I bought a USED BMW for only $725, Here's the reality,

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[Music] hey how's it going guys this is  a 2003 BMW 5 series and it's been sitting   in a garage for 3 years as you can see the  entire car is covered in a thick layer of dust and there are spiders  living behind the steering wheel at a glance the car looks like well it's it's in decent condition so why  is this car sitting I found this car on a used   car website for just $1,150 that sounds like an  absolute bargain for a car that was originally   sold for $100,000 today 20 years later the  average asking price one of these cars is   around $55,000 but the owner is only asking  $1,150 looking at the description says the   car has a Bloon head gasket and a flat battery  finding a car like this raises questions for   many people like how expensive it is to fix a  car like this where can you buy the parts from   are these DIY cars so if you have any of these  questions then this video is for you because I'm   on my way to buy this car and that is where  you guys join the journey and there is the car wow headlights are all faded that's an  easy fix front windows open that could be   a bad window regulator the condition of  the body panels looks really good good   Reflections on the paint everything  looks original good beige leather interior wow that's a classic BMW interior  all right that's enough looking it is time   to meet the owner all right I spoke  with the owner and he was happy to   negotiate and I just bought the car for  $725 now that's what I call a bargain   I called in a tow truck and he's here  already so it is time to take this car home after a long drive the kai is home taking  a walk around the car the front bumper is hit   right on the parking sensors good brand new tires  looking at the interior there are no scratches on   the w panels no FedEd letters on the buttons  everything seems to be in original condition   the only thing I see broken in this interior  is this air vent which is very easy to replace   speaking of replacing if you look under the  hood the oil filter the air filter cabin air   filters they are all easy to get to there's  your alternator there's your ignition coils   and spark plugs there's your fuel injectors  everything is easy to get to so so regular   maintenance in this car is something anyone  can do at home just to show you that this is   definitely a DIY friendly car and now I'm  going to connect the car to a car battery   so we can check the car's Electronics  okay the wipers work so let's try the key and the car is back to life the display   is good no dead pixels we have 196,000  km that's about 120,000 Mi lights work 10 signals they work got some dead pixels on  the radio people would love a photo with a Kaa but everything else works the fan works electric steering column that works electric windows  that works that works that works okay that doesn't work so need  new window regulator there electric [Applause] mirrors they work interior lights they  work sunroof works electric memory seats that works electric passenger seat okay that doesn't work you can see the SE  is twisting but that's an easy fix and the only   other thing I found broken in the car is the  adjust for the headlight level but that's an   easy fix as well so let's plug in a scan tool to  the car and see if the computers having issues all right the scan is done and we have a few  issues the instrument cluster has four issues   tank Sensor 2 is faulty that is the sensor  for the fuel gauge terminal 15 voltage Supply   that is the ignition switch EGS signal line  Disturbed that is the transmission computer   and the last one is the ABS computer well this  one is easy when you turn on the ignition to   start the car the instrument clust is  communicating with the fuel sensor to   know the fuel level and with the computers to  do a safety [Music] check but when you have a   dead battery or one that is getting weak the  instrument cluster can communicate with any   of these sensors and computers so that's why  you have these errors next we have an airbag fault same reason again parking  sensors have two codes we have two   bad transducers those are are the damage  parking sensors on the front bumper the   radio has one code transport mode active  that means all the active systems like   the remote key has been turned off to save  the battery the body control module has six codes not enough voltage for the electric  monitors and finally the immobilizer well   the same reason again so there's nothing wrong  with the c computers this guy just needs a new   battery so let's get to it when replacing a  car battery you remove the negative terminal [Music] [Applause] first and then on the new battery you install  the negative terminal last so you won't short   out the positive terminal on the car's chassis  and the battery is done all right the next   thing you want to check before you start  the car is the coolant and it is complete   complely empty and we have coolant residue  everywhere now that tells you there's been   a leak so all you can do for now is just  add new coolant moving on to the engine oil the oil level is full and there is no  sign of coolant in oil that is interesting   now there are a few more things you have to  check before you start a car like this that's   been sitting like checking for stuck piston  rings and I have done all that but I'll show   them in the next video because now it's time  to start this car for the first time after 3 years all right things are looking  good no startup rattles there's no   engine [Applause] knocking no coolant leak so far no white or blue smoke coming out of the  tail p P but I can certainly hear a small misfire you guys hear that that is a misfire but   everything else is looking  good so let's go for a test drive okay the power steering is  very smooth no binding now when you   test drive a car like this you want  to get the car up to a decent speed   to make sure the transmission is going  through all the gears without slipping well I can feel the gear changes are  very smooth and so is the ride now   this is why you buy a BMW 5 series  The Ride is really good nice and stable the brakes feel strong doesn't  pull to a side no vibrations in the   steering wheel and even after  a decent drive the car is not   overheating either so not bad at all for  $725 so let's go home and check on the head [Music] gasket okay that's the coolant  leak I was talking about that's a tiny   crack on the coolant tank and if you  listen you can hear the coolant is boiling that's because when there's a leak the  cooling system can't hold the pressure so the   boiling point of the coolant drops below  the operating temperature of the engine so   the coolant starts to boil so this is normal but  the problem is a bad head gas can also do this so   before you can check the head gasket you need to  fix the leak so let's get to it first you remove   the bleeder screw then remove all the horses  attached to the tank unplug the coolant level   sensor remove the old tank install the new tank  connect everything back together reinstall the   beder screw and the tank is done all right now  we need a radiator pressure tester kit like this   to see if the system is holding pressure so first  you add in some coolant then attach the tester to   the tank pump the system up to about 15 psi like  that and then check for leaks and look what I just found the water pump is leaking too so  you need a new water pump as well and   you start with removing the fan for this  you need a fan clutch wrench satellite   like this you use one range to loosen the  fan while using the other to hold the fan pulley and then move the fan out of the way now  remove all the horses attached to the fan shroud   so you can remove the fan shroud now while I have  easy access I'm going to replace the thermostat   as well so remove the lower and upper radiator  hes from the thermostat remove the bolts that   hold the thermostat in place unplug the electrical  connection then with a little pull the thermostat   comes right out to remove the water pump first  you loosen the water pump pulley remove the DK   cap on the tensioner pulley release the tension  on the serpentine belt like that move the pulley   out of the way then remove the nuts on the water  pump thread two Bolts from the thermostat into the   extraction holes on the water pump housing  like that and the water pump comes right out that noise is the bad bearing  seals so this water pump is definitely   bad after cleaning the old gasket  Material off the mountain surface   and lubricating the oing with silicon  paste you can slide in the new water pump and then to it down to 10 Newton M now before you install the new  thermostat it is best to use some   gasket maker on the mountain surface  for a better seal and then tighten the   bows to 10 Newton M then put the water  pump pulley back on put the belt back on plug the electrical connection back  on reinstall the upper and lower radiator hoses put the tension and P dust  capab back on put the fan shroud   back on reattach the coolant horses  to the fan shroud reinstall the fan attach the coolant tank back on  the fan Shrout and you are ready to   refill the cooling system so first you  remove the two bleeder screws then you   start adding coolant into the tank when the  coolant start coming out of each bleeder   hole you put the screws back on and then  with the fan on and the heater on the max heat you start the engine and leave it running at  operating temperature for about 5 minutes after   that you shut off the engine wait for it to cool  down and then you can can top up the tank to the   correct level and you are done and now you can  properly check the head gasket now for those who   are new to fixing cars the engine of a car is  a two-piece design on the bottom half you have   the engine block also known as the crank Cas  which houses the combustion Chambers and the Pistons and on the top half you have the engine  head which houses the intake and exhaust valves   and the purpose of the head gasket is to  seal the engine head to the engine block   so it has to seal the combustion Chambers  as well as the oil and coolant passages   that run between the head and the block so  when you have a failure in the head gasket   the symptoms you see varies depending on where  it fails so if the failure is between oil and   coolant passages then you can have oil in the  coolant or coolant in the oil that looks like a milkshake like this but we already checked  the oil and the coolant and as you can tell   they are clean all right if the failure  is between a coolant passage and outside   or between an oil passage and outside or  between a combustion chamber and outside   then you're going to have oil leaks  or coolant leaks or carbon deposits on   the engine block near the head gasket so I'm  going to use a boroscope camera to check the block all the way around and as you can tell we don't seem to have  any leaks on the Block either all right   if the failure is between combustion chamber  and a coolant passage then you have combustion   gases leaking into the cooling system so  to check that you need a combustion gas   leak tester kit like this the kit comes  with a test tube and a bottle of testing   liquid you set up the test tube on the  coolant tank add testing liquid to the tube then start the engine and get it  to the operating temperature and then   you squeeze the bulb to suck air  through the liquid this liquid can   change its color from Blue to Yellow  when exposed to combustion gases like this but as you can tell there's no difference in  color so there's no failure between the combustion   Chambers and the coolant passages either so the  coolant overflowing us so earli is just coolant   vapers expanding from the boiling because the  system couldn't hold the pressure because of the   leaks we had in the system all right if the  failure is between a combustion chamber and   an oil passage then you have Rising pressure in  the cran case and the last failure you can have   is between two nearby combustion Chambers this  allows the combustion gases to pass in between   the chambers so you can have engine misfiring  with no trouble codes and this engine is misfiring so to check these two possibilities you   have to do a compression test using a  compression tester and a cylinder leak   down tester you start with with removing  all the ignition coils and all the spark plugs then remove the fuse for the fuel pump   which is F 22 so you don't have any  fuel coming into the engine as you crank now this engine has 10.2 to1  compression ratio multiply that by   atmosphere Eric pressure the minimum rating  you should see is 149 PSI so thread the   compression gauge into the spark plug hole  and then crank the engine six times to see   the rating cylinder number [Music] one 195  PSI W that is really good cylinder number [Music] two 190 psi cylinder number three 190 PSI again cylinder number four 190 psi cylinder number five 195 psi cylinder number six 100 95 PSI now that is very good  very consistent compression ratings   on all six cylinders moving on to the  leak down test first you zero out the tester and then using a screwdriver and a  break bar get each piston to the top dead   center in the compression cycle like that and  then attach the tester to the spark plug hole   to see the reading cylinder number one no leak  cylinder number number two no leak cylinder number three there's no leak cylinder number four  there's no leak cylinder number five no leak   cylinder number six there's no leak and that  is 100% confirm that this guy does not have   bad head gasket and boy do I feel good so there  you go that is unbelievable so it seems someone   misdiagnosed this car but now the question is  why is this car misfiring all right let's start   with the basics using a chip scan tool that you  can use with your phone all right for an engine   to fire properly the air to field ratio should  be 14.7 to1 so your engine has a mass air flow   sensor to measure the air flow going into  the engine and an oxygen sensor to measure   the air that's been used for the combustion  this car has two oxygen sensors one for the   bank one the first three cylinders and one  for the bank two the last three cylinders so   using these three sensors the computer can  control the fuel delivery at the injectors   at the correct ratio this is called the  short-term fuel trim so if you select that you can see the computer is  adding 27% more fuel to keep the engine running so either you have more air  coming in through a vacuum leak so   the computer is trying to compensate  that by adding more fuel or you have a   bad sense of giving wrong information to  the computer so let's check the sensors first all right a good oxygen sensor should  rate between 0.1 volts and 0.9 volts when operating so we have that and as a  rule of thumb a good mass airflow   sensor should read close to 2 G of air per  second per 1 lit of engine displacement at   1,000 RPM so this 3 L engine should  have close to 6 G of air at 1,000 RPM so we have that and then  close to 12 G at 2,000 RPM we have that and then close to 18 G at 3,000 [Applause] RPM we have that so the response  is good within the entire rail   range as well so the sensors are  fine but notice when the rails go up the fuel trims come down now  that is a classic V vacuum leak sign when more air is coming through  the mass airflow sensor the air coming   through the leak become less noticeable so  there's no need to add more fuel so this gu   definitely has a vacuum leak so to find the  leak I'm going to use a smoke machine but   most people don't have these machines so  to do this at home first you want to get   an empty paint can like this with the lid  I'm using a jar that is heat proof just   so I can demonstrate this better and then  drill two holes on the lid install two B fittings attach some tube into  the fittings fill the jar with   wood chips and charcoal light a fire to create smoke and then as you blow into one tube the smoke comes out of the other  and there's your very own smoke machine all right after removing the mass airflow  sensor you can blow smoke into the intake   Boot and right away we have smoke coming out  of the intake boot so that is one leg and it   is also coming from underneath the intake  manifold as well it's kind of hard to see   where the smoke is actually coming from  so you have to remove the upper intake boot and then this little valve called  the diesel valve and then the lower intake boot move the dipstick out of the way so now  you have enough room to look around and look   what I just found the oil return line on the cran  Cas ventilation valve is broken look at that this   house is 20 years old and you can see the rubber  is sort of starting to melt so guess what it is   time for new ventilation well with all new hoses  and you start off by removing the dip stick then   unplug all the electrical connections undo the  bolts on the wiring box move that out of the way remove the idle a control  valve remove the throttle body and now you have access to the crank  Cas ventilation valve and the broken oil   return line all right first you're going to  disconnect all the horses connected to the   well now these hoses have Push locks  so you pinch the tabs like that and pull all right now you loosen the  cran case ventilation valve remove   the lower hose get that out of the way  the upper hose has a Twist lock so you   turn the hose 90° counterclockwise and  Pull and the crank is ventilation W is   out now remove the old upper hose install  the new upper hose Slide the new ventilation   valve into place match up and turn the  upper hose 90° clockwise to Lo it in place then put the screws back in  Slide the new low hose in snap it in   place remove the blind plug from the old  well install it on the new well install   the new oil return line and you are  ready to put everything back together   all right the throttle Bo is dirty so  with a little cleaning and with a new gasket you can put it back on and then tighten the bolts to 10 Newton  M now put the idle a control well back on   move the wiring box back into place and plug  all the connector test back in all right now   remove the broken oil return line from the  dipstick connect the new oil return line to   the dipstick put the dipstick back in reinstall  the lower intake boot put the DC back in install   the new upper intake boot put the mass air  flow sensor back on put the airbox back together replace the remaining h on the intake  manifold so you can snap all the horses back   into place now the purpose of the crank Cas  ventilation valve is releasing the excess   pressure inside the engine into the intake  manifold while returning any oil vapers back   into the engine and since it is connected  directly to the W cover any leak on the Val   cover like this may still cause a vacuum leak  so to fix the leak properly you need a new W   cover gasket as well all right so first you  remove the cabin air filter then remove the   ground ground wire unplug all the ignition  coils and then move the wiring handers out   of the way then remove the ignition coils and  loosen the bolts that hold the Val cover in place and then with a little pull the  vow is out now this gasket is so old   that it just crumbles so remove the old  [Applause] gasket and install the new gasket now this well covers ttin  to leak oil at the front where the   head and the timing cover meat right  here so using a dab of gasket maker on   the front gives you a better seal after  cleaning the mainting surface with some Degreaser put the well cover back on and  then talk it down to 10 Newton M from middle out and you are done now let's see what we have well the field trims are  back to normal and the misfire is gone here's the before and this is how the car sounds now bearing like a kitten so now I can start  restoring the car and that brings us onto the   most important question where to get the  parts from and how much do they cost well   I only use OEM or genuine parts and I buy them  from online stores so the new w gasket $33 crank   case ventilation valve $114 coolant tank $40  thermostat $60 intake boot $22 and the water   pump $47 now I'm going to replace few more things  in the car as preventive [Music] maintenance so a   new radiator $160 new radiator horses including  genuine coolant $240 the oil pan gasket is   leaking new gasket $122 power steering lines  are leaking new lines with the reservoir $74   transmission oil cooler lines are starting to  leak new lines $165 tiro DS have play on both sides New Roads including new boots $88 moving  on to the cosmetic repairs the windshield cow   is cracking new cow $88 the windshield molding  is disintegrating new molding $28 new regulator   for the front window $146 the door seal on the  driver side is cracking new door seal $112 seat   based covers are damaged new covers $98 a new aen  for the dashboard is $160 but I found a used one   from the junat for $30 new level adjusters for the  headlights $9 two new mold for the headlights $20   and finally there's filters in oil which I'm not  going to price out because that is something all   cast need so even with a few extra parts I ordered  for future repairs the total for me including the   difference in exchange rates and shipping is  $1,949 at $725 purchase price of the car and   $150 for the towing the total cost of buying and  properly restoring this car back to its original   condition is only $2,824 the market value for  the car is around $5,000 so that's more than   $2,000 in profit if I want to sell the car to a  buyer goes to show you that if you work on your   own car then you can drive any car you want and  I'll be restoring this car in a series of upcoming videos as always if you like the video  press that like button leave a comment   down below let me know what you guys think  all the tools I used in the video as well   as the links to my cool new MH are down  in the description so go check them out we have cool stuff for everyone and if  you want to see more DIY videos just like   this one subscribe to the junky DIY guy  Channel and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Junky DIY guy
Views: 1,540,627
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Keywords: How to buy a first car, Used car buying guide, How to buy a used car, Used BMW buying guide, How to tell if a head gasket is bad, How to do a compression test, How to start a car that's been sitting, Abandoned car restoration, Car restoration, Satisfying car wash, How to do a combustion leak test, Abandoned BMW
Id: 2jTe_wpe-7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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