Rage Against The Machine - Bullet In The Head - 1993
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Channel: Raymond JE
Views: 12,502,081
Rating: 4.908813 out of 5
Keywords: RATM, Bullet, In, The, Head, by, Rage, Against, Machine
Id: fI677jYfKz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2007
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Tom Morello is just insane.
I've seen somewhere around 100 bands live due to many festival concerts, including Korn, Metallica, TOOL, Deftones, Rob Zombie, and many more. While TOOL and the Deftones are at the top, going to an RATM concert and being in the pit was the craziest shit ever, with so much energy filling the whole place. Best live performance, outright. And they opened me up to injustices that I hadn't heard of through the news filter. An amazing band.
Man I love the 90's
Adrenaline was surging so hard he wiped himself out.
Fuck man. I was only 8 at the time of this show. But RATM is one of my favorite bands. My uncle heard me listening to rap music when I was 15 or 16. He said to me "I'll show you some real rap". Proceeds to go into my cousins room (who was in his 20's) take his RATM self titled CD, and gives it to me.
Still remember that today, changed everything for me.
"A yellow ribbon, instead of a swastika!"
The world needs RATM back. There are few things I want more than RATM to come back full time and make albums again.
This is the hardest a dude rapping has ever rocked.
Not many people know Zack de la Rocha's first band was a BADASS hardcore band called Inside Out. Check out this song 'No Spiritual Surrender':