Ranking Every League of Legends Champion based on their PERSONALITY

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this is a bit of an interesting one so I feel like this is part of League that goes very underappreciated a lot of the time and that is the actual personality of the Champions because you can take a character that's kind of surface level they're kind of whatever even like an okay design but if you give them a good personality that elevates them tenfold or even a bad looking character with a great personality that's possible so for example having a good personality doesn't mean they're a good person you know what I mean like tough is an arrogant piece of [ __ ] half the time but it's Charming it's like good arrogance you know like she has the ability to back it up and she still has like a Charming personality despite being arrogant and full of herself it's so dark down here I can't see a thing oh no what a nightmare that's her personality and it's done well Tony Stark Tony Stark's probably a good example as well but you can also have examples of good characters where their personality is just [ __ ] boring no like that's possible so with that I have uh six I can't count seven categories here we have Charisma worthy of the Gods meaning that it is like fantastic love listening to this character excellent personality three perfect four Charming is pretty good I like them a lot they have some couple flaws but they're mostly okay cool usually doesn't mean they're like that Charming but I still like them a decent amount fine enough is yeah it's passable nothing great nothing terrible either it's fine what personality they just they don't have one that they're not a character they don't exist annoying is just stop I don't watch I don't like them not good person and shut up shut up shut up I think you could infer that I don't want them to speak words so that's what it is so do you guys want to do it in alphabetical order do you guys want to do it at random going off of that let us begin with number one what oh wow okay the unfortunate thing about kog'maw is kog'maw's personality is made up by the community it is a work of fiction by the community to give kog'maw personality because he doesn't have one bug eats things that's all he does he has no personality it's it's yeah it's head Canon he has the potential to have a really funny and cute and quirky personality because the community made one but he doesn't have one himself karthus I mean karthus is fine I hesitate to put him in annoying because he's like putting an annoying tear doesn't necessarily mean their personality is being annoying it's more so that their personality is annoying to listen to because he's just he just talks about death that's all he does he's he has nothing Beyond I like death that's great karthus I should change annoying to boring I feel like that's that's like more accurate yeah his personality is just being dead great singer pen to kill karthus would go up here Penta kill karthus has an actual personality I don't want to be the Grim Reaper I just want to sing but we're talking about default one trundle trundle's got a pretty Charming personality I wouldn't put him at Charming I put him at cool though he is just dumb troll that's kind of all he is but he's it's good he's a goofy guy do we count Legends of Rune tarot with these things okay he goes up to Charming if we count Lor he goes up to Charming he's just a goofy dumb little troll man nice to meet you oh it's good like trundle I wish his gameplay was more exciting but I guess it is kind of in line for his gameplay to be I Bonk you that's it that's all I do Janna yeah I think John is a a what personality John is like non-existent basically she'll leave you breathless yeah all right well she has the personality of saying stripper voice lines that just have nothing to do with her character at all the thing is John could be really cool right I think Jonah could be a really interesting character if they gave her a voice line update but how she is right now is just like no how has she pilt over and Zahn because she's a spirit providing clean air to the people in pilt over enzon that's what she's doing she was a spirit if you don't know in League Spirits are more powerful the more people believe in them and Janna gained her power from Sailors praying to her for smooth wins to sail across the sea but now that they have like motorboats and stuff they don't need that anymore so now people in Zahn are praying to her for clean air I think it's pretty good Lori yeah I'd agree with that it's just her character itself is basically non-existent moored mordekaiser is a Karen I think he's cool I wouldn't put him at Charming he went to the death realm and then said guys you did not meet my quality standards of this death realm dying was gonna be prestigious what is this and that he just like he fought the manager and broke out of the death world that's an angry customer that's him Fizz things Fizz is supposed to be annoying but like yeah it hurts it hurts it really does it's just shut up just stop talking Soraka soraka's fine enough it's nothing too crazy I heard hello our voice lines help a bit but she's kind of nice for the sake of being nice and that's kind of it I think you could explore the aspect of her how her like her body is literally burning from the inside I think Soraka could be so much better than she is because she's got a really nice character it's just not expressed Fiora yeah shut up Fiora French deserves its own tea oh I got you guys there we go much better all right perfect let's move on Master Yi his ELO I would have put him here Lor bumps him up a lot though Lor yeast is a significant Improvement patience thing the Mind must guide the tail not the heart does the wind stop to consider which direction to blow Master Okay rek'sai obviously Charisma worthy of the Gods clearly no I'm good she doesn't know she's there she's a queen but I'm spoken no it's not even boring it's just like no I'm putting her in shut up because it's not even karthus is just like Bland kaises just Morgana Morgana is cool magana's cool she's got a good personality I don't think I'd put her a Charming but she's cool she needs a friend yeah maybe maybe a friend would be nice she'd get along with a moo moo right maybe she she's an aspect maybe she'd be powerful enough to endure a mumu's curse I feel like they get along kalista yeah kalist is probably up and cool as well Vengeance ugh he had the potential to be really fun it's kind of boring master manipulator does not really get to show it off very much elor is fine I feel like they didn't enhance her very much in Lor even in Lor she's just kind of basic she had she could have been really cool she manipulates us into thinking she has a personality they have ABC does cass yeah that's that is I think that's that's what personality he does not have one yeah she's snake woman and that's it I don't really have anything beyond that I think he's fine it's like Soraka the road is paved for a great personality but it's like there's barely he's sad and then that's kind of it that's all he does is that he's sad you could make a much more interesting character out of that Katarina yeah that's I kill things that's my personality I kill things varus this is gonna change drastically in a short period of time but he's fine I hope the voiceover puts it here I hope it does because I need to have Varys having arguments with kind valmar like please have a be like like Venom arguing with himself like that would be great uh I'm biased shut up she's Charming she's a nice innocent little deer creature who just wants to spread good dreams and good vibes that's my Lilia Elise is fine Elise is fine he's just there it's okay ah yeah hmm I don't think he's got Charisma worthy of the Gods but he is definitely I definitely put him a Charming I think he's definitely Charming kale ah uh I am Justice that's great can I talk to Morgana instead Darius Darius is pretty cool if you guys listen to him at Lors we have so much Darius voice lines we know his character so well now like he's got what like two legendary skins he's been an Lor he's been in everything see Yorick is like a moo moo but like done better he's also sad but has like some depth to him the orc's cool arriving what I even do with this guy I somehow feel like he you guys are just saying that ironically that he has a personality of the Gods I somehow feel like it come from an ironic standpoint we've had many iterations of Misfortune now misfortune's Charming misfortune's a great character I think if Sports is a good case of a confident character that's like yeah she's overconfident to all [ __ ] I'm like yeah yeah you go Misfortune and yeah in League it sucks it's true her League voice lines are garbage there's so much more of actual Misfortune now if we had only League Misfortune she'd be here rise uh rise is fine he contradicts himself a lot he's just like he's he's constantly back like going back and forth between no I want to shave the world ah the world's not worth saving I want to save the world my scroll kind of his whole personality azir oh I feel weird ranking this one because he's racist how do I rank the racist dictator um he does have like a good personality but he's like I'll put him in I'll put him in cool I'll put him there he's got a good storyline good character development okay this is easiest easiest shut up Kiara here's some here's some shut up oh my God this character annoys me like no other oh my God I'm doing it their Peak example of making a champion arrogant but like overbearingly arrogant it's just it's not fun it's just obnoxious malfite okay if we're counting League it's this Lor malphite oh my God [Music] no you know what I'm ignoring League malphite all together I'm ignoring League malphite altogether Lor malphite is the only malphite that exists and he is has Charisma worthy of the Gods good memory chip I don't even care man Diana Dan is fine I want to see more things explored with her and Leona though for sure shut up Cannon this is an example of Lor actually making it worse I I think Lor Cannon is twice as annoying as League cannon alar cannon is so [ __ ] annoying it's it's like you Cannon shut up stop talking I will avenge my student this is my final move look at this technique shut up Cannon Samira I'm I'm putting her up there uh samira's got Charisma worthy of the Gods she's great great example of an overconfident character done right she's like super confident and cocky and full of herself but it's like done in a Suave and Charming way look out guys gals and other Pals samira's back and uh uh Jen's fine it's pretty good he's got a lot of stuff recently he's pretty good I like Lee he's got a good character I like him also I think I've said this a couple times I think that Lee is gonna be the next ASU that's my prediction that's gonna be Lisa kha'zix ironically he has more of a personality than these two and that's why it's boring douche [Music] yeah how'd they make a character whose only thing is screaming yeah that is textbook definition of how to make a character annoying that all they do is Scream holy [ __ ] where are we but they did like they masterfully did it oh yeah okay yeah 100 cassante's got Charisma worthy of the Gods 100 ah this is great I feel like pretty much all of the champions from season 2022 had just amazing personalities yeah the Chad actual Chad Behavior I was disappointed with the the design Direction they did because I was hoping for more Monster Hunter Aesthetics but like man there are some characters that just Elevate their entire thing because of their voice lines and because of their personality just wonderful character to listen to he's great it seems I am built different cast into what personality he doesn't have one yeah I I wanted really to stop talking it's so annoying uh I have I have bias towards this character but I just I want her to stop talking I wouldn't put Jinx and Charisma worthy of the Gods but she definitely has high Charming she's definitely up there in Charming for sure um douche I wonder where I'm gonna put this one I don't know anyone's guess really anyone's guess to be honest I think anyone could have guessed that I don't know how anyone don't worry about it yeah that's he doesn't even have what personality he's just what yeah yeah yeah that's that's Pantheon all right that's atreus she's designed to be annoying on purpose right her personality is designed to be annoying on purpose which is a shame rel's pretty Charming rail's good I like real who yeah Cinder is a what personality syndra barely exists at all she's sleeping so you guys are saying what personality I'm actually putting corkian shut up I'm actually unironically putting Corky and shut up oh my God like Corky stop talking it's so annoying he has like five Voice lines and he says them over and over and over again he's just saying random pilot thing there's no personality at all and it's annoying do we count cinematic Corky because ironically I think cinematic Corky is very Charming [Applause] a lot of yeah okay we'll move them up to boring then tell me does anyone know who that voice actor is [Music] him that's the same guy yeah house there's non-existent a lot of the older Champions are just like I say puns and things related to the species that I am I'm cow Jarvan that was boring man he's just boring I feel like demacia is just like the boring region there's very few democians that are actually interesting at all which is weird because like the concept of damasio is really cool I thought racism was cool no Riven you know what it is she's fine but I'm putting her in shut up because self-deprecation and self-loathing is a good method of Storytelling and can be a good character trait but that's all she does it is nothing but self-loathing and self-deprecating it's just depressing it's it's just stop stop Riven stop yeah Vex Does It Better infinitely better yeah it's like it's just like no ribbon like come on look at how many of these characters how many of these characters have killed somebody like all of them basically right I I love yone for sure yep that's me I do think yone's personality is the best part about him like actually out of all the things about him I think his personality is the best part about him I don't like anything else I mean yeah i cho get put the void guys together oh God no got nothing they're just there big monster uh I mean Lor made it a bit better but she's kind of like she's fine Lor made her better yeah yeah Lor bumps her up douche that technically Fiddlesticks does not have his own personality he mimics other people's personalities however yeah the demon of Bruce that's I like Nila I like her a lot I think she's got Charisma worthy of the Gods I love Leela I think she's great I really like her I'll die on this hill Nas is kind of boring yeah trash is pretty Charming I wouldn't put him in charisma worthy of the Gods but he's he's up there is life and there is me and never mind hahaha I still am not a fan of Unbound thresh but man did they do thresh right personality wise in that Holy sh what a master manipulator to the ruined King designs much better I I agree Olaf I feel like he's another character that people had to just invent a personality for his lore is great he doesn't really have much of a personality though he's just angry and stinky yeah pretty much it's more about the novelty of the concept of his lore rather than the character himself I think Evelyn is uh is just a great character Evelyn's a great character definitely good horny done right exactly I think it's good use of horny without it being like egregious like oh it's horny just because akali uh akali's fine I don't think she shut up I wouldn't call her Charming I think she's fine Scion I think Scion's pretty Charming I I like Scion I don't think he's got Charisma worthy of the Gods but he's definitely Charming I feel like he's on the same level of funnel he's personally just angry but it's like a good kind of angry you can have Angry characters but like cyan does it with gusto you know his race but for war yeah the amount of times I've seen Scion shout cowards while running in the opposite direction it's great ergot ergot's cool I wouldn't put him in Charming I think we could admit ergot is like a little bit too try hard sometimes he's trying a little bit too hard to be intimidating and tough and scary where it's it becomes a little bit of a joke he's cool I like him still Cena I like Senna I think Santa's cool Wukong Wukong is boring man his mid-scope was in development for so long they could have just given him a vgu by that point but it's I feel like Draven is designed to be obnoxious on purpose I I don't want to put him in Charming because he is kind of annoying no no Lor Draven Lor Draven that's where you get it reporting in what the [ __ ] is that the sweet smell of science nerd Heimer heimer's weird unlike Heimer League Heimer is definitely the weakest out of them arcaneheimer's good Arcane Heimer is weird because he becomes more of an antagonist the more you think about it right he becomes more of like a driving force for bad things the more you think about it his whole negligence for life not much that he doesn't want to protect it but that he doesn't see how short everyone else's lives are in comparison to his I think it was in act two when they they made the gauntlets and stuff and he's like oh yes just another decade of research and it'll be do great and but like Victor is literally dying addicting Victor doesn't have like 10 months never mind 10 years yeah it's a character flaw it's good I like it shut up shut up Lulu Graves okay normal Graves is here if we count Sentinel grapes in combination with cinematic Graves if you think he'd be stupid enough to bash okay let's let's grab TF yeah let's put the boyfriends together there we go put them together I like Graves more than TF though Victor I don't know how to rank Victor because there's like 5 000 different versions of him Arcane Victors up there everything else Victor is like here though hmm Arcane Victor isn't Victor yet that's true maybe just yeah maybe just put him in cool put the Arcane guys together put him there Jace goes there too put them together Arcane makes all of these characters significantly better but remember what I said that all the machines have like no Charisma I lied there's one my middle name is justice galio justice justice you guys know who voices galio right that's yep it's roadhog Ash uh Ash could be really cool but she's kind of not she could be cool though yeah her new voice improves things but it's just put her husband with her maybe I do yeah I agree I think they're both there I think they both go there they're both just so Bland douche well that's obvious oh sorry you guys are right there you go foreign [Laughter] The Edge but I I wanted to shut up yeah I want him to stop talking Ari I think Ari's cool I think they've improved her substantially no I'm gonna put her in Charming actually I think they've they've improved her character significantly with everything like the new voiceover for ASU ruined King like they've improved her significantly are you sir e on me I guess so absolute oozing curries you know I oh I think she's in like the top five actually is Renata better than Samira and clad I don't know yeah you know what no yeah yeah I think she is Jax um hi our Jax does definitely boost him up a bunch where's did I see you using my lamp to stir the pot last night sorry all the spoons were dirty glad there's a chef on the team now what's for dinner oh why us Bill tonight's stew in our last battle oops good stuff yeah I love Ross dude Ross is great I love Ross Kane Kane's cool because you get Kanan Ross Shadow Kane could burn in hell oh my God I hate Shadow Kane but I like the dynamic Kanan Ross have with each other Lucian I like Lucian I think his his voice over update health of my life with Santa put him with his wife he's a little bit too much but he's cool I like Senna more though the visual novel ruination made him a complete [ __ ] but we don't count the visual novel of ruination in anything here's the thing about Ezreal Ezreal is obnoxious but he's pathetic and it knows he's pathetic it's like a mix of obnoxious but self-deprecating so I think he's fine whoosh oh yeah now that's Charisma yeah great stuff love allowing how could I love only one man they break too easily it's just great very confident character Done Right Nar I feel like Nars should be annoying he's weirdly not as annoying as I think he should be yeah he's kind of boring he's just I feel like they intended for him to be more annoying than he is Gwen yeah I I want Gwen to shut up you can do overly happy and peppy characters not only did they make her super happy and peppy but they they then did like the voice over updates for her and just made her be an [ __ ] to everyone why it's fine if you like Gwen just person I just find her really annoying she's immune how true Renekton I mean renekton's just like I think he's probably better than Nas but he's just angry that's this thing Kindred I wouldn't put them in Charisma were they the gods but they're Charming for sure they're Charming usually Champions that have a back and forth like there's two of them they have a back and forth It's like pretty much always gonna be good I think and they're definitely Charming sejwani said just better than these two I think she's fine is that what we're learning today Ava rosins are just boring hecarim we count the book right book makes it better Nautilus consider the following gotta try to kill me again [Music] [Laughter] I I oh man yo you know I'm doing it I put him in Charming that's great [ __ ] this set's pretty Charming he's a mama's boy I mean Italy's not a character a felios technically it's a loon it's not even a felios a failures don't speak yeah but we're counting a loon technically it's cool it's cool Rengar put it with kha'zix they're like the same thing I hunt things good job Rengar Nami mommy's fine she's not annoying she's okay shut up yes shut up man I mean yeah yeah I think that's correct I think that's correct wow what a roll right now holy [ __ ] yep he goes up there Jin is number four oh [ __ ] karma karma is kind of boring which is weird because she has like karma is basically the Avatar that has good potential it's just eh Nocturne nocturne's a what personality Rumble shut up Rumble Talia is very nice I wouldn't put her in Charisma worthy of the Gods because oh my God l o r Italia yikes man I think Talia got butchered in Lor let's find normal talia's voice line shall we keep your eyes on the horizon and your feet on the ground he's keeping her voice sturdy this is Lor Lux keep your eyes on the horizon and your feet on the ground who are you that's not Talia yeah that's Lux fush I mean I mean though like yeah that's Charisma worthy of the Gods oh yeah whoosh I mean twitch's rat twitch I actually put twitch and fine enough at least he's funny Blitz I think Blitz is in the same area as kog'maw where people have invented a personality for Blitz everyone's kind of invented the personality that he's like I have a cute little robot helper guide oh my God and his scar is just sad that's all he has going for him whoosh I feel like Ori and Blitz are like in the same boat poppy see a lot of people love poppy I think she's fine enough I think a humility humble modest all those things it's too much she's too hot humble she just like beat an entire Army of monsters single-handly saved the village you know she's doing all these things solved world hunger created World Peace solved global warming and she's like oh no I'm not the hero it's not me guys I mean Talon's non-character but he does have a personality trait it's called I give up if I don't kill in one hit okay see Gwen happy and peppy done Wrong Nico happy peppy wonderful love Nico I mean like kabad that's on I made this hammer it was so good I named it Hammer uh yeah Garen is he boring or what personality yeah garen's boring okay well yeah I know he's called the charmer however do I need to explain this one I think everyone knows I think everyone knows that Recon has Charisma worthy of the Gods so where's zygo then she's good I like ziya she's not as Charming as vercon but she's she's good I like her she balances herself out with Recon very much Quinn is the Quinn's non-existent Quinn's like how would even what is Quinn's personality even I feel like that's like this is the best example of what person like I don't even know man brand has a lot of implied personality but not really Rising him of a great story but like personality wise he's got a lot of fire all around that's kind of all he is Zach I mean he's like a goofy guy he's fine Echo I already think normal Echo was in Charisma worthy of the Gods but then he'd give me Arcane Echo yeah Singh is non-existent Warwick I think he's like I think he's Charming next one Michael Jordan Pike's Charming I don't think he's God I think he's Charming though okay yeah I mean it's just the best part about action right his voice lines are the best part about him for sure you know what he's a literal God oozing with personality the comic helped Zed these fine ziggs I mean he's like he's funny he goes up with a boom boom I think VI see I actually really don't like normal VI are they actually normal VI is really annoying Arcane VI was great though put the Arcane fellas together yeah Caitlyn goes up with Jinx I think they did a great job with Caitlyn I actually really like her middle class is cool he's definitely got more of a personality than the other voidborn belvith belveth makes you think like you don't know I don't know how to explain what I'm thinking right now zarath is I think that's kind of boring it's just he's just kind of he's like I'm evil uh am I yeah I I think Vex is up there she's it's cringe but like Tastefully done it's tasteful cringe you know where it's it's funny way to die Normie it's great yeah I like lissandra I like lissandra I don't think I put her in Charming I think she's cool though I think her story because she is very misguided she's very misguided that she thinks she's doing the right thing she's one of those what's the term is it anti-villain I think anti-villains the term we're like a villain doing some heroic things but for villainous goals even if she doesn't realize it yeah she [ __ ] up League Vladimir is here League Vladimir goes here Lor bumps him up one tier the clot thickens it's that's that's bad cringe that's so cringe meanwhile Lor Vladimir I'd never keep my guests racing hello my darlings I've dressed for the occasion in red much better Camille I feel like Camille is like the in-between she's cool mauser's non-existent Mausers is non-existent doesn't do nothing nah actually no he is he's in what personality he doesn't have one yeah let's put him up there put him up there beautiful yeah and I'm gonna skip ahead on this one because it is possible to make a happy-go-lucky child character Nunu and Willem is living proof that you can do it it's possible a gangplank's cool is he Charming I feel like gangplank's Charming he's got a good personality Leota they are the same thing put them together maokai uh mokai is cool this is our maokai this is ruined King maokai oh it's badass it's just weird ruined King game viego just like infinitely better it's like so much better I I think this is such slight differences look at this uh oh but viego personality wise I think viego is actually quite Charming he's like he's an example of like a self-loathing sad character actually done well wow I wonder why this one anyone's guess anyone's guess where's Bronco who could who could have seen this cover I think Lor helped give aatrox some depth actually I think he's Charming I wouldn't put him in worthy of the Gods but I think aatrox having something that aatrox cares for was definitely very interesting um annavia though is man the avarosis Giovanna shyvana's fine I think shyvana is just underexplored it's her story arc than her actual personality that's interesting she doesn't really have much of a personality sivir siver's kind of just worse ziya she's just a mercenary soon is nice like Sona Silas I feel like Silas has the zarath problem where they are leaning too far into trying to make Silas the villain which is weird I do agree he's Charming but I think it's it's like two like I said it's like Zara they're trying to twist the oppressed as the villain which is weird the froggy the catfish he's a frog is obviously a frog you guys say like oh but the wishes it's a mustache now you're gonna judge his facial hair he's got the long tongue the beady eyes and the round shape that's a frog Tristana hey she's she's just kind of boring shut up you know what she goes above everyone else Five Guys a goofy little guy by guy's a goofy little guy Denzel doesn't really have one he's there am I remembering wrong that zinzao said he would off himself if anything happened to the king isn't that somewhere in the Lord I will protect The King and I will leave this life if anything happens to him oh I failed to do all of those things ah zeri serious fine I just wish there he was neon man I think neon's like up here if Zary was neon I think she'd be up here I think neon's just like it's just zerry but better in every way I mean zillion's here he's an old man oh but elowar is like man [ __ ] because elawar is like up here bro okay he goes in cool it's too drastic of a difference and oh you go here at me that's where she goes no she is not lower than these ones so what did we learn today fellas what's the moral of the story French people foreign [Music]
Channel: NickyBoi
Views: 524,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, gaming, League of Legends, LOL, Riot Games, tier list, ranking, ahri, akali, evelynn, seraphine, kai'sa, aatrox, aurelion sol, bel'veth, braum, caitlyn, cho'gath, fiora, garen, gwen, fiddlesticks, jhin, jax, jarvan, k'sante, jinx, vi, viktor, jayce, arcane, heimerdinger, ekko, kayn, darkin, katarina, lee sin, asu, leblanc, vgu, rework, lillia, leona, lux, malphite, LoR, legends of runeterra, chip, miss fortune, mf, nidalee, milio, neeko, ornn, ryze, renata, sett, skarner, sylas, teemo, udyr, vayne, viego, warwick, yasuo, yone, yorick, yuumi
Id: znS3tdsooV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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