Rainbow Wahine Volleyball 2018 - Hawaii Vs Portland

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[Music] and a with vent we welcome you inside the Stan Sheriff Center Kanoa Leahey and Chris McLaughlin let's take a look at the Kaiser Permanente keys to the match well from the Portland pilots Wilma gets to the crowd jitters they're used to playing in front of get this 400 people per match this year tonight it could be 14,000 or more for Hawaii track shoes on because this office have to be facing is fast Portland pilots coming in with an unblemished 7 head record they have been exactly bought up against some of the elite programs in the country that 7 and OH start highlighted by a pair of wins over San Diego State including a sweep victory over the Aztecs last night here in this tournament also a five-set win over Wyoming and they open the season with a victory against Cal State Bakersfield Hawaii serving first and the set goes to the middle and it's put down immediately maybe Barker 6/1 redshirt junior from Los Altos California averaging a little over two kills percent why are you coming in three and two their first two matches of the season for the first time getting swept in back-to-back matches at home to open a year they have ripped off three straight victories they just seem to be getting better each match let's hit the same thing happens tonight a father goes outside to McKenna last night was one of those nights we gotta burn out the 19 kills hit for 10 and just hitting rockets just like that all night long eight kills of the first set she was on fire clientele that seemed starting lineups she has recorded double figures and kills hope I've mentioned so far this season three points win overwhelming by there was a good one roaming at the time was ranked about number 34 I think they're getting votes in the poll so I was a decent win they had to feel good about follow from her knees goes back set to angel Gaskin it's dug up I bought it's rotated out of the lineup at the moment but Natasha burns getting the start in the middle for Hawaii won a spot with that performance last night and she played well during practice during the week [Applause] with some heft six-two junior from Kihei Maui it's not of Seabury Hall they transfer from Nevada how about this she played in this celebrated challenges last year and here she is now in 2018 as a member of the Portland violent rumors are they checked she checked Portland's schedule found out they were payments classic Gaskin do a better job I think I've seen the block and just making wiser shot selections a special equation strip starting to hit more line across her body and hitting down the line challenging that in blockers hands remember after the first weekend Gaskin was hitting like negative 600 here she is now in positive figures for the season as a 5 for Lucic pumped up by Castillo great job to keep it alive by Tita Q advantage though for Portland off the sibling block attempt and out so a Kirsten Sibley sighting here for the second time this season worldwide eight six two genders developers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it is music to serve marina SIA goes middle to leave a block back covered by Sibley liebe second time [Applause] segment of the broadcast about Sara Lee but she has a magnetic personality an infectious smile and she certainly has brought some positive energy to this Rainbow Wahine program very articulate as well very mature solid solid leadership and what an athlete and what a journey because she described in her college athletics career a great dig back over the night by Rico Aquino overpass we both couldn't put it down free ball coming here for Hawaii you'll see a has some options goes outside the Granato [Music] [Applause] kept the ball alive tip the rally going renato finishes as usual rico keno now out of Kalani high school back behind the end line research set goes high in a way it's Reagan Lucas the top hitter for the pilots his Granato that from dug up by Kerry Williams another but what he product here for this point in pilots squad middle set Liva that's basket ball foot shot that she probably used a couple of times at Hawaii Pacific it's returned gears Granato big swing big kills such a great heart she really doesn't need to jump honestly is just a completely of beauty nice high bump set my OC of the block takes her cross-court angle she sees the block shipped over this so she comes back across her body down the line great shot female into the mid you're right about that arms swing by Granato though she cracks the whip when she goes into her arms just absolutely detonates on occasion Robin mo Santos their second year atop the program on the sidelines for Hawaii here's Carrie Williams out of high school three pigs last night 15 bigs in an ace against San Diego State so an interesting energy anytime you have a team on the opposite side of Hawaii in this arena where you have a lot of local flavor and the seats a lot of family a lot of friends and they're really verbose up there were something there's a loud ovation for Williams she brought the booty was up there I think step out move sporting yeah the big game on the grid is waiting for the Red Raiders going up against st. Louis middle said here's burns and dug up by Kelly Thompson so bump set goes to the opposite position that leaves riches dug up by Boulder Granato we thought they left it out hit it with so much of a ricocheted off of the hands and out of I'll bring he pretty much every time [Applause] so Hawaii with the two-point edge here early on in set one and faith motto follow team leader in assists back behind the line to serve you had 10 service aces last night compared to 12 service errors and after the man Scott Rogers was interviewing minimal Santos on the floor and she wasn't really all that happy she expects even more but 210 ASIS the 12 errors really isn't a bad ratio at all most coaches to take that every time but the timing of when those antlers happen I think is what she was upset about he came that angle after a time allocated after the team had just won a long rally [Music] speaking of long rallies we got one going right here great diving save those Kimo burns tried to dump it over high ball left side that's guzik pinballed around female music again at the block mint violation call against the audience Oh an anti climactic conclusion to what was affable rally that brings about innovation here in the SSE this Pearlman team shows that the kitty barreling with pretty much anybody they're not they don't have super stars before they play well as a team was served by a Loren not one hand one hand set up there by faith mom follow smart move head she use two hands there it might have been a double hit one arrogant four hundred we hear of gasping most of watched some video and noticed that she hits cross-court a lot I guess another service area for Hawaii that's the world before and so far zero service aces so ratio not really working out the way prefers so far in Hawaii the two-person pass information our cue pens Granato who's Katie Barker with the jump motor could pass by Granado middle set Natasha burns a terrific serve the beneficiary of a great set so can Hawaii apply some pressure here from the service line so far again for service errors no aces middle set and that's half put module or a second kill of the demand hits 404 on the year that's a great number number two on the TV last night those struggles water kills for air zero zero zero hitting percentage that it shows to make up for how poorly she played last night at the myth we want to get the other team in Serbian trouble Portland led by a first-year head coach Jeff Baxter and as you have already mentioned for his they are off to their best start in program history at seven and our high ball left side it's guzik the roll shot dragged up by Sibley middle set leave ahead and hang up in the air a little while guzik now at the same that was quick luck he's little and living on the part of his equals eclipsed producer did a great job of adjusting she really had no chance to get much more elegant one-step plays and pulled down where the block was so she will risk the way shot early season nominee for all main team in college volleyball as well Izzy guzik this piston Sibley is dug up [Applause] three points seven kills per set that's tops on the team also hitting 352 for the year last night hit for 17 with 12 kills against the Aztecs MVP in their term at the table [Applause] she is a gamer so far pretty evenly matched what did you say here about halfway from set 1 this is about as evenly matched as you can get it approach calling a timeout that you wait for there I picked the 15 point TV timeout here remember last night set one against Idaho three timeouts between the two teams before either team reached the 15 point plateau volcano back bump set to Granato over two blockers popped up in the air by Shuang left side we're tied at 13 a bub set from Cali Tom's football is high and spinning she found a way to perfectly control wait [Music] so the side pumps it up does the read does the rest just got it through the leave of wickets there above the net Sibley against the double block quit dig in the back row by Shuang outside you kissed the roll shot and Okemo will return at 3:00 chance though here for the pilots they go outside Lucas popped up by acute centered bio Kino and you'll see we'll send it over with a scramble play here for the pilots advantage now hole right you'll see a Middleton evil clock good cover their bio t no gears Granato off the tape it down [Applause] [Music] sent from Yoshio to the outside Makenna Granado delivers with some help from the cable it's been that kind of week here for Granato five kills on seven attacks hitting 7:14 getting a little help from the neck on that occasion the slide by Barker is dug up back over the net by liba outside puke is the dink right there is yo seal so here's pokey no tie ball bump set took Renato sends it it's a point with a pilots first hitting error of the evening for Granato folks at that time for we play some bass bass thereby Okemah they go middle - burns leg up by gryszek Lucas tried to get it down the line tithing save a cue here's Granato off the block would cover okey know you'll seal goes backside the sibling thumbs up over the net we play on birds in the middle couldn't put it down right side that's rich get blocked back rich a second time does go by a Cuban nobody had her back and Portland wins team-first is it going to be this kind of night all night [Music] this presentation of Rainbow Wahine volleyball is sponsored by Bank of Hawaii and Hawaii Honda dealers well you intimated that it was going to be a competitive match and here halfway through a little over halfway through set number one CMAC it has been that lot of lengthy rallies as well Granato the roll shot good up there on the diving save by Thompson freebie here for Hawaii can they take advantage you'll see you outside the butchers going hard ability to split block hold just what Grenada like she sees blocks like nobody else so we are tied at 15 we have just been slowly creeping along here in set 1 served by Monta Farah they go middle set Burns able to smother that Dinkins have to buy Katie Parker burns with a pair of blocks last night nine kills on 12 attached' at 667 subbed in to the match in that second set Robin almost haunt us couldn't take her off the floor Lucas with the touch diving save Mahalo cute bump set here's Granato diving save by Williams well done in a free ball coming for Hawaii you'll see the first touch ma fallen back to marine [Applause] were used to seeing she struggled big-time as an attacker she's always great as a setter but last night she struggled as an attacker tonight no such thing first swing I killed so Hawaii by two but they will they will whistle that serve and they're gonna give a time out to the pilots and that is awfully late and the crowd doesn't like it Robin mo Santos certainly does not like it but we're gonna take a break I'll let you buy a pair of set one welcome back let's go inside the numbers presented by Heineken 24 it's NCAA division 1 teams without a loss so far here in 2018 that's out of 334 total d1 team so Portland on that very short list as Granato is dug up by Williams that may have an alcohol saved by Aquino burns [Applause] will tell you one awkward rally right there here's a bump set over the net Grenada lets it go and somehow it ends up in the hands of birds he gets an awkward kill just how you draw it up right pew kiss up Pete you'll see a solo block attempt and their third kill a tense obviously most of the attention will be in her direction from an offensive standpoint what you buy to pass by a keynote collides with a Q here's Granato from the opposite position she's got springs in her shoes here tonight she got up there season averages like four kills percent she's way over it like they she was last night she had eight kills the first shot last night tonight six kills already really halfway through here she is with the jump serve passed by knots little set nets Barker dug up by Monta fala you'll see a cross-court bump set to Castillo parade up by Thompson three-ball again here for Hawaii Bob Palo outside its Castillo over a double block diving save Williams that was pretty left side that's guzik hits a wide [Applause] [Music] Baxter contemplating another timeout starting to see the serving even if it's not scoring from the service line in the form of aces getting talking a little an assistant that time though Katy barked are able to find that middle of the hole anymore number one kill percentage leader he keeps the ball off in play more often not hitting 417 also they're leaving blocker Barker played in all 114 sets of all 13 inches last year led the team with 38 aces you could use a couple of those here right now trailing by three here in set one perfect pass by gonna toes backside here's your SIA against the double block this is the old Marine Yoshi hitting 380 going into last night's match that were used to see the Swiss Army knife as he has referred to her this season she's doing a little bit of everything because she has to but a piece of that block is low on the right side that's rich dink shot dug up there by a cue middle set leave and down sometimes it's better to be fortunate [Applause] this is a 31 set that this does not work out could not bang it back over know what it will take it but boy was that a sloppy moment for the pilots they trailed by McKenzie swung 5/8 sophomore from Auburn Washington now the Bellamy and prep very reputable prep program in the sport of women's volleyball I'll follow the back side here you'll see a two blockers up down the line there was a touch of the Libero Williams just a piece of it I believe as it sailed down the line you see it hasn't going a little bit as well see Mac three kills on three attempts that line shot perfectly yes a little indecision there by Williams in that moment she just could lock it out of the way you'll see it decides not to go at the jump serve floats it over that's half thought the block at the live by a cue so you'll see a high in a way a sibling block and roof Shayla heft we have 18 total blocks coming into tonight hands across know where to go for sips 23 it is music to serve its it deep an out Baxter happy Aloha ball for Hawaii here in what has been a very competitive opening stanza slide goes to heft off the block dug up by accused there's Sibley from off the net deep cornering is perfectly waste at Hawaii who ends up running away at the tail end of that openin said they winds 25-19 led by seven McKenna granado's bombs he'll swap and this is the Rainbow Wahine a strike first on night two of the outrigger challenge [Music] go back to Knights Jack Fett Outrigger domination yes Hawaii has 64 in six all time in 23 plus years to play in the outrigger resorts volleyball challengers the Bulls have captured 17 tournament titles and finished second the six other times Makenna Granato once again for the second straight night off to a great start see Mack seven kills one air in 15 swings getting 400 because of monster numbers for 1 set 2 continues to carry the burden for this Rainbow Wahine offensive attack getting great sets 2 by the way from dreamy osya I mean obviously the overall numbers the overall play last night in a four set victory was phenomenal it was one of those nights for her but particularly in that first set with but what you wheeling trailing by 7 early and she shouldered the load as any coach would want from their top level senior and leader someone who's got a target on her back the other team knows that she's wise leading the attacker coming back from last year all you know all-conference and everything else so the other team when they watch films were saying hey let's load up on this number three and make sure we get two blockers on her all the time so she's facing adversity on pretty much every single set that she has delivered the last two nights that's for sure just has continued to develop her game and grow and round it out as you take a look at her mom no El Torito and her dad Steven as well [Music] [Applause] Big West mountains first team selection last year in Makena Granato and she's supposed to touch it off the serve here in set two that the set from aa follow to too low burns unable to do anything with it and the pilots first on the board one thing you don't want to do is under set someone who's six five hard to do actually that's a nice [Applause] although the first to point hole here's Granato the dink right there is rich outside set goes to puke Asst dug up by a cue her seventh dig already here of this match you'll see it pushes it deep but right there is Busey right side the block biosea you'll see a later she says tool is rich [Applause] Bella for for her setting and her attacking an urge Oh sir she says you know what I can block to pass for some of the fans to bust out the roof towels supplied tonight by Akamai roofing here in the arena and that's an ace [Music] could use some a stylus now after that served by mechanic Renato first piece held the match for Hawaii firstly there's a beige towel oh you guys bring your own you asked for one you get one outside here's Pinkus off the block and down [Applause] two-person classic pattern tax that [Applause] knots with the serve and that's an ace Wow just coming that far side great serve there byline nuts receive from Salt Lake City Utah in other ways you attack a two-person bouncy pattern is to paint the lion or force them to work sideline to sideline middle said that's burns that time the set is in a good place but not with a great dig things getting a piece of that swing by Barker they'll follow sets up Castillo she's got [Music] Walker in the middle right next to this rich [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pilots team that blocks first set they leave by 3-5 serving to diving passed by a queue you'll see you from off the net music dougga by Casteel right side here's you'll see there was a sticky rotation I think they might challenge this call yes Jeff Baxter coming over and grabbing the green card and he will ask for a review on that play it did appear as though it went off of the net however the top official Dan hironaka did call a touch was now did we lay down on the floor who's going to Don the headset take a look at this here come off at a funny angle I didn't think the net could force it to go make a right turn like that but use this a blocker that makes it make the turn so we'll take a look right here in the sea if it did go just off the net it looks like it went right between the arms of Izzy guzik oh definitely got me our right arm for sure that's an easy call and that's one of those where guzik's got to come over and tell her head coach Hey look I I got it the review just wasted a challenge so three review challenges for each side for the entire match with the exception of if it goes to a fifth each side gets an extra review challenge but that one seemed obvious again that's one of those were music's gotta communicate that to her head coach exactly it'll set a marker tag up by a cue 5 all the Casteel like there is Williams the Libero is working here on this sequence father goes outside Castillo the block was late but got enough of a piece so here's music from the left side may have been an out ball played by a huge the steal a third time sends it deep but long stable or tip rotate casing little bit of wife said just hit it off the outside block his hands we would have taken her across portal on because they know that's her tendency she slap went out the outside block his hands I think is her best shot right in Castillo second on the team 2.6 kills per set last night six kills though on 30 attempts hitting a hundred she's gonna send a free ball over the net open by three I'm looking to build on it that's heft in the middle dug up over the net by Maya follow a second time believe the block attempting down the pilots have something brewing here in set number two really steady good transition gobble going from defense topics very efficiently largest lead here in this second set for the pilots Barker with the surgery I'll follow goes the right side you'll see a block diving saved or not though to keep it alive here's Castillo winds up uncoils and gets it through [Applause] rotation to this Hawaii team we got the song coverage by gaetano he was welcomed in and pop up there a nice bump set from aa fella who Casteel seen the whole the block goes right between the two blockers Hawaii played some good transition bubble on their own this year the sir [Applause] back to serve doubled up here and set to Macias slide tool Eva is a little wide of the antenna so the chance here for the pilots guzik straight down to the floor and it is now that seems to be out of sync and having some issues when it comes to ball control usually shipping is not an issue for Hawaii they're gone a trademark Dave Shoji's 42 years and robbing us of all sentences two years is ball control and defense to steal from the opposite side rattled around on the pilots I'm touched over leiva's the first to get it for Hawaii here's Castillo from the left side this time dug up by Williams pilots digging up everything at this Junction guzik picked up by a cube bump set to Castillo [Applause] just to that one and it's Portland by six here in the second set of Hippo Shayla heft was this year for Jeff Baxter [Music] [Applause] two years on her retreat it's a good smoosh could've gone to an Oklahoma BYU Carlo Alberto so she returned to one of the schools at she was in the slide [Applause] [Music] it's what signs of their parents he's leaving in the middle goes off okay yeah Sheila heaven at Nevada in the Mountain West and she has gotten her Portland career off to a fast start all tournament last week in the North Portland Marriott invite tournament prior week West Coast Conference Player of the Week after her performance in the Aztec Invitational where she averaged three point eight kills per set in those three wins plus she hit 457 and kakuzu how's it going tonight here so far first how about that shot she hit was a was a backslide for the 10-foot line Kelly Thompson just fired it up to the antenna and you have to intercepted the barrier short serve it's an ace and everything working right now that's Kerry Williams local products on the Portland side of the net let's check out the first onee Bank three we're looking at Big West Hills first set numbers but he let me know who know who was an ABC a national player of the week opening week of the season from UC Riverside five and a half kills per set Lindsey Rudd ins of UCSB in the number two position McKenna Granato for for wedding his third Hawaii trailing by seven they need some Granato action but she hasn't given to the net right now it is 14 six in favor of the pilots Hawaii in some quicksand at the moment Chris Paul is doing a great job of serving accurately peculiar spots making y passes move whose angel Gaskin and they are digging up everything that Hawaii has to offer Lucas though picked up by a cue here's Granato blocked Andrew Barker getting the better of that battle Katie Bochner Barker leads his team in blocks percent over one that was a thing of beauty right there to rape down fifteen serving six here for the pilots and it's Kerry Williams short serve they are putting the server's where they want to at this point as well Renato sends it long no touch point for the pilots and they are up double digits five-o run the largest lead of the second set clearly for Portland [Applause] [Music] it's not going to make ramen Oh Monsanto it's already feeling a little below the weather feeling too good you here at this point and said to Gaskin the touch speed the blocking down tourniquet here for the Rainbow Wahine the biggest thing in them to get run has been I think was there so serving accuracy forcing Hawaii passers to move especially Hawaii hitters or in the front row having to move overpass you'll see it tried to set up birds dance to the joust at the NED boy he just clearly not flicking negative Oh 59 polar hitting 286 it'll said that's burns dug up by Thompson Keuka spun off the net just rolls it over diving save yo SIA Ross from the back row sniffed out by guzik Lucas dug up by acute sent over the net on the second touch by Mahalo pilots not fooled few kiss off the block right there's not a fall Isola q bump set to yo Co and she hammers it by the lock in forget Italian lockers smart was important player that was the great senator crane attack her as well mind bump set there by a queue you'll see with five kills no errors hit in 625 of Hawaii with a tall mountain to climb here on the scoreboard and set to puke Asst right there is a queue outside its Casteel off the block good coverage there by guzik bright side rich right through that Hawaii Blanc and down [Music] [Applause] Thomas doesn't amazing job hitting that ball low and fast to the pins from just about everywhere the 10-foot line on the net and your hitters know to approach her and when her hitting the ball leaves her hands they are on the run already middle said that's burns four kills now for burns hitting 300 holy those still in negative numbers hitting percentage-wise in this set negatives 0-3 seventh right side that's rich the scramble play here for Hawaii free chance for the pilots Thompson goes high and away the touch shot easy pickins there for mile follow here's you'll see a plot Andrew they are zeroing in on these Hawaii pin hitters right now whose problem is the Rainbow Wahine haven't been able to control the ball well enough to try to exploit the minutes exactly passing and you know has not been as good as it could be hence Portland's able to get two blockers up by guzik right side rich punches it over my father surveys the floor goes middle to leave a diving save Thompson she's been everywhere one sent over and my mom follow the defense by Portland and this second set has been stupendous timeout Hawaii [Music] welcome back [Applause] signed on Silbert taking in the action as he is known to do here big fans of the rainbow wahine yes what the who needs a haircut contest he did yeah I also saw Sidney pickles seats behind him was the brother of Sarah levo Isaac liebe Richard freshman on the men's volleyball team last season Sarah is dug up middle set half [Applause] and the onslaught continues it has been the Portland pilots of world gear in set number two after dropping the first stanza to Hawaii 25 19 they are up by a dozen left in the first stanza two kills no errors and five tribes second stanza four kills and five tries she is not made a mistake [Applause] you'll see she has been a bright spot here on that opposite pin for Hawaii six kills for her spiderwebs in for Natasha birdie ascending it out make the dream of education a reality for our student-athletes visit Hawaii athletics dot-com look on the donate button Skylar Williams so the role reversal here remember she started last night gave way to Natasha burns in set two it goes the opposite direction here this time around Lynch is it for Thursday the burns are leave up leave them outside the touch shot diving saved biosea sent back over but advantage still belonging to the pilots it's half block by Castillo musical take a crack at it dates it over diving save you'll seal [Applause] 20:37 boy looked out of source not only on offense but defense as well let us say that's Williams can't get it down douga back over though back rows set to Granato we haven't seen the pipe set too much tonight the steel with the save yo SIA looks back row once again the Granato dug up again by Shuang Hawaii putting forth so much effort here on yet another lengthy sequence slide the half off the blocking down and the pilots are doing everything well yep seven kills no errors 11 tries over 600 Wow a night she's happy and very outfit you alluded to it earlier if you know local girls we're on the mainland come back here to stand sheriff to play inevitably more of them did not have a great night they'll be a little motivated right yeah I mean if playing in a rainbow wahine a uniform wasn't necessarily a dream for them playing in this arena and this facility in front of their friends and family certainly probably was a loja ball here in the second half it remains a little ball will remain that way for quite some time until the pilots and even things up there in the midfield you talk about a response Hawaii making quite the statement at the tail end of that first set looking very efficient looking crisp and then the pilots just given it to him here in set two and that's how it comes to an end the back of the dome of Skylar Williams 25 11 the pilots flying away from Hawaii in that second set get comfy folks [Music] Heena a dump shot sniffed out by a queue Middlesex burns rushed it over down first on the board here in seven three I think part of what we saw in hit response in the second set by the Portland pilots though that is related to Jeff Baxter that the mantra that he has for this team about playing in the moment every single point every single Bowl as you'll see it gets blocked back I in a way to Granato the roll shot works very emphasizes incredibly the idea of not letting the positive stuff the bad stuff impact your focus on that very moment even when it comes to their phenomenal start to the season which is the best in program history exactly he really didn't make much of a deal about that we read him before the game he said you know we're going to display the warning one game at a time one set at a time one point at a time we try not to get too caught up in this whole best start ever for the University of Portland women's volleyball history Byrne is able to take advantage of the over forced by that faith my policy ripped off three straight to start set number three right back at it now and pops straight up in the air Lucas cross court and under that violation hold against her [Music] [Applause] [Music] senator Thompson from Las Vegas Nevada on a Coronado High School back behind the line to serve for the pilots third season as the starting center and has been among the West Coast Conference leaders in assists and each of her previous two seasons as a freshman and a sophomore also plays with the beach program over there Portland number five all-time you see that a player business should we do 24 just putting into this tournament let's see a block she made it last night yes she did she need a 24 I think going into last night's matching was able to easily surpass what she needed to get into that number five all-time on the career assists list position for the pilots the one you wanted a challenge on that last play but Robin Mo Santos waved it off as Granato just long enough to still find us we're tight for her so rather than crank up her 90 mile-an-hour heater he just taps it down to holding the block or serving to Hanks case of the match opening to this set then what we saw in set number two where it got away from them in a hurry [Applause] [Music] cut announcer again at the inopportune time just when they're building movement or just when it seems as though they're ready to make a certain move that's what Rob animal Santos was unhappy with last night even though they didn't score ten aces and has been the case on occasion here this evening as well here's you'll see it the dank pancake saved by Williams and its return I'll follow backside you'll see again through the block popped up by Guzzi [Applause] [Music] you have the great hustle plated boy thread there's just the pancake right there the she ends up running into the scores table at the end of the play you'll see that's off the block here comes Williams going going in crash and scores table we were seeing some good look barrel play in this tournament that is a laser beam off the palm of baby barber in fact earlier this evening it was Idaho taking down San Diego State in four sets and in that match Elisha Awad key who we saw last night for the Vandals she racked up 34 digs [Applause] it's like almost 7% Kirsten Sibley blocked in Ruth and Shayla as police her fingerprints literally and figuratively all over this match here tonight good solid rock she's got seven kills hitting 462 and she's also got three blocks serve it to the net go by Parker behind the line Lucia had to serve certainly going last night it was wicked he's a few of those here Hef off Williams great one-hand saved by Williams Gaskin nudges it over credit sky Williams she stayed in that play Gaskin finished with a nice little back Blind Inc with the opposite hand mind you great pass there by Williams [Applause] [Music] absolutely stop there he said that one flavour she ran into the network no matter its rate killing 15 jobs one error well she was with Nevada last year she had a match against Fresno State where she had 11 kills on 13 attempts no errors she hit 846 which is the most efficient performance in a single match in Nevada program history Gasquet off the fingertips saved by layers outside that's bruising that can lock him down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] players who loves that passes that to the outside so she can get split blocking that's why the difference between the portland outside hitters and warriors outside here's way outside here's almost always facing a two-man blockers in the high sets Portland's that's pit box [Applause] Shailja heft is flashing the Canon here tonight that is kill number nine she leads the pilot she's hitting 500 in Hawaii cannot crack the Shayla heft code at the Manor this third set is tied at eight backside it's Sibley blocked by heft pilots with it on their side and guzik can into the netting fortunate to get the point [Applause] Holden was preseason pick to finishing eighth in the West Coast Conference here this year obviously both to be seven and old start BYU the favorite for the second straight year but they look like a team that is likely to make much more noise than just the eighth slot in that conference I asked Jeff Baxter about that a practice of it I said Jeff are you really the bully the H best immediately and he says [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm sorry similitudes it's nd8 he said and then there's the rest of us she's I think we can speak him and win a few games are sharing surprise people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh who knows already for the first few weekends of women's college volleyball we've seen of a many an upset public upsets today is crazy by number twenty two thousand for the second straight night nineteen Paulie out of the Big West Conference they're the preseason favorite yeah number one Minnesota going down to you-know-who Hawaii's opponent next week Renato Dinks it down the line [Music] good silence and bang eleven serving ten [Applause] and it will be Oregon in the house next week they're currently number 18 in the ABCA rankings the see of those middle two burns and that was well executed it was close in but immediately Jeff Baxter up off of his seat and he goes and grabs the laminated green card he's going to challenge that call Ryan Scudder Burt Kasem the two line judges as mentioned Dan hironaka up atop the ladder ways believe Teraflex and he will take the lo signa challenge as to whether or not that natasha burns hit was in robbing a more Santos Newseum this time he talked about the blocking hard to tell the top of the net sort of blocking the end line on that angle see if we can tell here Portland coach anyway there's yeah [Music] does look awfully close but hard to conclude certainly hard to decipher enough evidence to reverse what was the income exactly [Music] for detail in this world usually we have had better luck with the in/out challenges it's the touch challenges that have been very challenging [Applause] pilots coaching staff and up in arms absolutely that that ball was long lately she tell Jeff bouncer have this assistant coach sit down and think that courts have not been standing up there [Applause] oops Mysterio at a time he blocked what was the best beer big non reversal there as we are tied at the net here is you'll see a blocked shouldered up by my follow Q cross courts are Granato another save in the back where this time by chuan [Applause] violation whoo all the kids in Hawaii point pilots those violations called against Hawaii tonight the press about the Newton right serving 11 this is a MIDI type of match that we are seeing before us she needs it up there redshirt junior from Hamilton Ontario Canada has dealt with knee issues a broken hand earlier in our career unable to determine the Katy border its end marker now with a handful of kids in Portland upper one again second set seems like such an outlier because this is more or less how this match has been at all of the times there are two points apart from each other two teams play great defense [Applause] there's McKenna Ross in the front roadblock Byrnes tried to scoop it up but it goes out and it's a roof credited to the Portland pilots testing some different combinations here at this juncture of set three [Applause] ass by a cue middle set burns burns has nine kills cement that matches her output from last night she is hitting over 500 she's plating great off this week those off plays though she's gonna be better off plays where she is covering another hitter she got has to be the better ball control you'll see on Skylar Williams sale only I think you'll see I got most of them we are tied again at 14 Williams width on the dink shot Ross has to send it over free chance here for the pilots backside off the block that was the rich swing here is you'll see against the double block punched up in the air by Thompson and a free ball coming for Hawaii you'll see the pass mile followed a set back to Nerine [Music] [Applause] first here in the third we have got ourselves a good old-fashioned Battle of the SSC time out on the floor welcome back talk about that lopsided loss for Hawaii and set to 25 11 they go down that's the fewest points scored by Hawaii in a set since 25 nine in a set loss to Stanford back in the 2008 regional final so it's been a minute outside guzik the dink diving save Mahalo gel stick the net sent back over the Hawaii side Mahalo sets up you'll see a tight to the pin and she gets rejected by Izzi guzik haven't set a little touch of it do secured terrific job taking that line away not getting tooled pressing over the net they saved by mouth falling to get things going keep the rally alive at guzik what a great male mediately telling her fellow Center and opposite hitter you'll see how hey my fault on the set too tight to the pin that time in a much better spot where you'll see it a give it a drive [Music] my father will come out as your CEO rotates into the back row and she was served nine kills a piece for marine EOC and Natasha burns and McKenna Granato [Applause] middle sent assets off the block and down she has the worst on the floor to get to double-digit kills she has ten [Applause] you remember the first thing at the double digits is an outside hitter do they up to so many more attempts but not tonight Sheila 1/2 that's been her kind a night three times mi ld2 champion at Seabury Hall Gaskin wide of the antenna had to send it over outside it's guzik the block out a piece that you'll see it couldn't quite slip the spatula underneath and Portland jumps ahead we are seeing a Hawaii team still not necessarily out of the woods when it comes disarrayed but they are competing they have enough here to get past the pilots team that looks very formidable you'll see it highball bump set to Ross cross-court dug up by Williams that is sweet and then guzik follows it up with the hammer and the pilots fall run to thanks to a 300 run so quick that transition was there's a big enough fast set to the outside split block and once again music buries it the Kahuku girl Carrie Williams with 12 kills outside Ross big swing off the block kept alive by Williams here's Gaskin against the double block and she kills it Gaskins got 5 to ask you the gameplay the way that was expected she transferred from Maryland slow start for her but last two games really played well Williams 12 I think he meant to say Diggs not kills yes yes thanks for correcting anybody out there just tuned in by thought holes Williams hitting tonight left off the block and down [Applause] that helped us get sit down and cilia giveaways on Ishii slightly outside said the three to the tip shot like that you decide for the 10-foot line fire to here's Kelly Hughes five-six sophomore listed as the backup set or shooter serve put them by two you'll see a backside to Gaskin [Music] she is having herself a night whistle to the outside gets there let's the block on Gaskin that block closed quickly Gaston saw the cross court open they no sudden death showed up we'll see a backside here's Gaskin challenging chef then company again and this time tried to cut it cross-court and missed wide timeout taken by Hawaii the pilots have open up a four-point advantage Shayla heft 11 kills hit in 556 she also has four blocks and she has taken control here for the Portland pilots Chris she is good place is good guard ball I think she is certainly glad to be back home but she's happy to be on the team that's seven to no happy to be on a team that reserves a really fast offense and fits her smile perfectly pilots are looking good mom Stacey dad Gus in the house here at the Stan Sheriff Center this weekend Renato [Applause] coming in that opening set she was helped without a kill and set so what he certainly needs McKenna Granado to get back going exactly especially since the other homicides are struggling sim please keep negative Bastille hitting negative we're all sitting negative cuñado needs some help please lead them back into the match heft on the slide [Applause] she's got a dozen killers she is showing out here tonight Santos to the junkie interest just live games million by four Lucia has two bumps at Gascon two blockers up she goes off the block stays on the boy he said there's Granato a quick jump off the block and right there a shrine Lucas dougga by okey no Ino a Granato over the block it sails Nolan no touch point Portland and they are closing in on a set three victory Marley playing such good defenses such good blocking right now by Portland with the tornados really trying to avoid the block there's an avoid attack right there there is Kerry Williams with the serve middle said it's burns popped up by music I mean they have been popping up just about everything Hawaii's had to offer here's Gaskin a little bit off the net so low block up dug up back to the net and it'll be on fire against Hawaii white Portland aloha ball for the pilots here in set 3 you see the frustration evident in the expression of Robin amel Santos who say the Granato touched the net and I'm not sure at least from that replay [Applause] [Music] you won't you didn't sit there no no hits it hard to town regardless it's another ball here for Portland in the third where NASA needs it great dig Terry Williams outside puke is down the line and in and the pilots win running away in set 325 18 May closes the deal in that third frame by virtue of a 400 run 25:18 Portland now with the advantage to 6 to 1 you [Music] alright here's how it works presented by Central Pacific Bank we're gonna watch how fast this Portland office is we take a look at the outside hitter right here and how she has to go up against the wine a blocker because the ball gets out there so fast Skye Williams cannot get out there in time once again watch Skye Williams right here she's trying to get out there she just cannot make it in time and just uses up they see the big hole the block simply gets a piece of it [Applause] so therefore the ball is going to go high and wide antennas there for the other team has a chance to get two blockers out there the part of it is also that even when Hawaii does get a good pass they're struggling to get one-on-one situations unless they set the middle that's where Birds has been successful Birds 9 kills only one Sara Oliva three kills no errors hitting 252 Millers and a fair amount of success the opposite then can be said about Portland the fact that they serve receiving and controlling the ball so well in digging up everything that they still can run that high tempo offense I mean look at this return off of the burn swing right on cue burns a second time there was no returning that turns into double figures the season high-end kill is here for Natasha right back at her knowing that oh she's six five leg just firing up there she didn't get the jump can you serve go up there and tap it down so Hawaii trailing two sets to one here night two of the outrigger challenge middle set that is Parker blocking Road Natacha firm will say roofing towels clear got to take advantage if you're one of the lucky few to have those draped on your seat when you arrived at the arena tonight outside bukas the roll shop diving save us free ball come in here it's the center Thompson who ends up setting up [Applause] his Ross was a great save to keep the ball alive at the end the ball is just on Hawaii's side of the net she can see where every Portland player is that she just put it where they weren't there's mom in the stands happy Thompson had to chase it down in Bugis runs out her room Point Hawaii score the points Jeff Baxter hunts and plaiting the timeout and he'll take one [Music] for nothing Hawaii timeout pilots so an early timeout here for the pilots coach Jeff Baxter in his first season atop the program has them off to their best start but he didn't like the way this fort set opened up with Hawaii scoring the first four points and so a very early timeout one of the earliest you'll ever see yeah as a matter of fact it was a good time and I think the team did remind his troops at the match isn't over just cuz they won handily that's bird said there's puke as' tough angle dug up by a cue my follow ty in a way to Ross and they're gonna say that it hit the antenna first and so it is a point for porting some confusion though with the signals coming from the lime judges and the official Robert Los Angeles's of call for it protests on this because did it hit the block before the people who did it hit the pin before the blog dies first what she was gonna use her challenge point that is I believe a challengeable call is it not yes and certainly not the right call birdies and has sent over two-handed style by Ross outside guzik's dug up I'm alfalla a few back from sector Ross [Applause] [Music] but that would be categorized as a hunch or no touch Paul which of course is reviewable talking about the previous sequence yes and that most certainly would have been reversed if the officials had that angle that we saw in our replay for the lazy calm little said that's Barker and back into the master works Shayla heft as she rotates into the front row tubes serving five here and set for what you trying to play catch-up trailing two sets to one or a cue tough time handling that one the free ball coming from yo co-pilots go right side and rich from Colorado Springs Colorado high school all-american at Louis Palmer high school able to put that one down she doesn't get a lot of sense but the sense she gets Sheila seems to do something smart before the crowd trying to urge the home team [Applause] leave on you can see that one coming and the option of the motion between will Sarajevo and faith mother follow and there is Sara's younger brother Isaac showing his support boys version of a FAFSA template Portland's fast attack boys got their own version right there you'll see you at this early middle said that's half of the date but it's saved by Ross but then you'll see it and mouth follow their hands on that second touch drawings violation after late stings right I mean in this rotation while follow is the center jump but I mean you'll see it has to fight off those instincts here's Letha the slide didn't quite work advantage pilots outside guzik hits it wide violation Hawaii and a point for the pilots [Applause] [Applause] serving mau5 serving 16 down that line here's Ross come off the net sends it on once again for the pilots and they have gone back even after they scored the first four points in this set choices self-inflicted wounds cute good pass slides Oliva [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've been impressed by the ability of the Portland pilots to necessarily serve bb's from the line but they have laced them very well great location outside its music back up by a cue here's Renato [Applause] shuts the door small she just continues avoids attacking her be blocking their the emotional celebration meet her second time playing in this building in her college career remember she was on the Nevada team that played in this tournament last year again this time it's Thompson getting gist of it and Portland jumps ahead for the first time in set pool Granato after those seven first set kills has been somewhat by it just three since then make it four [Music] that was her third another swing she's got 11 killed she said it so many [Music] difficult sets that are broken plays we live with the serve slides 1/2 off the block kept alive by leave a good defense along that back line here's been a Sylvan dink easy pickins therefore Moosic slide again to have her deep drop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sophomore from Kailua out of Malaysia Arden Academy won the d2 state title back in 2016 quite 19 matches in 2017 step out that's Barker popped up by Mahalo here's Renato great dig by Williams now in it middle seconds to burns Williams pops it up three-ball come and hit again gets returned by Portland right side you'll see [Applause] look off she looked at burns like choosing a center and then goes away back to her buddy yo SIA her fellow said her because she has a one-on-one you kiss off the walking out and Sarah Libra was featured in the game on the broadcast and she spoke to that impact of the Middle's even if we're not recording kills just to be a viable enough option to keep the opposite middle blocker honest that can accomplish so much for this offense it's called being a great decoy more like we're gonna shoot has three other guys that don't they'll catch the ball right we'll see it goes off the block and into the antenna she's got 11 kills here matches the output of McKenna Granato [Music] defense by Terry Williams so far 17 kills on the night Diggs ammonite follow middle to burns two blockers up against her I'll follow goes back side this time though you'll seal missed the floor I'd [Applause] know it is over rule live judge cold out Dan here Inaba calls in and I think we're going to have now a third challenge from Jeff Baxter [Applause] so it is officially on the floor an incall point Hawaii harinatha took on the call himself Baxter is clutching the green challenge card and contemplating of the crowd getting impatient just to add a little extra drama to the scenario if Baxter who was an assistant under Brent crouched the last two years here for the Portland pilots Crouch was hired at USC and so Baxter stepping into the head coaching role this year the dig by OCR well [Applause] a little bit of a ribbon now as far as our transition going from defensive Doug ball - offense nice bump set by a cue right there what you're working quickly here as Barker has picked up by a cue we're all sinners it and Granato sends a freebie the other way middle set Parker burns got a good chunk on the block I'll follow surveys the floor backside [Applause] I would ever say that I did not think that you'll see it was able or was going to be able to get there how about those going into the judges stand pew kiss one hand diving saved by a queue Ross off the block it's Williams bump set to puke Asst and a man violation goal against the one so give the point of the ball hit the ground its teeth I kill one one hand to save there then here comes another one-handed save she's everywhere it was so much territory only 5-3 but she was like everywhere 22 digs last night 19 in this match see Mack [Applause] first to 15 [Applause] push this to a decisive bit set welcome back make the dream of education a reality for our student athletes visit Hawaii athletics comm click on the donate button in the AHA who we call annoying new a banner there you see the scenario here Hawaii trailing two sets to one they lead 1511 here in set number four now an interesting little wrinkle there we went to commercial break with the idea that that was the standard media timeout at the 15-point plateau but there was an earlier timeout signal by Jeff Baxter but while we were away he went ahead in signal his second time so it all worked out however for Portland they have no timeouts remaining here in this for a second the most Santos has both of her timeouts left [Applause] [Music] Tita queue will serve Olivia 1511 outside music drops it right in between all of the whole defensive players music with 12 kills Sheila have getting away with 13 she's back out there on the floor rotating into the front row here for the pilot what you're trying to push it to a fifth a long way to go here in this bowl set Mises Portland's best rotation that is a good point they have done a lot of their damage with Katie Parker behind the service line but a quick side out on that occasion you'll see I mean while getting ready to serve for Hawaii up for it's a good serve but a great pass there by nots middle set habit why not well I even look anywhere else Center three times across the fresh she's only hitting 5:45 on the night 13 kills one and she still has that they rebelled in the next to a percentage everybody else and still has a year of eligibility after this season with the pilots there's Ross fingertips of the block out a piece outside music Hawaii's block out a piece as well a set from Casteel to Ross smacks it Long Point Portland there within two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've certainly been gushing about the performance of Shayla happy 18 Diggs by Carrie Williams we mention Cassidy nominee so they have three Hawaii high school products on the pilots roster there were 56 total Division one volleyball players from Hawaii playing on the continent Rainbow Wahine have six local players on their roster and just goes to show how much there is in this place when it comes to this sport of volleyball and on cue has enamors another [Applause] [Music] yeah 15 kills man hitting 583 Chris and another round sir Berryhill times here before club that's three in a row isn't it look so hard for sign up so you get back there heard about both sides with pins service errors of peace heft on the slide dug up by Yosi ax mile follow goes high in a way Granato sends it wrong there was a touch point for Hawaii [Music] I'm sorry Kelly Thompson says yes and you'll see it with that dig CMAC secures a triple-double 14 kills 14 assists 10 digs remember earlier in the season she didn't know what a triple-double was she's gonna find out that is unbelievable a stat sheet killer Mourinho seal however an out serve gives it right back to Portland and it is Kerri Williams that we wanted to send it across she does Akeno the diving pass pancake saved by Williams Pugh kiss is dug up there biosea outside here's Granato off the block Lucia has it covered outside is going out to a second time the dink is blocked back gramacho number three attempt this time [Music] [Applause] tired just watching it just to read one attempt after another side set there by faith while fall this pancake dig by Williams and then this is served by mama follow goes way out weathers T team's treating questionable service areas it's got one that we needed to Forge horrible [Applause] you don't want to give this pilot seen any freebies not the way they've been playing groaning out Oh 14 kill for her so she and you seal with the same output net kill 21 serving 17 Granato getting ready that vintage wide-eyed look sends it over outside Lucas down the line tough time I'll follow here's Granato from the back row sends it home good swings I like the aggressive swing Darren had no blockers out by chance for her to get a kill on that one you start to concern yourself with the fatigue factor that was a forty second attack of the evening it's a lot of swings outside here's Ross off the block [Applause] back bump set guzik sends it wide was there a touch no touch will point her Hawaii 22 serving 18 [Applause] they send it to you didn't get all of it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] maybe Barker for the second rotation behind the service one in Greenfield sends it out and a missed opportunity there for the pilots to really apply some pressure here you'll see it decides to not go with the jump serve pep walk back by Castillo who is in the middle now music is dug up there by you'll see a bump set here's Ross oh there was no chance she was getting by that the Portland pilots I tried to get high hands off the block and get a chicken and tour of the stands but he was into the land about Casey Castillo who has been plugged in a variety of different positions throughout her Hawaii career here in this match she finds herself in a crucial fourth set playing in the middle gets the set on the opposite side run hands save [Music] [Applause] also prevented Portland from getting the ball there for clearing fly right into a our position over here along Crest Road Aloha ball in the fourth for Hawaii trying to push it to a fit outside guzik through the block diving save a queue outside Granato the date down the line saved there by Nats music again roll shot covered by Granato Maya Farah middle set Castillo puts it down [Applause] 25:20 [Applause] rainbow wahine and this Stan Sheriff Center crowd will get a fifth set don't go anywhere [Music] welcome back Mourinho SIA she has recorded a triple-double tonight CMAC or two pills only three errors hitting for Porter 40:13 assists and 12 digs she's doing it all again it's out of necessity this is a Hawaii team that because they need more of a presence on that opposite pin they have asked Mourinho SIA and faith Mahalo to participate in a two setter system that has not usually been the case with this Rainbow Wahine volleyball program this is something new this is something different and it takes a pretty special player like Mourinho SIA to even give Robin Mo Santos and his coaching staff the opportunity to conjure that up yeah the last 40 years that he can count on one hand the number of times that boys had to utilize this kind of a system but it's working to a tee right now you when it works when it's going right it's a good system what's going wrong you'd be like that 2511 game at all alright well we have seen what has been a roller coaster type of performance for Hawaii there have been some highs and there have certainly been some lows and there's been some turbulence for sure ironically turbulence that has been pilots let me ask you we go into a fifth set here for the rainbow wahine what is the key [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they're slow attack is on the outside so we do that we're gonna pass the ball there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] under its belt that was back on August 31st in the North Portland Marriott in bet against Wyoming more than able to win that one thus the seven and OH record little set it is Parker dug up Granato against the double block is blood my father tried to catch him off-guard nothing doing the right side that's rich I got by Mahalo so a cue comes over sets up you'll see ax down the line but Williams had it covered here's pew kissed a little heavy-handed there Reagan bukas favorite freshman season at UNLV celebrate her 21st birthday just two and kills in 2017 [Music] and we are tied at 1 serving years Paul that able H team with league service Asians to pass there by Kerry Williams Barker dug up by OQ follow highball to Ross off the block would cover their biosea she'll get the set on the opposite pin that one pops straight up in the air it'll be Thompson setting outside bucyk dug up by Ross scramble play here for halwa in a free ball sent over bump said Williams took guzik locked by Hawaii he'll go to music again the date [Applause] and return what a third touch there by Birds Kozik again through the bluff and finally down [Applause] two teams chefs fighting tooth and nail to win either is that the serving getting a bit conservative the middle to serve the God that think she heard you on TV sometimes you can get too conservative enter Shayla heft into the front row Barker to serve burns in the middle lift it here's Ross double block up and she gets smothered three serving one in favor of Portland [Applause] took the tension for morning right now right up there that used to play with that much they have have to still over the middle that I know they got birds in there right now they've got Wallace on the outside and even though she plays there a lot in practice man the senior in the met on the left that much in crucial situations [Applause] Barker again to serve [Applause] at three aces last night against San Diego State McHugh it's the pass on the money Ross though that double block is up and she made it work anyway is a against with HepB right next to Liz rich surprised that my father didn't go back to you'll see on the right side instead she gave Ross another chance at Ross came through Tita Q with the serve the middle it's happy it's getting repetitive you see the middle attacker be the leading player they just don't get his middle sense hitting 556 to go along with that two-hand passed by Granato middle said Castile dug up by Williams outside guzik good up by a cue here's Ross from off the net Williams had that one played perfectly now they within the middle though trying to get it to half chance for Hawaii right side you'll see against the double block goes wide one hand more than up three [Applause] each team with two timeouts here in this decisive 15 q the crown the steel tried to send it deep knobs had it sniffed out music blocked back it's gonna be a free ball for Hawaii can they take advantage Casteel off the shoulder of Williams great play by the pilots to keep the sequence alive you'll see a cross court dug up over the net Hawaii in possession again Castillo in the middle dug up again by Shawn and a free ball is returned once more right side you'll see a bit deke Williams is there outside it's guzik down the line popped up by mouth ala and it is a point for the pilots and they win a marathon rally in this midsection of set number five prompting a timeout by the Rainbow Wahine rainbow wahine hoops head coach Laura Beeman members of her coaching staff in the house [Music] so 42 years Dave Shoji his wife Mary sitting in front of him they're waiting for the oil championships are started in Italy whether two sons are playing in the u.s. a team [Applause] by Sean musi he wrapped presents of Hawaii a very short time here in the fifth they need to get something going you'll see is a player behind the service line that can do just that a great pass by Williams slide to heft was wide of the antenna rolls along the tape scramble playing a free ball coming here for Hawaii to steal the first touch she gets the set in the middle and rips it to him [Applause] very comfortable there look at that swing that looked comfortable she has had to be comfortable and she has had to be ready no matter what position throughout the course of her Hawaii career she's been asked to play good job there in anticipating that by a cute mouth falling didn't hit him off-guard music then goes off the touching down [Music] Terry Williams as a matter of fact as she was able to play that monophonic gunshot attack a barrel short we have seen some great defensive work by the Liberals throughout this tournament it's a good dig there by Hughes outside it's dicus hold the string and put it in the perfect spot Portman gets to eight first and that will cue the team's to now swap sides COC hit the depo out of the back row there that's a new record it's office but has struck you the most about this matchup about this overall match here between these two programs you know we've seen two great defenders now I think the two defenders especially set the tone for long rallies this one I've enjoyed the most pastino on to sir this is the first ever meeting by the way between Hawaii and Portland it's been a pretty good one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was an outside hitter at Kohaku now the Libero for Portland took the serve outside its Granato finger to the [Applause] [Music] points she left is on the bench right now elbow brings in Katie Barker who's also very effective in the middle to steal with the serve outside bukas down the line [Music] [Applause] a timeout taken by the pilots so we'll take a break as well catch your breath for a moment welcome back Wahine volleyball getting a lot of love from some of the other sports here in the University of Hawaii yet sharif Jermaine the hooded sweatshirt he had recalled sitting upon the seats over to his right witnesses a horse him Mata Kalina sitting in from Andrew Briggs members of the Aram bow Warrior basketball team but Hawaii out of that timeout down to here in set five Jim kisses block back pew kiss a second time nudges it down the line popped up biosea you'll see it from behind the three meter line [Applause] my goodness here's the D ball on tobacco I told you the new wrinkle shows up again the Hawaiians offense three straight Rainbow Wahine points to steal the soul sends it out [Applause] adrenaline action baby kid Rogen all Santos [Music] going through the full spectrum of emotions tonight Thompson with the syrup I fallen outside Granato my hands you kiss we'll get a swing out of it cross scorning in that was a huge point for the pilots their backup three prospero had a nice twist away shot goodbye pupils 12 pills one error on Stockton Ruth some those stuff by Reagan puke Asst a timeout taken by Hawaii because her job was to follow and track the middle blocker because Hawaii did not have a right side presence there portlets of middle went to the right side that was just well-executed all the way around I tell you what this game of college volleyball swings so violently back and forth in terms of the pendulum of momentum right I'll let you within one but steal out serve all the sudden Portland has new life they score three straight they're up for and the Rainbow Wahine backs are against the wall take a look at the blocking of color which has brought them back very straight down block right there with a block there [Applause] I thought the battle defenseless for highlight but this is fun - hey birth control can play some volleyball as well 14 total team blocks two bullets boys five [Music] yeah that has been one of the stories tonight for sure [Applause] Holden's four rounds in the back row play hockey and Williams the opponent's defense has been pretty mesmerizing overall oh he's still out digging the pilot but Portland out in Hawaii 286 to 187 for the match you mentioned the blocking numbered discrepancy it's kind of amazing that Hawaii is in this fifth set at all obviously a lot of those numbers skewed by that very lopsided second stanza the Rainbow Wahine are in desperate need of a point on the side out mana fella will go high ball to Granato dug up by Williams to the net Byrnes is going to play it it's Granato second time to dink easy pickings here for the pilots now it's Bugis over the double block good save a cue mal Farlow goes to McKenna Granato again dug up by William Lucas again hammers it down and just missed opportunities for Hawaii on that sequence set to the outside hold the block and she found it [Applause] thirteen serving eight Renato needs it dug up by Williams 28 dig of the night and then it's puke its tool in the block and it is a wolf evolved with a match for the Portland pilots [Applause] holding hands obviously I love abuse [Music] serving for the match is Thompson Granato gosh up by Williams yet again just amazing burns off of one leg hits it wide was there a touch no touch and this match is over the Rainbow Wahine is fall inside to the Portland pilots the Portland pilots meanwhile remain one blemish in 2018 improving to eight and Oh as the Rainbow Wahine a fall to an even three and three and Shayla heffman to 17 in the handshake line leading the charge the high hitter on the floor tonight with 16 kills hitting 536 to go along with eight blocks she went beast mode here in her home coming back to the islands as Scott Rob's is standing alongside Robin Elmo Santos all right thanks a lot guys Robin almost a bit under the weather and coach we knew that Portland was a pretty good team coming in they were unbeaten do they play better than you thought they could I think they played their game you know like I said I've been saying it from the beginning you know when we started our season we got to work on our blocking we've got to work it up blocking in our office in the middle you used a lot of different players tonight it seems that you're still trying to find that combination that will work for you yeah I don't know if it's a combination right now I'm just looking for somebody who can do their job you know I need you to press over in a block he's gonna do it and you gonna give me some options in the middle who's gonna do it who's gonna step up that's that's what what's a combination step up and do the job well hopefully so many are more than somebody will do it on Sunday thanks coach yeah all right guys back over to you thanks a lot Scott Bank of Hawaii presents the players of the match Shayla heft the easy call for the pilots Morini ousia how about a triple-double 14 assists 15 kills she also hit 333 more than legit four blocks and 13 digs alright CMAC obviously a disappointing ending for Hawaii here tonight there were a lot of sloppy stretches and yet they competed to the tune of a fifth set defeat at the hands of the Portland pilots I'll give you the final word well they just lost to a very good Portland team in the first case of an undefeated team that plays in a tough conference the WCC always had nothing to be ashamed of losing to the team like that they had some great athletes great players who stepped up especially the two local players calf and Williams so really stepped up tonight that's off to that guy Jeff Baxter who coached the heck out of his team tonight he's got to be happy beating this white team in the Stan Sheriff Center not many visiting coaches can say they've done that in their lifetimes and so hats off to them but I think Robert mo Santos also saw some good things that that and it happened tonight and certainly the return of yo CEA's offense was one of them and I think on Sunday will be a great test to see how resilient this team is if they can bounce back and beat a very good San Diego State team that's right and we would be remiss if we didn't point out the performances by both love arrows Kerri Williams out of Kahuku for Portland 28 kills and Tita Q 25 kills for the I'm sorry digs for both side 28 days for Kerri Williams 25 digs for Tita Q so just awesome numbers put up defensively by those two players they do have a day off they will have an opportunity to go watch their football call the Rainbow Warrior football team taking on rice at a loss stadium tomorrow night we'll have that on spectrum sport pay-per-view and then we'll be back here Sunday as Hawaii takes on San Diego State at 5 p.m. all right don't forget about the Heineken postgame show for now though for Chris McLaughlin I'm Kanoa Leahey til next time everybody Aloha from the Stan Sheriff Center [Music]
Views: 15,910
Rating: 4.7358489 out of 5
Keywords: Rainbow Wahine Volleyball 2018, Wahine Volleyball, Rainbow Wahine Volleyball
Id: 4noF8t-V0Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 12sec (6732 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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