Ranking Every Artifact Domain on Resin Efficiency

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hey there my name is fate I'm a long-term genin impact player and I've recently returned to the game after a long break I started playing in mid 2021 when I came back to the game there was a bunch of new artifact sets so I have characters that look like this two-piece glad two-piece thundering fury on official now anyone who's played the game for a long time and hasn't taken a break like me probably knows that this is not the optimal setup anymore she likes to use Golden TR there's a bunch of other new artifact sets and being the nerd I am I decided to make a spreadsheet that would tell me which artifacts are used on which characters so that I can deal with genin's biggest problem which of course is the resin issue now I wanted to know which domains are the most efficient to use my resin on if I plan to build a bunch of characters and especially new builds because there very well could be a bunch of new builds for characters that I already play that I'll need to eventually replace it's not super likely because one of the domains that existed when I was playing was the emblem and shimawa one and that's probably still great for a bunch of people I don't know we'll find out later in the video so yeah I made a spreadsheet so we're going to go over that list and we're going to see which domains are the best which domains are the worst and what you should spend your resin on minor disclaimer there's some domains for example our last place domain which is very very good for exactly two characters and if you play one of those characters just farm that domain if you don't play those characters or if you don't intend to play those characters as your mains you should probably spend your resin Elsewhere on the flip side if none of your teams use emblem or shimwa there's no point in you farming this domain even if it is considered very good like it was back in the day and for how I'm rating the domains if a character uses a 4piece bonus from one of the domains that'll earn the domain three points if a character uses a two-piece set from that domain that'll earn 1.5 points I know this video has been made before by a YouTuber named eeks but he made it a while ago it's a little outdated and also he gave points for artifacts that were the second best in slot for characters and I don't think most people really want to use a character's second best in slot they would prefer to get the best in slot especially if they have the option to so tying for last place we have vos's glow and nym stream domain this domain's pretty bad this set is specifically only used for child while this set is only used for DPS DEA they're very good they're the best in slot for each of those characters but if you don't intend to play either of them as one of your main DPS or in child's case he actually is like almost as good with heart of depths it's just slightly better should probably stay pretty far away from this it's definitely not worth your resin tied for last place we have a domain that I have not even bothered to discover it is the Vermillion Hereafter and The Echoes of an offering Vermillion Hereafter is best in slot for Xiao and only Xiao and Echoes of an offering is best in slot for iato again it's a situation where if you intend to play these characters as's your main DPS it could be worth it the most prolific Xiao main Zio says that you shouldn't farm this domain even if you main Xiao but he does anyway all right let's move on to some domains that are actually worth your time in 10th place we have archaic Petra and retracing bolade this domain's a little bit better as it's not specifically used on two characters however only one of the sets is actually useful as nobody uses retracing Bight anymore for archaic Petra a fouret user is the geom main character which gives the domain three points then the two-piece bonus is sometimes used for jangly support ning Wang as a main DPS and ning Wong as a sub DPS I'm going to count both instances of that because they're different play Styles and that trend is going to continue for the rest of the video some characters are on here like a lot it's still not a great domain but it's a little bit better than the last two and if you like Geo characters you may find yourself here in ninth place we have a domain that's brand new to me and fresh to the Fontaine region which is the nighttime Whispers in the echoing woods and songs of days past now I know that nighttime was specifically designed for Navia so that's her best in slot which gives it three points in that regard and then songs of days past with its healing based effect is best in slot for Bou Barbara and also Jean Yun which gives it nine points bringing the domain total up to 12 points and much better than the other ones especially with having four viable characters that can use it still unless you see yourself playing either Navia or baju on a team that already has deepwood memories I don't think it's super worth your time but if you do play Navia you'll be spending a lot of time here for sure additionally its two-piece set bonus has 18% attack which technically would be worth 13.5 points but I'm going to exclude that from all the sets that have that because it would just complicate things for no reason if your character uses this two set figure it out go to one of the domains that have it there's a ton of them that have it or even just use Gladiators that you get from farming up your Ascension materials in eighth place we have desert Pavilion Chronicle and flower of paradise lost now desert Pavilion is used exclusively by Wanderer it's a similar situation to Xiao it has a nice little Animo bonus on it so I can see it's two-piece being used but the sources I used to compile on my list did not have anyone actually using this as a two-piece so I guess we'll have to if any builds come up around that later but for now it's just wand Paradise Lost however with its bonuses to bloom hyper Bloom viron it's used on Cave Barbara if she's pushing Bloom and also kooky as a bloom bot the added Elemental Mastery is really good and if you plan to run a bloom team hyper Bloom any of those sorts of varieties that have these Hydro healers in it it's pretty good it's also pretty viable on Kookie but I think she wants another set a little bit more okay also in Ninth Place actually with the last one with desert Pavilion I may have misspoke it was actually a three-way tie for Ninth Place all right also in ninth place we have thundering Fury and thunder Soother thundering Fury is a set that used to be like pretty good on Electro but with the introduction of dendro things have changed around a lot and having just Electro damage and having just Electro damage isn't good enough anymore the characters that use this as a 4piece set would be the electro main character and also Soo for the two-piece set a build of the electro main character uses it along with kaching yiko and bet thundering fury on its own is worth 12 points and thunder Soother which is completely useless is worth zero points there was some form of ning Wong build that uses four piece Thunder Soother I'm not sure what's up with that team comp but it's definitely not viable these are complete trash and you will use them in the artifact strong box if you decide to farm this domain speaking of which you probably shouldn't farm this domain you should should probably just get the Thundering Fury pieces you need from the strong box with the sets that you don't need from the ones that are good to farm in eighth place we have Crimson Witch of flame and lava Walker now Crimson Witch of flame is the best set for onfield pyro DPS as a DEA facto there are viable sets for pyro DPS besides this one but this is primarily the one you're going to be using that's characters such as Hut duuk CLE yon feay I guess Toma if you play him as a DPS and also Bennett if you play him as a DPS which is a lot better if you have constellation 6 for a two-piece User it's used by Amber and also it was listed as being used for yoy Mia sub DPS which I'm not sure I've ever seen that used well but we're going to count it because it's an official build perm of witch of flame on its own is 21 points and lava Walkers you guessed it is completely useless you're going to fod it so again you want to use the artifact strong box on this you don't actually want to farm this domain but it does give it a solid eighth place coming at at seventh we have blizzard Strayer and hard depths now blizzard Strayer is insanely good like this effect is absurd if you're running a freeze team so it's used by pretty much every cryo main DPS that would be AKA Rosaria if you're playing her as cryo instead of physical Shena and aloy which nobody plays aloy but it's fine we're going to count it anyways for a two-piece bonus the cryo damage is used on Kaaya Lila is a sub DPS chongyun and G blizzard Strayer is a 16p point artifact set which would put it below Crimson Witch of flame but heart of depths is actually a good set it's actually usable it's used on Candice as a main DPS and and nuu on hydro DPS I wrote this down whatever it's six points brings the domain total up to 22 points and gives it a solid seventh place in sixth place we have yes it's not domain we have Gladiator and wanders troop okay to be fair I actually wrote this down before I decided that I wasn't going to count the 18% attack from the two set so if you actually work this out the only people who use these two seriously are Wanderers and that's Amber ganu on freeze teams and tinari but I wrote it down so can't change it now uh this is used only as a two-piece and it gives 13.5 points because it's used on Yo times two kanu on melt teams haaha is a main DPS Zen Cho is a sub DPS Rosaria Shena jangling physical Jang Le physical and ning Wong now the physical builds don't really count they're kind of cope I wouldn't use them I don't know anyone who would use them but if you want to play Jang Lee physical you'll be farming out some good Gladiators people pieces I guess now this isn't exactly a domain and I kind of changed the rules to include the 18% attack but we're just going to run with it this one is in sixth place I guess in fifth place we have another tie starting with oh that's not an artifact of man starting with viridescent vener and maiden's beloved so maiden's beloved even back in the day used to only be used on Barbra let's start with that one it's actually used by nobody anymore purely useless you will be throwing this into the strong box if you decide to F this domain which again when something is available in the strong box such as VES and vener and the other artifact is completely useless you should probably just strong box for it it's a better use of your time it's a better use of your resin however beard and venor is strong enough to carry this to fifth place on its own because it is used by pretty much every Animo character except for Xiao and wander who are on their own unique sets now just to list them out it's used by Jean Kaza Lynette Ando main character sucrose saou venti and also jzo bringing it up to 24 points on its own and a solid fifth place ranking tied in fifth place we have this one which is husk of opulent dreams and ocean HW clam so this domain is pretty much carried by husk which is used by a lot of Geo characters it's used by yunjin arataki ETO Noel and two separate builds which I'm counting for full points for both used by Jinan support which I'm assuming is because of the 30% defense and then the stacking defense on this four piece bonus and also goru so if you're planning on running an EO team you're going to live in this domain because two of your characters are going to use it and you might end up using a third Geo character that also uses it it would be pretty resin efficient if that was the situation but if you don't P EO ocean hu clam is used on Chi-Chi and kokami but I think you can get away with running different sets on Kook and nobody really plays Chi-Chi to the point that you're optimizing your artifacts but you know it counts for points anyways bringing this up to 24 points and it's tied with Vees and venor somehow okay we're getting into the good artifact sets and the ones that you're going to be spending a majority of your time and a majority of your resonant in fourth place we have golden troop and M Mar Hunter we have the hunter set these sets are both brand new to me and this one in particular is insane on a lot of sub DPS characters that play from off field such as fishal and finina so for Golden troop users we have the aformentioned finina and Fishel albo and yo for four set each for a total of 12 points for the the hunter set that I can't pronounce despite the fact that I'm French we have Lynette as a main DPS nalette rizley Linny gaming and I think y Mia which might be a little controversial but I'm pretty sure that this build ends up being the best for her under the correct circumstances those circumstances being that you're using your finina on a yoia team in third place we have deepwood memory and gilded dreams this artifact domain is insane it's used on a ton of characters you have your dendro effects you have insane Elemental Mastery effect it's just very very good deepwood memories specifically is used on yao yao baju nitaa cave if he's your main DPS and tyari if he's solo anyways Guild of Dreams is used by even more characters it's used by Lisa it's used by yaiko and aggravate teams Kay alham Kirara is a sub DPS Kookie and Bloom teams dendro MC as a support and Ryden if you're running her as a bloom driver this this domain is valued at a whopping 39 points which is insane that it's only third place but the other two are crazy we actually have a tie for third place something as good as deepwood and gilded you might not believe me but it's tenacity of the milleth and pale flame tenacity is used by Leila jeang Lee Charlotte and ande is support the two set is used by kukie as a support Lila and kokami as a support tenacity on its own is at 16.5 points but the real hard hitter in this domain is the pale flame set look at that physical pale flame is used by Ula and Razer which I'm sure most people know that those two use this set but it's also used by Jean physical Kaaya physical kaching physical reminet physical official and the two set is used by physical Chi-Chi so with all those builds this domain is valued at a 39 point value as well and ties with deepwood but if you remove all those cope physical builds it is valued at 25.5 which is still like really high it's still enough to get fifth place above iridescent and opulent but it's mostly carried by tenacity and also this being used on the three physical characters that are in the game even though none of them are technically meta if you like playing frinet Ula Razer go ahead and get a good pale flame set especially if you plan to use a character that has tenacity it's all around useful the two set on tenacity is also HP which is perfectly viable for characters like finina or Neo okay so number two and this one isn't a joke we have Blood Stained chivalry which is used by physical Chi-Chi again has a two set along with pale flame because they both just give flat 25% physical damage and yes I'm counting that for real that's not a joke but the real hero of course no bless of blud this set is insane it's been insane since the game came out it's used by Bennett Candice chevis ma Rosaria Lisa Mona farzon as a four piece and as a two-piece it's used by aaka sub DPS aato sub DPS Kaa Electro main character jeang Lee sub DPS ning Wong chongyong Amber Kay and Kujo this set alone is worth 39 points which is the same value as deepwood and gilded put together if you're going to farm artifacts if you want to gear up your supports you can get some no bless pieces even on characters I didn't just list this is a solid set to have on your sub DPS it's a solid set to have on your supports just Farm out some pieces of this or again since it's with Blood Stained you can strong box it which is highly recommended actually honestly now that I think about it I probably should have had some sort of modifier for the domains that can be strong boxed because you don't really want to run something that has one really bad set one really good set when you can just you know run something like this you run something like this this you can run something like deepwood gilded and then the pieces that are like complete dog that roll terrible main stat bad sub stats you just turn them into no bless and then you're being a lot more resin efficient than wasting 40 resin running this to get two blood stain pieces but I wasn't smart enough to do that before I made the spreadsheet and I wasn't smart enough to do it before I hit the record button so here we are I might update it or I might make a pinned comment or something like that but for now no blessa blig is ranked second as the best domain in the game to spend for resin efficiency God that feels wrong to say with blood stain being in there all right as mentioned at the start of the video emblem of severed fate and shima's reminiscence are the best artifacts in the game they've been the best artifacts in the game for 2 and 1 half years now on top of being used by so many character shimawa is another 18% attack set which is used by a lot of different builds if you don't actually want a four set this is the best thing for so many fan favorite and highly meta characters which I'm not actually factoring that into any of the point rankings it might be interesting at some point to do which artifacts are the best in terms of meta like which ones are used by the most s tier characters but I have a feeling that this one would also win that because the characters who use use emblem are Hydro main character who isn't very meta I don't know why I started with him D main character sub DPS Zing Cho Ryden as a main DPS jangling Mona sub DPS B Kujo as a sub DPS and yalon 2piece set for 20% energy recharge is used by Toma as a support shimawa as a main set not for the 18% attack is pretty much exclusively used by Yu Mia but as I me mention I think the hunter set is a little bit better under the correct circumstance for her in the current meta but I'm not like an expert Theory crafter that's just a thought that I had some teams and videos that I watched while I was studying to make this video but also while looking those videos up I learned that other characters like Hut are starting to use this as a four piece instead of crimson witch which is kind of interesting but at the same time you're losing Hut's giant nuke ultim all in all this is just an insane domain you can spend uh a ton of time farming here shimawa pieces if you're not planning to use Yia if you're not planning to play Hut with this set you throw this into the strong box you can save the really good pieces because of the two set attack it's overall just insanely efficient and like if you farm out a really good set of emblem for your Ryden and then you decide that you want to play Ryden Bloom where you instead have to give her guilded dreams your enum set that you farmed is now insane for some of the best supports in the game your Jang Ling can take it your Zing Cho can take it no matter who you give this set to if they want it they are going to pop off when they have a good set of it when it comes to resin efficiency there's absolutely nothing better this is the first genin impact video I've ever made and I'm pretty sure it's probably not that good but this is information that I found interesting and I wanted to share with people if you're the same type of person as me someone who wants to spend your resin efficiently someone who wants to know where to take your characters then I think this video could be interesting or if you just liked having this information presented to you in this form leave a like and tell me what you thought about it in the comments I don't know if I'm going to keep making videos like this or where this Channel's going to end up going but if you made it this far I really appreciate it having recently rediscovered this game I've decided that I want to make as much content for it as I can just because I really love the game I love the characters I love the story I don't know in what style I'm going to end up making more videos but I'll probably figure it out and if you want to see those as they come out you can subscribe to this channel I don't know what it's going to be like but we can discover that together if you made it this far thank you very very much I'll see you next time hopefully and uh all right bye
Channel: FatePlays
Views: 7,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v3G9ZuOAC20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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