10 Unforgettable Rage Against the Machine Moments

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why the name of Rage Against the Machine it just seemed appropriate but that thing that is that we do that came up with the name it was originally going to be the exact plate in a hardcore band called inside out and was really going to be the name of the next inside out record but it seemed very appropriate for the kind of music we were playing in the attitude and the politics we're coming across I was wondering which machine you the rages again the fax machine pinball machine machine can be anything from like the from the police on the streets of Los Angeles who can pull motorist from their cars and beat them to a pulp and get away from it to the overall of international state capitalist machinery that tries to make you just a mindless cog and to you know have no not not to think critically and never to confront the system but just to kind of behave and look forward to the weekend and the next six-pack of beer Rage Against the Machine bassist Tim Commerford was arrested after he disrupted the show by climbing farther than that the next time they came out from commercial break I wanted people to see destruction this guy is rock and roll he should be given it was just one of those things we were liking once I was up there it's like wow now what are you going to do they were embarrassed and humiliated and frustrated because they could not get the cat out of the tree to be honest with you I thought it was a beautifully honest act of frustration since he spent one night in jail pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was released on time served [Music] I myself has been run down on the sidewalk by 15 maybe we should have gotten out of the way when you were told next why should it maybe need three months and into the one of the start of this band Public Enemy you know asked us to play a gig with them up in San Luis Obispo so you know I think they were a band you know like Public Enemy for them to be supportive of us meant meant a lot to me was a really cool thing you know that they they wanted us you know to open for them and they're you know they're really cool guys um they seem to be into you know what we're doing you know the ones I don't think they would have had us playing with them the guitar has two pickups right the volume for one of them is turned to zero so you don't care anything the volume on the other ones turn to ten boo so it's very loud when you switch between the two it acts as a kill switch so if you add like a little sort of white noise to that and rub your fingers along the strings you get a little [Applause] Oh please living in the States you're living in one of the most frugal societies in history of the world you know the country who inherited the genocide of Native American people's a country which participated in chattel slavery you know the only country in the world to use and drop an atomic bomb on another country society near the country which which murdered and enslaved millions in Southeast Asia as a result of the Vietnam War and be drew from from the people who resisted we were inspired because we feel that that any society or any government or any system that is set up solely to profit or loss eClass while the majority of people toil and suffer and sell their labor power so long as that systems only true motive is profit interest and not the maintenance and and embedder meant of the population to meeting human needs then that society should not stand it should be challenged in questioning overthrown [Music] [Music] by [Music]
Channel: Loudwire
Views: 2,494,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rage against the machine moments, unforgettable moments, loudwire loud lists, loudwire lists, zack de la rocha, tom morello, brad wilk, tim commerford, rage against the machine protest, ratm loudwire, rage against the machine live
Id: ObA55tcWR00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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