Racial profiling by stores, landlords and companies: Are we racist? (CBC Marketplace)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: CBC News
Views: 5,734,300
Rating: 4.1683798 out of 5
Keywords: CBC News, CBCNews, CBC broadcasting media, public broadcasting, news, Canadian News, Canadian Broadcasting Corportation (TV network), CBC News Network, publishing, race, racism, racial profiling, discrimination, islam, islamophobia, cbc marketplace, marketplace, marketplace cbc, bystander, security, security guards
Id: WjmDwWUhEpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Even the first few minutes are gold. Definitely worth a watch.
I find most people who deny systemic racism don't understand systemic or systematic processes. They just don't get it (for the most part). The others are just fuckin racist.
Preaching to the converted. Post on r/canada
Thanks! I donβt usually watch linked videos, especially ones over a couple minutes long. But this was captivating and Iβm glad I saw it.
There was a moment where they were doing snippets what happened to people. One caught me off guard when she said "but you sound white."
It's a weird feeling, I'm Asian. I have had that same damn line repeated to me so often that I don't even bat an eye anymore. A boyfriend was calling his girlfriend in the company truck and introduced me. We were all talking nicely and it was all fun. The day after, laughing he said she was surprised when she found out I was Asian because I sounded so White. It's a weird fucking feeling man. Like, does that mean I'm not Asian enough? Am I just trying to white wash myself? How do other Asians perceive me then? It's a recurring theme in my life that I had really pushed back until this year when that went away. Now, those eyes that stare at you while you're walking through a store, the scratch along the hood of your car that you swear want there before, the look of disdain at the park when you're just walking your dog. I don't know. It gets to you. I'm in trades and it still for to me. I'm used to everyone shit talking everyone as a joke, but this? It all adds up real fucking fast.
Something I think a lot more people need too see in our country
what's even more scary is that hiring and promotion algorithms are designed by people that unconsciously build these biases into hiring decisions, the AI future is pretty scary unless something is done about it...
I know for a fact that there's a direct correlation to how people are treated and how automation will continue this forever
time to kickthebias.ca
This is so disappointing to watch, but unfortunately very accurate. Iβll never forget the day I was on the subway in Toronto when a very large white man was loudly physically threatening a Muslim woman while the packed car pretended to look their phones. I was hoping that when I (a small white girl) tried to intervene and get the man to step away that someone would back me. No one did. That poor woman. I imagine this was not new to her.
Racism is not only when assholes make rude comments. Itβs also when βnon-racistsβ do nothing.
Every denial of the existence of systemic racism is a massive appeal to ignorance by people lucky enough to not have witnessed it or been affected for themselves.