Raising Brahman Cattle with Briles Farm Brahmans (Meet My Neighbor)

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[Music] when I was 14 years old I showed 4-h beat steers on the island of Maui in Hawaii for two years in a row that would be my first experience with cattle and then when I turned 18 I was on my own and bought a piece of land I bought some goats and some cow wasn't I've raised commercial cows 20 plus years I go back to my 4-h years almost 30 years and six years ago we bought our first Brahman bull registered Brahman full of red one I do not know why I just thought they look so unique and I'd always told my husband you know that I wanted a red Brahma bull and so we saw one in the AG review paper we went to the elm tree farm and bought a bull I named him general Ambrose but his registered name was ET for elm tree for he was just an awesome bull and after that I was just hacked and I had to go get him girlfriends and we got rid of all the commercial cows and all our cows are registered these are mama cows and that baby's over there but you're not between them and their babies that's dolly she's pretty soon you look like a dog hungry and we breed for temperament hey being in my mid-50s I really don't want any ranked cows to look after I don't think I need them all to be oversized dogs oh I feel like this that have this personality though ensure that they don't have to leave my farm so do you want to know where calyx come from I've got my herd numbers so about where I want them this year we cap down a dozen registered Brahmans from Mama cows [Music] this is Spartacus Bismol and that's it mrs. mom yeah and Minnie Pearl this is why she's so sweet this one I have about a dozen more heifers that are up and coming that I like the one that was just kissing on me Minnie Pearl that by the time all my heifers that I have calves I mean get to where they're calving I'll have a little over 20 cows and that's plenty that's sort of my goal after that it'll sort of be coal out some of the older ones or you know just natural attrition of if they don't come back or some things like that and add every now and then a really nice quality one from a lot of my Brahmin friends I'd really have met so many amazing people because they're raising Brahmins that every time I meet somebody and go to their farm I'm like I want one of this I want one I want one of every brand including my own we eat treats to these big dogs you kinda need to be careful because they outweigh you and not lessen face too much you have Spartacus's full sister behind you and this is garnet she's super sweet tooth this is at what point you just don't want to make a really fast move that you don't want them you have dolly behind you big cap I run two separate style bowls so I have some cows here and some and my fall about a mile from here as the crow flies so I have to herd sires Spartacus that you Matt and Dakota read [Music] Khoda red is the daddy to about half of mine and this is Spartacus's full sister this is the mom this is I breathe for this temperament you guys they're big [Music] kenneth branagh brows form brahmins it's very very very supportive he loves the Brahmin cows as much as I do but he is a little bit more behind the scenes we met when I was about 25 and he was 27 and I had this farm and I needed a farmer it just worked out really good I had a couple goats at the time and a little pony for my son because of him we purchased our first cows commercial cows my grandparents both were farmers that was pretty common in this area though either farmed or you saw milled or made liquor about 50 years or with 75 plus that goes around here so they were farmers and I think they were more the consumers and the makers of the liquor so this is my silent quiet husband who works hard so that I can collect beautiful cows that true yep I think it was kind of a mutual decision we both talked about her how much we like red Brahmas and with the commercial cows it was just just such a tougher road and we just thought well you know maybe the registered herd and then the red Brahmas not being so common around here maybe it would be a sort of a niche market I don't know we just we saw one another so I had for a bull one day and we said let's go get it adventurous yeah it wasn't like we were already making a ton of money I mean it's very hard with commercial cows to break even though it was like live your passion your dream and if you're gonna be doing it do something you know yeah we both said God those cows with humps and log ears just look so cute [Music] for me I really enjoyed nurturing things and so any kind of livestock whether it was goats or cows but now our focus is these cows these Brahman cows this is Spartacus 3 the American grooming cow was the first registered breed created in America ok he's not the American Brahman is not the first cattle here so deer pians we brought over you know angus and the Herefords and the Shar ladies and European milk cows the jerseys and the Guernsey's and the Holsteins well ranchers down in Texas where it's very hot and humid and swampy but those cows didn't thrive after a year or two they just quit having calves they just weren't thrifty so some ranchers down in South Texas we're gifted some cattle from India the country of India and some cattle from South America and these cattle were like the heat they're from hot places so they used the gear and the lure the goos are at and a few other lesser breeds to create the American Brahman cattle the American Brahman cattle so it was the first registered breed of town in America since the American Brahman they have used it to create all sorts of other breeds in this country some of them are really easy to figure out that would be the brain gift beefmaster char braised Santa Gertrude's and galbi and why they use the American Brahman in those cross as a they call the common denominator is because you get hybrid vigor you get they have a great feed conversion better than European cows their heat tolerant their disease resistant so many things so having part Brahman in those other registered breeds really in you know it's just a great recipe it's kind of like your baking you put sugar and everything right so Brahmins are sort of like that the Heritage lined the gear than the lure the goos are he's gear style America mean he's Brahman the characteristics of Brahmans are these big ears in these humps and probably about 70% of Brahman or gray or white and the others are red and so he's kind of heritage style of gear Brahman part of those characteristics are he's a little bit taller they have the gear have really nice dispositions they're typically red or speckled but then kind of come in a lot of colors the mama gear cows make a lot of milk they have a much more domed head they have maybe a little bit longer ear sometimes they'll call it a banana ear because it curves a little bit more than some of the other Oakland Brahman when we go look at the show heifers you're gonna see more the American style it's a little just a little more beefy maybe but I mean there's still all the same breed their American Brahman what I do with the register Brahmans it's called seed stock my calves are seeding other people's breeding programs but it is ultimately because of steaks and hamburgers that we all have a business I mean that's the ultimate that's why we raise them okay now Spartacus will never be somebody's hamburger steak no one will ever eat this I love this bull and he'll die on my farm is birthed in my face so but seedstock is a lot nicer to raise in my opinion and commercial cows where everything just goes to the sale barn once a year and I meet a lot of amazing people because of this breed of cows our goal is to get people to realize how awesome brahmins are Adam yeah get on tree show me half dagger like just stuff watch out it's like feeding the hungry hippo the way their tongue is it's hard for them to get it out of that way [Music] that's okay to slobber do you want me to pet you [Music] oh you just want some love is that okay we're at there oh gosh I thought yeah is there a sweet spot for you a whole handsome bull way no is there a sweet spot Brahmans hide has lanolin in it like sheep my friends and I call it hump grease and say it's the best therapy for everything it helps them with a bug and disease resistance interesting but their skin is just a little bit oily come up here and pet him especially while I'm rubbing this dewlap he's just gonna love that he's an animal hmm he's a big strong and I'm just being really sweet huh what's on him a skirt a gold swim can get eat a picture of you sitting right there for just a second you hold on to the hump you're not going anywhere and your mom's not in the way okay you wanna try and you can set your bottom right here do any you want you and your mama can still hold your leg okay you'll be a cowboy sit right here hold on to the house on your mom [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] you're a cowboy riding a Brahman bull you can grow up PBR now you don't have it in your blood smart like an equine almost more than they are like commercial cows the respect that you give them it's kind of like with people or anything you know you you treat them with respect and dignity and they'll return a lot of it back they need to be handled fairly they can be very ranked because they're very smart and and if you don't treat them fairly they're like fine screw you I'll just go run over you or I'm gonna jump that fence or I'm just yeah yeah if you're thinking you're gonna be thinking ahead island be careful because there are doubt cause if you're not on your toes they'll be thought around you and be out in front I guess it's important to for the beginner or people that don't have livestock they'll be aware of what you're getting into it's kind of like a child you can't throw them in the playpen and go to the beach and come back in it you know they've got to have you to a little bit of dedication and you got it you got to do your job and you need to do it pretty close to right you know and keep them look after and taken care of no shortcut not meaning no and when you see it see them not being taken care of and all that that's heartbreaking yeah enough tough block will come your way sooner or later you know that's that's not what you want to see you wish those folks with queer [Music] and then snow else day must build we've eaten about two-thirds of our onions they have to drive here's something I do to all my cows and cows that I meet of other people yes they have a good sense of smell and they smell each other and blowing each other's nose but they're just sort of a greeting and then they're like oh yeah well it's not so scary sweet so this is why I fell in love with this breathe it has so much more personnel of the year so registered brahmins are a little bit on the pricey side you can get a registered weaned brahmin heifer for probably somewhere between 35 and 65 hundred dollars now bulls are bound price only because how many Bulls do you need and things not that they're any lesser now of course some of the very top lines in Texas I'm sure there's bulls and and genetics that bring over 100 grand you know at some of these but in this area you're looking at about that price range these are all girls they're half ours pepper juice is a term that means she hasn't had a calf yet aDNA do you want to meet a star because of where she came from and her lines and how highly bred she is she was cosmetically biforn that means when she was a little calf they sliced the hide open they took the horn buds off they shaved her head to look like she was a cold animal which is a Brahman that naturally is it gonna create horns and their breeding lines of polled Brahmins just so that people don't have to be born because that's a little gruesome sometimes so I do it very young on my caste ID horn with a iron that and I do it when they're just a week old take it over so that's why she has a very pointy because she was cosmetically she had plastic surgery her top knot is a little pointy this is a little bit more moderate looking but when you do this when they're young you're not exactly sure how it's gonna come out when she was a calf she came out of Texas okay she's an embryo cap what that means this cooling that when there's full sisters there four days apart okay but they're full sisters how's that happening their mom was a donor cow and they collected ovum's from I see and then in a petri dish they put semen in and created an embryo and then the embryos were put in recipient cow gotcha so similar to how artificial well like IVF yeah or any vitro fertilization yeah there we go that's the word I was looking for their sire is a bull called HK x-ray eight to five and what's really interesting about him is he is a clone of a very famous bull interesting it was 3x HK x x-ray I believe I may have his name wrong so there sire is a replica HK cattle which is Henry fences original herd system really foundation stuff and when she does that I'll be like you can't control your liquor in there so most all of my other calves and heifers here natural born just means they were made the regular she was born May 26 she's a year and a couple months old so she's gonna be huge she's gonna be bigger than Spartacus so brahmins live longer than these european cows but they don't mature at that so they're not done growing till 3 or 4 years old they do not hit breeding age to about 24 months so like a Black Angus cow could probably get pregnant at a year possibly if it's a little younger and a Brahman bull can perform at that age typically you wouldn't want these European breeds to have you won't have their first calf at about 2 years old a Brahman is not even going to get pregnant till it's 2 years old but there are Brahman cows still having calves at 20 years old and that would be unheard of for these European breeds another thing I like about them with their heat tolerance especially in our August here in July kind of summers is that there have been studies done and a Black Angus cow per thriftiness starts to go downhill when the temperatures hit 80 degrees not that you know she's suffering but her thriftiness of how she's gonna eat and everything else is going downhill at 80 degrees in the Sun she's gonna be seeking shade and water and not grazing as much Brahmans aren't affected by the heat to about 95 our hundred degrees so when you have these black gang gets to seek in the shade and not eating the Brahmans are just laying in the Sun going it's just getting just right I like that the longevity although they don't mature as fast they live a lot longer so I like that too about them how can you tell whenever one of your brahman aren't happy they're having a but if their attitude Eeyore house I mean is it just okay what throwing themselves around a little bit we saw that our the one she was just kind of placed tighter when they're relaxed and they'll stand and they'll drop their head or if they'll chew their cud or if they'll swallow and do those kinds of things they're very relaxed because if they're on alert they're not going to be thinking about eating or just standing there gonna be tense just a lot like a horse they're they're gonna be tighter muscle the heads gonna be up the eyes are gonna be a little more open they're gonna be watching their surroundings more there you have that you know fight or flight and that respawn they're not quite as quick responders as horses our horses probably have some of the fastest reflexes the cattle can be pretty quick if they're startled yes scary yeah if she doesn't want you around she's just had a baby and she's being very maternal and protective they will shake their head at you first oh really you know and it's kind of you know and they may kind of blow like a deer but it's a cow blow you know it's you know kind of a warning and they would much rather scare you with the head shake in the snort not scare you but get you to leave if you don't they may put their head down and I have some I call it a bluff they will take two or three steps with their head down like they're taking you out and some don't block all right all this extra skin perfect so what makes them a little more heat tolerant is that per square inch they have about 20% more sweat glands than a European cow well also all this extra skin she is about 20% more skin than a European calf so that combined gives her a better ability to and dissipate heat in the winter when it's really cold they can take that skin and kind of scrunch it up and it kind of get a little more insulation roaming cattle are definitely made for warm weather they can handle the cold just fine I personally love that I have this big barn and they can come in anytime it's cold or rainy they can handle the cold especially if they were to have a windbreak and adequate beef there's Brahmin there's a Brahmin herd registered Brahmin herd up in Canada so they can handle the cold weather what they don't do very well is most Brahmin folks don't like to calves in really cold weather a lot do but they probably have a good barn and they probably have a stall that they can heat or put a heat lamp in but for me personally my bull is in six months out of the year I care from about mid April to November don't you my pecan tree when it's warm weather the calves just start a lot lot better so a Black Angus you would not want to calves her in August in September it's just too hot for her that's perfect oh oh love me if I walk out just when they're out grazing and I have a brush in my hand I get mobbed like this is another favorite place like I won't use the term pulse or breaking I'll say halter training right they're just so smart gentle and just means getting them used to desensitize like a horse you know when I ween my calves off of their mamas the first thing I do is that we numb in a group and I fence line we sow the Mamas see them on the other side you were gonna fall over so I felt fine Wiens because it's a lot less stressful and then and they get fad and I'll put them in a small pen as a group and like maybe have a stick with a brush on it and I'll just get them used to it some are naturally curious and let me touch up but that's just gentling you know I don't rough house them I don't throw a whole turn time to post right off and let them fight it out and figure it out I want them these counts to me have so much personality and so sweet the gentling them I think you just get a nicer sweeter animal so when I got this cow I'm she got here in April she was not halter broke so but she had a sweet personality so I was made friends with her with a brush and treat and she just had a really nice personality anyway so the first time I put a halter on her I just let her drag a lead rope and what would happen is when she'd step on it she's gonna go oh I'm stuck and she'd learned to give to it the next thing was to kind of tie her to a post but stay there and she kind of pulled she'd be like oh and in about five minutes or less they learned to just stand there with the loose lead see she's gonna step on our lead and wait where she'll have to move her foot look she can't move that she has her self talk but this is exactly how you do with the little weanling calves you know you let them drag a rope in a safe area where you can watch them you don't want them getting tangled or hurt but they learn to kind of give then after I've tied him to a post and they learned to stand loosely tied I just take their lead rope and I just asked for a step or two she's just a young weaned cash she's a little big for that I can't if she's stubborn pulled this calf straight okay it would be a tug-of-war she weighs more than me so you just pull them in a circle just kind of like a horse cuz you can pull them off Center pretty easy and then they learn to kind of give to that and stuff so it's just it's just a prop don't you eat like a cancer if I give you she's sniffing back and she's looking at you nasty he just made friends of it that's the first secret I'm not sure I was supposed to give it away of being a Brahmin whisperer let's just put her nose up to breathe on you again oh my make friends okay so she's a good example of the Brahmin I to see how she can protect it so easily there's a her breed Hereford one of the things her efforts are known for is I can't okay very predominant thing and if you wanted to know which breed had it the most it would be her okay Brahmins have it be very least it's almost unheard of an including the disease pinkeye that cows can get that can be carried by flies they're very resistant to that this is when I say she can't hold her liquor properly right yes it's like a cat tongue big tongue out there there's lots of pictures [Laughter] [Music] what's your favorite part about Brian's farm I guess just getting out in the fields and you know and connecting with God you know out on my own and away from people and the hustle and bustle and that sort of to me yeah [Music] I always want people to feel like they can call and come meet these Perlman cows or meet us and see what we're doing I've met so many amazing people and it doesn't matter if you're buying a cow right now you just want to learn about the brief contact us we are always happy to give you a hand full of treats and you know try to protect you but let the nice cows come meet you but Brahmin cows sometimes have to be experienced you know we're not fancy most all our money goes into our cows the land and just a good simple honest life but we are always happy to share that philosophy with people absolutely thank you guys for taking the time and sharing it okay Oh [Music] you see Abner I was gonna say if he wanted a quick corrected ride oh yes number feet you're fine you're gonna make that boys night he loves tractors [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Yanasa TV
Views: 480,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brahman Cattle, Red Brahman Cattle, Brahman Cattle Care, Brahman Cow, Brahman Heifer, Brahman Bull, American Brahman, Raising Brahman Cattle, Brahman Cattle Characteristics, Brahman Cattle Temperment, Brahman Cattle Pictures, Brahman Cattle Videos
Id: qmvpk-0cu_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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