Fortnite JUST ADDED This!

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one of the biggest collaborations of chapter 5 season 3 is obviously between fortnite and Fallout not only did we get the t60 power armor as an unlockable skin in the battle pass there's also a bunch of Fallout Easter eggs across the island the iguanas on a stick as well as an actual Fallout item directly from the Fallout Universe being the nacac Cola consumable in The Season's trailer the t60 power armor could actually be seen holding another Fallout Mythic weapon that epic games just added in the game today alongside a brand new NPC but first if you don't hit the thumbs up button on this video and exactly 11 days whenever you log on to fortnite this will happen no but if you do with a thumbs up button in exactly 111 days when you log on to fortnite this will be waiting for you the choice is all yours so choose carefully ladies and gentlemen we wasted too much time we have an absolute insane amount of stuff to cover in this video including the arrival of a brand new Mythic and NPC let's get into it super quickly before we check out what fortnite just added today first things first ladies and gentlemen I'm sure we all remember when chapter 5 first came out in a brand new super important storyline character was introduced obviously I'm talking about vengeance Jones himself he's already established himself as one of the most important storyline characters in fortnite history CU Not only was he the main one responsible for saving P from the society but also played a massive role in defeating the Gods in chapter 5 season to sure you already knew this but Vengeance Jones has made his return yet again this season it actually contains one of the biggest secrets we've ever seen in fortnite history you guys check this out right if you actually take your character over to this new Landmark known as the wreck Mill you're able to find Vengeance Jones as an interactable character now at first when you go up and talk to him he just says a bunch of gibberish that isn't really that important at all however he then goes on to say I've been told I'm the strong and Silent type I think that's pretty accurate I know at first it doesn't really seem like that means anything at all for those of you extremely familiar with the fortnite story line and you're probably freaking out because you know what Vengeance Jones actually meant to explain this we actually need to rewind the clock all the way to fortnite chapter 1 Midway through the fourth season absolutely massive rocket appeared on the fortnite island inside of this giant and mysterious base ler reveal that the person responsible for setting all of this up is actually the visitor the very first member of the seven we ever saw introduced since then the visitor has assisted in Saving All realities numerous different times like most recently in chapter 3 he was actually the one responsible for setting up all of the different launchpads as well as the retrieval Rockets later on in Chapter 3 The Visitor could actually be found as an NPC on the island what was most interesting was actually his character description where it said an explore and navigational expert here to help CH the best course of action for the seven these days he's more of the strong silent typ obviously that's word for word the exact same thing Vengeance Jones says here in chapter 5 season 3 has let a lot of people believe that the visitor and Jones are actually the same person this would actually make a lot of sense his epic games have actually teased Jones being a member of the seven for a while after all they do call me the legend things get even more interesting when you remember that the visitor himself is actually consumed by the Chrome back in chapter 3 season 4 it was revealed that something horrible is happening to him he's different now they're all different now as we speak if our theory is true and Jones and visitor are indeed the same person and I definitely wouldn't be surprised at all if we see the visitor make his return very very soon don't worry coming up next I'm going to show you what fortnite just added first I'm sure we all remember during last season R went on an absolutely Legendary Run here on the channel basically for numerous different videos in a row I showcased some of the awesome and craziest glitches out there now here we are in a brand new season meaning brand new glitches are available and I just found the craziest one in fortnite history so here we go jumping out of the battle bus the good news is this is also one of the easiest glitches in fortnite history to pull off now I'm going to show you how to do it right now as soon as you jump out of the battle bus just going to want to begin making your way over to the brand new brutal Beach head location once you're here you're not going to want to land at the massive boat Instead This Little Shack tent thing located just outside highly recommend you pick up at least a few weapons just in case some enemies decide to be toxic it's always a good idea to get some shield for your character as well after that look underneath this tent and you should see a whiplash waiting for you all you're going to want to do is go up and enter that and then start driving it drive it on this exact same path you see me doing it right now so eventually you end up on this spot on top of this hill right in front of this little beachy area you see that area right to the right of that Little Rock in front of me all we're going to want to do now is take our Whiplash and literally drive it directly at that location just keep on driving it keep on driving it Oh My Goodness H aello to that ladies and gentlemen for some reason our car is literally floating high up in the air I have no idea why this happened oh my goodness are we going to survive oh that was a close one like I said I have no idea why this glitch is in the game why it works or how this was even created in the first place it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in fortnite history if I'm being honest oh my goodness look we're still going up it's not stopping this time we're going up oh my goodness how high are we going to go let's see let's see 200 M that's nuts oh we're going to beat it we're going to beat it we're going to beat it we're going even higher this time oh we're officially over 200 M 230 M oh my my goodness ladies and gentlemen what an absolutely insane glitch but that's I'm messing around time for the moment you've all been waiting for like I mentioned we all know that one of the biggest collaborations here in chapter 5 season 3 is between none other than fortnite and Fallout this collaboration first materialized with the addition of the t60 power armor in this season's battle pass as well as about a dozen other awesome Fallout rewards in addition to that we all know that there was a brand new Fallout consumable added into the game actually being the nuca cola that is also a consumable inside of the Fallout universe and the detail on this consumable is absolutely Ely out of this world because as I mentioned in a previous video whenever you actually drink the nuca cola your character will take the cap and put it in his pocket this is a reference to the bottle caps actually being the main currency in the Fallout universe and it's an absolute incredible detail included by epic games that doesn't end there though because also hidden across the chapter 5 season 3 island a bunch of these little cooking stations at them we're actually able to find a very very oddl looking iguana an stick once again this is a reference to another consumable inside of Fallout just like the nuca cola we literally just mentioned Fallout fans have actually noticed something massive hidden in this season's trailer cuz remember that one scene where it showed all of the different t60 Power Armor variants slowly walking towards the camera being held by one of them you're actually able to see this mysterious weapon it looks to be an absolutely massive Harpoon Gun obviously harpoons and Grapplers is something we've seen many times in fortnite cuz they've added literally half a dozen different variants of it taking it up close and personal look with this scene in the trailer very very clear that this is something entirely new first I thought this was the Harpoon weapon from Fallout 4 since after when you put both of the weapons side by side they do look very very similar Instead This is actually the brand new grappling hook it gives players the ability to latch onto cars and likely as no connection to the Fallout Universe whatsoever unfortunately epic games have yet to add this gun to the loot pool don't worry though because in the exact same scene of this trailer you look to the t60 power armor located just to the right of the one with the Harpoon Gun you're actually able to see an entirely brand new Fallout weapon goes by the name the tribeam laser rifle now this weapon itself is actually based on the one from Fallout this was a weapon released all the way back in Fallout New Vegas essentially shoot a superpow laser rifle at whatever you decided here inside of fortnite this weapon actually functions incredibly similar to how it did in Fallout of every weapon in chapter 5 season 3 I think this has to be the new greatest one this has actually been added to the fortnite loot pool alongside a t60 power armor NPC that I'm just about to show you but first ladies and gentlemen I'm going to eliminate this boss in the car for the very first time oh my goodness this is so insane oh we got one guard let me get this one o yes we eliminated him now we just got to get the boss okay okay oh my goodness I just lost like all my shield trying to run away from me stop it stop it no no how am I supposed to eliminate him man stop it oh my goodness oh my goodness where are you going oh my my shield is gone again all right now we just got to defeat the actual boss come on buddy come on boom boom boom boom boom oh my goodness we're almost she's almost dead she's almost dead what yes we eliminated The Machinist that's I'm talking about boys we'll go ahead and pick up her Medallion as well as her Mythic combat assault rifle now this is the first time I've ever used this and also the first time I've ever used her vehicle as well but I got to say this thing looks insane oh we got some enemies fighting here oh oh baby oh baby oh baby cars are like the most overpowered thing in fortnite History Boys oh here we go here we go you ready got one another one right here somewhere another one right here where is he oh no I missed worries though boys that's what the turret's for right come on come on yes oh right here right here right here right here wa oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness stop it stop it stop it please stop it please stop it please stop it buddy we go ready there's one another one right here yes thanks we playing bad news is our car is almost fully destroyed oh where you going buddy where you going come on yep oh another one another one another one another one oh got him oh uhoh uhoh uh-oh come on buddy let's be friends here let's be friends just want to be buddies with you man that's it that's it thanks for playing oh another one right here another one right here come on buddy yep oh I see you I see you I see you got him oh no way this guy I missed this guy got him run this dude over no way I can't get him what he literally jumped right over my car right over the top of it come on baby got him got him oh the last enem is right here are you come on oh my goodness we barely won ladies and gentlemen that's what I'm talking about a victory Royale as soon as the t60 power armor NPC is here in game as well as the Fallout tribeam Blaster rifle I'll make sure to let all of you guys know by making a tweet over my Twitter account @ Homam YT thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you guys enjoyed have an absolutely incredible rest of your day I'll see you guys in the next video peace out
Channel: Home Of Games
Views: 309,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, battle, pass, trailer, update, fortnite update, chapter 5, video, new, chapter 5 season 3, live, season 3, level up fast, xp, xp glitch, xp glitches, glitch, glitches, fortnite level up fast, magneto, t60 power armor, fortnite bosses, megalo don, ringmaster scarr, quest, fortnite mythic bosses, fortnite mythics, battle pass trailer, map changes, fall out, magneto fortnite, tier 100, level 100, boss, secrets, fortnite new, new fortnite, season 3 new fortnite, fortnite secrets
Id: YWYuDExlxro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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