Ranking All the Eeveelutions Weakest to Strongest

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so if you all haven't noticed by now and the huge evolution fan obviously I love Umbreon the most as it is my mascot but I do have so much love for the rest of them as well I'm also sure that you've noticed that the channel was gotten a bit of a rebrand to include Eevee in all of its evolutions into my banner in background I just felt the channel needed a nice refresh since it had been a couple years since my last one this all made me think what could I do to ease everyone into the new look for the channel and the answer was obvious naturally I had to make this in evolution week that's right this entire weekend will have nothing but evolution based videos for my fellow evolution connoisseurs and to kick it off I'm gonna be ranking all the evolutions from weakest to strongest now when doing these rankings there will definitely be a little bit of influence based on how the ablutions have performed in the past but we won't be mostly focusing on how they are at this point in time I definitely think there will be some surprises for a lot of you in this video so that being said let's just hop right in so starting us off naturally we have the weakest of the bunch now I know a lot of you might immediately go for Florian as the worst evolution but in my opinion I don't believe that to be the case I believe Glaceon is by far the weakest of the eight on this list for starters let's just talk about the ice types in general if you watch my boy arises video on figuring out which type is the worst in this series you'll know that the ice type is the worse - for a plethora of reasons I won't go into as much detail as he did but the main thing that's wrong with the ice types are its defenses it only resisted itself and is weak to fighting in rock as well as some of the best types in the game being fire and steel tad onto that fire steel water and ice all resist attacks from it making it annoying to get some decent damage on some of the more often we used Pokemon sure it's super effective against dragon flying grass and ground which are all nice types to be super effective against but what good does that do when you have abysmal speed and these pokemon often have access to moves that will obliterate any ice type in their path now don't get me wrong 130 special attack isn't anything to sneeze at and it actually has pretty solid defensive stats for an ice type but with really bad HP and speed the writing was already on the wall for Glaceon as it stands right now if certain shield it has no access to hidden power so with that being taken away from it the only viable coverage move it has a shadow ball maybe what the deal see we'll see your return four moves lost but even then I still believe Gleason would find itself at the bottom of this list now moving on to the second weakest Pokemon we had the one you were all expecting to be in Gwen's place Florian yeah Florian might not be as bad Glaceon but it's still not very good either like Glaceon Florian suffers from having pretty bad HP and speed but its main problem comes from in flock a decent fire attacks it is a phenomenal 130 in its attack stat but the only real decent physical moves it has X's to our flower blood so just recoil super power which lowers attacking the fence and Iron Tail which has a pretty bad 75% accuracy now it does have a decent Special Attack stat so you could trap moves like lava plume Shadow Ball or mystical fire but it's just not really worth it to make it a mixed attacker again that speed stat is going to be really holding it back in the long run and I think a simple swapping of the special attack and speed stats could have made it a little bit more viable as it does have some decent coverage having access to abilities like flash fire and guts isn't the worst thing in the world either but none of that is going to make Florian worth choosing over some other fire pokemon at the end of the day now this next evolution is really the last one to talk about that's not particularly great being Leafeon now Leafeon is definitely a step in the right direction in terms of stat distribution and coverage moves it has 110 attack in 95 speed which is great with the weird decision of giving the defense stat the 130 base I really think Leafeon could have been slightly higher tiered if you just swap those stats a bit like making the attack 130 his speed 110 and the defense 95 that extra 15 in speed and 20 an attack really could have made it a pretty formidable opponent let's talk about the other positives Leafeon has it as access to amazing grass-type moves like leaf blade solar blood and seed bomb and decent coverage options in iron tail and x-scissor now one thing that is also holding leafy on back at the moment is its loss of knockoff sure if you're just using it for only dark tech coverage then bite is a decent replacement but the reality is knockoff is so much more useful than being a dark coverage move again I have no idea if knockoff will return as a Tudor move in the future but just like with hidden power on Glaceon it really only makes a slight difference now we're moving into the actually decent competitive evolutions sorting of Jolteon I wish Jolteon could be a lot higher on this list I mean just look at how cool it is I'd even go as far as a Jolteon is the most popular of the original revolutions it just looks powerful and to be quite honest it is I mean look at these stats it has one tenant special attack and then if I haven't special defense and a whopping 130 in its speed step even if you include forms like speed y-axis and mega Alakazam Jolteon is still tied for 14th place for highest base speed total which is pretty crazy to think about so that means Jolteon must be really really good right well kind of it definitely can do decently well but its lack of coverage makes it less viable compared to some other Pokemon see Joel Chan's main purpose was to hit really hard with its electric attacks and then volt switch out if a major threat came by but this kind of roll was easily taken over by much better Pokemon over the years like Rotom wash in top of cocoa and since it loses a lot of its good coverage moves like hidden power ice and Sigma beam while only having access to moves like Shadow Ball and pin missile Jolteon is a lot harder of a cell to use on a team at this point in time the only real reason I could see a person using a Jolteon on their team would be because it's their favorite Pokemon nothing wrong with that of course I'm just saying that there are better options out there in the upper half of this list is a major fall from grace that some of you may have seen coming but I imagine a lot of you will be caught off guard by it pains me to say this but the next evolution on this list is Umbreon now don't get me wrong i'm Breann is still incredibly good all things considered but it fell off big time one sword and shield were released for a long period of time Umbreon was considered one of if not the best evolutions ever look at these stats that's one thick freaking boy right there 95 and HP 110 in defense in 130 in special defense this thing was such an indomitable wall that people would rage quit as soon as they saw it Umbreon was that feared in the competitive scene so what changed you might ask well with the release of sword and shield came a set of changes to a lot of Pokemon to balance up the game it appears some of these balances were to take toxic and he'll bow away from a lot of Pokemon which unfortunately included Embry on wish heal Bell toxic and protective love Dover's was a set to be feared stall with those bulky stats and healing capabilities while you eat away at their HP of toxic take that away and you're just a decently bulky wall of course it's not a bad thing I'm bran isn't bad about any means but man it's just so sad to see this once great Pokemon reduces something you could easily no longer consider naturally it hurts me extra because it's my mascot but I can at least take solace in the fact it's bottom tier Pokemon of all the things I want with this Pokemon DLC I definitely say one of them is having toxic back on embryonic I need to be able to annoy everyone with it again so some of you might disagree with this placement but above Umbreon and in the number three spot is the last of the og evolutions Vaporeon like Umbreon Vaporeon has a bit of bulk on it having 95 and special defense and that large 130 and HP thus far um bran was the only other evolution to have a 65 and its HP stat but if it poori on clearly takes the whole cake with that one with it being the highest it can be it also got that really solid 110 special attack which helps out a lot more than some of the others on this list naturally toxic and heal bill are taking away from the poori on to so what exactly makes it slightly better than Umbreon simply put the better move poll while missing some crucial moves it still maintains heavy moves like shadow ball surf muddy water and most importantly scald an ice beam ice beam and water pokemon go together like peanut butter and jelly you get all the benefits of an ice ax type move without the drawbacks to being an ice type and then for scold you get a solid 80 based power with the additional bonus having a 30% chance to burn your opponent over the last few months with my typing best teams I'm sure you still heard about how good being able to get the burn off is and it's no exception here now sure that poor hansel isn't the cream of the crop but it adds a little bit of extra capabilities that Umbreon sadly cannot offer anymore again it was really hard to actually pick between the two of them so I'm not 100% confident in my decision it could really go either way but please let me know down in the comments section what you think of this I'm Breanna versus vaporeon debate now just shy of the number one spot we have Umbreon daytime counterpart SB on originally Umbreon was going to have this penultimate spot but I don't need to continue to go on about why that is you'll get it by now so what is SB on the Servat well first we're gonna start off at its stats similar to Jolteon Espeon has a focus on its special stats and its speed with just a bit of rearrangement it has 110 inch speed 95 in special defense and then that huge 130 in special attack that's not too surprising considering how I suck at Pokemon special attacks are on average and being that second type is a very strong typing in general that bodes very well for this evolution next we have its moves and in my opinion Espeon has one of the best move polls of any of the evolutions as with all of them it has XS - Shadow Ball which is really nice on a second type Pokemon but it can also dish out psychic Azlan gloom and even grass not which could come in handy in very specific situations but it really shines with its ability choices first is synchronised social pass on burn pyrolysis or poison to an opponent that gave you the status condition this will really discourage a lot of stall Ursa messing with you if you have your SP on out it also has magic bands will reflect any stat changing we've thrown at it along with being able to throw back stealth rocks and spikes what it is so incredibly useful when you combine all these specters together you get yourself a great pokemon but it's consistent goodness comes from its versatility want a calm mind and hit for a large amount of damage of stab go ahead want to go choice specs with coverage no problem want to use the infamous Baton Pass and store power combo SP ons the one there are just so many choices with SB on it was going to be in the top fur without a doubt but as all of you know there's one more evolution that I believe is the best of them all and of course that is sylveon kind of easy to figure out sylveon was on the top I mean it was premature Lhasa left of all the types that probably needed to be nerf the fairy has got to be on the top of the list at this point it came into this series about six and a half years ago and has shaken up the game alot since then with the Pokemon it could do well against fairy-type was set for success right away and sylveon was not an exception to that it has its three good stats spread out with 95 a dense HP producing bulk one tenant and special attacks it can hit hard and then the 130 in its special defense I'm not the biggest fan in the world of that spread but it works so I can't say much it has a pretty low 60 speed which would normally be a detriment to Pokemon like this but it has a nice trick up its sleeve being pixel it is the ability to turn any normal type move into a fairy type move it's absolutely beautiful I wish all of the evolutions had an ability like this for their respective types but I digress like Umbreon inventory on it can take on a decent cleric type role but that pixelate ability really changes the game by giving you a ninety base power stab hyper voice with no repercussions whatsoever it's great having coverage options with mystical fire magical leaf size shock and Shadow Ball really gives it a solid boost in the versatility category sylveon might be the newest member to the evolution family but it is by no means a slouch and it's clearly shown right off the bat that it is the superior evolution when it comes to strength well that wraps up this evolution ranking video honestly it was really hard to rank these the way I did because all of them have our own benefits but at the end of the day some will be better than others it's unavoidable what did you think of all these rankings do you agree with me or do you believe I overlooked something about one of them definite let me know in the comments below as I'm really curious and how you all of you the evolutions I hope this was a solid kickoff to our evolution weekend and I look forward to seeing all of your reactions as we get into the next two videos I think you will all be very happy so I'm looking forward to seeing how you all like these videos if you enjoyed the video why don't leave like and subscribe my channel occations on that way you never miss an upload if you want to support me further consider following my Twitter's from a lot of Pokemon content and all kinds of other Nintendo content like Zelda Fire Emblem a much more also I've been reviewing every episode of my hair Academy season 4 / a mystic sage so head over there if you're into that - I would love that a lot wants to hurt me further further new game called perks check my patreon den no Lyon lady crimson memory Martin the lazy leo map through young awesome legged dirt with Austin sudden Greta and nygma 97 did and I want to thank them person for going above and beyond it means the world to me I think I'm wrap this up though I missed again bran and I will see you in the future from Roslyn Pokemon concept you
Channel: MysticUmbreon
Views: 938,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranking All The Eeveelutions Weakest to Strongest, Ranking All The Eeveelutions, What Is The Strongest Eeveelution?, Who Is The Weakest Eeveelution?, Strongest Eeveelution, Weakest Eeveelution, All Eeveelutions Ranked, Pokemon Red and Blue, Pokemon Gold and Silver, Pokemonn Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon X and Y, Best Eeveelution, Worst Eeveelution
Id: C1217dT9uYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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