it like oda's gon to bounce around but I'm just again if if you're going to title a chapter Luffy vers kizaru and I'm going to see sent tamaru doing stuff I'm going to see Zoro fighting Luchi I'm like okay this just isn't this isn't what this is isn't his advertised like I want my money back I'm be like I'm sorry now the now the shadow clone Jutsu was really cool that was probably like the Highlight in terms terms of like theories I guess cuz like that might be tied to Awakening like going back to karasu's uh ssot fruit like I don't think it is Awakening but it could be like gear fourth where they had to learn it um and then like Luffy intercepts that one attack that kizar was shooting at Vega Punk and he has like the lights come out of him like that was just like funny uh but then the chapter ends with Atlas calling for all Mark III to eradicate the Marines so like this chapter was called Luffy vers kizaru but was not about Luffy vers kizaru so I I I have to put it in the bottom tier it probably won't end up being the worst chapter but it it it is the most disappointing it it had no business being named what it was so I have a big problem with that one um it it it could have been so much better and maybe we will see more fighting between them in the future that will make up for it but right now man I'm just didn't live up to the hype at all wasn't anything like I was hoping so uh K Mayo you said don't remind me of the kaido flashback I feel disappointed all over again I I I won't remind you cuz I would also feel the same way uh I I have a lot of feelings about that flashback that that may or may not have even really happened um because it was just oda's just like here you need a flashback here it is that at least that's how it felt like not the flashback nothing that moved the needle for me it was just like here's a little bit of info on him like he grew up in this Kingdom and him getting captured was just for food like that was whatever okay I just said I'm not going to get into it so I'm not I'm not going to but I agree with you all right now that I've said my piece on 1093 we're going to get into 1094 cuz from 1094 onward they're all extremely good for the oda's been cooking non-stop since 1094 so 1094 um is the let me double check it's the iion it's the it's Saturn revealing his form in 1094 we get to see the summoning circles and all that so automatic uh High tier chapter in my opinion um it starts with like the pacifista kind of just doing their thing cuz they were just ordered by Atlas so like they they're fighting the Marines again um now some now a small issue that I have with this chapter I'm going to be honest with you is uh Blu grass okay so blueg grass has the ride ride fruit and why why why does Bluegrass need to exist why does Bluegrass need to have that fruit why have all the vice Admirals that are getting involved in Egghead right now why would Bluegrass and that fruit take like I just we didn't need it we don't need it I don't even know if if if Bluegrass will ever matter again in ever in the story I I wouldn't be shocked if Bluegrass never returns I'm going to be honest like that we might never see Bluegrass we might only see Bluegrass but that Bluegrass may have said their final words in the story The the voice actor for Bluegrass has one job literally one job that's it so um you know I I have I wouldn't say it's quite an issue I'm just like why we don't need it um but well we also get to see Sanji save Bonnie from a Mark II uh which was kind of cool because that was where Sanji like talked about the lady radar and like went faster than the Vega mobile and whatever that was kind of cool but we get to see the ushioni form right we see Saturn appear on the island we see the summoning Circle um we also see Luffy hit kizar with white star guns so going back to 1093 which is Luffy vers kizaru the white star gun moment is probably the coolest part of Luffy fighting kizaru and it didn't even happen in the Luffy vers kizaru chapter so you know again I'm just going to keep [ __ ] on 1093 cuz I was not I didn't like it um but then at the end we see Bonnie stab Saturn and have like a flashback to some of those thoughts of like um like Saturn basically demanding Kuma become a cyborg essentially so 1094 is Peak guys for like Theory Theory material hype wise like 1094 is hitting a lot of the marks now the main thing is that this cool Saturn stuff is really the bulk of the chapter right that's that's that's that's the reason why this chapter is cool so not that you know it's a reveal chapter it it it's like you know we got to see him asking questions but it's not like I don't know it's maybe not quite as good as some of the other deep emotional stuff we see Saturn involved in later um but it's just hype right it's really cool it's a cool reveal so I got 1094 really high I wanted to put it like I had maybe top five in my notes but there's no way I can put this top five um but I think I'm going to put this right behind 1086 I think I think this is a good slot for right now um I'm going to have to start moving things soon cuz these are all supposed to be five and I got five in most of them but um I'm going to put that here cuz 1086 like I said is still so underrated to me cuz like the Saturn Saturn power reveal super hype right I'm I'm a big fan like amazing reveal but in 1086 we got all their names we got emu's name we got the Garling reveal like there's just so many reveals like all 1094 is is that reveal so I'll take 1086 over it cuz there's more to it than reveals you know um so I got that there I think I think that's a pretty solid spot for for right now um Alexander I just saw you said no chapter this week uh technically yes and technically no is the is the the real answer uh so no scanlation chapter this week because 10 or 1103 drops officially on Sunday or Monday in Japan whatever uh whatever it is this week and then we actually have a break after that one it's a Shonen Jump break or I don't know if it's golden week or I I I can't remember my holidays but so technically we get a chapter this week because 1103 is officially releasing but we're not going to get a new chapter for two weeks or 13 days excuse me burping and hiccuping at the same time still um but all right we're going to go on 1095 which uh is solid but and this this might be my lowest ranked chap like it's a it's a highly it's going to be pretty highly ranked but this might be my lowest ranked chapter out of the rest of the chapters that are left basically um so this one kind of continues the situation of 1094 we see Saturn's powers and we get to see some more of his of like the details of it like the the healing powers the the uh eye sniping you know where he looks at people and they get just sniped whatever that's about uh the gravity that's holding people down whoever that works uh we saw all those powers in this chapter so we got introduced to like okay this dude's serious like we don't know what's going on with it like healing like that's that's kind of crazy especially in the way he did it we've only seen with like man Sherry's Powers kind of uh and then Saturn's basically just talking [ __ ] the whole chapter like he's like tell me the the most uh like the saddest order to kill you guys in like what order would be the most traumatic I want to make sure you guys never cross the government again it's like okay bro stop like just if you if you would shut up and just just kill them they'd be dead but because you know anime antagonists have to do that stuff and just talk [ __ ] like bro just do it which honestly you know I'm going to tie this to basketball because you know we like talk about basketball in this chapter uh or in this chapter on this channel uh you know in basketball I I I one of my biggest pet peeves is when like someone has a really cool dunk and they want to like Flex and like show off and they're they're late getting back on defense and they allow a layup bro most embarrassing thing if you're a basketball player get on the bench bro I don't care if you postered somebody if you're celebrating and you don't get back they get an easy bucket you're dumb you know like I I hate so anyway similar similar idea here in my opinion um so yeah and you know they just got they got to get to work so Saturn's just got to shut up he needs to shut up period trust me he really needs to shut up but for that reason too um but this chapter starts the kuma flashback which is you know a a a reason why it's highly rated because this is the start where we see Kuma get born we learn he's a Buccaneer or well yeah I think that's where it said right cuz we see yeah they talk about his blood and all that right right um we get this we get to meet his parents we see clap get clapped his mom get clapped and we see that they've all been slaves um and then we also get introduced to the god Valley incident where we learn that it was for resources and it's a cleansing of all the people on the island um and then we also get to see young Garling and young Eva as well as Guinea which or jinny however it's pronounced so obviously this is like okay we got a little bit of delivery here cuz we get to see Saturn's Powers but then it's also like a really good setup because we're seeing Kuma's childhood and all that so this is like this is one of those chapters where like once if you if you read 10 1095 and someone's like all right uh how much money would you like to bet the Kuma's flashback is going to be Peak you would literally dump your bank account into the BET like after seeing 1095 like you would just know like the rest of the flashback is going to hit right um and obviously it did so uh I got 1095 pretty highly ranked let me see what I was saying on here yeah so it is really good I it's it's hard to say it should probably be in this row it's hard to say if it's better than 1094 but I feel like it is because we got to see Saturn's Powers which means I got to put 1084 down here which that's fine I think this is good for now I might you know just looking at it I might put Battleship bag above that whatever we'll talk about that later but I feel like I like that one more now that I'm in the kuma in Kuma Zone Kuma Ville um D you said 1095 is one of the best setup chapters I agree uh 10 like cuz it's like it's delivery and set up in the same way but and that that those are the best chapters in my opinion where it's like oh my god oh that's what it was and we have more coming like that's peak one piece and we got that like over and over and over again with the kuma flashback like oh my God so sad what's next oh my God so sad what's next like over and over dude so I definitely feel that um Cav you said 141 watching and 92 likes like the stream oh yes please I have not mentioned that in a while guys if you have not liked the stream yet I would really appreciate if you would cuz that really really helps the algorithm every like you give gives YouTube another reason to recommend this stream to another person because nobody can click on the stream without having it recommended and the key to getting it recommended is to show likes cuz if people like it then YouTube's like other people might like it and that's you know and that's how all of a sudden tons of people fly into the Stream So if you guys wouldn't mind I'd really appreciate it because it also hop with the VOD too because I'm probably going to leave this one uh as public anyways thank you Kev I appreciate you um make sure I didn't miss anything all right moving on to 109 1096 so earlier when I got the chapter 1082 I said I barely had any notes on this all I said was uh rip T-Bone the buggy chapter those are my notes well this one is is the god Valley Chapter so like you know I what else do I need to say about 1096 you know 1096 to me is one of my favorite I wouldn't say it's is my favorite or it's the best but it is one of my personal favorites that I've ever read personally uh like being an up-to-date reader week to week of One Piece because seeing all the big names bro at like all the rock Pirates and then seeing the backdrop where like there was a treasure that was stolen from them and that's why Roger is showing up and because Roger's showing up GARP showing up so and this is actually a little sneak peek for my next video so you know if you're listening uh listen close but you got to think hm who how whoever or however the government got that treasure that's really what started God Valley cuz like God Valley doesn't have like God the god Valley in terms of the cleansing that was happening regardless of the treasure or well even though like there were prizes it they have it every 3 years like regardless they probably would have done that event so like the cleansing itself the people dying that was going to happen no matter what but all these big players showing up and making God Valley what we know it as that's all because of the treasure rocks does not show up to that Island if the treasure isn't there Roger doesn't show up if that treasure and rocks aren't there GARP doesn't show up if Rogers not there and rocks probably so all like who however that treasure got taken from Pirates Paradise Island like that that's a feat to take something from there especially when rocks is running it for that who gave up that treasure how did that treasure get taken that is kind of the focus of my next video because I do think there was a mastermind who who noticed this who who realized if I if I give that treasure up rocks actually has a chance to lose and I can maybe I can take over his Island and maybe that's a a little preview for who might have been involved in and being the trader there so um I'm uh I love 1096 telling you right now it's top five I got no doubt about top five I'm going to be straight up it's uh it's at least top three right now and I'm going to be even more straight up it's number one for me I got I got it I it it I can get why people wouldn't have it as number one I I completely understand but for me that and and also like the setup that it that it did for the kuma flashback you know what I mean cuz like Kuma is still the central part of this like seeing the fruits and then uh isn't this also where we see uh Kuma talk smack to Saturn and like why are you so special isn't that it yeah that that's this chapter he's like like why are you so special I want to like I want to free people just like na like saying that right to Saturn's face and then we also learned later that Kuma saved like 500 people or 500 right is that the number whatever it was he saved a bunch of of people like I I 1096 for me might I maybe I'll be convinced later but when I started doing my rankings and I was thinking about it that was immediately my go-to for number one that one it just it just changed the game in a lot of ways seeing God Valley like we still have a lot to learn but seeing like kaido's fruit which I I think kaido's fruit is the treasure which that leads to all sorts of other theories now it could be the treasure or like all the fruits could be the treasure collectively that's also equally possible I would argue um because that would include kaido fruit but for me I I I I just love 1096 man personally um I almost want to put 1088 above it that's how much I like 1088 or 1085 even but 1096 for me was like I've said this before but the reason I like one piece there's a million reasons I shouldn't say it's like the one reason because there's a million but the the the biggest reason why I like one piece and why I follow it and why I want to see the ending of it are the Pirates like all that it that's why I like Blackbeard that that's why he's one of my favorite characters he's my favorite villain in the story is cuz he embodies what a a the the evil connotation of a pirate a Morgan ear pirate would be right and and he's 100% that and God Valley is about all these bigname Pirates showing up the biggest Crews of the time period basically and those Crews LED on to the biggest Crews of the future generation as well because of big mom kaido Shiki blah blah blah blah blah right um and so give than that it's just this was this was taking it back to where one piece started with with the piracy right like with big Pirates CL like they don't and think about they're they're going to God Valley they don't care that the celestial dragons are there they don't care aors is there they don't care there's Gods Knights there they're going CU they want treasure their treasure that they believe is theirs and to me I I just I love that when it comes to God valy Oda made it about Pirates getting treasure I to me that I don't it it's similar to what I was saying about buggy and Kobe like how Oda does such a good job of wrapping those lessons from like the beginning of the story back in such a meaningful way thousands of chapters later this is that similar thing where like this is this is Peak piracy this is top teer piracy in 1096 um so I I I'm going to put a number one for now maybe I maybe it'll move maybe we'll see but but yeah um but but I'm going to be honest so I I we we'll see we'll see I I I'll say this there will be a change in the top five I don't know what it'll be but there will be a change in the top five so if you don't like 1096 being number one maybe stick around but it's going to be one or two tell you that for sure um so 1097 um this is where we see Kuma as a teenager he oh wait wasn't there a Super Chat I'm sorry I don't want to I don't want to go too far uh um D with the 50 I'm sorry I don't know what that currency is but no matter what it is I appreciate you D thank you so much said Jenny is the reason why there's God Valley so she's she's definitely a part of it cuz like she revealed that information but like basically if if she had told the Rocks Pirates like let's say there was no treasure like the treasure was never stolen then if if Guinea is like telling the like revealing the info to the world like hey they're going to the government's here they're going to kill all the people there's a great cleansing they're using us as like target practice blah blah blah whatever Rock pyus don't show up GARP or Roger doesn't show up and then GARP doesn't show up because GARP only showed it because of Roger right so like she's important cuz she gave the information that that treasure was there to the world so you're you're absolutely right that without her like she she's she's a a required Cog of of God Valley happening also in the way that we know it but it all started with that treasure like there basically what I'm getting at is there's a mastermind behind God Valley who at the very at the very beginning was like if I give up that treasure all this stuff's going to happen isn't it like like we're rocks might lose I might I might get to take over for rocks like maybe I can make rocks Fall by giving up this treasure so maybe he had a Trader in his crew maybe that's why kaido was like Pirates always betray each other that type of stuff so um so yeah I uh yeah I definitely see where you're coming from Guinea definitely deserves her flowers for that too but the treasure is really the progenitor of it all I guess um chapter 1097 so this starts with Kuma as a teenager and where he's in the church taking the pain bubbles so I mean that uh that was a big thing for me because given the backdrop of Thriller bark that it it set a whole new feeling for the pain bubble stuff right cuz it's like oh man so you're you're trying to tell me this dude's been taking pain bubbles this whole whole time like he knows how much they hurt like this like him giving Zoro that test it's like Kuma Kuma knows man Kuma knew what he was doing and and that that alone hit me really hard and obviously being nice like he's not even telling the other people that he's taking the pain he just they don't know any better right um and he can only do it once a week cuz he has to heal during the week like this is where I mean there's a lot of places where it started but this is really where it's it's like oh this this Kuma flashback is going to going to make me cry isn't it like this if Kuma's doing this if this is the start of the flashback and Kuma's doing this like how how bad is it about to get right um but then also we see like the at the time Freedom Fighters show up and save sorbet then Kuma joins and they become the Revolutionary Army at that point um then we also learned Dragon was in the Marines in this chapter uh and then we learned that Jenny got captured in this chapter that's where it ends and that's where the whole Saga starts so 1097 I think is really good and this is where we kind of get into this discussion of where the kuma flashback as a whole is Peak no no debating it no arguing it but in each chapter is required to make that flashback great but I this is probably one of the weaker parts of the flashback still a very good chapter still hits but relative to the other stuff it's maybe not excuse me maybe not as crazy um so this will this will probably be the lowest ranking one of the kuma flashback but it's still going to be ranked decently High um where is my my app that has the tier list there it is uh so 1097 I feel like it probably deserves this range and that would go here and then that would go down here and then this would go over here I feel like it I feel like that's a pretty good spot I feel like that's a really good spot for 1097 maybe I'm going to be honest cuz 108 four has s and Leo hurting Charlos and Cobra starting the reeree Stu now you know what wait oh it doesn't go that low hold on I might I might I might do this I might do this I like this a little more I like that more we're going to do that I think that's a pretty good spot uh Benjamin you said 1097 swap with 1080 I think I I think they're kind of interchangeable but I'm going to leave 1080 above just because like Kuma's about to get so much love here shortly that 1080 is going to probably get moved down to the next tier so I want gar to have a little bit of love there because Kuma's about to get plenty of love but they're they're probably they're they really close we're splitting hairs I think with those ones um all right 10 1098 okay so guys this is where the waterfall starts of the tears this is where the onions this is where Oda bought like all the onions that the world was producing at the time and had uh a whole team of ninjas just start slicing them and blowing fans all over the planet to send the air everywhere whatever whatever O's plan was uh this is where it started because this is the one that he couldn't even finish in time it was like all scratch work like it it like the shading wasn't completely done um uh this is basically where we learned what happened to guinea and the truth of Bonnie uh how you know she's a the celestial dragon's child and Guinea's child and Kuma decided to take care of her anyway that whole thing which is I think we're all I mean I don't have to say how sad that is we also learn about Sapphire scale and how hard that is to treat and that Bonnie doesn't have a lot of time left if she doesn't get it treated which at least in this chapter it seemed like that's going to be really hard to do and it ends with bori returning like a little thing it's like and and soon bori is going to return and and they're going to relive the night of it of 10 years ago or whatever it was so this is just straight up a heartbreaking chapter I'm going to be honest like it's hard to even rank this one because it's just pure sadness and like vile activities you know what I mean like you you just you leave this chapter just hating the the government twice as much as you did before you know like this is one where you just you're just like all right Oda like who ass do I need to beat you know like Oda tell me where to go I'm ready like Oda I have hockey now because because of this like I am so my will is so like I'm so motivated to to stop these people I will go help you know like oh where do I need to go like that that's this kind of chapter um so I I I definitely have this one ranked highly it I just don't know how high that's that's my problem right now I just I don't know you said between 1096 and 1098 uh who said that D said are you're torn between 1096 and 1098 but for as for like best one I'm I'm I'm not going to have 1098 in the top five and it is not because it's not Peak it's again because well it's just it's it's great but it's like sadness and man I'm just I'm just I'm I'm like sad thinking about it you know what I mean like it's just it's it's good like it's very good storytelling it's just I'm not it's not going there no one no no one freak out that's not it's permanent spot or anything um I just I I I almost want to go this far maybe even here cuz see I still think 1086 is so underr but dude 1098 though somewhere I'm going to leave it right here cuz again I really think 1086 is the most underrated and I I I want to I want to give it enough leverage to to prove that I'm not like I'm not even happy put putting 1098 there but I'm just going to do it for now cuz I don't know where else to put it um and this just goes to show how hard this is 1098 would be like the best chapter of the year in a lot of years but uh you know oda's next level hey good vibe you said the Garling chapter was met well it's not the Garling chapter it's the it's the Gores name reveal chapter it's the mother flame reveal chapter it's the uh uh the like retrieving vvv reveal uh it's the neurona Emu reveal that's where we learned neurona emu there's like it's it's CRA that that's why it's underrated to me is like it's there's so many things that I'm like oh that's there that's in there that's in there you know so but I but I get it off off rip because like first I didn't think that would be that highly rated for me either um all right let's move on to 1099 real quick CU we are almost done and then once we get all of them on the board we can shift them around and then we'll figure it out so um so in 1099 Kuma crushes bori for the second time because like the first time was a revolutionary Army being formed and doing it uh we find out Bonnie has a devil fruit power which we now know uh well I guess well I I I don't want to spoil too I guess I don't know if you I don't know how many people have read a l03 and I don't know not like there's anything changed necessarily about that but I was going to say something that tied to it but maybe I shouldn't say it um we learn uh we learned about how kumaa became the king and the Tyrant uh he crushes bori another time in the same chapter which that was like so cathartic cuz like Kuma's like a pirate like it has the whole Armada like attacking Kuma's one ship and he's like just a solo man and just boom just blows him right out of the water Peak big fan of that um and then something in this chapter that still I think is like Peak storytelling like a lot of this has been but this is like really a deep cut in my opinion is uh Kuma visiting the time skip Islands going to like uh was it kuraga is that like muggy Kingdom but I think kuraga is the island whatever it is going there um going to uh the bow and archipelago going to all all those different Islands I can't I can't list them all off off top of my head uh tequila wolf I think whatever it doesn't matter all those we see Kuma go to each of those looking for a cure for Bonnie and that's like you know that's that's the Galaxy brain Oda talk right there that that's the super Peak um and uh but then after this we get to see Kuma meet up with dragon and dragon immediately like again th this proves to me that Oda knows and is purposefully slandering Dragon like he knows that we do this and he he's he's you know we're eating out of the palm of his hand cuz the first thing Dragon says to Kuma is like yeah Ivanov and inauma got locked up an impel down how you doing it's like bro go help your friends man which we're going to learn about that I don't even want to talk about the dragon slander that much cuz like he hasn't he didn't show up in any of these chapters so what like you know in present time hasn't shown up in any of these chapters but um uh so you know the dragon slander strong at this point the uh in these chapters but um but then he also mentions Vega Punk here and then we see Kuma arrive at Egghead and Vega Punk says he can cure Bonnie as long as he can clone Kuma basically uh so 109 so 1099 I think is really good um and I think but I think the best part to me is the going to different islands for that you know uh that like give us a different backdrop to all that cuz the stuff with like um Kuma beating bori a couple times and going to Egghead like that's cool and like it it's emotional like seeing that Kuma can finally get a cure and he's going around looking for a cure don't get me wrong that's like that's why Kuma's the goat it hits but it's maybe not as much as all some of the other sacrifices and stuff he's making this is almost like a setup in a way this is like a development like a Midway Connecting Point for him like you know he's just looking for the doctor in this chapter essentially so I still like it but maybe it's not quite as as good as some of the other ones um in the kuma flashback so 1099 I think I'm going to go this is this is a tough one think I'm going to go right above 1097 for now but I might move that one I I might move that but I think that's a solid spot for now near like right above 1097 I think that's good cuz like these these flashback you know they're all really close to each to each other I think that's good for now I think that's good I'm like really stressed about getting this list right guys and like you guys you guys aren't even giving me a hard time not that like you guys normally do but I was like I need to nail this um and then let's just get to chapter 1100 um so 1100 is where we see kizaru at a head with Drake shout out Mr Bushido if you're here because Drake did show up to Egghead uh just four years ago and uh they're talking about talking about this Arrangement kizaru is basically like you got to tell Saturn bro like I can't you know I don't know what you want me to do here you know so Saturn starts talking to Kuma and they have that discussion about like what to do and the entire time Vega Punk's super pissed at the conversation which I love that that character part because it shows Vega Punk has a good heart even if you know what he's doing sometimes is questionable um but you know he gets Kuma to agree to lose his Consciousness and be a slave and not see Bonnie and all that as long as Bonnie gets cured and could be free and whatever um and you know we basically for this chapter we see him hanging out at Egghead for the most part which is really cool because there's a lot of like cool scenes but it's them just kind of being there I think one of the hardest hitting moments here is where Bonnie uh draws the picture of Kuma and then Kuma later uses it as his Jolly Roger that's Peak that's like I mean Oda Oda went out of his way like 500 times to show us that Kuma is a good guy and he loves his daughter like clearly like we didn't have any doubt about it but he had to go and do the Jolly Roger thing like of course um which like that I just love that too cuz like he took that ship then and at the end of the oh I guess I should also say while they're at aad we also see them do the NAA dance including kizaru which is really important so that's that's really really cool um but then it ends with like Kuma becoming a warlord and everything and he has that uh the pirate flag you know with Bonnie's picture and then he takes that ship and goes to fusa Village at the end of this chapter which big big fan of that because just writing wise for Oda to have this big flashback and to find a way to tie this really sad situation to our protagonist in a meaningful way like having Kuma see our protagonist which like he physically sees him in the next chapter but to tie it back to that is like so unexpected especially like in 1100 cuz we were expecting so much but for him to actually end it going back to our main character Peak Peak Peak storytelling like that's that's how you do it that's how you make things that's how you Peak our interest even more like we're already we're already in our feels about the kuma flashback but then when he pulls up to to Luffy's Island where we know he's been training and all that like before he heads out to be a pirate then you're like Oda Oda what what are you about to do and you're like what what are you like what how how did you make this happen uh and 1100 we got to see that which I'll talk about 1100 in a second but so I I I like 1100 a lot for that but kind of similar to 1099 there wasn't NE like the reveal the the quote unquote like reveal or big thing that happened in this chapter is that we saw the conversation that that made Kuma a cyborg permanently with no personality like like he he does that in 1102 where he actually becomes that but we this is the discussion that led to that so like this one is similar to 1099 where it's like a development chapter like we just we got an explanation for one thing of events like 1099 was the story about how he found a doctor 1100 is the story about how he became a cyborg and cured Bonnie you know like each each chapter has like a goal kind of and so this one was good but because at the end of 1099 we got to see him meet Vega Punk and learn that he was going to cure him 1100 didn't hit maybe as hard because it w like that that's not the chapter where we learned that Bonnie was going to get saved it's a chapter where we learned that how he became a cyborg so it's like a little bit different it wasn't both right so I guess what I'm saying is I might have 1100 a little bit below 1099 um still a great chapter though um so I have it up [Music] here uh I can uh above 1097 right probably probably above probably above probably above 1099 so that the panel they have here which is actually the thumbnail for this whole stream is that Kuma thing where he's crying and saying like I'll happily accept any fate I forgot about that panel that panel alone is putting it above 1099 I might move this a little bit higher 1100 might that might be sacriligious what I'm doing 1100 right now um I'll clean that rest of that up later but all right so 11:01 and then 1102 so 11:01 uh this is where Kuma sees Luffy on fusha Village uh the again tying back to the end of 1100 tying it to our protagonist is always a good idea like that our are cuz we know that Kuma and Luffy have had connections and what this chapter was about was kind of explaining some of those connections 1102 did that in full and we're going to talk about that but they set up some of the this is where he got the inklings in his mind of like H like a rubber kid and also that Luffy had the line of like I'm never going to let my friends get separated from me which Kuma is the one who did that which again Peak storytelling uh this chapter is also where we saw Bonnie isn't getting the letters that Kuma is sending like Kuma keeps sending letters to her but Alpha's like tearing them up and not showing them to her uh which [ __ ] Alpha you know I hate her I'm glad that she got her Just Desserts uh in this chapter actually um and I got to mention a special shout out to Connie D goat all right Connie I I you know I I could be wrong there could be some some closet Connie fans out there that I'm unaware of but to my knowledge I have to be the number one most outspoken fan of Connie ever I've had Connie theories like I was I was asking people what they thought Connie was about since the Ry cuz I was like Connie's got to be a real person there's no way like Bonnie is Connie in terms of the revery but who Connie can't just like she's on a directory like like they knew she was the queen like what's going on I need an answer so I've always been waiting for that which we got that cuz we know she's like the mom of the old king or whatever it is but bro bro okay the the moment where she's she like pulled all the strings like learned that Alpha's bullshitting and that you know sneaking to get Bonnie out of there I it there's no way and also the fact that that con Bonnie was Connie at the Ry and they didn't question it tells me that Connie's still alive bro Connie didn't die Connie is like cuz Alpha got you know uh NAA NAA futured or whatever at the end so Alpha probably was cooked anyway but Connie's still out there kicking I think cuz remember this was like a few years ago even and she's she's still kicking cuz otherwise she wouldn't be the queen or known as the queen right um but this I'm not like that that whole thing with Bonnie and the in the in the letters and Connie helping her I was into that if you if you saw my reaction I love that chapter I was I was like the letter thing dude like if if for example I was like if I went on vacation and like my significant other or or like my mom or or somebody that was depending on me to like let them know that I'm okay or whatever or like whatever and I was like texting them but like my cell phone provider was blocking all my text so I couldn't talk to them and like and I was thinking I was updating them and and they didn't know and so they're actually at home worrying like hell about me cuz none of my messages are going through it's a very similar situation except this time someone's doing it on purpose because they're just a terrible person uh you know I I the the per I would feel bad for the customer service rep that had to hear it from me whenever I learned that my messages didn't get delivered you know what I mean like and that's the same thing um so I got I got this one ranked pretty highly I got it ranked higher than some of the chapters I just ranked um I I would say for me I man I think I got to put it I'm going to put it in between 1094 and 1095 cuz I cuz 1084 is just the Saturn reveal I think it's better than just that but 95 shows us all the Saturn's powers and a lot of the backdrop to that and then also the start of the god Valley stuff I think I'm going to go with 1101 right there so that definitely would put that here that would put this here I'm just going to start moving around now in preparation oh wait yeah in [Music] preparation so that means this goes down here this goes down here this goes down here this goes down here so I will have to make a couple more adjustments here but um [Music] um yeah so I was a big fan of l01 big just the tears man for me for me I I I that that one hit me again I don't know if everyone thought it was as deep as me but the letters part I just I could I if you if you ever been on the receiving end of like not knowing if someone's okay or like someone telling you they're going to message you at a certain time and they don't and you're like okay okay okay like are they hurt are they they just not talk to me they forget like I don't know there's just a lot there of like anxiety kind of thing um I don't know I I can see that but all right now we got to get to 11:02 got to get to 1102 so we we start off um where Bonnie is on her adventures and Kuma is avoiding Bonnie basically like he's not letting her find him on purpose which is that alone is really sad because Bonnie's whole goal at this point is to go find her dad but little does she know her dad is purposefully avoiding her but it's not cuz he doesn't want her it's because he has to or else they both might die you know what I mean like that that alone at the very start that that's like sad you know it's immediately you're feeling for Bonnie in that moment uh you also get like some highlights I think of like her like learning how to put on lipstick and and like she has like the ring so her dad would remember like just little things like that that's like I I need to find him and it's like man she's really trying but she like he he's avoiding on purpose bro you know like that oh man man like that that hits me every time um and then so we also get to see a moment where everyone's reacting to Luffy's first Bounty poster but it's kind of from A New Perspective a little bit like we see Jin B uh like talking to Ace he's like he took down arong like that that kind of stuff and like a couple of the other reactions I can't remember off the top of my head but there was a couple of them that were just really cool and and the reason I like that is because we're seeing it through the lens of Bonnie's Journey like okay here's Bonnie's journey and it's like like oda's oda's making the timeline comparable to Luffy he's like okay I'm showing you Luffy's bounty so you know what time period Bonnie was doing what she's doing right if that if that makes any kind of sense um and that was just a really cool way to do it because a lot of us knew that like tying it back to our long okay so this is back in the East blue time this is back in then because because building off of that like he does he you know he does the Bounty poster to to time it up with arlong Park so we know okay so that's back in the East blue area but then we get to we go over to Thriller bar and we get to see the Thriller bark stuff from a new lens right we get to see that from Kuma's perspective where he you know like he he like mentions you know this amount of pain might even take me out bro like I've been taking pain bubbles since day one if like if this Zoro guy can do this you know and then then it we we almost get the same exact panel as in Thriller bark where Kuma's like looking out into the distance he's like uh I you know I expected your son to have some good nakama Dragon you know like I expected nothing less like that he said that exact line in Thriller bark and we saw him say it again in in that little mini flashback so again this just helps us time it up like we're seeing Bonnie's Journey over time you know comparing it to Luffy's and what Kuma was doing at those periods of time kind of which like kind of like how Kuma went to all the different the time skip islands like how we got to saw that how we got to see that this is very similar to that but it's even better honestly this stuff um and then we because I think even better we get to see the sabba ODI moment from a new lens that is even better because like we get to see Kuma you know pawing people away and basically like Kuma's thinking like Luffy bro you have no idea like I I'm doing this to help you you I know how you feel right now I know this is the worst thing you wanted but I'm saving you you need this all of you need to get stronger um you're going to be the one to save the world Luffy you know all like man like that is that's it's even hard for me to like say cuz that's that is that's the peak right there that's like cuz cuz because it carries into the next part too like Kuma talking with Sab OD or like thinking to himself like dude like Luffy you have no idea what's you have in store like I'm you're this is going to help you you know and like but Luffy didn't know it and like see Kuma's side of it is insane and then it goes into the next part where he's talking to Vega Punk right cuz he's about to get turned into a a robot basically and he's like telling Vega Punk like yeah I I I truly do believe Luffy is going to be the one to change the world he he is NAA like what are the odds that you know this there's a there's a rubber kid out there and he's Dragon sun no less or like I don't know exactly what the dialogue was but that was like oh man like Oda like I said it for um for 1100 111 like the way that Oda ties it to the protagonist that is underrated in terms of how good Oda is at doing in a way that hits us and right here like Kuma we're so sad about Kuma and like all the stuff he's been through but right before he gets turned into a robot like he defin he talks about Bonnie we'll talk about that too but right before he gets turned into a robot like in his final moments what's he talking about Luffy being na Luffy being the one to change the world like he's the he sees it like he knew all the way back then that that's what was going to happen and we get to see him talk about like hey can you put in one last uh request for me Vega Punk uh you know I can can you can you make me protect the sunny until one of the straw hats gets back from their from their time skip like again another I I do have a maybe like a small issue with it because I'm like aren't you like if you Kuma if you sat there for two years didn't you defy orders for two years isn't that like a little bit of a loophole so again maybe Oda will explain that but it was cool to get that little moment so we knew why that was happening at least um but then my nose is all stuffy but then uh I think some of the dialogue there towards the end someone said it Kev do of course Kev said it um he said some of the dialogue towards the end so I'm going to go ahead and just read it because uh I don't remember it all and I want to make sure well before I read it I got to mention one of my favorite Pages Oda has ever drawn for sure Barun the second to last page or is it third to last uh third to last page where Kuma is running right where he we see him running throughout his life as a kid and as an adolescent then when he's like an adult like around Jenny's time and when Bonnie was born he stumbles a little bit but then he's still running later and and if you go back to 1092 he's also running right like cuz he's you know getting across the red line to to you know leave again it's like he's always running from something or to something and like to see it done in that way like that the the way that Oda did that that's I mean it makes me it makes me emotional again to read it or to even talk about it guys I'm going to be honest with you uh like though see run like that I getting like a quick refresher like I I'll be honest I'm usually not a fan of flashback Refreshers I don't know if that's a good way to put it but like for instance uh with the scabbards and wano I did have an issue with that for sure especially chapter 1057 where we get like the hundredth flashback of like what the scabbards were like like what they went through what Momo went through all that kind of stuff we got that a million times um but this I was okay getting this this this this recap the way that Oda did that I can't I mean what what are you supposed to do you know like that that's Peak um but then man like I it's almost I'm almost tearing up saying these lines but uh then at the second to last page where we have Vega Punk crying and which I love how he looks there it looks so real like the the ugly crying face with the goofy characters that Oda does to make them feel still real even though they're so weird like Vega Punk with his long tongue and noodly arms and all that um he's like cuz Kuma earlier said uh I wonder how many people have been harmed or troubled by my actions and then uh you know then after then as Vega Punk's pulling the lever he's like your life hasn't caused anyone harm or trouble but your death will pain everyone who loves you listen well Kuma you are a hero too not only for Bonnie but for everyone you've ever met and then Kuma's like thank you there's just one last thing Vega Punk yeah I know like Vega Punk saying yeah I know hits really hard because he's like I I already know what you're going to say bro we we we've been around we've been around a long time and uh and you know Kuma says thanks for saving Bonnie's life if you see her again please wish her a happy 10th birthday like I mean it's like a it's like the I don't even know what there's not not even words for it bro there that I'm going just I'm just there's not words for it I'm going just I'm I'm going be straight up all right it might be recency bias but it's not 1102 is my number one chapter of the year uh I I I there's I I don't I don't even have words for it at the moment I'm gonna be honest uh yeah uh yeah D I'm almost crying too man I'm almost crying too it's it's hard for me to even say the words um [Music] uh I think the line that that hits me the most honestly like the like please tell Bonnie have a happy 10th birthday don't worry that that hits me especially cuz uh it ends with Bonnie crying because she saw it right she knew the memory she that was the final memory she saw because then his memories are like canceled at that point or like he's not amassing more I would imagine or there weren't more in the bubble that he made I guess I should say um but the thing that really hits me hard about this even more than that I'm going to be honest is uh so this is my life I wonder how many people have been harmed or troubled by my actions and then Vega Punk said your life hasn't caused anyone harm or trouble but your death will pain everyone who loves you that man I don't it's hard to say now it's hard to talk about right now that is the the the the pequest peak of the Year for me um it's like hard for me to to talk about um like cuz here's the thing with with Kuma saying that like I wonder how many people have been harmed it's like it's like Kuma you it's like you know Kuma you you know that you haven't caused anyone harm bro you know like I think I think uh like cuz Kuma throughout his whole flashback showed he's just a super selfless guy and I think there's no debate there right like that's 100% like no one's debating it anymore um but I think what what really hits about that line at the end where he's like I wonder how many people I've caused harm it's like dude like what like how much you got to do for people you know what I mean like he's he's still like I really hope I didn't bother anyone and it's like bro like you and then then Vega Punk's response saying like uh like you haven't caused anyone harm or trouble that's like like if if you've ever met like uh cuz I mean I've definitely met people like this people who are like like really really really nice and selfless but kind of like in an anxious way I don't know exactly there's probably like terms for this I'm not I'm not really good and and all this psychology stuff but you know some people are like a little anxious over their actions like cuz they don't like bothering people like they don't like causing people harm they don't like you know like I I'm definitely this way to a degree maybe not Kuma's level but you know it's it's not fun to bother people or make people sad like you want to make people happy like that's what most people do and Kuma sitting there like I really hope like I didn't make anyone I didn't harm anyone's life it's like oh Kuma dude you know you didn't you didn't do that like you you did the opposite your death is the only thing that's you know bothering people um so I don't know man spoke to me so uh so I'm going to get to rearranging some of these things um so I'm so 1102 and 1096 are not moving those are those are my top two I'm confident there um I I I think I like 1085 and 1088 also um I I just maybe maybe that's a personal thing I don't know where everyone else has these two ranked I haven't seen these talked about a lot in chapter rankings I should look I should go watch some streams now that I did mine but um I I did really like these two but now these two down here 1079 and 1082 H this is the hard one this is the hard one I'm going to I'm going to do a poll we're going to start a poll we're going to do 1079 and [Music] 1082 I I already know what kev's going to be be voting but I am curious what you guys think and I I I'll tell you what I will go with your answer because this is this is a tough split this is a tough split oh man I I was tearing up there a little bit now my nose is really running uh Derek miles you said we didn't see the full extent of what he did as a warlord he definitely caused harm he nearly killed the straw hats well as as a warlord like cuz he had to listen to the government I'm sure he did some things you know what I mean but at the same time when you look at Kuma's Life as a whole like every action he's making is in an attempt to be selfless you know like and I think that's a story in general where like did Kuma end up maybe hurting other innocent people because he had to listen to the government at some point we just didn't see it probably um but obviously at that point if he he he has to listen to save his daughter and now we run into an issue of like okay does should Kuma be killing other people to save his one daughter look bro if you got a kid I you know I'm not telling you what the right answer is I'm just telling you if you had a kid you the answer is probably different and not not that I have a kid but I'm just saying if I was in that situation bro I'm not I'm not having an easy time making that choice you know I'm if I got if it's like say be my be my mercenary and save your daughter or your daughter dies and you probably die too I I don't you know I'm not I guess I'm not saying he's a bad guy for doing it uh he he did maybe he did bad things but I wouldn't you know I he's trying to do the right thing he's trying his best that's what I'm getting at it it's tough but it is what it is exactly that that's what it is I don't know it's hard to read through that but we know his intentions are pure and that's what matters um oh man we see we we we got a tight race for 1082 and 1079 is a tight race um only got 22 votes it says so if yall have not voted cuz we got like over a 100 people watching so if you guys would not mind voting in the poll maybe it doesn't maybe it just doesn't update for me very quickly though uh on my end that could also be a factor yeah and you know what I didn't even really think about it it really is Shanks vers buggy right now this is really Shanks like who who did it better in in 2023 you know what I mean um and the thing is is like I think the reason why buggies maybe has a little more appeal to a lot of people is it was so unexpected right like we knew Shanks was going to cook kid now you know if you're a certain sector of the community or you know maybe maybe you thought kid had a chance there but I would say most people thought he was about to get decimated he had zero chance uh so we kind of knew that was coming and it was cathartic to see it and to see Shanks in action but the buggy thing is unexpected and also like I said at the beginning like buggy is kind of one of us to a to a degree like buggy is a normal dude who just gets lucky and like has Charisma like he's not a freak you know what I mean like Shanks is just a monster like he can go he's the one of the strongest but Shanks or but but buggy is trying to accomplish even something greater than Shanks without even really going in the same alley as Shanks like he's doing it a different way and I think that's like a a really strong appeal to that uh paths you said y'all better vote 1079 or I'mma call the goray hey man well you know Shanks Shanks is uh boys with the goray apparently so uh you know that that there might be some Merit to that threat right there uh will of Gill uh how how how's sun god Booker doing I saw KD and him had had a chat and they've been doing better uh you know sun god Booker is looking for a way out because he doesn't like KD anymore which you know I don't like KD so if Sun God Booker wants out uh we'll take him on the [Music] Cavs uh Eden you said can't let Kev win just because the Moda agenda Hey listen it it it has nothing to do with Moda all right when when I didn't even mention Moda we we could have we could have gone this whole stream without mentioning Moda at least we uh we didn't talk about Bogard very much I'm glad nobody brought up Bogart cuz like there was no reason to he he wasn't in 2023 unless uh what was like the back of the Valley panel I think right or like maybe on the ship in in the haosu but he didn't do anything um okay we're at 32 votes I'm going to give it a couple more minutes cuz I got a couple more probably uh close ones I might ask you guys about but that this is probably the hardest one uh Moda is more relevant than Bogard true moda's had more screen time relevant screen time um K Maya with the $5 Super Chat why not let 1079 and 1082 be a tie buggy and Shanks are always tied together anyway I mean Ki I kind of like that I kind of like that because also aesthetically if I left six in the top so if I had six in my top five which is kind of funny um if I had six in my top five that would also just make the screen look nice where it's like six in the top row six in the bottom row and five in the other ones but okay I'm going to say this I am going to do that I'm going to consider them tied but I need just by the way that the thing set up I got to put one in front of the other just otherwise it wouldn't work so I'm going to leave both in the top row but whatever gets higher on the poll will that that chapter will be the higher of the two which it looks like 1082 is going to win so if any 1079 truthers want to run uh you know and save the day Now's the Time but uh sun god Booker will rise and bring joy hey he he well I don't know he took you guys to the finals uh one year with CP3 so I guess he brought some Joy uh Shanks was in 1082 anyway oh that's true Kia Shanks was in 1082 but it wasn't a good look for Shanks because he's like I'm not going to go get the one piece so was actually kind of anti- Shanks but you're right he was there at least buggy going to be king of the Pirates uh I'm actually working on a video that I man I I know I I keep saying I'm working on videos and I am but they just they take longer than I think but once I get in a Groove with the editors which is happening soon um uh I am doing a video one of the next ones I'm doing I have the thumbnail already it's about why buggy will become the pirate God not the king of the Pirates but the god of the Pirates he he said that before he he said he wanted to be even greater and he wanted to be the god of the Pirates and I I had I know how it's going to happen I I I I it came to me when working on my um like the end the what the every Straw Hat will do after the series video it came to me while editing that and I it spurred off into a whole different video so I'm going to do the pirate God Buggy video separately Dax Jor or jinny however it's pronounced sake that that's I'm going to say it that way until I know which I think jinny is the answer but we're going to wait I'm going to wait till I get the answer but um the fact you said that means you've been around for a few streams cuz I say it a lot so I appreciate you for for the consistency bro thank you buggy D Crown hey look I if if if the crown clown connection ever ends up being a thing I'm actually going to be kind of mad because he is a clown and I get it could be a double on Tandra and all that I get it I get it but like you know I I want the clown part to to be the the main point and then if he becomes pirate God I would I mean he can still have a crown and stuff but I would just like him to not be king be I don't know it's not it's not a big deal but I've heard the crown clown thing a lot and I'm like maybe it can just be clown maybe the crown might matter but I hope but I want I want to learn for one thing like what's his race you know he's obviously like a clown race or or something so um all right it looks like 1082 is going to win we we've hit eight minutes on that poll which is plenty of time so 1079 is kind of number six we're going to say tied for fifth and then 1086 will be yeah 10 so 1082 and 10 1079 are tied for fifth making 1086 seventh essentially right um but uh okay I'm trying to think uh guys what just like type in the chat what chapter you think I rated the lowest that is like disrespectful I don't I don't know how else to put it like what chapter did I put low that you are like how's how is it that low I want like that that's what I want to know because then maybe I'll reconsider moving some up a little bit cuz I feel like some people are going to want 1098 higher I feel like some people are going to want 1087 higher I feel like people might want me to move some of these Kuma ones above the 1080s Derek you said 1074 hold on let me I'm going to go I'm going to pull up 1074 cuz I had that one rated really low like even in my notes I'm going to go back and look that's Mark II want to go double check so this is like where we just we see their bubble Shields saru is getting up from being defeated by um Luchi all three Mark 3es are going to the [Music] shore oh well my dog just uh threw up behind me so that's unfortunate I guess it's going have to end the stream sometime soon it's okay buddy uh he I don't know he probably ate something I don't know what's going on he's okay though don't worry about him but he's making a lot of noise well I'm not going to give give him a hard time um uh let's see yeah the mark 3s are just marching [Music] outside Luffy's chilling we see like all the Vega punks and stuff together oh we do get to see some drip in this chapter I didn't mention that I did forget that we see like like this is like the intro to like Brooke and zoro's outfit for Egghead I think when they first get him Zoro has like the jumpsuit thing there's just a lot of discussion in this chapter and then like the beginning of the kuma flashback but then she just Dives back [Music] in yeah that one that one didn't hit too hard for me I'm going to be honest I mean maybe it could be higher than 1078 cuz that was the the York reveal and it's kind of like disappointing that that was the reveal you said 98 greater than 96 I can't I definitely can't say it's higher than than 96 but um hold on you okay buddy you okay you okay he's acting a little strange I'm going to end the stream here in like five minutes to get him outside um see 84 I've seen 84 quite a few times 81 purely off agenda hey 81's I like I like 81 I can't I I don't think I could put 81 above the SAT any of these but 81 I I was a big fan of 81 I'm going to say that uh Chu 82 Chu you also said where's 82 oh up there okay well well I mean 82 is great I can't believe it took me a second to even think what 82 was I should have known that um winsty said personally you really like 1083 but it's difficult what was 8 oh yeah 80 8 3 was solid yeah there was a lot of instances in here where I'm like the stuff's cool but it led into stuff that was cooler and so my mind automatically puts it a little bit lower cuz like 1083 led us into 84 85 886 and I'm like I mean 84 885 86 I thought were way cooler so I just you know my mind kind of pushes it downward um but yeah like a lot of us are saying like there's a lot of good chapters this year like this this year really really took off suong beo should be top 10 uh what chapter was that that 108 no 10 I got to I can just I'm going I can find it I have I have my notes 1081 okay 1081 was Bea okay okay okay okay I I 1081 over 1094 that's actually something I could think about the be thing really carries like Saturn reveal of his form is crazy but 80s for the story 90s for the emotional distress yeah Kaya that's what it is like Oda 70s was for the setup of AE head 80s was for like the plot and the coolness and the piracy and all that and then ' 90s are like straight up trauma you know like o Oda just took the gloves off was like I got to do it all right I got to just tell you what's going on with Kuma I no more no we're hiding it Brandon King you also think 1084 higher let me go over to 1084 let me see 1084 1084 the attempted murder of so this is Sai and Leo right hitting him this is like the start of Sabo entering this is Cobra's start of the discussion the first mention of Lily okay okay that I didn't I didn't really think about that this the first time we ever heard of it Cobra talk and smack we see shiroshi tied up S Leo do their thing I was love that Kuma gets taken by morle okay that's another factor and then Cobra seeing uh emu do you guys think 1084 is better than 1092 and you guys think 1084 is better than 1097 like is 1084 better than the than Kuma flashback oh whoa I just saw someone gift something hold on LW sauce my guy with another 10 gifted memberships man thank you so much uh congratulations to the 10 people who got memberships you are eligible for the as long as you live in the US and Canada I suppose or should say that it'll be on the post anyway but as long you're eligible for the next TCG giveaway if you want to uh but L sauce thank you and also you know I want to give LW sauce an additional thank you I I've mentioned this before but I'm going to keep mentioning it probably for the foreseeable future uh LW sauce helped me get my computer together by like putting the parts together like building the part list for me cuz law sauce knows a bit about computers um and I I know a little bit but not a ton and so law sauce helped a lot and you know helped me make the perfect list uh then I went to Micro Center and Ken helped me get all the parts that law sauce recommended so the PC that I am streaming on right now that honestly has worked like way way better than my last one like streamlabs connects immediately now and I didn't think that was a PC issue but apparently it is maybe um law saw helped me out with that and also law sauce I sent that part list to a couple other people cuz they wanted to know what I picked cuz they cuz they I sent them pictures of the computer and told them some of the changes and they're like you know what I need a computer too so I sent them the list so law sauce thank you so much bro you really didn't have to do that uh well I said that and then the first thing I read from you is that you don't have to do that well you didn't have to do the list so that's why I had to say this so I appreciate you uh Y young Usopp said like the stream y'all hey young Usopp I appreciate you one of the goats in the community everyone go check out young Usopp just dropped a fire song recently I don't know if you dropped that other song I know you said the usop song's coming soon I don't know when that's coming out um then he makes some really good theory and discussion videos too got one of the best voices on YouTube definitely definitely check him out um okay so does everyone think 1084 is better than 92 I I can get behind that I'm going to do that now if there's any Fierce objections then then I'll hear it uh oh young Usopp with a $2 Super Chat uh likey stream Happy New Year's everyone hey young Usopp I appreciate you I hope you had a happy New Year's my bro um and like you said like the stream if you all haven't we are going to be wrapping the stream up here soon I just want to get a tinker a couple more things I got to get my dog Cliff outside cuz he is throwing up well he like he like dry heaved and he didn't actually th I'm not I'm not going to give you guys the details you guys probably don't want to know the details but he needs to get outside soon so I'm going to do that soon um but thank you yusop I really appreciate you uh chout to you said I feel like Kuma chapters or cheat codes same I almost had to artificially put them a little bit lower cuz I'm like I can't make my emotional attachment you know too high which I have a l02 is number one so maybe you know I mean maybe I just I'm talking out of my ass but um but I loved 1102 man I loved 1101 too I feel like 1101 I probably have higher than a lot of people but I loved 1101 get Cliff some air yeah I am I am going to get Cliff some air um I'm going to do one last oh not a Q&A oops not don't want to start a Q&A I want to start a poll my last poll just one more question um uh oh don't worry guys he's all right uh he like I mean I guess I'm not going to say like I know what's what's wrong but he does throw up occasionally uh you know dogs do that sometimes I don't think it's anything serious but if anything he might just be really hungry cuz it is late it's 11:24 which I thought I'd be done in like two hours or two and a half and we're at three and a half so uh all right all I want to know is what chapter was better 1081 or 1094 uh cuzz I'm I'm having a hard time debating between those in my head my heart and my brain are on different sides and so I'm going to go with whatever you guys say between this two uh Derek you said OD is just a master hacker of human emotions yes like these like fictitious beings that most of the time look absurd they don't like they are human but they don't look very human like they would never exist in actual human evolution you know uh he makes these crazy looking things a lot of people at least I've heard make fun of the one piece style or don't like it or it seems a little cringy or weird for me it's goated because despite all these characters looking different and being weird Oda always gives them like those emotions like it it makes us feel like they are humans just like we are like when vega Punk with that long tongue and noodly arms and cut off head with the apple and all that he's crying everywhere and he's like Kuma no your life didn't bother anyone but your death will pain everyone who knew you like like it's just a it's a cheat code there it's it I don't know how to even you know I don't I it's crazy OD is crazy whenever he does that kind of stuff um but yeah for for this debate with 1081 and 1094 my heart says 1081 but my brain says 1094 cuz like getting a goray form reveal alone should be a top 10 worthy which I guess technically he's 11 no matter what because the way we did this but doesn't matter I don't care but the um but 1081 like I said that's that's piracy right that's like Pirates its core like we're also going to beo and doing the chopper thing which massive fan of that um law sauce you said when's the merch coming that is a really good question man um I I do kind of want to do merch but I want to do something really like useful or classy I don't I I don't know how to put it like for example my favorite merch drop from a one piece Creator by far is uh arur he did the plush that is the one piece Globe I actually have one behind it's probably too hard to see even if I me maybe I can pull it up I don't know if you guys can well it's right next to the par pillow so like right oh I suck at this I really suck right there that's the globe it's it's like an actual uh you know plush like accurate to the one piece World um that's I mentioned earlier that I had a giveaway that I'm going to do for the community which I am it's going to be a separate thing uh that's actually what it is I have an extra one of those Globes and I want to give it away to you guys cuz it is like the coolest thing and it's not even my merch and I'm like supporting it and giving it away um so uh that that will happen uh sometime soon I wanted to do it with the last giveaway but I'm going to do it as a separate thing maybe like I'll have a collab stream of some kind to give it away during that I don't know I'm going to figure it out that will be given away though I have I have it still um so count on that uh but as for my merch i' I've had a couple ideas like I could do like a plush just like a plush sake bottle which I know sounds like dumb but like I plushes are just the easiest thing or I could do like an actual sake like daak sake bottle but I make it like uh like you know how well wel Welches makes the grape juice that looks like sparkling wine I should do something like that for Dak sake it's non-alcoholic but it's like a really tasty carbonated beverage thing that like you know like it'll look like it's sake like I don't know something like that um I thought that would be cool um Andy you said an afro yeah if I did like a like I can't just do an afro though like I'd have to I don't know how I would make it Specialized or like uh you know it there's just some there's some things to think about oh a mole plush with a Japanese helmet so there might be some copyright issues there but if I'm going to put it this way if pluton gets revealed as a mole you there will be mole plushies I I will find something that that will be an absolute that's like an easy money thing uh CU especially for anyone who's like supported that theory from the beginning that would be really cool to get that plush so that's definitely going to happen uh afro Luffy profile pick okay like an afro Luffy thing so the problem with getting like a Luffy specific or a one piece character specific thing is like uh trademark stuff you know um so that's my concern with with doing stuff like that but like the mole I could definitely work around I think like that you know but then again arur just did the one piece globe and he tried making it as accurate as possible which would be like as close to licensing issues I I would imagine is possible so I might talk to him and see what he did and figure it out but um but yeah uh earlier Kev you said I think one piece is more cartoonish art style heightens the darker and dramatic scenes because you wouldn't expect something of this art style to get that real exactly and that exact like whenever I talk to people about one piece that's kind of what I try telling them is like hey you're I know this seems like a goofy pirate manga it seem you probably think it's like another anime I get it I I it's reasonable to think that I understand but I'm just telling you it's not these are you're almost going to think of these people as friends you're going to cry when you lose them you're going to act like you're there when stuff's happening you know like uh it doesn't matter if the dude is a you know 20ft tall Behemoth or just a you know 5ot six Luffy or six whatever whatever the hell how tall he is um it's like you're going to Fe like Oda just makes them feel like real people that you care about like it's it's magic and I mean not saying other authors don't do that right like in other manga but Oda is has a special way of doing it um but uh but all right guys uh so what did that poll say 1094 is better so I guess I'll leave it here um that is what my brain says so I'll stick with it but my heart does say 1081 so I I I'm pretty happy with this I I'm pretty happy I don't think I can complain too much about this um is it perfect I don't know if it would ever be perfect you know but I feel like this is pretty pretty close um I think at least in terms of especially like roughly where they're like if this was a tier list and we weren't trying to get them in a specific order so we didn't have to say this specific one's better than this one I would say I'm really happy with it maybe there's some interchangeability but I like this um well all right guys that's it for the stream I'm going to actually go get Cliff outside now I've been saying that for like 20 minutes now so I'm going to go get him outside but uh a couple um just notes tomorrow night at 700 p.m. eastern time we're going to be doing the top 30 strongest stream with parv vision the chibi girls which is hee Chestnut if you're unaware they're great you should be following them uh Kev dog Edens if he's still here definitely go follow Eden as well or subscribe uh and preach and ORS will also be there be a fun group it's actually the anime NYC group uh mine is king of lightning which Cole if you're watching I'd love to have you but I just I know you're busy because I know you got your own thing that you have scheduled uh which I may be even partaking in I know a lot of people are partaking in it so I know you're busy and you're doing your own so I don't want to bring you on so I guess I'm just saying Cole don't feel like you didn't get invited you are if you want to come but all the other anime NYC group that we were with pretty much uh that's a creator has been invited at least mainly the main group that we were with if I forgot anyone let me know but um so that'll be fun video coming out soon on Wang XI uh and I mean I got other videos coming too but that'll be the next one I'm hoping um I would say Monday is a good bet for the Wang x video uh and then I'm hoping that from then on I can start doing a video every Monday and might might have to do two weeks like release one this Monday two weeks to the next one and then hopefully it be video every Monday I want to start doing every Monday or Tuesday uh because that actually works really well in the algorithm for me for some reason but all right guys I got to get outside so I appreciate you guys for being here thank you for all the support as usual and uh I'm going to see you guys tomorrow night
Channel: Dak's Saké
Views: 7,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, #onepiece, one piece manga, one piece theory, one piece chapter, luffy, egghead, kizaru, sentomaru, kuma, vegapunk, saturn, gorosei, god valley, shanks, garling, one piece new manga chapter, jewelry bonney, #onepiece1103, one piece 1103, one piece chapter 1103
Id: Bk7n9T9RtuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 39sec (12279 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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