How I Beat The STRONGEST BOSSES in Hypixel Skyblock

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Skyblock has quite a few bosses you've got Slayers different dragons uh big spider and of course who could forget big mans I'm big man but which would you say is the hardest boss of all maybe the tier 4 void glue I mean he even makes fun of you for being short or maybe the tier 4 Inferno demon Lord oh no wait I can't do this one I haven't even beaten a tier 3 yet or what about the Headless Horseman oh my God guys there he is the strongest boss in all of Skyblock and he's dead in my opinion the strongest bosses are definitely the ones in dungeons more specifically the ones in master mode floors remember the tier 4 avoid them from before he was 21 000 damage per second wow that's a lot well here's a squiggly boy and he does just a bit just a bit more damage you know just a bit more but how lighter this is a dungeon mob and in dungeons your stats are way higher so that's not even that impressive okay let's take a look at a brave Adventurer taking one on them our adventure is catacombs level 43 giving him a 347 boost to all the stats his armor and weapons provide to have stumbled upon an unexplored room brimming with Danger battle ensues the brave adventurers seems to be winning the fight until oh no he didn't spot a fell stealthily hiding in the corner but it's okay he still has more than half his HP left and now he no longer has more than half his HP left because he is dead because 240k damage really do be 240k damage you get what I'm saying it's still a lot and this Fells guy ain't even a boss he's just a regular mob meaning that you can find groups of them and get instantly deleted he's not the only danger either you got rooms full of tanky withermasters who shoot homing projectiles that too shot you snipers they'll snipe you from 2 billion blocks away and many bosses who you gotta freeze in place to even stand the chance against because otherwise you'll be the one getting Frozen in place and by that I mean you'll die you'll be very dead a shadow assassin what a fool I'm not scared of you okay now that I think about it maybe I am a bit scared wait what's happening someone's Reviving me who could it be it's me power liner the Subscribe Button Man wow thanks man at all I ever wanted in life was for you to click me do it also click on my my dear friend the like button here okay that's enough my point is that Master mode is difficult pretty much every mob in the last few floors has tens of millions of HP and I do around 15 million damage with my Terminator uh oh not enough but wait the next shot I did 57 million wait now it's 113 million that's gotta be a bug right that's insane that's a bug it's not a bug you see there's this funny little enchant called Soul Eater and what it does is add 10 times the damage of the last mob killed onto your next shot which honestly doesn't sound that insane by killing a master mode 7 Fels you'd gain 2.4 million damage for one shot only which is essentially nothing but the description hides one very important fact this damage is further boosted by your crit damage stat so it's not 2.4 million bonus damage it's actually 92.4 million bonus damage long story short Soul Eater gogu anyways Master mode has 7 different floors most of which I don't really care about so let's speed through the first few Master mode one is uh it really it really is there's a clown you killed and then he resurrects and so you kill him again awesome Master mode 2 used to be really funny because instead of doing the intended 67 000 damage the Warrior's charge attack was bugged to do 67 000 true damage meaning he'd run you over no matter who you were it is I Jeff Bezos the president of the United States I am very powerful and bald overall this floor sucks don't play I mean you couldn't even if you tried because literally no one else is playing it Master mode 3 features a bunch of overrated fish and a funny looking man who you freeze and depend in the corner and then shoot until he dies and then he fuses with the overweight fish and dies again these three floors either suck pee and poo or are a decent floor for farming catacombs XP better Master Mode 4 is really complicated but also really cool but also also I've already dedicated an entire video to it so go watch that if you're interested remember the spirit bear good floor though and master mode 5 really is interesting because it's so boring that no one has ever actually finished it okay now we're at the Big Daddy floors Master mode 6 is where things start to get really rough as mentioned before none of the mobs here care about your feelings or opinions and will instantly pulverize you if you mess up the main reason I'm playing this floor is to get a lot of catacombs XP and eventually gets strong enough to take on the final boss of dungeons but there's a problem me I'm not the best player you see dungeons are basically just a randomly generated grid of rooms and have many different possible rooms that can spawn these consist of normal rooms filled with enemies puzzle rooms trap rooms monkey rooms oh wait no that's classical information I I wasn't supposed to reveal that but the vast majority of the dungeon will be taken up by the normal rooms and besides killing the mobs in them you also need to find something called secrets which are essentially just hidden chests items bats and so on okay powerliner that's cool but let me tell you a secret I don't care but you should I realize I'm spitting a lot of knowledge right now but basically you need as many Secrets as possible to have a chance at obtaining good loot and everyone loves good loot Wait no that's that's not the right clip there we go that's the good clip okay sit down doing the big die there we go oh oh my God oh my God no way no way okay now we've established that I am back and to get better I need to get more secrets but here's the thing I already know pretty much all of their locations by memory alone and the only way I could get better is to obtain them faster you ever watch a summoning salt speed running video and he's like and that's when scissor snipper 69 did this and it's like a clip of the dude glitching through a wall or something yeah that's exactly what we're gonna be doing here high-level dungeon players are effectively speedrunners if they can save a few seconds by mining for a wall they'll do it if they can say a few seconds by picking up an item through a wall instead of just going up a set of stairs they'll do it if they can save a few seconds by committing tax fraud they'll probably do it too I'm not exaggerating that much though like look at this this is a dungeon room it's called mines it has 10 secrets and here's how the average run-of-the-mill player would get them but the average player is stupid here's how a real gamer gets them now if I'm being completely honest I don't even know what's going on what what am I watching what the [ __ ] but I do know that it's much faster the problem here is that if you try doing this with a normal pickaxe you won't really get anywhere and just end up looking like an absolute clown you gotta be able to insta mine pretty much all the relevant blocks and for that you need efficiency 10. but efficiency normally only goes up to five the only way to push it past five is by applying an item called a Silex to your pickaxe so in total you need five silexes okay no problem let me just buy them real quick and oh oh no I bought them but now I can do all this cool stuff instead of having to flick this lever going all the way up here flicking the second lever going all the way here flicking a third lever seriously why is there so many levers in this room and then finally getting to the chests I can just do a bada bing bada boom get the free chest up here and then mine through the floor to get the rest of the secrets and spend the time I saved staring at the new Pokemon they revealed holy [ __ ] why is he so fat but pal liner doesn't that just mean you spend 60 million coins to do Secrets slightly faster listen buddy this is way more than just doing Secrets slightly faster this makes me way better at the game so Mr interests what do you think of the efficiency 10 pickaxe I recently purchased it's stupid you wasted so many coins you know what exactly so it was a great purchase even said it himself and so I played some dungeons like a happy man choosing every secret I knew how to and later went to bed feeling like an absolute champion but the next morning disaster struck my pickaxe it was gone [Music] I checked my inventory then my storage even all the chests on my private island it was nowhere to be found did I insta sell it did interest steal it out of jealousy I mean anything's possible when it comes to an item as useful as this I had no choice and did the only sensible thing I could do giving up on my dream of becoming a secret master just kidding I bought another one baby this pickaxe does actually have another use bomb defuse bomb diffuse is a notoriously slow puzzle because it requires two people and takes like three years what do I do okay so the first three are left left you gotta go fast we're gonna run out of okay vertical or horizontal think of it like a phone grid a phone grid Kev normally you're supposed to have each player stand on one of the pressure plates to start the puzzle work together to solve it and then come out the back and once again stand on the pressure plates to finish it but then one day a player had a revelation what if we didn't do any of that and just Mind through the iron bars no seriously just equip a silverfish pet for the haste and mine through with an efficiency 10 pickaxe that man's name was Albert Einstein you can even activate the pressure plates on your own by equipping an armor set with a lot of speed and just running sideways really quickly is very funny but wait pal liner doesn't that just mean you spent 120 million coins to do secrets and a rare puzzle slightly faster blah blah blah and here you can hear you and so I started learning the gamer's secret routes one by one although that's obviously not all there is to master mode 6. time for the boss but it's not just him he has men many men small men big men and also very big men how's it going small men this is big guy here calling in a very very important favor from you all there's a come the fight is split into three phases first comes the Terracotta Army and these guys are strong but you know who else is strong not me but my teammates are I played the berserk rule which on this floor is more of an emotional support type class but at least I'm not alone because so is healer yeah I mean on healer you literally just go stand in a fire and spam your healing Circle ability that's it that's all you do anyways there isn't just one wave of terracottas they respawn and to kill them as quickly as possible you want to use an item called a gyrokinetic wand which basically creates a gravitational pull wherever you used it which then sucks in all the mobs around it this makes it really good for the terracottas team takes turns jarring them together except for the Healer the Healer still stands in the fire and the Archer and I blast them with arrows after that it's pretty simple these Giants may seem intimidating with their insane stats but here they are and there they go then sadan Reveals His ultimate creation the super mega Giant who dies of cringe in 0.4 seconds this guy quite a few more times I felt I was finally ready for the greatest Skyblock challenge I've ever faced Master mode 7. You've Got Mail new update Skyblock levels every Skyblock player has a level now at level 50 you gain basic human rights complete various objectives and receive Skyblock XP it's the hot new thing it even shows everyone's level in the tab menu which results in the already moronic debates between random players becoming even spicier and one of the main ways to gain Skyblock XP is by putting stuff in your Museum and so I did just that and quickly maxed out the museum Rewards I bought basically everything a decent bow can be purchased from Gregory in the Dragon's Nest for 500 coins I spent 1.5 million for this it does look really cool scrolling through all the completed pages though and in the end I got up to level 214 so I can now confidently make fun of everyone with a lower level finally though on to master mode 7 we go uh-oh another update there's a spooky man who sells many different spooky things most of which I don't care about but I do want the Talisman I first needed something called fairy wings I have no clue how to get fairy wings but luckily they made a guide to help you out he says come back in three days 22 hours 53 minutes and 29 seconds what could he possibly mean by this I get it if you multiply all the numbers together you get the number five the word floor has five letters floor five dungeons fairy room fairies Enchanted shears share the fairies using the enchanted shears and boom fairy wings wait is that right yeah okay it is it is naturally I figured all this out on my own and so I traded the fairy wings in for the Talisman but wait there's two more tears the second one required something called free spiders which you can get by breaking the cage located in Grandma Wolf's House using an iron Hammer problem how does one get an iron Hammer oh Palm liner I know you can probably craft it using iron and sticks are you stupid are you are you dumb or something look at this guy thinking he can craft an iron Hammer with Iron I mean everyone knows you make an iron Hammer by crafting a gold and emerald Hammer together duh I mean just Google it next time wait was this iron ore thing it's talking about boom bam free the spiders and trade them in for the second tier Talisman and we're on to the last step but no one can figure this one out I mean there's like seven different items so it seems like I'm gonna have to wait a little and it's already on the auction house and there's over 14 000 of them this out for a full day come on man how did someone figure out you have to put a Hunter knife inside a potato minion and get french fries like come on guys who did this okay there we go great spook artifact acquired okay this time for real master mode seventh time and and the game and the game does not work okay so I played OverWatch 2 instead now my favorite character has to be the reaper guy he is very powerful special move honestly one of the best in the game so he comes equipped with these two oh Skyblocks back okay finally time for master mode seven in the next episode of the pow liner dungeon Saga get absolutely bamboozled wait what's this [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Powliner
Views: 704,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powliner, skyblock, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, powliner skyblock, powerline, powerline skyblock, powerliner, dungeons, skyblock dungeons, master mode, mastermode, master mode 6, m6, m7, master mode 7, skyblock levels, levels, great spook, great spook event, bosses, strongest boss, strongest bosses hypixel skyblock, strongest boss skyblock, strongest bosses, boss
Id: yifENXd5cEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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