Ranking Every Luigi's Mansion Boss!

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[Music] Halloween is upon us and this means that we have to do a special spooky video and what better way than to talk about the spookiest Mario game of them all Luigi's Mansion ok I know it's not a very spooky game but you know it's gonna be good enough for me and Luigi's Mansion you explore many rooms filled with different ghosts all of them with different personalities forces and weaknesses and today we shall rank all of those ghosts from the worst to the best they will be ranked based on how original and how fun they are to fight all right guys let's do this so this first goes here is pretty weird he's called uncle grimly and he literally doesn't do anything he's just standing there in front of the mirror and waits patiently for time to pass to defeat him well you gotta do the exact same thing look away and wait eventually the ghost will try to scare you or something and then you'll get your chance to attack him yeah this is the most boring ghost ever but trust me it gets better ok the ballroom is filled to the brim with shy guy ghosts but once you get rid of them all the next ghost the floating where Lynda's will start dancing together you can't actually look at them as they're invisible but basically you just wait for them to do their epic finale dance move of epicness and then you suck them up in your trusty vacuum yeah not my favorite boss one of the very first ghosts you encounter in Luigi's Mansion is Nevel the bookish father the dude is relaxing in the study calmly reading a book upon entering his room some of the books will fly and attack you but that's not really a problem the book nivel is reading must not be the most interesting one as he often yawn out of boredom and this is when you get to attack him and retrieve his ghostly buddy hey Nevel use a Kindle next time old man this next ghost is really annoying to deal with introducing Nana the scary knitting granny this grandma does what any grandma does best knit you a scarf for the upcoming winter to defeat her you need to take those three wool balls and then throw them back at her the thing is those wool balls are insanely difficult to catch in the vacuum they just keep hitting Luigi over and over again and if you miss one of those shots well you have to leave and re-enter the room you know what Nana I don't actually need a scarf the Attic of Luigi's Mansion is full of beautiful ceramic jars and a lot of them contain gems diamonds and other valuables but one of those jars contain Jarvis the jar collector and this ghost wants to play a game with you he'll move from one jar to another and you have to attack him using your eyes power to freeze him do it a couple of times and you'll finally be able to attack him for real this time during your exploration of dimension you'll find items that belong to my boy Mario and when you bring those items to this next Ghost Madame clairvoyance start telling you a bunch of things about Mario to try to help you save him yeah she's a fortune tellers so she can see things that we don't after giving away all of her predictions she'll literally ask you to use your vacuum and send her back into her painting huh a ghost that actually helps you and then asks you to defeat it and now that's special hey your wish is my command Madame [Music] look I know it's the week of Halloween but these three nutcrackers ghosts actually hype me up for the holiday season the clockwork soldiers will try to attack you with their weird weapon that kind of looks like a gun but actually isn't wait for them to attack you and then they'll be vulnerable to your attacks the main difficulty is avoiding one ghost attack while you're sucking up another ghost but thankfully was there's only one left it becomes super easy and there we go Christmas is ruined this next ghost is probably going out to a party tonight because she's in her room doing her hair Lydia the mirror gazing mother is not a fan of wind and especially not while she's prepping her hair and doing her beauty makeup if you moved those curtains to the side leaves will start entering the room and this will make her quite mad and when she stands up to draw the curtains close it is the perfect time for Luigi to get her back inside of the vacuum but don't mess up her hair loogie okay [Music] the butler room is empty at first and doesn't contain a single ghost that's because you actually have to bring him back to his room and to do so you'll have to find him in the hallways of dimension light up his candles to force him back into his room and then you'll see that the dude must be a little bit crazy as it'll start happily dancing for absolutely no reason upon sitting back on his chair this is your moment to attack him but seriously though what's up with that dude why is he dancing so much I am NOT a dog person in this next entry spooky the hungry dog won't really change that for me as soon as you enter the boneyard this dog will start barking at you and will try to eat Luigi's but after a couple of seconds of annoying dog barking noises as skeleton ghosts will come out to complain about this noise suck this guy up to turn him into a single yummy yummy bone and then spooky the ghosts will start licking the bone and enjoy his life and now's the perfect time to actually end it I got revenge on you bad dog I'm not really good at billiards but one thing I know for sure the players have to focus so you better not disturb them except if there are ghosts like my boy slam bang shot the lonely pool shark to defeat this dude you want to grab the flying pool balls and throw them back at him I don't know if you ever touch a pool ball for yourself but these things are heavy and I won't want to receive one in my face I'm sorry slim this cemetery is one spooky place and especially when one ghost appears in front of his tombstone and transports you into an alternate dimension full of evil ghosts this is what bug Meyer the cemetery shadow does I have to admit that this is a pretty weird bus though for what I get the real ghost is the purple one but you have to vacuum the dark ones to turn them into a dark ball that you can then use to attack the actual bug mire and when to do this full of black goo you get your chance to attack and do some damage yeah that's pretty much all he does really he doesn't have any special attacks whatsoever that's a weak bus to summon this next ghost you actually have to touch those instruments in the piano room and you see they will start to play a very familiar song yeah that's my jam upon waking up all the instruments you'll get to talk to melody and she will play a song for you upon guessing what theme this is from you'll get to attack her this is a very original ghost and you can never actually go wrong with a good old Super Mario feel mr. lugs is one hungry dude he's eating this weird yellow gross looking meal and he has two Butler's that come and refill his plate all the time you want to get rid of those two - then start vacuuming his food this will make him really mad and this is when he'll start spitting fire at you after a couple of fire attacks mr. logs will get tired and then you'll get your chance to attack him and suck him up it's a pretty interesting goes to fight this next ghost resides in this upside-down room her name is sue P the dozing girl and she is really charming yeah basically she sleeps and she doesn't want to be woken up so you know let's grab some water and wake her up hey Leigh epic prank once you wake up soupy avoid her evil clown toys and you'll be all good this is a very easy boss fight' you know what I actually feel bad for AB if Atlas the body builder this ghost is just trying to have a good workout in the gym room to get in shape and healthier and all Luigi does is punch those bags to ruin his sets I mean come on Luigi what about his games man maybe he's working really hard to be mr. strong ghost 2020 you don't know that anyways after punching him and knocking him up on his back and ruining a muscle or two in the process use your vacuum and this dude will be done once you enter this bathroom you'll soon realize it is occupied and maybe you shouldn't be there isn't that right Luigi wait you're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do Oh Luigi you pervert miss petunia the bathing beauty is taking a hot shower and the only way to get her to come out of there is to use your ice attack she'll soon catch a cold and this will give you an opportunity to get some damage and attack her Wow imagine taking a hot shower and then some weird mustache pervert plumber barges in and starts freezing you yeah that would ruin your day for sure this next entry is actually a baby ghost named chunks and he sleeps in his room at first you have to start rocking his horse chair to wake him up he'll then want to play with you so grab a ball and play with come on Luigi are you serious dude man you're a bad babysitter so this will make Chauncey really mad and now you are fighting the first bus of this game Chauncey will attack you with giant rocking horses chair giant balls and will even try to crush you under his big baby Bailey thankfully use the same strategy you used earlier with the ball to defeat this guy and that's it oh yay more ghost kids to play with introducing Henry and Orville the twin brothers and upon waking them up you'll have to play hide and seek with them so leave the room re-enter and now you have to find where they're hiding upon winning the game the twins will prove that their sore losers and will start attacking you one of the twin is riding a plane and the other one is inside of a car but thankfully this won't stop you from being able to use your trusty vacuum to suck them up hey that's what you get for being sore losers kiddos look at those beautiful paintings in the artist's studio they've all been painted by this guy Vincent van Gogh but this dude is a true hipster though has he'll get mad at you for apparently not appreciating his art enough will excuse me dude but I just said those paintings were beautiful but if you're gonna be like that I'll ruin them all each painting will turn into actual real ghosts and will force you to suck them all up rune Vincent's creation one after another and then you'll be able to turn him into a creation of your own a K you'll get rid of him I can't believe this artist was that rude to us he completely deserved what happened to him in my book a lot of houses have a cold storage room where you know you can put your canned goods but never have I seen one that's full of ice and icicles running from the ceiling but most importantly I've never seen a ghost like sir Weston to trigger him you'll have to grab the firepower down there and melt his icy body he'll then complain about how hot it is in that room and will start attacking you with this very epic icicle attack this is actually a super-fun ghost to fight because you slide around like a mad lad on the ice floor and you got to dodge the icicles and his epic ice attack all of this while trying to suck him up yeah pretty cool finding and catching booze is part of luigis mansions main quest as you need to collect at least 40 to fight the final bus thankfully the balcony is filled with lots of booze that you can all catch at once they will do a Dragonball Z fusion move and turn into bull losses to jumbo ghosts thankfully there are two unicorn statues on the balcony and the tip of their horn can be used to pop boluses back into a bunch of easy to defeat little boos freeze dam which are ice power to make them vulnerable and then catch every single one of these boos to finish the fight at first it's pretty easy but when there's like two or three boos remaining freezing them is quite the challenge after capturing a million booze and ghosts you will get to meet the king of them all king boo the dude turned Mario into a painting and now wants to do the same thing with Luigi he'll soon turn into Bowser for some reason and this is the final bus king Boozer okay that sounded better in my head defeat King boo you'll have to grab those spiky balls and throw them back into Bowser's mouth doing so will make Bowser lose his head Wow that's violent this will expose King Boo and allow you to suck him up you'll have to avoid Bowser's fireballs and evil breath as you fight with him but that won't be too much of a problem I didn't expect Bowser to be in Luigi's Mansion and I kind of liked that the fight is actually against King Boo but he turns into Bowser to make himself look scarier this is my favorite bus in Luigi's Mansion for sure thanks a lot for watching this video my dudes I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe and to turn on the notifications to know when I post a new video you can also give this one a like in the war bus ranking videos tab the cars on screen right now I'll see you in the next spooky video which will come out sooner than you expect it's gonna come out on Halloween [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 322,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luigi Mansion, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi, Mansion, Ranking, Boss, Fights, Bosses, Enemies, Battles, Mario, King Boo, Ghost, Spooky, Halloween, Top 10 Scariest, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo, Gamecube, Game Cube, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch
Id: v02ex2UAJxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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