Ranking EVERY Anime Trope

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now people are going to get the completely wrong idea of uh what I think about this hello hello my weaves and Gamers my team make me a quick short list of some of the most prevalent anime tropes this isn't a complete list of every anime Trope uh because God forbid there are so so many I look at this and I'm like I can't really think of many others that are not just like genres or [ __ ] like that oh my God he really had to pick some of these didn't he if you watch enough anime you see some things that are prevalent in the anime medium some of them I never get bored of no matter how many times I see it sometimes I'm like Eh this is just Anime being anime and sometimes I'm just like man this makes me ashamed to be an anime fan so I'm going to talk about some of my favorites and some of my most detested anime tropes and cliches that you can find in the genre first thing the tragic anime backstory now I don't know if this I guess this is kind of a Trope right has it been done so many times that it is a freaking Trope now this one is actually pretty [ __ ] hard because tragic anime backstory covers an entire spectrum of different anime and different genres I think the important thing about the tragic anime backstory cuz when I about tragic anime backstory here's the Trope that I think of there are two scenes it's either the first scene is in the middle of a fight and then you find out the tragic anime backstory and that anime backstory leads to some kind of Power Up character gets a power up because they remember this tragic anime backstory and then he defeats the villain because he remembers the powers of whatever happened in his backstory and the other thing I think of with tragic anime Back stories is [ __ ] Demon Slayer it's not the Demon Slayer Trope but my God does Demon Slayer do this for [ __ ] everyone okay let me set the scene the villain's about to die we don't give a [ __ ] about the villain cut to tragic anime backstory oh oh no oh oh now oh now the see the villain got a bad backstory it happens a lot not just for villains but one of the biggest death Flags you can have in anime is if this character who has had no character development suddenly gets a [ __ ] ton of backstory and a [ __ ] ton of flashbacks and it's all sad you [ __ ] know they're going to die man you [ __ ] know they are going to die I'm going to put this right smack dab in the middle I do not feel strongly for it or against it it all depends on the execution moving on to yeah there there's there's there's I was trying I was I was trying to think here's the thing has the internet ruined Ada now you know what I mean you it's it's no it hasn't it hasn't to me I still if I hear it in anime I'm still Yep this one's a banger another thing that I think the diff the internet has definitely ruined for me is the AAL face that [ __ ] used to be hot and now I see enough Tik Tok girls doing that [ __ ] face enough cosplay girls enough OS doing that face and now I just [ __ ] cringe man it was never H yo you capping man you capping but every time I hear an ADA all right still hits the same signature attack or I guess like shouting your attack names which is definitely very very anime yeah it's this is a tier this is a tier here's the interesting thing this only works because it's anime you see a liveaction adaptation or you see any liveaction action film if they start shouting out attacks that is [ __ ] weird and that shit's [ __ ] cringe but for some reason when you see someone shouting attack names in anime that [ __ ] is hype I'm I'm going to be a one piece Fanboy again you can see the difference between the liveaction one piece adaptation and the normal one piece anime where in the anime it felt normal for everyone no matter how serious or goofy that character was to shout out their attack names and uh bonus points if you're an OG one piece fan who knows the hype of when a character shouts an attack name and that attack has its own particular font that goes with it and then in the liveaction adaptation it didn't work for some characters because it'sing weird if you do it in live action at worse shouting attack names is just a Bare Bones basic here's what every anime character does at best it brings so muching hype moving on to beach episodes people saying s people go chat you are too blinded by boobies man man you are too blinded by boobs I'm I'm going put be I think Beach episodes kind of overused uh they're they're fine I'm never going to complain about a beach episode but uh to me guys I'm an onset episode Guy come on okay look guys guys Beach episodes are fine wake me up when we get to the hot springs episode that's the superior Beach episode man come on sometimes there's a place for it but there have been some beach episodes that have completely put the plot on a stand and that's kind of pissed me off cuz I'm just I'm just like yo can we just get on with the plot please unless you have something like code gas where the beach episode is also technically the plot episode as well that's the best kind of beach episode moving on to cat girls Monster Girls Etc D did you make this list I know you made this list d i I know you put catgirls D but uh did you uh did you really want to put how cat are we talking here D I'm not going to lie guys I'm kind of over it cat girls specifically um I don't know I want to know what's so exciting about it what gets added by this girl having cat ears which is most of the time that's the only commitment they have they just they just they just have cat ears and they do F and they meow for you nah you know what you know what Mony see this is where we differ right I'm a sja gara guy man I'm I'm a s Gara guy all the the [ __ ] way man Holo but Holo though oh you are right oh but she's a fox she's not a cat cat girls Monster Girls Etc like if it's just catg girls I do not really understand the appeal of catg girls monster girls are cool in concept but when you get to the point where you go to like monster mus and you're having [ __ ] slime girls and you're having fing spider girls and horse girls all right that's actually actually maybe just Pump It Up a to it I think what happened there was my logical brain went this is really weird and then some part of my lizard brain went hold on for a second let him cook let let let him cook for a second moving on to explaining Powers mid battle ooh people don't really don't like this I'm really torn cuz it's either like you're either watching JoJo or Bucky or Hunter Hunter and it's like here or you're watching everything else and it's like here you know what I mean one of the things I love about jiujitsu kaon is that at least in the anime adaptation it has a really good balance between explaining weird anime powers and letting the powers speak for themselves and letting the visual speak for themselves that's why I think some of the action uh in J kaon just goes so hard just because I don't really feel a point where the explaining Powers the explaining the animy powers gets in the way of the action because my problem with this is not the concept of explaining anime Powers it's the concept of explaining powers that ruins the pace of a fight one of the biggest marks of a good adaptation to me is when the anime chooses when to adapt the power explanations and when to let the visual speak for themselves cuz I understand why this Trope exists this Trope exists because action is [ __ ] hard to portray on a still page right on a Ste page you might need to walk them through exactly what's happening because sometimes it's just [ __ ] hard there are some exceptions which are s tier but for the most part it's a c tier moving on to fan service H yeah this is B chat is too horny there is a time and a place for fan service I fing adore fan service there are times where fan service does not belong in a show fire fire force let's talk about the moments in fire force that were ruined because of fan service this isn't me complaining about fan service this is me complaining about when you are invested emotionally in a scene for a different reason and then they throw in fan service it's like using the ultimate technique but using it wrong so it backfires on you when you have a show like [ __ ] 100 girlfriends [ __ ] just let's just I would say fan service should be treated like the Forbidden technique moving on to Filler episodes come on this is this is thank God this needs to be a tier lower than D this needs to be a tier lower than D I am so glad that Filler episodes are now dying out I didn't understand the era that anime went through back in the big three showen where companies felt this pressure to keep airing this anime weakly I'm glad they realized that audiences have enough patience to wait for seasons of anime so that they can enjoy highly condensed high quality episodes instead of just [ __ ] out weekly episodes and pading it out with Filler episodes and filler arcs the only thing I will say is one piece please learn from that I'm going to be real when I saw the Kakashi Mask episode and when I saw the other Filler episodes before that I didn't know what it was filler but as soon soon as that happened something just clicked to my mind and it just made so much sense about oh that's why sometimes it feels like episodes just a [ __ ] a scene like shikamaru's shogi match with his dad which is technically by the definition of filler a filler moment because it's not in the manga but it adds so much to his character that was not present in the manga and it built on the foundation that the manga had and it's one of my favorite anime only scenes in all of Ane absent or dead parents eh me it's it's not the worst thing in the world and I know why it exists it's overused to be honest okay my biggest question is yes there are so many [ __ ] anime with absent or dead parents do we want the parents there yes it's unrealistic that every anime character has dead or absent parents in general even with someone like Kyo for example kyo's parents are present they do show up at the end of alization but for the most time they're AB and to be fair I don't think having a whole Arc with his parents would have added any new dimension to Sword Art Online a lot of times I think that they would just they would just affect the pacing the only times absent or dead parents are good is when it actually Builds on the plot or the themes or helps with the character development of the show doesn't really do add anything to the show but to be fair doesn't really detract anything from the show either all right moving on to genre deconstruction is this even a Trope can I add a new tier which is just uh what is a deconstruction it's hard it's hard to call this a Trope number one because I don't think anyone really truly understands what a genre deconstruction is one of the biggest trends that that started in the video essay Community is uh we would call X show deconstruction and then we would have new video essays being like actually X show isn't a deconstruction uh it's now just a meme just to call everything a deconstruction calling something a deconstruction now is more a marketing strategy to be like yo this one it's different it kind of just became a meme I'm actually going to admit this just because I don't know how this is a Trope at all um unless it's just the fan base calling everything a genre deconstruction uh which in this which in which case uh it would be uh C or detail so moving on to the power of friendship I'm going put it C power of friendship gets a bad rep I think because of fairy tale there are two Sid of this coin let me break this down for you guys call it the power of friendship F tier right call it having nakama s tier right because we have one piece but are they not the same thing it's it is definitely the anime Trope where working together the power of friendship prevails but I do think that there is some kind it's not like completely it's not completely down here at like f tier are we counting like comrades and bonds in the power of friendship guys are we just going to Discount Gan lean and how hyped that was or the [ __ ] bonds of friendship that my crew in JoJo went through I think it's cringe if it solely relies on just the power of friendship prevailing through everything but having a strong bond with your fellow comrades and your fellow you know your fellow comrades around you and wanting to become stronger because of that I think that's good I think that's fuing goed and I think that can bring some really really hype moments I think this is CER moving on to haram's all right I'm just going to full on I'm just going to be degenerate for some reason can harams ruin a sh here's an important question okay cuz there are I think there are two types of people I think this is the latest example of this year right oin noo this was one of the highest rated shows you know of last year and the people I've talked to have had two kinds of opinions about oshino they had you know they had the point where they were invested because of the murder mystery aspect and then they kind of introduced the whole best girl aspect to it where it suddenly just became oh who likes the main characters more is it this girl is it that girl a lot of people didn't like it I didn't happen to be one of those people I was just like you know what I'm not going to complain I can see why it's not for everyone but I'm not going to complain I actually don't mind this Trope too much let me tell you why Harm's is in s tier for me to some it may ruin or to some it may detract from the point of the series or it may detract from another point of the series to me I see Harum and I'm like oo that sense a bit of spice in the story coming up oo it's not for everyone but I'm just going to fully embrace the [ __ ] trash man that I am I can't think of a single place where a Haram has actively ruined a show for me if you watch a Haram anime you're not watching a you're not watching a r anime you're watching a Sports Anime that's what I like about haram's man it turns the anime into a sport now people are going to get the completely wrong idea of uh what I think about this uh let me let me uh let me let me think about this for a second yes I said it okay and and while while we're here let's let's just let's just put this here as well people think because of some kind of shows that I like that oh God God God must think God must think it's [ __ ] here or something right God must think it's [ __ ] here no people misunderstand why I enjoy the shows that I enjoy like I said I enjoy it when there's a little bit of spice added when there's a little bit of a taboo a little bit of spice a little bit of danger in there most of the time you see this [ __ ] and you see this [ __ ] and it's the most fing basic Ohan oh oh I'm a good little sister oh nan oh and I'm like that that that's just [ __ ] that's the cringe man that is the cringe maybe I just hate little sisters man okay actually hold on a second I'm thinking about this maybe if it's an a nan I'm more okay with it hold on a second hold on wait wait totally me being a single child moment I do feel like most of the sisters in anime are little sisters I feel like the balance is skewed I feel like there are way more Emoto than there are onesan and this conflated with this most of the time is just the most barebones basic ass here's your do jinci bait character right here and I'm like this is this is not what I'm looking for this does not sell me on the show in fact this makes it even worse for me KIRO I should rewatch oremo to see if my opinions changed uh not another isai ah this is a good B tier this this is a good B tier for me if I put it here I think I would just be lying to myself it's right right in the middle of course I'm the isai trash man but even in someone who defends isekai to the death I don't think I can put it any higher than P tier it's not really a Trope it's uh more of like just a genre at this point okay time for the next one the thousand-year-old Lolly one I'm going to be real guys this this this is D tier for me man I know it's a Trope and I'm not on the camp of some takes you would see on Twitter but [ __ ] why why do we want this why why do we want this let's take one of the most famous ones for example shinobu are you going to say to me unironically that the child shinobu is superior to the [ __ ] Onan or mil shinobu absolutely not yes she is no you you are you are so wrong what really like what really has confused me recently is just because in recent times just because now there's a really old anime character uh if there's just a really old anime character people just assume it's a Thousand-Year old Thousand-Year old like Lolly Trope I see this with freen now where Freer Ren's like she's the [ __ ] Trope and I'm like is she I don't know if my eyes are fing different but uh she just looks like a normal person obviously she has the personality of an old woman but even on an aesthetic level to like to me she just she doesn't look any differently than most other standard anime characters at all she's just like a little short right I don't even know if she's short the problem with this Trope a all the time is that you know I look at someone like beatric and I'm like I I I just need to protect this person I need to give this person the hug uh the problem is uh a lot of times they're not made for that purpose uh which leads on to our next one the other worst Trope of anime is just Why is this a character Trope man why is this a character Trope what does this add to your series jariah Sensei oh don't say that no not my jiah the the Pervert thing with Sanji I never thought was particularly funny you know there there are some jokes with one piece that I just thought ah this is this is a bit lazy to me being a pervert adding a pervert thing as a joke is at best kind of eye rolling at worst is melodus from 7 dead sins and actively makes me dislike you the only place I think it works is because it's a core part of the character which is [ __ ] rudus and that's because you're not [ __ ] meant to like rudus manetta as well holy [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] right oh I hate manetta so much moving on to powerups is there a non hype PowerUp scene n this is Esther I was trying to think if there is any point that a power up detracts from a show I don't think there is I don't think there is at best we get something fing legendary that permeates popular culture like actually you're right this is a tier this is a tier I I had to think about it for a second unfortunately even though there are some very hype scenes there are some aspes as well there have been times where I've seen a power up and I'm like oh this is this this this is bit coming out of nowhere isn't it but I will say that the ass poool scenes feel like they are less prevalent than the actual hype powerups for like 90% of anime power-ups this is the scene that the entire anime has been building towards this is the scene that you're going to be rewatching and most of the time it is absolutely [ __ ] hyped it's one of the things that anime is best known for you get an A tier student council I am indifferent towards this one I don't really have much to say about it I'm kind of indifferent I don't have a feeling one way or another when I see a student council I'm not exactly like this show but when I see students counselor I'm not just I'm also not like fck yes let's let's go I really don't have much to say about this it's fine it's it's that's that's fine same with the deries as well actually I'm going to I'm going to put this down at the end of the day I'm talking about all of the deries right what I want is not a tnder what I want is a well- realized well-written character first that might have tnder a traits or might have other traits for example uh if if there's a character that is just a Dar then a lot of the times they are just a onedimensional character Trope that is really lazy that is not to say that obviously I don't like Cinder and everything like that but if there is just a Bare Bones basic Cinder that has no more depth than just classic tnder traits I'm out I feel like anime writers and anime artists and writers should always put the character first here's the thing I they should have an identity above that and then have like traits being like oh this person reminds me of a tunder there should be an absolute exact reason why they are acting the way they do all right moving on generic protagonist I feel like this is doing not doing it any justice because uh it says generic in it so I'm trying to think if there's any counterargument for it to not be detier I'm like hm I got I I got nothing guys if it's generic protagonist then yeah with with the word generic it's always going to be in deter what I was thinking was self-insert protagonist and I'm thinking is a self-insert protagonist bad well on a I'm I'm I'm going to add a little spice I'm going to change generic protagonist to self insert protagonist I'm going to bring it up one we were all 14 at one point there was one point in our life when we were kids we were innocent and we just wanted to dream man we just wanted the fantasy man are you going to crush a kid's dream just because they want to self-insert themselves into some what we perceive as some cringy situation now no if he can't hope to get a bunch of girls then what hope does he have all right all right that's the best I can come up with let me ask you as the edgy 14-year-old do you think you were any more interesting of a person can we really say that we weren't maybe the Bland protagonists ourselves at one point guys okay maybe there's a reason they exist I likes loveo I discovered loveo when I could get no [ __ ] this is for the 14-year-old out there moving on tournament arcs yeah now we're talking there is I I will not accept anything else you can be having the most dog anime of all time you can have an anime that's completely fallen off you put a tournament Arc in it and I am completely interested again is it used a lot yes is every tournament Arc built the same no but sometimes you just have a formula that works okay you can have other series that do some things differently but it's just such an easy way to number one build up it's just such an easy way to introduce a huge Ensemble of new characters and such an easy way to build up compelling narratives with Rivals with friendship with a lot of different bonds that you can build up and it's just a [ __ ] easy way to bring the hype uh the Fang okay here's an important question guys here's here's an important question are we doing the me Fang or just just the little Fang I don't know I just actually I I kind of dig it I don't know I don't know why it makes such a difference but it's so weird right you have like this anime girl smiling and it's like all right that's all right you have you had a little Fang and you're like yo that's adorable as man suddenly this is my aesthetic I mean a stalle just uh ruined an entire generation of boys uh with his flesh Fang and only is flesh Fang right you skin Fang no no [ __ ] you the skin the skin Fang is great man all right High School I mean there have been good high school animes but I roll my eye most times I see it it's not completely detailed but my God can we have more settings please than just High School I would love to have more settings than just High School I kind of dig it a lot of the times it depends but this is something that I think works well because it's anime something similar to Signature attacks it kind of breaks the convention of Storytelling a lot of times where it's like oh oh you need to you need to show not tell and sometimes I'm just like maybe you should tell me show me I I I'm a dumb baby you can have moments where it just brings a new dimension to the scene that's going on especially with something like death notes and code gas it's only a a tier and not s tier because there are some moments where I'm looking at you Sports Anime there are there are some moments where I think okay this is way too overdone I am watching someone shoot a basketball and this is taking 20 minutes because of what's happening to see this guy shoot a basketball no one thinks that fast but when we are just doing Mind Games it's kind of hype man all right moving on nose bleeds same as perverts uh I don't understand how this Trope started I didn't get it I I never got it as a kid I remember the first scene in Naruto or the first episode of Naruto had a nose bleed that was my first exposure to it and I was like oh that's weird and then everyone started to do it and then I was like oh that's weird that is nose bleeds are just the PG-13 way to say someone is bricked up and as soon as you realize that you're like wow that's that's that's that's that's weird all right moving on overpowered main character is beater really much depends on the execution really really depends on the execution for every Sid kagano there is 10 million generic overpowered isekai protagonists that do not deserve the title or the powers that they have imagine a Gojo show well Gojo luckily isn't the uh protagonist of jyon I mean I mean the fan base certainly thinks he is so this one goes right in the middle for me moving on running with toast in mouth it's weird cuz running in toast with mouth I feel like it's kind of falling off when was the last time you saw it when was the last time you saw it dead Trope it's a dead Trope it had its charm it's it it's not completely D tier actually I'm I'm going to put a b tier I have no feelings about it I see an anime girl running with toast I'm like eh whatever I think it's pretty pointless now because I've realized that they have stopped using it if I see an anime girl running with toast I will get nostalgic again I'd be like yo they did the thing man bring it back actually bring it back hero SL villain team up boy let me tell you I don't [ __ ] care I don't [ __ ] care you know it's hype man this villain could have been the most detestable piece of [ __ ] of all time he could have committed war crimes for like yeah you team up with the hero you're like hell yeah man it's just I don't know why there are some tropes where my little brain goes oh I'm I'm I like this I'm interested this is hype this is cool yeah I don't know like I said uh it's something that definitely could not exist it's logic like this that could not exist in the real world but in the fictional world of anime if you team up with the villain for some reason your brain is just like I forgive everything you've done beforehand who did you kill I've forgotten who what did you do I've forgotten let's just enjoy these uh two unlikely Duo just teaming up okay now now we're getting now we're getting into the real [ __ ] this time skip I honestly think time skips out of everything this is the best this is this not everything else has been in order but I will say I fuing love time skips man time skips I think is my favorite narrative Trope that you can find in anime and and maybe just in general okay here's here's what I love about time skips right here here's what I love about time skips there's like the mystery aspect to time skips the first few episodes or the first few chapters after a Time skip you are just so [ __ ] excited about it's like coming to a high school reunion again and just seeing what everyone's been up to and just catching up with everyone and seeing the type of adults that people turn into that is some of the most excitement when I get when you start a new arc in the case of a Shonen number one you're like yo how many new attacks do you know how much did you power up are you like on the power scaling part of things are you a tier are us tier even Beyond Shonen as well the other time skip I remember the attack on Titan time skip as well G like like going from like season 3 to season 4 and then everything changed and it was a completely different genre of show bro like at worst a Time skip will get people talking about your series again like boruto at best it is some of the most interesting [ __ ] you can completely change [ __ ] genre like you did with Attack on Titan yeah time skips are goed training arcs it's a tier it's not as hype as the tournament Arc and the time skip but it is nice just to know that you're about to get uh progression people are like just skip it now you need the training Arc okay here's the ultimate combo you know why a tier because training arcs go hand in hand with either tournament Arc or a Time Skip it's the buildup knowing you are going into a tournament Arc or a Time skip Arc okay that's why it works so well training arcs don't hit as hard if it's just a training Arc that doesn't lead into like either of these ones to be fair like I think the one that affected me the least was probably the deu training Arc like he learned kind of like full cowling back then and that was that was probably that was that was the one that I was just like eh I'm okay with it I'm okay with it all right moving on to transformation sequences it's very much execution dependent like sometimes they can get tiring and get old really quick but if used in the right way they can bring the hype baby cuz especially in some older anime it got boring very very very quickly that was it for my favorite tropes in anime this is a very weird list uh but it is my list uh you you probably disagree with this list but that was my list guys if you agree if you disagree please comment below if you're watching this on YouTube I'm streaming this live on Twitch you can catch me on twitch.tv/ gig but anyway that's been it for me I've been giggok and I'll see you all next time bye
Channel: Garnt
Views: 191,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cuqcbPZMx8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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