Rainbow Friends Chapter 3 Predictions

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so what if I told you we might know exactly where chapter 3 will be taking place and which rainbow friend we will be seeing so make sure you stick around to the end of the video because I am going to be revealing that to you but if you are looking forward to Rainbow friends chapter 3 don't forget to leave a like on this video And subscribe to the channel especially if you want to know when chapter 3 is going to be coming out in any more updates that I get pertaining to Rainbow friends now before we get into these chapter 3 predictions I want to go over chapter 2 very briefly because there are some really key things in here that we may have missed that's going to be giving us Clues to chapter three but don't worry I'm going to be covering that for you and I'm also going to be breaking down some theories that you all shared on the video where you comment it so if you do have any chapter 3 predictions make sure to leave them down below in the comments you all leave some of the best predictions and it's just incredible to see and you all leave some things I never even thought thought about so chapter 2 takes place inside of a theme park and I have to admit that Roy and charcoal did probably one of the best jobs ever on this chapter I actually think this is one of their top games in my opinion and this was definitely one of the best chapters I think I've ever played now I like to call this odd world because that is where we were originally going before we got derailed on that quote-unquote field trip that we were meant to be taking so we get here and we see an old man here who looks like he's breaking into the fence now I won't go into too much detail right now because we're gonna have an in-depth video talking about exactly who this mystery character is and that is going to blow your mind now between the odd cut scene and the suspicion acts that this character gives offs The Old Man and even red in all the cutscenes it was still a challenging chapter going up against all the Rainbow friends and we even got two new Rainbow friends yellow and cyan now when we make it to the end we have the in chase scene with cyan which I absolutely loved and it was by far one of my favorites and I enjoyed this one more than I did the blue chase scene because it was a lot more intense and it was a pretty lengthy chapter but when we in that it looks like we're going to a place called the surface now what is going to be through this elevator are we going to Roblox doors just kidding but that is the end off once we get there but we do get an extra cut scene at the end of this which I'm going to be sharing with you a theory on it and I also have an additional Theory which is going to be in another video so this is where things get interesting because this in cut scene says a lot so in the in cut scene we can see blue is in the chair now I first thought that look maybe blue is tired because blue is a lot faster during this chapter but wrong I think someone or something has happened to Blue I don't think his eye is closed I think his eye is gone or he is either dead but it is this key thing here that red said which makes red in the clear of any evil suspicions because red says where's blue and we're going to be late now where is very key because where is going to be chapter three so where do I think chapter 3 will be taking place well let's look at the calendar that was actually inside of the chapter and when we look at it the first one which was chapter one says field trip the second one which is fireworks and these were all Red's plans so this was the actual schedule for red like where we were actually going and there were fireworks in chapter two there was no light show either so I believe that chapter 3 will be some type of light show area we are going to the surface as well so do keep that into account an interesting thing about this is that it says it's been moved to August now does that mean we're going to be getting chapter three in August who knows now the light show I feel like this is going to be inside of a theater I think it's going to be a huge theater that is going to be themed around the rainbow friends possibly and this is where we're going to possibly see pink and the reason I think that the light show will be indoors I mean there are a lot of light show things that can happen colorful lights outside or also inside and again we have to remember that this is all based off of a cartoon show or TV show as we saw in chapter one at least the rainbow friends are so I do think this light show is going to be part of the rainbow friends and maybe this is where they are actually performing and being that red I think came here to get yellow and cyan I feel like now we're all going to be going to this light show to meet Possibly Pink and some of the new Rainbow friends but I'm gonna leave that there because I want to go over your predictions on what you you think about chapter three shiny Sid says okay somebody else please notice we have finished the rainbow indigo is a dark shade of blue so Indigo equals blue blue and rainbow is light so that is cyan Violet equals purple and red red and orange equals yellow yellow and finally green equals green there are no more colors in the rainbow left for the rainbow friends prove me wrong Mark Abe says I think chapter 3 is finally going to have pink in it I also think it's going to be set in an abandoned part of odd World also we might see the rest of purple's body instead of just his arms eyes and teeth Cedric Foss Cub says I think chapter three red will actually try to harm the player by releasing half of the rainbow friends and he will join them to kill us all red would also put traps and lookies as sentries if they bought you the nearest rainbow friend will kill you I definitely think the lookies will be in chapter three Miracle Myrick Roland says my theory for chapter three I think they wake up blue so they are not late to whatever red said they'd be late to they go to a dark colored theme park trying to find pink who has been captured by the dark friends brown gray white and black red will force us to help them fight off the dark friends while some of the rainbow friends uncapture pink After the Dark friends would lose and red offers them to be part of the rainbow friends with pink back and the new Rainbow friends they will become more powerful then it will end with all of them hunting us down which could lead to chapter four maybe linking up to spider I definitely think there's going to be a link between the games this was an awesome Theory cats are liquid says Big B if you're reading this can you answer my question why is orange not included and can you explain the cutscene after the game so the cutscene definitely something happened to Blue which we'll get into more detail about that later and orange was included in the very end but I believe cyan actually took place of orange because we don't need two running rainbow friends after us supersus 678 says I think blue is going to play a very big role in chapter three because of the ending cut scene or blue might be dead Roblox toh Story Time says I think chapter 3 will take place on the surface more specifically the woods I think that all the Rainbow friends we have encountered will be there except green I don't think that green will be in chapter three because he never showed up in the tunnels at the end of chapter two I think we will be introduced to pink and purple in chapter three I think that is why we will have to get wood for fire in the first hour in the second hour we will need to collect food to eat in the third hour maybe we need to know number of guns however many people are currently in the game then hour four I think we will need to collect ammo that round in hour five we will need more food to prepare us to turn the rainbow friends into rainbow soup to eat in chapter four wait rainbow soup I think this will be the last chapter by the way the last sentence was a joke but I think we will kill the rainbow friends in chapter four that was such an amazing Theory I mean Gathering items in the forest would be awesome BNB short says I have a huge Theory the calendar said field trip was on July 1st that means that chapter one ended on July 5th and chapter 2 also all played in the same night as night five from chapter one because it says you survived until one two three four five and chapter two started on the same night as that night five because after chapter one ended they directly climbed over the fence and the second calendar says on July 6 there is a light show maybe that is chapter three maybe even four see look they're on to it but at least we can now all think of something that would be a light show because we don't see where we are going to be going next but now we know it is something to do with a light show comment other theories because me and my friends have really good theories so we make new ones but we need ideas in our theory is for chapter two were actually right so look that was awesome and they even let me know with the no clip note says I'm gonna call you Dan Green games says big beep to be honest I think chapter 3 will have pink but not only just ping but how they said animal control and a figure reminds me of a mole something tells me the next chapter will have a rainbow friend who can go underground and who can stay out there the digging paths and we'll get caught they can also pop out randomly at random times to roam around that's my theory Rhett Mustang Billy says it's Theory time I love the excitement do you guys remember that machine in chapter one you can use as is a hiding spot what if that was a time machine so basically I think that this thing I think Blue's first friend is blue with the time machine I think that the old man considering he has glasses he might be future green and since orange and yellow both have an eating habit could it possibly be they are siblings and since red looks like a lookie what if the lookie are Red's kids this just like blew my mind Antonio says I think cyan and the lookies are going to be part of the big thing in chapter three because cyan was chasing you and why would cyan chase you if cyan wasn't a big part of the game and when you talk about the secret cut scene the lookies have to be part of something big but that's just my theory ILY Anna says my predictions for chapter three is that we will take place in Hemlock Woods because at the end of chapter 2 we escape being going through the surface the door is leading us outside and the only place to go is either back or to the woods I also think pink will appear in chapter 3 because the ending cut scene says red red says we're going to be late which they're probably meeting with a person or a thing pink which pink is probably going to be in Hemlock Woods also predictions for chapter two the old man might be Oswald D Davis because how he recognized blue so fast when he didn't even believe there were monsters in the beginning also did he know we could jump off yellow if we're above safety so there it is I would love to hear your predictions right now down below in the comments on chapter three I will be reading through them all but don't forget to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel and if you want to show that further support you can always use star code big B2 when purchasing Robux or premium we do get a small commission from Roblox when you use it but thank you all so much and I will see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: BigB
Views: 544,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow friends chapter 3, roblox rainbow friends chapter 3, rainbow friends chapter 3 predictions, Rainbow friends chapter 3 pink, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 ending, rainbow friends chapter 2 secrets, secret ending, rainbow friends new, chapter 2 rainbow friends, bigb, bigb rainbow friends, new rainbow friends, rainbow friends chapter 2 cyan
Id: o39qDJaiUrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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