Ranking Every Episode of Netflix's Avatar

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[Music] Netflix's avatar the Last air bender is widely considered a mixed bag reviews range from the greatest series to ever exist all the way down to straight up unwatchable a lot of you guys have noticed I haven't really given my thoughts on the series since it released it's been a few days now and no videos have popped up so here it is I didn't want to do a massive review where I try to critique as many things as possible like a lot of other people do that's just not my style So today we're going to be doing something just a little bit different we are going to be going through the events of every single episode of Netflix's Avatar saying what changes are good saying what changes are bad but then we're going to be giving them a ranking s being the best and F being the worst so let's get into it episode one Ang episode 1 of Netflix's Avatar is a very ambitious episode it's essentially adapting 21 minutes it's a backstory along with three episodes of the Animated Series they're doing this all within a 1-hour window so it's pretty much action-packed and it zooms by fast as hell you can't even go a couple of minutes without seeing something insane this episode starts off with them giving more context behind the War and why no one was able to help the airon nomads during the attack Fire Lord San purposely feeds an earth Kingdom spy bad information that the Fire Nation is planning an attack on the earth Kingdom so this Earth Bender does everything in his power to get this message back to the earth king Doan later reveals that his sights are set much higher they're actually going to be attacking the air Nomads this would explain why no one was helping the air Nation because the whole world Was preparing to defend the Earth Kingdom this is just a little bit different than the cannon explanation that we got in the Avatar Legends RPG which is that the Fire Nation actually attacked Every Nation all at once so they occupi just a little bit of land in every nation but put the majority of their forces in the air Nation both of these explanations work well I was a little disappointed that qatar's narration was replaced with kyoshi's but it's not enough for me to really care but it would have been a nice throwback to the original if they went that route when we get back to Ang's life before being frozen the cinematography is beautiful the shot of Ang gliding down bouncing between these poles just puts a smile on my face and yes he is gliding he's not flying like the Bird app will have you believe 20 million views by the way Ang has literally done this in the cartoon I don't know what these people are talking about getting to see all the other Airbenders even if it is brief is just so much fun this Temple looks alive and more importantly it feels alive the relationship a and gatu have in this version is different gatso is aware that Ang needs to master the other elements and knows exactly what's at stake if he doesn't so he tells angless in the cartoon gatu is more like Ang I won't let them take you away from me again it's different but not bad at all they even touch upon this later in episode 5 and we'll get to that eventually the attack on the air Nomads is a a highlight of this episode it's extremely sad and heartbreaking to watch these people are fighting for their lives as their home is being destroyed what really hits home with me is you could tell that if the firebenders didn't have the power of the Comet the air Benders would have easily won even though they were ambushed and outnumbered they still would have won now would be a good time to talk about qara she's a bit more mellow in this version she's no longer that hot-headed girl who has temper tantrums and shows amazing displays of power she's a lot more die and affected by her past this plays a huge part later on with her getting better at water bending some people don't like this version of aqara but I tend to think it falls more in line with what a 14-year-old girl who has experienced these sort of things would actually be like Saka feels the same as his cartoon counterpart just a little bit more realistic he's now this overprotective older brother who makes sure everyone in the village is following the rules a lot of people like to complain how qara and Saka found a but for me this works perfectly they basically fall off their boat because the currents are too fast qara tries to retrieve the boat with water bending but accidentally cracks open in the iceberg which shoots out this giant beam of light and this leads me to the introduction of Zuko and iro the Fire Nation characters get the best treatment in the show by far Zuko iro the 41st division all of them get expanded plot lines in great scenes from their introductions they're already setting up tension between Zuko and his men where they take this plot line later on might be one of the best parts of the show and you kind of get aint at what that plotline could be when ziga speaks to them our mission is vital to the future of the Fire Nation we will find the Avatar we will prove ourselves worthy and we will see our homes and families again or we will die trying angan Katara probably get the most screen time together in this episode out of every episode when Ang and qar are talking relating to each other or just training together that's when they feel their best I truly wish we had more scenes like this from here events pretty much play out the same as the cartoon Zuko invades the southern water tribe and gives himself up but we do get some Saka action and amazingly he doesn't just get one shot this time by Zuko when Ang is locked up we get the scene of him and iro some of you might not know this but in the original cartoon they actually didn't really have a plan of what to do with iro just yet so he was kind of just this bad guy in The Show for a little bit this series gets the benefit of knowing what iro eventually develops into and becomes so they've decided to add this scene of iro and an talking in the jail cell Ang asks iro why the Fire Nation is doing all of this iro answers Ang by telling him that some believe it's just in their nature While others believe true stability can only happen under the fire nation's Rule and of course a picks up on the fact that iro never said what he believes it's small but it's in line with what we know of iro when a escapes to go find his glider he ends up coming across Zuko's room where he comes across Zuko's Conspiracy Theory Board along with a notebook that contains information on all of the past avatars Ang steals this notebook so he can learn more about himself and also how to stop this war this notebook becomes the whole reason the plot starts moving instead of Ang stumbling along to location to location and accidentally learning about the past avatars this notebook finally allows them to have a purpose and reason for going to these locations I see a lot of criticism online that Ang didn't enter the Avatar State on Zuko's boat but the adrenaline dump that we just experienced in the first 21 minutes of this episode I don't think we needed an avatar State adrenaline dump moment right now I will say this though in my opinion this is probably where the episode should have ended but no they took it a step further and went to the southern air Temple when a comes across monoo skeleton and enters the Avatar State he displays so much emotion it's one of my favorite scenes of the series by far this time it wasn't qara that talks him out of the Avatar State like in the cartoon it was flashbacks of mon yatoo calming him down I think this worked extremely well in the cartoon qara is calling Ang family in stuff like that to calm him down but I think it's just a little bit too soon uh it's kind of implied that they had just met a couple of hours ago so saying someone's family it just doesn't hit yet I've watched this episode four times now I'd say on my first viewing of it it would easily be S tier but now that I've seen it so many times I'm going to put it in a tier episode 2 Warriors Zuko is absolutely Furious his notebook is gone it's hilarious he keeps this same energy about this notebook being missing for multiple episodes going through the notebook Ang learns about Avatar Kyoshi and how she's a master of the Avatar state I'm honestly not sure why that's notable as every Avatar ends up mastering the Avatar State uh it would be pretty weird if she wasn't Saka wants to go home and ditch Ang he doesn't want to be here he doesn't want to be a part of Team Avatar but after some convincing he decides to stay we're working with Eight Episodes here eight very fast-paced episodes there's not a whole lot of room to work with qara needs to start learning to water bend and they're definitely not taking a pirate detour the way they solve this problem is by having grand grand slipping a water bending scroll in qatar's bag which seems to be the same one from the cartoon Ang saying goodbye to gatu is a good addition in the cartoon it always felt just a little bit odd that he came down from the Avatar State and immediately it was like let's go ride some elephant koi while the gang is headed to Kyoshi Island Zuko and iro are searching for any way to find a one of the main problems I have with the Kyoshi Warriors episode is that a isn't an honored guest when he gets there the mayor is just like fine you can stay just please stop begging we don't really want you here but like I get it man you you can stay for just a little bit like I get it they want to stay out of the war Ang's dangerous to have around but in my opinion they should be willing to give the Avatar any information he needs in order to end this war as soon as possible when she eventually does let them stay she makes it very clear that they need to leave in 2 days without Saka having his whole sexism Arc here this episode definitely feels a little bit off Suki no longer humors Saka the way she did in the cartoon and similarly Saka no longer thinks he's better than her and is falling for Suki humoring him the whole situation is now Suki is an extremely serious Warrior and sees Saka as an idiot for trying to claim their equals this is when Xiao enters the pitcher Zuko and iro have this weird thing going on where they don't want to tell Xiao about the Avatar but they're kind of asking questions if he seen anything weird recently it almost feels like one of those situations where you're trying not to offend your friend so you're just walking on eggshells I know they're trying to fit Saka and Suki's romance into this but it just feels so forced Saka is changing his clothes while Suki comes in and creeps on him just to tell him there's some food in the fridge the main point they're trying to convey in this scene is that Suki is clearly interested in Saka now for whatever reason even though he was an idiot earlier it just all comes across just a little bit weird unnecessary when qara is training water bending she informs Ang that he should be training too but he doesn't want to train because gataa is the only one who's ever trained him prior to this after this Ang and qara kind of have this like brother and sister type moment here it really feels like a missed opportunity to have Ang do a little bit of water bending training we honestly didn't even need to see him training water bending if budget was an issue he could have been like okay qara let's train and then they cut to the next scene after all this is an adaptation of book one and book one is called water and he never water bends once I do like how we're still getting these scenes of qara explaining why she's putting so much hope into Ang I'm glad that characteristic has stayed Ang and qara are searching for clues about Avatar Kyoshi but are unable to find anything Ang sees this art of Kyoshi displaying a ton of power and it reminds him of his childhood we see that Ang never really wanted to fight he's always had this immense amount of power and has almost killed people around him time and time again this does work as an explanation as to why he's scared to waterbend he's scared of being unable to control his power yet again it almost feels reminiscent of him losing control of the fire in the cartoon and burning qara somehow Xiao ends up finding out Zuko's been looking for the Avatar all along and also somehow finds out that he's on Kyoshi Island although I said I wasn't a fan of this depiction of the romance Saka and Suki have this training scene that they go through is good Sak's heart-to-heart conversation with her is even better one thing I was worried about going into this series is that Saka wasn't going to have as many non-bender role models to learn from this series is shorter the mechanist has a smaller role UA is a waterbender now I just wasn't sure what they were going to do but this works Saka learns through Suki that being a bender isn't everything and non-benders they can compete too it's just the will that matters the most Ang meditates and speaks to Avatar Kyoshi and Avatar Kyoshi is speaking on business here she's lived for 200 years and she is sick of sugarcoating everything I do like how she straight to the point with pretty much everything there's a few really good things happening in this conversation uh a does need to know that being the Avatar is a huge responsibility and he does need to know that his friends will always be in danger because of this but this whole Vision stuff is just not it man Koshi being able to see the future is just wild the fight choreography in this show always has me locked in I'm glad everyone gets their time to shine in this episode even the mayor was doing her thing Kyoshi being the one to save her Village one last time was easily the highlight of the entire episode the music playing in the background is just so good this episode ends with Xiao forming an alliance with Zuko and immediately double crossing him sending word to oai that the Avatar is alive it's a lot more interesting this way Xiao is no longer just diet oai Xiao feels a lot more like his own character he's this bottom feeder looking for any way he can to get more power my feelings on this episode are extremely mixed there were so many amazing moments there were a lot of iffy moments this may be a hot take here episode 2 is going in C tier episode three omashu introducing aula into the series this early was a huge gamble sure aula is a fan favorite character and it might entice people to check out the series but what can you really have her do that doesn't feel like a big waste of time we're working with Eight Episodes here and you've already cut and remixed a lot of stuff do we really want to waste time on aula who's not supposed to even be here this is the big question this episode is trying to answer there is a group of people who are planning to kill fire lord ozi and free the Fire Nation from his tyranny they introduce a character who can help sneak them into the throne room to assassinate ozi though honestly I have no idea how or why they think they can even beat oai even with all of them but little do they know this is actually aula and they've been set up then we see this brutal scene of oai killing all of them oai informs isula that that Zuko has done the impossible and found the Avatar right now oai is pitting the siblings against each other which is a big change from the original where it felt like Azula was massively favored for being a natural genius at firebending the most interesting thing about liveaction ozai is that he feels like he actually cares a lot about his children he genuinely wanted to teach Zuko a lesson even if it was morally a terrible one he still cared for him he also wants aula to improve he's using both of his kids to Elevate one another it's an interesting take on oai for sure but I think I like it team Avatar spots who they think is an Airbender in the sky so they follow him this leads them to omashu since Xiao and Zuko are now on the same team they're able to combine their resources in order to find out where Ang went right off the bat omashu is kind of a mess but it's at least a fun mess it's trying to cover four episodes of the Animated Series all within 40 minutes of runtime jet and the Freedom Fighters are here the mechanist and Tio also along with booming Zuko and iro not to mention the occasional aula clip this episode is packed with people but somehow manages to feel boring at times but also incredibly fun at others there is just so many things happening in amasu there's Fire Nation spies random explosions the mechanist and Tao essentially have the same exact plot line as the cartoon the mechanist is making weapons for the Fire Nation spies and omashu but there's one twist the Freedom Fighters are on his Trail and are trying to stop him this is definitely not a bad way to combine these two plots together at all jet has been keeping an eye on the mechanist for some time now and he knows the truth behind him well jet and qara are taking out Fire Nation spies Ang and Teo have discovered that jet is actually the one who's planted the explosions meanwhile the mechanist is teaching Saka Life Lessons by showing him that he doesn't need to just be a great warrior instead he has a natural talent for engineering which can be just as impactful jet is helping qara through her trauma and this makes her an even stronger bender and she's finally able to master the water Whip and now Zuko and iro have entered omashu you see what I mean here things are moving so fast while all of this is happening we learn that Xiao and aula are forming their own secret Alliance aing Saka and qara all get into a giant disagreement qara doesn't believe jet is behind the amasu bombings while they don't believe the mechanist is working with the Fire Nation spies qara getting angry here is actually the closest she's ever acted to her cartoon counterpart pretty much ever it feels great to finally see her stand up for herself when qara storms out of the room she immediately confronts Jet and learns the truth jet wants to assassinate the mechanist Boomie and pretty much everyone with them so qara goes back to that same room yet again and informs everyone Jet's plan so they all head off to go stop jet but there's one problem Zuko is here a and Zuko have a pretty creative fight here in the middle of a bunch of merchant stalls Zuko can't use any of his fire bending because if he does the Earth Kingdom Army would spot him and arrest him you would think Ang would just mop the floor with him but it's surprisingly pretty evenly matched my favorite moment of this episode is when Zuko finds out Ang has his notebook and gets intensely angry so he breaks his rule of no firebending it's just so funny his anger isn't that he needs to capture Ang no matter what to restore his honor no his anger all comes from The Notebook he's like you have my notebook it is so funny Katara accomplishes her Mission and saves everyone from the explosion Zuko has to run away from the earth Kingdom Army because they saw the fire uh iro saves his ass by shooting fire into the sky so Zuko is able to get away at the end of the episode iro and Ang both get arrested I have a lot of mixed feelings here this episode is action-packed but everything feels a little off from combining way too many plot lines maybe cutting one of the plot lines could have helped out with this H I'm going to give this a a c I think that feels Fair episode 4 into the dark one of the most redeeming qualities of this show is just seen the characters do well anything the dialogue can feel extremely clunky at times character arcs are absent but it all sort of gets masked by how likable and fun the characters are this is one of those episodes that get carried by that aspect extremely hard Ang and Aro have been arrested by Earth Kingdom soldiers this sets up a classic retrieval mission that Zuko qara and Saka must go on but there's one problem for both sides how are they going to get into this Palace Zuko goes the of disguising himself as an earth Kingdom Soldier while qara and Saka take the secret tunnel which isn't supposed to appear until season 2 and this time around the secret tunnel takes him directly to boom's Arena somehow Boomie is different in this version of Avatar and it upsets a lot of people me included on my first watch through but on my second and third watch through I found Boomie oddly refreshing this time around don't get me wrong I love classic Boomie I love how much he adored a in the original in this version version Boomie is upset that a left the world 100 years ago and was traumatized by the war his entire goal in this episode is to teach a how to be the Avatar and how as The Avatar he needs to make impossible choices this is a reoccurring theme that almost everyone in the series that meets a tries to teach him meanwhile qara and Saka are going through the secret tunnel also known as the tunnel of Two Lovers but there's one problem their brother and sister it's an interesting take on the tunnels I can at least give them that this episode focuses on the siblings mending their relationship as well siblings uh leaving everything out there and telling each other how they truly feel about the traumatic events in their life this allows them to safely go through the tunnel the iro portion of this episode is by far my favorite while iro is captured by the Earth Kingdom soldiers and being sent off to a labor camp one of the soldiers knows exactly who iro is this soldier's brother was killed during io's attack on bossing SE honestly this random Soldier gives some of the best acting performances is in the show you can really feel how much seeing io's face means to him and how much he despises iro there's this line that he tells iro where he's like you know nothing about loss the show proceeds to cut to a flashback of Lieutenant's funeral while everyone is paying their respects to iro leaves from the vine is playing in the background seeing everyone's emotions and hearing the song in the background it gets me teed I'm not going to lie the scene hits really hard Zuko tries to remain formal when he's paying his respects telling iro it was such an honor for Len to die serving the Fire Nation but eventually he cracks too and tells him how he really feels the climax of this episode is a combination of Zuko saving iro and Boomie fighting against Ang boom's final lesson to a is that he needs to learn how to make tough decisions in this instance it's either save Boomie or himself eventually qara and Saka make it here and get Boomie out of the way of the boulder showing Boomie that you can save everyone you just need to surround yourself with people that you can trust and rely on I absolutely adore the ending of this episode it's a flashback scene to when Zuko gets banished and iro is trying to go with him Zuko tells him hey man I don't need a babysitter here and iro replies with how about a friend this episode has grown on me a lot yeah boom's not clever his games don't play as a double lesson anymore but Ang is still lovable and boom's actor is really selling those lines he's delivering them amazingly and all of the iro stuff is what makes this episode so fun now this is definitely a hot take I am going to be placing this episode in B tier if you would have asked me the first time I watched it I probably would have placed this in D tier but I like it a lot it's really grown on Me episode five Spirited Away F tier moving on okay but seriously this episode is confusing with way too much going on that it's almost hard to find the right words to even talk about it it's impressive that they took so many Concepts from the original mashed them all together in one episode all while simultaneously missing the point of what made these characters so special in the first place hay is mad that the Fire Nation is destroying this forest in retaliation he is taking people away from a nearby Village so aqara and Saka all travel to the spirit world to try to fix this that's not really how it works but whatever we move when they get to the spirit world they meet Wan Tong who tells them to stay on the trail but then Saka and qara get kidnapped by Co the face stealer so Ang has to go to u in order to learn how to defeat Co all while Zuko is working with June in order to find Ang it's all so messy like why is W Tong even here shouldn't he be in the physical world protecting the library they're just trying to do way too much here and way too many plot lines have been jammed together it feels like hayi has just been completely sidelined to Fit Co into the story I wish they would have just adapted the co plotline faithfully and left him in the season finale this version of Co doesn't even feel that threat threatening uh he kidnaps people who are lost in the fog of lost souls and then eats them to later steal their face uh without having to control your emotions around Co he no longer has that same Fear Factor that he originally did the only redeeming quality this episode has is the scene Ang shares with monk gatso we learned that guiao is in the spirit world because he chose not to move on into the great cycle because he knew Ang would need him one last time they share this touching moment where guiao lets Ang know that the war the genocide is it's all not his fault and that even if he was there nothing would have changed gato's monologue at the end where it plays over parallels between a and the Fire Nation is one of the best scenes in the entire series but it's just not enough to save this episode from F tier episode 6 masks you wouldn't expect this episode to work as well as it does if you were to come to me and say hey I'm making a liveaction avatar series but I'm going to combine the storm and the blue spirit episodes I would have told you that both of these episodes are sacred and you would need to have told those stories separately but after watching this episode I will admit that would be completely wrong this episode develops the relationship between Zuko and the 41st division much more than the cartoon ever did which might just be the best change that this series managed to pull off Xiao has been promoted to Admiral and takes control of Zuko's ship in this moment the 41st division's loyalty is being tested are they going to follow Admiral Xiao or be loyal to Zuko who they've been with for 3 years from their perspective this whole time Zuko has just been awful to them they're just not willing to risk not listening to an admiral for Zuko's sake because of all the things they've been through so iro has a talk with them meanwhile Ang has made his way all the way to Crescent Island to talk to Roku how he meets with Roku is essentially the same as the cartoon all of the guards are against him but there's a friend amongst them who takes him to Roku but there are two key differences here Ang is only talking to Roku so he can learn how to defeat Co and get his friends back this has nothing to do with the comment Roku tells him that he's never defeated Co but he did manage to steal something from him he stole a Funko Pop just kidding he stole a pendant of the mother of faces who is CO's mother Co is no different from anyone else in this world he just Longs for family apparently you wouldn't have guessed it by just looking at him it's not super clear why Roku stole this other than to emotionally wound Co which kind of seems pointless but it is really cool to see some lore from the comics show up here June has been tracking a this entire time so when he gets out of talking to Roku she is just waiting for him one lick from Nyla is all it takes to take down the Avatar it's a bit disappointing we don't get to see Roku take down the temple or Saka tried to fake firebend to get into the sealed chamber uh those moments are definitely missed but again it's important to keep in mind that this is a remix not a cover once Zuko finally has Ang where he wants him Xiao takes him away right from underneath them and puts them in the stronghold the blue Spirit stuff was so much fun to see in live action it's a real treat to fans of the original a lot of the action scenes are onetoone with the cartoon I know I've said in the past I hate when they do one toone action scenes because most of the time it just doesn't work in live action all that well but this time it works and more importantly it looks good I did not think they were going to do this ladder scene but oh my God does it look amazing when Ang discovers Zuko is the blue spirit they decide to expand this plot line a lot instead of Zuko just running away after one word they actually get to have a heart-to-heart conversation Ang sees that there is good inside of Zuko and believes that one day he can be good Zuko learns that Ang is just a kid and probably doesn't deserve to be treated the way he's been treated by the fire nation in this moment they start to understand one another more than ever it's not until Ang brings up ozai's lack of compassion that Zuko gets angry this reminds him of the whole reason he got banished Zuko is is banished because he held back because he showed his father compassion oai viewed this as Zuko being weak and gave him the scar to teach him this lesson compassion is weakness and never show anyone compassion there was a really good scene added here oai banished the 41st division that Zuko stood up for in the war room with him they were all banished to find the Avatar if they ever wanted to restore their honor and return home when Zuko returns back to his ship his men are waiting for him showing him the most respect they ever had it's assumed iro told them everything behind Zuko's banishment it's such a touching scene in a great emotional payoff that Zuko deserved after everything he's gone through he deserved this Ang Returns the statue to CO as a trade-off to return the villagers and his friend the episode ends with Ang going back to talk to gatso one last time but he's no longer there a lot of people interpreted the situation that guazo was actually just a little bit in the fog and it was all fake but this is how I interpret the whole thing gato's Spirit was finally able to move on to the the next stage of the afterlife the only thing that was holding him back prior was the uncertainty he had with Ang he needed Ang to know it wasn't his fault and once he was able to accomplish this he was able to move on this episode was amazing it is by far my favorite episode in the entire series it's going in the S tier episode s the north Lieutenant G gets tricked by Xiao and giv Zuko information that he's going to be arrested the next day Zuko and iro have a quick goodbye and Zuko hops in a small boat and sails Away by the time Zuko discovers the blasting jelly it's too late and he gets blown to Smither presumed dead after all this time the gang finally arrives at the North Pole where they meet with Master paku princess UA and chief arnuk while the northern water tribe looks fantastic visually UA's wig is just ain't it man actually maybe it would have worked if they dyed her eyebrows white as well or fake eyebrows I don't know Ang informs arnuk that the Fire Nation is going to attack the north but arnuk already knows him and paku are hoping Ang will single-handedly repel the Fire Nation because they don't know that Ang hasn't mastered all the elements yet when they find that out paku makes it sound like Ang's an idiot for not doing that first even though there really wasn't enough time Ang says he's here to learn water bending but somehow we never get to see that or have anyone even offer to teach him which is just great thanks paku Xiao offers his condolences to iro over Zuko's death and iro pretends to not know that Xiao orchestrated it Xiao also reveals that oai has given him command of a massive Armada that he will be using to assault the northern water tribe in the past all frontal assaults on the tribe has failed but this time Xiao has a secret weapon he has Avatar kroak Spirit blade which he plans on using to kill the moon Spirit nice little throwback to the Kyoshi novels the gang gets invited to a feast where Saka and UA finally get to talk to each other honestly I really love their dialogue here it's super relaxed it feels pretty realistic we also meet Han here who is a a lot different than the cartoon this time around Han is written to be a chill friendly guy who raises Saka up and shows him that he's valued he's basically the ultimate bro this is a stark contrast to the cartoon where Han is a shallow jerk that only wants to marry UA for the quote unquote perks another change is that Han and UA aren't engaged against UA's consent earlier in the episode master paku directs qara to the healing Huts for training and despite everyone's concerns they did still keep the northern water tribes tradition of not allowing women to fight it does feel a little bit weird that qara doesn't even try to master healing as that's something in the cartoon that would later leave to saving a and Zuko's lives a wants to ask Avatar KK for help in defending the water tribe but UA warns him that KK didn't actually help people when he was the Avatar and he was too busy in the spirit world we later learned that crook was holding back dark Forces such as Co which I wish they would have expanded upon this just a little bit more but we do learn because of the damage he sustained against the spirit spirits that he can't help Ang while krook and Ang are talking UA and Saka talk as well and it's revealed that the white fox from episode 5 was actually UA because she's part of the Moon Spirit she's able to go to the spirit world in her dreams uh this felt kind of weird and unnecessary but you do you UA UA also randomly confesses to Saka by kissing him which totally blindsided me even knowing they would get together especially since she implied that she's been waiting for Saka I mean she barely even knows him at this point Sak's luck with the ladies in this series has been Suki creeping on him and UA confessing after two conversations not bad for him I guess during all of this Azula is playing games with ozai who's pushing her and making her feel bad about herself and pitting her against Zuko this upsets her so much that she demonstrates that she can now lightning Bend though it's not really clear if this is something she was trying to master or or whatever it's a little bit strange since in the original you needed to have calm emotions in order to lightning Bend while here she is extremely angry while doing it aula ends by asking oai to unleash her upon the world to which he just smirks while it is really awesome to see aula lightning Bend I'm just not sure it was worth adding in all of these scenes when it would have been just as cool if not cooler in season 2 qara confronts Master paku about the whole waterbending stuff and shockingly Ang agrees with them he agrees that it's too dangerous not because she's a woman or anything but because Ang doesn't want to lose her I do tend to appreciate them showing this side of Ang where he feels so much guilt over not being there to protect people that he's now trying to be overprotective and only rely on himself it doesn't really help that literally every other Avatar he's met at this point repeatedly tells him that he can only rely on himself qara and paku end up fighting and while the fight itself is cool I feel like it doesn't really hold up to the original all that well however it is extremely faithful to the original fight seriously go back and watch it and you can see they copied details like paku scen his reflection in the ice qara launching herself at paku but the pacing overall just feels a little bit slower and the amount of water that they can bend isn't nearly as large they also remov the plot line involving pacu and grand grand but honestly that wasn't extremely relevant in the first place the episode ends when Su starts falling which is a fantastic call back to the cartoon I'm going to be putting this episode in the B tier episode 8 Legends qara continues to insist to paku that she can help and this time she convinced all of the women in the tribe to come along paku also recognizes qara as a waterbending Master which is a bit weird as she's completely self-taught from the scroll grand grand G qara kind of just becomes a master overnight in three different versions of Avatar now so I guess there's no real amazing way to do this but I guess this felt fine and gets a warning from crook that his Spirit blade is near xia reveal his plan to kill the moon Spirit to iro while they are traveling in the war balloon that Saka helped design Xiao also explains that the Moon tonight is special as it's the ice Moon and that it's the one night that the ocean and moon Spirit come to the Mortal realm if I'm being completely honest here I think the spirit knife and the ice moon are totally unnecessary for the plot and just over complicate things especially when you start to think a little bit deeper into this like how could have Xiao possibly perfectly planned all of this out when he had just recently been promoted to Admiral like the other day like it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and if it were going to make some sense at least add the waning Tong plotline here to explain everything instead of just being a random character in the spirit world which he shouldn't have Momo then proceeds to have an extremely weird fake out death but UA can heal him now in the spirit Oasis hold up does this mean Momo now has a piece of the Moon spirit inside of him oh my God this was all just a convenient way to get Saka and U here to progress the plot later on while UA is healing Momo Xiao and iro land and Xiao insists that iro identified the spirits of course iro has no idea what form they could have possibly taken here which honestly begs the question why does Xiao even bring iro to begin with Zuko finally manages to catch up with Ang and qara sadly we don't get to see him interact with the turtle seals when he's trying to get in I do miss some of the Fantastical creatures that got cut though understandably they would be very expensive to CGI in qara fights Zuko and we get that classic Zuko line of you peasant you found a master haven't you which is a cool line in the original but here it makes no sense because qara doesn't have a master I guess you could argue she's her own Master but whatever Ang rushes to defend the spirits and we get one of my favorite iro lines whatever you do to those Spirits I will unleash on you tfold except in this version he says that line and then doesn't really do anything the scenes of the water benders losing their bending really does hit hard though as several of them appear to die and then we get Killa the transformation honestly looks amazing and so much more intimidating than in the original when the original remastered music comes in it's just so good there's one thing I didn't really like here by merging with the ocean Spirit UA explains that Ang will permanently lose himself to rage as a spirit Monster that endlessly wanders the Earth looking for its dead partner I feel like this was just a really unnecessary complication one really amazing detail is that UA is still able to water bend after the moon spirit is dead presumably because she has a piece of it inside of her I sort of Miss iro explaining to her what she needs to do but this scene does still hit pretty hard UA revives the moon spirit and Killa Cales down but the damage is already done tons of water tribe soldiers died including Oro Han Saka gets some great character development here with arnuk who explains that he was there to emotionally support UA there at the end which was worth just as much as actually being there in the fight the episode ends with aula conquering omashu And oai discussing the comment honestly the episode was a little messy and a little over complicated at times but Killa was so cool and the CGI looked amazing it was a visual treat to look at I think this episode deserves a tier but like low a tier looking back on this series did they do the original Justice and I'm going to say yes I thoroughly enjoyed this version of avatar The Journey was so much fun I've experienced it three times now I think when talking about the live action it's important to remember this this is the legend of a and a legend is told differently by each who tells [Music] it
Channel: TheAvatarist
Views: 172,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar: the last airbender, avatar the legend of aang, netflix avatar, netflix avatar the last airbender, netflix avatar live action, netflix avatar full review, netflix avatar review, netflix avatar the last airbender changes, netflix avatar changes, netflix avatar the last airbender episode 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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