Isaac Online Coop Character Tier List

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today I've gathered me and my friends who have been playing Co-op Isaac for 2 years now to rank every Isaac character based on how good they are in Co-op now listen if you're like me you saw the online streak in the bottom right corner and if you want the highest streak you're going to want to play the best characters and how will we be determining this based on their strength how much damage can they do with the abilities that they start with their defense can they take red health or only black cards can they even take Health can they fly are they very evasive and lastly based on their utility which is the biggest point of interest because you're playing multiplayer you want to add something to the team and if you can add something broken say a rroll your character is really good so here are the rankings we have for this tier list we have SS plus tier which I am going to put the four best characters in the game in these are the characters that you should be seeing every run to give you the best chance of winning every single game next is the S tier which are characters that are still really good but they aren't necessarily the best for a tier has characters that may have high damage but get beaten out by other stronger characters or they feel some strong Niche but have a few shortcomings that make them not as desirable B tier will have characters that don't add much to the team but have some redeeming qualities and no one will hate you if you play them C tier you're starting to turn some heads these characters don't do anything for the team and they have glaring weaknesses that make them harder to play for the average player trolling tier is kind of self-explanatory these are characters you don't want to see really ever and lastly you're going to get kicked here I don't know if online co-op's going to a kicking feature but if there was one you better believe you pick these you're gone this won't be like you could just Spam one character like they're the best by far yeah let's let's just say for the sake of variety since there's four slots that you can put characters in these would be the four characters you would pick assuming no doubles Jacob Andel counts as one characters for anyone that's wondering but they're not going to be there trust me they're not going to be there they not be I've got a few choice wordss about these twoo I'm sure I'm not the only one so I think we just start at the very beginning by the way you guys are all going to have your own opinions and we're just going to average like what we think about their offense defense and their utility Isaac the starter boy you get uh not no I don't think so but this guy has one of the best active items in the game being the D6 and there are two theories on how I think cop is going to work one is you're going to have four pedestals in the item room and each of the four player can take one or it's going to be where a player takes the pedestal and then it will roll to some other item and then they can take it too so basically Isaac could be insanely op if there's four separate pedestals or he can be just still really good if there's only one now personally I uh think he goes directly to SS plus because the roll is disgustingly op it is disgusting though I think Isaac his offense and his defense are about as standard as they get since he is the starting character however his utility could either be the best in the game or uh just still really good and for me personally I think he lands in s tier cuz I don't think anyone would complain if you had an Isaac with you to just roll garbage that you get I think pretty fair I think you'll I think you'll reconsider you know I might not remember but I have a certain few characters in mind that I know will be in SS plus and it's but you can troll with Isaac yeah that is true actually that is true I did not consider that Isaac you can roll godhead for your teammates if you're feeling absolutely spiteful so maybe there will be a lot of complaints I did not consider that I think we can't give him s tier even it's kind of insane you can re someone's polyus he could bomb his teamate yeah true he does start with a bomb start with one bomb everyone can bomb their team he has the just because he has the capacity to troll doesn't change his yeah I think you could say that about a lot of characters exactly you know if you're playing Isaac the way he's supposed to be played he should be an S and I think that's what I'm think I think that's what we're all agreeing on here his utility is really high and everything else is standard but like the utility it like I said it could be the best in the game actually there is one person that I believe is better but we'll get to them Sam what are your opinions on this little wig wearer she can control everyone's Health pools dominate their like God like you're describing a tyrant right now she can surv she has by far the most survivability out of any character starting with 4 HP M assuming all the files work with like giving everyone dead God yeah but she's slow though yeah her speed is very slow so I think it kind of evens out she also starts with a full health pill which means so she is actually pretty I don't think the speed matters as much if you can get a full heal whenever you want a I don't think she deserves s she can he defin welcome member can she heal half of heart every four rooms yeah but the sacrifice room cheese that we have done in countless videos can get you a leg up really early on that is if you get a sacrifice room I'm thinking a a yeah she she can't really troll the only reason she's trolly is cuz Sam plays her she's actually good being able to heal everyone that has heart is insanely good I think Sam any final remarks before we place her that says plus if you're a solo player for multiplayer and you're trying to get up your own streak you're not going to lose with magdalin you just can't it's impossible Magdalene was my go-to in the flash version when I couldn't win ever and you won with her right more more health I need the health does that make her SS plus more Health means more devilal more Health means more devil deals her damage is standard her defense is great and her utility is like pretty good cuz she can just heal everyone it's pass she's I don't think she's as good as Isaac we can reconvene actually later time yeah I think I'll put her in a for now but like if I put her in a I feel like I might have to put Isaac in a similar tier because it's like do you want to be healed every four rooms for everyone or would you rather just like reroll items into potentially worse or better items like it kind of out I'd rather roll yeah me too which is why she's going in a yeah so Kane is kind of an interesting one I believe he is faster let me just double check that speed damage 1.3 speed so he is very fast however he does have less Health which I think is pretty intentional to make it more balanced he got really short range he's like two I even I don't feel that % damage multiplier he does have a multiplier on but I think you guys are all overlooking his best selling point which is that he starts with both the paper clip and the luckyy the lucky foot for it allows you to have just the best pills whenever you want just by feeding all your pills to this one character it makes something that is otherwise a gamble into a guarantee which is kind of good it's it's all the keys you save by using the paperclip on chests yep and he starts with a key yep you just start with a key so you're going to have no early game issues getting into anything you want to get into the one thing we have not considered is that there might be HP scaling in this version of Co-op so things could be about as tanky as you guys are [ __ ] and his but he does have the 1.2 damage multiplier he does have 1.2 damage multiplier you could have a good person play Kane who's good at dodging and like being evasive and [ __ ] play cane just to get the benefits of the foot and the clip yeah at that point I feel like he's on par with Maggie yeah you could get free I can see Forevers and other similar like great pill effects um but he only has one eye that is true that's true he's got that lack of death perception that's probably why he doesn't have much range true yeah I think we figured it out we're figuring out lower he's a tier but lower than Maggie yeah definitely lower they're not all going this High guys they're just going to be the lower one the basic characters are pretty good yeah I think they're meant to be like balanced and playable so I think that's fair for Kane oh there's some stinkers oh yeah just like the one coming up yeah that's debatable but one Health really does put him at a big deficit especially early on you can't take devil deals you just can't what if you got Brimstone freaking second floor and you just can't take it but you're playing with other players and he starts with a higher devil deal chance doesn't he cuz he has the book of B so he is a catalyst for devil deals that's true and he's got however he can't really take him that's he's also got that to start with yeah man he he said money we we'll voice over later start with three coins that's so good no not really Co I feel like if you're playing Judas though you're just asking to be trolled yeah right like he is vulnerable his he has some of the lowest survivability in the game aside from characters that can't even take red hearts and even they start with a higher Health pool because of that problem get the book like okay his damage is very high he has a 1.35 times damage multiplier Which is higher than canes but you're sacrificing a heart and a bunch of utility for basically just raw damage and you better hope your Judas player has good connection or he's just going to get one shot by a champion yeah or he's going to do a trap room wrong and instantly die or by a Maggie with a freaking anger issues I'm leaning towards C I'm leaning towards C I'm going to be honest he does have a nice hat though that doesn't save him it's almost a bit of a troll of play this guy you're lucky you're a Dapper man dude now we we can't appease to everyone's likenesses but I think most of you will agree that he is definitely not in the same league as these characters and I would say by a tiar gap for multiplayer yeah for multiplayer it's very important this is only multiplayer blue baby trolling this guy you're getting kicked getting kicked whoa who I don't think he's that bad he does have plus like 10% speed that's I hate him so this is the first character that can't take red Health exclusively cannot take it that is bad that puts his defensive qualities at the lowest they can be that's bad his his offense is not much better just 1.05 damage multiplier that is yeah my thought exactly I didn't even know he had that yeah me neither I I played this game for 1.5k hour and I didn't even know that it's that oh my gosh if you shoot a boss 20 times is this if you shot them 21 times like what oh my God crazy wow that is that's a way to put that into respective to make this character sound even more useless yeah okay but the poop item has a lot of utility that people don't know about I think you can block your team a rock if you bomb it and you can go over gas that is true so he does have if there was a bar of utility he would be from on a scale of 1 to five he would be a two it's not that much better two rhymes with poo two okay two he two so I think you're honestly trolling if you play this character or I have not moved from trolling um I was looking at it it does not look like Bozo works with it okay here we go you know actually no I think you're getting kicked what why are you playing this character this is the character you play when you want to dodge a queue if that is a thing you play him to get the lucky petrified poo 1% drop yeah and then you can generate a mediocre amount of wealth at the slowest Pace possible it's not good blue baby is not a good look Eve on the other hand is probably the highest damager we have so far with the razor The whor Babylon well does YouTube hate that word I don't even know poor of Babylon yeah there we go if she's at one heart she's just the better Jes yeah that's true that's correct yeah get more Hearts Eve has to stay at one heart yeah but you get more damage Souls yeah and you can just cover with soul hearts and then you just get way more damage than Judas I think it's just better Judas I think same tis Judas just higher she doesn't have any good like trinkets or anything that she starts with either that's true she doesn't really do anything for the team she just kind of provides better damage zero utility her attack's good her defense is dooky seems like we got some double Duke going on here higher than Judas yeah higher than Judas but in same I can be down with that I think that works speaking of high damage Samson's a giga juicer when it comes to that and the child's heart spawning more hearts for your team yeah he does start with some utility he can tank hits if you guys are coordinated enough he can be your shield and just get more damage that never happens though in my experience we've been playing this game for two years in clop we've never done anything like that for each other so I wouldn't look forward to that I never will I never noticed this but he also just has 30% more shot speed that's super useful that's that's not really that doesn't mean [ __ ] that is nothing he's definitely better than even Judas for sure when it comes bad either he's got three Full Hearts got a little extra speed you're not sacrificing anything and you get more Hearts when you play this guy it's better for your team in case you have a Judas save hands to leave the be tier in at this yeah I think I think Samson's a good representative of be tier we're just assuming everyone has every unlock for these characters that's a that's a big leap though shut up okay well you know we got to just account for the best case scenario that's why Isaac's in s and not in trolling something that's benefits Samson when he dies and he's a baby ghost He maintains his level of Rage true that is good but I don't think that moves him up a tier this is the first character I am going to probably put an SS plus TI seeing how things go down the road cuz a zazil has the highest damage output in the game at the start by far it's not even close personally I do love you get flight for free so you're not even sacrificing that much defense you can just fly over stuff and just hide in a corner while doing the most damage in the game and also asil is not limited to just black hearts it's really good 1.5 times damage multiplier 1.5 times I don't think you beat that I don't think you do I don't think you do you also start with the fool so you get a free curse room or half off a curse room at the start which is pretty good yeah I think azil is the Premier damage dealer if you if you needed like one damage two supports and one like tanky guy is zazil would probably fill that damage just Giga juicer all around the flight is also just ridiculous Z does not need that no creep no creep yep no creep no creep no spikes nothing Lazarus is kind of weird because he's a tank technically but you are tanky cuz you have an extra life it's kind of weird but you also get more damage once you die so you can swap rolls from being a tanky person to just being a higher damage guy what does he do for the team he's got a pill he's got an extra pill he's got a pill combined with Kane you get a double good pill I don't I don't know I don't think he's helpful I think he's a dooky maluki I think he's got all right defense probably below average he's got below he's got like below average attack and he's got no util yeah in my experience I've only played Lazarus just for his update and Co-op he not really doing it for me I don't know I don't think he's even better than you can use free Suicide Kings with Lazarus the one in one million SPS 10 random pickups or items I think I don't care about that I'm thinking CER thinking below Judas cuz he can't even do damage unless you die and then you're just Judas with less damage and without a book of bile yeah Lazarus is it be in my heart very mid but I think literally the only time we played him is just for his update and it was not like he's just very average but like kind of below that there's like an item that turns you into like him after you die right yeah and no one picks that up cuz it's bad now Eden um I think just by Nature this character should be in B because you are averaging stats you are getting random items troll tier I don't think he's trolling it's kind of [ __ ] you can get some garbage honey yeah but you always get items and that's like more than most characters can say that's more than Lazarus can say I'd say he's B just cuz like you get that like it's random but you do get that little boot at the beginning of every run it could be it could be really good but you still can't get brok and stuff you can literally start with the best items in the game but it's like if you're trying to get a high win streak you're probably not going to be playing Eden unless you just want to gamble I think he's just a definition of be actually he's just he can be good or he can be bad depends on just roll at least Samson's consistent I'll give Samson that Eden you can just get you can literally get blue baby stats we all know we think of about blue baby oh jeez so early on has this man just been doomed to the bottom he's all alone we got to get him a friend well it's not going to be the loss because the loss is actually really good getting flight you don't he his utility is actually High because you don't have to give him any hearts he just takes hits and he don't need no man very good no Maggie yeah no Maggie don't need no mag he got that Ed he got spectral tiers yep he got ed6 the only problem with ed6 is it's similar to Isaac where it depends on how the items are laid out in the room actually no it's not yes it is because if they're all four each one has a 30% chance or whatever it is to to disappear but if it's just one you're taking that 30% chance and it just all four of them are gone yeah it's true but it's like if you're going to get garbage you might as well reroll it anyways and that's kind of what the loss is for I think honestly he's like up there with Isaac I think he's very strong Isaac yes flight for free yeah his defense is the worst what if you suck at the game though exactly okay also his defense is trash and his offense you don't really get much he just trolling I think just like Isaac it could be you could be actually worse than Isaac in trolling H I guess not taking Hearts is pretty okay he can take your soul Hearts that's pretty troll that's pretty troll but why would you do that God knows when I'm playing the lost I will be running yeah I mean you can literally just play the Lost run into the next room and just die instantly yes true but you can do that with any character but if you're yeah but if you're playing to win you're literally trolling it's either really high b or low a so under the assumption of the person playing the Lost is good and playing to win with a team of people that's balanced I'd say like B above Samson you got the 86 he's IM to [ __ ] high utility High utility some might argue High defense despite having zero health the highest be highest be I don't think there's not many people that are complain about that cuz like it's kind of like Isaac but worse where it's like you can really be an [ __ ] with this character you can really high roll R rolls you can high high roll with the rerolls you will never steal anyone else's Health which does become an issue because have somehow having four times of characters just causes more problems with your health for some reason I wonder why it couldn't be because of all these bombs Lilith is another very mid character she's kind of goofy she's a bit goofy a little goofy but I don't think that really tells us enough about her she does have cambian conception so if she just wants to start getting hit to probably get like a succubus or some other kind of familiar that could be good all the familiars that you get from that are actually really good yeah they are very strong Incubus is strong but like it's just her tears so it's normal it's awkward box of friends isn't really too much different it's like 2020 for her basically but harder to aim and no damage down what about her damage do you have any multiplier nope she is basic base as hell she will do the damage in some rooms though yeah she can if you give this girl the familiars she can do some damage mhm but it's like then you're just letting someone else take your items for some mediocre effect I mean she's not bad she's definitely well better than Eve it makes her she's just awkward to use Lazarus for no real benefit all I know is that she's a character that I played just cuz I wanted to get all the check marks I did not play her for fun yeah as soon as I was done with her I dropped her I don't want to play with her anymore we don't even play this character when we do our every out of Miz with familiars we do sometimes box of friends isn't that crazy since it got nerfed so she is mediocre I am sorry Lilith you'll be staying right there in C tier but at the top of it so I might might be an achievement on its own actually they did um uh roll back the Nerf on it oh really it's it's now a three room charge in Repentance but it still doesn't double it doesn't it Doubles Doubles your it doesn't double it does not double it adds plus one plus one that's kind of ass yeah it adds one copy of each of's familiars now granted if she has multiple familiars it's like you're doubling them but it's not as insanely op as it used to be and even then in a normal run it's not that good cuz it's just so much time on [ __ ] Lili I don't know why who cares about this character keeper keeper is good you're literally trolling no he is good literally trolling he has utility he gives you the store Key at the start sing literally trolling free shops sometimes free money good damage not a lot of Defense he starts with a bomb guys negative to luck uhhuh luck uh-huh your coins for health and he makes your Double Deals cost item or not items coins so the first couple you're probably not be able to wait is that keeper or tainted I thought that shoot that's pretty trolly I wasn't on Wesley side but I think that's like unless you have a unless you're communting with the or communicating with a group of people and you have like a plan for this Keepers kind of kind of changes how you play the game break it down though what's his what's his offense above average what's is defense below average utility yeah definitely below utility is kind of arguably worse arguably worse it's negative cuz everything costs coins for devil deals not everything items don't just yeah items don't that's that's true I remember I remember sometimes we would just be playing a run and then I would see [ __ ] all the [ __ ] cost money and I would be like oh man I hate Sam for playing this character so you're right oh my God trolling he's kind of trolling not bad but like negative utility kind of makes him pretty troll speaking of another trolly character might have a few things to sayon you think he belongs Finn where do I think he belongs yeah think go a tier hell no no dude he's a tier he can turn all these [ __ ] trash items like um all the trash stat UPS yes turn trash items into trash stat UPS yes that's a little bit of you steal your items yes he can also troll but we're doing this under the assumption that the person playing them is trying to win I I don't I think it's too much to overlook that a person wouldn't do that but I think void is ass anyways the stat UPS aren't very good um if all the items are on one pedestal and he wants to slurp it takes all the rest of the items okay so it has to be the last item yeah so he's pretty dooky muky okay what if you get birth certificate and then just slurp certificate almost birth certificate ESS that would be I think he's awful I'm how good a character is in the death certificate room y SS here there but I think trolling here I think he's trolling I think he's just trolling also I think we should come back to the Keir because I think just dissing him off of devil deals costing coins is kind of harsh I think he's a little better than that Maggie's an a for some reason especially in your hands but no she's good she's actually good we just suck with her cuz we're trying to kill each other says plus Maggie TI maybe she deserves Maggie deserves Maggie I don't know no we're not talking about Maggie we're talking about about the forgotten who has insanely high damage super solid forgotten I think I'm already thinking s tier cuz he just pumps out the damage so hard he has 1.5 times damage multiplier on top of his bone just doing insane damage already benefits from flight that's also really good yep he he does have flight also he has actually an insanely High Health pool I think he is just very solid I don't think anyone would complain if you played forgotten cuz you will just be killing bosses super fast yeah I think so I think I don't think he beats a zazil in the damage class get in front of Isaac what are you doing I agree yes there you go I think he's above in front of Isaac he got the Free Flight too man free flight is high utility conditional flight yeah that's true let's go to Bethany Beth pretty basic one thing to note about Bethany is that you start off with Angel room chance that is similar to Judas but that didn't help him too too much she does have health and she can protect herself even further with the soul charges Dage oh yeah true so she actually has very high survivability um high damage decent utility by just giving you straight Angel chance which you can throw away anyways yeah she's very susceptible to throwing away the Book of Virtues Sam what do you think I think a is fair for Bethany she's not offensive true she wouldn't ruin your run she won't piss anyone off sure she kind of just does her own thing just really helped the team like she's just kind of versatile in terms of like Dam I respect that and I feel that pretty good hell no this character sucks it's even worse on multiplayer oh my God you are getting kicked yeah you you might just be getting kicked because you're going to confuse the crap out of everyone with more players on screen just more shots in the red shots too I don't that cannot be overstated enough characters that have red shots are really hard to differentiate between the enemy shots and your all so people might just be dodging your own shots on top of just looking at two more people running around with their heads cut off because this character sucks and also they take multiple items if you want to actually keep them like or they're just both worse because they don't get as many items if one has flight you [ __ ] over the other one yeah he's still bad but technically he does have above average Health at the start but that's not going to help you down the road but what does help you is that they do have technically double the shots so they do have high damage high damage you're insane if you're even hovering home over BT or above yeah you're probably right you're at the very least trolling I will kick you just put him in Wesley plays multiplayer Isaac if you come into His lobby with Jacob and Esau just for a second even if you're just scrolling to character and you hover over them I'm hovering over any new person joins I hover over the kick button I seej when need up for a frame you are gone put him in room tier um I think you're I don't think you'll probably get kicked but you're definitely trolling is it that bad is that really that bad I'll kick just saying I'll kick can we take a vote who who raise your hand if you're going to kick this guy all right I'm raising my hand right so I think I think you're actually getting kicked I'm sorry it's majority vote that's how that works one benefit that I'm think they will have in uh Co-op is that the health bars will be fixed for all players so I don't think it'll be like super confusing like you won't just randomly die as Esau because you didn't know our Co-op you don't know what your out they're pretty bad they're bad in normal playthroughs what makes you think they're going to be any better in multiplayer ones we've only played this character a handful of times and every time it was just watching us die I've been looking down at the bottom there Lono and I'm seeing a little tainted Isaac yeah you're seeing him down here but he actually belongs up here he might be the premier character you want to see on your team every single time you play and that is because he rerolls everyone's pedestals it's basically a Nerf glitch Crown just on this character it is broken for multiplayer it is disgustingly broken if we want to win we pick this character it's just this I said Isaac might have the highest utility in the game this guy definitely has the highest and aside from that he just has basically all of Isaac's same stats so nothing else really changes it's just having it's D6 whenever ever you want it and it's broken now I don't want to play him cuz I want to have more items but you know if I got one on my team I'm definitely happy the thing is the thing that normally limits tainted Isaac is that you can only carry so many items but since you have teammates that can just take your items anyways you're not losing anything by playing this guy you're just making your teammates way better SS plus represents the four that you would want to pick and Isaac is definitely at the top this is should be the auto lock character you pick if if you want to playet with if you want if you want if you want to make the people happy that you're playing with pick that guy yeah mhm he could also just be a Phil character like oh man we got all these other good guys or like all my tants are picking freaking Jacob and Esau at least I can play Tainted Isaac might have a chance they're going cuz that's not even a problem you're true fine they're all playing a poon and then you just don't get items anyways I only suck up the bad ones usually don't cut where I sucked up the mascara don't cut to that tainted Magdalene is honestly like she she could be SS plus she's like a tank and a half she's a tank she's a Healer beautiful lady she has the extra yum heart she is the best healer in the game I think without a doubt and she can just passively drop hearts for your teammates she Rams into [ __ ] everyone's full y she does insanely high damage too I don't understand that either she just runs over enemies your enti teaming on SS Plus for me yeah she's top of s am I yeah definitely top of s for sure but like we'll see later she might be SS plus she's definitely going at the top of s for sure she is just insanely broken she is kind of tricky to play though cuz you kind of just have to like you have to feed her hard for her to be effective and if you just kind of run into an issue where you can't get her health then she just kind of runs out of steam I can feel that ain't got no steam got no steam Ted Kane unfortunately got heavily nerfed here's the problem though is that in multiplayer if you have one tainted cane you don't get any items true that is the problem is that true yes that is true because I I remember I accidentally picked tany cane once when we were doing a thing I think it was in every item is I just picked up my item everything disappeared so assuming they don't want to fix that issue uh he's getting en kicked here okay so even if you do even if that issue does get fixed no one's going to wait for you to craft your items yeah no they're going to want the coins and they're going to want the bombs and they're going to want the fre definely trolling possibly getting kicked the bag is super like you can troll with that thing yeah you can push enemies into your teammates we literally have a whole like dodgeball thing like that enabl by tany K be so trolly and like Sam said no one's going to wait for you to pick up the items and if you are the first one to pick up the item all the other ones might disappear either going to be rushing to collect things and you're not going to be able to have good items you're not going to be able to do like recipes you're just going to grab what you can this is all assuming the uh treasure pedestal spawns consecutively one after another if they are all in separate corners of the room and no one else can take your items Tanny Kane is still Beyond mediocre compared to even Lazarus he's kind question is though if someone picks him are you going to freaking kick him that's the question I will probably kick him I would probably also kick we'd have to make a lot of assumptions to assume that we wouldn't kick him so I think he's going to go on the kick and we are going to update this tier list later when it actually comes out but as of right now there are so many problems with this character and the current state of multiplayer Isaac we'd have to assume they fix a lot of things for him to not be kicked he's very bad one of the worst characters in the game actually in multiplayer in multiplayer yeah he's fine by himself you can still get like all the unlocks with this character Kane has some balancing issues tainted version um a tainted Vari tainted Judith move on SS plus move on no not SS plus but he is very good he cannot get red hearts that is so bad that just makes his character so much worse freaking JSU you know he does have a JSU and that's why he's not bad he's a damage character he can freeze the boss for your teammates is he a damage though he's got yeah no he's definitely a damage he is crazy he racks up damage so fast he doesn't survivability he doesn't have any survivability yes he does he has the CH it makes you literally invincible chuch Chu is f it makes you invincible and really good and epic and like s tier and [ __ ] but like you can't pick up red hearts yeah but that's not bad enough for this character to be bad he is insanely powerful I him SS plus I think he's actually better than Maggie like it's either High a or like low s oh sure put Wesley's character in high a low s poon is freaking terrible papalon is Epic no he's not there's nothing prevent no matter in any scenario where there are items like in the corners four different separate items or just one spawning after another the popong can steal it all it doesn't matter that's the troll character I'm going to go oh this might be controversial but I think low S I think he is that good I think he is because if you play smart you you can go over spice you can just like make trap rooms of Breeze you can kill enemies really quickly you get high damage you can't get hit he's really rooms all by yourself yeah maybe maybe the problem is I've only seen Wesley play him and Wesley stucks so maybe maybe if Sam would play him I would agree with you guys so hard bro I'm doing I would maybe would agree with you guys if Sam played him but not W this character however uh you're trolling yeah blue baby I am so sorry that Edmund has done you so dirty you can get bomb poops that just just explode your teammates you can get the slippery creep that just makes your teammates not move properly you can throw bombs at them 24/7 if you wanted to this comes down to the question though if you see him in your freaking lineup are you yeah I would honestly it's kind of you know what I didn't really just trolling cuz he could be good he's free bombs I honestly would kick a painted blue baby I don't think I'd want to deal with that I don't think if I saw this person in a Lobby I think they're capable of doing things properly um no I think he's just trolling I vote kick what trolling what about normal blue babies blue normal blue baby really that bad he's bad okay probably not maybe he's say troll we can move to troll I mean he's just very bad he's just really he's just obviously the worst vanilla character true ter he has no redeeming qualities no like no Health that he can get it's just really bad but you can still play him I guess tainted Eve really good another really good character high damage low Health but like you can always get your health back if you need it it mhm um squish the meat men you can turn your clots into health for your teammates yeah take it and troll you yeah but that's not eeve being trolly that's other people so I don't it's not really can't hold that against her yeah she's got such low tier rate though but you get so much like shots that it doesn't really matter I think start off with quadruple shot yeah if you use all your health if you want to yeah I don't feel comfortable if you kill yourself yeah you can do damage it's just way better Judas maybe even better tainted Judas go you can literally feed this character Hearts to get higher damage which is kind of cool if you like paired her up with a Maggy or like a tainted Maggie yeah that's free health actually I think with that combo I think that might just be low s but like do we can't just like if you have a tainted magdalin with you and you have a tainted Eve you have infinite damage just automatically you could do [ __ ] like I don't know 16 azil and a cursed blue baby or whatever and then like oh you you paired them up really well like personally I don't think it matters your no I think no I think this is something we haven't considered for other characters mostly because it's not really been a thing for other characters like maybe Samson should be higher too maybe Samson should actually be an a tier with that Synergy because you can get infinite damage tainted Eve will be the meta in yeah no I think honestly I think that works cuz if we're talking about purely damage Eve can definitely get more than forgotten if we're going to [ __ ] pair up characters than move Samson up out okay yeah I'll do that actually I'm not we've done it in the past I think this is I'm liking this tier list a little bit more I think we need to reconsider a papalon placement yeah you're right no tainted Samson much like normal Samson is also a good character um I don't play him too often but Hees have very high Dage and can I believe you can his ability to meet bosses in their boss rooms like it lasts long enough where you can just clear a few rooms up until it and then just destroy the boss bald does not reduce his Effectiveness B for bald B for bald no I'm thinking a the only problem with taten Samson you may be forgetting is if you get too strong of a build you get [ __ ] hard like sof you get locked into his melee form that is very annoying or or maybe you don't even have to give this guy items for him to be good and he can just stay Mele Bo maybe but then his [ __ ] punch form doesn't come fast enough it's like you got to find a happy middle ground and I don't like that he's a good speedrunning character he can set your team up for success in the early floor gu loss Rush yeah if you want unlocks and you want them fast can you I think I think Lo is pretty fair I'm AG with the B here I think I think me and Sam are a little more qualified and I'm going to put him in low a tainted zazil moving on all right tainted his zil sadly moving on or he's just a shiter zil he's pretty yeah no flight you're basically taking away all the good qualities just to give him a higher range and then what you get you get a higher damage multiplier it looks like no it's the he just starts with Brimstone yeah it's still very strong I think even just having Brimstone is it's really powerful like it's it's the best one of the best items in the game and you just start with it on a character I'll be a weaker version but you get the full range that asil doesn't get in exchange for your flight but put that put that [ __ ] lowed Judas holy [ __ ] I think it's above tainted Judith like I guess you can freeze bosses but like put that stinker below black you have to come up with a good argument for me to want to do that he's a stinker stinker I don't this isn't very helpful Wings he don't Wings he he's got significantly less survivability than Judas to the point where I think it matters no yeah you can't take black hearts I mean you have take Soul hearts or blacks yeah but Judas can at least [ __ ] invulnerable true so higher survivability oh yeah actually you know you convince me trolling trolling yeah yeah you can get some pretty bad stuff I think you definitely don't play this character if you want to win this is like a for fun character yeah game it's not unplayable though you're having fun but you're not winning you can still win every time you get hit you change your build it sucks it is it but that also allows you to just change it to try and get a better item and then if you get holy mantled in you're Set uh okay yeah put him see then you get holy mantle out of all 600 items in the game he is is B that was an argument for putting him in B that made him sound worse it did make him sound worse I don't know why you tried toise him up with I don't know I think I'd rather say a tainted Eden over a Lazarus I'd rather Play Tainted Eden Lazarus also just say you're trolling I honestly yeah you're just kind of trolling oh my God got polytheus gets hit in the Next Room from a fly you get linger bean I and here we have another SS plus king you w him on your team yeah you want him on your team uh Health items yeah but that doesn't matter because he improved the quality of everyone else's items by a lot he's basically a free sacred orb yeah um I don't know if he's actually better than tainted Isaac but U the way it currently Works in multiplayer right now is if the main character which is me plays tainted loss then all our items are upgraded I think if you add a tainted loss it doesn't work but uh depending on whether that works or not in online co-op this character can either be the best in the game or just just you want to kick him because you don't want to deal with someone dying very early yeah they're going to die a lot the problem is though is if he dies then I believe the items will change back to how they normally work so like if you die before a boss then you'll get health assuming it actually works the way it does currently in Co-op Tain and loss is definitely a must have um the the the broken combo is these two tainted Isaac and the lost and once again I'm not playing him but if I have one I'm happy yeah so like you could carry worse people with this character actually a good AR he lost she is very fun she does high damage [ __ ] Johnny Test them [ __ ] got the whip crack whip crack still awkward to use but like you can just Spam the whip crack and it's good yeah I don't even [ __ ] shoot [ __ ] gbo whatever his name is jello jell the jello so she's just like good damage that's kind of just how you'd sum this character up there good damage all right survivability below average survivability uh good damage she can push things away from her oh yeah true I think that actually improves her survivability a lot you can get red hearts she can get red hearts that's true and I think that makes her a and her eye sockets look at how beautiful and black they are I think she consistently does if not like more or the same damage than tainted Samson I think these two are kind of toss up I think I'll put her here for now is there anything else she gets additionally just demonic baby attack as the wiki he describes it there's not too much Synergy on co-op with her she just does good damage all right this guy I don't know I think he's better than regular he's definitely better than regular cuz being able to turn enemies into coins makes it so that items costing coins doesn't really matter it actually might turn into a oh yeah true okay y he does pair really good with the other broken characters I will say that much cuz the better shops with Isaac and then the loss is insanely busted like you don't even have to have like a treasure room to make these characters good and then you just get free planetarium rooms which just makes him even more broken he might actually be SB there's an argument there let's put have been ni for now do you guys want to play a co-op Isaac run with the top four Isaac characters yes yeah we can do them m absolutely we'll have to play Rock Paper has to be the [ __ ] T lost if you have everyone on board for this strategy he is undoubtedly SS plus but if you just pick him randomly in a uh random run you're trolling because I think that can be fair especially if you're just losing everyone's money and stealing it for your health and then they have to pay for things and they can't buy them he's really bad I think he yeah SS Plus at least s definitely s honestly I'm still kind of between painted Magdalene because she might be better than a zazil honestly she is insanely good but if you have this need health with their combo yeah lost and me lost keeper Isaac and Z Isaac just takes it and then just gives it to a zazil so it always works yeah yeah maybe magdalin stays here but she's definitely at the top of s she's crazy oh yeah t of poon's kind of in the same a pop boat in the same spot he's not good he's sucking up it he really doesn't change much honestly I think he's worse yeah uh it's it's kind of tricky cuz you have to use the locus effectively for it to be worth your while but all at the same time you can just get like a speed up or like a shot speed up with a popon suck hold up I do have an argument here for t as of now when you're a baby you keep all your flies after you get down so that way you can do really good damage even after you're dead so I'd say I'd say he might even be CER and if you suck up spoon Bender with uh the abyss you get a purple Locus that homes in on enemies that's really good really yes there are some synergies foing tears if you suck up the inner eye you get three normal Locus if you suck up Holy Light you get a canyan glowing Locus that calls down beams of light that deal three times his damage what about the baby bugs baby bugs uh the he becomes better as a baby if he steals your items so I don't think I want that oh my God I hate my team now they could H they could fix a poon they could make it so he only sucks up his own and they probably will but this is us speculating and we're just basing off of what we currently know now which is Apon is the ultimate troll character in this game no aside from these cheese team cheese team you have your tainted AP poon suck up all the items you just have a bunch of maggies on your team that just heal each other constantly you let a poon die so his Locus can just do all the damage with the four times idem how about are we are we also going to do a run where we play that you're getting kicked people yeah we can do that we'll need a fourth one um I think we know who it is though I think we're getting close is that what you said tained forgotten is kind of like a Lilith where he's awkward to use but he does better damage he also flies yeah he's got that flight kind of he cannot get red health I'm pretty sure he cannot do that no he can't so that means very low survivability you're kind of moving awkward to keep getting your uh skeleton back yeah um but it is forgotten damage on a worse character which I don't think that puts him in C I think he's at least B for that there's there's not any synergies you can do in Co-op no other co-op character can interact with his skulls unless you have no wait no multiple forgot if you have multiple tainted foron you just get confused yeah but he does have higher damage kind of clunky tainted Bethany another Giga juicer gets free items for doing nothing for taking red health is quite [ __ ] banging now with multiple tainted magdalin and magdalin wait no not magdalin just tainted magdalin tainted Bethany becomes very broken very quickly and she's bound to get something really good and then you just have the rest of your run paid for she also can't get red heal that is kind of me but she'll have so many whis protecting her with a tainted Magdalene that it doesn't really matter true um just put a basing it on the thing things that you could get I think she might be better than Judas tained Judas I it's it's kind of like Eden where it's like she can just get a bunch of dookie or she can get polyphemos or yeah but us use it so much you get something yeah you'll get you're bound to get something good the more I talk about these combos the more want to put tainted magdaline in SS plus here just cuz she enables so many broken strategies the full tainted ss+ combination yeah edmin what the heck making broken characters speaking of broken characters yeah but not in a good way I mean honestly in Co-op he's not that bad cuz his ghost doesn't affect anyone else unless you are also Jacob and Esau he has insanely high damage but the likelihood he gets to bosses is kind of slim unless you have a god gamer good players can Dodge pretty easy I feel like one tainted is not too bad make a new tier called you're getting doxed what he's got to be a he's really good my God bosses only if you're cringe though but Ted Samson can do that and you don't have to be good we are operating under the assumption that the player is competent and trying to win so if they were poon would be B no Sam it's too easy with one space bar press you can just troll your entire team we hate that's too much power that doesn't matter that doesn't matter I like been suddenly making an argument for like real stuff your whole [ __ ] team with one button press and just who cares move a popon up I'm qu or I'm quitting right now with only one character left you know you're not going to get a good tainted Jacob that's problem try he'll try his best but you probably yeah but he's going to die on like flooor two and then you just have a ghost following you around for the rest of the game does the tainted Esau stay alive while he's dead yeah he does he does he just tries to attack the baby ghost oh yeah the babies can do a lot I'm thinking he's pretty good then I mean if we're going off of damage too many A's maybe just make some good characters J I think Jacob will go higher cuz he can do more damage and he doesn't even have to try cuz he can just kill himself that sounds like like my kind of character honestly move Bethany down to B really you were the oneid after going through all these cool characters she's very mid we have one more character I don't want to R this guy tainted Lazarus is good cuz he has flip and flip is broken in a way I don't think it's supposed to be right now however it makes him incredibly broken because it's kind of like tainted Isaac but worse or you get to pick which items you want but we only have four characters in the SS plus so he' have to go in he's got no off S though I feel like he's not even Max it's the same thing with tainted Isaac and that's the only reason he's like eight [ __ ] charges six charges I mean yeah but you can still just re it's like rrolling it's at least like Isaac then right he's got below average attack and freaking average um defense I guess he's like I but you have to play the other one for six [ __ ] runes and one of them to be [ __ ] ass mhm ass but if we're talking about combos here you can still make someone insanely powerful just by existing which is kind of crazy what he does what he does is explicitly done better a million times by a different character that makes him entirely useless anybody who wants that function would just pick tainted Isaac instead put him in [ __ ] trolling trolling tainted Isaac or get the [ __ ] out you stupid tainted he's power you see someone playing tainted Lazarus you know it's because they [ __ ] know they could have played tainting Isaac but they chose not to they're trolling or they just want to have tainted Isaac and tainted Lazarus and get double the rolls but that's also just playing Isaac so yeah you are just playing a worse character but he does what other characters can do which makes them really powerful it's really hard I think he's at least a I think he's middle of a yeah you do get two items per treasure room per person oh that's pretty good yeah never mind you get to see what it is and you can change your mind later I don't think that makes him useless I think he Ser like the same powerful function but you kind of have like a plan B where if you just get a shittier item you can just go back to the other one and then you're fine so is there anyone else we want to change starting from that you're getting kicked here final judgments I I'm kicking any other guys yeah yeah they're pretty bad tainted Kane is only in here again because he doesn't really work in Co-op they're probably the entire processes no it doesn't change it it just makes it worse Eden H it's it's really hard with this character you're getting kicked if you're playing tainted eat it is it that bad it might just be that I think it's that bad I think it's just pretty trolly is it that bad I it's actually just trolly yeah not the worst same with blue baby you just don't you don't play this character to win you just play him for a challenge and people if you're playing with them online they probably don't want a challenge unless you're playing with friends so bad uh steals all your items never get him back keeper does not deserve to be here uh yes he does yes he does no he doesn't just for devil deals I don't think so I think he deserves it's also shop items I mean not shop items like pedestal items treasure no that's that's keeper that's tainted version bottom of he is also bald yeah he's Bal be bald I guess you can go the bald Lazarus is insanely mediocre like if you're just playing Lazarus you should have just been playing Isaac why are you playing this terrible character because you just can't live or something I don't know uh Judas is will not live maybe maybe put Lazarus into trolling oh he's trolling he starts with a free pill just bad I mean that's why we put blue baby there but Lazarus isn't that bad he's not terrible terrible he definitely deserves bottom of SE though Judas if you're good with him maybe it's fine but you should have just been playing all these other damage options if you're trying to win so he is insanely powercrept but not in the same way as tainted Lazarus uh lth is just awkward to use So Below mid doesn't really do much with her abilties she doesn't really add anything to the team she's just awkward Eve kind of same as Judas you're playing with low Health not the best I don't know if she necessarily belongs in the bottom of or in C but she does have mediocre she's not ass it's okay it's it's like Judi same damage uh role but doesn't fulfill it as good as these guys keeper he's fine there nothing really wrong with him he doesn't need health um in the same way other characters need it so you can just feel him with coins so he doesn't steal your other [ __ ] he can also generate coins yeah he can also generate them there's a few cheeses you can do with this character where you can just get infinite money or close to it so he's good can be either really good or really bad it's just a dice roll might be trolling but you can get good stuff and some people might think it's worth the risk so I would say B but not they're just going to hold far until they get a good unit run so what's the point yeah honestly you can just yeah ches this character if they have infinite tokens tan forgot does good damage like normal forgotten but just awkward kind of like lilet so he's down a few tiers lost has really High utility with his flight uh not needing health so other players can have it holy mantle is very strong has Eternal D6 so he can reroll like Isaac but just it's a chance spectral TI overall just good if you're bad with him then you're trolling but otherwise I'd say he's better than the average character um Bethany is again just very average but she has good synergies with her Book of Virtues and you might be able to share some active items with your teammates which makes her better better and co-op in normal did you just say that the loss was better than the average character but then say Bethany is an average character but you have Bethany above the lost well because you she could be better are you saying LW should be the top of B yes fine these are just your typical high damage characters nothing wrong with them they just aren't as good as the s1's just do high damage that's all they do and they do it well Lazarus is broken probably going to be fixed he he's probably going to be in the trolling after the release Samson combined with other healing characters just makes him an Unstoppable high damage character that also has good health Kane just starts with so much good stuff he can take all your pills and make them good he starts with a paperclip which makes keys never a problem he starts with a key so you just get all your item rooms guaranteed at the start or first two floors very good has a good damage multiplier decent health higher speed he's just a better Isaac without D6 which makes him a worse Isaac but he's not bad maglin just High Health magin Super G juice her character she can heal her teammates she's really awesome honestly deserves SS plus Brimstone the character high damage dealer that can freeze enemies but can't take Health can become invincible just really broken all around Ted Bethany can just get too many items too quick with pted magdalin she's broken Isaac just reroll items never bad very good for gotten high damage better than these cuz he's more consistent doesn't have to die or do anything gimmicky just better also has flight mhm um kind of but yeah Eve combined with Ted magdalin is broken uh T magdalin is BR by herself though um she's still good she still deals higher more consistent damage than these guys um a zazil just broken I don't know why why he does so much damage why he gets flight why he can still take red Health just really high damage why he has a full card like yeah that really TI that's big one uh tained keeper combined with the other op characters is just one of the best characters in the game gets infinite money you can always purchase what you want specifically which is just really powerful tained loss enables people to get higher quality items and removes Health which good players typically don't want to have any anyways so he's just really good also has flight um and Isaac tainted version is just what you want there's no one's going to be mad get good juice sir good juice on and I think that completes the ultimate Isaac Co-op online tier list our predictions for it yeah these are our predictions we will be updating this tier list whenever it comes out I'm sure they're actually going to fix tan Kane so he's not terrible they might change a POP along along make sure to subscribe if you want to see the uh real tier list after the game comes out but again these are just our predictions so I take them with a grain of salt they I would say they're fairly accurate stay tuned for the SS plus run yep SS plus run you will see the power of all these insanely broken characters all in one run and it should be a fun watch because we're going to totally break the game unlike Floor 2 it's going to be or die instantly one of those two they're all very volatile characters yes lot a risk anyone have any parting opinions move Maggie up one tier I have a suggestion it is not a papalon related okay that was going to be my question why the [ __ ] is Tainted Lazarus not trolling to I agree works then I don't care he's just a worse op his whole gimmick F he's that his whole gimmick is not better than the other things when I'm just ending it all right fine whatever I guess my opinion doesn't matter ugly
Channel: Lonslo
Views: 80,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lonslo isaac, repentance modded, repentance challenges, tboi multiplayer, isaac 4 player co op, repentance co op, mods tboi repentance, lonslo, isaac, repentance, coop, Huuts, lazymattman, 4 player isaac, tboi workshop, tboi glitch, tboi op, the binding of isaac repentance, true coop isaac repentance, tboi co op update, tboi character tier list, tboi online co op, Isaac online coop character tier list, tboi best character for online coop, tboi online, tboi update
Id: IvWCi7XiNtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 3sec (3723 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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