DIY Concrete Overlay!

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what's up guys and welcome back to job site conditions right here on deco crete tv my name is jeff and on today's episode we're going to show you guys how to use a thin overlay to resurface your existing concrete slab now this is going to be a step-by-step video with all the tools and equipment that you're going to need so stay tuned and you're going to learn all about [Music] so today's project is going to rate as a 4 on our diy meter and the product we're going to be using is trowel overlay from deco creek so trowel overlay is an easy to use cost-effective product that will completely cover up old or damaged concrete at a fraction of the cost of removing and replacing your current slab now this overlay is a just add water product that is naturally a concrete gray color or you can add a wide variety of colors to make your transformation even more impressive so the tools and equipment we're going to need for today's job are a pressure washer a pump up sprayer a roller frame and some covers a mixer some spike shoes a magic trial and some paint brushes and a few basic concrete finishing tools like a few steel trowels and a broom now we're also going to need some surebond 100 just to prime the surface and a bag of easy patch for a few repairs and don't worry all these products are all linked right down in the description below so now that we're out here at the job site uh you can see that we got this porch right behind us here and this is gonna be what we're gonna do for today's project you know this homeowner is planning on doing stamp concrete you know where i'm standing right now and they just want to kind of freshen up this porch at a low cost and be able to kind of tie it all together so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and start the prep process which is basically going to involve this pressure washer right here you know again this is old concrete really what i need to do is i just need to thoroughly thoroughly pressure wash the surface and that's it now if this porch did have you know some sealer on it i might need to do something to break that sealer down you can use a product like knock off to chemically remove some of that sealer or we could go to a sandblast now if this is a smooth trout floor like somebody's basement or something like that honestly the best thing to do is just get your grinder on there and grind off that surface and you're good to go today's project however which is what most front porches are is just a simple pressure wash for proper technique and equipment please check out our video on pressure washing and we'll go through the whole process so we got everything washed off we just took a leaf blower and blew all the standing water off of this slab and then what we did is we just took a propane torch just to dry up these little areas you know you can see that these are just pop outs where uh you know there's a stone right under that and there's just a little bit of a weak surface of that concrete it blows the top out and we need to patch all those first and we're gonna use a product called easy patch to do that now you know we can worry about getting the rest of this slab dried out and we'll go to priming after all this easy patch is done but this is going to need a little bit of time to dry anyways so a couple things that we're going to need for applying this easy patch is first of all some sherbonne 100 primer now we're going to use that later on before we actually apply the overlay but for now all we're going to do is just take a little bit of that dump it into a little container and just you know paint it down into those spalted areas just to give us a primer so we got a good bond out of our easy patch we're gonna need you know a couple little trials just to kind of smooth this stuff out and do what we needed to do and i'm only really gonna worry about those spots that are a little bit bigger so anything that's under an eighth inch thick and if it's just a little uh speck you know of something that got scratched or got blown off my first coat my base coat of overlay is gonna take care of that but i do need to fill all these bigger ones so once i got them primed out all i'm gonna do is just mix a little bit of water with the easy patch we're not going to need very much so i'm just going to do it in a little small container just with a little handheld drill mixer you know other things you might need is just a brush to clean your tools off and a pair of gloves just so you don't get it all of your hands now just keep in mind the easy patch sets up really really fast if i had a lot of these little patches to make like on a bigger area you know i don't want to go making a half bag at a time i'm just going to make little batches that way i can continue to use it i'm only going to be able to use this for about 10 minutes and then it's too late it's really easy to tell when the easy patch is dried out and ready to move on um you can see how it turns to a lighter color rather than this darker color here and so as soon as that stuff is lightened up then we are ready to go and get started priming so for the primer stage of the project we're going to need a couple different things first of all this here sherbourne 100 primer and what we're going to do is we're just going to mix that half and half with water and then we're going to put it in the sprayer right here we don't need anything special honestly this is just a cheap little plastic pump sprayer i like these ones from shaping because they seem to last longer than anything else and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna spray that stuff right on the surface and just really saturate it out really well and then we're gonna follow that up just with a roller just to mop up any puddles make sure everything's covered real good and we don't have to even let this completely 100 dry we just need to uh you know make sure there's no standing water on it and we want that surface to be ssd and ssd stands for surface saturated dry which means that it's completely saturated yet there's no standing water and it appears to be dry on the top so as soon as we're at an ssd state then we're ready to go ahead and start mixing up our overlay and applying the base coat and you know you can see that that primer as it sits there for a second it's going to start to clear out and lose that white milky look that it had when we were putting it down and that that's okay um you know when the moisture from this mix hits that dry primer it will reactivate it again just keep in mind on a really really hot day might not be a bad idea just to miss that surface down just with water very lightly and that'll help you know reactivate that primer if things are drying out really fast now in order to um start mixing the great thing about this trowel overlay is that all we got to do is add water we don't need any additional polymer or anything like that it's all in the bag so the only thing that we're gonna the only thing other thing we're gonna do is we're gonna add this bag of color in there and there's a large variety of these to choose from and the great thing is super simple dosage one of these small bags will color an entire bag of overlay so all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna measure out my water i'm gonna dump it into my bucket and then i'm gonna go ahead and open this little guy up and you know dump all that powder out of there go ahead and give that water just a little bit of a stir maybe you know either with a paint stick or a little drill mixer just to get that thoroughly blended and as soon as that color is mixed into our water we just open up our bag of overlay dump it in and start mixing there's a pretty wide range of water that we can use here anywhere from five to six quarts now if i was going to be you know putting this down with the trowel and creating some texture you know i might want to keep it a little on that tighter side in this case today's application is all going to be done with the magic trial so i actually want it to be pretty good and loose so i'm gonna lean closer to that six quarts of water to get this stuff mixed up and then on really hot days you know just keep in mind you might need just an additional tiny bit of water just to make it easier for you and now it's a really good idea just to go ahead and let this material fall set for about another three to five minutes and what i like to do is you know during that fall set time i can go get all my final tools rounded up that i need and get everything ready to go and then after that three minute full set period go ahead and just stick your mixer back down in there and and give it a spin and if the consistency still looks the way you like it to be then go ahead and take it straight to the pad and start applying if you feel like you need to give it just a splash of water at that point go ahead and do that but now that we let it fall set and remixed it now we're going to be good for at least 15 to 20 minutes of working time all we're going to do is we're just going to take our magic trial and we're just going to smooth this stuff out and i like to use that trowel almost like a gauge you know again this this material is going down pretty thin so i like to use the sand that's in the material kind of as my gauge so if i can slick across it with my magic trowel and it's smoothing it out then i know i've got it on the right thickness you know if i have it on too thin it's just going to look really chattery from the sand and i don't want to put it on too thick or i'm going to end up with too much build so a little bit of feel with that magic trial a little bit of practice and and you guys are going to have it all we're going to do is just trial this out and that's it then we're just going to let it dry and then you know as this stuff dries up and again you'll be able to see that color lighten up just like we did in our easy patch and as soon as it all looks like that lighter color well then we can go ahead and go to our next coat um if you ever need to do if you guys are doing an inside floor and you want to try to make it a little bit smoother you can always run a sander over it you know between coats and that's going to help you guys get a smoother final product in this case broomed concrete not gonna worry about it so this porch is nice a nice flat area it's got the minimum slope needed for a water to actually drain off this concrete and so this is gonna be really easy because it's nice and flat now if you're on a driveway or something that's got a little bit more slope to it don't worry this stuff is it's going on thin and the viscosity of this material it's not just going to want to run off that driveway so don't be scared if you have an area that's a little bit steeper or if you have fronts of steps so we got our base coat all applied and now we're just uh letting this dry out so we can get on to our second application now as far as the next code is concerned this is where there's some different options you know pretty much any project you do everything we've done so far is gonna be exactly like we just did it but now we could do a few different things for this second coat we could use a trowel and we could trowel this overlay down and actually create texture with that trowel we could add you know tape for grout lines if we want we could cut lines in it to make a wood pattern tomorrow there's tons of different options if we're going to be troweling this stuff down we could also use a hopper or a drywall hopper gun and we could do a spray texture with this overlay now in today's case you know we're just going to re-broom this surface it was originally broom concrete and that's we're going to put back on it probably one of the most common uses of this overlay is just to resurface porches driveways sidewalks and re-broom them so everything that we're going to need we're going to mix the product exactly the same we're still going to need our spiked shoes we're still going to need our magic trial now what we're going to be using is just a normal concrete finishing broom here and one of the things that i that i do like is some sort of a bracket like this where i can adjust the angle and i'm also going to need a helper this time you know this is one of those things that man we really want that broom getting pulled across you know pretty much right after the trial and you know if i was by myself you know and the area's a little bit larger it's just really hard to trowel it down and then hop off and broom it and be able to make a nice product so we definitely want to help her for this step well guys that's pretty much it for the overlay process all we need to do now is apply some sealer once this thing has a day or two to cure out now d1 or dshield are both great options for sealing in this case we use d1 just to get the most out of our color if you guys have any questions on this please leave them in the comments right below and for information on in-depth live trainings for decorative concrete please go to deco dash and click on the training tab if you guys found this video helpful please let us know by hitting that like and subscribe button and if you're already subscribed don't forget about that bell icon so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos and it really helps our channel out so from all of us here at deco crete tv thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Deco-Crete TV
Views: 313,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qIEfPZC_1pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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