random videos i watch at 2am (2)

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one thing you don't know about ariana grande is that she literally sings everything like she's she's starting to forget to talk in her own voice because she sings everything and it's a good thing because she's a beautiful voice but it's awesome she sings absolutely everything she never stops that's not true liz you sing a lot too like especially okay my apologies miss girl miss who i'm she's not a girl it's miss solar i need a bad bleep uh addison ray le shady the baddest yeah and she got her ways so these lyrics are obviously very heartfelt to me because i am addison ray and yes there will be some casualties yes there will i climbed out of my head and watched myself implode a thought without a body ought to be the shot to take a load off my brain is poisoned and i'm searching for the antidote but every time i find it my defense is scream oh no you don't whoa i like the bill you do yes you're my best view me but you did this for what why not why why not why though i feel like i can't i hate saying this because then everyone on twitter is like you're lying i hate you i was supposed to be in the video i actually wanted you to be in it because i was in miami i know when they were filming i was in miami but like she told me the whole concept and was like yeah like we're doing this whole mingle thing and i was in my red room in miami and i was like fly back to l.a right now and then i just when i was my brother and like i had been to my family in so long so i was like i'm just gonna stay and i'm gonna miss out on the best thing in my life i'm gonna heart attack um [Music] hi she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment now come on now i've been literally crying about this for like an hour because it's just so like pathetic that like she just comes in and like almost like she's so close to passing me and everybody's reminding me that she's gonna pass me and i just want to prove this that i am better than her because i am so a [ __ ] mother and i am literally the star of tick tock and doug is putting me down and boosting her i want to see if i was powerful enough to twist her mind hi i'm here i'm going to do a little bit of an evaluation i'm going to be here in the back okay guys so we all need to be quiet and continue to listen to miss jensen okay excuse me i'm sorry miss jensen please continue hello you're kidding me oh my goodness so i have some questions now okay shoot who kissed first you or will wow right into it well kissing is a two-person job but like how do you know when to start you'll know when the time is right it helps if you both like each other why [Music] you're jealous you're angry because you're not on a pr list so this is completely unbiased that being said i am not on her pr list i really could not care less about the fact that i'm not on her pr list i am not on her pr list i really could not care less i love kylie but i'm not on her pr list i really could not care less you are not you are you're a clown i'm a clown clown okay really your whole life is a joke i don't know i don't know kim would you stop taking pictures of yourself your sister's going to jail these are bullies these are high school [ __ ] bullies and you're going to say i'm painting myself as a victim i can't i hate saying this because then everyone on twitter is like you're lying i hate you i was supposed to be in the video [Music] hi um this is gonna be like a different kind of video than what you're used to i'm like not in the studio right now i'm at my house um i literally don't know if i'll be able to get through this video without crying i've been crying all morning i look insane um it's been a really really hard morning um hey guys i'm here with my boyfriend today is his birthday happy birthday mario thanks oh wow oh wow [Music] oh wow oh wow [Music] oh wow oh my god scared but i just want to say thank you guys for being so welcoming because i'm new you know um it's been great thanks i guess i love you mom and dad you went from the sweetest woman that was giving me vitamins to someone that terrified me on that trip oh my god and look at us we've made it we've gone through ups and downs highs and and we're here today in front of our friends and family and guys
Channel: shook
Views: 11,473,728
Rating: 4.9760137 out of 5
Keywords: shook
Id: iwr3K2kUnYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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