Beastie Boys HD : Sabotage ( David Letterman ) - 1994
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Channel: Porkys1982
Views: 12,395,983
Rating: 4.9161873 out of 5
Keywords: Beastie Boys, Yauch, Horovitz, Diamond, Rare, Hip Hop, Interview, Live, Performance, Licensed to Ill, Paul's Boutique, Check Your Head, Ill Communication, Hello Nasty, To the 5 Boroughs, Hot Sauce Committee, MCA, Adrock, Mike D, Rap, Old School, Mix Master Mike, Fight For Your Right, Brass Monkey, Shadrach, Sabotage, Beasties, Grand Royal, Capitol, Brooklyn, Money Mark, Hurricane, Dust Brothers, Caldato, Def Jam, New York, G-Son, MTV, VH1, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2004, David Letterman
Id: YZ5yKJlhbiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2012
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This is an awesome song for so many reasons and I don't really listen to the Beastie Boys. It's basically one single chord the whole song, yet it's catchy as hell. They pull it off by having these little break downs now and again. The bass riff is simply one of the sickest ever. The mechanical sounding guitar breakdown, very creative since it barely sounds like a guitar (especially on the record). The rhythm is really pumped and unique for it's time (predates other badass songs like Club Foot or Hysteria by 10-15 years). The vocal style is also unique. I mean, a really really high pitched rap that almost sounds like some 80's high pitched rock song? Not to mention the lyrics themselves are very catchy. The use of scratching in a bass/guitar based song. Also features one of the greatest screams in a song ever.
Basically everything about this song is awesome.
All I could think of was Marty McFly playing Johnny B. Good through the whole thing. Song ends to a deathly silence
"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet....but your kids are going to love it."
Their "Ch-Check It Out" performance on Letterman was great as well.
Edit: The phone is ringing. Oh my god.
Edit 2: official video: Beastie Boys - Sabotage:
Edit 3. to all the mothers and the sisters and the wives and friends I'd like to offer my love and respect to the end.
That was tight. Even better was the music video!
Does anybody else annoy their SO by dancing around and singing "So what cha want" whenever you go grocery shopping????
I always thought this song sounds like it could have been done by RATM.
That was.... That was insanely good. Probably the best tv preformance I've ever seen. It's amazing it's taken me this long to see this.
Way ahead of their time