Ranking Every Armor Set in Hypixel Skyblock

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greetings gamers i was gonna make a different video but unfortunately this guy's here now so you know another big house and all that instead you're getting a tearless video this time on armor sets i'm currently having my goons work on the new tier list oh they're done ta-da i thought i'd go with something simpler this time around just a chest plate you know even has slots on the back what the anyways starting off with farm suit armor it's pretty horrible but it does have its own speedrun category since you can make it within like 22 seconds of creating a new profile and it just looks real poppin d for drippy mushroom armor is hilarious because it can give almost as much hp as golder during the night and yes i really did max it just for this one clip please do not say mean things about me in the comments it's not good though angler armor is a great first fishing set that is cheap to craft but you'll quickly replace it with something better see it here pumpkin armor the most notable thing about this one is that someone started a cult with it on my island that's it then cactus armor came out here comes the money here oh my god did someone say cactus oh yeah sadly cactus armor would only go on to be crafted three times because it was the worst armor ever made you know what's not though the subscribe armor that's an instant ester one click and you get it even comes with a funny little pair of sunglasses if you like the video as well makes this little fella happy you know anyways lapis armor oh man most of you probably never experienced this but i remember when i started playing back in 2019 it was everyone's first goal to have a full set of lapis armor and while the grind was long putting on that final piece made it feel like the journey was all worth it anyways this armor sucks now amber ash armor is well isn't it's no longer obtainable it was supposed to be part of the crystal hollows update but was accidentally released beforehand and able to be crafted with just 24 coal i mean i couldn't bank this up even if i tried but let me tell you that was the best 24 call you could have ever spent because damn how good is it oh it it sucks after arden diamond armor is a popular choice by beginners but that doesn't mean it's a good one there are much better options out there fairy armor is a meme but i do have a double chest full of each piece and it does make you look like a depressed disco ball so deter salmon armor is the second fishing armor set and usually my explanation would end here and i'd place it in the seat here but this set actually has history when salmon armor was first released it wasn't rare but epic additionally some of the stats it gave were higher and most notably it was 32 times as expensive to craft as it is now it was not worth the price three days later the admins changed the recipe to what it is now and the rest is history but you see afterwards the price of this armor set skyrocketed and it's now comfortably the most expensive fishing armor set out there also what like like why what's the point of this astier because i bought it and now i am rich monster hunter and monster raider armor used to be good but i also used to have a social life so that doesn't really mean much goblin armor is great though it makes you comically stupid but gives you mining speed in return so it's a great first mining set it also lets you perform a cheese with the wither cloak sword and glumla grimoire which makes you pretty much immortal if used correctly 8 deer there's also just a lot of horrible armor sets that were never really good leaflet armor like golem armor sponge armor actually this one's all right miner armor arm armored why there's also the miners outfit not to be confused with minor armor and it's also here every single time i visit the wiki i find a new armor set i swear i've never seen before what is what is this i won't be going over the rest of the boring bad ones heat armor is almost never used but it does have two upgrades so deter or something speaking of its upgrades the first is flame breaker armor which is alright but people will usually skip it until they can get its upgrade yogg armor this one's amazing because it's the cheapest armor set that can hold topaz gems which make gemstone mining really good the armor of magma and emerald armor used to be the two best armor sets when the game first came out and now they're overpriced and just bad in general but hey at least they have a legacy similarly amber armor used to combo well with the magma cube pet but then they nerfed that so now it's just kind of poopy crystal armor actually has some use though if you need mana for spamming aot in races then crystal armor is a solid budget option also full set bonus refraction come on hypixel where's the pow liner full set bonus at the cheap tuxedo sucks but look at it come on dude i can't put a fit like this into f gear drip deer i've just made it and i'm moving farm suit and miner's outfit in there as well ender armor has somehow managed to do the impossible and stayed relevant for its point in progression ever since it was first released in august of 2019. it's only good for early game players on the ant island but it really is good beetier speedster armor is the biggest lie known to man because it only gives 20 speed per piece i think the only thing this one's speeding into is f tier revenant armor no one asked tarantula armor dog no one asked apart from the helmet that is this thing somehow outclasses the necron helmet because balancing or something it's incredibly strong and the reason why basically no one uses the shadow assassin or necron helmets mastiff armor is really good it's good for people having trouble surviving tier vs fans it's somehow insane for ghost farming in combination with the bootsword and is used to have cracked hp in dungeons with wish stacking but that's bug amusing and we don't like that [Music] also mastiff armor more like mastiff [Music] snowsuit armor is great for any kind of danger lurking on the jerry island too bad there is none mineral armor is fantastic for mining stuff like cobblestone netherrack and stone oars and so on but it doesn't work on miffle or gems beat here lay shite armor is honestly amazing for early game it's pretty cheap gives great defense a nice bit of speed and most importantly better mining stats than goblin get this as soon as possible and you won't be disappointed the rising sun armor was given to players to use in the dante event uniting everyone under one common goal bringing skyblock from its dictator dante wait why is he moving ending in an epic server-wide boss battle i am dante my voice is thunder my speech is law i am dante and the world quakes beneath me you had a choice and you chose death and then someone tried to slash kill dante command in chat and it uh it somehow somehow worked okay legendary armor time as you'd expect most of these armor sets are really good perfect armor is not one of them even at max deer the only pieces that see any kind of use are the chest plate and to a lesser extent boots seatier werewolf armor is really cool killing everyone around you whenever you proc ferocity is awesome and i could honestly see it being used in the quinta boss fight right now it's pretty niche though elegant tuxedo is the max drip set of all time mobs won't even dare to touch you when you're wearing it oh no the drip is too much the chest plate is really good for diana the damage is obviously great but the intelligence is just as important so that you can be an enderman for as long as you'd like the other two pieces don't have much of a use though and it'll soon no longer be the best chest plate for damage so uh beat here the dragon armors there's eight of them wow that's that's a lot young is great for zooming around everywhere unstable is amazing for beginners because of its high crit chance and crit damage strong is a popular choice after unstable because it does well more damage and wise is a staple mage and necromancy set a's all around the rest of them aren't as good though old and protector are both solid tank options for early dungeons so they go into the b tier holy is stupid because someone looked at the dragon armor sets so that there are already two that focus on ehb and decided yeah why not have a third one deter and superior used to be the best armor set in the game but nowadays the only thing superior about it is the price tag very sad oh and they also have some pretty interesting skins bat person armor is great for spooky festivals and that's it i don't know how good those are so i'm just gonna put it in both c and b tier because i can and you can't stop me frozen blaze defies all logic of power creep because it somehow just keeps becoming better and better without receiving any actual buffs it may seem horrible when you take a look at it in a vacuum but the blaze pet makes it both incredibly powerful and tanky oh yeah and it's gonna be great in the nether update easy as deer sorrow armor is incredibly unique for one it's a good mining set before you get divot armor it has the highest magic find out of any armor set in the game and is therefore used to find who asked i i mean often used when killing mobs with good drops and its true defense is insane for the upcoming blaze layer in fact it's so insane that i think it's gonna get nerfed into the ground astier oh yeah devon armor it's the best mining set and mining is an incredible money-making method not much more i can say a tier final destination is insanely broken for void glooms because it just makes you never die and gives you a bunch of damage be tier because that's all it's good for oh and the great spook armor is also here has its own little stat called fear that's cool i guess there's also a lot of boring legendary armor sets the diver and shark armor are good for fishing wow who would have thought the reaper armor is good for zombie slayer wow and the fancy tuxedo sucks but the drip though dungeon time remember how i said there are much better options for starting out in the hardened diamond armor well here they are you have a straight up better version of it in super heavy armor keep in mind the catacombs requirement is only for dungeons you can use it freely outside so if you find pieces that dropped from high floors for cheap you can get amazing armor for early game that doesn't mean most of these aren't doo doo though the ones i recommend you buy for early game are super heavy zombie soldier and zombie night the rest you can throw into the garbage bin oh and the zombie knight chest plate is really good later on as a budget option instead of the shadow assassin chestplate b b and a for these fellas respectively adaptive armor is the first dungeon set you get from chests and it's going to have to adapt to my sugarcane farm shadow assassin armor is really good though it's very cheap if you replace the chest plate with a zombie night one and gives a lot more damage in bulk compared to unstable and strong dragon armor s deer necromancer lord armor is nuts it's a huge upgrade over protector and old dragon armor and makes you basically never die it's also very cheap for how good it is finally the wither armor sets well weather armor itself is not very good for how much it costs but it can be upgraded into one of four variants necron armor is used by endgame berserkers and archers stormed by mages gold or by tanks and maxor by basically everyone who can one shot mobs but needs more speed all of them are amazing s dear but wait bow liner you're not done what about all the new nether stuff do not worry dear viewer i'll probably make a separate video ranking all the new nether gear because uh i mean look i've been scrolling for 10 hours now there's so much of it okay goodbye now [Music] you
Channel: Powliner
Views: 640,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powliner, skyblock, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, powliner skyblock, powerline, powerline skyblock, powerliner, powerliner skyblock, tier list, hypixel skyblock tier list, skyblock tier list, armor, armor sets, skyblock armor tier ist, armor tier list, ranking all armor, powliner tier list
Id: Ra9pXV8Hy-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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