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i just saw the batman with robert pattinson directed by the guy that made the plan of the ace movies i just his name just completely went out of my brain but i compiled the list of all the batman movies that i've seen movies that have featured batman or feature bruce wayne in some capacity so as you can see the joker's in here batman v superman's in here suicide squads in here because you know batman's in it so i'm going to be ranking every single one of these batman films from f tier being like garbage d tier being like a dumpster fire but like it's kind of enjoyable c just being really boring or average b being decent a being good and then s tier being like a masterpiece okay this is gonna be spoiler free for the newest movie the batman but it's not going to be spoiler free for all the older movies okay because you've had plenty of time to go over them and see them all right let's get going starting with of course the original batman the original batman it does a good job i'm gonna put in beats here it's uh directed by tim burton uh it stars michael keaton and of course jack nicholson michael keaton being batman jack nicholson being the joker the first time i've ever seen the joker in a movie and i'll be honest jack nicholson's joker is a lot different than the joker that we're used to he's not really like crazy he's just like it's just he's like a mobster with makeup on and there's nothing too special about the joker they also make it so that in this movie the joker is the person that killed bruce wayne's parents which is like fine so there's like a connection there but in general i think the vibe is cool the aesthetic that they did for this batman movie is really good michael keaton's kind of underrated he's a pretty solid bruce wayne i mean back in the day my michael keaton was like the boy you know i think it's aged pretty man like i don't know if i could really go back and rewatch the original batman movie and really really enjoy it oh the batmobile oh let me let me find you guys a picture of the batmobile i used to have this as a kid this goofy little thing i i used to have that as a hot wheel as a kid it was cool all the homies loved that so yeah i think beats here is fair i think this is this is really what catapulted superhero movies after this i mean not really like it's not what catapulted superhero genre but it really helped batman get even more popular in the mainstream then we got batman returns batman returns is actually pretty fun time i almost want to say it's better than this batman but is it like a tier better or is it like still beats here i think it's better than the original batman danny devito plays the penguin which is really cool michael keenan still returns as batman and you'll see that throughout this like quad trilogy they keep swapping batman's and it gets progressively worse but i i do think batman returns is really solid i like batman returns it's corny as heck but it's like kind of it's kind of taking itself less seriously and it's kind of this fun goofy batman film danny devito as the penguin is awesome i forget who plays who plays catwoman michelle pfeiffer yeah michelle pfeiffer as catwoman that was a big deal that changed the game for people man some people cannot handle that you know christopher watkins in this i think he's like the mayor i just think like it's corny obviously it's super corny it's super campy but like i think there's some enjoyable parts in a lot and i think it makes it it's a lot more fun than the original batman the original batman's like cool and all but this one really gets crazy in terms of the art direction and the style i mean obviously it's still like within the good tim burton like aesthetic and stuff without it being too over the top but yeah i really do think batman turns is a little bit better than the original batman that's just me though batman forever is his seats here it should be lower but i i have very fond memories of batman forever this is where they replaced michael keaton with val kilmer uh i don't think tim burton was directing this anymore it just kind of went all over the place like you talk about campy you talk about corny this is the movie that that comes through dude this movie's hilariously bad but in like a good way jim carrey steals the show as the riddler like jim carrey was at the peak of his stardom i think he just came out with a mask ace ventura all these bangers of movies dumb and dumber and so he was at the peak of his career so jim carrey was just like on fire right he plays the riddler and he pops off like he's hilarious he like plays such a kooky goofy boy freaking tommy lee jones plays two-face does an okay job there we get the introduction of robin which like kind of works kind of doesn't that's basically the entirety of the movie though like the one scene that always comes to my memory is just like batman make a choice your lover or your partner or there's one line that like i think is so hilarious robin goes like holy rusted metal batman and he goes like what he's like look there's there's literally rusted metal with holes in it oh and like that was it's a dumb joke it's a dumb callback to like the adam west uh movies and stuff i think the movie is stupid but i think it's like enjoyably stupid which is why it belongs in c tier but i think this is when it goes it gets downhill really really quickly with batman and robin batman and robin is f's here batman robin is so garbage it's like not even enjoyably bad like okay there's some parts that are like hilarious like the fact that the fact that he has a batman credit card like i think that was the funniest thing ever but this this movie was literally made to make money off toys and it's clear arnold schwarzenegger as uh as the mr freeze was so bad pretty hilarious he has some amazing one-liners though but uh yeah um thurman's really great as poison ivy i think like robin goes like you can't have rubber lip gloss or whatever i'm immune to your kisses like the movie's so stupid george clooney comes in as batman this time around and i honestly think george clooney was built to be batman but this was just not the movie for it and it's he's a little too old now to do it george clooney could easily play an older batman though in if they ever do batman uh what's that called with you know that one batman show where it's like he's uh he's like a prodigy that takes over batman beyond yeah batman beyond like i feel like george clooney could play a good old batman oh yeah and batman and robin introduced the bat nipples remember that oh i mean bat nipples are already kind of a thing in batman forever but they get they went all out batman and robin is a completely terrible doo doo belongs definitely in f tier for sure i don't think anyone's questioning that next episode so after this entire franchise kind of failed christopher nolan was given the reigns to make a trilogy for batman starting with batman begins and i would say batman begins is a solid opener batman begins is is phenomenal it introduces christian bale as batman michael keaton no you're not michael keaton michael michael kane michael kang michael king michael kane as uh alfred morgan freeman as like lucious fox like the ceo of like win wayne uh enterprise the cast is stellar right and christopher nolan really wanted to ground batman because batman at this point was so campy so corny everybody was like pretty over this like ridiculous over-the-top nest christopher nolan was like what if we could make batman seem like he could actually exist in the real world right he's dealing with the mobsters he's dealing with these different criminals that are all grounded like they introduced the scarecrow i think it was killian murphy and he's like this therapist that uses like this gas thing to like kind of make you go crazy and stuff and it's like they could have really butchered the scarecrow but they really uh made it a more nuanced approach and i really love how they did that and of course raz al ghul being like one of the main the main bad guys played by liam neeson i mean that's awesome those are some deep cuts in terms of batman's like villains and stuff right and i think they did a really good choice they introduced batman very well they introduced gotham really well uh freaking oh my god how could i freak gary oldman as commissioner gordon bless that man dude i feel like this is when batman got really good but obviously we got to talk about the next one the dark knight belongs in s tier the dark knight is in my opinion still the best superhero movie ever made period nothing has ever been able to top the dark knight that year if a superhero movie was ever going to win an oscar for best picture it would have been the dark knights here and i think its competition was like really weak yeah okay its competition would if it didn't even get nominated for best picture but its competition was slumdog millionaire the curious case of benjamin budden frost nixon milk and the reader five movies that i know for a fact nobody gives a flying about anymore you know it's a crying shame that both best director and best picture were not given uh the dark knight was never given a nomination for both of these because it was a phenomenal film and the only reason it wasn't nominated is because it's a superhero movie but thankfully heath ledger who played the joker and we'll talk about him in a second one best supporting actor unfortunately it was posthumous because he died yeah and all in all honestly the dark knight is phenomenal let's talk about heath ledger heath ledger played the joker he played a very very different interpretation of the joker different than like mark hamill's animated joker that's been like the only real joker we've gotten and significantly different than jack nicholson's joker this joker was really crazy but it really showcased the reason why he was so obsessed with batman like batman is what made him who he is he would like always look at him be like we're the same like you made me like without you there would be no me like he's like you complete me and he's just so quotable like i wanna know how i got these scars like everyone was quoting the guy everybody fell in love with this version of the joker it became like super super duper annoying it became annoying because a lot of people would be dressing up as a joker and being like you wanna see how i got these scars my father my my father was a youtuber and he would tearless things all the time whatever right but yeah heath ledger became like basically yeah i agree with you ben the mom the heath ledger became the new normal for for future jokers and stuff but on top of that i feel like people don't really talk about harvey dent as much um i forget the guy that played harvey dent the actor's name escapes me but he starts off as of course the district attorney that gets corrupted by the fact that his love of his life rachel gets killed right and half of his face gets burnt in the process while this happens this version of two faces just wants justice for for his lost love and i think this arc of two-face was so great because harvey dent was such a good character and they did such a good job with harvey dent beforehand because you can really butcher two-faced you can just through what they did with tommy lee jones like tom lee jones was just introduced as two-face and they kind of like hinted at like batman didn't save him on time and when he was in court or whatever now this one they really show you the beginning middle and end of two-face and it's phenomenal it's a beautiful arc and it works really well in tandem with the joker but yeah heath ledger pops off on this movie this is really a joker movie featuring batman it has a lot of just amazing iconic scenes especially the opening scene where they're robbing the bank and stuff that's it's amazing yeah so the dark knight is forever the best superhero movie for me in my opinion it's it's so good and nothing no superhero movie has has gotten close infinity war has gotten close like i would say infinity war is like right behind the dark knight and then an end game is like a little a lot a little bit lower than them then we got the dark knight rises and i hate this movie like we saw it the other day when i first saw it when it first came out i was like in high school i genuinely thought it was decent right but the more you think about it the worse it gets so i'm putting it in deeds here and let me explain why this movie is so bad and it's sad because like you could suspend some of your disbelief in like the dark knight and batman begins because you have to you have to do it for any movie right but this movie just doesn't make any sense logically like when you start to think about it you're just like this it's so dumb there's so many dumb things about it let's just let's just talk about the dumb stuff first let me get out of the way how did he get out of the cave like when he got out of the cave with like no money no phone no nothing how did he get back in the gotham city at this point gotham city is completely overrun by like bane and his and his group of people how did he get back into the city like how did you just do that it just kind of happens out of nowhere that's one thing that's just like just an example right on top of that when he gets back to the city and like saves commissioner gordon and all of them from freezing from walking out into like the frozen water and dying or whatever so commissioner gordon is like walking on the ice path because it's like you have a choice between exile or death and he's like death by exile whatever like it's funny killing murphy as a scarecrow comes back as like a judge he walks out into the ice path and then batman comes and saves his life and then he hands him like a fire stick thing that says like light it up and then he lights it up and a big old bat fire thing pops up on the bridge right and i'm just thinking okay batman you have literally like 10 hours before this like nuke is gonna explode right you're on a time crunch here my guy when did you have time to paint with gasoline the bat on the freaking wall it's so stupid like i know you're thinking like macro like you're being really dumb but like but why when the movie before like the dark knight was so perfectly like like set up like everything was set up and everything made logical sense you go to this movie and you just you just you're just like what it's so dumb the entire police force not not just like a select group the entire gotham city police force goes underground and they're stuck underground for the entire movie the movie is so dumb then you're worried about this nuke thing he like goes through with the nuke like he has a nuke attached to his bat like flying thing he drives it down i don't know across the lake whatever it explodes but not big enough to kill anybody fine and gets it far enough but somehow he survives it's just so many stupid things you know what i mean like and you wouldn't notice it but the entire script is just bad most of the time you could suspend your disbelief if the movie is good but the movie's not good so it was so hard to not notice all these stupid things the one bright side is i do like tom hardy as bane i think bane's stupid accent is hilarious i was born in the darkness you merely adopted it like like i think that is funny but like good at the same time the weird twist that bane is essentially like raz al ghul's daughter's henchman essentially is is fine that's why the dark knight rises it deets here it's still a better movie than batman versus robin but please re-watch it you're gonna laugh like watch it it's it's fun it's like it verges on so bad it's good territory like joseph gordon-levitt is robin right and he literally just knows that bruce wayne is batman by a look he's like i just could see it in your face and like i just knew that you're batman like but commissioner gordon can't put two and two together like i don't know i don't know movie sucks any hoosiers the christopher nolan trilogy is gone and then the mcu comes out so dc is like super desperate to get into that mcu like niche right they're over here like yo mcu is making a ton of money by like putting all their superheroes together right why don't we do the same thing and so they release man of steel to be kind of like the starting point and then they released batman vs superman and my god what a mess i don't think it's as bad as batman versus robin but it's it's worse than the dark knight rises i'm putting bad members of superman indeeds here dude batman vs superman is just it's just such a strange movie man batman's motivation to want to kill superman or the the entire like premise of how they meet is like completely hinged on lex luthor's very strange plan and the battle stops like batman is going to win because he has like a full-on kryptonite armor suit the battle stops because superman says save martha he goes like save martha which just so happens to be batman's mom's name like they both have parents named martha fine but like also if you're crying out to your mom why would you call your mom martha what did you say like save my mom i'd it's so dumb like it's such a dumb thing like why would you say that name why would you say that name jesse eisenberg as lex luthor is a terrible casting choice i think jesse eisenberg cannot play anything but himself i think jesse eisenberg did really well in social network and that's the only time i've enjoyed him as an actor i guess zombielander he works he works well but like he plays like the same quirky dude and him as lex luthor doesn't really give the good lex luthor vibes that i want like relax with them to me is like a badass like super genius not just this like quirky goofball like they wanted to jokerfy lex luthor essentially when lex luthor should be more of like a super genius you know superman is like pretty boring in this movie as well they shoehorn in wonder woman and then shoe horn in a bunch of like the little like teasers first for the justice league movie that's coming in later yeah this movie just is is a mess overall like it just it's it's stupid they kill off superman but it doesn't really matter because it comes back in the next movie the acting's terrible ben affleck as batman is is decent i will say that ben affleck as batman is decent but the entire movie overall overall just really it's really goofy man oh yeah and batman used guns which is like you know what zack snyder okay so i gotta just let you know right now i think zack snyder is such a meh director and he doesn't really understand what makes things good i always like look at watchmen directed by zack snyder and immediately understand like oh zack snyder didn't get watchmen watchman is very thoughtful and very much like an anti-superhero movie and then you look at like zack snyder interviews and he goes like i just love when they fight and stuff like he didn't he didn't get watchmen and i don't think he gets batman i don't think he gets superman and so i don't i don't think zack snyder gets anything dude i know people wanted the snyder cut so bad and the snyder cup was like significantly better than the other justice league and we'll get there but like i think in general zack snyder is super super super overrated so yeah dt is where batman for superman goes i included suicide squad in here because i think it'd be fun to roast suicide squad real quick because technically ben affleck batflick is in it for like a second so i'm gonna i'm gonna count it suicide squad goes in f tier pretty easily it's just a mess it's just this is just a mess of a film another case where like maybe if the director got more of their artistic vision in that it wouldn't be as big of an issue but we'll never know like when no one's asking for the whoever directed this cut but i've heard that the director had like a bunch of problems with suits just telling him like how to fix stuff they essentially wanted to do like they had their own story going in and then guardians of the galaxy got super duper duper popular and so they're like let's make this like guards of the galaxy like funny and quippy and whatnot but it didn't it just didn't really work so yeah the original suicide squad is terrible the acting is terrible the plot doesn't make any sense harley quinn being there doesn't make any sense there was like very little quality going into it the cinematography is bad the actual art direction is bad the costumes looks terrible suicide squad by the way fun fact has an academy award for best makeup if you ever want to tell your friend that that suicide squad is a good movie you can just say hey academy award-winning suicide squad just so you know yeah the joker being in it was really cringe jared leto's joker is awful i hate jared leto's joker one of the worst interpretations of the joker they just made him like a worse jack nicholson version of the joker suicide squad is just a cringe movie a total cringe fest everything about it is just so weird and so poorly done yeah there was no color in suicide squad too like the follow-up with james gunn the suicide squad is significantly better i'd probably put that like in beats here but yeah this one is garbage lego batman is so good lego batman goes and hates here bro before you come at me with like a lot of questions lego batman is one of the best batman movies ever made dude straight up lego batman is hilarious it pokes so much fun in all the previous renditions of batman and it does this really clever thing they made they make batman and joker's relationship a love story and i i'm i'm here for it it's kind of like what perry the platypus and doom shimmers have were like they're clearly arch nemesis right but like they treat that like almost like a best friendship it's like a best nemesis ship so the joker and batman basically batman's like well i guess you're like one of my main villains but like i have like other villains and stuff it's so goofy like the premise is hilarious it's just so funny like i feel like it's underrated as hell i feel like people don't talk about lego batman enough it just had some of the best jokes some of the best lines it really just showcases like the main theme of the lego batman movie is about family and and batman trying to create his own family through like robin and like back and batgirl and alfred that's like the entire point of the movie and then reconciling with the joker at the end is one of the funniest things ever dude it's just a fun movie i think it only works in lego though because it's like more of a parody than anything you know like i don't think it would work in in person then we got justice league this is uh the original the original release of justice league it is so bad it is so much worse than all these movies combined but like it's better than suicide squad though i'd put it in bottom of d's here so the justice league obviously there's unfortunately there was a problem with the original release of the justice league had it had a big issue right so the original uh release of the justice league started with zack snyder completely making most of the film unfortunately his daughter she passed away and it caused zack snyder to like not want to continue filming so he quit because his life like that takes a toll on you mentally it's it's a tragedy so they hired uh what's his face the guy that made avengers i forget his name already because he's such a loser um joss whedon so they hired joss whedon to come through and and make the justice league but mind you joss whedon's the guy like so people really associate the success of avengers with joss whedon and to an extent i can agree because like he really did bring this quippiness like these jokes this liveliness to the avengers and the mcu but in my opinion they kind of were over relying on these quips that's the reason why avengers age of ultron is so terrible because like joss whedon doesn't have any good ideas so he kind of just relies on just like these really corny jokes and now yeah it came out that jostling is a complete creep and loser so i'm so glad that that finally came out but essentially long story short no one wants to work with him anymore because none of his movies are really that great and he has the same he does the same crap but he essentially avengerified justice league because just think it was going to be a lot more serious a lot more dark in tone but he put in a bunch of these crappy jokes like like they had the flash landing on like wonder woman's boobs and be and like making that a whole scene that was added that was not zack snyder's thing they literally had to reshoot that scene why stuff like that where you're just like what's wrong with you joss like what a dweeb right and he uh he had like major beef with the actor that played cyborg and so he cut out like his entire arc that that zack snyder put in there's an entire arc with the cyborg that comes in the justice league uh the zack snyder cut and it's like ridiculous like they completely butchered his character they made everybody just make a bunch of terrible jokes the simplest way to put is just stupid all these dumb gags and stuff so i would say the justice league is just a terrible batman movie it's a terrible movie in general and we're going to move on from it joker i'm playing the joker in eights here i think you guys i think joker is a bit overrated i still think it's great like a tier is great and it's at the top of eights here i just think it's a bit overrated i think that the best parts about this film are all incredible but there are other parts about the film that you could have cut out completely that i think kind of actually drag the film or make it a little bit worse including but not limited to the fact that like he has that whole like twist that his girlfriend is not actually his girlfriend kind of thing i was like oh that's so goofy like why why even include that like i get it trying to make him seem like he's like crazy that he actually is it was so unnecessary and it's kind of like like i didn't like that part that much and it did drag at some points and i think it thought it had more to say than like it actually did but overall joaquin phoenix's performance is phenomenal he won the oscar for a reason not saying like getting oscars is equal to being a good movie but like it's cool that so far the joker character has received two whole acting oscars already that's pretty cool right like two out of the four times the joker's appeared on a movie they nominate him for an oscar and then he wins so i think that's really cool i think the joker is a is a great movie it comes off like a really good martin scorsese film the way that they shoehorn bruce wayne and the wayne family and this is also something that i don't like about it like it's almost like the movie would be better if they just ignored batman or ignored the wanes just ignored the universe that they're in obviously you can't they want people to know like this is in the batman universe but like him like meeting bruce wayne as a kid and being the reason why the waynes die because he causes like an uprising i don't know i don't i don't like that aspect of it but everything else i like i also think that the movie could have ended two scenes sooner i actually think the movie would would have been such a perfect ending at the end he's like he's in like psych ward and he's like talking to the therapist and he's like thinking about the wayne parents murder and he starts laughing and the therapist like looks at him and goes like why are you laughing he's like you wouldn't get it it should have just ended right after that we're just like you wouldn't get it but then then they had to show them killing like the therapist or whatever and like being all happy and dancing again it's just like i think it would have been cooler if it just ended on that exact note where he's like you wouldn't get it but either way it's a good movie i think aids here is a fair spot for the joker and i included it in this batman tear list because bruce wayne is in this movie okay and that's batman okay everybody you know how it works let's talk about snyder cut the snyder cut is as a beats is a low b to your movie for me it's so over hyped i think people give it way too much credit it's significantly better than the original justice league it actually makes sense it's four hours long as well it makes sense as a movie it has a lot to add on and it kind of gets you excited for the entire universe that it could have been but like to pretend that this movie is like a masterpiece it's ridiculous it drags heavily it's not bad like i think bt is a solid position for it to be in but like let's not pretend that it's like some masterpiece people are going over here and like being like oh my god the snyder cut is so cool and i'm like chill dude it's you're comparing it to justice league compared to movies in general and it's okay like relax wait bruce wayne is batman shut up chat you guys are funny but uh yeah i think btr fits for the snyder cut that includes in my opinion one of the best additions or things that were cut from the original justice league which is of course cyborg's entire arc and cyborg's entire thing and of course the flash going in and freaking saving the entire day oh my god it's so cool like they make the flash cooler they make cyborg so much cooler they make wonder woman cooler like everybody is just so much cooler in this movie and they're not making these stupid jokes and when they do make jokes the only person that makes jokes is flash because that's his job the flash is the funny guy you know not everybody's being the funny guy it's it's not marvel and it's cool man i have not actually watched any of the other animated movies except i have watched under the red hood and i think under the red hood is phenomenal i'm gonna put it in aids here under the red hood is is so great it's about jason todd one of the original robins and like how he became like kind of like a crazy villain and he's like blames batman for claims like the joker cause like like he basically batman didn't save him on time and so he thought he was dead but he comes back as like this crazy villain it's phenomenal man i just remember really enjoying it the animation style is really good in general yeah red hood's like an anti-hero and this yeah he's like an anti-hero but batman supposed to stop him because he's like still killing people yeah red hood is phenomenal go watch it if you haven't i think it's on netflix i'm not 100 confident of where it's located but yeah then we got the batman okay so no spoilers here i know you guys don't want to see spoilers go watch it it's phenomenal i'm going to give my best i'm do my best to do a spoiler free review right now of it i'm putting that the batman nest here if i were to give it a ranking in terms of a scale of 0 through ten i would give it in my opinion now that i've lingered on it it'd be somewhere between like a high eight low nine like i i did really really really enjoy it the batman is phenomenal let's talk about the casting the casting is so stacked you have of course robert pattinson playing batman and he does a great job i think some people don't like his interpretation of bruce wayne it's like emo boy kind of like depressed bruce wayne but i i personally really really enjoyed it his version of batman is really cool really menacing zoe kravitz as catwoman is great i didn't realize how attracted i am to zoey kravitz so after this movie i literally like whispered my wife's here is like zoe kravitz she's she's like attractive and she's like i've known that since mad max fury road i was like she was in that movie i forgot she was even in that movie but it's it's good it's good freaking colin farrell as the penguin he doesn't even look recognizable it's phenomenal i forget the guy's name he's from westworld but he plays commissioner gordon i think it's a phenomenal casting choice as well paul dano as the riddler is sick he just does the job so well it's such a different interpretation of riddler it's like a zodiac killer detective espionage film noir style film like it really encapsulates what makes batman so cool because he's kind of being a detective in this like no other batman movie has really captured the fact that batman's the world's greatest detective it's truly like this this awesome mystery that you keep getting like really wrapped into and stuff like jim carrey's weather is cool too like i like jim carrey's rather but this is just a very very different interpretation of riddler and i love it the entire like direction is crazy the score is beautiful the score is phenomenal it has like this darth vader-esque vibe whenever batman comes in the cinematography is interesting it's very dark like like visually it's is the gotham city is depressing and very dark it makes you like not want to visit but you're also like kind of excited to see where it's gonna take you next right so casting's insane the world building is uh is phenomenal you really feel like this is a lived-in world oh and andy circus andy circus's alfred i thought that was actually great man i very much enjoyed it dude if you guys haven't seen the batman uh go watch it yourself i i really do think it's a strong movie and i'm very excited for the future of batman now that i've seen it because it's good like i don't know it's just a good interpretation of batman i'm very hopeful for the future i'm excited to see what they do next with robert pattinson as batman you were scared of batman this one yeah that's kind of like the cool part about it it's not like a spoiler let's let me just explain this real quick when i say world building the reason why the world building to me was like so phenomenal in this movie the police don't like batman they're like what the heck is he doing here like gordon the only person on his side is like is commissioner gordon like and that's how it is like batman doesn't just start and like work with police immediately it takes time to completely uh get the trust of like a police force you know and i love that it starts it doesn't give you the whole batman begins thing where like you're gonna see his parents die and all that crap it just starts it just starts with like this is a batman that's been doing it for a while you know and it's it's pretty hype it's pretty hype as hell like you know like that's ballsy it's really scary to just go in and like start a batman movie without giving a bunch of backstory of like where did he come from what's his backstory because i think it's smart to assume that most people watching the film know who batman is you know yeah uses fear very well everything about it is just it's a good time man wow so that is my tier list for all the movies that i've seen that include bruce wayne and batman there's a lot of duds but a lot of good ones in between you know [Music]
Channel: Macro LIVE
Views: 572,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the batman, the batman review, the batman masterpiece, the batman good, the batman bad, batman tier list, best batman movie, worst to best batman, lego batman, the dark knight, robert pattinson, ben affleck, batman vs superman, dc, batman review, best batman, worst batman, new batman, batman explained, macro, the macro show, tier list, batman funny, christopher nolan, riddler, the penguin, joker, oscars, batman begins, batman and robin, george clooney, Christian bale
Id: SDaq9OR9tuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.