i watched every single barbie movie so you don't have to

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β€œSo you don’t have to” - joke’s on you, I was already going to!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/draculaurapalmer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I already have, so...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ghosty4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone my name is Caitlin I'll back to my channel so a little fun fact about me that I feel like some of you might know based on another video that I did not that long ago is that I love Barbie movies but I haven't actually watched all of them have only seen up into like island princess so I thought it'd be a great idea to have a Barbie movie marathon I watched all 36 movies as my roommate Nina and I'm here to rank them all for you guys I'm very big stack of DVDs beside me because there are so many movies I honestly would not recommend binge watching all of them and that's why I'm making this video so you guys know which ones to watch and which ones that you can probably skip oh I also wanted to mention that this is obviously just my opinion and I am a little bit biased thorns' I grew up with but I did try to remove some of that when making this list and so all that being said let's just jump right into it so coming in at number 36 is Barbie and her sisters in a puppy chase now this one's about Barbie and her sisters they go to this tropical island because Chelsea has a dance competition but then they lose their puppies and they have to go and find their puppies and it's like this whole adventure now this movie is probably the most frustrating movie I've ever seen in my entire life and Barbie is the most irresponsible older sister literally ever they come to this island peak like I said because Chelsea's got a dance recital but she doesn't let Chelsea practice at all and then so she ends up like not doing very great in her competition sorry about the spoiler but that's not good that big the spoiler if you watch the movie anyways basically she gets them stranded and they're living off of granola bars for like a solid few days and they like camping out in the woods and they like to sleep in a golf cart and Barbie is just like be positive guys it's okay what I'm like you're these you guys are stranded it's hard to be positive and then they make up this what if game what if a giant submarine comes out of the water right now and the captain tells you you have to live underwater from now on which has been like a joke between me and Nina since where it's like what if we didn't have to sleep on the ground and we're stranded out in a jungle and they're like yeah that'd be great like it's such a pointless game and this movie was just so frustrating it's like the animation was already and there was dancing horses so that interesting but let's move on to number 35 so I've got Barbie spy squad not only do these babies protect your head they protect you from helmet hair so this one's about Barbie and her friends and they become spies it's kind of like Totally Spies but it's Barbie and honestly the concept wasn't that bad like I was interested in like the whole spy kind of theming and all of that it just it was such a boring movie like not much happened if they were such bad spies they couldn't do anything and then when they did do something in the end it just felt like they were bad throughout the whole movie and then they got good for like the ending it was just a really boring movie and I definitely would not recommend it and I probably will never watch it over again hello I'm Prince Liam [Music] so coming in at number 34 we've got Barbie princess and the popstar now this one is pretty cheetah name you've got a princess you got a popstar they switch places and I tried my absolute best to go into this movie open-minded because I know it's a lot of people's favorites this movie was just so bad I just it was honestly just a disgrace to the princess in a popper name you've got these two girls who were just so ungrateful and talking about how they wish they had someone else's lives when they had such good lives then you've got this pop star who was like lying to her record company saying that she's written her ol album when she hasn't even started it yet and in this princess she's supposed to write this speech and she like just won't do it and they're both just ungrateful and it made me mad and then there was like this magic tree which I guess was like the kingdom's wealth but then the kingdom was in poverty so that was really weird and this guy was trying to steal it but his motives were really unclear the one nice thing I can say though is that Here I am is a bop and probably one of my favorite Barbie songs unfortunately it's the only good song in this film they've got this really bad cover girls just want to have fun but it's princesses just want to have fun and then they do a terrible take on to be a princess that makes me so upset um but yeah Here I am is good and honestly the reason why it's not like number 36 on this list is because it was so fun to watch this movie with Nina and just kind of make fun of it like it was just such a bad movie that it was so entertaining and so that's Princeton a pop star I would honestly kind of recommend watching it just because it was entertaining the name Sparkle super Sparkle so this one's about Barbie she's a princess named Cara she gets kissed by a butterfly and then becomes a superhero because oh the butterfly is magic so this movie like really wasn't that bad I just didn't really like it that much um like out of all the movies on this list this one definitely wasn't that bad I just really didn't like it for some reason I started to be a little bit boring and there was like sort of a ship but then they don't really utilize it and I kind of like turns on her and then she like weirdly is alright with it and then at the end there's like Baba coming from a volcano and it like stir grounds the palace and then Cara just like pushes it and then it's fine now it's not really how lava works so that kind of made me mad but honestly like wasn't that bad I don't really like it what twillerbee handbook this one is Barbie she's telling the story of Thumbelina but it's not the story like the actual Thumbelina story it's like a Barbie exclusive Thumbelina story where it's like the twillerbees and they live in this flower garden that's about to be like bulldoze over and so Thumbelina becomes friends with this human kid to help save they're like a field and honestly I feel like the concept of it is pretty neat like it's good environmental um we're all about that being green I think I almost fell asleep but I do like the message I think the message is really good and I do like the merge the dolls are really cute it's just it was kind of boring in my opinion so I would recommend skipping this one if you're doing a Barbie marathon yourself the soup was yummy and how was the beginning I did not the race see that they get exactly we've got her sisters they're back again and they're gonna go to this place to ride horses oh it was her aunt's place or aunt has a ranch and yeah and then while they're there Barbie discovers this like magical race of horses that are white and that's why they're magic because they have pink hair too I think I missed something I don't remember why they were magical but this movie like was just kind of boring in my opinion I like the concept of it and there was this cute little thing with skipper and this one boy and that was really cute but overall like it just seemed really boring and magical horses didn't really seem to have any significance I don't know I felt like it just there was nothing that really happened in this movie so that's that one let's move on that means you can say congrats on your win Bella I think you mean congrats on your win Chris so your NPCs you're an NPC yeah I was actually pleasantly surprised at this movie it's about Barbie obviously she goes into this video game and she has to like beat every level to help them get rid of a virus she's also a coder so that's cool but what I liked about this one is that it would have you anticipating every level so like every level would be a different animation and every level would be different from the previous level and so that was interesting but it was kind of boring and there was a lot of Just Dance plugs which were unnecessary I don't know if this movie was sponsored it's got it had to have been sponsored do you know what's even more awesome know what just dance but I do like that they did introduce like video games to the Barbie universe I would have preferred if they weren't so stereotypically girly but it is Barbie so like booking expect overall this one was actually pretty good I didn't hate it so this is one that I remember watching when I was younger because my sister Carrie really liked it um and I remember liking it back then but then after be watching it I didn't enjoy it as much it's basically about Barbie and her sisters they're going on a trip again but this time they want to go to New York for Christmas but then they get snowed in and they end up having Christmas in like this little large sort of place in the woods sort of it's kind of stranded from civilization but it's also a musical so it's got that going for it but it was kind of just boring which needs to be a trend with some of these films the message was cute I don't really remember what it was but I remember thinking of his cute Oh the only thing I wrote down is that I fell asleep watching it so it's alright I think it may be baby nostalgia I don't know but it had song next up we've got VAR v um secret door yes well that's it no tenda so this one's about Barbie as princess Alexa she's like a socially awkward princess who likes to read in her room and not socialize with others very relatable character she finds the secret door in her garden and is brought into this realm of mermaids and fairies and she is princess so she has magic in this realm and so she has to help them defeat this evil person who's like stealing all the magic and it was actually not as bad as I thought it was gonna be I actually did enjoy this movie it was pretty entertaining don't I think it's like every time I think about this movie it makes me kind of sick for some reason I think it was just all of the bright colors we're a little bit overwhelming for me um but there were songs and I've got magic played a lot and it was kind of catchy so yeah this one actually wasn't that bad I kind of would recommend it but I haven't really decided if I would or not so I guess make the decision on your own if you were to watch it one thing is though they kept saying in this movie that princesses have magic only princesses have magic early when your princess you have magic and so we were able to use that knowledge to our advantage when watching all these other movies if someone had magic and it wasn't really explained if there were princess then like it would make sense because they have magic okay let's move on and I don't under water and I could breathe and then a dolphin spoke to me this one is about Merliah she's like a surfer girl and then she finds out that she's half mermaid and she has to go and like save the mermaid kingdom from this evil person and so this one is pretty good um I definitely remember liking it more when I was younger I don't I think I watched it I'm not a hundred percent sure my younger sister clover likes this one I think I know that this one is pretty popular I just found it kind of boring when we were watching it there was a lot of plot holes but it did give me like 13th year vibes so like I like that let's move on so this one's about Barbie and her sisters believe it or not they're going to visit their grandmother and they find this like scavenger hunt sort of treasure map and so they decide to like solve this map and find a treasure this one I found kind of boring but I really liked the concept and I like just the animation in it the one thing that really bugged me though is they kept saying that like Barbie's grandfather worked like his whole life to try to find this treasure and he could never find it there was such like this thing that he tried so hard to find and he couldn't find it but then obviously these kids find it in like this fan of this movies I'm like how incompetent was their grandfather that he could not find this treasure that it took them like a couple days to find I don't know I just thought that was funny but like overall it was kind of boring but the dogs were cute so that's good yes Barbie in A Christmas Carol this was actually a lot older than I thought it was and I'm surprised that I never watched it before it's basically like the Christmas Carol but it's Barbie which is kind of weird to have Barbie like as Scrooge like it's not someone you'd expect Barbie to beat but then she's also kind of playing a character you know cuz she's an actress in the Barbie universe um yeah this one is pretty good I mean it's a Christmas carol so you can't really do that one wrong but yeah a new Christmas classic for me to watch for sure next up Barbie Mariposa and the fairy princess you've knocked the king's crown off his head with your bling oh so this one is a sequel to Mariposa this one is about Mariposa she's a butterfly fairy and she has to go to the crystal fairy realm to like defeat racism I guess and it was actually pretty good I enjoyed it it's weird that they made this sequel so much later after the first one but yeah I thought the plotline was almost better than the first one the only reason why of this one lower is because it really made me mad that they got rid of Elena in the beginning which we'll talk more about when we get to Mariposa but yeah overall I actually really enjoyed this movie I thought it was pretty good [Music] so this one is barbara Autopia magic the rainbow it's the third movie in the Fairytopia series basically it's about Alina our main gal she is a fairy and she goes to this like fairy school to like learn fairy stuff I just like the concept of this one not as much as the other two but this one's bought Bibble gets like a significant other in this movie and Alina has a boy in this one too which is Q and yeah I like it it's good give me three okay well this one was actually very good I was very pleasantly surprised it's basically like Rapunzel but fish so like barbie is lumina and she is like the lost princess and so she like has to find a way back to the palace and this one had like a really good plot and I was really engaged with this movie the whole time I was watching it it's just really cute and I love how excited her character got when she like had a job and I could just totally see myself loving this one as a kid and yeah it was just really adorable I loved it Oh money bolsa so this is the first one we talked about the sequel we didn't talk with the first ones this is the first one should I mention that's the first thing okay so Barbie mariposas so it's about Mariposa do the butterfly fairy who has to go and like save her Queen because her Queens been poisoned so she has to go and find the antidote to the poison the one thing I didn't understand though was all the various accents in this film especially the prince he puts on a really weird accent I am so sorry I don't mean to startle you but yeah the ship was cute I like how they both liked books and I actually yeah I enjoyed this one was really prominent to me of the older Barbie films I also really liked how Alina started narrating the story yeah I was just kind of cool her was like a spinoff of Fairytopia how dare she I wanted that cake so this one is one that I know is a lot of people's favorites but for me REE watching it I just didn't enjoy it as much as I remembered it's about Blair she wins a lottery to attend Princess Charm School and I really liked the concept of it it really reminded me of like the selection sort of or like Hunger Games but like without all the killing and like princesses instead but I found it the overall plot of it to be kind of boring and predictable and so that's why I do have it so far back on the list but yeah you can tell she's a princess is a catchy song so that's good I really liked this one a lot more than the first one Merliah is back again she's got her friends they're going to Australia for a surfing competition but then the evil lady from mermaid tail one comes back and she has to like go stop her and honestly I just thought like the plot of this movie was a lot stronger it wasn't as boring and I really liked that dynamic of Merliah and the Australian girl that was introduced there was a couple like plot holes or things that would happen that were like really dumb but overall it was like an enjoyable film and so yeah that's why it's a higher up than the first one now this one is interesting for me because growing up I hated this movie even though I had never seen it I think it was probably just because like I was sad that I didn't enjoy Barbie Louise as much as I used to I don't know where I was growing up and didn't want to like them anymore I don't know you basically follow these two girls they're like poor and stuff but then they find this like magical mirror they go on this whole quest to find the Diamond Castle and they meet these like twin brothers it's also a musical which I really like although I'm still confused about connected as to if it's a cover or not because it was also an aquamarine and so I'm just forever confused about that song but I do really like this movie I understand why it is a lot of people's favorites yeah cuz I really enjoyed it I thought it was good it's so dry here quirky no I actually loved this movie like every time I think about it I'm like wow that was such a good movie and I really liked it basically about Barbie noir sisters they're on a vacation again kind of like puppy chase but better they're at a tropical island and Ken's there too because use it intern at this marine life Institute which is like so weird but it's the best possible way basically when they're there they meet this mermaid and they team up with her to help free these magical gemstone dolphins that Ken's evil boss is like holding hostage and yeah I just really enjoyed it I love the aesthetic of this film it really reminded me of like Sims 3 tropical like Island expansionpak if anybody else knows what I'm talking about that's what this movie reminded me of it was just an enjoyable film and I liked it and that's how I feel oh yeah also as you guys know I get very obsessed with things so after I liked Dolphin magic I bought a bunch of merchandise so I have the dolls this is Barbie this is the mermaid they're best friends and I kind of shipped them a little bit so that's all let's move on right now I've got somewhere else to be now this is another one that I know is a lot of people's favorites and it's one that I watched for the first time for this video and I really enjoyed it Barbie was like a strong independent woman basically it's about Barbie and she wants to be a musketeer so she travels to Paris and like becomes a musketeer because she's cool like that um but I had a really good ship and I did really like the storyline in this movie it was really cool to see Barbie like being a musketeer it was cool I liked it my nose my wedding date - so this one is a little bit different from the rest of the bargain movies it kind of pairs up with Fashion Fairytale because it exists in this like a realm where it's like Barbie is in the movie as Barbie and she's the same Barbie that is the actress in like the most of these movies except for the sisters one because I guess those are not really actress movies it's not like Barbie as I don't know the Barbie universe is confusing but basically Barbie is Barbie in this movie ken gets captured by these fairies and then she ends up having to go to this like fairy realm to like retrieve them and it's just so funny I just really enjoyed this movie I thought it was really good not now Clive so number 14 is Barbie Rock n Royals which I have on DVD and blu-ray because it's just so good I love this movie so much okay so basically you've got two camps right you've got Camp royalty and camp pop then you've got two girls you got princess Courtney and super pop sensation Erika and so each of them is supposed to go to their respective camps but something happens and they accidentally end up at the other person's camp it's very camp Rock to meet pitch perfect in a way which you probably wouldn't understand unless you watched it basically stuff happens and they have to like work together to save the camp but I really enjoyed this movie the music was really good and the plot was really good probably because it basically was just can't Brock - but Barbie for but yeah I really like this movie what if I shine is another one of my favorite Barbie songs and so that's in this movie as well Courtney's version not the pop version although that one's good too but Courtney's version is just so much better but yeah honestly I recommend rock and Royals check that out if you haven't seen it Rock n Royals it's pretty good Barbee I would never break up with you I didn't I promise you it was all a misunderstanding this one kind of fits in with the lore of Barbie a fairy secret this one came beforehand but it fits into like this is Barbie but she's in the universe of Barbie as the actress in all of these movies and so what happens is she gets fired from her latest movie and then Ken dumps her and so her life is just not working out so she decides to go to Paris to visit her aunt who's a fashion designer and like help save her business basically but this is one that I remember my sister Carrie watching a lot I really like the plot line with her and Ken and I did just really enjoy this movie I think it's really good I like the songs to like get your sparkle on is a Bop and life is a fairy tale it's good too it's just a good movie I really like it I do have like some nostalgia towards it but not as much it's like the next one's coming up on this list okay number 12 barbie Fairytopia so this is the first one in the Barbie Fairytopia series we follow Alina who is a fairy who can't fly and then one like a magic like curse thing gets placed across the land all of the fairies who can fly like can't fly anymore and so Alina is the only one that can like save the land because she can't fly in the first place so she's the one who have to like travel to save her land and this is one that I really remember loving as a kid I think if seven-year-old Mia was to make this list this one would probably be like number three but going back and re watching them this one I just found to be kind of boring but I do love Bibble and I just couldn't put this one farther back on the list because it is so nostalgic for me I just remember loving this one so much as a kid I would watch it all the time paper this one was another one that was very pleasantly surprising for me I absolutely loved this movie it's basically like Barbies take on sci-fi but also like dystopian teen novels in a way basically barbie is in this like space universe where like the stars are about to go out which I guess is bad I forget why but they don't want that to happen and so they recruit a bunch of people to come to like the capital to help make sure the stars don't go out and barbie is one of the people that gets recruited and so she like has to help save the galaxy and it's just so be in such a different movie from all of the other Barbie movies and it was very aesthetically please like the animation this one was actually really beautiful and yeah I really enjoyed it it was a little bit slow at some points but overall this was a really good movie and I would highly recommend it if you are a Barbie fan and want to watch one of the newer ones I would definitely recommend to watch this one also shooting star is a great song and I'm in love with it so yeah don't worry Clara I'm just would number 10 is Barbie in the Nutcracker which I've got on DVD and VHS um Barbie the Nutcracker is really nostalgic for me it's the very first Barbie movie I feel like it was a little bit more of my older sister's generation than mine but then again it's Jackie's favorite so maybe that's not true but I also think it's only her favorite cuz it's only one she's seen I don't know Jackie let me know down below Jackie's my best friend by the way but just after we watching it I didn't enjoyed the plot as much as I did when I was younger similar to Fairytopia but it definitely is a Christmas classic that I will watch every single year without a doubt and the dance and numbers are amazing in it and I really enjoy it and I don't even think I talked about the plot basically if the Nutcracker kind of Clara goes to this Nutcracker Brown and she has to defeat the Rat King that's the plot so my mic cut out from numbers 9 to 3 so let's just pretend I look exactly the same and move on to number 9 [Music] this is the second one in the Fairytopia series and my personal favorite I just really like the concept of this film basically the myrrh prints of mermaidia gets captured by the evil lady from the Fairytopia series and so Elina has to become a mermaid to save him and all of the rest of the merpeople and I just really like this storyline of this one I like Bibble in this one which is the same as every other Fairytopia movie because Bibble is like one of the best characters ever and I really like the relationship between Nalu and nori I just like that Barbies not the one with the guy because they were kind of hinted at in the first movie but I find nori and Nabu storyline to just be so much more interesting and they're just so adorable and yeah I just like this one the most of the Fairytopia and I watched this one a lot as a kid so it's really nostalgic for me this is another one I watched as a kid and I didn't like that much but I loved it when I rewatched it so basically you follow Roshi was on a ship wreck as a kid and was stranded on a desert island well it's not really deserted there's a bunch of animals I don't really know what deserted means I guess animals count I don't know yeah it's deserted because there's no people right I think so but yeah I really liked it it was kind of like Little Mermaid Meets Tarzan in a way and it's also a musical which is like the best part about this movie and the plotline was really good there were some minor like plot holes or like things that would happen really abruptly or just things that like didn't really make much sense but overall it was like a really enjoyable film and I really liked it I also really liked how in the back of this disc it does Barbie talks and sings with the animals so what's not to love just to set the record straight I do wash my clothes this is one that I absolutely loved as a kid like I remember renting this one from Blockbuster on numerous occasions I feel like that's gonna aged me but what can you do the animation of this movie is probably the worst animation from any Barbie film I don't know why they chose this style that they did but I just love the storyline of this one basically you've got Barbie but she's in high school so that's cool and different and she decides that she wants this year to be the best year ever and to do that she wants to be the news anchor for like their high school news but to do this she's gotta have like a really good story so she decides to do a story about the popular people which sounds very familiar basically I just love how different it is like there's no other Barbie movie where Barbies in high school and it's kind of like geek charming meets Mean Girls in a way and it's just a really fun movie even though the animation is terrible like you got a good ship great songs and yeah I love the teen dramas so this one is a win for me though and I milked our first cows together remember Giselle I got you your first bucket so number six is another one that I have on DVD and blu-ray because I love this movie so much Barbie in the pink shoes is a newer one that I really didn't think I would end up loving as much as I did basically you'll follow Kristen she gets these magic pink shoes and then is transported into all these different ballets and she basically has to like dance her way to freedom which sounds weird but it worked really well I just love the concept of this one and it's probably another one of the funniest Barbie movies because of those two princes in the ballet are just so hilarious also for all of my fellow Jane the virgin fans Brett Dyer voices Ken's character in this movie and that just makes it even better and keep on dancing is such a good song definitely in my top 10 Barbie songs I just really liked this movie and was very surprised by it like I didn't expect to have a newer sort of Barbie movie in the top 10 but it was a really good movie yeah I'd highly recommend and if you haven't seen it and you like Barbie movies to give it a watch because it was really good thank you so Barbie Rapunzel is another one that's just super nostalgic for me because I love this one so much as a kid it's basically like the fairy tale or puzzle was kidnapped by Gothel as a kid and then she's like trapped in the tower but then she finds this magical paintbrush from her parents and that's how she's able to like escape and growing up this was like my Rapunzel story since I didn't have tangled until like I was a bit older and so whenever I think of Rapunzel this is another movie that always comes to mind I really like the aesthetic and the plot of this film and the merchandise was really good as well also Penelope is like the best dragon ever it's just a really good movie and it's one of the classics so I couldn't not have it this high up they run away go blah we don't need you today so number 4 is another fan favorite Barbie and the twelve dancing princesses it's about Princess Genevieve and her twelve dancing sisters oh wait no eleven because she would be the twelve okay it's about Genevieve and her eleven dancing sisters and they discover this like magical land under their bedroom that sounds really weird it's basically like a magical portal under their bedroom that doesn't sound any better but if you see the movie you'll understand they're forbidden from dancing in their real lives and so then once they discovered this like magical land they're able to go there and dance and it's just a really good movie it's really aesthetically pleasing actually loved the ship in it and I loved the dancing in it and I loved all the princesses different personalities like they're just all so spunky and fun and yeah it's just a really good movie really nostalgic for me and shine is another one of my favorite Barbie movie songs and so yeah this one's a really good one if you haven't seen it definitely go watch it because it's just it's really good Barbie of Swan Lake was one of my absolute favorites growing up I would watch this on repeat as well this stetic of this movie is so good it's basically like the ballet I think I've never seen it but I assume that sort of like since it's based off of that Odette discovers this like magical forest but it's ruled by this evil guy and then she ends up being the chosen one to defeat him and then he finds out and turns her into a swan it's just such a good movie and definitely the prettiest Barbie movie ever I love the ballet and this one I really like that it introduced me to the music of this ballet as well because the music is just so beautiful also Lila is just the best unicorn ever the ship in this movie is somewhat decent I also just think of this movie I reminds me of playing those games on Barbie calm that were like the best ever also the Kelly's in this movie were adorable probably because they were themed off of animals but they were just the best especially the skunk I just loved her achieved so much spunk a spunky skunk that's weird I should cut that out now this one may seem like an odd choice for some of you but it was my personal favorite growing up I was obsessed with this movie I remember being Annika when you have for Halloween I remember having these Pegasus wings that would like flap and I would wear them around the house I have so many memories of like watching this movie at my grandparents and my mom's at my dad's like I've watched this and we religiously everywhere I was just so obsessed well basically it's about Annika she's an ice-skating princess and she has to go on this mission to find all the pieces to create a wand of light which is like a magical blonde that she's gonna use it if the when lockers like this evil guy who's frozen her family and all of her people and I honestly just loved the adventure in this film and the ship is probably my favorite ship from any Barbie movie I just love the banter that her and him have and it's just such a beautifully aesthetically pleasing film as well I love that she's an ice skater and hope has wings is one of the best barbie songs like brie Larson delivers with that song it is so good it was also really neat because it was released like I was Barbie's first 3d movie I don't even remember like how well that worked but it was definitely a thing and I remember playing the games I'm Barbie calm and yeah it was a fun time a lot of good memories with this film and that's mainly why it is this high up because it is so nostalgic for me but I also just think it is a really great film so yeah that's why is number two next week okay so number one should come as to no surprise to some of you if you've seen my other barbie video but of course it is princess and the pauper now Barbie is princess and the pauper in my personal opinion is like on a whole nother level from the rest of these 35 movie like all of these movies are good but princess and the pauper is great here's the rest of them and then here's the cheer that Prince and the pauper exists on its on like another level I don't even think it should be compared like I would see this list as like my top 35 yeah and then this is number one on the list of the best bargain movies because it is the best and there is no comparison there is no competition so I've been talking about Prince's enough opera you might want to know what's it about if you've never seen it it's basically about Annalise and Ericka Annalise is a princess Ericka's popper they meet and find out that they're identical both connect over the fact that they both feel like trapped in their lives and then once Annalise comes missing she gets kidnapped julian Annalise's tutor gets Erika to help in finding kind of the princess by like impersonating her but it's like so that he can figure out who's kidnapped her and it's just such a good movie it's a musical and y'all know I love musicals and I think it's the best musical ever as some of you know I don't just think this is the best Barbie movie of all time I think it's the best movie of all time that is how much I love this movie but since I have a whole other video talking about why I think princess and the pauper is the best movie of all time I'll save that for that video I'm sure I'll put an info card somewhere so you can go watch it if you haven't seen it but overall it's got a great plot line great ships great music lots of nostalgia and I just think it's a really good movie for young girls and older girls too because it's just so good but I want to know what your guys's favorite bard movie is so I'm afraid to leave that in the comments down below for those of you who are still around I feel like this video probably ended up being very long but I just like talking about Barbie movies I don't think I would recommend binge watching all 36 movies but Nina and I had a good time and yeah it was just fun to to reminisce on some childhood memories so let me know down below what your favorite movie is I can't wait to read all about it anyways guys my name is Caitlin you can follow me everywhere cute love Disney don't forget to subscribe and turn that Belle so you notified every time I post a new video that's all I'd say for today I hope you'll have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you very very soon honestly you're wrong it's the best one it's on a whole other level did you not hear me I just ranted about it
Channel: caitlin mckillop
Views: 2,481,749
Rating: 4.9131794 out of 5
Keywords: barbie, barbie movies, princess and the pauper, princess and the popstar, princess charm school, mermaid tale, diamond castle, 12 dancing princesses, island princess, fairytopia, best barbie movies, top barbie movies, best barbie movies countdown, ranking all barbie movies, all barbie movies ranked, all 36 barbie movies, top 10 barbie movies, caitlovesdisney, cait loves disney
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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