Cash Gets Whatever He BUILDS in Minecraft!

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knock knock hey what's going on gosh I'm coming who is it uh it's Mia who's Mia [Music] come in what is it I wanted to see if you wanted to come to my lab with me Mia I just woke up because can I at least like have a coffee or something first ew no coffee Blair follow me fine I don't really drink coffee anyways I was just kidding where did you even see coffee from like who drinks it I have no well Zoe drinks it oh yeah she does she loves coffee oh my gosh why are we going to your laboratory anyways well I'm testing out some new things so I wanted to see if you wanted to help me uh like an experiment uh yeah cash an experiment okay fine but I didn't brush my teeth is that okay yeah all right let's go down to do the experiment yay what is it what this is just your lab I don't see anything cool looking for starters my lab is very cool and second I'm working on a bunch of new stuff really yeah I'm working on some blocks I'm working on mevo I have a long list cash wait blocks what's in this don't touch that that has some special blocks in there really yes in fact I actually need to get a part for amiibo so stay here don't touch anything and be calm okay I will be completely still right now until you get back all right there's cameras I'm watching oh geez that Gotta Stay completely like this but I'm getting kind of bored I don't really like standing like this for so long you know what she's not looking who cares maybe I could just uh you know take some of this from this well what is that create blocks I'll just take some of those I don't think she'll mind if I just try it out and whoa it's even orange with some enchantment effects that's so cool wait cash what are you doing what oh um nothing I saw something in your hand did you touch my chest um yes I did of course you did all right yeah I guess you can keep whatever you took but make sure you don't use it it's just a prototype really I could I could play with this yes but again it's a prototype it's not fully done yet but what does it even do though uh it brings your builds to Life cash what it what if you place it down and build a build it comes to life oh my gosh that sounds awesome okay trust me I will be very responsible and I will not overuse it Mia I feel like I've heard that before you can trust me I'm the most reliable friend ever alright cash be careful please I will okay I'm not really sure where I should test this thing hmm I probably need a good open space like over here okay bring your builds to life she said I wonder what that even does what if I just create a platform like this it doesn't really seem that cool maybe if I step on it it'll do something three two one step up it didn't really do anything wait wait a second I'm in creative mode I can fly oh my gosh wait what if I step on it again I wonder if it'll put me in survival oh gosh wait it's not working I think it just keeps me in creative mode okay you know what whatever but I'm not really sure to use it she said I have to build something on top of it to make it come to life hmm let's see maybe I can just extend this platform out and then build on it okay that looks big enough and what do I want to build first go I got it I'm gonna build a car on here if I could really get my own car then that would be perfect and of course we're gonna make it red just like this okay let me just put the four wheels down on each side like this and then build the front part on top and I have to make sure to go all the way around so it connects all the way then we'll build the floor of it like this the frame will go up like this on each side and then of course we're gonna connect it here as well and hmm that's looking pretty good so far but I think I need some glass just to make sure that it's not an open car obviously so let me just place this glass in the middle right here and all around okay that looks really good and now I just need to add some buttons on the front to make it look like headlights and oh I'm missing the roof oh my gosh how did I even forget about that anyways boom my red Jeep is done nothing's happening to it uh excuse me Mr Carr are you alive Mia said that whatever I built okay there's got to be some way to activate it let me see maybe I could just get like a lever or something Redstone power will definitely work okay lever activate ah this is a bunch of baloney wait what oh what I think the Redstone power actually did work it turned this thing into an actual jeep that I could drive no way this is awesome okay you know what I have to go show this off to my friends Nico Nico guess what I just got wait oh my gosh check out my new um Nico why are you on that slow Pig yeah that thing is super slow look at my new red Jeep Eagle because I built it myself oh my gosh but can yours move like this uh yeah that pig is really slow Nico okay okay fine what about is yours cute and lovable Mr Carr are you cute and lovable I think it said yes oh gosh yeah how did you get something so cool like that cash I just told you um I built it with my own bare hands oh my gosh I want to get the money in order to buy something like this uh Nico I don't think you'll ever have the money to buy something like this I'm sorry hey you know what I'm out of here I'm going into square City [Music] I don't know why Nico's always riding a pig he always has a pig in his house as well if it were me I would have that thing for dinner okay you know what anyways time to head to the gym and I got here so fast because of my new car um I don't really know how to lock it or anything so I just hope someone doesn't come in and steal it time to get a workout set oh gosh Bull's here no oh gosh oh uh hi bull what's with the new pants I was feeling a little different today okay I guess um anyways are you working out right now uh-huh I'm just pumping iron look there's this little guy back here who thinks he's tough wait what what is that thing well I have no clue he has a bunch of arrows in the top of him okay you know what let's just forget about that bowl okay it's time for a workout today all right well uh get on the bench then uh okay just give me one second I'll be right back okay oh you better not leave I need to go here real quick and I need to build myself something that'll make me stronger so bull will be impressed but let's see what should I build hmm probably build some sort of potion like a potion of strength maybe for that I just need this glass to go at the bottom here and then we build around it just like this perfect and then I think it should just come to the top like that and have the stopper boom there's my potion oh wait I need to actually fill it with something what does a strength potion look like I think it's red on the inside so let me just fill this up with that and boom my red strength potion is complete oh yeah I forgot I kind of have to activate it okay lever you better work for me now did it work oh my gosh I think that definitely works okay um how do I drink this thing um I think I just drink it like this that I don't really know if that worked whoa wait what just happened to me am I bigger now because just potion okay hold on I need to go talk to Bull I think I'm ready to work out now look at me what in the world um yeah I just um had to go behind the building to use the bathroom that totally didn't take any supplements are you taking what I think you're taking boy no what do you think I'm taking get on the bench then huh oh okay uh what do you want me to do on the bench you're still flabby muscle not real muscle no I'm not I'm very muscular all right then let's see what you can lift boy I don't even know how a lift on here how do you do this thing do you oh wait I think I know how one sec here I go look at me am I lifting the weights oh no oh okay then how do you do it come here and do push-ups no I just did them though push-ups are going here oh geez okay fine there are you happy I'm doing push-ups look at you so big but struggling on the first ones I'm not even struggling I just have a lot of weight to push up right now yeah you're dumb no I'm not hey you're being mean now no come here and punch the bag um okay okay I underestimated you I think yeah that's right bull all right well let's see if you can handle this handle what what's going on bull are you okay whoa whoa whoa why don't you just do that uh well wait hold on are you taller than me okay yeah you definitely are uh I'll be on my way I'll be on my way oh Joy to the wall okay that was definitely not a good idea I've kind of forgot bull has those Powers up Nico oh my gosh cash I finally caught up to you oh my gosh it took you that long are you bigger now uh yeah oh gosh they go get back here what are you doing you're super slow on that pig get away you realize you can't keep running away from me I'm just big oh wait I'm not big anymore hey you're not scared anymore my potion ran out oh my gosh hold on I have to go build more things to make me even more op wait what'd you say nothing hey don't get it yes I am Nico you're totally not gonna catch me in this car yes I will okay yeah good luck good luck with that Nico I'll see you in a couple of years once you catch up to me what ah here I am in the mushroom Village and the reason I came here was to actually help out my friends instead of ask for their help um Frank are you in here hello Frank he's probably in his house I just gotta check in there Frank what you doing oh knock on the door bro I'm sorry but listen I'm not here to ask you for more things what are you talking about you know how I always come here and like you make me potions and stuff like that yeah what about it I actually wanted to give back to you this time wait really yeah so what can I do for you I'm not gonna lie to you cash I'm lonely man I need like a wife or something I sit inside this house all day and I have no love a wife you say okay give me one second then Frank I'll be right back okay okay Frank wants a wife then what if I just build him a wife because anything I build turns into life okay let me just place these blocks down real quick just like this and then we need to step on it to put me in Creative so let's step on it uh there we go and hmm what would a mushroom wife actually look like let me think okay first of all I think we should get some concrete like maybe this color and this color and then we should build some little legs like this and then obviously the big body that goes on top and since mushrooms are a little tubby we need to make sure the belly is big okay this is definitely a big enough belly I think now we just got to make sure to add the arms of course that go down on each side and then I think I need more concrete for this bit we'll give them a brown hat and also a little face so let me build this out real quick put the face on top like that and then the hat that goes all around okay there we go up but wait I still need to add some spots on the hat let me just get some yellow concrete and do that real quick boom and boom Oh my gosh this is looking good Frank is totally gonna love his new wife what the heck is this hey Frank get back at your house it's not ready yet what the heck is this don't worry about it just just go back okay I'm not done yet I'm sure Todd's gonna be real happy about this no no please don't talk to Todd about it listen just give me me one second okay I have yet to activate it okay I don't know what the heck you're doing but I trust you I just need to power it with redstone here let's see let me just get a pressure plate this time and once I step on it you will be amazed Frank trust me here we go stepping on the pressure plate in three two one step did it work did it oh um hello oh where am I oh my gosh my creation wait you are uh bigger than I expected how are you taller than me hey that's rude what is this oh um this is just my creation Todd do you like it wow jeez I already have a girlfriend I didn't need you to spawn one in for me it's not for you Todd oh hey Frank holy schmokes I'm in love hello wait really you like her come here Frank you're not you have to at least take her on a date and do other things you know yeah we're going on a date all right wait what Frank okay you know what um my I think my job here is done I should probably just get rid of these blocks before Todd gets even more mad at me I really am just a Matchmaker I can't believe I Found Love for Frank and I built myself what are you doing how are you going so fast with that pig what do you mean but Nico wow hey hey okay you're going way too fast for me how does he get so fast on that pig I could have sworn that thing was super slow earlier today hi guys hey Nico how did you do that well it's a little secret that I can't tell you oh my gosh why because I gotta Gekko how do you oh my gosh well uh piggy I'm sorry Nico left you but you're coming with me I gotta show you some cool things let's go come on piggy we're going to the edge of the pier because I know someone who always spends their time here it's usually Shady he's always fishing and oh yeah I'm completely right look that way Peggy look at the kid the yellow shirt yeah over you're looking the wrong way okay you know what whatever I'm just gonna leave you here but I think shady is right there and I think he's fishing for uh I have no idea what I think I should definitely play a prank on him though I gotta build something that'll scare the poop out of him let's see what should I build maybe some sort of machine or something oh yeah that's definitely a good idea okay I gotta have a big platform from this though this is definitely big enough and now I gotta fill it all in like this okay this is definitely big enough now hmm what will be scary enough to get Shady hey Piggy do not go on the edge like that that is very dangerous you're staying over here with me right there thank you okay hmm I think for this one I'm definitely gonna need some Cobblestone and maybe we can make it like some sort of cobblestone monster yes and what other blocks should I use I'll just take some of this and maybe something like this okay perfect now time to start building of course I'm going to start with the legs because that's what I always start with there we go there's the first stub there's the second stub let's connect it over like this and build the bigger part of the body of course too boom this is looking so good so far okay now we gotta build the entire frame there we go there's the frame all done hey Piggy no standing under the mech very dangerous stay right there okay now we just gotta build the arms out and these are gonna be super big because I have to make this Golem very strong to scare Shady there's one arm and there's the second arm and now time for the head Boom the head is done and I even added some small details like some redstone on his back so I think it's time to Redstone activate this thing let me just grab a button like this and boom and let's see if it worked hello uh sir Redstone Golem on whoa wait what's you're actually made of redstone I can't believe that worked and he's even powered yes hello um okay I'm nervous hello my name is cash and I am your creator what shall I do for you master you don't have to do anything except one small request um you see uh my friend over there in the yellow shirt on the pier detecting Enemy No no no no no no no no not an enemy I just need you to give him a little scare but please don't hurt him okay got it no personal damage is subject also wait before you go um hand me an invisibility potion so you know I can spy without being seen okay you know what that's perfect thank you now I can turn invisible all right let's see this Golem prank Shady this is gonna be the funniest thing ever wow why is he charging it up like that oh geez my master wanted me to scare you whoa hello Gollum wait what here you go here's a fishing rod he's Shady not terrified by him well thank you wait what this isn't supposed to happen hey this is not supposed to happen why are they fishing together what's your name I'm Shady who are you oh my gosh I'm a redstone Golem dude let's get some awesome fish this was definitely not supposed to happen okay you know what I'm turning out of him invisibility hey guys Golem this is not what I requested is it not I asked for you to scare Shady would you like a raw salmon no I don't wanna ew oh my gosh uh Shady did you really not get scared by him no and how are you flying um because I'm in creative mode what yeah it's some special blocks did you tell this Gollum to scare me uh yeah sorry he looked really friendly I just thought he wanted a fish oh well he is pretty friendly but you know what shady I guess you could just keep him as a friend now we are friends really yeah whatever have fun I guess I'm going back to create more things with these blocks bye bye see you guys the reason I'm leaving is because I have such a good idea for what I could do next and I definitely have to get this done before my Powers get taken away since I'm so powerful now what's gonna stop me from taking money from the banker oh my gosh this is such a good idea okay but first I should probably build myself a little something before I go in this will just be a small thing I think I could just build it by doing this here I'll just put some string that goes like this oh gosh this is gonna be so scuffed and then a grappling hook okay that definitely doesn't work how do I build the grappling hook I need to make something that'll launch me into the top of the bank no I have an idea I think brown wool really looks like strings so we could just have it go around like this that definitely looks like a grappling hook okay I need a redstone power real quick and this time I'm just going to use a redstone block boom let's see if that works yes it actually gave me a grappling hook holy smokes is this gonna work if I climb on things oh that definitely works okay I'm gonna use this to go into the bank without them seeing me okay operation stuff Mission I need to get in there without them seeing me so let me just climb up here and go up yeah oh gosh this is getting a little hard duh okay I'm on top of the bank this is good now I just need to uh light this up real quick so I can get through oh geez that might be a bad explosion gosh okay and now one last explosion right on top of here and now I could just go in here and steal all the money for myself and become rich hello oh oops I accidentally landed on the second floor hello um what are you doing here I am here to take all the money in the bank oh my stop playing around hurry up get out of here and you're fixing my ceiling no I'm not I'm not playing around listen you see this civilian don't shoot I'm not going to this is a grappling hook dude oh geez okay well you see how he's scared he is I would be scared too if I were you no I'm not scared okay well you know what you leave me no choice I have been summoned yes Redstone Golem I need you to help me Rob this bank got you master wait a second Redstone Golem I need you to turn into Mech form Mech form yes do it oh thanks for the gold Banker oh thank you for that Mrs Banker oh and look now I'm in a Mech so you definitely don't want to mess with me now uh I need to call someone uh dog get em give me the wait puppy oh geez okay uh I'm sorry I didn't mean to uh I didn't mean to bother you oh geez wait wait can you get your dog off me I don't really think I like it I don't like it oh geez I'm getting out of here get away from me dog I'm going back home okay finally I'm back home guys you will never believe what just happened to me holy smokes that was scary Mia he's right there wait what cash what are you doing um nothing I was just at the bank getting money by myself what is this it's a redstone Mech I built it with the blocks that you gave me ah cash I told you not to use those blocks they're just prototypes well you said I could try them oh gosh my Mech seems like he's malfunctioning wait what's going on Mia can you kill it I can try but I don't think I have anything on me it's all in my lab oh okay well then let's go to your lab geez Mia how are you gonna deactivate this thing uh I think I have a potion that can control those blocks no uh okay well do it quick because he's kind of chasing me down right now stop up wait what uh I think it worked I think it's shut down for now but how on Earth did you build that I'm sorry listen I just did all it really took was Cobblestone and Redstone ah cash give me the blocks back ah do I have to yes all of them I'm counting uh okay here there's all my blocks cash this is only three give me all of them fine does that take it but it was fun playing with that follow me up here okay what are you building step on that okay here goes nothing oh wait what hey I'm not in Creative anymore can you put me back in Creative no this was a survival test and you're in it now wait what yeah no yep because you didn't listen to me you used those blocks for bad you know what fine whatever I could find other ways to have fun without that you know whatever cash stay out of my lab I will whatever whatever at least nothing bad occurred from that whole shenan again oh geez that's big golem if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye foreign
Channel: Cash
Views: 848,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Cash Gets Whatever He BUILDS in Minecraft!
Id: 1CqKaBtBY5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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