Raising Rescued Baby Robins

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there were three birds in there but only two survived because I don't know how long it's been sitting there but that there's the oldest baby bird in there and then there's the also the youngest so the third one is actually just sitting over here because it was dead okay I was just the little tiny one the runt had a big hovers all over it oh I'm glad you rescued it from the ants but one of the ants been to its leg and it started to bleed a little bit I'm glad you rescued it from the ants oh you got some yellow on your neck so I'm not sure if they're Robins or what they are yeah that little one is a little poop out of your nest there you go legs that had a lot of blood and there was an ant there so I'm assuming that the ant was a little bit weak it might just be a wrinkled skin that's yellow so they are about the size of Robins but we as they grow we will figure out what they are okay and a little tiny one has a spot under the leg that's a little bit irritated and almost looked bloody and now yeah ants right there ants will eat them I'm very good at looking and holding at the same time that's okay oh I see it right on the nose oh okay oh and up on the thigh yeah yeah sorry I'm not very good at looking and holding and taking pictures [Music] yeah are you feeling yourself now if you want your grab you sure you are feeding yourself because I don't think you even really really want it do you yeah I see you just look at you're the one that's feeding yourself this branch that opens up for them to come out and there's more food outside so these guys are learning to eat their own I think they both are eating on their own but one more so than the other it's time for them to start exploring in the daytime this is my book dealer of angel this is 40 years of wildlife rescue stories and the wisdom of grandparents what's even more important than me autographing the books is that you get my Eagles autograph as well and the prophets really help us feed the sick intern or from the wildlife that we care for all right baby wondering where you were there's no strawberry want subscribe yeah that good Murray that's one of the fledgling roblins that came in to us oh I forget the date at least a month ago before its eyes was even open we had to and we opened their cages yesterday or actually the day before so they've been in and out for a couple of days now and I saw them both yesterday evening and one put himself back in the cage for the evening the other one stayed up in higher bushes so not sure who's who and the other ones probably around here somewhere I've been at works all day but they are eating food on their own but they're still learning that's what we call fledglings we still put out the soaked dog kibble forum and we put out riding the worms when I have time to go dig mill worm so I'll do that and sometimes they'll follow me out to the garden just to see what I'm doing and learned how to eat cute babies just sticks take one for ya hey what's up these babies home with me cuz it's been getting fed so I should take him to work and back here when Martin can't be feeding them and this little Robin I found it interesting he's been released for a few days now he put himself inside the cage and he's sitting here panting how this can be he doesn't realize it's cooler up in the lilacs and down in this cage there's more than breeze and ventilation so to go to Robin's we raised one kind of went more wild real quickly than the other one and lived more to the front yard and was begging from the wild Robins we have living in our yard and he's got a bunch better chance of the ones that are a little slower that could get used to people so that's why it's recommended not to feed wild animals you don't want them to get tame and dependent on people because that endangers their lives so even though these cage doors are open you can see they've been open all summer long and there's water water outside and you still chose to go inside I'm gonna move him out come here little guy and I know people want to help things the problem with the heat is he can just make them stress more and so you want to leave things alone in the heat and not say oh it's hot let me go put it in a shady place because wild animals it just stresses them out more and it makes them overheating more so don't do this with a wild animal just stay away leave it be this one was raised in captivity because its nest got blown down and he's just a little slow at learning and so that's the only reason I moved him up into the trees where there's a little bit better breeze but yeah most of time if it's extremely hot stay away - leave them being let them stay as cool as they can even though they're cute the other Robin but I heard of Robin out here and I know we have a pair but I thought I heard a baby actually I just saw one of my adult Robins it was begging from the adult Robin so he may have moved into the front yard I think this is the other baby returnless the other day that I haven't seen for a day hi my baby close enough of that spooking him hey jump he's up in the pine trees my baby you want strawberry oh yeah oh you want strawberry there's nope I'm doing good on my own all right [Music] you really make some effort this is way it looks every morning on get up talk a lot [Music] you
Channel: Southwest Wildlife Foundation of Utah
Views: 125,126
Rating: 4.825726 out of 5
Keywords: Robins, Robin, bird, wild bird, birds, baby birds, rescued, saved, released, wild birds, southwest, southwest wildlife, southwest wildlife foundation, wildlife, wildlife rehabilitation, rehabilitiation, southern Utah, Iron County, Utah, Cedar City, Martin Tyner, Healer of Angels, Cedar Canyon Nature Park
Id: 5SbR5zxgvOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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