Why Blue is Missing an Eye in Rainbow Friends?

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so what if i told you why blue is missing an i and how it happened so today we're going to be figuring that out and we're also going to be checking out some of your awesome theories pertaining to blue missing an i and also chapter two but if you do enjoy the video and you are looking forward to rainbow friends chapter two remember to leave a like on the video and feel free to subscribe i won't let you know that we're really close to three million subscribers i'm gonna have to do something extremely special for you all so again if you have not showed that support make sure to do so so let's go ahead and jump straight in to it now blue is missing an eye seems to be the topic of discussion at the moment i've been seeing it pop up a lot as well so i decided to start thinking on it and bring you guys a video talking about it so why is blue missing an eye is some things we're going to talk about how blue actually lost his eye and some really cool theories that i don't think you would have thought about so blue appears to be the main character i mean is the actual face of rainbow friends and is missing an eye and the eye is like a button so it's just like a button with an x there and it's the actual left eye now why is blue missing this eye and how did it happen now before i jump into why it happened i'm gonna jump into how it could have possibly happened as well now let's talk about how it could have possibly happened so there is a secret obviously if you have not known we've brought you guys 20 secrets as well in rainbow friends where if you did miss this there is a picture inside of the map with blue and blue has two eyes so it's safe to say that blue did start out with two eyes and when i break down the why you're gonna be like whoa i did not even think of that aspect of it so maybe someone actually took out blue's eye what if during the experiment even with the other rainbow friends another member of the rainbow friends took out blue's eye by accident purple is that a reason why purple is in the vent just a thought or this is some type of bad experiment i mean the last time we see blue with two normal eyes it's in the picture with blues for his friend now we also thinking that blue's first friend is someone that could have taken blue's eye imagine blue has gone crazy and the only way to defend himself blue's first friend was to actually attack and defend against blue before blue potentially ate his first friend that's just a theory maybe the first friend is still out there but this is an avenue to think about and the first friend attacked blue which made blue lose his eye and the first friend was able to get away so we have a possible rainbow friend who's also done it we also have maybe read the scientists who did it as well you have to think that blue is also drooling now there is a lot of origin stories out there where blue was a human and got shocked and therefore that kind of explains the drool the missing eye or maybe it was just always like that we do have to remember that the thing on the wall says they were made here and that is meaning the rainbow friends now why did this happen and it also ties in a little bit to the how as well now keep this in mind who's been in charge of us every single night pretty much read the scientists and i feel like it's quite funny that red the scientist also has had a lot of failed experiments all throughout the night i mean the blocks fall forgets to feed also the fuses kind of mess up and everything we just managed to slip past red the scientists so i don't think red the scientist is that well of a scientist and what if this theory here that the blue that we are seeing now is not the actual blue that we see in the first friend picture so imagine that the actual real rainbow friends let's say if that was a picture of the real blue with the first friend and the red scientist sort of recreated it so now we have this version of blue who the red scientist possibly couldn't even find another matching eye and sort of slap that one on blue that's a thought there i mean blue is also not drooling if i'm not mistaken in the picture too so maybe this was just a sloppy version that red scientists actually created and the rainbow friends that we're spending the night with are not the actual rainbow friends henceforth why there is technically something wrong with all the rainbow friends i mean green can't see blue is drooling missing in eye orange purple is in the vents so who knows if the actual purple is outside of the vents and maybe purple was just some unfinished project by red the scientists who didn't want to be shown and decide to just throw purple in the vents now those are just some of my theories i personally think that a very cool theory is obviously i would love to see an action between the first friend and blue but i think red the scientists sort of slap blue together and the thought of this blue being not the actual blue and imagine there's like this good rainbow friend versus this bad rainbow friend imagine like a blue versus blue that would be awe sim but we don't know what if they actually have the real rainbow friends captured somewhere and they're just using these as sort of a front but before i jump all the way through all my theories i want to make sure i read out your theories on blues missing i because you came up with some very good theories so let's go ahead and check it out paul mcclee says hi i think you missed like you said blue's missing an eye but in the picture blue's first friend he has both eyes and the little boy again in blue's first friend can't be read because you said blue looks hungry and he's looking down at the boy so he might have eaten the boy i mean that is a thought i mean a crazy thought during a picture too what if this was like moments before the first friend in blue kind of go at it and the first friend takes blue eye oh my goodness jelly moon knight says theory i feel like when the school bus went the wrong way who i think led us in the wrong way was red but i have a theory that red has done that before let it bust the wrong way because blue has a missing eye and in the picture blue's first friend he has an eye so if red has done it before maybe a kid was caught by blue in some way attacked him before they were eaten but was eaten by a different rainbow friend because red never thought that the kids could escape i could be wrong that is a very good one imagine that we are the group that actually go on the field trip and we escape so we're the exception we escaped from the rainbow friends but there were many other field trips before this i mean i don't think this is red's first time doing this so imagine that that was left by some other kid who was there did that to blue and maybe they were the only one that left and maybe we'll meet them later down the road in another chapter tay says i think all the rainbow friends and another of them and not the real one because the blue is missing an eye green is blind orange is hungry and purple is scared of us and maybe the real rainbow friends are actually still hiding in hemlock woods that is such an awesome theory we just talked about that imagine that the real rainbow fans are captured and these are all evil rainbow friends lovely says theory red the scientists created blue green orange and they got popular quick but red wanted more he made more and more updates until he made it all go wrong the update caused blue's eye to go missing and make him drool a lot they replaced blue's eye with a button the update also affected green making him blind and orange making him always hungry and red to make more friends such as pink indigo and yellow but ended up chasing them away but purple didn't want to leave so hit in the vent and that's why the place of hemlock woods is abandoned please read my comment i sub i appreciate that lovely that was an awesome awesome theory tyler cat says i think all the rainbow friends we see here are scrap versions of the actual rainbow friend crew blue has one eye green is blind oranges constantly needs food purple was too nervous to show their face this theory would also explain why blue has two eyes in the first frame picture guys this might be the real reason why blue is missing an eye oh boba says i think why blue is missing an eye is because his first friend had a balloon and he popped it so blue went absolutely crazy tolu says there is something about eyes that is weird green is blind and has fake googly eyes blue has a missing eye and orange eyes are on his side purple is the only one where we have seen so far with normal eyes he's just an odd thought see the joke tell me in the comments oh this your video me hey thank you so much for this comment as well this was a lot of fun to read alright so what i want you to do now is comment down below your best theory on blue missing the eye i cannot wait to read your comment you come up with some of the best theories ever and there's any theories out there you want me to cover uh make sure again comment them down below i'll be sure to try and feature you in an upcoming video but thank you all so much tuning in if you did enjoy feel free to leave a like and share it also feel free to subscribe for more if you knew and if you enjoyed this video i think you will really enjoy this next one here so make sure you check it out but much much love and i will see you the next one [Music]
Channel: BigB
Views: 1,247,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends, roblox, roblox rainbow friends, new, rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends chapter 2 predictions, bigb, rainbow friends ending, 20 things you about rainbow friends, bigbst4tz2, bigb roblox, rainbow friends secrets, rainbow friends chapter 1, secret ending, black rainbow friend
Id: lFWTIIsXx5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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