RANKED Meme Olympics

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I have created a series of stupid challenges and I am now unreal in fortnite which means we will be completing these challenges in the sweatiest unreal lobbies possible welcome to the ranked meme Olympics as always myself M mccreamy and Lan are competing once again the winner will receive a photo on the wall I still have nightmares seeing ninja's face every meme Olympics must have a challenge where we die whoever dies to Peter Griffin first wins but we have to be dressed as the chickens you could get a few McNuggets out of us we're like a 200 pack I'm going to kill pet come on boys where is he keep in mind we are doing this in an unreal Lobby so this should be interesting Peter where is he come on Peter Peter where is Peter I don't even know how to get to him oh the cheerleaders are here Peter I've been pickaxed by someone else get kill me I'm pickaxing [Music] him no no me me me me I'm dead de oh Bob snow to did I I didn't die to Peter I died to Yeet M 2299 please please he killed the guy next wait I got be a rer are you kidding me no how was he the last alive and he did that for this challenge we all have new accounts we're going to play our first rent games and see who gets the highest rank there's only one rule for this game we are imitating my not moving challenge once you land you cannot move these are all default uh skins nothing on the accounts just go uh check the item shop real quick oh real funny huh real funny that's interesting on brand new accounts you guys are already supporting me that's crazy thanks guys I may have an advantage at this yeah you got to Unreal doing this he knows the strats but it's okay boys we got this I've landed on the train oh he's on the train oh oh oh okay we're good hey Ma so this is a bit awkward cuz which one of us wins well I don't know all right these signal Towers these were a great spot to hide hey boys I see you on the train down there I don't know how you did this for like 2 months I'm already bored dude incredible zone for me it's almost like I designed this challenge to give myself an advantage I'm pretty hidden to real players but if an AI comes next to me I'm for sure dead oh perfect Zone it's not great lucky it could be overr I'm not going to lie make it out alive go TR go faster you guys are so far in zone we're actually going to die I can't even take you out man I'm dead I'm dead oh we're in we're in we're in you made it that's crazy we're going to slow down we're going to slow down we're dead do an emot do the dance do the dance I'm defa I'm defaulting the dance no by Lucky bro soin and CAC Go's M with lost to the store bronze 2 47% you're the exact same as me let's congratulations hey let's go no way we can get worse than that it's down to me and creamy please somehow somehow give me Zone somehow I'm begging oh perfect for me man no oh no oh I'm dead I'm dead damn it mck dog bark is dead bronze 2 52% top five let's go Storm's come for me boys hey top four okay no one car cares about where I'm placed in the game we only care about the rank I get reveal it for me bronze 2 61 let's go shout out to whoever designed the meme Olympics challenges [ __ ] love that guy for this challenge longest alive on the train in an unreal Lobby where everyone is sweating and trying really hard we're doing this as a squad cuz locky and creamy they're both not unreal all right train time boys let's go perfect drop well I guess this is what we do eh all right let's do this we're all just trying to get the loot from this thing how bro I got nothing okay I got a couple guns this will have to do I don't want to be anywhere near you guys I'm going up the other end I'm just going to sit here mind my own business we're all in different areas oh footstep footsteps people people you guys all sit up the front there you're all going to get killed I'm chilling back here P the train they're on the train lad down oh they might have seen me now quick get throw off get off the train why did you do that we need the load he's going to be so forgiving that I threw him back to his friends that when they later board the train and kill all of you he'll keep me alive oh we're going through Medallion he's up ladin ladin do something ladin do something I ain't doing nothing good luck I'm pushing I'm pushing I'm pushing I'm pushing I'm pushing him one hit one hit one hit P I'm pushing you guys [ __ ] suck you get yeah suck at Lan no wonder you need to stand still you can't actually fight Lan is eliminated all right I need the rest of you to die there's a lot of feet he did no he did see me oh you [ __ ] I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no I'm I'm getting pickaxed I'm getting pickaxed it's a one V one bro Lennon's still on the train I've got 54 seconds you could bring me back now you could do it I could do it I could do it don't do it Ma don't do it don't do it for the meme Olympics for the meme Olympics yeah for the meme Olympics M yeah buddy yeah this was a I want my point I I want my point no you toxic tw's just really dragging this out just to rub it in that he keeps surviving never give up never give third place on the train all right well M gets a point cuz he's a bad team player for this challenge the team that collects the most medallions wins all right we're doing thisall Challenge on the bot accounts because we actually were incapable of getting medallions in unreal lobbies you can't F Oh my Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] whoever gets the most medallions wins here we go here we go I'm still getting tutorial popups on this goddamn account all right I've got a medallion all right he's dead let's go I've got a medallion okay bro I finally killed Peter Medallion medallion right we all have one Medallion but only one of us can win Kare is going for his second Medallion all right we've got every single Medallion the only way to get more is if we kill each other oh who was that huh are you kidding me oh my God ma is dead thanks for the medal oh oh God oh God oh God I don't have an edit button it's still on G my still on G Ed it wait no no oh my God no man had to run this is bad we are all just fighting [Music] here uh cramy has killed bro no oh look at all these mythics man oh wow all right well me and my one Medallion we're going to do something about it what the hell is this I know I'm about to get head shot S no I'm being hunted now oh my what is this you set up your build you loser I I don't even have my edit key no I'm dead [Music] run you idiot oh my God crey is hunting me this is bullying this like punching a kindergarten in their head what is happening down there I can't edit so I'm just going old school he actually set up his edit binds what a loser not like this not like this oh oh dude oh not again dude no I was literally mean oh my you know what I'm going to go give these to someone else look wait you giving someone a win come on no retroman YT 3 42 let's go you're a champion let's go we are all tied our final challenge we are going to play in unreal lobbies the sweatiest lobbies in fortnite but we're not allowed to use weapons we just have to try and hide and run longest alive wins got to lock in there's a meme Olympics on the line here boys dude there's a picture on the wall for millions of people to see we can't be seen don't die boys I'm once again pretty good at this uh this this meme Olympics might be biased let's go pogers corrupt like the real one it is very corrupt we put the real Olympics to shame man I got you know some meds some Shock waves I'm feeling good hey we've all got to move to Zone okay I'm being shot at in my car oh this is [ __ ] bad oh this is so bad I'm shock waving towards someone okay get out of there quick go get the [ __ ] out I think he's coming for the McLaren they want a McLaren they want a McLaren I might die here no I got to ye I got to ye let me sus the gas station real quick I might have to legit sneak into the petrol station L watch out the McLaren gang they're on their way oh [ __ ] what do you mean l I'm in this bro what the [ __ ] bro I'm cling again all right I'm good I'm good I'm sneaking into Zone bro these guys bro they don't stop it's almost top 10 we're somehow still all alive just remember there's a photo on the line dude I want this photo the seven real players remaining right now we're all out of Zone I see oh God get no get the [ __ ] away from me get away luy get away from me dude tring your car's Dead's dead lon's dead for sure yeah yeah Lon is dead I ain't dead oh my God I ain't dead I need Lon to die I think it's too late they already know all right I I won't take you out creamy oh no I'm so dead no I'm dead I'm dead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God how did I just land oh my God one HP we're all out of the Zone again I'm going I'm going I'm going Ma's going to win he's got an invisibility cloak man it's us in one team I'm in I'm in I'm in ma is in already there dude what the hell I'm running we got good rotate here Lo's got the worst no no no you think you think I've got the worst but you don't actually know oh get away from me yeah who's done who was that get what I just took a bullet for you I'm going no oh my God this is so intense no not this ah oh no oh lucky done lucky done lucky done no my me Olympics don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare I'm dead help help they they are incredibly good they are very good they're bad compared to me if there's one thing I can do it's live baby it's live this is not good bro no no no no no no no no no no no no no the chicken come was on my head help get away from me there's a guy on my head I'm not moving I'm not moving go now go now go now we got to go now oh God clutch that was huge what no no no no no no I'm just full boxing please please why it's me it's me it was destined to be me the Tom Brady of hiding the booger of being a [ __ ] that's me baby I won the meme Olympics I get the photo since I won it doesn't make sense to punish myself so I'm going for a wholesome angle uh it's a lovely photo of my parents that's where I came from
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 5,816,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IbAWb-NmFHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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