Ranking All Hitman 3 Maps Based On Their Difficulty

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hello Community today we're going to do a quick ranking of all Hitman Trilogy locations but entirely based on their difficulty now just because a map is difficult doesn't mean it's bad and just because it's easy doesn't mean it's good so keep that in mind here also we're ignoring any Targets and just looking at the map itself for what they are with that we'll first start with the ICA facility of course a tutorial map where else could it go but the easy category it's a map that's not meant to be challenging but more so teach you the basics of Hitman while giving you some freedom of approach as well that's true for both the ship and the Airfield levels from there we go to Paris and for me it again goes into the easy category there is some challenge here don't get me wrong but it is well created as a map that does give you plenty of Freedom some basic knowledge can take you a long way here and the fact that it's just a very well built map with multiple infiltration and exfiltration points from all of its different sides really helps it out sapen is up next and this is pretty much the perennial newbie map as I like to call it the vast majority of Hitman players who are new to the game always get stuck on replaying this level because it's both easy fun and really beautiful no real challenge outside of the ruins and the lab area tons of possibilities for how you want to Traverse It Wide Open with very few restricted areas will do that to a map of course it's a great map there's no denying it but it is also very very easy to play mares has to go into the heart category it's an extremely limited map most of the maps that were released in the middle of Hitman 2016 sadly are it's just unfinished which is why it's so lackluster when it comes to its triers there's really only one way to get from point A to point B most of the time it's very convoluted when it comes to infiltration plus with the amount of NPCs present all around it can be difficult to pull any type of shenanigans it's not a horrible map But It's Tricky for sure a little bit more than other maps in my opinion Bangkok what a mess if we ever get another Hitman game Bangkok should stand as a perfect example of how not to do a hotel map a hotel location has always been known for its lack of restricted areas and freedom of approach and exploration so what do you do you restrict the entire left wing and two floors of the right wing on top of that you leave the left wing completely unfinished and impossible to approach from the outside as well as removing any alternative ways to infiltrated no emergency stairs no elevators no nothing one way or the highway I I hate how botch B KAG is as a concept it really makes it far more difficult than it has any right to be it definitely belongs in the difficult category just due to its extreme lack of freedom of approach and unnecessary limitations on an unfinished canvas Colorado a small flat map surrounded by mercenaries all around do we even need to talk about this extremely unforgiving to even the smallest of mistakes or miscalculations this one is not for the Fain of heart haido ra starting up the final map from Hitman 2016 it's probably also the most controversial some people really love this map and are willing to die on The Cliff that it's great and others like myself think it's average at best either way there's no denying that it is a hard map the small tight corridors overfilled with NPCs and guards the fact that you need level 20 in order to bring any gear the fact that key cards are constantly needed and very difficult to get a hold of this map is difficult that is not up to debate just because somebody watching this Mains this map and plays it every day doesn't change the fact that it is a hard map to most players you will struggle here I made an entire freelancer video about my struggles on this map and I ain't the only one I don't think it belongs all the way at the top of the very heart but it certainly is a hard map no doubt about it Hogs Bay is coming up next the first map from Hitman 2 and yeah I mean it is an easy map it's basically the ICA facility for Hitman 2 a tutorial level map made to teach you the basics of Hitman though in my opinion it's very well made I kind of wish they would have expanded on it a little bit maybe add some sort of an outside garden or something else around the Mansion area to make it feel like a proper map also just as a personal note if you're going to make a night map you might as well go all the way with it add some rain some fog make it kind of creepy looking it would have been a nice aage to building Ford Manor but still as it currently stands it's a good map but it's also quite easy Miami one of the best Hitman Maps no doubt but as far as difficult it's very similar to Sapienza in that it's pretty easy all things considered wide open areas mostly unrestricted plenty of useful items all around and a ton of freedom of approach this is also a very beginner friendly map Miami is another map that newbies just fall in love with it has a welcoming atmosphere and although yeah it's big in size it's not all that complicated Santa Fortuna is up next and to me this is a hard map it's kind of convoluted in comparison very often you can find yourself just wondering how the [ __ ] am I supposed to get from this point to the next one especially when it comes to its underground layout with the submarine it can be somewhat overwhelming it really feels a lot bigger than it actually is but that also has to do with some of its limitations in the transversal Department I mean you do have some options just not a lot of them and even less ones that are actually safe but it's not like it's an impossible map to beat or anything it just takes a bit of practice and navigational skill in order to somewhat put it together it's a hard map for sure but not overly so Mumbai probably one of the best overall Maps when it comes to attention to detail this map has so much meat to it it's unbelievable but there lies the r unless you're a veteran player who is willing to put in the time to learn it this map can be extremely difficult to beat I mean this is a map that at least feels like it took the overwhelming portion of the development cycle of Hitman 2 it is properly big but unlike the unfinished maps of Hitman 2 2016 this one is full of possibilities freedom of approach is almost countless honestly I mean it's so good but unless you've spent the time necessary to learn these things properly all of the routes that you can get chances are you're going to struggle not to mention the center of the map takes place in the slums filled with different Pathways which can make it very confusing for a beginner I mean it's very easy to get lost on this map it is deceptively easy and the fact that you have multiple different thgs specifically looking for you doesn't make it any easier to me this is a great map for players that are willing to put in the time to learn it I mean honestly if anybody watching this video decided to put the next couple of days into playing Mumbai exclusively I guarantee you it's probably going to become your favorite map however for regular players this map isn't just hard it's very hard this is a map meant for veterans and honestly if you're not one chances are you're going to struggle whittleton Creek is next on the list a very small map where what you see is what you get most of the time there are some secrets to it but nothing super important to its Mastery most of the time this is a very beginner friendly map most players can feel comfortable exploring it and learning it despite the roaming NPCs that can cause some suspicion it is very easy to derse despite its small size freedom of approach is definitely present and it is quite decent I would highly recommend this map for a new player looking to get into the game it is one of the easier maps of the series I Gil and from one extreme to the other we have a map that is overwhelmingly restricted overfilled with NPCs everywhere you look convoluted as [ __ ] to try to maneuver I mean honestly it's up there with Mumbai as far as a map that just confuses the crap out of you anytime you have to get to a certain area it can be extremely unforgiving in its layout and NPCs to me this is a very hard map a map that really makes you work for it it's not impossible to beat it or anything but it is a very difficult type of map a map where most of its derso happens through scaling which I do like somewhat but it does feel limited outside of that and again getting c on it is extremely easy the bank taking place in New York it's next on the list to talk about and for me this is a perfect example that you don't need a gigantic map in order to have great freedom of approach however that side of it also comes with a few picadillos for starters if you were to [ __ ] up in any way you'll have the whole map alerted within seconds it's extremely unforgiving to mistakes at the same time freedom of approach is very present especially with NPCs being very specifically placed so you're able to move past them means that you don't really have any major reasons to [ __ ] up it's a bit of a give and take for me it's a medium difficulty map it can be easy to beat at a regular playthrough but it is very Target dependent Haven island just to make sure we end the Hitman to this discussion on a low we got to talk briefly about this map as well the Mansion area is an absolute nightmare almost impossible to Traverse and super easy to get caught or make a mistake the rest of the island is also quite unforgiving as well constantly you will have NPCs right next to you or looking at you just because NPC sight is so huge on this map it means you can get caught doing something illegal from absolutely ridiculous distances freedom of approach is present though extremely limited due to just the amount of NPCs capable of spotting you I don't hate this map per se I've grown to appreciate what it is which is just a beautiful map with a shaky at best gameplay however there's no doubt it's by far one of the most difficult maps of the series and belongs at the very top of the rankings Dubai and we're finally on to Hitman 3 and starting out with top of the world for me this mission is a perfect example of freedom of approach done right in an interior Decor I like this map a lot it has all of the tools you need and then some in order to beat it but it also has a ton of infiltration and exfiltration opportunities it is a great map honestly and because it's the very first map of Hitman 3 the difficulty curve isn't super high either I wouldn't go as far as to say it's easy but it's certainly not difficult either I believe that again it fits best in the middle of the road in medium difficulty Dart MO is up next and what can I say tons of freedom of approach tons of entries and exits it's a fantastic map I really wish it was closer of a resemblance to building fort Manor you know taking place at night with some Fox and rain already talked about it as well as having some more elements to the outside portion of the map like a stable for horses or some type of hunting ground I don't know I just felt like it was missing something a little bit more was needed in my opinion for the overall atmosphere and Vibe but for what it is it is a great map I was genuinely surprised how well the interior portion of the map was made when it came to its triers it was very well made however I still would not go as far as to say this is an easy map it's really not it does have a skill curve you need to hit in order to be able to use the tools given to you plus you're always trespassing in a sh only and wearing disguises isn't as effective as there's a ton of enforcers who can spot you through them for me this is a hard map but a fun heart not a bad heart like most of the others Berlin despite looking intim ating at first this map is one You definitely should not ignore I remember when I started playing Hitman 3 I always left Berlin for last I mastered all of the other Maps before I played Berlin a single time and when I did Bo did I realize I was wrong for doing that this map is awesome tons of freedom of approach a great layout allowing you to really mix things up the exits aren't the best I admit it but outside of that you really can't go wrong here the vast majority of the map is made up of unrestrict restricted areas allowing you to peacefully explore it even restricted areas can be quite easy to derse as there's barely any NPCs in most of them to catch you funny enough even though it may look dark and Grim on the outside this is a mission that is very open and welcoming in its game playay not easy no but around medium difficulty Chong in despite its beautiful layout and gorgeous atmosphere this map is certainly difficult the many ventilation corridors and different shortcuts can be difficult to look all at once you will need some time in order to be able to play this map properly freedom of approach is not bad it really isn't to me it's some of the best we've seen but you need to know how to use it it's not going to be present and available to you like some of the other maps of the series to reversing it does require skill and patience you really need to know what you're doing cuz any actions you take have consequences like for example if you destroy the drone cameras you will get Roy to come out and you have to be very careful of the fake kitchen stuff as they make their way into the underground base they can be rather difficult to pinpoint and can catch you at strange times because you're not expecting them there is a skill curve here but it doesn't take away from this being a fun map it's a hard map but it's one worth exploring Mendoza looking at the map itself it really isn't half B the lack of V only exits is noticeable but hey they added a new one so I can't complain the map itself is mostly very well made though a skill curve is also present it's not an extremely demanding one the map is just as good on freedom of approach as most of the other ones from Hitman 3 it is very unique in its layout but it's not a difficult layout to remember this is a map that you should not get lost on all of the areas are very diverse from one another and there's multiple ways to enter and exit them overall it's a good map with a slight curve which puts it right into the medium category Romania a disappointing map for sure given that it was supposed to be the final showdown however when it comes to its difficulty I would put it in medium the train can be difficult at first but once you get used to it you can Traverse it without much drama still it is risky as most soldiers are right next to each other and are very heavily armed however most players should be able to rush past them NPCs can be annoy at the end but again with some patience they can be overcome overall it really is a medium difficulty not too much not too little right about in the middle and Bros Island finally on the very last map of the series this one was rather unique though freedom of approach is present it is delicate to say the least the room for mistakes is very small and in certain areas like the ruins and caves it can be very easy to make one you have to be careful the way this map is connected together also can make it lengthy to maneuver now like I said earlier you do have options but you need to be very careful more careful than before as now NPC will be positioned in ways that can easily catch you out and that's true to the vast majority of the map it's also filled with secrets and hidden props something you need to be mindful of for certain objectives overall this is not a bad MAP but it's difficult for sure you will need some practice to play it properly and get the most of it but with that we finally named them all let me know in the comments below what you think and how you would rank them if you enjoyed press the like button subscribe for more content and let me know what type of videos you would like to see next with all that said thank you very much for watching [Music] n
Channel: WildGold
Views: 60,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hitman, Hitman3, Hitman 3, Hitman2, Hitman 2, Hitman 2016, Hitman WoA, World of Assassination, Ranking, Map
Id: ugJdx78qpKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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