RADiCAL Studio basic tutorial

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hi there this is a quick tutorial on how to set up and use radical studio please note our system requirements carefully before trying studio you can find radical studio on our downloads page [Music] once you've downloaded and installed studio you'll then be prompted to log in with your radical credentials after you've done that the ai will compile on your machine this could take several minutes and is absolutely critical that you don't have any apps or processes running in the background if it does crash make sure you restart your machine and reinstall studio before trying to compile the ai again if it still doesn't work please reach out to support getrad.com it's done compiling you'll be able to start capturing click on new scene and then click on step by step click on the red record button and get your whole body into the frame during the countdown in this tutorial we are only going to cover step-by-step processing as we have another tutorial coming out that will cover real time and live link once you're finished filming your scene click on the stop record button you'll then be prompted to start the ai to process your video this can also take a few minutes depending on the length of your scene [Music] once you've finished processing your scene you can view your latest results by clicking play latest results [Music] if you want to access your results from the home screen click on playback then find the folder with the correct timestamp of the scene you want to watch it's important to only select the folder and not actually open the folder otherwise you won't be able to view the scene click and hold the left mouse button to rotate the viewport if you want to move the viewport horizontally or vertically click and hold the right mouse button if you're happy with the scene and want the fbx click on export fbx and it will take you directly to the studio uploader page select choose file and navigate to the path where you are storing your radical scene and find the specific folder that corresponds to the fbx you would like in that folder you have to choose the output.rad file and then click upload you will then be prompted to go to the downloads page where your fbx file will be available all you have to do on this page is click on download and the fbx will be available to you in your downloads folder thank you for watching this video and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out at support getrad.com thank you
Channel: RADiCAL Motion
Views: 11,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mAO2yEUr9VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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