I Survived 24 Hours In Minecraft Education Edition

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Minecraft Bedrock is a weird version of the game on its own but it's also home to another weird Minecraft version education Edition education Edition adds a bunch of chemistry related things to the game in the hopes that it teaches some kid about like the periodic table or something and while I already kind of know how education Edition works I've never actually tried to use it in vanilla Minecraft so I'll be answering the question of how easy or difficult surviving 24 hours on Minecraft education Edition really is but just surviving would be way too easy so I got the smartest person of all time my friend super to give me five challenges I need to complete along the journey all right what's up super you play a lot of Education Edition right sometimes sometimes I do but you know what no nothing I don't know if I believe you okay just assume that you do you know about the game right yes okay okay so give me five things I need to do in these 24 hours this is still Minecraft I'm going to want you to beat the Ender Dragon you could kill an Ender Guardian with underwater TNT have a lightsaber fight You're a Star Wars fan you could give a balloon to a panda and why not just give the warden some bleach je Jesus what do you have against the okay so there it is I need to complete these five education Edition related challenges in the next 24 hours so without wasting any more time I just got straight to it all right here we go our number one in education Edition it is currently 9:00 a.m. so I have till tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. to do this I've never done a Minecraft playthrough with the education Edition stuff but from what I know it makes the game like way easier so I feel like I can just speedrun this every new feature in education Edition comes from the chemistry set that goes along with it you actually can't craft these things in game so I had to give them to myself for this challenge but anyway these tables do a bunch of different things but one of them the material reducer is like crazy you can put any item in it and then it returns a bunch of elements that that thing would be made of so I got some of the basics like wood stone coal all that and then started messing around with this table all right I've got a decent amount of food most of it's smelting right now so I might get another furnace but while I do that I think it's it's time for me to make my house let's go to the material reducer I can put a piece of dirt in here and then look at all the stuff I have now now I just have a bunch of elements in my inventory and you know what you can do with these elements start building with them the only problem is they break instantly it's like creative mode so hopefully I don't like break my house while I'm in it I mind one pie piece of dirt and now I have a house like this is crazy bro so yeah welcome to my humble abode what do you think is it do you like it do you like it just need a door some windows and I feel like this is this is good look at this and here we go the finishing touches on my little house here and there we go this thing is beautiful okay it's probably the most unique house you've ever seen any builders in the comments write that out of 10 all right but now I'm going to go mining I'm probably going to cut all this out cuz it's boring so I'll see you Pro I don't know how long will it take you probably an hour all right what's up I'm back I regret to inform you I spent an hour mining I feel like I got some pretty good stuff may or may not have died to a witch and didn't record it by the way so I got about a stack of iron and I also got 12 diamonds which I'm excited about I also found a lava pool so I marked down the coordinates of that because I will need a nether portal obviously to you know beat the dragon while I was on my adventure I kind of realized this is not that easy I thought super gave me easy challenges to do but like these are actually very hard like I just need to casually find an ocean monument and a jungle and a an ancient city so I don't know I'm really scared like this is hard like this is a lot harder than I thought it would be at this point I didn't really know where to begin with my challenges but some something I hadn't done yet was mess around with all the tables in education Edition so I looked up this fun little crafting guide that normal people use for school and started using it for Minecraft chemistry then oh my God oh my God okay um this is broken you can just make infinite stuff in this table is there anything else like that I can just infinitely create that's so broken I don't think there is according to this journal like the only Minecraft items you can make in this like table thing is sugar charcoal and ink sacks also just something that's nice about this is like you don't run out of blocks really like look I can literally just do 11 one hydrogen now I have infinite blocks dude look at this chest right now this is the most cursed chest of all time and with my discoveries of coal and infinite numbers of blocks I finally had a plan I'm going to start with the first and most timec consuming challenge in my opinion and that is to beat the dragon but first I need Eyes of Ender so I gathered all of my hydrogen blocks and lit the portal all right here we are this is the lava pool I marked down while I was mining you can see there's a bunch of stuff here so let's hope I remember how to make a portal all right here we go portal made and let's just hope I find the Fortress quickly cuz the Bedrock NE NE is not kind all right well no idea where the Fortress Is wish me luck I'm going to use my 50,000 blocks of hydrogen that I have I hate the Nether on Bedrock like with a burning passion I guarantee that it's harder to find the fortress on here than on Java I found a Bastion but not a fortress really why do you do this to me and now I'm just back at my portal this is awful I might just cheat should I just cheat do I just look up where a nether fortress is another Bast why this game is trolling me bro if I die in the nether like it might just be wraps for for right now like I might need a [Music] break all right guys uh so so do I just look up where the Fortress is uh do I just kind of pull one of those I feel like that might be a good idea just want to look up where the Fortress Is you know I just made a mine cart things are not going well for me right now I promise to you that I will not look up the location of anything else no ancient cities no jungles no monuments no strongholds none of that give me this wand let me find the stupid Fortress I would rather waste 8 hours looking for a jungle than waste 2 hours looking for a stupid Fortress either way you don't really have a choice okay I've I've already decided I'm just going to look up the location of the Fortress but now I need to get food again cuz I di so yeah I decided to cheat like I said nothing is worse than the Bedrock nether like I have genuine PTSD from trying to find the Fortress you're going to witness me cheat locate structure what's it called Fortress 48372 where is that that's this way how do I even go that way okay I was literally going the right way before I died are you kidding me I eventually made it to the for with no outside help or you know commands or anything got eight blaze rods and then returned home with them as I tried to think up a new plan as we approached hour three there's a few things I could do here I do still need pearls but I think what I do here I think I'm going to actually make an eye and just throw it and then just run until I see a village as we know you know that's how Bedrock works and then once I find the stronghold I'm just going to use the lava that's there to mine obsidian and make a nether portal there and go to the ne and get pearls that way but before I leave I'm going to make a balloon and I'm going to make some underwater TNT because just in case like while I'm looking for the stronghold I find a jungle or a ocean Monument I can like quickly actually get something off of the list that I need to do because I haven't done a single thing from the list that super gave me all right so what do I need to make a balloon I need a lead helium latex and some dye sorry Bud it has to be done where's a lead there we go I got a lead all right latex all right that's how that works all right so if I go in here we go helium and then boom boom Yellow Balloon look at that so this is what I will be giving to the panda you can guess what happens when I give it to an animal for underwater TNT I need normal TNT which means I need gunpowder na plus this underwater TNT and it only makes one all right well that sucks if you don't know how underwater TNT works or if I didn't explain it already normal TNT when it explodes underwater it doesn't break anything underwater TNT does Break Stuff that's literally like that's literally it that's all it does can I make bleach oh I can make bleach all right dude let's go compound Creator H2O makes water who could have seen that coming and then I don't even know what this is I took AP chem and I'm like lost oh what is this sodium hypoc chlorate I feel like this could like teach a kid how to make a bomb is that is that bad to say it says to do this does this work look at that bleach we made bleach I need to make lightsabers for one of the quests super gave me it is oh it's just a bunch of chemical stuff and a Dye that's so easy let's do that there we go red glow stick AKA a lightsaber let's just call it a lightsaber that's cooler and a yellow one for my bud you can't lie they kind of you know they kind of look like them I think they do look at that all right I'm super close to like having everything I need I have nothing done like none of su's Quests for me none of them are done so I think I'm just going to ask a friend to get on here and then we're going to lightsaber duel quick and then I'm going to take a little mini break and then after that um we'll figure it out so I called up my friend ponti gave him a lightsaber and it was time to duel Ponty boy we meet at last all right you ready yeah I'm ready all right I'm activating this thing look at it oh my God it's glowing now oh Jesus oh my God oh my gosh oh you're dead oh you're dead I really am oh no oh no oh I actually don't want to die of 19 levels this would be oh my God the Tosh we're going in no no how are you not dead how does your lightsaber work in the water don't ask I've stabbed you 20 times what's your health uh six Hots what yes oh my God what are you kidding me oh my God thank you so much for lights for I'm the superior Jedi yeah whatever whatever dude all right well perfect that I mean I lost the fight but overall we benefited that is the first of the five things I need to do and it's also like definitely the easiest one after losing the lightsaber battle I got off for an hourong break then got back on to continue my plan in hour five if you don't remember my plan was to get the education Edition items I need then head to the stronghold and look out for key things like a jungle along the journey once I do find the stronghold though I won't be able to enter the end just yet since I only have four pearls So the plan was to enter the nether in the portal room to trade for the remaining pearls here we go finally I found it okay and there's one eye in it we'll take oh there's two eyes in it perfect I need five pearls let's do it the dragon fight for me is typically just like dying over and over and over and over again so there's probably going to be more of that here but maybe not all right there we go nether portal complete set my spawn and we're going to go in here let's hope I'm in a red biome or a blue biome I'll take either of those all right red biome let's go oh no this linked back up to my home portal okay well I'll be able to do trades but I'm going to have to find the Portal room again so I found some pigs and started trading now let me just say that there's a good reason I always just kill Enderman instead of trading because I wasted half an hour trying to get one Pearl trade pearls I'm leaving I'm never coming back I hate all of you you all suck but once I had my pearls I returned back to the stronghold and prepared for the dragon fight this should be yep there we go I'm going to set my spawn I'm probably going to die 50 trillion times but that's okay with me honestly as long as I do it well all right yep I'm just going to go who cares let's kill the dragon let's make some more progress mainly I need to make sure not to look at Enderman that's like the main thing that'll get you look at how much damage he takes now look cuz I threw the Pearl at his face boom We like that I know the strats bro perching again come on I need damage why I didn't look at you I don't care about any of you I don't know who you think you are but I don't know you it immed what is that dude the the stupid the dragon is so annoying I hit it four times and then it flies around for like 20 minutes also these things why are they here for so long and now I'm dead you are such a little rodent you're supposed to go away when I hit you the the dragon is sentient I'm telling you that every single time I'm just about to get [Music] the there we go Jesus finally I beat the dragon oh my God never again two of five complete oh my Lord thank God I didn't bring the underwater TNT and all that after that dragon fight I headed back to my house and then got off for a nice 2hour break that might seem like a lot the the dragon mentally defeated me but I came back at hour nine with a new plan so I have a few things I need to complete and one of them is giving the warden bleach now do I do that now let's save that I feel like that's an easy one to do now you know what let's go give the warden bleach I have a sneaking suspicion as I said that there's an ancient city under this mountain so I think what I'm going to go do is I'm going to go down there and I'm going to go see if there is an ancient city which I'm hoping there is all right well here we go I guess I'm going to start digging [Music] down um uh-oh that's not good where where is it the next 20 minutes I spent looking around for where this screecher was the problem was is if I dug close to it it would activate and spawn a warden so I kept having to constantly go up and then go back down mine a block go up go down mine a block and this like drained so much time but I eventually did discover where it was all right I found it I found it perfect now I just need to wait for the warden to go away again but we're getting super close close to this one being done here all right here we go all right here we go spawn [Music] in I see him he's right there you see him come over here bro yep yep yep come on over come on over here's your bleach would you like that oh no just take the bleach I'm not trying to beef I'm just I'm being nice I'm I'm being nice do you think he got it do you think do you think I think he got it he sounds pretty happy I feel like he got it I feel like I did it right that feels like a mission complete to me bro I'm just going to assume that he likes it I could let's go back down let's see see look he sounds like he likes it well you just have fun I gave him the bleach I I think that counts I was going to go down there and check but he just won't go away you know the warden won't despawn he loves the bleach he's made a new friend I bet it gets lonely down there and the bleach is like his friend now and with that I have completed the third of five challenges I got two more and these two are the ones that I genuinely think will be difficult now all I have to do is find a monument and a jungle in the next 14 hours sounds like a piece of cake but if you've ever played Minecraft you know those two things can be very hard to find especially jungles but all I could do was set out on a journey far from my home and pray that I find what I'm looking for all right house it's been a great run I don't know if I'll ever come back here it was nice getting to know you house it it really was maybe I'll be back who even knows for now we're just going to sail off see where the waves take us here goodbye house look at it fading in the distance Fs in the comments for the house he's not dead he's just he's just lost all right but back on track here I'm going to assume there's an ocean Monument nearby this looks like time ocean Monument territory I am once again extremely scared for how I'm going to breathe underwater I have magma blocks which should hopefully help me but I only have six of them that could probably only get me so far oh what is that oh my God that was so quick it's been like 5 minutes holy Lord I'm speed running this okay well look at that there's an ocean Monument right there here we go this is where things get interesting I pretty much just need need to do enough damage to the Elder Guardian to finish him off with the TNT here so let's just go for it I'm going to infiltrate with said TNT we'll take a breath there we go I'm in there's the there there it is there it is blow it up blow it up blow it up blow it up there we go that's big damage I'm going to take a breath I'm getting I'm getting beat up by this thing right now okay okay do a bunch of damage oh come on I only have two more and I need to kill this thing no I killed him normally God dang it all right maybe there there's another one right oh there's one there's one there's one okay perfect perfect perfect okay I hit it four times 1 2 3 4 5 okay now we leave this thing is not hard to kill it's just hard to kill it specifically with TNT can do a lot of damage there we go and now please kill it I think this kills it yes oh my God yes oh my God yes oh my God yes I actually calculated that well I killed it with the underwater TNT and just like that I only have one more thing I need to do and in my opinion it's the hardest one I need to find a Panda and I need to give it one of these balloons here oh my God that was stressful I'm skyrocketing through this I feel like normally people would like fake it for the video and make it act like I'm close to spending 24 hours I am like not even halfway in and I've already done the large majority of the challenges and even though I have plenty of it I didn't want to waste any more time so I picked up my bed and got back in a boat got one more one more all I need is a jungle and a panda to go along with it but all right it's just swimming now oh there's no way there's no way it looks like I'm cheating all right that was quick found a jungle let's see if I find a Panda too do pandas spawn in all jungles or just B oh there's bamboo right there oh it's over super you should have given me more quests to do bro all right where's the panda I got a balloon for you I really hope Panda's just spawn in jungles they don't need to be in like the bamboo places oh God I'm starting to get worried there's no pandas anywhere near here and this is kind of a tiny jungle too dude I was celebrating too early Panda oh my God it's over oh my God GG's and there he goes Goodbye Mr Panda hope you find your dad well that's education Edition there's a lot more stuff in the game but super didn't ask me to craft to any of it overall very weird experience if you like more Bedrock content there's a video on the screen right now it is of me rating the lowest rated Marketplace Maps
Channel: Evident
Views: 26,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EvidentP, evident, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft education edition, minecraft bedrock edition, education edition, minecraft education, minecraft challenge, minecraft bedrock challenge, minecraft 24 hours, mcpe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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