Ramsay's American Classic Challenge - Best And Worst Moments | Hell's Kitchen

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after an emotional night the Final Three Chefs gather before an uncharacteristically cheerful Chef Ramsay good morning [Music] guys yes throughout my whole career I've worked with some phenomenal chefs and right now I'd like all three of you to meet someone that is in my mind the best I was trying to think of what Chef he's worked with or you know what chefs he's worked under and quite frankly without this person I wouldn't be here today my number one mentor meet my mum good to see you Mum good to see you good morning good morning that is Bonnie Jan and Rock y's mom so cute Rock no cursing please not at all never ever in front of your mum right have you brought me caroni and cheese my favorite I grew up with this dish in today's restaurant world people want to feel at ease when they can identify something from their childhood comfort food but in a fine dining restaurant you have to take that comfort food and make it into something quite unique now this is my macaroni and cheese so with roasted Lobster finished with shavings of black truffle and aged Parmesan cheese so for today's challenge you'll be taking one of America's classics and then evolving it into something fine dining I was stoked about this challenge because my restaurant is a southern Creole Cajun and so I try to take you know classic southern dishes and make them more contemporary homemade to Gourmet Scott and Marianne please now in front of you've got five dishes to choose from I want you to pick a dome each look at what you've got in terms of American classic and evolve that addition to something exciting who's going first okay Bonnie pick a dome uh tell me what your American classic is [Music] pranks and bees what an American classic that's a British classic that's not a British classic hot dogs and beans what's more American than a hot dog beans and franks it just threw me I was like how can I make this Gourmet get over it Bonnie who's next okay think carefully Fried Chicken Chicken I can do something okay rock pick a dome okay spaghetti meatballs you've got one hour are you ready yeah sure go for this challenge the aspiring chefs can use anything from the well-stocked Pantry to create their Innovative version of a classic American dish is it just beans and franks cut up in it you never had a hot dog with with beans Bonnie started doing her Bonnie thing like what is that how am I supposed to do this is it just beans what is that Franks and [ __ ] beans I eat hot dogs but I remember eating hot dogs with beans like unless it was like a chili dog is that weird it was under 40 minutes ago yes yes you do not want to lose this challenge they had given us the most amazing ingredients so that definitely got my mind going in my mind I start with the main like okay chicken I want to do like a roulade I wanted it to be stuff I just didn't want it to be plain just under 20 minutes yes yes sure I was trying to do three different dishes I just I wanted to have depth and range so I really had my work cut out for me [Music] one minute to go that's me 30 seconds let's go Jen 10 seconds come on guys [Music] come on Rob [Music] bring him over please thank you honey yeah Chef show me what did you make I did an Italian version of beans and franks mini bruschettas I served it with a mushroom cream leek sauce excellent thank you rock yes what did you do I did what I call a study of spaghetti three different spaghettis a cream sauce reveal and this is a spicy chorizo and pork good well done thank you me away I did a fried chicken roulade stuffed with crab meat spinach and goat cheese that's definitely a new version of fried chicken okay back in line please well done now it's time I've got some special judges to help me taste your mums are here welcome Carol Joyce and Carol welcome to Hell's Kitchen I thought maybe it was some chefs from another restaurant not my just couldn't believe that she was here how are you my darling I was really happy and I was really looking forward to the judging being over and being able to go talk to my mother Maurice are you here please certainly thank you good to see you we haven't seen or been able to talk to our parents in weeks and to see my mom that was a reward enough for me these lovely ladies are all helping me today to select a winner during the tasting the aspiring chefs must remain silent and give no clue as to which dish is theirs there we are the tasting begins with Rock's Trio of gourmet spaghetti started with my spaghetti my mother nodded her head she liked it that was reassuring something else happy I think next the moms try Jen's fried chicken roulade I was like I was like Chad what do you think of that yes very good nice good final dish up last Bonnie's contemporary spin on Franks and Beans it was really fun to watch the moms eat our food you know I know that my mom doesn't really like gourmet food delicious it's my mom I don't want to give it up it's now time to pick a winner joy out of those three dishes yes which one is your favorite while Chef Ramsay confers with the mothers the aspiring chefs strain for any clue as to how they're voting the mother's backs were to us so we couldn't really hear who they voted for you know your own age I was on edge so we have an outright winner with all three votes from three serious critics most favorite dish congratulations Jen well done I can't believe that they all pick my dish that means that me being here is not a joke and I do have some Talent you know I just need to really feed it and nurture it I'm so pleased I can't get blamed for this one I'm gonna give Tommy and Carrie a chance to prove to their team that they have great leadership qualities there always is a Twist this is Hell's Kitchen this isn't predictable kitchen this team is gonna take five stunning American Comfort Classics and evolve them into something truly special Tommy and Carrie you will decide what everyone on your team is cooking they will come to you for leadership Direction start up yes 45 minutes starts from now let's go for today's challenge Chef Ramsay is not only testing the chef's creativity as they try to evolve five American Comfort classics all right ladies but he's also giving Tommy and Carrie an opportunity to prove that they can lead I think you should go with the hamburger okay chicken noodle soup and then how about a Cobb salad baby can you knock it out okay I ordered the pizza I want you just spaghetti meatballs okay I don't feel you got it I think I wanted to do pizza I want to be the one to cook the pizza but as usual Carrie doesn't listen to anyone's suggestions she wants to do the pizza herself but I know that she's gonna [ __ ] it up while Elise predictably has a problem with Carrie's game plan the blue kitchen is still waiting for one Tommy what do you want to do what is it called again and dive well Tommy the engine's running but there's no one behind the wheel I'm doing the cobb salad okay what are you gonna do okay I think I'm gonna do the burger what kind of meat do you want we have ground strip do you want to do the pizza I would love to do the pizza but I would like to do a barbecue pork pizza with a little Southern depends we have time I mean I want to do I want to do like a caprina pizza I want to do like a like a toasted pistachio like a truffle oil and honey Tommy has got the worst idea so how exactly is this going to work all right what are you want to use on the pizza as far as ingredients what do you want to use for the toppings let me just get this grill hot I already told John the four ingredients for the flatbread pizza but I don't think he's ever made one before I think he just didn't want to admit it I'm baffled man I need to know what's going on I'm standing there trying to talk to him time's getting low and he's he's basically [ __ ] ignoring me Tommy what's going on while Jonathan struggles to keep Tommy's attention how's everybody feeling are we doing good the red team wouldn't mind a little less attention from Carrie I like a lightly breaded chicken breaded chicken yeah I think that would be yummy all right Elise how we thinking on the pasta what are you thinking I'm thinking that I'd rather have done Pizza are you making some meatballs right now yeah I'm gonna make meatballs Carrie's not helping the cause she's the wrong person to try to lead someone because she can't lead herself Elise do you have your pasta dropped my pasta is dropped do you have your pizza in oh crap hola I should have eat the pizza like I said but no one wants to listen while Carrie hurries to get her pizza ready over in the blue kitchen Jonathan come on Tommy we got a little bit of thick cheese over here it's going to take time to melt all right is waiting on Tommy's Direction five minutes let's go that's gotta go in now because like now now I'm waiting on you man you got that cheese on there I ground up to mozzarella man Jesus bro well you didn't talk to me man it's so easy to make a flatbread pizza it's just when somebody just doesn't want to do what we're doing that makes it difficult slice this and put it on right afterwards hurry the [ __ ] up come on ladies let's start plating 30 seconds to go I'm going in the [ __ ] oven freaking out about my Pizza 10 seconds to go [ __ ] kidding me come on Pastor please please son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] my pasta two one and served foreign okay I have invited to judge this challenge ladies and gentlemen [Music] Wolf Gang Puck oh my God oh my God hello like big stars came in my eyes I couldn't believe we had Wolfgang Puck good morning I'm like speechless right now good to see you how are you I'm excellent I'm hungry oh my God red team blue team let's start off with the battle of the burgers let's go please first up is Jamie versus Tommy Jamie please present your dish to Chef please Chef I have lamb burger sliders with a red onion accomplisher and a rosemary garlic oil okay to me a little overdone but you know it has good flavor I think the pickled onions are sweet and sour in it it's not bad that's probably one of the best compliments I've ever gotten brilliant Tommy tried to put a uh like a Japanese spin on a American classic the meat is cooked on a soy caramel with a little candy ginger you know show me your hand look how colorful that looks that's how I like my Burgers to look too okay yeah so next time a little color in here should we taste it go for it you know it doesn't have the wow so Chef if you had to choose which one would it be you know what I would choose the red team excellent well done thank you great great start ladies good job Jamie man okay let's go next up Elizabeth nothing top sellers please um Elizabeth first I mean it's like a traditional Cobb salad I did Honey Dijon dressing it's a good tasting salad but you have to look what you have in here you know presented it with some finesse we want a little bit more invention for my classic what I have is kind of a remix on a Cobb salad I decided to use salmon salmon stays please I wouldn't call it the cobb salad it's not really what we have in our mind as a Cobb salad but I mean I would give it a different name and I could serve it properly in one of our restaurants thank you okay who would you like I think [Music] thank you chef she didn't make a Cobb salad so I was a little confused that they gave the point to somebody who did a salmon entree yeah with the score tied at one will and Elise at least present your spelling people are each looking to impress with their unique take on this classic dish I would say it looks like a mess okay did you drop it and picked it up okay well please oh no it's lacking sauce no point I don't know I wasn't impressed with it both of them both will and elise's dishes have disappointed scoring no points for either team with the scores still tied at one it's Jennifer's southwestern chicken noodle soup I think it's a good soup thank you versus Paul's Italian style chicken noodle soup it looks good but I think the flavor Falls flat my heart hit the [ __ ] floor I was like no red team of blue team red team well thank you Chef thank you Jennifer good job ladies I cooked for Wolfgang [ __ ] we didn't throw a bit of trash barrel he actually liked it okay the last dish it's the battle of the pizzas let's go eat them I'm excited let's hope they're good I don't even want to take that pizza up please present your dish okay let's go I'm not taking it up and take it up come on man just pick it up bro come on guys I'm not taking it up pick it up bro for God's sake come on it looks like [ __ ] man see your idea right uh Carrie please present your pizza to Chef thank you I did a shrimp basil pesto with a blistered heirloom tomatoes [Music] did you taste it it looks raw and it tastes wrong undercooked [Music] it's embarrassing get back I'm I'm embarrassed I shouldn't it's embarrassing you come to spago I show you how to make a pizza okay unbelievable her dish was [ __ ] team we're taking this home man we got this I should definitely perform that Jonathan please presents what is that I have a flatbread pizza what is that where did you see a pizza like this I haven't Chef honestly I mean if you go to Italy they arrest you for that you know that it smells like honey honey and a white truffle everything we don't need on the pizza you put on I'm standing here looking like an ass because I had no say-so in the pizza basically I just rolled the dough out I thought it was a great pizza had it been cooked properly Jonathan is an idiot I'm not even gonna ask you have to taste it take that away look like a [ __ ] ass again dear oh dear that's disgusting Jonathan and Carrie I mean honestly Jonathan what have you got to say for yourself Jonathan gets [ __ ] again by a teammate and it made to look like an ass honestly I could flip this whole goddamn dining room upside down man okay no point no wow congratulations red team wins two to one congratulations good job ladies good job we won and I was the leader I'll let them give me the cutest God Carrie doesn't have anything to celebrate she didn't do anything to help win this challenge keep on working yes sir line up please guys line up wall are you serious there's like a huge American flag there's balls everywhere Chef Ramsay's in denim right good morning as we all know football is America's favorite sport in many ways it's an American classic I'm gonna be perfectly honest I am scared shitless of playing football I'm usually the food nerd so for your next challenge I want you to work with some great American Classics an amazing mac and cheese a pizza a burger and delicious spaghetti it was up to you to put your modern Twist on those American Classics got it yeah good now each of these footballs represents an ingredient so 200 footballs will be launched and then you'll pick the ingredients that you'd like to work with by gathering up the footballs Claire yes sir now two of you will be making the same dish and on the blue team because you have one fewer Chef than the red team Randy you are going solo young man yeah sure you've all got 30 seconds right now to decide which of these dishes you'll be cooking the time starts now Burger Megan I get Burgers yay I'm Happy Pizza that's fine I'm good with pizza me and Nick get pizza pizzas are what I do Italian food we're not losing this game okay ready [ __ ] for the first part of today's challenge each pair of chefs will work together to catch or gather nine ingredient labeled footballs ground beef on mushrooms that they will both use in creating their own classic dishes with a modern twist got it watch yourself I'm definitely an athletic guy I mean I played Sports my entire life but uh those balls are coming in with velocity I mean they're heavy too pasta Josh elbows his way to the board first with pasta that he and Millie will both use to create mac and cheese dishes I got great hands I've played wide receiver I'm good in my ability to catch balls [Applause] [Music] watch it actually am feeling a little nervous right now I don't have a plan comfort food is not really my forte I ate burnt fish sticks and green beans out of a can growing up that's not comfort food that's not good food Randy here Sesame buns Sesame buns I have no problem flying solo I was pretty confident on the burger it's comfort food but you're supposed to make it all fancy dancing if I see bacon I wanted to make sure I got the bacon because bacon makes the world go round come on Randy while Randy gathers ingredients that will Elevate his Burger nice let's go come on T and Michelle are making sure that they are both happy using the ones that they have chosen okay let's look at what we have we have pizza now we have tomatoes we have pineapple and chicken tea picked pineapple and chicken so I was a little nervous about the pineapple but she wanted to go with it and I knew that I could do something with it okay five four three two one excellent there we are that is it let's get back to Hell's Kitchen you could change yeah let's go come on speed up I'm beat right now I ain't athletic I want to just cook food and eat each pair now has 40 minutes come on guys pick it up to work individually with the ingredients they have chosen as a pair you want to do the panko yeah and put their own spin on their classic American dish ow [ __ ] I'm actually gonna go very rustic uh Italian on this one it might be a non-traditional Italian I was okay with being paired with Brett only because we didn't actually really need to work together I'm not losing to a chicken pineapple pizza my Italian grandmother would have [ __ ] rolled over in her grave get that chary Smoky flavor on there Nick well Brett is feeling confident that his pizza will have the edge for The Blue Team 20 minutes to go guys yes over in the red kitchen sorry dude Sarah is still trying to make sense of the ingredients that she and Monique selected for their spaghetti I'm feeling a little bit frazzled eggs and ham with spaghetti something special ladies just shut up I was just trying to like make it smart and work together 90 seconds to go ladies we are playing I was staring at Allison's dish and they see mac and cheese on the bun just it didn't work for me 30 seconds to go coming through hot uh serandi bring the plate to the Burger good point good job guys come on man okay I know each of you have prepared a dish however for judging I'll only be tasting one dish from each pair decide which dish you're dropping work it out hurry up what do you think about mine I think it's traditional Pizza I think yours is too sweet tea let's get the flatbread flatbread was me uh he did a really classic Italian one I made a new fool I want to put mine up somebody tasted mac and cheese it's kind of like this one it's on a roll mine's I feel really good about mine guys my team really wasn't even tasting my dish which one mine see which one mine ultimate just because someone's louder than me doesn't mean that their dish is always going to be better with bread sauce four three two one excellent today I'm invited to the most talented chefs in America our first chef is a restaurant tour who owns Luke and AOC please welcome Chef Suzanne going nice to see you my darling thank you so much our second judge has literally just landed from New York the owner of many fine restaurants including David Burke Prime Chef David Burke meeting these Superstar chefs in person welcome nice to see you too [Music] incredible the esteemed guest judges will have to decide which chef has done the best job at executing a modern take on an American classic let's start off with the battle of the pizza first up are Michelle and Brad look at him Brett you got it baby Michelle would you mind explaining I have zucchinis chicken pineapple and then I have goat cheese on there and there's also fresh mozzarella on it wow I know right off the bat as far as looks go I got this very well seasoned and I like pineapple I was very nervous about the pineapple but I think that it actually does really work thank you um Brett please explain I prepared a pepper chose Pizza an old rustic Italian with some chiffonade basil and fresh grated Parmesan on top it's delicious thank you very much I like the salami and the olives olives let's start off with David's time for the flag blue wow interesting thank you very much who's that thank you chefs once again I [ __ ] murdered it good job while The Blue Team celebrates an early lead good job baby I'm already Randy and Megan face off in the battle of the bugga with Randy hoping that his cheese and chili stuffed burger did you want a cooking while then I would have liked it about a medium rare Chef well top Megan's Burger made of spicy lamb all flavors I love really tasty thank you it's almost a gyro and a hamburger bun um Davis is it red or blue wow I promise I'm not just copying David I know that my dish was good I'd eat the [ __ ] out of it bottle of mac and cheese please let's cook I'm feeling like pretty good about my Mac and Cheese let's hope for the best Allison yeah Chef I've never seen mac and cheese in a bun I just wanted to do something a little bit different different is good but just being different for the sake of being different it's not a good enough reason yeah sure how's that David uh taste wise is still too crunchy yep Joshua please explain I have a three cheese Bechamel elbow macaroni and artichoke hearts that's delicious I like everything that's in that thank you sir uh let's begin with Suzanne please I'm gonna go with blue there you go David please [Applause] I knew that that dish did not look great it's kind of a confirmation that I wasn't nuts time for the battle of the spaghetti let's go please with the men up by two in the final round Brendan is looking to clinch a victory for his team and avoid a third straight challenge loss this is a play on traditional spaghetti carbonara it has shiitake mushrooms shrimp finished with the fried egg on top [Music] pretty well balanced I'd be happy if I went to a fine dining restaurant and got something that looked like them yeah it's good Sarah please describe um it's a little bit of Parmesan some fried kale on the bottom some prosciutto that I fried as well some cherry tomatoes shiitake mushrooms zucchini and then the egg oh and lobster as well it's got more ingredients than a putanesca really delicious great at 18 I really like them thank you Chef Suzanne Davis is it red or blue you guys make it tough I have to go with her wow um good Davis wow we have to break the time so I'd like to see Sarah's dish Megan's dish Brett's dish and Joshua thank you I'm confident I knew I had a great macaroni and cheese back in life please thank you so the best dish out of these four will win the challenge overall for their team [Music] across the board the season was incredible yes amazing you're happy right to see you yes well there is an overall winner congratulations Sarah red team what I ain't came out here to [ __ ] lose I'm [ __ ] furious David great to see you thank you thank you thank you thank you guys
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 1,330,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Hell’s Kitchen insults, lamb sauce, hells kitchen official, USA, american football, football, compilation, best moments, meatloaf, mac and cheese, diner, comfort food
Id: j89M6A0lvi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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