Ramen Lord Challenged Me To Do This... (I'm terrified)

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today's video is sponsored by nordvpn [Music] Alex what's up hey man how are you oh good I've got a timer when it comes to Ramen I might have a primer it doesn't mean that I know how to make a good ramen I would have to make tons and tons of bowl I would have to refine my technique if you want to fly into America in the next two weeks for this pop-up that I'm doing I'm not having announced it yet but I'm gonna announce it Tuesday and if you would like to I'm more than happy to have you yeah let's do a pop-up oh man I would love that we'll do about 300 bowls so we'll be busy busy busy thank you what's up guys salute this is Alex and welcome back to the ramen series season two today I am in beautiful Chicago [Music] why am I in Chicago for the ramen Series this is not Tokyo well there is something amazing happening in Chicago when it comes to Ramen we're there coming up tomorrow night my Ramen skills are gonna be put to the test in a very tangible way instead of serving the internet as per usual I'm actually gonna be serving real people I'm pretty terrified now of course I'm not gonna do this alone Alex hey man how are you this this is Mike satinover better known to the internet as Ramen law now you need to understand this guy is an online Ramen Legend this is his story so I lived in sport Hokkaido for a year because I studied Japanese in school this was in 2009 2010. Hokkaido is where miso Ramen comes from you know I was email out there and just kind of fell in love with it after having it a bunch and leaving Japan and then never having it because it didn't exist in the US it's only making it initially because I couldn't get it but I had no idea I was doing I started making ramen and just doing it and failing I was just some guy making ramen noodles why not share what do I have to lose I made a Reddit account and knew I liked Ramen so I called myself Ramen board think he was funny so that's fundamentally how it started at the time you had like three articles about okay so I was like I'll throw some stuff I made once just like for fun up there hoping somebody would care and people were like whoa you can make ramen at home who does that that's so crazy it's kind of invigorating to just keep doing it over and over again you know I had started posting more and more on that website more and more detail more and more detail noodles the cha shoot the soup I did everything here's all of it in and it kind of got popular it got popular enough that serious eats was like we want to talk to you basically very cool and then eventually the Tribune writing about me but the whole time I was just making recipes I just wanted to share how to make dominant people and Steve you decided to at some point pop-ups the first pop-up we ever did I did it with this guy David Chan and he invited me to do it with him at Ramen lab it's like an addictive experience and once I started doing them it just kind of kept growing and growing and growing now I can't do them enough looking forward to tomorrow that's gonna be awesome everyone wants to see you and me make ramen in case you hadn't gathered already tomorrow Mike and I are going to be hosting a Ramen pop-up which is going to take place in a local Korean American restaurant called perilla of course they are gonna bring some ideas to the table but they are mostly gonna help us staff the event and boy are we gonna need it we sold 280 tickets in less than 40 seconds 40 seconds 40 seconds are you nervous about that yes very much very nervous so we got a lot to do today so I figured we'd get started [Music] okay and now a quick ad from our sponsor node VPN in the past few weeks I've been living the life of a digital number as you can see I'm traveling from everywhere I'm traveling a lot for filming moving stuff around in the studio and taking some time off outside the city so true story I borrowed my Dad's laptop while visiting and to avoid installing my node VPN app on his machine I simply added the node VPN extension to his browser for the duration of my stay it is a lightweight VPN that has the exact same features as the app it protects your privacy it lets you bypass a censorship and keeps you safe online anytime you can download this extension from the Chrome web store from the Microsoft store or even the Firefox add-ons page right now the best deal available online for node VPN is 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the top and you can pour all of it all at once [Applause] before I mean the machine is pretty cool but the fact that you have it in your living room is way cooler is that cool it's extremely cool and cool are synonyms okay yes a question about dehydration what are you aiming for we're doing 37 37 okay so that's actually pretty high for this machine it's always going to be a pretty soft neuter in there yeah I think so and that's kind of the goal is I want springiness typically when you're lowering the hydration you're getting a more firm brittle noodle yeah so I always tell people like exactly it's like the Al Dente quality of really good pasta has like a break-in quality it snaps almost snaps whereas a higher hydration noodle is like gum where it compresses and it's pretty nice that's breathy almost yeah yeah and that is because you've activated more gluten so that gluten gives you the bounce back in in the dough so the next part is what we are going to press this crumbly Shaggy mess because I want to slowly compress the dough so we get nice clean structure that machine is eating it so I'm just constantly pressing this in trying to get it nice and fed in there you want to try yeah yeah I like to just to give you a little tip I like to use my hand like this and kind of press it in here okay yeah press it in you want it to be as even especially during this video so I gotta pay attention to the sides right then correct because you do need to lose this is beautiful look at that yeah it's really nice it looks it's a nice dog okay 30 pounds of dough place it there I mean you probably want to do the lamination correct so we need to divide this roll in half we'll like this and now we roll I think we're about even what do you think I think so yeah cool so what Mike is doing right now is called lamination basically fusing two layers of dough into one which develops the gluten structure it's very similar to what I do in my studio but here on a whole nother scale it's funny because there is no struggle whatsoever well I'm sweating yeah I mean but the machine isn't the machine's like oh dough cool press it and you can see it look at how much smoother this is compared to this one that feels amazing oh wow it feels like almost with the machine this big and with that amount of Technology you're not gonna have to do anything but you still have to do tons and I think anybody who's made ramen long enough will tell you that it's not like a passive thing even with the machine that does so much final one sprinkles and because this is thicker the pressing time is a lot less right correct let's just make sure that it doesn't dry out right so at this point you want to rest the role of the again to develop the gluten so as we were working Mike's friend Charles who happens to be a Pit Master kind of sorted out a little lunch for us right now I'm just waiting for the dough to be ready and so you suggested that we have a little brisket tasting session look at that beauty this is probably going to be the first time that I have real American style barbecue I was expecting something delicious to be honest yeah but I didn't expect it to be that good yeah just another bite super quick yeah yeah what about this one so what's the next step the next step is thinning out the dough we have this really thick dough and we need to press it to the right width this is like five millimeters and you need to get it to uh 1.5 and we always want to keep dusting because we don't want this to stick so the cutter slips right into this area and it locks into place with these two things that are now covered in cornstarch oh what it didn't curl at all so what's the problem of the moment the noodles are not curling up right now what happened the spacing between the flaps is it might sound like a detail to you right who cares about curly noodles well we do because if the noodles don't curl up they don't pick up the broth they don't pick up the broth you get no flavors as you slurping no flavor means that the bowl will make no sense well the people are gonna be pissed and the whole pop-up is it's basically going to be a big miserable failure all right let's try this [Music] all right [Music] they look nice they look beautiful all this work all this stress it still turned out they're beautiful so please move that and then you can take this lid which will just prevent it from drying do we need to make another one right [Music] all the noodles are ready right so now we're moving to the restaurant right all right so let's go that is home service at its best foreign managed to make 300 portions of noodles I would be tempted to be coating this a success only if there wasn't so much more to do left worried maybe just a little touch but [Music] I'm really proud of what we accomplished today for me it's a one-time performance but it's pretty humbling to think that Mike is doing all this on a regular basis I mean it's crazy the guy has a daytime job it doesn't have to do this and yet he does by constantly sharing Ramen recipes online Mike has over the years started a movement this guy has profoundly changed the way we look at ramen in the west also Mike is about to quit his daily job and to open his own restaurant right here in Chicago what about that alright guys it's been a long long day of preparation I feel like we've done everything we can to make tomorrow's pop-up a success we sold 300 balls I must be stupid somewhere well we catch up in the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alex
Views: 267,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ramen, lord, mike satinover, chicago, alex, how to, noodles, perilla, popup, chef, restaurant, yamato, ramen machine
Id: SToriEigyZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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