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hey guys I'm Jacob and I'm Andreas together we are cold North creative a metal music video production company from Copenhagen Denmark we actually just released our latest showroom which you can watch if you click on our Channel and it should be the first video that pops up on our channels page and while you're at it please subscribe do that uh we are watching some Ramstein today this is the song Musa if you didn't know we have a patreon where you can watch some uh of uh you can support us for two dollars a month so we can buy cool stuff for our Motors I'm not gonna add any more to that previously that's that was close you just did this with a cool with a cool transition and professional yeah yeah you don't need to know more just go there go there check it out you need to know it costs two dollars a month which is next to nothing yeah yeah just sign up don't even watch them don't don't don't think just go click click don't pick just buy just buy yeah that's a good this is a good level don't think it's fine so some of the early stuff right yeah it's from which is from 2001 oh yes so [Music] 22 years ago yeah I was in in eighth grade [Music] find vices [Music] [Music] over here [Music] [Music] [Music] the same thing [Music] like how they use like crouchings [Music] it's gonna be a Twist of some kind oh yeah there we go one nap time more time [Music] the atypical song of them yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Financial [Music] shelves between those two characters [Music] [Music] I didn't really get the whole idea I didn't really see what the connection was no if you know let us know in the comments down below please explain this because I'm dumb and I didn't get it yes times two years so yeah so yeah that was Modern yeah and it was pretty cool like some cool set pieces and yeah like that's I like that the verse that the it was just like a full clip of him like one take of him singing the song I like that slow-mo effect you know where they recorded in 50 double frames per second played and double double speed and then slow it down so it looks like he's singing in slow-mo that's a cool effect yeah uh yeah anyway yeah like I didn't get it but I didn't get it yeah it was a cool great song let us know which Ram Time videos to check out next in the comments subscribe to everything join the patreon do all the things don't think just buy just think just think the button see you guys bye
Channel: Cold North Creative
Views: 12,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reaction video, metal music, hardcore music, reaction channel
Id: 62JdsC14wXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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