Ranking ALL 100 Boxing Ring Titles In Smash Ultimate

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Super Smash Bros ultimate is filled with some of the most iconic video game characters of all time so many different characters from so many different franchises what if you forget their names well luckily there's a stage that can help us with that in the background of the boxing ring stage the giant television screen in the back will give each and every character their own unique nickname this is a really cool Easter egg and these titles can range from references to their home series to names that just sound cool and names that suck yeah not all of these are bangers but these are pretty cool to look at so I thought it would be fun to rank all of them from the worst to the best okay I know this sounds like a really stupid video idea hear me out believe it or not I have been requested to do this video a lot over the course of the last few years but I never truly considered doing it before two things one I saw a video by Sha frish Productions ranking all the braw weote sounds which conceptually is as silly as this but I also really liked his video I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it secondly I have a massive 200k special I'm working on so I thought it'd be nice to have a shorter video to make while I work on that in the background I didn't realize there were 100 titles to cover so yeah we're going to be going through these pretty rapid fire I'm judging these based on two things one does it make sense for the character and two how cool or funny does it sound these are all meant to sound like intimidating titles so my favorites are the ones that excel at that even if you don't care much for my personal ranking I hope this video will be at least a fun Showcase of all the Titles since I certainly had fun looking at them so if you enjoy this sillier video please make sure to leave a like And subscribe to the channel and let's Jump Right In we're going to be separating this video off into tiers since they're mostly pretty similar quality wise within tiers so here we have our F tier the ones that I find to be absolutely garbage these can either make no sense or just sound really boring so starting off the list we have 100 Diddy Kong the ACT acrobat yeah Diddy Kong is acrobatic but seriously not only is this not cool sounding at all but this could apply to so many other characters I mean hearing that without character context I don't even think Diddy Kong would come to mind first they should have made it the monkey or something that would have been awesome 99 Yoshi omnivore of the Year this sounds at least a little more exciting but also makes less sense what happens when the year is over Yoshi not so cool now are you 98 Larry the youngest the reason this list has 100 entries despite there being way less characters than that is because certain costumes actually got their own unique titles as well which is really cool this applies to all the pings and sadly Larry being the most basic of the bunch got him stuck with a pretty boring one I mean I'm not going to be intimidated by hearing someone is the youngest and that's it 97 Sora chosen by the keyblade what do you want a cookie for that yeah to me this one just sounds like a little kid boasting what they accomplished that day it is nice that DLC characters get titles though 96 olar veteran astronaut that is certainly something he is but who cares 95 Alf astronaut in training honestly this one might be Lamer but Alf is better than olar 94 cringe the cosmic Travelers this is a slightly more interesting way to say astronaut but I honestly think they could have chosen something way better 93 Fox leader of Star Fox absolutely no flare to this one yeah that's certainly what he is but it feels like a placeholder title 92 crom Prince of yis basically the same as the last one but he doesn't have his own name in his title so it makes it more interesting 91 aidric the legendary hero this can apply to like cap the cast it's got a bit more flare to it than the last few but it is so generic I mean I feel like this could even apply to every hero variant it just feels lazy 90 pachu pika pika he's the only Pokémon to just have his title be noises he makes I mean imagine if a basic wolf isn't smashing his title was just G okay never mind that actually go hard 89 banjo and kazui laid-back animals this is basically no coolness Factor why would anyone be intimidated by people described as laid-back at least it's on the more creative side 88 we fit trainer yoga Warrior sure that's what she does not really cool sounding though 87 the vengeful Spirit oh no wait sorry that's golden Fred 87 Wolf the silver space Wolf this just feels like someone looked at Wolf's design and threw a bunch of adjectives together he's silver and a wolf and works in space it's all just very wordy and not particularly intimidating or cool at all 8 six Isabelle the mayor's assistant I mean that just sounds like they're downplaying her she doesn't sound like a main opponent at all just some random assistant for the real challenge the mayor I definitely would have changed this so the focus was more on Isabelle herself now it's time for D tier which is the smallest one of this video These are still leaning toward being garbage but have a little bit redeemable about them only a little 85 pit captain of Lady palutena's guard this one is just way too wordy I definitely feel like they could have shortened it also this is another one like Isabelle that sort of focuses on a different character but at least in Pit's case he's the captain so it sounds a little cooler 84 Dr Mario the prescriber this isn't really exciting at all but it's at least kind of a creative Choice 83 Ike the radiant Hero Of Legend again this is another one that's way too wordy I definitely feel like they could have cut the of Legend part here I don't care if adding of Legend is more accurate to fire Alem it sounds bad 82 Zelda high rules wise princess I just feel like this doesn't really have a good ring to it like sure she's the princess of Hyrule that holds the Triforce of wisdom but I'm not sure if that's really that exciting of a boxing title 81 Pac-Man the yellow bane of ghosts okay this one is definitely too wordy I feel like they did not need to say he's yellow here I mean I have eyes at least the concept does seem somewhat cool ad Simon Evil's whip welding Bane this also just doesn't feel that great to say in my opinion but if I was evil I would be at least a little bit intimidated by that 79 King DDD self-made King I just think this one sounds sort of mid there's really nothing notable about it it does also apparently come from Kirby star allies which everyone says is one of the most boring Kirby games 78 Greninja master of stealth and 77 Lucario Master aora these two are both basically on the same level they sound kind of cool but at the same time pretty generic especially in the case of of Greninja at least Lucario is a bit more personal to him with the use of Aura all right C tier time this is for the titles that are mostly pretty okay but just aren't that notable they're perfectly functional but just not too memorable 76 me sword Fighter the sword fighter of many faces hello 75 me Gunner the Gunner of many faces and 74 me brawler the brawler of many faces obviously the Mi are a bit of a weird case since they can be anyone so I think this was the best thing they could have gone for for all three I mean these guys can be anything from Sans to a Minecraft pig so at least they covered their bases here maybe it would have been kind of cool to let us make our own custom ones but changing a character's boxing ring title would be a really specific thing to customize 73 Wendy the Bold Beauty it's got a decent ring to it but I just got to ask is she really a beauty 72 Morton the enforcer this certainly does sound pretty intimidating but I'm not entirely sure it's super fitting for like if you said it without context he wouldn't immediately jump out in my mind it does at least sound way better than Diddy Kong the acrobat though 71 Bowser Jr the prince of the Koopas this one is just a much Lamer spin-off of Bowser's title I mean it still sounds fine but I think they could have done something a bit better here 70 Jigglypuff the Sleepy singer nothing more intimidating than my opponent sleeping there's not really much else I think they could have done for Jigglypuff though so this is fine 69 Donkey Kong King of the Jungle sure that's a fine enough title I think first member of the DK crew would have gone hard as a reference to the DK rap though 68 pathra the ages 67 Mar the hero King 66 luminary the luminary 65 solo the zenithian hero these four are all titles given to the respective character in their home series they work perfectly fine and are totally understandable choices but I can't say I feel excited or intimidated reading them all plus the Aegis in particular I've always found lame because calling them pither is way more fun 64 shul the Visionary this is kind of a cool play on his ability to see into the future it's not the most exciting thing though 63 Captain Falcon the super sonic Slugger this is pretty catchy but I just feel like not the best fit for Captain Falcon I mean when you hear it I think a certain other character probably comes to mind first 62 samis Bounty Hunter extraordinaire all right now we're starting to pick up a little bit as this one is fairly solid still not the most special but perfectly serviceable 61 duck hunt bark quack boom this is kind of a cute way to represent all three members of the duck hunt Trio the dog the duck and the guy shooting at the screen I don't really think it works well as a title though which just a collection of noises 60 NES the PSI Powerhouse I don't have much to say on this one it's just pretty solid 59 Sheik The elusive chika this definitely does sound pretty cool but I can't help but feel like there might have been a better choice I'm not sure what exactly they could have gone for but this just doesn't feel like the best choice I know that sounds really stupid but that's just what I think about this 58 Falco proud space a now this is a much better one for the starf fox series while I still wouldn't say it's the most exciting thing it does fit for Falco pretty perfectly 57 piranha plant Bloom of your doom love the rhyme here and it's a pretty funny one I think I personally would have dropped the Y but it's still pretty strong with it there 56 Ken the fire breathing fist this comes directly from Street Fighter so making it his title makes complete sense even outside of that it's pretty understandable because Ken is going to be doing a lot of sh yukin it is kind of wordy but I still think it sounds cool 55 King K rule the Kremlin Commander I was honestly kind of surprised they didn't do anything with him being a king but I was surprised in a good way his name already gets across that he's a king and now this shows how he commands an entire Army a pretty good one 54 Peach Princess of toad stools okay maybe this deserves to be lower but I like how it's a reference to Princess Peach's old name Princess Toad stool well I guess technically toad stool is just her last name but whatever you get what I mean 53 Bayonetta Umbra witch this is another title given to her from her games but it also sounds kind of cool I really don't think there was any better choice 52 Ryu Eternal Wanderer like Ken this is an official title given to him in Street Fighter 5 but I think Ryu is just a bit cooler as it sounds more mysterious and someone who doesn't know the series Ryu probably wouldn't be my first guess when I hear this title but it's still cool 51 Steve World crafter this does sound kind of neat but like Chic I feel like it wasn't the absolute best choice but it also could have been a lot worse they could have just called him the minor or something 50 Pokemon trainer wants to be the very best okay I love the concept for this one it's a reference to the iconic opening line to the original Pokemon anime intro that's really cool but I also think they executed it a bit poorly this is very wordy and I don't think it had to be just having the title be the very best would have been a perfect fit 49 Lucina Warrior from a doomed future while a bit wordy this does sound pretty cool I'm not a professional in Fire Emblem lore but I think that's a pretty fitting title for her as well 48 bth Ash and Demon call me an EDG Lord but I just think adding demon works pretty well as an intimidating title this is also apparently taken directly from Fire Emblem but again I ain't playing all that 47 8 The dragovian Descendant coming from someone who knows nothing about Dragon Quest I just like the sound of this I don't know what a dragovian is but it's a cool sounding word I also don't want to Google it and fear that it might make it sound more boring 46 snake the legendary mercenary and 45 Terry the legendary wolf these are sort of more specific spins on the legendary hero name we saw from earlier since these fit much better with their respective characters I like these more and of the two I like Terry the most because it just reminds me of these stupid werewolf images 44 Corin blood of dragons this is quite literally the only time Corin has done something remotely cool this is probably referencing the fact that he is a dragon but using blood is a way to make that relation is pretty good but now it's time for the B tiers the ones I think are pretty good 43 Dark Samus fison incarnate not only does it fit the character obviously being a FAS on Clon a Samus it's just a really cool sounding way of putting it 42 Roy the Young Lion not really sure what it is about this one that makes me like it so much it comes from the Fire Emblem series itself so it's a very fitting name and I think it fits with his personality and smash of being very aggressive 41 inkling part kid part squid the reference for this one is obvious being the iconic ad saying you're a kid now you're a squid now well this is certainly a funny reference it's not really an intimidating Title by any means 40 young Link Master of the yarina obviously I love that this references the yarina of time which I still think should be used in one of his taunts but whatever the use of the word Master also reminds me of the master sword but I have no clue if that was intentional I am surprised as title isn't the hero of time but this does work pretty well 39 minman the ramen bomber this apparently comes straight from arms and yep that works pretty good okay well the ramen part works I'm not sure about the bomb there's a bomb strapped to my 38 patana goddess of light this is her official title in the K series and I can't think of a better fit it doesn't really have any crazy flare to it but it's nice and simple 37 RoR azour vampire assassin the phrase vampire assassin goes crazy hard but the Azor part doesn't always work I mean what if I really want to play purple RoR he's not Azor purple guy 36 Joker the great Phantom thief the Phantom thieves are the main party of Persona 5 I think they honestly could have gotten away with just Phantom Thief but adding the great to it does make him seem a little bit more important 35 Daisy sasel land's chipper princess I always like to see sasan get mentioned especially since you know Nintendo refuses to release Super Mario Land on Nintendo switch online chipper is also a pretty good word to describe Daisy 34 link champion of Hyrule I can't think of anything better to call him sure they could have went with the hero of the wild which is technically this Link's official title in the Zelda series but I think throwing on Champion was important here him being Zelda Champion is a very important aspect of breath of the wild and I think that makes this a pretty fitting title 33 Little Mac Bruiser from the Bronx and it's finally time we see the main man himself I mean this is his stage after all I just really like the sound of this and it makes Mac sound a lot tougher than he well actually is in Smash 32 Robin the tactician magician okay I like this one just because it Rhymes and it's fun to say plus he is both of those things in Fire Emblem Awakening he's the main tactician and you can see him use plenty of magic and smash 31 zeros Samons the warrior within this is just a really clever play on words the warrior within is a somewhat common phrase and applying it here is kind of funny because zeru Samus is of course the warrior within the Samus suit after typing that part of the script I realized this entire video is just me explaining the jokes like a redditor I'm such a loser 30 Pichu shockingly adorable this is how you do a more cuty sounding title there's basically no way to make Pichu sound intimidating so going with the pun based on its electric attacks was a really good choice I mean he's not that adorable 29 Kaza the Iron Fist of Darkness perfectly intimidating come straight from Tekken I have pretty much no notes 28 Lucas the boy from nowhere without context of Mother 3 this makes Luc sound really mysterious like it just showed up out of the blue and it's crazy powerful however with context this is a cool play on the fact that Lucas is from a place called nowhere I mean they even played on this first Smash 4 announcement trailer 27 Ludwig pompus Prodigy Ludwig being my favorite couling probably helped him out but the alliteration here works very well and both words fit him perfectly he's also usually the hardest of the cinks in the mainline game so him being giving the title of Prodigy makes complete sense 26 Mr Game and Watch master of two Dimensions I mean I think this was just the best phrasing they could have to make a flat character sound cool not flat personality wise I mean like paper 25 zombie night RoR like the couplings and hero Steve's different costumes also have their own unique titles I really like this one it fits perfectly with how the zombie spawns at night in Minecraft and sort of sounds like some sort of monster in a scary story 24 metanite the mass swordsman absolutely hits all the right bases gets the main two parts of the character down being the mask and sword and leaves it sounding very mysterious 23 Mega Man the blue bomber this rolls off the tongue a bit better than Min men's did and it's just more iconic in general he's referred to this in the Mega Man series several times and there's really no better Fit Plus him being a bu bu makes more sense here because look he can explode you 22 dark pit Darkwing doppelganger such a fun one to say and it really encapsulates dark pit as a person he's pit but evil 21 Mewtwo a legend reawakens if anyone was going to have Legend in their title it had to be Mewtwo being the face of legendary Pokémon this is a no-brainer as it turns out this is also a direct reference to a Pokemon movie that being genes Act and the Legend Awakened I can't think of a better one for this guy so he certainly deserves the spot now it's time for the ones I really like the a tiers these usually consist of the coolest sounding names the funniest or the best references 20 villager mayor of smashville maybe this isn't the best reference nowadays since you were technically only ever the mayor in Animal Crossing New Leaf but that game is goated so I'd like to see it here plus it's also cool this references the first animal crossing stage in Smash obviously being smashville although technically there are not enough characters to title your town smashville and New Leaf so this is really impossible that's what the kids call Epic Fail 19 Cloud Soldier first class this comes directly from Final Fantasy 7 and is what he claims to be I will say I haven't gotten a chance to play the game myself but even without context it does just sound pretty pretty cool 18 toun link wind waking Warrior I love the alliteration here referencing his main tool the Windwaker makes so much sense he easily got the best title of the links 17 Iggy The Laughing prankster yeah I pretty much just like this because I imagine he's doing a major amount of trolling he's just like me 16 Luigi the Eternal understudy I really like how this one sounds and it fits with Luigi being overlooked compared to Mario but they don't make it sound lame or something like Mario's number two instead they make it sound way cooler in fact this is actually referenced to Luigi's unlock text in Smash 64 which is a pretty neat place to pull from Smash references to previous Smash games are always nice to see 15 Enderman and dweller take what I said about zombie and turn it up even higher this description really feels like some sort of horror monster and that is basically what an Enderman is so pretty good job there even outside of Minecraft using the word end makes this guy sound like he's from the end times or something some sort of deadly and desolate land and again that's also pretty fitting for what the end Dimension actually is in Minecraft 14 Wario scoundrel with a fart of gold dude whoever wrote this one cooked so hard obviously this is a play on the phrase Heart of Gold but replace it with something the better for it's Wario plus gold is also a major part of his character so this was a perfect phrase for Wario to take a spin on 13 we fit trainer the BMI Bandit there is so much to talk about with this one you may be a bit confused right now because we saw weit trainer earlier in the list at the title yoga Warrior which is a pretty boring one so how are they now here up in a tier well weit trainer is the only character to have different boxing ring titles based on their gender all other gender swap characters share the same titles and as far as I can tell there is no reason these two should be any different I mean male we fit trainer does yoga too so he could have been a yoga Warrior but I'm happy he isn't because the BMI Bandit is so much funnier perfect use of alliteration and it's not something that I would have ever come up with such a great name for an exercise based character 12 Ice Climbers bone chilling Duo this one goes pretty dang hard bone chilling can often mean something scary is about to happen so that makes this title sound pretty intimidating the reason it's attached to them is because they're ice based they're going to make those bones pretty chilly 11 incinerar the Ring's raging flame now this just sounds like a wrestler title fits being on the stage boxing ring and the Raging flame certainly applies to incinerar I can't think of anything better to drum up the the proper amount of fear to the person it's facing but for our top 10 we got them all placed in a tier of their own s tier it was really hard to order this section honestly I'd understand pretty much anyone here taking the top spot starting off 10 Ganondorf the king of Darkness this name is used all the time in Zelda and I would say it fits in pretty well to be fair I think the demon king or great king of evil might have been a bit better but this is still good it makes complete sense that the more intimidating characters get cooler sounding names so we're going to see a few of them up here nine Roy the cool one I don't even have to say Roy Koopa we know which the cool one is this may seem dumb to play so high but I honestly find the Simplicity of this one to be super funny it's one of the most memorable titles to me and I think it fits Roy Koopa pretty dang well I mean just look at those cool sunglasses eight lemi wacky War Machine this is definitely my favorite koering title L's always seen as the silia so throwing wacky on makes complete sense but adding war machine makes it so much funnier it just sounds like he really wants to seem tough so he goes overboard but that in turn makes it even funnier perfect name for lemy seven seph One-Winged Angel this was the only choice they had it's what everyone knows him as even without context the name sounds cool which is why it easily puts him into s tier six Sonic the Blue Blur very similar story to sepo this is pretty much the only Clear Choice for a name I just like how Blue Blur rolls off the tongue a bit better and it's a really good way of conveying his Super Speed without outright saying it five Bowser King of the Koopas okay this one might be a little bit of a cheap but for some reason I always just enjoy saying King of the Koopas like this is something completely outside of Smash pretty much half the time I see Bowser I call him King of the Koopas realistically maybe this deserves to be a lot lower but to be fair to me I think it's the best choice for Bowser regardless I mean he's referred to this several times in the Mario Series so there's really no reason to go with something else four Kirby the pink demon they went hard on this one it really makes it feel like Kirby is hiding something behind that joyous smile it just also got such a good ring to it I feel like it also sort of references how dark people claim the Kirby lore is I've only played a few so I can't say I'm particularly familiar with it but hey this seems to go with the lore kind of well this is also a direct reference to Kirby's title and Kirby Superstars Arena mode so yeah there's a lot of layers to why this one works so well three Ridley cunning god of death wao okay buddy this one goes crazy every single word such a terrifying image and it fits rley perfectly I love that it's not just god of death but they threw on cunning to show how smart this guy is too this is easily the most intimidating name of the bunch plus it even comes from retroid zero missions Japanese website so it's got a decent origin on top of that I absolutely love this one you're crazy if you don't have it in your top 10 two rob the last of his kind I like this one a lot for two reasons one I mean it just sounds cool being the last survivor of anything generally means you're pretty strong to survive whatever took out the rest of you but most importantly this is a reference to Subspace Emissary eventually liking smash references and smash before but this is the best example of that in bra story mode all of the other robs basically uh the Rob we play as was the ancient Minister who eventually breaks free after all his brothers have died that is a fantastic reference for a title which is what makes it easily one of my favorites okay I know you guys aren't going to agree with number one but one Mario Mr video game himself in a game filled with all these other video game mascots this one goes kind of hard characters like Pikachu Sonic and more all have millions of fans worldwide but they can never be him Mario Mario is the face of video games and no one else can even touch him on that so this title proudly proclaiming that he's the most famous is in my books pretty cool plus I also just have a Mario bias love that guy anyways that's it for this video are you all astronauts in training and hate me for making fun of Alf let me know in the comments I'm going to keep this conclusion short so I can get back to work on my big video I know this may have been a silly concept but I really hope you all did enjoy watching this regardless I know I had fun going through all the names myself but anyways dry bones for Smash and I'll see you guys next time la
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 299,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu, super smash bros, smash ultimate all characters, super smash bros ultimate dlc, smash ultimate boxing ring, smash ultimate all boxing ring titles, smash ultimate tier list, tier list, ranking all 100 boxing ring titles smash ultimate, boxing ring smash bros, smash bros easter eggs, super smash bros ultimate easter eggs, smash ultimate easter eggs ranked, odyssey central, nintendo switch, punch out
Id: Bxc9uLWhC_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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