Mom REACTS to RAMMSTEIN- Mutter “with translation and analysis at the end”

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time I'm back and it's metal Monday technically it's not Monday yet I'm pre-recording this because on Monday we do have second Eastern and my family is back and I want to see my family so I pre-recorded this I did give away in the previous video that it's going to be something with my name in it did you guess it or did you just read the title yes Mama toned Mama mother Ramstein we're going to do a Ramstein again and this song was requested many times I think because I'm a mom but you can have so many songs by the mom it could be a homage it could be like I hate my mom it could be anything and if you're here just for reaction of the song I always react to the song with no sound you can see my face but I really like to go into it I don't want to stop it every few seconds to say something I want to stay into the vibe and afterwards if you're not into that just click and go away but if you're into it you can have some analysis we can translate the lyrics because hamadachi I know German so I maybe I can translate it for the English people I would love to if you want to and I'm very excited to find out what they have up their sleeves right now but because with Rammstein you never know what way it can go so like subscribe and ring the bell and if you do like my analysis or the way I react or maybe just you appreciate what I'm doing here you can buy me a coffee on the buy me a coffee page and I do have some Spare Time to Kill so if you want to buy a reaction over there that's a possibility too but for now without further Ado let's go into a Ramstein [Music] it is [Music] one kind of Fighters [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on time so give me God oh give me more was he just picking in a dead bird okay well if you were here for me just reacting to the song this may be the point where you want to skip because oh wow this is a this is going to be a brain breaker definitely let me see if um I got it right let me get the German lines visually it was very weird too I said it before I think he's a great actor he he's he is something he's an artist in in every way I like that it was more in a singing way and I do love the music more and more I think I'm yeah I don't know you call it because at Nightwish you call yourself Army but how do you call like a Ramstein fan I would love to know because I may be becoming one I did like that a lot okay let's see of Ein vices [Music] um uh the the tears of um lots of children I put them on the white hair throw it in the air the wet chain and I wish I had a mother even in in in German and in English it doesn't make much sense at this point I have to say we can establish that he wish he wished for a mother so we don't know if he ever had one and lost it or that he just don't have it but then it comes kindness shined kind of Roost Hotmail that is Eerie because it says no sun that shines on me no breast Christ milk on me in my throat there's this tube I have no navel on my belly every baby has so this you could almost think I'm getting um what was the stranger things Vibes you know with the weird kids and the Asylum there were experimental so maybe this is an experimental baby as well not even born from a human or am I just far-fetching here maybe I'm getting too much into the fantasy I don't know but it is weird then he says mother mother a couple of times foreign it is an experimental thing because here it says I could not lick the nipples and that is a thing especially for men no fool to hide inside no one gives me a name made in hate and without sperm and that is well that is weird so maybe I wasn't far-fetching maybe I am on to something that would be something wouldn't it okay next one ah foreign [Music] in her lungs There lives an eel on my face there is a birthmark remove it with the kiss of a knife also if I die oh if I die of it so even if I would die of it you have to remove it with a knife mother mother mother oh dear what did I get myself into and then he says it again with the eel in the lungs and a birthmark that you have to get away with a knife even if you die you have to do it even if you oh the the last sentence is different auf and if [Music] so even if I bleed out you have to do it mother give me strength give me a craft mutter give me a craft water give me a craft man or Mom that was something there is a lot to the whole Ramstein that I'm getting into that is interesting to say the least I do love the music and there's always a story in it even if it's a weird one and I love his singing voice I love it I still think that the piano version of minehead's friend is my favorite up till now but this is great too and I would love to know more so if you are into a Ramstein let me know how you call a fan of Ramstein it must be something with fire I think maybe fire army or something like that and if not it ought to be so let me know and let me know what is your take on this very weird story did I get it right or am I so far off please be nice though and tell me in a comments and I would love to see you next week and like I said I do have to buy me a coffee page I have to plug it sometimes I'm not monetized here so I'm doing it shamelessly um alvidazenons bye-bye and be nice
Channel: MommaTaunT
Views: 120,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rammstein, Engel, Metal, Music, Mom reacts, Mom reaction, MommaTaunT, German metal, Germany, Du Hast, Paris, mein herz brennt, piano version, piano, sven helbig, deutschland, mutter, dutch mom
Id: k4XmBcw631Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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