Ranking Every Elden Ring Armor Set From Worst To Best (...In Fashion)

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the pie well that does it for the intro I guess ever since March it seems I've been getting comments either complimenting my drip and showing an appreciation for my sense of fashion or they've been voicing concerns over how malnourished I look and telling me I should go eat a bagel or something look man it's not my fault wearing the banish night armor in a cave looks like I'm trying to drive a train through someone's hallway okay that's that's not me but after seeing so many comments telling me to do my own Guide Slash tier list on this sort of thing I decided I'd just play along what I didn't sign up for on the other hand was the length of the [ __ ] films [ __ ] all right you tasteless fashionless cardboard box wearing vomit bags you guys like feeling protected feeling safe from Intruders of the virtual kind well we've got a whole roster of armors to run down and review both an appearance and in level of Defense yeah you heard me say [ __ ] like virtual and protection and you thought 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cross-country for any reason at all and you still want to be able to surf the Internet just like you normally would on your own home turf you really just need one of these even just on my Discord I've heard so many stories from people in other countries say that they pretty much need a VPN just to watch YouTube and communicate with other people if you feel like trying it out I've left a download link in the description and in the pinned comment nor it has a 30-day money-back guarantee so if you start using it and decide that it's not for you then you can just return to center with no strings attached albarrick said actually has one of the extremely few chess pieces where the altered version actually fits with more outfits it's a simple traveler's coat with a golden trim and with the amount of gold colored outfits in this game it's not hard at all to find other boots and gloves to match this with the blood crystals on the shoulders match really well with the blood crystals of the glove portions but that they're literally designed to so that's not unexpected or anything when you take off the cape however it suddenly becomes extremely versatile it looks like a traveler set but just like with different different colors how if you're creative enough even the Hat can be repurposed into some other robes like battle mage preceptor juvenile scholar the red crystals are only on the front lip of the hat so I guess you can just pretend they aren't there and just go about your business what the [ __ ] is this I guess the headpiece is cool if you want to look like a Twitchy moat I'm not grading this by its functionality or anything because the Poise is actually the highest of any light armor piece there is but at the expense of stepping outside your house actually looking like you ate the whole family's Thanksgiving feast and then dove into a polluted lake the chainmail is so filthy the coloring itself doesn't even match with anything else so good luck finding anything that doesn't end up making you look like a rusted iron dumpling only reason I could argue for it is if you were in PvP and wanted to make a bit out of looking repulsive and I'm pretty sure if I ever got killed by someone wearing this I'd uninstall the [ __ ] game honestly Sir Gabriel Oedipus or whatever his name is can just go [ __ ] himself I loathe this Armor's existence I load it because it looks so damn fashionable and Chic and smooth and the thick duvet he's got tied to the back of his neck looks super comfortable you know like that sort of uncomfortable texture that gives you conniptions if you think about scratching it with your fingernails that that's what this armor looks like it has such a weirdly unique and burnished texture about it that makes it incredibly awkward to try and fit it in with anything else the helmet can sort of be wedged into other outfits and heavy armors and whatnot but it rarely ever feels like the helmet consented to be there it's great as a set but it has absolutely no flexibility with any other set which gives me this really ambivalent feeling so I don't know I guess that means it's just a c okay I'm just gonna level with you this one's a cup of [ __ ] it's bland dull and it makes you look like an NPC but that headband can squeeze into so many unexpected spots in almost every single outfit the game even gives you it's just subtle and unobtrusive enough to look intentional no matter what set you pair it with and it's just bright enough to demand the right amount of attention the rest of the set quite literally pales in comparison the only pieces I had trouble matching this with were other sets that were purposefully designed to look dark and faded like Knight's Cavalry duelist cloak or fingerprint sets it's honestly a high D on a good day but that's only because the headband itself is such a statement that it's saving it from literal garbage tier like most of the commoners in riffraff I myself went for the sorcerer on the first playthrough mostly because the enchanted Knight flew the coop and was nowhere to be seen after the network test and people just ended up modding it into the starting classes anyways the snow witch set benefits from the white gloves and the boots can go with other colorful robes like battle mage or Guardian basically this set makes you look like some college gal in Colorado that went through a spiritual awakening and now she can't stop shoving healing crystals up her ass okay we need to talk about this set this is an amazing set if you want your character to look like a master sorcerer it's a very selfish set if you so much just try to match any part of this set with any other piece you're gonna come up short and you're gonna look like a grown ass man whose mom picked out his armor set for his first day at the Academy let's talk about the crown what is this one of those light stones from alphaiman God of War where you have to pick them up and like plug them into [ __ ] the only Liberty I can see getting away with are the gloves and as long as you aren't slapping a pair of heavy ass gauntlets on this set or something you can get away with pretty much anything you want godskin bracelets zamor bracelets Knox gloves as a set it definitely fulfills its purpose but it requires a great deal of commitment to the original set with very little freedom to make your own drip you know the chest piece would look great if the sleeves were either longer or just weren't there to begin with but it explores a very discomforting Middle Ground where wearing any kind of Manchester just exposes your knobby little tarnished elbows it's balanced out by the fact that the mask and Boots can fit well with any other pitch black colored set the Lord of bloodrobe coupled with the mask makes me look like this battle-ready Blood cleric that apparently is conscious of the modern plague the bottom half of the Bandit boots are a kind of Ashen black which pairs really well with a black flame monk but at the end of the day I'd still consider swapping out that weird ass vest for something a bit more better something better more like banish this Seth from my eyes no no wait it's a great set I just wanted to say that joke I promise obviously I'm not a fan of waddling around with a pair of duck feet so I tend to exchange the legs for the scaled or the Raging wolf Greaves instead but everything else about the set I wouldn't change so much as a [ __ ] pixel the Cape is Magnificent the checkered pattern on the front matches it perfectly the way the scarf just falls on the unaltered helmet also [ __ ] my pants can we talk about this helmet that red scarf matches brilliantly with veteran Exile Drake Knight even The Eccentric set don't get me wrong it's a very picky piece that Demands a very specific set for it to work but if you can make the Sage's robe look good then you deserve a raise or something like truthfully this might just be me fishing for disagreements but I really think this is one of the most swept on sets the game can offer you the Manchester and leg wraps are nothing special but once again those can always be swapped out Dear [ __ ] the chest on this [ __ ] and I mean that in the least objectifying way possible but also the kind of objectifying I guess because that's the point of the [ __ ] video it gives a well-deserved home to the Albert gloves parts of azer and lucette sets The Shining headband is probably one of my favorites that mesh with this set the wealth of colors and different designs make it compatible with any Hood you can think of that isn't completely pitch black so this is definitely not one of my favorites and I want to get that out of the way but it is how however an armor set that I absolutely respect it makes so many ballsy [ __ ] choices and somehow Nails them all the loose steel work flowing on the back of the cape the tassels hanging off the pauldrons like someone shoved a rug into the armor mesh last minute and just decided to ship the game like that the outlines of these mythical beasts pressed into the armor make me feel like a true champion and it can only be improved with even more mix and match exercises maybe raging wolf drip kaidenhelm drip Loretta's Helm [ __ ] drip also the Elden Lord crown with this set is just hands down one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen like I feel like I can arm wrestle the sun wearing this combo the black Knife Set like most others is a set that requires full commitment to it it's got a cool addition with the unaltered chest piece and hood that when worn together you'll have this extra ethereal Shadow cloak that seems to only half exist which is very much like my adoration for the set it's a look that I really want to love but it feels like there's something blocking me from doing so every armor piece has this really specific pale blue color to it that when matched with most other sets makes it stand out in a really discomforting way and I know for a fact I'm not the only person that feels this way because there's literally a recolor mod on Nexus that takes out this Eerie blue color and makes it completely mute I personally think the banished armor set pairs really nicely with the black flame look and the Bloodhound set is also a favorite of mine especially how the pauldrons of the armor seem to continue the fringed Motif that the Black Wing gauntlets use but I'll just be honest I feel like a [ __ ] Muppet wear in this chess piece because if it isn't already obvious the design is reminiscent of the fire Giant's [ __ ] ugly face and I've already seen enough of that in the game which ultimately leads to me not being a fan but I do like the fur collar and the robish look extending past The Shins of the character basically just what I'm saying is if someone could release a mod changing the Sesame Street looking big-ass face Center Mass in between my tits I would totally endorse the [ __ ] out of it next up is the set of the furry boy himself blind the half wolf the Cape is just [ __ ] cool the use of leather on the chest and boots is really intricate and despite it being a fully we've sealed out suit of battle armor it isn't afraid to look a little refined the Greaves use a fringed metal pattern right up until they reach the leather boots reminding us that nothing is more important than Comfort the set seemed like it was practically designed from the ground up to pair with that massive Kyrie and ass paddle the Royal Greatsword the head of this one is is just it's a it's a it's a wolf head I don't know what to say it's it I mean it's definitely cool despite being part of a heavy armor set it looks the coolest in my opinion with other sets like Kaiden or gravekeeper but if you want to stick with the heavy armor Motif the veteran set definitely looks just as badass with it too I slept on this one for so long just because I thought the helmet looked weird however I'm starting to think I never liked it just because it was this ugly brown color but I've grown beyond that and I sincerely hope you'll forgive me for my lapse in judgment the chess piece displays a fringed pattern with this jutting breastplate and more leather belts than I think I'd ever use in my life the helmet honestly looks like something I'd find in my kitchen I do like a crude looking helmets with this set like the banish night or marionette Helm and the Raging wolf Helm pairs nicely with it as well it's flexible enough but as a set it really makes you feel like this tracker or Bounty Hunter type character which is exactly what the item description tells us it should do so there you go yeah if I don't sound too excited about this set it's because I'm just not really the blood soak set is the armor of the volcano Manor's Inquisitor pizza cutter Menace the bandage look can easily fit in with other sets that also use that look in your outfits such as the battle mage and the Bandit it also doesn't look too bad on the depraved perfumer set I put the finger made in fillet on top of this thing and it actually just looked completely normal there are so many weird headpieces that the officials attire would perfectly fit on but this particular set with all its pieces just really doesn't do anything for me it seems like someone just grabbed three random armor pieces out of a bag and just slap them together and two of them were just bandage based by sheer coincidence if this wasn't already attached to a starting class I would have absolutely loved this book like I genuinely believe that the boots can provide a much needed flourish on sets that seem to lack any visual appeal and the leather hide gloves bear resemblance to other similar options while having a bit more detail fleshed out than others but the chest robe armor whatever thing usually ends up being thrown to the Wayside as a result and this one just really doesn't deserve that I ended up mix and matching some parts with the Traveler's hat and the eccentrics Manchester with the chest and Boots unchanged it and it actually ended up looking pretty good it's kind of sad it doesn't catch the eyes of more people because this is probably one of my favorites in the game you ever wanted to cosplay as a weird old dumpy flower woman well here you go this set contains exactly two pieces and neither of them look good I have basically the same opinion of the set as I do the Aristocrat set only without the headband that somehow ended up redeeming most of it admittedly the headband does look great on the fur arraignment and Shaman Furs and the Ruiz robe is another nice addition but the authored headband definitely doesn't feel like it has as many options for matching up with other sets as the Aristocrat headband I was talking about earlier give us a flower lady dancing gesture and I'll forget all about it until then it's a low D the blue silver male set above all else is honest it has absolutely no decorations or tournaments whatsoever it's just a blue chainmail piece with a fancy looking breast paint and a pair of fancy looking bracelets this [ __ ] headpiece man just get it out of here get it out of my sight I have no words of admiration to share on this you can't wear hoods on top of it like you can the standard chain koi but I guess everything is Forgiven because the bracelets look nice except uh good luck trying to find a chess piece that doesn't cover the [ __ ] bracelets you'll be grinding this [ __ ] for hours trying to get these items to drop and I just don't personally feel like all that time sacrifice is worth it okay so word of advice don't skip out on sets just because it looks like it has a bunch of prickly thorns and Barbs on it and you just assume it's gonna be ugly the leather details combined with the red barbs gives it this weird color scheme that pairs really nicely with Drake Knight and also some really good unconventional choices like black play monk Crucible Knight raging wolf and even radon's armor but I think the most unexpected match out of all of this is the black knife Hood I'm I I know how it sounds I know it sounds like I'm selling you on a cheap cryptocurrency scam or something but I promise you will never look at this the same way again it's almost the exact same color as the cape and if you walk away with no other takeaways in this entire video just remember how seamless this look is that's all I'm asking it's honestly hard for me to hate on this in any way the griefs have that perfect balance of comfort and protection the chess piece actually retains most of its fashion without the cape the helmet is it's kind of boring but don't worry it can be switched out with a headband or something I never felt like I had to swap out anything else on it because it was just completely competent on its own if you have a long robed chess piece and you're worried some heavy ass steel might blemish the look you can put on the karyan Greaves and only the leather section of the boots will be visible anyway chains cool you guys like chains well I got a shitload of them right here can't have enough chains yeah I promise this isn't me just being lazy and not wanting to write another paragraph I would just rather wipe my ass with this armor than say anything good about it and if the only alternative we have is wiping my ass with chains then you know we're in bad [ __ ] shape this is like the shitty God of War play to earn game desperately trying to see seem even slightly original who who's CR who's Kratos that's the that's uh that's keto oh son of a [ __ ] the script's already nine pages long and I'm still hammering out the Seas all right lightning round let's go the Cape is attached to the helmet and not the chest allowing you to double up the capes for super extra double decker protection against rain or something I don't know fits into other heavy golden colored armor sets like tree Sentinel and radon could sometimes do without the random tree Twigs poking out the Armor's holes but there's a mob that removes those two so can't complain that much [ __ ] whatever discount Goodwill thrift shop this set of trash bags came out of why am I wearing an oversized cassette tape around my neck is this supposed to be Elven Ring's interpretation of a Boombox am I going around with Howard Shore on blast just kicking the [ __ ] out of everything like I'm in Lord of the Rings even the headband isn't all that hot okay I look I'm sorry you've got better options for headbands I understand modesty is King and all that if you're looking for something that isn't as obvious as the Aristocrat headband that's fine that's you that's not me I'm looking to make a [ __ ] statement soak it up guys this is the closest we're probably ever are going to get to a bloodborne Hunter's outfit in Elton ring just slap the Aristocrat hat on that bad [ __ ] and pretend you're playing as one of yharnam's finest the hood covers your shoulders which is kind of awkward but if worn on some sets that can actually be a plus I'd still recommend it if only for spare parts on another set the consulate set has some legitimately good parts on it and some legitimately not the mask is definitely the centerpiece as it can easily make heavy armor executioner type drips look even more foreboding the boots I think people tend to gloss over but they go perfectly with other white out sets like the noble set the robe in my opinion is definitely the weakest link here just good luck finding a bracelet or any arm piece that won't roll your sleeves up on that robe like they're gearing up to wash dishes or something but what do I work at the old soup kitchen or some [ __ ] another set that requires full commitment and nothing short of it as a set it's beautiful but only if you have the full intent of playing as a crucible Knight the color of the armor is extremely difficult to match with other sets that don't have anything to do with a crucible Knight you'll occasionally luck out and find a piece or two that works I ended up getting the Briar and depre perfumer sets to kind of work but that was only after a good few minutes of swapping things out I'd be willing to give the tree side at least a slight Edge over the accent because it has cool tree looking horns and a nice skirt but that's really about it and now an armor set in which my opinion will disappoint absolutely no one the Greaves of the set have this magical blue tint to them that can make them fit in unexpected places like with the lazuli Rogue with a hammer Crown the helmets on these are usually pretty cool even if I personally don't dig the extravagantly long neck look that I'm dubbing the Brontosaurus aesthetic but the chest on these things need some work [ __ ] sake the depraved set at least for me has some of the most appreciable fashion that I could ever ask for the gloves go with literally anything without being obtrusive or demanding too much attention the boots actually managed to match with Crucible Knight and Briar perhaps even Drake night if you're feeling weird and that fuzzy Cape with that embroidery pattern on the front of the apron is just dripping with [ __ ] style the hood could use some work but that's easily replaced and the color scheme of the rest of this set is so busy and frantic that just about anything will work on top of it you guys have no idea how close I was to giving this set an S rank but the unaltered variant having that awkward ass dragonwing Cape that seems to abide by the physics of another planet has me just it makes me scoff to be honest clean rot millennius Helm radon's Helm [ __ ] man anything with brown or red in it is it just works as a set it's fashionable enough on its own but I think in terms of sheer flexibility it would be a straight up disservice to give this set any lower than an a the gravekeeper cloak has a hood that can only be worn accompanied with a duelist Helm and personally I think that's some hog [ __ ] wash one of those what is it with these weirdly specific sets that only allow you to put up the hood when there's a particular second piece involved this is a great example of what the armor altering mechanic could have actually been used for have it to wear some capes cloaks and other various robes are alterable and that you can either have the hood up or down without needing a specific helmet to do it because the cloak is easily the greatest part of this piece and I just don't want to have a bunch of [ __ ] snakes on my head The Eccentric Hood does look pretty great on some heavy armor outfits the fire relate for example and fire Monk and bull goat also come to mind especially the altered variant where the whole hood is nothing but a steelhead with a beard if you want the armor but not the hood you've got some options there sagehood Aristocrat band banish night home it's not my look of choice it's definitely an acquired taste but it's a taste that I understand and respect I I just love the crown that's it that's the Tweet the grease are cool they've got a good chemistry going on with zamorset and the bracers are basically a sequel to radon but this crowd alone is worth giving the entire set some good respect I love it with the hair I would love it just as much without it if you can't make faces worth the [ __ ] then I just recommend the veteran home I'm sorry for how this remark is about to come across but why is this road so wide I love the Manchester more than most other sets the description says those little Jagged rocks pointing out of your hands are actually dulled glint stones that have apparently just been spent over time and for some reason that backstory just makes them so much cooler in my eyes I found the robe tends to hide some helmet attachments depending on what you're wearing which is kind of weird and I'm generally not a fan of the crowns just because I don't feel like lounging around the game and a [ __ ] Mount Rushmore cosplay but I know some of you do so okay so just going into the problems here immediately I don't like that wearing it without the hood on makes your character look like a mole trying to dig up a tunnel through someone's backyard I've seen some people say it looks more like slave nights some think it's closer to nameless King I say it makes you look like a [ __ ] Turtle I don't know maybe I'm just part of the police no that's a bunch of crap this shit's ugly the legs remind me of a worn down variant of the night Greaves which isn't a bad thing they're simple enough to complement a lot of other gritty discolored armors like the scaled set or the various night armors so I don't think I'm gonna be offending anyone here when I say that this set is [ __ ] wipingly terrible the blue set is already a good tier better than the standard and apparently people seem more frustrated with the abysmally low drop rates than they do with the sub-optimal embroidery anyways if you try super extra hard you can force the festive Hood into another set like guardian or gold mask if you want a cosplay a flower lady then this set is for you otherwise consider literally anything else how do I say this this set is an another honest set it's not exactly something you run straight to at the start of the game but it also has some unexpected applications and other sets it took me a bit to actually find an outfit for it but I tend to find the hood really fashionable on the sanguine set and it even looks like a shawl that extends past your shoulders on the Murray robe if you try really hard not to think about it it's just a black robe that's it really it's unmistakably average but hey it's pretty good for a necromancer drip I don't like the disheveled bloody look on this or on anything really I'm the same way about armor for some reason I don't know why I just like looking clean like I've got my [ __ ] together I guess so now that I've said that that just means the entire set can [ __ ] off right nope the finger made in fillet is actually one of my favorite headpieces of all time I've always stuck this on top of the nox armor sets Because the actual helmets tend to be way too ridiculous looking for my taste if it's a dress or a robe the fillet looks great on it upper class perfumer ruler consort not sure how I feel about the weird ass Crocs that come with the Ensemble but there's definitely worse Footwear out there so okay so look I know I said I didn't like disheveled worn down armor sets and I guess everybody's a [ __ ] hypocrite because the fingerprint set is beautiful to me if you actually look at them side by side and I promise I'm including an actual comparison this time this set is actually really close to the Vagabond Knight set only aged rusted and the helmet looks like it's been beaten in with an aluminum bat Confessor set pairs nicely as does vagabond Knight raging wolf and even some masks like zamor okina and the iron Casa the fire amongst set I've ranked differently from the black flame set and that's very intentional both of them still have the giant Muppet face position center Mass staring up at me all the time making me look like a goddamn ventriloquist puppet the deciding factor however lies in the color of the gauntlets and the Greaves there are very clear discrepancies in how the black flame armor fits with other sets versus the fire monk armor and I feel like the color on this one just ends up looking very noticeably out of place on more than several different sets and I don't think there are that many sets it comfortably matches with to offset the sacrifice I've never been one for heavy armor sets even moderately heavy armor like low of raging wolf tend to have these really bulky ass pauldrons on them that look way too wide but I'm giving this set a c despite everything because by equipping the Greaves and then equipping armor with a skirt you can see parts of the Greaves shrink significantly in size that's no editing trick those are the fire pre-late legs literally shrinking as a result of what I have equipped I still think it's incredibly unsavory as a set but I can certainly see some flexibility and that's not at all what I expected going into this paragraph So I think that counts for something the fur arraignment is an extremely strong centerpiece for a lot of different sets such as the champion set Shaman set and it looks incredibly nice when casting Bastille incantations very good get up for a primal Beast type character whose idea of combat is chucking [ __ ] rocks at anything that looks at them funny Elven Lord bracers and radon's gauntlets are great choices and that horde headband can really give a heavy hitter character some extra bite the gravekeepers cloak and veterans that come to mind but I'm sure there are others it's worth more than the sum of its parts that's for sure because the set itself is kind of underwhelming and begging for some extra stylization the government night set appears blackened and subject to extremely high temperatures you think this set came out of a volcano or something the feather plume on the helmet has seen better days but Above All Else the armor set still feels just as fashionable and Sleek as it would be if it were fresh out of the box all the chess pieces still have this stupid chest shield on the front that Clips through everything but because it has historical significance people feel the need to just say that it should be there it's supposed to protect Cavalry from being punctured by enemy lances it's a jousting Shield okay it's called a it's it's called a [ __ ] oh God hang on he cringe no yeah no that I don't know what the correct pronunciation sounds like but it's definitely not [ __ ] that general radons of lion armor is both an exemplary display of craftsmanship and a fiercely Stone Cold warning to anyone that you hold the power of the very Stars between your shiny golden ass cheeks Redondo was such a hardcore stint for Godfrey that he even had his armor made in the image of His companion sarosh despite really liking the Elven Lord armor as a full set I think the lion armor has a bit more compatibility with other golden armors like the tree Sentinel and clean rot sets the flowing red hair on the helmet is just such a bold statement that wearing it with pretty much anything makes you look like someone that just shouldn't be [ __ ] with it's an S just undebatably from Zenith to Nadir this set is truly one for the books if that book were about garbage trucks because that's what this set reminds me of take that [ __ ] kettlebell off your head [ __ ] the godric Knight set is a step down I feel from the gelmir knight's Superior drip it has a similar color scheme as far as the actual metal but the red and green Halbert is a design that heavily restricts the set to looking like it came came out of lim grave the chidin and black flame gauntlets are roughly of the same metal color but those are only minor changes personally I just like the feather plume better on these it gives them a little more personality it's a very good set if you want to look like you walked straight out of godric's Castle but for a little else the godric soldier set makes me [ __ ] mad and I'll tell you why it's the helmet every other Soldier helmet has a uniquely designed frame that makes it specific to the region it's in Rayo lucaria has a feather sticking out the top radon has a pair of fangs to represent ferocity I guess that I'm probably right honestly Haley tree Helms have that golden chain ring around them and Langdale doesn't have that much but at least it's colorful the godric soldier home has literally no Discerning features on it it's just a [ __ ] helmet I guess being the first area in the game you're not exactly out to impress anybody just yet so I can't blame the helmet for looking like this but still what the [ __ ] I guess that makes my job easier because now I've decided to just rank all the soldier outfits at once all of these are just deter radon and Rayo lucaria edging a little ahead but still D nonetheless no no no no okay now wait just a minute this set actually isn't terrible yes it is I I don't know why the [ __ ] I led with that it's it's pretty bad I don't fancy the idea of wearing someone else's skin even if this is the skin of a god it could have been anywhere from his left cheek to the lips of his dick hole I I don't want anything to do with it however that doesn't mean like with most sets this tier some of their parts can't be repurposed a little bit those knocksats could use some extra color making the hood a perfect match and those bracelets really start looking like actual steel if it's used alongside heavier armors like Bloodhound and Veteran oh my God what in Christ's name were they thinking on just about all fronts this outfit fails to surpass even the apostles set in what little Glory it brings to the table I don't even know where to start here man the chest piece has you spreading your arms out wide like God damn Randy from A Christmas Story the Jewel on the hood is much smaller and ends up getting hidden by most chess pieces the boots somehow managed to be even uglier than the Apostle variant the bat cape has this deeply unsettled [ __ ] looking shape that I have to stare at every time I try to actually play the game the bracelets get hidden by every single armor with long sleeves even on sets where the Apostle bracers show up perfectly fine and to top it all off the apostlehood gets tucked into the Noble's chest piece if you try to equip it okay I'm done looking at this after low F the good old gold mask set this is the set you wear if you just don't give a [ __ ] anymore I'm actually not sure if I can zoom too far into this one without risking an age restriction like that that's not a bit I'm being 100 serious so I'm just gonna hang back here with the camera and hope Susan is nice to me today simply said if you're wearing this set it's not because you're out to impress anyone one You definitely aren't out there scoring maidens or anything but the bracelets are fashionable enough and if you still want to keep the chess piece but aren't crazy about the thong you can always swap with Guardian set the chess piece can get tossed in the garbage for all I care but you can definitely have some fun with that mask it's got good meme potential but that doesn't always mean it's a great set it's hard to say anything about this chess piece that's really bad the bracers look [ __ ] amazing but the golden color is a bit more yellow than most other sets you'll find making it a bit more of a challenge to actually find matching Parts outside of its set the Greaves are [ __ ] weird not only are you spending your journey barefooting it all the way to the big tree of life but the rest of the Greaves are also completely metal and that just sounds like it would be very uncomfortable like I want armor that's going to withstand the heaviest Hammers and maces from the gods themselves but I also want my skin to breathe luckily the full bloom variant offers much more creativity and fits into all kinds of weird outfits a three-piece set and literally two of them are just cloth that that's it that's their whole Allure the set just looks like it itches like it's so uncomfortable the long slacks in San handles get up makes me want to vomit like it actually makes me want to flip off my monitor and leave the room the only redeemable feature is the hood and even that's paying it a little too much praise it's not even ugly it's just I I feel like I could wear something like this in real life and people wouldn't look at me that weird it's just a cloth set and a hood with Twigs on it like if I can go wear something else the hell of tree knife set is another standard variant of all the knights you found in the game melania's Gauntlet works pretty well the black flame Greaves also pair really nicely because they are the same dull gold color even the Duelist Helm with all its weird protruding snakes on the scalp doesn't really look that bad there's nothing else I can really say about the set that I haven't already exclaimed about the other sets I would consider putting this slightly above some of the other night sets but not quite up to gelmir level I feel like there are some interesting combos you can throw together but none that are really that fantastic I have some really kind words for that chest piece but that's unfortunately the only kind words I can spare at the moment for this God damn that chess piece is something I've used for so many different looks and it served me exceedingly well it meshes very nicely with some of the haloc tree armor but it also fits just as seamlessly with perfumer hood finger made in filet and even the unaltered commoner's headband the consort's trousers end up being a really nice fit due to the white slacks and leather boots being roughly the same color as the page chest it ends up being extremely flexible on its own even if most of the parts are sort of bland but I guess Bland isn't exactly bad get this [ __ ] out of my face what this is literally just foot soldier set the sequel It's all dirty and muddy and gross what is this darkest dungeon looking ass outfit you look like you crawled out of the mud and just grabbed a sword and started swing whatever I'm too lazy to make jokes this is f that this that's obvious already but in case I needed to say it there it is it's it's effed here whoever owned this armor previously did an immensely fine job keeping that [ __ ] polished this is the armor set of a true poet the set of someone who drops lines like Winston [ __ ] Churchill but isn't afraid to take out the flagellation whip if someone dislikes his videos or blocks him on Twitter the tale of house hoslow is told in great fashion if anything the Grieves being so shiny ends up conflicting with most other armor sets because they're so well taken care of you can explore some interesting combos with akari and night set and even take some armor pieces with similar colors it's just legendary status one of the best in the game in my opinion you can't go wrong with it the house Murray set is a very unique outfit the Murray mask is surprisingly versatile despite its appearance it looks as though it would be really hard to fit into different outfits and that it would basically have to be wedged into whatever half worked but the mask actually goes really well with heavy armors a bunch of different unique outfits and since it's only a two-piece set it also means you can slot in anything that looks nice for the hands and feet the sleeves will actually get rolled up with certain bracers but it's kept at an acceptable amount and it doesn't show your knobby elbows or anything if it weren't for the scale armor this set would have been a hard middle C that kitchen pan looking helmet combined with those brown leather slops I could have bought from Kohl's results in a perfectly ordinary set that I've never given a Second Glance the scale armor however pops very nicely it's made out of [ __ ] rock lizards bro it says it in the description I don't know it's just cool as [ __ ] that's all I gotta say it isn't asking for your attention like a golden dress with a prosthetic arm more a giant red helmet that looks like a rusted cheese grater it's nothing special and I mean that in a genuinely good way this set does not impress anyone because this set is above people pleasing this is the closest an oven ring you'll ever get to owing student loans to a corrupt company Ronaldo's running an academy in the education Biz ain't cheap at least not in the states admittedly The Scholar cap does look pretty nice on a select few outfits like nomadic Merchant and especially Lord of blood it makes you look like some deep magic minister or something outside of a couple fancy outfits there's nothing you can really do with the hat and despite this being a two-piece set plugging in anything else always seems to either not match as well as you wanted it to or just get hidden entirely because the robe is so goddamn long for those of you looking for a nice fashionable winter coat that'll have you feeling like you can wrestle a [ __ ] bear also I really don't know how to explain it but that extra ponytail on the back of the helmet adds so much personality to this set it would have looked cool without it and it still would have been able to match seamlessly with pretty much any other heavy armor set in the game but there's something about that little tuft of hair that just makes it look like there's so much much more to it if it were the same color I would wear this [ __ ] with melania's dress I'm dead serious the night set is quite possibly the Apex of both reliable durability and consistent fashion I would say it's just a plain old Knight armor set yet to the observant eye it's so much more the Greaves coated in a hard steel right down to the ankle make sure to leave just enough room for your steel-toed loafers the muted blue green perfectly accentuating the bright silver armor and all its Engravings yet remaining sparse so as not to overtake the steel of the armor a forward reminder of its purpose to protect first and Dazzle second but neither come in last it's never disappointed me once and it's always been there for me during hard times you may not like the look but at the very least it's deserving of your respect the way I feel about the land of reset and additionally the fact that I have a significantly higher opinion of the white Reed armor despite them both being extremely similar is solid proof to me that if you give something to me for free something in my brain will just find a reason to believe that it's [ __ ] the likings just remind me of some middle-aged dad and sock sandal get up flipping burgers in his backyard and he says [ __ ] like get some sleep son big day tomorrow Sport and that big day is just them like going to the store or something my feelings on this set are generally just neutral but the helmet looking that [ __ ] cool with radon's armor is enough for me to at least give it a c don't be fooled by the robes seemingly Bland and boring single color design this set can actually get much worse it's so full of surprises the robe itself looks like a fuzzy winter house coat like seriously I'm 90 sure I've actually bought a house coat that looks exactly like this the Manchester leggings are so hidden from view due to the road pretty much skirting the ground that they might as well not even be there so here's what you do swap those man shots out for loose ass version slip on those traveling Maiden boots and finally The Shining headband for some extra glow and ban you've made this set somewhat presentable ah [ __ ] I don't even need to tell you what I think of this set the leather set always manages to be one of the most fashionable well-designed sets you could ever get your hands on and that seems to ring true in pretty much every from soft game an album ring is no different everything about this set just sticks its tongue out at you daring you to [ __ ] with it the shoulder Cape the utility belt that black hood is so [ __ ] versatile my God Kaiden Knight's Cavalry preceptor gown sanguine robe Lord of blood Confessor black feathers if I sit here and name every set this can pair with it's going to be a minute getting through this paragraph of course the type B armor ends up looking slightly better and my gorgeous ass cheeks don't look like they're about to rip through my leggings like in Dark Souls 3 but I'll gladly take the utility belt and leather harnesses in its place you can swap out the helm for gold mask for what's unironically one of my favorite looks in the game Royal Knight gauntlets also pair well but that's really the case for anything golden the lane Del set is actually a much more saturated gold than the halic trees muted gold so if something seemed to pair well with the Helix reset don't expect the same results here consort's mask is good the spellblade Hat works surprisingly well but I can see a conflict of interest here because you probably don't want to be casting spells in a jousting uniform the helmet has a Taco on it it's a c who cares is there a legitimate reason someone's head needs to be this big also yes I gave my gal a stubby little dagger while modeling this set I did that on purpose because it looks funny as [ __ ] and now you get to sit through about 20 more seconds of cinematic slowpans of me holding that same dagger I mean the gauntlets are all right I guess they kind of look like iron boxing gloves so if anyone out there is gearing up for a fists only run then at least you can look the part whatever I've already made it clear that I don't fancy heavy armor at all especially not armor sets that blow up my character model like a steel balloon oh and two-handed weapons are gonna flip through your hat too if you wear those so thanks Alden ring lucat's glintstone set requires the same hard commitment demanded by its sibling set with the deep blue theme of the head and chess pieces make it a bit more flexible with a few others I'm talking about whipping out the night Maiden Crown shining headband maybe the Cerulean Scarab if you're feeling especially unstable I tend to like the Elden Lord chest armor because the cape matches really well with the headpiece this set is is just weird and I think the trick to employ here is that if you want something that even has a chance at matching you need to be just as mentally [ __ ] as the set itself next up is melania's set the main dress is serviceable when cape but it definitely looks much better in its original unaltered Glory you get a nice fur collar that keeps you warm in the winter and like most of these sets I end up replacing the legs with something else but with Millennia set it isn't too big of a deal because the dress Falls over the character's legs in a way that does a pretty solid job hiding most of the details The Gauntlet is the best hand piece I think I could ever ask for it goes with anything it goes with other gold colored sets it goes with standard silver colored armors and you can just pretend your character is some sekiro offshoot with a prosthetic limb it looks especially nice with the twin set Drake night set and even the Ronin set the helm looks great on anything that's gold or red to just swap out the weird looking legs and you've got yourself a queen okay so what the [ __ ] oh so there's a war explanation for why there are two estels possibly many more but would anyone care to give me the cliff notes version on how a Belgian waffle riding a horse wound up in pharamazula this is the malformed dragon armor [ __ ] me running they sure nailed half of it at least I mean you can swap out the gauntlets with the clean rot if you want the set to be full golden wow this one's pretty good I can I just skip this one this one sucks I'm sorry like many others in the game it exceeds all expectations of what a set should be if you're wearing the complete set the glossy black matches very poorly with the faded ash-like black of knights Cavalry for instance however the few sets it does find a match with will produce extraordinary results rodan's Helm on this set looks absolutely beautiful I tried the same with Melania song Just because I was curious but the hair ended up getting tucked into the armor which is a damn shame the set is damn near perfect as it is I just wish I had some more flexibility but at the same time the pairings it already seems to have are more than strong enough so I'm putting this one at a high a he's wearing a bird cage oh God no get it get it out the mausoleum set always caught my eye just because of how different it looked when compared to the other night sets it's also the only night set without a helmet which checks out considering their distinct lack of a specific body part no wait that sounds like I'm talking about this dick I'm talking about his head they got beheaded that's the that's the lore the winged ornaments on the back are supposed to represent the deathbirds so any armor with a feather theme or with similar degradation like scaled or Vagabond will work pretty well with it otherwise it's a night armored set with a couple of coat hangers on his back it's pretty uneventful I'm perfectly aware of what this is about to get me I know I I may not like it but this is what Peak fashion looks like go go right on ahead talk about how stealthy I am crouching in the bushes it's a bunch of fungus that's it this also means it pairs well with the full bloom Guardian set but I think it's obvious that the only reason you'd wear this is if you would want to look like a mushroom I don't want to look like a mushroom I want to be a wizard or an undead half wolf or something I'm playing Elden ring not [ __ ] stardew Valley I like exactly one thing about the night Maiden set and I hate exactly one thing about it outside of those two things this set Falls dead in the middle of the above average section the pluses the other Knox helmets and headwear can be worn in place of the night Maiden Helm if the double Spike approach isn't really your look the minus being I don't know why the hell that skirt on the nox Greaves is there and that complaint is going to stay consistent with all of the knocks sets as we continue I personally find and the consort trousers or Warrior Greaves to be a much nicer fit the gloves are also an extremely strong choice for outfits that involve a robe or lighter armor the knight's Cavalry armor set would be an exemplary display of fashion if it weren't for two things one the Greaves aren't great looking I would appreciate these legs so much more if it didn't look like I duct taped a pair of dinner plates to my knees two the altered version gets rid of way too much cloth on the armor outside of that there's like 15 different bloodborne cosplays you can pull off with the set so the two negatives don't even bother me that badly Confessor set pairs nicely especially with the war surgeon legs really just makes you look like you came back from an expedition down in yarnum a plus armor in my eyes I'll be finding new outfits for this set years down the road holy [ __ ] [ __ ] this set is hot I can't fill this paragraph with enough good things to say about this set the gloves can be replaced with astrologer gloves for a completely white out look consort trousers can replace the legs and the game even gives you a choice between a crimson and navy hood and I've used those two hoods in so many different outfits as long as you have a set that isn't too colorful or are prone to clashing one of these hoods will look fantastic on top of it blue cloth vest also looks really nice with the gloves and boots as does Kaiden and nomadic Merchant you can just slap the Crimson hood on the Drake night set for that extra Edge or you can trade out the hood for a Knox Helm festive Hood spellblade hat use your imagination this is truly a goated set in my eyes I've never made any of my favorite outfits without at least looking at this got some rare things on sale stranger the queen bracelets and eccentric men's shots are both great options for filling in that empty hand slot but really just about anything you can put there will at least half match I don't like giving up that kitchen rug hanging off my back but the altered version does come with this black collar on it that makes items like Bandit mask and black hood fit with a bit less of a seam traveling Maiden boots are pretty much the exact same color as the rest of the chest piece which is a happy little coincidence though alterations usually get [ __ ] this altered variant isn't that bad I still don't really like the Greaves but at least the hoods are cool looking the Knox monk has a chest piece that I think is a little inferior to the other two knock sets the perfumer hood is also a nice addition but I tend to gravitate towards the swordsters helm it's honestly a great choice for sorcerer builds who don't want to look Ironclad but also want to stay away from the spellblade set I like the metal shingle look on the chest but there's a bit more detail on the swordstress and night Maiden that personally sells it a little more for me just give us an option to alter the Greaves and I'll have some more nice things to say about it where the [ __ ] are my pants am I fated to become the world's first pantsless Elden Lord the only somewhat acceptable part is the headwear and even that's ignoring the grimy green appearance that barely goes with anything but no it looks like Link's hat so I guess that means I have to be nice to it this land has never before seen the likes of such a fresh pair of Tims I swear these babies at a sticker price at 20 000 runes on a good day but they're currently on a massive Black Friday sale at only 7 500. I don't know when this video is gonna go public but if it gets uploaded this Friday that comment's gonna be [ __ ] hilarious this might be one of the worst sights I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing I don't know if those are giant teeth or infected zits or corn kernels you know what it doesn't look like horns after they've been cut off per the description I feel like I need to take a shower after wearing this even after seeing it if I'm really searching high and low for the slightest iota of hope that this armor set may prove even half useful in any outfit whatsoever then I guess I can point out that the color of the set matches really well with Crucible Knight as in only the color it's an F Jesus Christ what a plot twist The Omen killer robe is really similar in appearance to the perfume traveling robe so if you're looking for a less bulkier variant of the omen killer robe then you're in luck because one already exists the boots look surprisingly good with the fur raiment and Shaman Furs because there are some leather straps that share the color depraved perfumer and land of reeds don't look too bad either the gargoyle looking head has this red scarf that makes it look well with rotten gravekeeper cloak but that's about where all the fun matches end at least in my opinion otherwise yes the head does look cool okay you got what you wanted I'm done now the pave set is a three-piece set that seems to lose out on a lot of the nobility that the high page that gave you the hood however functions significantly better as an executioner type hood and can be used on Plenty of different heavy armors I guess if you trade out the hood with a juvenile scholar or Aristocrat hat you can once again pretend you're Waltzing through yharnam I just don't have much to say about this one maybe it's just because of that triple crossbow shot pissed me off so much on my first playthrough that I just developed a deep-seated resentment for anything that wears this outfit but I can't say for sure and I know if I were to judge it in that light it wouldn't be fair anyways the perfumer set is not a set that I really appreciated as much as I should have all because that chest reminded me of that one guy you always see outside a supermarket with a piece of plywood tied to his neck promoting Nord VPN or some [ __ ] the hood is amazingly versatile I now completely understand the whole reason the perfumers all have thick long length robes and that's to hide the war crime that is the perfumer sarong if I wanted to worship my own thighs the fur leggings already give me plenty of that all while giving me the drip of a bloodied Hellion I'm willing to give this set some slack I feel I've misjudged it previously but yeah I don't expect a [ __ ] apology video or anything and now for the mostly inferior version I say mostly because that hat is actually some major fashion if you know how to place it up with the right outfit the rest of the set is just simple but not astrologer's gloves or Noble set simple this is more of the opposite side of the spectrum this is the kind of simple you get with Saltine crackers or skim milk I guess I can't say I expected too much from a set that gives me a pair of slops what are slops okay I know joggers I know khakis I know jeans this is a sub-genre of pants that I'm not familiar with swap out that white ass look in half of the neighborhood and you've got yourself a competent set the gloves and boots are just black like they're big thick black clothing with absolutely no detail and in some cases that actually ends up being a benefit in some darker colored sets the authored mask finds a place in a few unconventional outfits it can make brooding bloody outfits look even broodinger but that altered jacket uh wow I'm actually traumatized looking at that I look like a farmer that got rejected from the magic Academy I can't think of a single set this would go well with so I'm just gonna pretend it doesn't exist and give it a b overall this is one of the filthiest sets you could possibly wear the trousers don't actually look that bad but the fact that the very description mentions how smelly and filled with farts it is makes me question wearing it imagine how many prisoners have [ __ ] these exact pants top it off with a capital v-neck and whatever this thing is and there you go you're the you're the prisoner this might be one of the easiest sets to cosplay in real life find a cooking pot and put it on your head cut your shirt down the middle and then [ __ ] yourself congratulations your convention ready the blindfold is pretty cool and the ankle shackle might serve some outfits pretty well it's just that the chest piece really needs to be the selling point here on so many of these sets as has been established the gloves and boots can really be simple and unobtrusive and that's really all you need to grab my attention apparently but that chest piece needs to be at least something just a wooden shackle that for lore purposes admittedly is kind of cool I guess wow I honestly didn't think there would be a reason it looks like this I'm actually impressed I'm not sure why this robe looks like it has shoulder pads nor do I know why that bothers me so much but it just does I don't have an answer for you but I still respect the Rogue for what it is the legs look like pajamas you wear to bed and the bracelets work very well on a lot of different sets if you're looking for that extra bit of royalty to spruce up your look I can't believe the crown was actually the last thing I mentioned in this paragraph wow holy [ __ ] it's uh it's it's a statement not exactly sure what that statement is but whatever it is I hope it's worth not being able to use doors I especially like that you can bow and poke people with your little banana head thanks to how Alvin ring was promoted in the months leading up to its release I was nurturing a love for the set before I even knew its name the helmet initially drew me in because of course that was almost of a saw of it in screenshots but those screenshots were conveniently hiding from view the elegant skirt pauldron detailing an overall exemplary fashion of the Raging wolf set so as to keep our balls from collectively exploding this is one of the few complete sets that I appreciate out of the gate without feeling the need to adjust it in any way I'm still gonna call it the bloody wolf oh just personally because that's how it's always been in my heart seeing that I've already ranked half of this set to begin with I'm just going to keep things brief I don't know why the Bandit meant chats and Boots need to be with this set nor do I know why the black feathers is just a banded set with the crow feather cloak from bloodborne duct tape to the back of it just make the Manchester past my elbows like this isn't hard it also just kind of sucks that two of the only armor pieces inspired by death birds are both chest pieces meaning they can't be paired together and what the [ __ ] is Raven Mount alright here we go guys get out your Burger King mascot jokes right now just air them all out because they're all [ __ ] dead after this video and I better not hear another one again the headpiece contains four crowns that are interchangeable you can place the herodus or Hema on top if you want in fact the Hema Crown actually might fit slightly better because of the blue Hood I care for absolutely none of these crowns because they explode my head to a ginormous size and the Manchester leggings are just begging to be swapped out like you've got better options through a mage costume and it's time to explore new avenues the red main Knight set is the most heroic of all the night sets just due to its description apparently when these guys were defeated by Melania Scarlet rot they literally burned off the crest on their little chest Shield to indicate their resolve I'm not sure if that's a positive for some of you but despite the heroism behind it all the gesture really does for me is ruin what would otherwise be a great detail on the armor so despite it looking the exact same as other night sets I'm more willing to just give this one a thumbs up because my dumb Baby [ __ ] brain sees a certain color and just says yes that one that one's good I hold this at an extremely high regard for several reasons first High fashion sets and highly coveted items usually have emotionally ambiguous us requirements like murdering the previous aldenlord's pet horse or some [ __ ] for this one just kick shabri's ass when he shows up in zamor and Bam you have the set second the Ronin set as a whole covers both kinds of fashion and Elden ring not only do the chest gloves and legs look stylish and Sleek on their own but the iron Casa can also fit into a bunch of ridiculous outfits there are lots of things I appreciate about the rotten duelist set and just as many things about it piss me off and get under my skin I don't like how most of the arm pieces aren't compatible with the snake bracelets but the zaymore bracelets do work I suppose I don't like how Titan size the helmet and Hood ends up being so I usually just leave it off and if I'm being honest maybe replace it with Sage's hood or mad pumpkin head or horned headband just like the gravekeeper cloak you can make a lot of fun combos by switching out the helm for something red Breyer Greaves and depraved humor boots are pretty okay but I'd much rather switch out that helmet for something a bit more realistically sized great if you want to cosplay characters that can't go through doors without whacking the top of their helmet on the door frame and giving themselves a concussion before they leave the round table turns out that giant golden Accent on the top makes it fit really well with other golden armors and set pieces but the steel helmet makes it versatile enough to fit on top of any other basic armor set I see people swear by comboing this thing with hoslo and raging wolf but I've always felt you can strike a perfect balance of fashionable and plain ass goofy if you set it up with either the perfumer or Lord of blood robes it goes without saying if you are a fan of this one you are not a fan of subtlety and that's a choice I respect why do I feel like this is just the malekith set that got dipped and melted in hot cheese I'll definitely be fair and say the headpiece is this evil looking burned balding skull it's just the right topper you may need to give any outfit that extra Edge if your online Persona doesn't look 13 enough it can go well with all Barrack said and the Knights Cavalry if you're looking for something edgy and Sinister the wide works pretty well as does black flame I don't know this could just be so much more Sinister who the [ __ ] makes a grim reaper cosplay without a cape or a hood the Rogue is essentially the upper class robe with an additional house coat picked up from Ye Olde Burlington The Mask has this polished metal look to it that pairs it up decently with other sets of 9 armor but the white fillet makes it fit with the perfumer robe or high page and the nox that's can also work the Helix tree Knight armor absolutely slaps with this mask on the robe is a bit difficult with arm pieces because anything thicker than paper apparently rolls your sleeves up not particularly a fan of the whole set but that mask can look cool on anything so in case you haven't noticed I've been building this setup for a while highlighting all the potential matches the hood can be used in and you'll notice I've only ever talked up the hood almost as though that were the only redeemable part of the set that that's exactly the case that there's no almost I'm only giving this an incredibly low C because as itchy and uncomfortable as the robe looks the hood actually does fit in with some other chess pieces that don't really fit in anywhere else like rotten duelist and Exile it unfortunately cannot save the rest of the set from looking like an itchy potato sack the sampling Noble drip is the drippiest drip to have ever dripped there aren't that many outfits with this specific color scheme but I feel like anything can really lend itself to it preceptor trousers and gloves can work great as well as pretty much any light clothing that's full black Drake night Grieves even the eccentrics breach can match with us but the very obvious centerpiece here is the robe I love the color scheme the way the shoulder Cape falls behind you the Frills at the bottom of the road that give it somewhat of a similar appearance of the night set from bloodborne so many great outfits come from this set and they all look [ __ ] Mesmerizing the skilled set not to be confused with the scale armor is not made out of rock lizards instead it's made out of a corroded metal that when looked at at a distance Bears the resemblance of moldy bread fortunately for us we spend the most time looking at the back of our character's head and the cape on the back of the armor does look pretty nice coincidentally enough it also works with the scale armor I personally like swapping out the helmet with veteran bull goat and this might be the first outfit where the altered banish night Helm actually manages to not look like horseshit the shaman set is a surprisingly bold outfit and despite it only being a three-piece set it makes some decisions that you'll only find attention demandingly stylish or absolute dog [ __ ] The Shining headband being the boldest piece requires a bit of imagination you can't just look at the pretty blue lights and think okay match it with blue [ __ ] got it and then slap it on on top of the scholar robe and just say that's the outfit with something like this headband you do have a few animal themed options as well like blyde and Verdon the blue male set isn't bad either but my favorite outfit with this headband might actually be the Beast champion armor just because of the extra pair of antlers fitting in very nicely with The Animal theme and really selling the idea of beasts and animals being drawn to you look man [ __ ] sandals I'm sorry just swap these with Alden Lord Grieves and call it a day okay I just know this is gonna be a stupid complaint and I don't know if other people even feel the same way but seriously wearing this hat is like driving with a fogged up windshield I can't see [ __ ] sometimes I like to use the prelates charge with this hat on just so I can really immerse myself in the experience of trying to drive a semi through a [ __ ] hurricane if you're looking to become a snow sorceress this set is probably the best option you're gonna get the spellblade and astrologer gloves fill in that empty hand slot prettily enough but you're gonna have trouble with other white clothing because it always feels just far enough away from the icy color of the coat to look uncomfortable it's a nice set but it's way more restrictive than I think it needs to be oh if I got some Choice words for this set I don't think this outfit is irredeemable or anything I like the gloves because of how simple they are in comparison to the rest of the outfit but that's only because I think it looks good on other outfits I am officially out of positive things to say about this set I'm really not a fan of the arm straps the excessively pointy shoes the yellow color tones that feel like it's weirdly intruding on the Glenstone theme that otherwise would have made this a pretty neat looking set I wish I liked this set genuinely because I know the kind of [ __ ] I'm stepping in for feeling the way I do about it I mean it makes gold mask look good I guess this is another one of those sets where I don't think I've ever felt the need to swap anything out on it this is a flagship display of Simplicity sometimes being the best solution it's just a jacket with some Manchester and some boots I might throw a headband up there or maybe a cute little hat like I'm dressing up to perform in a musical or something but I never feel like I need to add anything here I can wish it would have come with melanous cloak until it gets delivered to my front doorstep but the reality is this is one of the best outfits you can find in the game I would have given this an S but like I said that extra cloak would have looked stunning and I'm sad that it isn't here sorry like I said before in order for me to like an outfit a respectable amount of stain removal should at least be attempted once again I only like the gloves because of how well they seem to mesh with other outfits and the same goes for the boots if I ever came across this set as a common traveler and I needed an outfit of some kind I could only doubt that it would really protect me against anything considering the maiden previously wearing it uh [ __ ] died I could see the set maybe working on a blood Mage kind of build but even then you got an entire Buffet of great looking options waiting for you if that's what kind of build you're going with if I squint really hard and put on a color filter I can pretty easily convince myself this is Havel set I'm looking at I might get a little pushback because I'm only giving this a b but because when it comes to Golden armors I tend to reach for the clean rot set first you can always put on the clean rot legs if you want to look less bottom heavy take some pieces from radon or veteran sets the lane dull Knight armor looks beautiful with that Spartan inspired Helm this in clean rot might be the only two sets that can find a place for the malformed Dragon Helm I tend to favor the radon chess piece just because those pauldrons look a little weird if I stare at them for too long otherwise pretty fashionable outfit I have exactly one major problem with this set and it's already obvious what I'm going to say it is what else could it be what other part of this set juts out like a malignant tumor and demands all your attention it's so noticeable that the game even gives you a secondary animation for two-handing weapons it doesn't kill the set for me or anything it's still a cool detail that lends itself to the Eerie Vibe of the armor but this is I think another great example of how the tailoring mechanic should have actually worked perhaps the option to remove it would have made this armor a bit more favorable I'm raking this on the lower half of a so it should be pretty obvious whatever I have to complain about here doesn't bother me that much I like the story that this set tells battle isn't pretty and more often than not this is exactly what you're gonna look like coming out of any significant battle any outfit you've spent time putting together is gonna end up looking like ass just because I like the realism however doesn't mean I'm a fan of the set itself it has trouble matching with most other sets just because of its weathered look and the few helmets you can swap it out out with without sacrificing the vibe seemed to be just as dull the great home does look pretty nice though I would personally love to see a restored variant of disarm never mind that's just the night set never mind scratch that okay so I don't play PVP at all but apparently this set has a massive reputation for online tryhards looking to give other people a bad time by spamming the skill of a particular Katana that everyone hates the [ __ ] out of I'm saying that because when you find out I'm ranking it a c i don't want people to think it's just because the wrong Invader launched some transient moon light up my butthole one day and I decided enough was enough I don't like the outward curving bulge around the midsection of the armor I've already made clear my stance on duck feet but that helmet might be one of my favorites in the game so I can't really find it in me to [ __ ] on it too much I actually don't think the vulgar militia set is really bad at all even considering the color scheme that resembles that of dog vomit it's got a nice billowing trench coat look with a lot of small details that if your entire knowledge of what looks good is paired down to whether or not it's colorful will probably be lost I don't know what the deal is with these gauntlets they're just stubby gloves with absolutely no length on them at all but they always seem to push her sleeves up I could do without that but the Greaves are decent they pair all right with the mausoleum Knight and Ronin sets but don't expect them to stand out in any meaningful way and unless you're trying to cosplay as an erect penis that hat belongs in the garbage the war surgeon set is kind of boring to be honest outside of looking like a bloody apron there's really not much else this can match with even though there are so many white pieces masks and headwear it always seems to be a very different shade of white because the Gown has a bunch of [ __ ] dried blood on it which I could do without the trousers are great for a couple bloodborne cosplays because they have that same bloodied appearance to shame the rest of the set is made out of used napkins and the white mask is really only used for other heavy armor sets to make them look even more badasser the white reads that matches with exactly one outfit can you guess what it is the only other Samurai themed set of the entire goddamn game I'd say it's a little less functional in terms of protection because this armor looks like it got hit by a [ __ ] landmine The okina Mask can be difficult to fit in certain outfits because it can look super intimidating on some armors and just plain Goofy on others I personally go for the blide and zamor sets but the iron Casa looks good on this one too as well as most other masks we've discussed like the white mask and Murray mask I feel like a Greek god wearing this armor the golden leaves falling down the waist in this half skirt kind of look I love showing off my character's midriff because once again if you aren't stopping all your enemies into the ground but you don't look sexy as [ __ ] while you're doing it it's really just a disservice to yourself if you want some heavier Greaves to go with the rest of the armor you can go with Elden Lord bull goat the bracelets work nicely with some golden robes without rolling up those sleeves and that mask looks very frightening and kind of cultish in a way and it'll make you look like a nightmare on just about anything and I guess looking at your path exposed ass crack wearing the leg wraps is kind of funny holy [ __ ] this took way too long my throat sucks now and for the five people that are still watching this I'm glad you stuck through it because it sure as [ __ ] took a toll on my ass Jesus Christ this is gonna take so long to edit I need some water [ __ ] sake foreign
Channel: Rusty.
Views: 1,330,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zrxmChLHY7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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