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hello guys I'm Jacob and I'm Andreas together we are called North creative a metal music video production company from Copenhagen Denmark and today we are going even deeper into our Ramstein Marathon here and we are going to watch Ross yes I think it's one of their oldest song I think it's a good one actually yeah I remember this it's pretty good and the video being I was seeing the video on MTV as a kid yeah being like oh this is pretty disturbing isn't this from the album with the submarine I'm pretty sure it is like it had like some kind of cold uh artwork I think I I think I analyzed this song in German class actually in high school yeah so yeah and speaking of school if you want to help put Jacob's kids through school and do so by a school's free in them by the way so that's why our price is only two dollars a month exactly for four extra reactions every month so you get one extra reaction every week and it's also on here we can show you all the not safe work stuff we've been reacting to a lot of Ramstein until Lindeman stuff so yeah if you know this band you know date there's some crazy stuff do some stuff that we can't show you on here nope uh but we can show you on here yeah go sign up help Jacob's kids go to a free schools help them get lunches yeah help them get some good lunches uh let's see what it wasn't always had in store first yes [Music] what is the golfing shot yeah and it helps something but yeah I think I might be a business [Music] [Music] assigned [Music] songs [Music] just fine [Music] keep everyone [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I knew it fall en as a sick shot having them in the Darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so nice the way they did this by you know not really showing him getting burned or they had him behind the fire and Shot Through The Fire And also shot from his point of view but they get effect they get like the I feel like it's more powerful having her reaction just her staring at him like that evil masterbind then doing some whatever effects of him burning up yeah [Music] he said [Music] it looks like they're really doing that [Music] just leaving again yeah an eventful night and just cops still smoking this is this is like the Rams that we know right yeah I think where is this from this is I'm not sure early 2000s I think let's see uh Russell's 2005 yeah so I was in grade school yeah I was like in the beginning of high school so that's why we it was just released yeah I remember maybe like 2005 or 2006 that we did that yeah so after that analysis I've been like 13 to 14 readers came out and remember seeing the MTV you'd be like oh yeah this is weird like I liked it but it was also like it's good to say you're feeling out you don't really see much well but just acting and it already like executed is really disturbing I'm pretty sure that this is the album where they started doing more like higher concept stuff like that yeah well maybe muta when was that I don't really I'm not sure about this discography let's just hear I'm staying this Cocker here just need to guess so we had mutual was the price of the to that one so they did some insane stuff with Musa as well yeah we haven't really gone into that enough yet is that where ingel is from the one we watched uh England um I haven't gone to that yet I think mine has planned to be watched right yes I can't remember what album English is from but somebody is probably gonna let us know yeah let us know in the comments because we can remember stuff so many so many songs from this band yeah sick okay this was a nice video thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you guys in the next one make sure to check out the patron bye
Channel: Cold North Creative
Views: 11,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reaction video, metal music, hardcore music, reaction channel
Id: It6cCvxDErE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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