Ranking Every Mario Kart 8 DLC Track

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now that all the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC is out I thought it'd be a good time to rank it all this is mostly based on how much fun the tracks are as well as any sort of changes they made that improved or worse in the experience so with that let's get her ranked 48 3DS toad circuit when I first saw how bad this track looked I was really concerned for all the DLC those feelings are gone now obviously but my God the grass really is the laziest looking grass just look at Mario Kart 7's grass like how does this look objectively nicer in its 12 years older I bet Nintendo intended to release all the DLC like this initially until the backlash was so strong that the newer waves look as good as the vanilla tracks and it's not even that toad circuit looks Bland and generic it's just a boring track to drive around it can be fun when playing in 200C but there's just not much going on besides a ramp that can lift you up on the second lap 47 SN Mario Circuit 3 I guess I'm not that surprised that we got at least one snst track that replicates the original game because we technically haven't gotten this style in Mario Kart 8 considering Donut Plains 3 looks drastically different from its counterpart but it's still just Mario Circuit 3 another boring ass track the big difference is that the walls stick up compared to Super Mario Karts but they did this with Mario Circuit 3 and Mario Kart Wii so it's no surprise they do that here too the only reason it's higher than toad circuit is because the turns take a bit more effort I guess 46 GBA Sunset Wilds by far the most disappointing remake to come out of the booster course pack now is it more interesting than the previous tracks mentioned I mean of course I really like the aesthetic and it's fairly fun to drive through the shy guys jamming out on the road is really cute and I love how you can hear them sing to the song when you drive by just like with the other tracks in this game but it really doesn't do much beyond that the title of the track is sunset wilds and while we do have a sunset it never changes in the original GBA version each lap has the sunset go down over to time which is a really cool gimmick and really added to the flare of the track but here it stays the same throughout the duration of the race why is the track's main future completely removed even Mario Kart tour's version changes from Sunset to nighttime why can't this version do the same 45 Paris prominade okay so I'm really glad that Nintendo has gone out of the way to Port the tour exclusive tracks to a console Mario Kart game doing that is going to help preserve them when Mario Kart tour eventually dies out and they're even combining some of the variants together by morphing them in each lap as an example the first lap uses elements from Paris prominade 1 and 3 as well as 3T and 2R in the last lap that's really damn cool that they've gone out of the way to preserve even the extra variance but let's be real here the tour tracks are usually not as fun as the normal ones Paris prominade is a very pretty looking place but it's just so flat and basic there's a lot of super wide turns and yeah you can take a ramp over the Jin J troo I butcher that you also Drive underneath the Eiffel Tower and so on I've actually visited Paris once when I was really little and I remember a couple of the landmarks so seeing them featured in Paris prominade is a treat but it truly is a bland track to drive-thru 44 Tokyo blur this course honestly is a blur it's another one of those where I can barely remember it if I lived in Tokyo and knew and saw all these landmarks this would definitely be more at my alley but once again the track design plays it very safe which makes sense because these tracks come from phones after all but the transition is still a tad awkward when compared to Mario Kart 8's other stuff you'll drive past the Waco store the National Diet building and underneath the common aramon Tokyo blur does nothing interesting trackwise even on the final lap we're just driving on a different road while the first two laps just block off different paths but it does look slightly nicer than Paris so I'll give it that at least and it has a nice sense of flow which I can appreciate as well a lot of the tour tracks do not flow well but we'll get to those later 43 London Loop it has the same Vibe as Paris prominade and Tokyo blur but is featured in London this time the Big Ben and London I take full Center and you'll drive through the chering cross and in front of St Paul's Cathedral once again there's a lot of fun landmarks and each lap takes pieces of the three London Loop variants from Mario Kart tour but the track design is still really forgettable the last lap is definitely the best part though since a bunch of chain Chomps get on the roads as obstacles and there's a bridge that opens up that you have to drive across the biggest change from the tour version comes down to more moving pieces in the background in some extra fog the fog is very subtle and it helps the track stand out a little bit more on its own 42 ravan well it's another tour track it's been said a lot but there's really not much here that's too exciting even the music is kind of on the Bland side it's not memorable at all Rovan does look and play well but not much really sticks out here as usual there are some interesting locations that could be spotted driving through the Coliseum as an example is kind of cool and you'll even fly over the Trevy Fountain probably the best addition however is the chain Chomps biting away at the road in the Coliseum which is a fun reference to how battles kind of took place back in the day but otherwise there's nothing too crazy here 41 Madrid Drive we've got yet another tour track and this one is all over the place for a good portion of it it just feels like the same city we've seen time and time again there are some really cool places but otherwise it's just all right of the few areas where worth mentioning we've got the Santiago bernabo Stadium it's pretty awesome driving through this soccer field and it's even got the Goomba shoes from Mario Bros 3 kicking the balls around how can you not love that little detail then we've got pra new Zam accompanied with his piranha plant sticking his head out of one of the paintings so there's a couple of neat moments but in the end it's just another city track 40 New York minute the very first toour track to be introduced and it really shows this one is a lot like Paris prominade where the layout is very flat and uninteresting but at the very least the track is gorgeous and each lap feels pretty different from one another the vibrant city streets are based on Time Square and are so much fun to watch do drive by the second lap gets us out of the city and onto the sidewalk briefly while the third lap takes us past Central Park and straight into 30 Rockefeller Plaza which funny enough is the same street that the real life Nintendo store is on with that address being 10 Rockefeller Plaza kind of a missed opportunity to add the actual Nintendo store into the game itself New York minute makes me wish that new donk City got a Mario Kart track too but that's beyond the point there's even a Donkey Kong poster that says he has the best musical which is true I mean who hasn't heard the DK rap at this point so all the references to New York are great and all but there's just not much variety here 39 Los Angeles laps I cannot tell you how excited I was to try Los Angeles laps because I've heard the music from Mario Kart tour and absolutely adored it but this version for whatever reason gets rid of the choir's [Music] boss how could they do that that's what made the song So charming and great I don't know why that really irked me the wrong way but it really dampened The Experience overall as for the track itself it's okay at the very least the track design is a bit more varied than the other tour tracks already mentioned I like that we're driving through the beach to start and then slide right into the shops and even over Dodger Stadium it does feel a lot like last Angeles at least at first because later on you go through Englewood oil field which is a very bizarre piece of LA to reference yes this was included in La Labs 2 from tour but why not include something more iconic like Hollywood how cool would it have been to drive down the Hollywood mountain and replace all the letters with Nintendo or something 38 DS shroom Ridge I'm still shocked that this track was remade at all it was a fairly forgettable one in Mario Kart DS but I always liked it driving around the clifftop was always a neat idea so it's nice to see it have the spotlight again but I can't deny that some of the textures are very plain looking like with toad circuit but it is a part of the first wave so I kind of get why it's like that I don't really care though because of how fun and Vary the track is having to drive around the cars is always a good time and they even added this ramp in the grass as well as a fan that blows wind over this turn if this one looked maybe a bit better I'd probably rank it higher but I digress 37 Berlin byways for starters the music absolutely bangs for this [Music] one I mean my God this and the tour version go so hard outside of how fantastic the music is it's really the only part of Berlin byways that I can remember the track design is more involved than New York minute and La laps at least and there's a few more obstacles like the cars on the road that you have to be careful of and things like that we start next to the Berlin Cathedral and you'll also spot the Brandenburg gate in Berlin Zoo the landmarks are once again on point and it's nice to see that the track design gets more interesting with the entries added later on 36 Vancouver velocity finally Canada gets some time in the spotlight this track being fairly nicel looking we're once again driving through a town but similar to New York minute the nighttime aesthetic is really striking and it's got some interesting moments you start off driving to the Vancouver Convention Center followed up by the Olympics cauldron which looks really damn cool in this game and in real life then we quickly make our way to the calano suspension bridge which is really fun to drift around and after that it's kind of hard to remember what else Vancouver velocity includes I like the part where you drive through the roders arena with a bunch of shy guys ice skating but otherwise it feels very similar in structure to New York minute with a bit more variety 35 Amsterdam drift I'm sorry for the barrage of tour tracks at the bottom of the list but that's just how they compare when they're up against Nintendo's more unique and creative entries this one takes place in the Netherlands you begin in dominox Street and drive past the Amsterdam Central station and glide to the zans shans you'll notice a lot of trams on the road too in Europe it's much more common to walk or take a train as a means of travel compared to Americans driving everywhere I really like how there's sections where we dip into the harbor for a bit too it's a nice change of pace especially when it comes to these tour offerings this one is on the same level as Berlin byways where it looks really nice and has a few outstanding moments but it doesn't have the greatest flow 34 Bangkok Rush within seconds you're driving on top of a thin layer of water while tricking off of boats Thailand sounds wild this one has a really great start considering I've never seen anything like it before the track layout is also pretty varied as you'll bounce to top the train Night Market rachada to driving up the stairs onto the BTS Sky Train Railway having these extra Pathways adds a lot of replay value to Bangkok Rush since you have to figure out which paths are the fastest for a tour track it's not half bad 33 DS Peach Gardens while I'm very glad that peach Gardens got a remake I'm kind of disappointed with how they went about aspects of it the biggest issue for me is the gardens themselves they've been simplified in a couple of sections so that it's very easy to avoid the grass the DS version wasn't necessarily difficult either but you had to make more of an effort with your drifts to stay on the road and that's just not a problem with this remake I'm sure they did this because it's in Mario Kart tour as well but I definitely missed that aspect even the Remake on Wii kept everything more faithful design Wise It's one Saving Grace though is the final lap where you play the entire course backwards there's a sweet ramp that you'll take to fly over the main garden and get a nice look at everything you had to drive across previously that's a really fun twist but I don't know Peach Gardens could have turned out a lot better but at least it looks really nice and the hedges are also a great Touch 32 GBA Sky Garden this is now the third time it's been remade and I'm honestly kind of conflicted on one hand Sky Garden is one of my favorite tracks from super Circuit I've always adored its aesthetic of driving on roads on top of clouds with massive Vines hanging in the back ground the DS version doesn't update it much outside of 3D ifying the graphics while T actually did a proper revamping but simplifies and removes one of the shortcuts the switch version takes most of its inspiration from the tour remake unsurprisingly but it looks a lot better the road is orange instead of gray which is much more appealing and a lot of the original jumps have mushroom trampolines you can trick off of the shortcut that was removed though is uh kind of brought back it looks completely different now but you can take this path with a mushroom for a big boost my only real gripe with Sky Garden is that it feels very short I don't know if it actually is but it kind of just feels like it needs an extra 20 to 30 seconds of Lane but this is still an incredibly fun one to play and retains the magic from the original super Circuit version 31 GameCube DK Mountain it's super exciting to see one of double Dash's best tracks return but with that said I felt really deflated after playing this one because they made it way too easy like look at how flat the roads are remember remember how steep and curvy everything was on the original and even in the Wii version what happened here I understand that physics are different in all the games and changes needed to be made but the sacrifices are simply too deep it's still fun don't get me wrong but it kind of feels like its own thing now I do like the remix music though and adding the waviness to the bridge at the end was a nice inclusion I just wish that the level design was more faithful to the original it's also interesting to note how the whis ramps have now been formed into the literal rocks on the road and I think this aspect works pretty well actually 30 we Daisy circuit I know this track has its fans but I've never found it to be super interesting with that said wi Daisy circuit is still a blast to driveth through and it still has that classic shortcut and even updates it to be a gliding section the roads also seem to be a lot brighter than before the covers were very orange in the original track while the oress has been removed a bit in the remake you'll go from driving on a regular looking road to Orange tiles and I actually think having that difference was a smart choice but but otherwise it's still classic Daisy circuit the buildings in the background are much more vibrant and colorful they pop out a lot more but also have that tour look to them the texture quality is amazing in some areas and not so much in others it's a nice track to have included a lot of people have wanted this one to return 29 N64 choco Mountain one of the most nostalgic tracks for me this one got a serious glowup compared to the original it was also remade on the DS but that one didn't add anything too significant it's the tour version that introduces a new cave section with brimming crystals and a Glide ramp this new design is pulled into Mario Kart 8's variant and I honestly really dig it I think this is a perfect way to enhance that boring tunnel from the original and the Glide ramp spices things up a bit too I also love how the music completely Embraces the country tone it works perfectly for choco Mountain this is a really enjoyable track despite being on the basic side 28 GBA Riverside Park once again I am shocked that Riverside Park returned I was kind of hoping it' be Lakeside Park but this one's perfectly fine too just looking at the original and even the tour remake this version did not around it looks so freaking gorgeous every texture is just brimming with detail the new section where you drive into the cave accompanied by a bunch of bridges and then driving through the waterfall feels amazing the only issue with this track is that the layout is on the simpler side it's got a lot of wide turns and not much else but it looks so damn nice that I don't really mind it all 2 7 3DS Rosalina's ice World well this is quite a surprising pick it's one of those tracks that's pretty solid but also really easy to forget about this remake is still fun to play and the general level design feels exactly the same as the original right to a t a couple of turns feel maybe a little bit different and there is this new ramp at the end but otherwise it's very similar there's also some cool stuff going on in the sky like have you noticed that big spinning Planet yep that's Gateway Galaxy from Mario Galaxy 1 and of course the common Observatory is sitting there right next to us pretending like we don't see it or anything now of course these things were in the original version but they're much brighter and more apparent than ever and that's really the best way to describe Rosalina's ice world all it really needed was a visual glow up and that's what it got 26 Sydney Sprint like with Berlin byways the music slays with an upbeat and exciting beat to get you in the mood for some racing out of all the tour tracks we've played so far this one has the best flow and fluidity while also making a very track layout at the same time just hitting the tricks and turns Feel So Right the whole way through I really can't get enough of it as you'd expect the Sydney Opera House is included and we also get to drive through it in a couple different ways we start in Port Jackson pass through Luna Park and cross the Sydney Harbor Bridge it covers its locations well like with the other tour tracks and manages to be quite enjoyable to race on too 25 GBA snowland I don't know what it is with Nintendo and the super Circuit tracks but they have gone out of their way to make them special and remarkable ribbon Road and cheese land are completely different experiences and snowland is no different I always like this track in the original because of the Cheery music and the Remake here is a joy to hear as well they've kept the pink SL blue hue background and completely revamped all the crystals sitting in the background they've even added some crystals on parts of the track too it really gives off a wholesome winter vacation feeling the new ramp at the end of the track is added so naturally too it just looks like a pile of snow and it gives you a slight Advantage this captures the same magic as the other remakes it plays complet completely different but still keeps the same look the original had 24 GBA Bo Lake another track that I never thought Nintendo would touch again but it was redone in tour beforehand so it makes sense the overhaul compared to the original is once again super impressive it feels nothing like the original which is awesome the biggest inclusion is that the road dips into the water briefly and switches to anti-gravity this comes completely out of nowhere and it really stands out the original Bridge shortcut has been replaced with a short grassp one that requires a mushroom to go through smoothly which is a big upgrade if you ask me and the section at the end where you trick off multiple ramps in a row is super satisfying too I can't believe how good this remake ended up being this is based on the Mario Kart I remake as you'd expect but honestly it looks so much better in Mario Kart 8 23 Skyhigh Sunday a lot of people believe that this is a brand new exclusive track for the DLC but that's actually not true all the tracks that appear as new have gotten added to Mario Kart tour and were originally made for that game this is Nintendo trying to be funny and being like look guys a new track when in reality they've probably had it stockpiled in tour for years and decided to add it in Mario Kart 8 first to just look better it's honestly a very smart business move but onto the track itself it reminds me of sweet sweet Canyon but a billion times more colorful you drive on top of several desserts through an ice cream cone and many other sweets it's a really fun style but there's something about it that feels off the way you turn through the track feels kind of awkward it just doesn't feel like it was built for Mario Kart 8's physics and mechanics especially that wide turn at the end I don't know it just feels weird to do I do like all these shops they added as extra details and all the Koopas hanging out at the cafe at the beginning clearly a lot of time and effort was put into this one but it's definitely meant for Mario Kart 2 or and not Mario Kart 8 22 DS Mario circuit I'm not going to lie I was kind of annoyed seeing this track in the reveal trailer initially because it's just another Mario circuit we've already got Mario Circuit 3 a Mario Kart 8 Mario circuit and a gba Mario circuit did we really need another one but I've got to admit now that I've played it Nintendo has managed to vastly improve this one over the original and make it feel unique compared to all the other Mario circuits in this game first things first the piranha plants Fireballs are actually kind of dangerous this time in the original you don't even realize they're trying to hit you but now you got to pay attention to them and after that the road becomes a super thick forest and on the final lap you get a surprise wiggler running down the road just these few changes make DS Mario circuit infinitely more interesting the tour version does the same thing too but it doesn't quite capture the atmosphere in the same way 21 Mary Mountain a wonderful Christmasy kind of track it's on the more basic side as most Mario Kart tour tracks are but you get a lot more out of it than the others we've already talked about I'm a big fan of this railroad bridge you can take up top and the transition between the village of mountain is really seamless there's a good amount of variety in terms of track design but it still feels a tad basic you'll find a few really wide turns that could have been made into something more complex but honestly the vibe this track has doesn't make this much of an issue that's how I feel about a lot of this DLC the track layouts are simple but the remakes are so solid that nobody cares all that much 20 N64 calamari desert another N64 track that hasn't aged gracefully but the Remake liven it up quite a bit there was also a remake for Mario Kart 7 that adds a few ramps it's the tour version though that shook things up it looks a lot better in Mario Kart 8 and does an awesome job incorporating tours reroutes I'm sure most people that have played Mario Kart 64 have driven through the tunnel just because you can it was always fun to explore something you weren't supposed to but now on the second lap you literally have to drive through this tunnel with the train still on the railroad what an ingenious way of spicing up a basic track we're basically living our childhood dreams from decades ago in the music is so good too the remakes are all great for the most part but it is nice to hear a calamari Desert Song again 19 3DS rock rock mountain compared to Mario Kart 7 and T not much has really changed here but it wasn't really needed since this is already a super solid course you drive across and through a mountain and the most notable part is the massive jump down to a forest filled with pipes the graphics look decent although once again it pulls a lot of assets from Mario Kart T's version and just goes with that it's mostly all the rocks in the cave and trees that look very Barren I mean look at how detailed and pretty the trees are in Mario Kart 7 but like with the estro ridge it's still fun to play the shortcuts are great as well I really enjoy going for the air blowing pipes at the beginning seeing how high rk/ high reward they are 18 Athens dash one of the most surprisingly fun tracks to race on Athens puts us inside the pantheon you also drive across the theater of dianus and through a street very similar to monaki among many other places it has an excellent flow where all the turns just feel really good to drift across it's one of the most satisfying tracks it's it's pretty cool how we can also drive on top of some of the pillars instead of just seeing them that makes the place feel a lot more lively 17 piranha plant Cove by far one of the most refreshing tracks from tour piranha plant Cove is filled with variety with its track layout and design you'll go from driving through this huge Temple to riding across flights of stairs and through the water unagi you're swimming around the depths of everything you explore a massive underwat Cavern and the temple pulls off this really grim and ancient look but most importantly this trap has really great flow to it there's so much to look at and it's just fun to drive through everything you wouldn't expect an underwater stage to be this enjoyable and unique but something about this one just works so well 16 Wii DK Summit not the biggest shocker that a fan favorite like DK Summit was added too there's a lot I love about this remake but the biggest thing I'm not a fan of is the barrel launch in the original version you really feel like you're getting blasted out of the cannon the wind is flying across your face and you're going full speed until the top of the mountain with this in the Tour Version you kind of just get a little boost and just Glide to the top it just doesn't feel as satisfying but that's really the only drawback I have everything else has been Faithfully redone and they even include the halfpipe ramps the thick piles of snow are still here the bumpy snow hills can be tricked off in succession the shy guys are still snowboarding and I like how much nicer the wood looks at the beginning SL end of the track it's still a great time even after all these years 15 wi Moon viiew highway oh my God I was stoked to see this return and for the most part it lives up to what you'd expect for starters the music goes so hard and I can't get enough of it the remix is simply perfect and even changes to a calmer pianoist rendition after passing the Tollgate and I also love how this whole place looks too I don't know what it is about the nighttime tracks but they've pulled them off so nicely in Mario Kart 8 all the details on the road and buildings are just brimming with Vibrance and also the bomb cars are back that's pretty cool to see again but my one major complaint with this one is the cars themselves if you recall from the original game they are flying down the road and can often be hard to predict their patterns in this game they're going slow as and or too easy to predict I guess that's kind of an issue though with Toad's Turnpike and shroom Ridge as well those cars move pretty slowly so they barely count as challenging obstacles so that does make this one a bit disappointing but the spirit of moon view highway is still here in all of its Glory 14 gcn Daisy Cruiser this is another track that I'm not surprised to see return and it's still a blast the the concept of driving on a cruise ship is fantastic and the extra details make this track even better for starters they went with the Mario Kart 7 version where you can pick between the right and left side of the ship at the beginning and of course you can drive into the pool which now accompanies some glomas and rafts but once you get downstairs into the dining hall the tables are no longer empty a bunch of toads and Koopas are sitting down getting ready to eat lunch and oh my God I love it well I do think this track is a bit on the basic side comparing it to everything else it still holds up surprisingly well the setion under the ship is the same as Mario Kart 7 as well being underwater with some clampy chilling down there the changes made were overall for the better compared to other retro tracks they mostly enhance Daisy's Cruise 13 wi Koopa Cape one of the most iconic Mario Kart Wii tracks it's been really interesting to see it evolve over the years this version is really great as you'd expect but I don't think I like it as much as the older ones especially the tube section in the original these electric Wheels rotated that threatened to shrink you if touched so you had to avoid them while also staying in the water stream for extra speed that was awesome and then the Mario Kart 7 variant took that out completely and added cheap cheeps as an obstacle okay that's weird but then tour does the same thing and it adds a halfpipe and this newest version has no cheap cheeps at all with anti-gravity while the halfpipe does feel really natural to use removing all the Challenge from the original is kind of a backwards idea but outside of this one segment of the stage everything else is fantastic the remix music sounds awesome and it changes a lot as you play it getss more frantic in the Rushing Water with the fiddle and then soothes a little bit in the tube area I really appreciate the extra details the general flow of Koopa Cape is still really fun there's tons of dynamic areas you drive across it's overall great stuff I just don't know why the tube section has been simplified so much 12 Wii mushroom Gorge another track that's been remade a few times the original Wii one is still unique and fun to play with all the mushrooms bouncing and whatnot people love this one so much because of the physics just by by subtly turning and tricking you can alter the direction of your bounce which adds a deep layer of strategy this is basically removed in the rest of the version but I get why that's the case Mario Kart 7's remake is relatively similar but it adds a blue mushroom which opens up your glider and you know what why can't there be a button where you can just open your glider at any time just some food for thought the tour version really changes up the cave section by lining up all the mushrooms and that really defeats the original purpose of forcing you to aim where to go but for the mobile version I guess it's an okay alternative for Mario Kart 8 they basically kept the same layout but added even more mushrooms so pretty much all sense of challenge in this section is gone but even still it's a really solid track and it looks incredible with the updated textures 11 SNES Bowser Castle 3 good Lord what a glow up this one got this track feels nothing like the original and I'm 100% okay with that because it's from the SNES this is somehow the only Bowser's Castle remake we got in the entirety of of Mario Kart 8 and I'm kind of glad this one turned out so phenomenally like with the original there's plenty of different routes you can take which makes each race feel invigorating there's so much depth here and being surrounded by all these massive waterfalls of lava really brings the SNES version to life too you can even trick off the swamp at the end and the Hard Rock Remix fits in perfectly this track just has amazing flow Everything feels so buttery and smooth it's weird to say I'm happy a snst track was remade but I really am 10 Singapore Speedway oh my Lord Nintendo went wild with this tour track it's kind of crazy just how different it feels compared to the other ones there's actual depth going on you start off in beautiful Singapore in between St Andrews Cathedral and Merion Park then you're thrown into the air towards the marinaa Bay Sands I mean just this one section is incredible the city skylights are gorgeous and streaming through the water is so cool the Glad ramps have a lot of boost rings in the air that you can glide through while we fly over the float I've never actually seen a soccer field that just floats in the water just playing these tracks makes me want to visit them all in real life and each lap just throws new things at you constantly the simple inclusion of the Ring boost make gliding so much better since you're rewarded for clearing the Rings what a fun track this one is there's very few dull moments in this one nine ninja Hideaway this straight up doesn't feel like a Mario Kart 2 or track I'm so impressed with how much this one outshines all the others you're driving in a Japanese dojo and for a majority of the race you're on top of the rooftops just that one one factor alone makes it an incredible Mario Kart track I mean how much more satisfying can it get we haven't even talked about the inside of the dojo it looks fantastic and is filled to the brim with Japanese artifacts and design and there are so many different routes you can take that's what really makes this one stand out so much I kid you not you can complete one lap with like eight different combinations of routes and then you've got that takeoff ramp where bamboo sticks blast up air which gives you a chance to get into the upskirts of the roof what a an awesome track I mean it's got to be like top 20 or top 30 of all time eight gcn Waluigi Stadium by far the most fascinating remake it's kind of insane how each remake feels so drastically different from one another the original version relies heavily on the game's flow to your physics so you really feel the jumps you get off boost then Mario Kart Wii threw in half pipes which is an interesting but kind of pointless upgrade and now Mario Kart 8's version also has the half pipes but they actually do something with it once you get past the piranha plants which are also in wonky ass spots now you can use the half pipes to get on top of the new gerder roads it's very bizarre but it gives you a reason to use the half pipes which is awesome even at the end you can glide instead of just jumping which might be the faster way to go although I don't know for sure either way it's great to have Waluigi stadium and Mario Kart 8 and I'm very happy with how well it turned out seven we Maple Treeway we've got another fan favorite it's also been remade several times and this version is as Stellar as you'd expect Mario Kart 7's remake gets rid of the shaky bridge for the Glide ramp which I still think is a lot more boring but it does utilize the glider better that change has carried on up to this day and that's really all that's been updated there's a couple of minor style changes in the tour remake and those carry over to Mario Kart 8 but with much better textures the music is still catchy driving along the massive tree branches of the blast the leaf piles are fun to drive through although one thing that I've noticed are the smaller odds of getting a banana or mushroom out of the leaf piles but what more do I need to say it's Maple Treeway so you already know it's awesome six we Coconut Mall nobody's surprised that coconut mall is this high up on the list it's one of the most famous Mario kart tracks of all time outside of like Waluigi pinball and Rainbow Road you drive through a freaking mall it's one of the greatest locations Nintendo has ever made when it comes to their Mario Kart stuff it's been remade in Mario Kart 7 and tour of course and honestly the differences are pretty minimal outside of the graphics the only outstanding change in Mario Kart 8 is the cars at the end at first they didn't move at all and just kind of sat there so Nintendo decided to update this track and make them spin around the road I never in a million years would have expected Nintendo to actually update an element of a track that they already released and it was a good change too the end of the lap is challenging again a lot of people would probably rank this at number one but I have a few more in mind five we rainbow road I was a tad bit skeptical that something would go wrong or feel off but Nintendo did it they nailed this remake and I couldn't be happier it plays and feels exactly as you'd want it to this is one of those so good you get goosebumps kind of tracks we Rainbow Road zany twists and turns are still here and you still have to be careful on how you navigate your way around the music is what really sells it though it's so exciting and makes you feel happy in all the right ways it's different enough from the original that it feels fresh but also has the same charm it's just a fantastic remix and by far one of the best tracks in the whole game four Yoshi's Island this really came out of nowhere and somehow it's one of my favorite tracks of all time I kid you not I was grinning from ear to ear for the whole race when I first played this dude to the sheer amount of fan service this track throws at you to start I mean just look at it all of the enemies come from Yoshi's Island down to the shy guys on stilt the BLS in the background to the huff and puffins walking across the road the music is fantastic as you'd expect the coins are now Yoshi coins and make the sing Jingle from the sest game and when you start a lap the sound is exactly the same as starting a level in Yoshi's Island even the ending remix comes from Yoshi's Island as well and as for the track itself it's really fun to play you can hit one of those cloudy question marks and spawn an entirely new track where you can go through a go ring from Yoshi's Island I mean godamn Nintendo they went so hard on this one the only downside is that the track playout is a tad on the basic side but Yoshi's Island is absolutely filled to the brim with love and charm one of the all-time great by far three 3DS Rainbow Road I'm sure you're very aware that this has been my favorite Rainbow Road for several years and not only did they bring it back they made it look clean I mean hot diggity doah look at how nice the road looks oh and it all flows so nicely just like in Mario Kart 7 I really can't get enough of this rainbow road if you loved it before then you're really going to love it now the planets the moon the vortex tube it's all so fantastic and looks a thousand times better than it ever has before I know people love we Rainbow Road and consider that the best one but I just don't see how that can top this one it's does so much to stand out amongst the others and is an absolute King two squeaky clean Sprint so this is another one that just came out of nowhere holy crap this track is incredible now you all know how much I love big houses yeah well guess what this track gives me the next best thing a big bathroom there is so much personality bursting through this track you drive head first into a sink and then straight into a massive tub that's filled with bath bombs you can trick off of and little sponges in a beach ball the weirdest part of the tub however is the toothbrush I don't know who's brushing their teeth while taking a bath but hey more power to them and then next thing you know you go down the freaking drain it's all dirty with Grime accompanied with a stuck wedding ring only to escape the drain and fly out on the floor that's filled with Suds then you Glide over a toilet which has bursting Beday water on the second and third laps oh my God there's so much detail in this one not only are the bathroom items and Decor fun to look at but it's a really fun track to drive on too there's quite a few alternate routes you can take so it feels a bit more fresh than the other tracks it's one of the best tracks because of the complexity in the track design and also how immersive the theming is too huge huge props to Nintendo for this one one DS Waluigi pinball wow I can't believe Waluigi pinball is number one what a shocking Revelation but really what else can it be its pinb goodness with the custom item roll let sound effects and the perfectly flowing track layout makes this an s++ track the Remake in Mario Kart 7 and in tour have barely any changes at all and are also fun to play this one really turns the Vibrance up and makes everything look as slick as possible the only notable change is the glider ramp but that's been around since Mario Kart 7's remake we all know that this is the best track of all time enough said well thank you Nintendo for giving us all these new tracks we appreciate it but uh please just just please for the love of God release a new game I'm so bored of Mario Kart 8 engine it's time for something new come on and know Mario Kart tour does not count as Mario Kart 9 and even if it did that came out 2019 it's been 4 years since 2019 oh my God Nintendo just do it come on new game new please [Music] please
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 402,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8 dlc, ranking every mario kart 8 track, nathaniel bandy, mario kart dlc, mario kart 9, wii rainbow road, mario kart 8 wave 6
Id: xiK-O_u6JOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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