Randy Orton Sells Out?
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Channel: WWE
Views: 7,987,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Randy Orton, Triple H, Sellout, Corporate Sellout, Mr. McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, McMahon Family, Raw, Corporate, Face of WWE, WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment, Orton, HHH
Id: N5vRQB44BRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2013
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The 3 heel turns, of course, Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Randy Orton. IMO, the last time RAW was consistently great. The Authority were just so fun to hate at the start of it all. Having the entire locker room watch on as Daniel Bryan got destroyed was really something else. I know people say it's just a rehash of the Corporation but I really loved it with the talent they had. The Shield and Randy Orton + Triple H and Stephanie as the person that no one could get their hands on but everyone hated.
The RAWs and Smackdowns after this showcased The Authority being a bunch of assholes and doing whatever they wanted. They're pretty watered down now and even turned into something of a joke. But they were great when they started.
Edit: Who can forget them firing Cody and Goldust barely failing against Randy? Things went downhill with the whole Big Show thing but it was also an interesting concept to put his ironclad contract in play. But, I love when WWE has one heel or one heel stable feud against multiple people at once. Makes for great television. See: Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins
This was essentially the first Raw I ever saw since Summerslam was my first show I watched. I was aware of who these guys were in the 90s though as well as guys like Taker, Kane, Orton, and Cena, so I thought this was a really interesting narrative to play out.
The Authority vs Bryan was one of the best parts of this era, they got shat on during it but looking back now, it was entertaining. It may be stale now, but nothing can change that they were good.
That was an awesome promo, can't believe I'm only seeing this now. Orton should be a lifetime heel, it just works.