Who is THE BEST Repentance Character?

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all right hello everybody welcome to the brand new binding of isaac tier list um so yeah i i know i don't have that big of a youtube audience or anything but this is gonna be a more up-to-date version of my tier list that i made about like three four years ago and that tierless like it got a good amount of views but as the comments and the video itself will show the quality of that video is very very bad so this is my new you know more professional i guess uh attempt at making it plus you know repentance is out now i figure uh there's a lot of changes to the characters as well so it's good to you know create a new tier list and yeah i think it'll go pretty well let's just get right into it um so yeah starting off let's just start simple we'll do binding of isaac himself the isaac isaac i still think is he could honestly still be considered the best character in the game um pretty simple honestly moment he gets the d6 he's just completely broken uh if you know how to play isaac and you know how to manipulate item pools um to your liking and use rooms specifically for the d6 it is probably the best reusable item in the game like consistently it's absolutely crazy it's like the best utility item in the game it's hard to beat that isaac but now i don't think isaac is actually the best character in the game anymore i actually think there's a new best character in the game but we're gonna get to that when we get to it but yeah let's move on i think that's pretty self-explanatory if you play isaac enough you understand why he's at the top maggie uh you know here's another big change about maggie and afterwards plus when i made this she always started with a speed pill so she was basically just a more health character she was really good now she starts with a full health pill which is better for her late game but bad for her early game obviously a full health pill is still insane especially if you're running a high health run it's more fitting for her i think but i do think overall it makes her worse because her low speed it just makes her hard to dodge attacks especially early game so i do think that she's uh worse than she wasn't after with plus but she's still obviously really good having that extra help to get more devil deals yumhart if you're running a health run is still an insane item so i think we're going to put her in b for now but i might change it later we'll see we shall see i may have to add a new tier let's do that actually add row below and then we'll just call it garbo and then we'll change this to pog there we go all right um [Music] yeah let's keep going ugh i don't like how it's like a squiggly line above it we'll just keep it ass whatever all right um who's next i think it's kane if i remember my isaac order correctly kane got a huge buff he actually because the luck foot got uh really buffed um luckfoot and flash isaac um made it so that you always got a phd effect basically you always got good um pill effects so and now it's like that again uh plus not to mention in repentance the luck stat is just way better there's a lot of really good luck based items now um so like luck runs are actually something that we like to consider in a high quality run so i think that kane is actually a lot better than he was afterwards plus before he definitely would have been below maggie in fact i think kane was like a pretty bare bones character after his plus but in repentance he's really freaking good basically having phd right at the start which is a crazy good item um plus you know like i said luck runs are a lot better now he is still a little basic and he does start with two health so maybe i'll just put him above maggie for now but i might bring him up depending on how this goes we'll keep going all right um on we have the judas judas is awesome um obviously he's a glass cannon character but he is definitely a character that you can go really really far with you don't need that many damage ups to have a successful run going maybe just get a few soul hearts and then you're pretty good to go for most the floors um so yeah uh i think judas is pretty high up here by the way i should mention while i'm in the middle of this list this list is not a list of my personal favorite characters it is a list of like you know objectively how good is that character how easy is it to win a run with that character so like you'll notice when i do the lost for example the loss is like my favorite character in the game but objectively we all know the loss is a hard character so he's gonna go at the bottom of the list maybe not the full bottom but we're gonna get to where he is when we get to him um but yeah it's more like an objective list like how good is that character not how much you like that character um but yeah judas very successful character bookable isle high damage stat right off the bat if you just get one soul heart then you're basically good for the first few floors you don't really even need the health up place is a great devil deal character because book of belial increases double deal chances um once again though we might change them in a little bit but we'll see all right uh samson why not samson is insane if you know how to use uh bloodlust to your advantage i will always say this samson is the one character i think i could beat the entire game with without getting a single item i literally do think that like if i were to pick one character to just beat the whole game without any items it would be samson because the bloodlust damage up is insane it is end game damage you could literally beat mega satan with the damage at max bloodlust now albeit you need enough health and a good method of getting health back after damaging yourself but i digress still insane damage output with only one item an incredible item too much higher than judas's damage output by far if you know what you're doing so yeah samson is crazy he's definitely not as good as isaac though if we're talking about the full run i mean isaac you know d6 you're changing the whole game with the d6 so you know pretty self-explanatory there um but yeah s is not going to have too many characters because it's hard to be on the same level as isaac for sure um but on that note is one of them yeah zazel's broken um i get a lot of people telling me that me putting his hazel this high on the list is a skill issue or whatever um once again this is an objective list azazel is broken and we all know it he starts with flight he starts with a mini brimstone which is still brimstone by the way you know one of the best devil deal enemies in the game obviously it's low range but still if you're flying you could fly straight through rocks or anything and just kill things instantly he is an early game menace and i'm not 100 sure about this but if you're going random seed he's the speedrun character all right let's be honest he is absolutely insane um yeah i think it's pretty self-explanatory still not as good as isaac because um late game is actually not that good is a really good enemy killer but bosses as hazel can have a little bit of trouble uh what might what mainly comes to mind is like the hush it's hard uh because you have to dodge all of the hush's tear blasts and get really close in order to do enough damage to him which can be a pretty tough boss fight for a lot of tier-based fights when you want to have a lot of range because it takes a ton of range to even like a ton of range ups to actually you know have a safe distance with this hazel but even through all that he's still insane he is easily the best early game character like as good as i was saying judas is azazel is like 10 step steps above judas when it comes to early game there also aren't that many characters that start with flight so that's also an incredible advantage plus even just starting with the full card like that's a free cursed room you know like right at the start of the run you just get your cursor in for free like that's awesome just nice utility there because you could fly in then use the fool yeah zazel's pretty crazy um i think he definitely deserves to be up there with isaac most of zazo runs are a win if you know what you're doing and even beginner's love is jose obviously uh let's get blue baby out um so blue baby is the first challenge character uh put into the game specifically as a challenge character in flash isaac um starts with the poop he can only have soul hearts um if your character can only have soul hearts or if there's a health issue at all they're automatically going to be lower than b in most scenarios there's only one character i can think of off the top of my head that bypasses this issue but yeah blue baby he's a soul heart character he's the sole heart character you cannot get red health with him making devil deals significantly harder to go for thankfully in repentance angel rooms are like better than devil deals now so it's not as big of a deal because you could just go for angel rooms anyway uh but you know either way you don't have as many options having only soul hearts is health is definitely a hindrance um yeah pretty self-explanatory the poop uh with his little larva buff um is something he just recently got a a buff but it's definitely not enough to bring him above sea definitely not but yeah overall he's just kind of mid he's nothing special he's just there you know apollyon is definitely above blue baby um but i don't think he's better than maggie it's a tough one right because the void if the void was a lower charge item or if it sucked up reusable items without actually using them then i think apollo would be a lot better i think my mate that is the main issue with apollyon for me at least he's just way too basic because in most scenarios um if you're gonna suck up an item that like you don't want it's usually going to be a reusable item because reusable items you know if you already have a good reusable item then you can just suck it up and you usually still do that but you don't get any stats for it you just get to use it whenever you use the void which is a shame because the void is a six room charge but theoretically you could get like head of krampus uh i don't know tammy's head uh guppy's head all these good reusable items in just one use but the fact that it's six room charges mitigates a lot of the reusable items head of krampus guppy's head tammy said they're all they all have lower charges making just having them even better than having just the void you know um and i think that's what really holds it back if it was like tainted apollyon where he could suck up reusable items and get an advantage out of it like if floyd just gave you the stat buffs just like it does for passive items i do think he'd probably be at the top of b tier honestly not even joking because it is a good effect it's just there aren't that many times when you're actually making use of it i mean sure it's good to like you know use it on a lock up or a range up or something hope to get damage up but at the end of the day it's at the end of the day apollyon's always just going to be a worse isaac and he he just is uh maggie and kane are a lot more consistent especially kane i think there's an argument to say there are plyoms better than maggie but i don't know he's just a worse isaac i think it's more accurate to put him below maggie here uh but yeah either way i think he's below all right um [Music] eve let's get eve uh eve early game is really strong um the razer blade uh buff was really good to her um i really like eve but i don't know if she's like high tier you know she's a great devil deal character for sure um good damage output as long as you get to of babylon state you're stronger than judas but then again judas also has book of allow to go above it so that's not really the case i think it's fair to put it right here i think that the extra strength and even the speed from babylon is just like way too good like better than phd locked foot i think um once again if you know what you're doing you know how to abuse the of babylon um and use devil deals to advantage i think you're very very good all right all right eden um i do not have a good opinion of eden um at least base eden uh so like i said this is a skill based list um and it's hard to rank eden because of that because obviously he's a randomized character um but i will say you know from personal experience i think i can make an educated judgment that he's worse than blue baby because um what is it his max stat output uh i don't know is he really worse than blue baby i mean he can still get red health he's not worse than blue baby come on now uh i don't know the thing with eden is that he's just way too inconsistent um shout outs to people that do eden uh eden streaks because that's pretty tough eden streaks you know he's just not consistent that's all you get so many eaten runs where you're like all right i'm gonna just do an eating run today let's see what i get and then you just get trash you know and if you start with a bad item then you can't do anything with it you just gotta deal with it um plus he only starts with it like ian doesn't feel like a good a well done randomized character he just starts with two items like just random items and it's like all right whatever um like i said this it's starting to sound a little bit more opinionated but either way uh let me put it this way um the void to start with would be like probably um what's it called okay all the reusable items and effects that the characters above are like way better than the chance to get something really freaking good you know you're not gonna get brimstone every run you're not gonna get the sacred heart every run you know it's a completely random item and there's generally more um i guess subpar items in the pool than there are really good items so that's why i think that eden is right here he can still get red health though so he's he's still better than blue baby lazarus lazarus actually got a huge buff oh my god shout out to lazarus because lazarus used to be like here like right above blue baby but now okay so the repentance buff that he just got is insane now every single time that lazarus dies all right well i'm getting ahead of myself now lazarus gets an extra life every single floor and he still revives mid boss fight like he did before but every single floor his extra life re fills so you can just die every floor which is amazing even just for getting free devil deals why say free it's in quotation marks but you know what i mean if you play a lot of isaac you kill yourself you get the item you know it's fine you're at one heart but it's no big deal um so you get free devil deals basically um you're always gonna have an extra hit for tough bosses early game um and above all of that for every time that lazarus dies he gets a permanent damage up that is broken absolutely broken it's like samson on crack because you get a free life every single floor so every single floor you get a damage up if you just kill yourself every floor that is absolutely insane um yeah i think he's broken i honestly do think that laz is another s to your character now like unironically that is a damage up every floor guaranteed i mean we talk about how isaac changes the game around him lazarus just consistently gets damage ups just cause like that's insane even just having the extra hit every floor is like really good the free devil deals you know you're basically lost that has health now um but yeah this is it really is another level of broken um shout outs to lazarus real talk uh i think he fully deserves this s tier placement uh because if you know what you're doing then he's just a better samson he really is just a better samson because it's just permanent it's not like you have to damage yourself every floor you kill yourself early game you just get permanent damage ups so yeah super super good character now uh like i said before that buff he was like here because he's just like the most lackluster character but now he's here like he's so insane he's also good for resetters because you could always just reset your random pill um so you know if you like to reset runs over and over again you just get a free like balls of steel or something free pretty fly um but yeah even without that random pill insane character now they really did a great job buffing him he's super fun all right my girl lilith so um lilith gets hardcore carried by greed um lilith is full stop the best greed mode character 100 and yeah greed is only uh technically two achievements but we'll just say it's one uh greed is only one achievement at the end of the day uh so you know it's not gonna bring her like all the way up um but it's something we have to consider so i think that alone is going to bring her above apollyon plus uh she has canadian conception so so she's always going to get more familiars as long as you know what you're doing with your health uh yeah i i think even in regular runs i think lilith has a lot of advantages over apollyon having that guaranteed box of friends early games she is so strong against bosses just even in regular runs by the way for the greed context uh the reason why i love the best greed mode character is because if you stay in the same room as the greed button and you just keep doing waves your box of friends is going to keep recharging and you can just keep using it and you can use it like three times every floor and then you're at four incubuses you basically have quad shot guaranteed every floor it actually is crazy i gotta say um admittably you know you're only unless you get some charge items in uh the greed run uh super greed is still gonna be an issue but either way it's like you basically do the waves for free with lilith it actually is crazy uh you know and it like i'm saying this knowing that she's better than isaac himself in greed so you know it's a big deal i think without greed mode she might be like here i don't know maybe i should put her above maggie then that might be fair i think that's fair yeah i like that actually the damage output with box of friends on bosses and regular runs is still really strong anyway you know you're getting 20 20 on all your familiars you know so that's really really strong i think it's fair to say that she's above maggie um only because the greed mode is carrying her above obviously uh you know when you're used to shooting a specific way um you know shooting with just your familiar can be a little bit you know a little crazy uh but overall yeah she's she's really good um all right what is next let's get forgotten out here um yeah the forgotten i have had a change of heart for the forgotten um i used to put him like like right here um but on on replay i think the forgotten can go like here at the end of the day he has half a health bar in a lot of scenarios forgotten is worse than blue baby uh i still think he's seated here actually maybe below eden um forgotten is fun forgotten is like if we're doing a fun list he's like top five most fun characters but objectively he has half a health bar um and a lot of his tier setups is going to favor one side of him more than the other the bone forgotten is almost always going to be better early game and the tier or i guess i should say the soul part of the forgotten is always it's almost always going to be better for like bosses um more importantly end game bosses uh and no matter what you're going to have half the health no matter what your run is better for then eventually you're going to switch to the other character and your run is most likely not going to favor both sides um so yeah i think that it's fair to say they're here at the end of the day forgotten still carries early game uh compared to blue baby who's just very lackluster uh early game and even late game um whereas forgotten you have a lot of options uh but still half the health bar so you know um plus you can't you technically cannot have red health anyway on the bone forgotten sure you can get bone hearts but um you can still lose those and then you know health ups only give you more bone hearts like i said earlier if you have a health issue you're automatically going to be at sea tier unless you're tainted bad boy get there when we get there uh speaking of beth let's go to bethany why not um beth is pretty good i think the thing with beth is that um to have a good run with beth you need to be a little bit lucky but overall she's pretty good i'd say i think she's just a worse maggie though i think it's fair to say that she's the worst maggie because like you need a good reusable item to spawn like relatively early game to have a good run uh because the the book of wisps or whatever it's called um it's it gets carried by its other by other reusable items like by far there are definitely a lot of amazing synergies with it and that's why she's even up here anyway um but yeah you need you do need to be a little bit lucky she's actually really fun in co-op um i know this isn't like it shouldn't even matter because this is you know it's mo this is a list for single player but just as a side note if you're playing co-op uh she's a really good combo with the keeper because uh you can if you can find a reusable item anywhere you just transfer the wooden penny to bethany and you just get like double the money uh and it's a one-room charge to get coin wisps and it's just super broken um but i digress we're not talking about co-op for a single player run she's just okay um still better than apollyon because the book of wisps is far better than the void um consistently uh the void is very situational how about the lost uh so the lost is like my favorite character in the game so he should go here uh but obviously like i said earlier this is an objective list uh i think the lost is d tier though i don't think that the lost is the worst character in the game um holy mantle is obviously something to consider uh starts with spectral two starts with flight uh oh by the way i forgot to mention another reason why i forgotten this above blue baby besides having less health um it starts with flight basically uh it gets a lot of early game pickups anyway back to the lost um yeah i don't know i i love the lost so maybe that's uh part of the reason why i'm not playing in garbo but i just think there's a lot of good advantage to the lost obviously lost can get free devil deals uh the holy mantle is super useful early game uh there aren't that many times early game where you get hit twice in one room anyway so you know while yes he takes one hit and dies it's only really an issue for boss fights or like big rooms like it doesn't really matter that much with the holy mantle um but yeah i don't know i i've hundred percent lost so i can say without a doubt that obviously the loss is one of the hardest characters in the game dies in one hit but i don't know there's a lot of advantages to him compared to the worse characters um but yeah that's what the loss is gonna go the keeper all right so if you saw my awful quality tier list uh that's already on my youtube channel you'll know that i hate the keeper he will always be my least favorite character in the game even in repentance they did give him a buff though i have to say they gave him a buff they gave him one extra coin heart and that's basically all they did well i think that they should still do way more with the keeper um i do think he's way better plus i think he gets um yeah i think also now devil deals cost money instead of hearts which is very much needed for the keeper trust me because that was like one of the biggest issues you basically could not take devil deals in my previous list i used to put lost above keeper because like in after earth plus the fact that you could not it was almost never beneficial to take devil deals because you just die you'd have one coin hit and you don't get holy mantle like you do with the lost so one hit is actually one hit and you start with low speed it's just really awful it really is um but now you have three coin coin hearts and you know what that is a big difference having that two two hits before you got one hit like i know it sounds like it's nothing but it's a big deal especially in isaac um it gives you way more chances to get coins off the wooden nickel before you just go skur splat uh but yeah he's a lot better now but at the end of the day i still think that it's awful that he just can't get health ups like for what reason you know he's already effectively gonna have half health um just because of how the coin hearts work compared to regular hearts so yeah i don't know i do still think he's an awfully designed character but he's better than the lost now so congrats you made him better you made him barely better than the worst character in the game or the hardest character in the game i should say he's not the worst well now he's definitely not the hardest character in the game because now we have the tainting characters uh but first let's go to jacob and esau um yeah anybody who starts repentance uh we all know that we hate jacob and esau um they suck and i hate this character too uh but they do have legitimate advantages um i do think that they're better than keeper uh they technically do have a health issue and that's why they're going below c tier but above the health issue is the fact that if one of these two characters die then the run's over jacob and esau suck balls you have to split all your items um but you don't have to usually the general strap with jacob and esau is to focus all your items on one of them but then you basically have a sandbag that you're just carrying around the whole run it actually is pretty awful um and it's not fun either the one fun thing i think about jacob and esau is that when you place a bomb it counts as two and you can split them up and you can like check two different entrances for secret rooms it's super useful in that way you can get a tinted rock and also check a wall for a secret room using only one bomb utility wise that is super useful uh jacob nissa is a great bomb character even for bosses if you get a good some good bomb power-ups super super strong just basically using double bombs every time you use a bomb uh jacobi nissa is actually really good against uh the beast for that reason because uh the beast is really weak to bombs because of how easy it is to hit the beast with bombs uh but yeah overall um we all know that jacob and esau sucks uh carrying that dead weight with you um now a lot of people would actually put them below the loss but if you learn the strats with them they're not as bad early game they're actually not terrible because they technically have like 20 20 if you just you know connect them together uh it's really late game where they really show how awful they are but at least early game you have that extra power you're usually killing things very quickly um and above all that uh i know a lot of people don't like to hear this but you should always go alt path with jacob and esau they are designed for the alt path and i do legitimately think they were designed in a way that they are supposed to be able to take both the item pedestals in the alt path in case you don't know you go all path which is flooded caves uh the mines and the uh mausoleum they always have two item pedestals one of which being a random item are a question mark item uh jacob and esau was designed in a way where they can take both if you split them up and then you walk into the items at the same time and you get two items effectively which is an advantage it is not a disadvantage at that point that you have to split them items because generally you're getting twice the amount of items that's pretty freaking good uh that definitely makes him better than the keeper at the end of the day if you get lucky enough to get a ton of health ups uh then you still have way more hits than the keeper as i know as much more as you get hit with them because you have two hitboxes uh having you know quadruple the health and the keeper is still it still makes them definitely better they have their own advantages but overall they're a very weak character definitely worse than blue baby i think we can all agree on that hey we finally made the tainted characters um so yeah the tainted characters are super fun definitely the most fun i've had playing isaac was unlocking these and using them uh but yeah let's start with tinted isaac so this was a tough one uh this can go either way tainted isaac is either better than the isaac or worse um i think i'm low-key leaning towards under isaac um so for anybody who doesn't know tainted isaac's item pedestals always rotate um no matter what item no matter where whether it's a devil deal in angel room shops item room it doesn't matter where the item is it will always rotate between two different options and as long as you walk in to it at the item that you want then you can choose whatever you want very very very strong character um but obviously there had to be a condition because that's way too good he has a limited inventory you can only have i believe is eight items and then you cannot hold anymore you have to swap them out lose whatever stats you get from that item besides health-ups health ups you actually get to keep the health which is that's really useful i think that alone is what makes him um up here honestly if if when he gave his health ups away he lost a health then i think he'd actually be like here honestly but the fact that you could just pick up health ups and keep the health from it and just rotate back in your other items that is so good because it mitigates a lot of the item inventory issues i think they probably should have done that if i'm being honest because as it is now he's so broken um because it's just so easy to get broken runs when you have two options on every pedestal um obviously there's still the limited inventory so there is that but you're just getting so strong early game that you usually just sweep through the run anyway i think the late game bosses can be a little tough just because you're not like over stacked with items but generally you have good enough items like to still body it um i think isaac can still get a little bit more broken overall just because obviously you can have you know more items but i i can definitely see it going either way you know comment in the comments if you think otherwise uh but i think that this is what i'm going to stick with all right um let's go to tainted mag so take them back pretty interesting um i think she is once again very fun all the same characters are super fun but i think she's really good early game but she is awful against bosses she really is she is just terrible she's also like okay getting devil deals but you usually don't want to get dell deals because health ups are so necessary for this character uh if anybody doesn't know you lose health over time uh however every time you kill an enemy they drop a half heart or every time you hug an enemy they drop a half heart and when you kill them with your tears you get like a 50 50 half heart 15 chance of it spawning um but overall her health is still like basically still worse than soul hearts soul hearts also disintegrate with the timer which is just awful um yeah i know she's pretty bad overall but she's very fun uh she's probably like right here i think yeah i think that's fair she is awful against like long boss fights like the hush she's still pretty good for like the lamb and stuff like that because usually if you have a good hug set up you can just keep hugging them and it just does so much damage you usually kill them before it matters as long as you have enough health um but yeah for long boss fights like the hush you're usually gonna lose all your health like even if you don't get hit like at all the whole hush fight and you have a full bar of health if you don't have enough damage you're just gonna lose all your health over time and then you'll just be at two hits no matter what and there's nothing you can do about it you know unless you like if you weren't lucky enough to get enough damage ups then you know you're just always gonna be at like two health for that fight at the end which you know that's a big disadvantage so yeah she's probably around here uh obviously the hug strats is so good early game so and overall she's just broken for rooms it really is just bosses that bring her so low so we're gonna put her above eden um tainted kane so tainted kane is it depends on how you rank him right uh if you're using a guide to create whatever items you want then he's the best character in the game i am not going to rank him like that because it's my list and i can do whatever the freak i want i am going to rank him that it's random right uh you don't know the item recipes it's just you get random items but obviously you know you could infer you know you bag of crafting a soul heart you know it's a rare item so you get a better item by that logic i think that tainted kane is probably like here something like that he's definitely strong even with random crafting pools plus listen if you play tainted kane with a guide and just look up every recipe and just get freaking birthright every run screw you okay i don't mean it but it's just it's so unfun to me like i've done it and the runs just take like two hours you know like it's just not fun it really isn't um because objectively he's like the best character in the game if you do that but with the random crafting recipes i think he's right here um still really powerful because you know you can manipulate pickups to get specific pickups suck them up and even just getting like sucking up all the trash items you usually get enough stat stat items to make you pretty op early game um so yeah he's super good um who's next let's get tainted as hazel out the way um surprisingly tainted as hazel is not as good as basil i actually thought when he came out he'd be like way better but the fact he doesn't have flight um his beam is actually a lot weaker than regular azel's beam obviously it's full range brim which is nice but it's not as strong so being able to fly up on enemies and use the short range beam is usually a lot more effective than blasting three small beams like from afar um plus just not having flight is such a disadvantage the cough is a thing that he has the brim cough which does like i think it's like three or four times the damage of the mini brim which is nice and has a lot of knock back to it which is decent for some bosses but overall you're almost always gonna be using the beam it's way more effective way safer um yeah the the cough is generally just not worth it um so i think still having a full range beam is nice but i don't know man probably here yeah because i think kane is just better you know like late game as a tainted hazel really struggles because his beam is just so weak and yeah the cough is strong but like when you have to get like way closer than even regular zazel without flight that is not easy dude it really is not so yeah tainted zazel at least you have infinite range which is something but the damage output is abysmal so we're gonna put him right here um honestly now we'll put him above let's do tainted eve so tainted eve um if anybody knows me on twitch they'll know this is my favorite character of the game well besides like lost but um and i'm not gonna try to show bias but i think she's the best character in the game 100 tainted eve had to be nerfed so much and i still think she's the most broken character in the game so in base repentance tainted eve uh if you keep shooting then you can uh or i guess i should say if you hold down the shoot button um you can form a blood clot and these blood clots i think they have half your damage but you can do as many clots as you want and it's for each half a heart it's not even a full heart for each half a heart you get one clot so use one heart you get the same damage you basically have incubus just right off the bat first floor you have incubus and you know you can imagine opposite of eve tainted eve is a health based character rather than eve being a soul heart character if you get a lot of red health as tainted eve you're absolutely just done you don't even need damage up this is the one character of the game i could legitimately say i could beat without a single damage up 100 like she's just that broken all of those clots they carry so much um now she got nerfed to where the clots seek as in regular uh each clot had like i wanna say like four health so they could each clock could take four hits before they died which is insane because you basically have a shield around you so you're basically never getting hit the clots take way too many hits to die as long as you know what you're doing and you can just keep on creating more every single time a heart spawns it's so broken it really really is and then they uh nerfed it so that the longer they stay out the less health they have over time um but they never die until they get hit either way so eventually they get down to one health right each clot but that is still one hit per clot in almost every single tainted eve run okay i should mention this by the way i have yet to ever lose a tainted eave run i have never once lost a tainted eve run and i'm not saying that as like oh i'm so good i'm saying that tainted eve is broken it doesn't matter how unlucky you are you will always win a tainted eve run if you know what you're doing literally she also gets a free mom's knife if you want to run her that way but i don't even run it that way because i think the clots are absolutely broken like i don't see any reason to go from for the free mom's knife because the cloths are just that broken um but it's an option you have that too just just cause why not the clots themselves are just so insane um even at one health for each clot you're just doing so much damage they have a ton of knockback uh hell the one familiar trinket um i hear what it's called but like it's the trinket with the music note on it that doubles the fire rate of all your familiars the clots count as familiars so it works with that it doubles their fire rate i i don't even know what to say it's so broken um they follow all your tier effects so if you get punch tears you're like always shooting knock-back tears i don't know man to me it's so obvious that tainted eve is the new best character of the game and honestly i think she's a lot better than isaac i would create another tier for her but it would actually be off and it wouldn't look good in the recording but still like it is not even fair i'm i'm not even like capping when i say this if you know what you're doing with all the health and you just keep creating clots you always win honestly i think i could even make an argument to say that i could be a whole run without any um any pedestal items i i would need to be a little lucky with like heart drops but if i keep getting heart pickups then yeah i absolutely think i could beat a whole run without picking a single item up that's how broken she is but yeah the new best character of the game is tainted eve but let's move on um [Music] let's see yeah let's just do tainted blue baby tint to blue baby is in my top five favorite characters of this game um i think it's significantly better than regular blue baby i think we all know that the nerf of this tainted version is that you don't have bombs but the counter to that is that you basic you also loki have infinite bombs because um uh he gets poop bomb power-ups from his poop effects he's a very creative character he's very very fun it almost feels like you're playing like zelda like you're using like items and stuff like that like it's super super interesting um it's fun uh some of the crap that you can do with his poop abilities are absolutely broken for bosses i think against regular enemies he's just okay but bosses he's broken i literally do think he's broken um but at the end of the day he still stole her character he cannot get red health so i think i'm gonna put him here which is which is don't sleep on this placement for a character who cannot get red health this placement is insane that is super good for a character that cannot get red health devil deals are still basically you know they're never worth it um you're still almost always going for angel rooms but the fact that you could just destroy certain bosses with him completely just broken um plush the holy poops oh my god if you get a holy poop and you place that on a boss you're just winning you just stand in the in the holy poop and you just keep shooting you just shred bosses it's insane um but yeah this blueberry is very good you know what i think he's better than tainted mag because teeth and mag is just really oh wait no this is regular mag i'm stupid yeah never mind he's not better than regular meg all right um but yeah that's a really good placement for a no red health uh character um apollyon um yeah tainted napoleon is apollyon done right uh for every uh item pedestal that he sucks up he gets a red attack fly and he gets some special attack flies but we're not really gonna count those because they're just so rare there are not that many of them uh so let's just talk about you know assume he's basically always getting the red flies the red attack flies they're very strong um they're i believe that they're twice or three times his damage each um which you know after sucking up enough items that is a lot of extra dps another big thing to realize even if you're not counting the fact that he can suck up pedestal items whereas regular polygon cannot um every it's important to note that basically every item you suck up is a damage up theoretically because it's always extra dps it's absolutely crazy how much tainted apollyon is better than regular polygon um almost to a point that i think he might be better than maggie and lilith even yeah i think that's fair he's really strong even i just keep going i mean you could suck up all the bad items yeah i think he's like here hell he might be here you just get too many items with tainted cane though i don't think it's fair to put him above that yeah i think i think that's about right tainted apollyon is crazy um almost every run i have with him is just like really successful because once again still a worse isaac um but it's it's a polygon done right to say the least you get a bad item you turn it into a consistent dps up which is just amazing yeah you couldn't really ask for anything else you get a consistent dps up it's not like you're hoping for luck with a polygon and you keep getting like range ups or lock ups or whatever with tainted upon you're always getting a dps up so plus not to mention he has like one of the best birthrights of the entire game it makes us like if you get birthright with him it makes us that every single attack flight always holds on the boss completely busted i melted the hush's the hush way faster in a birth rate of polly on run than i have in any run before no joke i'm pretty sure i beat that hush fight in 10 seconds it wasn't even right nobody should be able to beat the hush in 10 seconds um i didn't even have that good of a run it was just that it was just birthright that was carrying all right um let's see not to mention you can focus on dodging while the flies are just on him completely broken um let's go to tainted eden so tainted eden is super fun um i don't even know what to say about tainted eden he's well yeah i do pantene eden is eden done right i love tainty eden another one of my top five favorite characters of the game um a lot of people think that he is like down here the fact that he's always randomizing uh his health and uh what is it you know you're it a lot of people say he's a very luck-based character and while yes obviously there's luck involved every time you get hit you randomize your entire item pool but there is so much strategy to this character i think he is the most skill required character in the entire game well besides the loss that's not fair the loss takes one hit and he's dead obviously the loss is the most skill-based character but tainted eden is a close second you need to know how item pools work it's a different type of skill if you are smart you're gonna win this tainted eden run you need to pick up all the right item pools and you need to know whenever you get hit you get a different a completely different run so you need to be able to adapt to every single time you get hit because it's completely different you look at your little item bar on the right and you get and you go okay i have this this and this let me make use of this to do this i think that he's one of the most fun one of the most skill based characters of the game he can still get red health and not to mention he got buffed because now his health up do not get randomized um well they do but um what is it his base health stats do not get randomized which is incredibly important so i think it's easy to say that if you know what you're doing i think tainted eden i'd still say they're hard but they're like if you know what you're doing they're pretty good but they're still hard i think right here i think that's fair i have a lot of good things to say about the eden but only because of personal preference at the end of the day it is still difficult the moment you get hit you have to know exactly what you're doing it is a very seal required character but they are also a very gratifying character they are not a luck based character that's what i'm trying to get across with this in fact they are one of the most skill-based characters the second most skill-based character like i don't even know what to say about him it really is insane shout outs to tainted eden they did this character so much better than regular eaton um obviously eden might be a little bit more consistent but you can really abuse the game with tainted eating you can get really busted runs really really fast all right um let's see hmm what's your team have forgotten tinder is fun um god i feel like i say that for every single characters um they are a soul heart character unfortunately um i think that they are definitely worse than regular forgotten i think that's fair uh while yes you're doing a lot of damage with each hit you know they it is hard to attack with them for sure there are a few items that completely break this character like nod leaf it's not even fair if you have nod leaf in any orbital you just win because you can just run into enemies and you're invincible the whole time but i digress they're still very difficult um having to achieve the forgotten bones each time to attack is really tough hmm i'm thinking like right here probably yeah i mean like i said they're very fun but they are still a soul heart character um and they're honestly they have a lot of items that don't even do anything for them which is always going to be a big disadvantage if a character cannot make use of a lot of items yeah i don't know once again they're very fun but honestly one of them like most of my achievements for teens have forgotten are want to get birth right and birthright with tainted forgotten is amazing you you get an ability to recall your bones right to you instead of having to chase it back down every single time you attack that makes the tattoo forgotten if things forgotten started with recall every run i legitimately think they'd be like here because they start with flight and well maybe not here maybe like right here um because they start with flight at the end of the day sure they're a soul heart character but you're doing a lot of damage and you're very safe too uh with recall but i think as it is right now i don't know though the double hitbox of jacob and esau is really bad i think this could go either way tell me in the comments what y'all think i think i'm gonna stick with this just because jacob and ease out can get double items on the alt path and for and meanwhile tainted forgotten can't even make use of half the items so yeah i think that's probably about right um [Music] let's wait that let's wait on that for a bit tainted samson um this time just fun definitely not nearly as good as regular samson not even close actually um but i think that the berserk is still pretty good for him it's a good early game killer but overall it's it's still low-key basic like it's not going to change the entire game you know it's not like bloodlust where you're just you just win i think that he's probably about here i still think that his damage output is way better than his hazel so i think it's fair to put him above but yeah i think that that's pretty safe to say you're you're definitely being carried by berserk is the big thing um tainted last tainted lads sucks oh my god this character is bad like they are they are very bad they got buffed thankfully like on first repentance release oh my god they were so bad now you have two items that flip so you at least you low-key get a tainted isaac effect where you have two options for each pedestal item which is nice but it's basically a worse jacob and esau no matter what they're going below jacob and esau i'll say that right away yes you don't have two hitboxes but unlike jacob and esau you are literally forced to split items between uh lazarus and tainted lazar well i shouldn't say like that lazarus tainted laz and dead tainted lass sure dead tainted lass has the strongest like base damage of the game but it doesn't even matter because you are splitting half of your items in the middle you are running two runs with half the items for each with jacob and esau at least you can just overpower one of the characters you cannot do that with laughs they are abysmal characters um they're definitely worse than than tainted forgotten i guess that for sure um honestly god they're very bad i mean yeah the extra item is nice but like the item option is nice but at the end of the day it's still half the items it's a very bad character i think they might go like here honestly are they worse than lost i think the extra item might save them from lost here bad i don't know man are they really worse than keeper though because keeper can only have three health yeah i mean if you get lucky enough with health ups you know because the thing is with keeper like you can't rely that much on luck to win a keeper run it's very very skill based with tainted laz you can definitely rely on luck you could definitely get lucky especially with the extra options i guess that's fair um plus i actually mentioned this before the one advantage i will give this character besides the extra item obviously is that if you are like insane with your health for that run like you get a lot of soul hearts you get a lot of health ups then technically you can have double the health than any character on this list because if you go into like the hush let's say you lose an entire health bar with regular tainted laz you're at one heart then you flip to dead tainted labs and then that tainted last also has full health you technically have 40 hearts is that right that's not 40. how many hearts can you have i've been playing too much lost i don't even remember how much health a character can have is it like 10 or is it eight i think it's 10. wait is it 12 am i tripping either way you get double the health basically so are almost double the health so they have that going for him whereas keeper and lost obviously have serious health issues but overall you're going to be losing a lot more health than you would with like 10 to forgotten so that's why even though they can get red health it's like way worse because you're taking way more hits because you're just so underpowered yeah that character sucks uh let's move on to tainted judas tate's judas is fun um but they are still a soul heart character they're obviously better than blue baby they're just a better version of blue baby basically uh dark arts it got really nerfed um you get a damage up for every tee or slash enemy you go you go through while using it but it doesn't last that long um the damage of that is and it's not that much of a game changer honestly a lot of the other even basic characters items like i would consider horror babylon way better than dark arts 100 just a consistent damage and speed up yeah absolutely um but it's still nice and it has good utility i think honestly the best utility about it is that um dark judas has free devil deal not free double deals free cursed rooms you could just dark arts right through the cursed room doors which is very nice utility so i think by that logic um they're not better than tainted blue baby tainted blue baby's just way too crazy against bosses i think it's fair to put him here but he can't get red health um worse than bethany probably worse than apollyon i'll put him right here yeah i think that's fair um i would still definitely rather have soul hearts than a fleeting red health bar um like during a boss fight there's a lot of like tier boss fights like the hush teens and judas destroys dude like you just go through all those tiers and you have like times 10 the damage sure it's like a short amount of time but still like that's gonna melt bosses really quick so yeah i think that's pretty fair uh very fun character though for sure they're just not um consistent i feel like um tainted loath is fun all these freaking tank cares are fun um god damn i mean she's really good early game but she's a little like inconsistent i think against bosses she's very strong though i think it's fair to put her up here she's like a worse azazel she just murks everything um she's very slow though she's actually slower than regular maggie but i think it's fair to put her here she has a really strong damage output she has great knockback even against bosses um yeah i don't know i i've always won runs whenever i play as her so you know she's pretty consistent i think even though i just said she was inconsistent all right so i talked about team to bethany earlier tainted bethany is the only soul heart character of the game that i think is broken like literally broken i think god is a tough one i mean she's still a soul heart character and honestly in certain scenarios you could just lose the entire run if you make one mistake so i think she probably goes here she's definitely going a nest here though tainted bethany is insane only because la megaton is insane i think la megaton is the best book of the entire game as long as you know what you're doing like you can get so many broken items if you focus on getting a planetarium and you can just keep using la megaton in that planetarium and getting all the planetarium items you get super good items you can use it in devil deals to get free devil deals you could use in your angel room get free angel room items the fact that it's based on the current room that you use it in insane you can just get such good items it really is impressive um now i'll be at the caveat to it obviously your solar character but you get so much protection from your items too you're barely ever getting hit um yeah i don't know it's it's absolutely it's absolutely insane um i will do that math oh in fact i'll do that right after this but hold on this is for a youtube video um all right uh yeah almost there um let's start with oh there's a tough one what i want to stop with let's start with tasty keeper tinted keeper noise hello youtube nice um god damn this is hard is tainted keeper better or worse than base keeper that's the main question well i think the main issue with it is that hold on i gotta turn on my music again i think the main issue with him is that he they brought they like they buffed regular keepers health just to give tate to keeper two health like i don't know it's just it rubs me the wrong way but at the end of the day he's so much fun and he he gets so much health not health he has so much money all of his items you have to buy though but god damn does he have powerful shots i think he's better overall you're you're just gonna end up being so op that it's gonna overtake the extra health that regular keeper gets um overall most runs are pretty op but yet he's still this low because he only has two hits um his health situation is technically worse than base lost so that's something that you really have to consider but you're always getting you know bigger better runs because of the better shots you're getting so much money yeah i think it's pretty safe to say he's better than regular keeper but not by much just because health is very important in isaac all right and um yeah i had to create an extra garbo tier just for these two um spoiler alert these are both going here um so when i made a uh repentance tier list before i originally put um i originally put tainted jacob as the worst character in the game uh just because at least tainted loss gets the better items and flight uh but yeah anyway basically the gimmick for tainted jacob is that whenever uh esau hits you you turn into the lost with no mantle which is insane uh but even more insane and this is what made him completely impossible it made him the worst character in the game literally was the fact that you could not become op with tainted jacob because if you became 2op you would always kill esau and when you kill esau it automatically turns you into the lost which is ridiculous now you are not able to kill esau it is impossible to kill usa and that is such a needed buff it is actually insane how much that change tainted jacob runs um now you can become as op as any other character as long as you focus on dodging him which is still hard and you can still always just get hit by him and then you know you get hit once then you just lose no matter how good your run is but at least you can still become broken now and shred bosses before you turn into the lost so he's not the worst character in the game anymore but he's still awful getting no mantle lost is just insane you gotta uh worry about he said the whole run at least early game he's still pretty strong because you just lead he's out into the bosses late game it doesn't really do much anyway and then finally tainted loss um once again a very fun character but having lost with no mantle is tough to say the least that is very very tough um yeah i don't even know it it's just hard yeah you get extra damage uh from tainted lost uh because of his better items yo what up mumios999 uh but yeah you're just it's just too hard i think um the better items definitely helps but you still do end up getting very unlucky at some point uh yeah and you get a damage multiplier for every damage up you get which is also very very nice uh but it's just i don't know no matter what advantages that tainted lost gets he is still the hardest character in the game is he fun yes i think he's up here in terms of how much i like him but he is just way too hard i think the fact that you can't even get holy mantle or any extra life items that's insane they got rid of every single extra life item he is just the glass cannon of the game um which is fun but it's just too hard for me to rank otherwise and hey at least thing to jacob was better than this character that you know that friggin you know is obviously meant to be the hardest character in the game but they really did buff jacob so shout out to that and yeah i think that'll be it for the tier list um yeah mumias i i was i just finished ranking all the characters based on how good they are rather than how much i actually like them um like this is like most definitively like uh but to end off the video uh tainted eve is the best character in bonnie of isaac i think that if you know how good tainted eve is you know she's the best character in the game if you understand it you just understand it you get it all right it used to be like definitive isaac was the best character in the game but now to me eve is so much better than isaac yeah mumia you see mubios agrees too random chatter came in like i'm sorry if you don't think tated eve is at least an s tier if you don't think she's she's even a nest here you're not you don't understand you just don't understand but yeah i think this is pretty good i think you can we can definitely make an argument to do this or even this but maybe that's about right although i don't know these characters i think if i'm being like super objective i'd probably do this um and we could do like bad um then we could just do like this nah they're so good health all the characters that cannot gain health i think it's fair to put them in their own tears because it it really does make them an extra level of bad um but yeah i tend to keep take to keep her at least a c you really think so i mean i love to as a keeper don't get me wrong but having two health no matter what that is tough and tasty keeper's really good against enemies but it is not the case against bosses i'm sorry it like maybe the only exception is like hush just because it spawns a lot of enemies you get coins out of but you definitely need to have some certain setups to um you know have a good amount of health for the harder bosses but yeah i think that's going to be uh the youtube video so i know it's been a while since i've made a video but i hope that y'all like this anybody who saw the original uh afterbirth plus to your list way back in the day i'm sorry it turns out so bad but hopefully this list is a lot more definitive a lot more uh educated now that i'm isaac lord 69 uh for me jacob and esau i'll give straight s because the fact i look like i play co-op and have friends true true not taking a nice house out but yeah thank you all so very much for coming it was a pleasure have a great night and yeah if you like this video make sure you have a like if you just like this video make sure you have a dislike because i like opinions subscribe now to become a later manner and let er express today and i hope they enjoy the rest of the content that i produce bye everybody everybody later manners i haven't done that outro in so long oh my god
Channel: LaterManner
Views: 3,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wKIk2QBb1L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 41sec (4541 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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