Pet crow Growing Up!

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I'm gonna show you a scene from this horrible back alley that I was talking about that's my bike over there so as you can see this one's was an adult crow I can't think of any good reason for another crow to get killed on a back alley this is one young magpie here little magpie chica that has got killed here here's the other one as you can see and the third one is over there see this is the third one three young kamek by chicks dead on the same back alley within just 10 or 20 meters that's my bike over there this is horrible I think someone must have shot all these birds here as you can see at the back toe of his right foot is pointing forward we're gonna have to work on that otherwise he'll be crippled for life you we are trying to feed him in in every half an hour at least you know we're taking turns when one is working then another is feeding and the other way around now the the back toe is pointing to right direction oops hmm it's very clumsy you know he's out of the nest way too early he could just barely stand on his feet there's the pup checking out the new birds who crow that's not his name but we'll just call little crow for now [Music] you you see Little Crow this is just for ten days he wasn't like that perhaps forced his beak open something I got scared [Music] you so if well start with a little crow because he was in for him to check out the boat three weeks ago because he was new to you guys right and so what we did for him was his final physical exam we did find a little bit of lice parasites we treated him for that and as far as both of them that go they got a little bit of blood taken from their jugular you just need a couple of drops to go ahead and send away for boy or girl testing tell me what they are so we should get those results back hopefully in about a week or two now here's little crows results female little crow you're a girl but you're pretty girl you are [Music] peach are you ready so when you pick one of these peach that'll be the name for a Little Crow and it might say Little Crow who knows okay give it to peach do your picks each please got one put the ball over there yeah now she's going to get it from him there's cherry over there she's trying to get it it was here guys look find out look even Cassie's waiting what does it say what wow this is maple maple oh that's a nice name too maples good job peach peach did the pickin guys affected Cassie we got so many great name suggestions yeah I've never been able to make up our minds that's right you [Music] you
Channel: RpetsAndUs
Views: 1,875,479
Rating: 4.9406967 out of 5
Keywords: crow, american crow, corvid, corvidae, common crow, pet crow, crow for a pet, baby bird, caring for a bird, pet crow growing up, pet video, fun video, helping a bird, rpetsandus
Id: pl6wELKzVBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
Reddit Comments

I love how disgruntled he/she looks in the still image XD

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AuxiliaryVexes 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
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