Raiding an Ocean Monument! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let's Play [Ep.31]

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hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you're all having a good day I am having a great one I've managed to dig out the entire area that our storage system item filter circuits are going to occupy obviously we'll need a little bit more space around the outside for decoration but boy oh boy did we eat up a whole lot of the hill in the process naturally the landscape around here is pretty large so it's not exactly hurting the landscape too much but there's a lot of Hillside taken away here and one of the consequences of that is that I now have enough Stone almost certainly to take care of all of the repeaters and comparators that we need to craft in order to get all of the Redstone Circuits for the item filters whether or not I have enough of redstone for that is another matter entirely especially since each circuit needs three Redstone Dust a redstone torch three Redstone torches per comparator two Redstone torches per repeater plus another Redstone Dust is part of that recipe ah it's gonna be a lot but but in the meantime I figured we would spend a bit of today with the watery theme that the world is currently giving me figuring out some of the other blocks that we are going to include here getting hold of at least a starter supply of those blocks which will be filling up a lot later and for that we are going to go and raid an ocean Monument today but the first thing we're going to do is acknowledge this before I paper over it completely I discovered this cave a short while ago and happened to eat into it whilst I was digging out this area so I just wanted to show you folks this because this seems to be the cave where any Enderman who have spawned around my starter area and have taken dirt blocks or grass blocks with them seem to have left the blocks down here I'm fairly certain that a couple of these might have just generated as part of surface terrain since we're still like well above sea level so we're at the point where grass and stuff can occasionally generate in caves but in this case the Enderman are either taking blocks from here or they are leaving blocks here and the presence of natural grass blocks when the rest of the blocks around here are dirt kind of indicates that the Enderman have been leaving them here in fact if you don't have silk touch in the early days of a Minecraft world but you do see an Enderman holding a grass block killing the Enderman to retrieve that grass block is one of the ways you can get hold of a block of grass without having silk touch on any kind of tool already so fun little Easter egg for you I suppose but in the previous episode I did say that prismarine and the ocean Monument blocks were going to be part of this initial row of item filters along with some of the other Stone types that we get as part of the Overworld and its structures so today we are going to grab some water breathing and night vision potions from in here we might have to brew up a couple of water breathing potions and I'm not sure I have any night vision left I've got some water breathing potions here in the brewing stand well that's a good start well we'll Brew up some more potions and then we'll head out in search of an ocean monument and based on where we've been previously I think I know where we can find one so having gathered a fresh stack of food and got all my potions in order we're gonna step through this nether portal that leads to an ocean above an ocean Monument you might remember us creating this portal the first time we stepped through to the Nether and it turns out that it drops me off kind of in the sky but very very close to our destination today down there in the water we have an ocean Monument so we're gonna dive in and we're gonna swim with the dolphins swimming near a dolphin will give you an effect called dolphin's Grace which makes you very fast moving in the water and just like that we are over here at the monument I'm gonna drink a potion of water breathing and a potion of night vision just to make sure that we can see down here a little better there we go and we're looking for the entrance to the ocean Monument which is usually where the two arms extend out on either side but we're also going to be swimming around blocks wherever possible because that helps us break the line of sight of these Guardian lasers the laser will just sort of build up slowly and there we go we end up with that effect coming down the overlay of the Elder guardian's face indicates that we have mining fatigue so now breaking blocks is an incredibly slow process and will be better off exploring the monument to take out the Elder Guardians and remove the effect so the Elder Guardians are these larger Guardians that you'll find around the structure here and once again their lasers will hit very hard and they also have a built-in Thorns effect when those spikes around their model retract that is when it's safe to hit them without taking any additional damage but we're going to be healing pretty regularly here you might even want to bring a couple of strength potions along with you because these creatures can hit very hard and it's best to take them down quickly there we go I think we managed to take out an Elder Guardian with that last swing we should make sure we collect the loot from the Elder Guardian because we will get some prismarine shards we will get a sponge which is actually a really useful block to have if we don't find any of it here in the monument and there is a chance of getting the tide armor trim from killing an Elder Guardian it's not a hundred percent chance I don't believe it drops every time you kill an Elder Guardian but of course once we have one of those we can duplicate them using diamonds so the Elder Guardians will appear at three locations around the monument one of which is this room here with the pillar extending down through the floor this sort of trestle around it and a bunch of sea lanterns we're going to swim around to see if we can find the next destination they should be at the top of the Pyramid of the ocean monument and in the wing on the opposite side from where we are now and since we can't break any blocks at the moment we're not really able to break through the walls and get to those places quickly we'll look at ways of doing that in future episodes where we raid other Ocean Monuments but instead for now I'm just going to explore naturally trying to find my way up towards the top of the pyramid the other thing you should know about these is that they are procedurally generated which means the combination of rooms in the layout of the interior of the ocean Monument can be different every time and in some places there might even be nooks and crannies you can swim through to get to your next destination in this case we have found another Elder Guardian swimming around at the pillar in this room once again they like to hang around these large pillars and if you don't find the Elder Guardian in this room there is a chance that it swung out into the corridors since they are quite large but there is a chance they can fit through these two by three spaces that's the second Elder the guardian dispatched I'm gonna eat some food just to keep my health up and we should go looking for our final Elder Guardian looks like we have a way up to the top of the monument through the ceiling here and it's always worth looking up because that will take you to this final room right at the top where the final Elder Guardian resides and once again we're gonna try and swim around the pillars to break the Laser's contact with us and we should be able to dive in do a couple of Sword hits and swim away the Elder Guardian will do a little bit more damage than the regular Guardians as well so with the Thorns effect in the mix here you will find that they end up hitting pretty hard and there we go we've taken down the final Elder Guardian we got ourselves the armor trim that's fantastic news that's probably a one in three chance since there are three of them in the Ocean Monuments here but you might come away with one or two of them the tide armor trim is ours we have a bunch of sponges we have a bunch of prismarine shards and prismarine crystals we once again have mining fatigue unfortunately we weren't able to defeat all three of the Elder Guardians before the mining fatigue effect renewed itself so we are gonna have to drink our bucket of milk to dispel that potion effect it is basically a potion effect in the same sense that the potions we drank earlier are but before we do that I want to swim around a little bit to locate a room towards the back of the monument here there is a central room where a bunch of gold blocks are surrounded in this dark prismarine block and that's really what I'm looking for I think right now I'm swimming around the outside of the monument back towards that pillar room where the second Elder Guardian was and maybe we'll be able to access it through here but these rooms are all kind of Tangled together like a maze so it may be a little difficult to find exactly what you're looking for there we go though we have found it this large open room has a central core of sorts which contains some gold blocks a secondary treasure for coming here and taking on the monument looks like our night vision and water breathing have about a minute left but mining fatigue has two and a half minutes so I'm going to drink this bucket of milk and immediately go into my inventory and refresh my water breathing and night vision potions just so I don't end up drowning down here and so I can still see to a reasonable degree now we don't have the mining fatigue effect anymore and with the Elder Guardians gone it will not renew it's not the structure itself that has the effect it's the Elder Guardians themselves so I'm going to open up the central structure where eight blocks of gold await us and I'm also going to start taking some of the blocks from around the ocean Monument because these are really desirable building blocks for some future builds I have planned of course the more you open up an area like this the more the Guardians are gonna have a line of sight to you and begin to shoot you so you might want to do this sort of strategically whilst you still have this entire area flooded with water in future though we will look into ways that you can remove all of the water from these monuments so that you can explore them on foot instead of swimming around and the trick to that really is these sponge blocks that we got from the Elder Guardians somewhere in some Ocean Monuments you may even find rooms with a bunch sponge dangling from the ceiling and those are really worth looking for since they will give you a bunch of sponge and once you dry that out you can use it to absorb a lot of water in a large area for now though my focus is going to be on grabbing a few example blocks from the Ocean Monuments we have some prismarine bricks which are these sort of tiled blocks like this we have some regular prismarine which is the craggy block around the walls and on the floor here which you may notice as we cut between shots in this video changes color subtly over time the veins start to get a little bit more green or a little bit more purple it's a really slow animation but after a while you'll start to notice it I'm also really interested in getting more dark prismarine since I think that's a really attractive block with a very unique texture and sea lanterns are also a really valuable light source to me unlike Redstone lamps and glowstone which have a very yellow look to them these sort of look more like a fluorescent LED bulb or something like that they have a very kind of pure white color to them even if the light they give off is the same color as any other Source in Minecraft oh here we go we found a sponge room well at this point it's kind of a shame that I didn't bring a hoe with me unless I left one in my Ender Chest I did fantastic okay it's a little low on durability but we can repair it a little bit later the hoe is the ideal tool for removing sponges and that's gonna make it a lot easier to clear out this room and bring a bunch of the sponges back with us so I can demonstrate their effects but this is really the way I recommend taking on these Ocean Monuments make sure you have water breathing and night vision potions so that you can see down here and so that you don't end up drowning halfway through exploring one of these monuments then swim through the structure until you find the Elder Guardians don't worry too much about fighting the Guardians around you since a lot of the time cornering one of them will deal more damage than it will help you and the Guardians will constantly respawn whilst you are here in the monument so it can be a little bit tricky to find a safe Corner away from them looks like we have another sponge room here which is wonderful news an adequate supply of sponges is a really useful thing to have if we want to revisit this monument and clear out all of the water but then as I said once you are here killing the Elder Guardians will make sure that that mining fatigue effect eventually wears off and you can dispel it with a bucket of milk earlier but the chances are if you haven't killed the Elder Guardians yet it's simply going to renew within about a minute if you're playing on Minecraft Java Edition there are of course a few sneaky ways that you can create a breathing pocket underwater you can bring doors with you and placing a door will create an air bubble that you can step into breathe and even close the door on any of the Guardians that are following you but remember that while you still have that mining fatigue effect you won't be able to break the door again so make sure you bring an adequate supply of those with you if you're intending on using them as breathing space if you do end up running into some Guardians that are causing you trouble the best way to approach them is to approach them actually if you just swim towards them they will actually retract their thorns and swim away to try and get to a safe distance to shoot at you with their lasers kind of similar to how skeletons will back off if you approach them on the surface in the Overworld so the best way is to avoid getting lasered by Guardians are to swim towards them or alternatively to make your way around a pillar and break the line of sight between you and the guardian before you leave the ocean Monument take advantage of the opportunity to grab as many prismarine blocks as you care to because these are going to be valuable building blocks if anybody wants to work with this cyan color palette that they have looks like my last water breathing and night vision potions are about to run out I can see the night vision effect flickering so I'll make sure I prioritize the water breathing first since I'm about to drown and we'll get the night vision potion on the go as well just so we can see although it's quite bright in these places around the sea lantern blocks that basically puts a time limit of eight minutes on our remaining stay here in the ocean Monument so I'm gonna spend it grabbing a bunch more blocks where I can get them and we'll head back towards the entrance before that eight minute timer runs down completely we should be able to make our way out of the ocean monument and get back to our base from there just to be on the safe side I'm going to leave a little early with 2 minutes and 30 seconds of night vision and water breathing left we're we're going to make our way to the exit we're immediately going to swim up and around the monument to make sure we break line of sight from all of these lasers that are absolutely everywhere as we leave there we go we can make our way through that Archway as well and we are in the clear we have escaped The Monuments there might still be a couple of Guardians on the fringes shooting at us but it doesn't look all that likely that we're gonna make our way back to that nether portal hanging as it is in the sky above this area and I don't seem to have brought a boat with me so I guess we're gonna have to swim back potentially with the aid of some Dolphins while we're here though I will take advantage of the chance to look around the ocean floor with night vision we can already see there is the Dome of a geode over there geodes can often be found in ocean biomes like this if you look carefully and there are even ocean ruins on the floor kind of separate from the Ocean Monuments that are very difficult to spot from above when you don't have night vision since they kind of blend in with the ocean floor and there aren't really many lights down there so those could be worth returning to and investigate if you're after some more ocean ruined loot for now though I'm going to check my coordinates to make sure we're headed in the right direction it looks like we actually needed to be headed back North this way there might also be a couple of shipwrecks on the way that we can dive down to and investigate but I've only got 12 seconds of water breathing left so maybe we'll save those for another day well finally after a long journey back we have made it home the chests of the storage system slowly render in and you can see I've made a little bit more progress between Clips I'm very excited to add prismarine to our list of stone and structural blocks that's going to appear over here in the entrance hall I think I'm going to start with raw prismarine and then we're going to have prismarine bricks there we're going to have dark prismarine after that and we will probably add sea lanterns right there as well we're leaving one space at the end here in case we want to expand this with one more category in future but for the moment let's quickly revise what I brought home with me we have a bunch of raw prismarine as I like to call it it's basically the standard building block of these Ocean Monuments we also have some prismarine bricks which are crafted a little bit differently to how you might expect from the example of stone bricks we'll get on to that a little bit later we also have dark prismarine a really nice looking Block in my opinion and we have sea lanterns we got some prismarine shards and prismarine crystals we ended up with close to a stack of wet sponges which is very nice to have all of our bottles of water here are from when I refilled the potion bottle from the water around me after I drank those but then we have the tide armor trim and eight blocks of gold really The Treasure of these Ocean Monuments or the loot at least I guess you could call it because I think the real treasure of these Ocean Monuments is the blocks themselves nowhere else in the world except for the occasional sea lantern in Ocean ruins are you going to find this block palette and so it makes it a vital resource to master if you want to get hold of a bunch of it for future builds but as you might expect taking down these Ocean Monuments is not the only source of these blocks they can be made renewably with the shards and crystals that the Guardians themselves drop and it's not just Elder Guardians regular Guardians will also drop both of these along with some raw fish which it's kind of a surprise I don't have actually but that's probably just a sign of how few Guardians I actually thought whilst I was in there I was really targeting the Elder Guardians first and foremost with a bunch of prismarine shards if we put them in a two by two you'll be able to make one block of regular prismarine and I didn't bring home enough actually to demonstrate the prismarine brick crafting recipe but if I just type priz in there you'll see it here in the crafting interface nine prismarine shards will get you the slightly more structural looking prismarine bricks so they can be a little bit expensive they're twice as expensive plus another Shard extra than the regular prismarine but they are a very specific color and they don't change color over time like normal prismarine does to craft the dark prismarine you actually need some black dye in the center of there and that used to be an ink sack from squid but it specifically changed to black dye so that you can use other sources of black dye in the crafting recipe and once again eight prismarine shards are required plus a black dye in order to make one block so it can be quite an expensive block to work with which is why I like to pull as much dark prismarine out of The Monuments themselves as I can lastly if we are fresh Outlook at the crafting interface here I can put a plus shape of prismarine crystals and four prismarine shards on the corners to create another sea lantern and I think I'm going to do that right now just to leave us with 20 sea lantern seems like a nice round number to me we could go back with more night vision and water breathing potions and grab the rest of the sea lanterns out of there and we would end up with a couple of stacks depending on the layout of the monument now the wet sponges that we have gathered are some more interesting loot from the monument because they have a functionality that you can't really get anywhere else at least not without a great deal of effort we're going to walk up into the house here and I'm going to put one of these sponges into the furnace I'm just going to put it in here with a couple of sticks for now because I don't intend to end up drying all of them this way but over time the furnace will dry out these sponges and you end up with a block that is just called sponge not wet sponge and Visually speaking you can see the difference the wet sponge looks naturally a lot wetter it even has drips of water that will come off the the side or drip From Below but the difference between these is that the sponge can now be used to dry out a large area of water let me provide you with a quick example down here where this River biome has sort of been cut off by the land this will provide a nice demonstration I think because we can place the wet sponge in here it won't do anything if we place the dry sponge in here suddenly it removes a large area of the water around it and water comes rushing back in from any water sources that have been created around the outside but this area here is clear of water if I were to barricade this off where the water sources are flowing in you can see that that area has been completely dried up and it's quite a range that it has as well it will affect water sources up to seven blocks away and can even clear out water in quite a large volume it will only ever remove 65 blocks of water at 165 water sources or blocks of flowing water but it sort of creates an air bubble in whichever water it touches of course if water sources can reform in the area that the sponge has cleared out then the effect will be lessened because the water will simply rush back in and fill up the space again but with a few man-made partitions and enough sponges it is possible to dry out any section of water you can clear entire oceans like this if you are systematic about it and have the right approach and a lot of time on your hands so in a future episode we are going to return to that ocean monument and completely drain the inside of it for a couple of reasons first of all to acquire any more prismarine blocks that we care to get our hands on secondly because if you clear out an ocean Monument you'll end up with a really cool place to start a base but thirdly because controlling the areas in which the Guardians can spawn allows you to turn that area into a guardian farm that will allow you to acquire more prismarine shards and crystals so that you can craft as many prismarine blocks as you want in future one more trick I will show you related to the sponges though take takes us back to the Nether and to be honest it will probably be safer to do this in the confines of one of our nether tunnels instead of out here in the open in the basalt Delta so I'll briefly Run for the cover of this tunnel and I'll show you that you can actually dry out wet sponges by simply placing them in the Nether and allowing the water to evaporate off them as Steam then when you pick them all back up again and now that we're using the hoe in the open it is a lot faster to do that I realized I didn't have aqua affinity on my helmet so I was breaking blocks a little slower while we're underwater We Now find that we have almost a stack of dry sponges ready to clear out any sources of water we want to we aren't going to approach the task of draining an ocean Monument today we'll leave that for a future video and we'll also in future videos look at more creative ways that you can raid an ocean Monument if you are less geared up or if you simply want more of a challenge but for the moment the other thing I want to do is duplicate this tide armor trim before we end up using it by accident and needing to go and kill another Guardian to get another one naturally as you might expect from the Sprite here the tide armor trim requires a block of prismarine along with the usual seven diamonds in order to duplicate the smithing template but once we have that we can pop one of those up here and I might go and check out what this looks like on a piece of armor obviously my chest plate right now doesn't have any trim on it let's see what we can get out of a Lapis Trim in this tide pattern and I'm pretty sure this one if I remember correctly looks a lot like the pattern that you find on prismarine brick We'll add that on there yes as you can see it kind of creates that same pattern that you see here on prismarine bricks this sort of inverted y shape and that can look pretty cool on the right set of armor with the right trim material I'm still not 100 sold on what I want for my permanent armor trim designs though so I think for now we will leave those as they are we'll pop out our other tied armor trim away here in the chest with the other trims but we're amassing a decent collection of these now from various structures but for now I can at least start to program our item filters here with the prismarine blocks that we've acquired so we're going to throw prismarine bricks in that one we're going to put dark prismarine in this one we're going to put C lanterns in this one and that will start to fill up a little more once we've acquired more of them I'm not ready to sort all of the material quite yet so I'll just put these in the chests manually for now but very excited to add those to the system and this first chunk here is looking pretty complete perhaps for now to complete this row we will put the sponges in here I doubt we'll acquire a full double chest of them but you never know I plan on keeping this world around for a while but with all that said I have one last tip for you with regards to looking for Ocean Monuments and this really comes in handy if you can't find an ocean Monument Naturally by yourself and that is to come back over here to the village that we've been working with and to find the Cartographer villager because the Cartographer once you've traded with him a couple of times will sell you these Ocean Explorer Maps which are maps that point to the location of a a specific ocean Monument so by crafting a compass and getting a bunch of emeralds we can trade with that cartographer for the map and on the map you will notice there is an icon representing an ocean monument and that may not even be the ocean Monument that we have just been to and raided so I'm gonna check the location of this one to see if it's in the same place oh and this time I might even bring a boat it's also worth noting that the scale of these Maps is not the same scale as the default map made by the player they are zoomed out a little bit so if it looks like an ocean Monument is relatively close to you on the map it may be a further trip than you think but judging by this and I can't see a completely isolated nether portal in the sky this actually leads to a different ocean Monument than the one we raided it might even be in the same body of water because this ocean biome is quite large so I expect multiple Ocean Monuments will have generated out here but yeah that is a different ocean Monument unfortunately I don't have the equipment to read it right now and we can save that location for a future episode in which we discuss Alt alternative ways of raiding an ocean monument and clearing out the Elder guardians but for now I think that's where we'll leave this episode of the Minecraft Survival Guide folks thank you so much for coming on this journey with me hopefully you know a little bit more about clearing out these Ocean Monuments now and feel emboldened to tackle them yourself one other recommendation I will make though is bring some decent armor because the Guardians will hit pretty hard thanks for watching my name has been Pixar if don't forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I'll see you folks soon take care bye for now [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Pixlriffs
Views: 96,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pixlriffs, Minecraft, Survival, gameplay, PC, Tutorial, Minecraft Survival Guide, Minecraft Survival Let's Play, Survival Single Player, Minecraft survival series, Minecraft survival tips, How to Survive in Minecraft, Java Edition, Minecraft tutorial beginners, Minecraft 1.20, Trails and Tales Update, Minecraft Trails and Tales, Trails and tails, 1.20, Minecraft 1.20 Tutorial, Ocean Monument, Elder Guardian, Tide Armor Trim, Minecraft Sponge, Minecraft Guardian, Prismarine blocks
Id: lA1zEljc8Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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