Rabbi Mordechai Kraft - Mystical Secrets In The Garden of Eden

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okay nice to see everybody welcome back to lighthouse after the I'm Toby glad I'm the first speaker to initiate it I guess something to be said for that to be the first Beauchene boo hi-yah I say that correctly portion bro hyah - hyah they say long live bhai that's entrancing a potion potion for abortion book a book - yo that's it for sure go before elbow shot nuts not trying to say you know the clients motions are you know kinds of interesting people I have to say that I went to get my hair cut today as a barber and naturally is a Bukharian barber and he's as always these kids I guess the young guys like early nineteen eighteen nineteen twenty teaching them how to cut hair I was only one there I walk in while he's cutting my hair we're having a whole theological discussion about the book of Genesis you know where was I born who was he married to how long would be married how many children they have so I was saying where else do you go you know that you're getting your hair cut and the barber 'he's are you know instead of cutting your hair they're talking to you about the book of braces you know that's pretty interesting it was very difficult to answer because you know they were trimming my beard so you know like I was kind of waiting for him to like you know stop if I could answer but I couldn't but they would they just wanted to talk about these issues you know I'm just very impressed no I don't think it find that an Italian barbershop only amplifier in barber shop that's the Jewish people okay so what I want to do with you tonight is I want to take you through the first day of the creation of Adam and copy and on this first day of creation really a question comes up which is you know I guess it's a question that we have as well you know is everybody ever been to the Bronx Zoo and it's a good place to go the Bronx Zoo and if you go the Bronx what's your favorite exhibit the monkeys if you're the monkeys specifically the gorillas because the gorillas are so human looking it's very fascinating to watch them because we do very human things you know they pick up their children in the chase after the children to be break up fights and you know it's just so interesting see these animals acting in such a human-like way and the reality is if we studied the DNA of a gorilla what would we find is DNA is identical to our DNA what's that we have a little bit different that's that dr. Khan what do you say a little bit different we work but if you secret RTN it's very close in our there's a strong resemblance in the way to conduct themselves and it's always possible to look at that ape and to say no what's the difference between you and and me and in fact people I've said that right the whole theories that are built around that concept evolution that we evolved we're just a higher level ape with more intelligence or something of that nature that's what evolution is told and as you look the ape in the face and you watch him you know interact with his children and you and you think why you're so so so human-like you know the question really is what is the difference between us you know that's a question it's very interesting to me that one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet is the letter poof the letter cook you know to cook looks like a cool coffee you could magic off in your mind cool folks like this right you know what it means means a monkey it's a monkey Oh Coco how interesting it is that one of the building blocks of creation you know the out of date the 22 out they are the letters from which a sham built all creation so one a so to speak the primordial building blocks is a letter that means an ape or a monkey so there must be something very interesting about the monkey now what's interesting about the monkey the ZOA tells us is that it excels in imitation it imitates it can imitate a human being and supposed to remind us that we're supposed to imitate but who are we supposed to imitate we're supposed to imitate culture ball that's where the first letter could do should start with a cool we're supposed to imitate kedusha the whole life but draw have to go in God's ways so the apron minds is be an imitator but at the same time don't make the mistake that think your name you know how do I know that so there's a word in Hebrew for a righteous person what's the right choice a righteous person called Sadiq the root is sadi Dalit Cook said Zednik Sadiq right if you break up those three letters into the component parts you actually have shod not sowed what is its side meal in Hebrew sod is the side that sowed means to trap her the hunt because the way you trap is you play sides around the animal true you can't do it on Chobot sayad solitude the letter COFF COFF means what a monkey you know what Sadiq is somebody who traps his monkey he contains and he controls the animal inside of himself and a Kadosh is the letters for cuddler so it was really holy cooked Dollard shin if you rearrange letters it's - poof he tramples his monkey not only does he control he tramples it so we see all these hints to the aspect yes there is an animal out there that resembles mankind and you're supposed to follow its example of imitation limitate God but don't you be confused to think that's you he looks like you is the same DNA as you but he's just an animal and what makes him different than you he might be very intelligent I'm sure they were very intelligent gorillas I'm sure of it but what makes him different than us we have something else we have neshama we have a salt we have an animal the body which is very similar to the ape but we have an ax Shama we have a soul and that soul has to drive and has to direct the body we have to decide the course we have to track it get the harness it we have to direct it we have to use it in the service of God you know very fascinated I just notice this just the other day yesterday in fact I saw about her you know in English we have a word forbidden something is forbidden what is forbidden me forbidden means not a loud how do you say forbidden in Russian you know how you know zapfish she said right pal yes all right okay zap whoosh zap whoosh zap it is appeared Zabka means forbidden the sacred so clear had he said behind huh it's a long word tone said to her sir had he said in Persian whose person where are Persians any person sir same interesting and in America we say forbidden would it be surprised you if I surprise you if I told you that in Hebrew in Russian are kodesh there is no word for forbidden oh oh oh I have missed it what is forbidden mean forbidden means I'm not allowed to do something forbids forbidden don't touch it don't do it now stop with less sore means know that sword doesn't mean that at all a people look at all a sham and volcano melech ha-olam not tear us or in a sham you are the source of all buzzing the king of the universe who releases the forbidden No Oh aye sir it doesn't mean forbidden does it it means to be imprisoned to be controlled for example a sore means to to harness on a horse take the reins and to control the horse with the reins is a sore less sore and he bow doesn't if I've been it means to control or to cane to use the energy of something else for a greater purpose God says you know there's no word in the Torah for forbidden you know why because there's no such thing as the world being forbidden there are things which true we are not allowed to do but it's only because by not being allowed to do those things we control the other part of who we are it helps bring out something else it's like when you take the reins of a horse right and you your that's that means that I saw you directly to control it what do you do you allow the full energy of the animal to go forward so you have certain things in life we have to control but it's only for the purpose of bringing out something even greater it's not just forbidden because it's forbidden it's controlled for the purpose of harnessing it and bringing out a greater strength another thing very fascinating what a Sadiq does is inside the cuff he controls his monkey he harnesses the strength of the animal for the purpose of God serving God he's not ruled by his monkey he controls it he uses it he's the rider it's the horse and he uses that energy to go forward and make good things happening that's it Sadiq you'll just let the horse run around run without a rider now the reason I bring this up to you is because if we're going to go back to the first day of creation in the Garden of Eden I'm going to suggest to you that maybe this question wasn't so clear that other than have a perhaps how to dilemma dilemma is Here I am created but Who am I who is the real me what am i I have an animal and the animal speaking through those sorts of languages of derives and wants and looks and and I definitely you know I'm very similar to the animals in many ways I have a must that have a passion and I you know and I have I want to do it the animals too and I want to eat and I want to protect myself and I want comforted at the same time there's the voice of God now let me suggest you perhaps on the first day of creation in the Garden of Eden which didn't last very long and only lasted according to the more rashanna approximately six hours in that first day in the Garden of Eden maybe this question wasn't so clear now let's take a look and let's see what I mean if we go back into the Garden of Eden we see the first thing it happens the yova ello Kim and God said NASA other bits all men no buhdeuce I know God said let's make man in our image in our likeness who's God speaking to by the way let's make man speaking to the Angels good speaking of the integers very good and what happens they agree and what why does he have to I have to speak to the Angels by the way why speak to the Angels to show Derek hurts but before you make a major decision in life you first ask advice even God is asking the lower being the Angels should we make man teaches you delicate before you make major decisions you ask advice before you get married everybody who's not married don't just come over to all married gauge ask advice ask your teacher ask your parents ask your friends hopefully they'll ask you okay now here it goes so what happens it's in vivo a leukemia so other bits AMA but senator Kim bozos uh Karuna Kaiba boson the first creation of mankind was actually shocked over the cave um there was male and female Rashi says the first creation was a creation which had a face looking this way which was the male face and a female face looking the result over the capable some melon people created them and it defines a little bit what men and women are like a man's vision the world is forged forward so to speak to create of inspiration to go out a woman's job is to make sure that it's secure to look back at this work to make sure that the line is straight and where he's going is solid well cover the cave of boughs and then the story progresses and God says the very famous line that lo Tokyo Southern Nevada God says it's not good for a man to be alone now apparently this first creation of Adam it was male female but was really one creation and he was alone why was he alone he really couldn't give to anybody there was no what the gift is just really was purely his imperial himself so what does God do it says that she uh made the garden to the east in place of the man and we had formed and what happened was what's that was it the perfect one he set the scene oh well let's see let's see what happens so he places all them in the garden let's find the verse here okay so he planted the garden eat in place of the man he had formed now we know that a rivers different rivers of the Garden of Eden and a Shem placed man in the Garden of Eden to work in the garden and a shunt then commanded autumn he gave a commandment what was the commandment that he gave other Rosa whoa what do you think God do not do not eat who agrees with Bella that was the first commandment that I don't received do not touch the do not touch do not touch the tray do not eat the tree who stood my lecture before here who do that even without my lecture you have a luxury for when he leaves just a bit here yes he said mainly any won't get there a second first thing he place in the Garden of Eden because Hashem okay Masada be any Helbig on any place in the Garden of Eden well of the shaumbra to work in the garden its savage Emma became a law or the blame or harvest not yet around still one being he commanded the autumn saying we call AIT's a gun from every tree of the garden aho toka you yes you must eat you are obligated to eat first commandment is to enjoy every fruit of the garden that is a question is a tion interested that we should have pleasure in this world the first commandment he gives autumn is enjoy every fruit of the garden ob8 a dust over Rado Turku be metal but one tree the tree of the knowledge of good and evil don't eat from it keep a yarmulke memento most emotes because the day when you from it you will surely die one tree it's a tree of knowledge of good and evil a tree that has does whether we're somehow eating from this tree will create knowledge of something which is good and bad good and evil stay away from one thing that's all how interesting it is that people oftentimes think that the first commandment is not to do something as if God wants to restrict our pleasures in this world I'm going to see why in a minute but really the first commandment was you're obligated to enjoy everything that God created except one thing one thing and there's a tree from which if you would eat good and bad would be mixed whatever that means for now but there'd be a mixture somehow you'll be able to be confused by what is good and what is bad perhaps we expressed that your desires would increase you would have real desires a stronger amount of desire whereby you be confused by what you want versus what God wants so God's saying there's one thing I'm restricting but I'm restricting it only so you should have greater clarity I'm not just restricting it for the sake of restricting it I'm restricting it so that you should have greater clarity of what I want from you in life God I want you to have that confusion as your desires first my desires I don't want that I'd rather you be in harmony with my desires so one thing they can't do now what happens Asham then says viloma scheme' became God says lo topa also other nevado it's not good for man to be alone SLO ASA Connect oh I need to create for him an azer connective a helpmate Rashi says we know the film's Rashi it means Eve if a woman if a man is going on the right path he's going to be an AZ she'll be a helper if a man's on the wrong path should we connect oh a woman has the capacity to be a spiritual compass for a man there's a much higher level sense of God's will now it's very interesting at this point in the story the story breaks and has an interlude and listen to what the interlude is it says for Yates or Emma no kimi no audio moral crisis audition created from the ground now all the animals the field we ask will over shin myeon and all the birds of heaven yovl or other minerals my equal oh and gave out of the assignment to see who said before what name we'll call these animals for coalition you could lower other nefesh cryoputsch among the name that other would give it would be the name the animal have other was given the job of naming the animal kingdom he had the intimate knowledge of the animals and he understood la cena kodesh the hebrew language and he understood when he looked at an elephant you have to be appeal looked at a horse you have to be a source you know he looked at a line or EI is what you are you understood have these letters described perfectly the essence of the animals and he was given that job to need the animals the he crow autumn chose the koala Bahama o fisherman and he gave names to all the animals and the birds the horizon Sunday and the animals the field will the autumn load matzah is a connect though but he could not find an animal that he could relate to the e polish Emmylou came to edema autumn and Hashem caused the Great sleep to fall autumn for ye shine and he slept the ye our cosmic sallow Savannah sham took one of his ribs or ah she says it's not ribs he took his other side because the celica Venus side he split off the other side but years ago Buster took ten and he sealed up the flesh like Eva national team assets Ayla and Hashem gave the side of the rib I shall lock me to order which he took from Adam Lakeisha as a wife they have yellow autumn and he presented her to autumn creation of Eve the yoga Adam Adam said source upon this time Edson may ask me or bustling port sorry this time finally bone of my bone flesh from my flesh losers you could be shot and that's we called her an ishshah' he made each lock results because probably man she was taken now Rashi says in a med which over here which kind of sounds almost comical but you gotta listen to this because it's very strange Raj is bothered by the words when kava is presented to Adam what does Adam say what does autumn say he says the words Joseph pom those of this time meaning finally this time SME cuts Leo bust amoeba sorry bone from my bone and flesh my flesh what does other mean this time see her ah she quotes listen Roger corns over here tell me this isn't the weirdest thing or her new life says Zaza pop Neelam made it teaches us should bottom alcohol became of kya that autumn not only name the animals but he dated all the animals belong this coridite over him but he was not able to be at peace with any of them and the finally Kaaba was created I mean dated means I'm trying to use a nice word David means he took her out to appease God they went out to the Chosun we had a little you know Monta you know you know let's see in the face so we keep it ready we're going to keep it rated PG for the Jean Jeep for grandmas for this for this discussion but it's that's what he did it says he was he went he went out with the animals you know that seems like that was part of the assignment of a Shem gave him the task of naming the animals and assumed that name of the animals was not all that he was supposed to do supposed to name the animals and in the process of naming he was supposed to discover if any of these animals could be his wife he was dating Jamie but then a brush-up call your auntie I'm not making it up right but one is closer hanging out by the way okay so yeah I oh I hear what you said yeah I mean this other with the Zack warning like one big sigh oh oh so you're saying sank oh those were the exact words here it says Zoe's about this time on sister finally when he was creating some salsa bomb finally middle of May the teaches us should borrow them a core bahama for hiya he came upon all the animals Valon this coridite over him and his mind was not at peace I I hate to tell you I'm sorry I have to because from a G rating up a little bit but it sounds like you know they were going out to dinner you know I don't know what they were there go out to dinner you know what's that language that they use with you know for my hand how do you say that you know for my hand I said sure and he said oh that's easy mother said looking for Wi-Fi guys again I said alright that's in LA you know I guess you know they have a great time you go you do eating still go I guess they weren't eating steaks if they were the other word depends me hello but you know but but the question yes I see ma you know there I mean this video so bite me does he love we're really trying to absorb in the part where yes yes yes that's what's your name what's man I'm told tobert oh that's all besides I'm very very Billy yeah the question is what what what God have in mind of what what did God have in mind didn't I shared in his infinite wisdom know that the giraffe would not make a good up fro them you know she's so tall like I mean you know I mean what you know are like the ostrich would not just somehow would not look good in the wedding picture you know whatever you know or the yellow yeah I mean like what what what what so the shum is okay you're going spiritual on me getting your spiritual did he have be no didn't marry that man he was he went out with the dated the day there was no dating or dating or see man so so but the question the question I really haven't is a very serious question is what was God's intention why did God seem to make Adam go through this this facade as it were there's this exercise to not only name the animal kingdom but to see if he could make what you see if he could find his other half from the animal kingdom yes you might so that's a very good answer that's a very good answer that nobody would discover Kaba he would really appreciate it would really appreciate that that that cover is really somebody who belongs to him and is like him a hundred percent that's a good answer that's a very interesting answer also that's a very interesting answer yeah he wants to see how as a man would react to do an animal you say very good everybody saying you're also something which i think is very in line I don't know says I very very in line here but let's just hold the question we're gonna get to the answer we're going to pinpoint the answer a little sharper in a moment but the question is certainly a good question that a shaman isn't wisdom knows the elephant the ostrich the kangaroo are not proper Hadouken I mean many of you probably in the process of dating have probably got out with people and you thought you know I might as well be out with a kangaroo for all I have in common with him right you know like I advise well be out with hippopotamus well you know he's like a hippopotamus you know what am i you know what did the shot could have it not you might be thinking that but God is excellent chuckling and Shem doesn't do this yet yet he was making all them go through this exercise a date of the animal kingdom before he found Clara that's a very very interesting point I think we have to hold in the back of our minds for a moment and perhaps is this this young lady suggested that it could be that to appreciate couple more that could be it might be part of it and I'm not going to disagree that I think there's something that might even be deeper and it might be even connected with the test that autumn is going to experience in a few moments okay yes sure maybe if he would have given up uh back immediately while he's married to her if she ever gets on his nerves he would have been like why am i with or when I compete with that beautiful monkey this way he knows okay nobody's for me except her ha ha that's sighs I think a similar type - really appreciate yes yeah very nice very nice that that interesting that he had to experience certain lower levels of dating in order to find somebody who is you're right different days are connected but it's me it's on the same he's on very fascinated a fasting ideas however I just Oh interesting that's interesting that's illicit you're saying I suggesting Yeah right the war no prob there were no prohibitions on one right there's no probably you know right questions doesn't make sense though you know Adam had sake holy tremendous sake whole tremendous wisdom you know it wouldn't do anything unless it made sense you know what what made sense about this and why would God seem to command it he's like God suggested it in his commandment in name the animals listen ah it's gonna be mature on something I think you're saying very good now listen to the structure of the story though you know you have to win you get when you study terror especially voracious and comment you have to listen you have to follow God's movements you have to look what's happening over here what does God do God creates Adam first he creates him as one unit and by the way the Ramon says the reason for that is because when cavil will finally be separated off from him he'll be able to relate to her like he's she's really his other half so guy goes to this two-step process so that when husband and wife do come together in the United marriage there is an active spiritual reality of finding the other part of when you want and therefore the level of giving can be a new level of giving giving really to who you want so God wants that so it goes this two-step process of creating the sort of heterogeneous being splitting off the other side so to speak making then saying look others it's not good to be alone one would think right there when he says it's not good to be alone you think he'd go right into the creation of Kaaba no but that's what I said there was an interlude the Torah says low top Hill is the other nevado and then all of a sudden comes the command to go name the animal kingdom one who goes out to name the animal kingdom finally he can't find anybody who is right for him as he says lo matzah either connect o Shem that puts it into our game of deep sleep takes his other side or his rib everyone translated Rogers his other half her side sealed up the flesh under presents kava to him and he says oh so pom absently after me busted me sorry he said finally I found someone who is like me and Rashi says right there finally I found teaches us that first he tried to test to see there's any animal creation could be his wife what happened why was there that interlude that separation keep that in mind okay keep that in mind to be a very important point just just keep it in mind next thing that happens is were introduced to the next character the Hanaa SH the snake hiya Ulrika crisis all day and the NA hush was the craftiest animal was crafty with a c not with a k like rabbi craft he was the craftiest animal the core classes so day I should also show looking for yo Marella ition okay let's see the first winter Stewart has been now hush let's stop right there who is the nosh so understand that now hush was a - a walking talking creature and how interesting it is but we're not supposed to be surprised by that oh there's a there's a nut hush that comes out and starts talking you know you know sometimes in the Torah we are surprised by animals talking for example yeah Billups donkey what it was talking yeah laughs it really talks from you as if this dialogue with this animal is totally natural and totally normal and he's very intelligent and he walks straight up almost like a person and says he's our room what is our room in Hebrew our own we translate it means naked it means naked the knife - was our room you see that word a lot of the story he was on Rome he was naked maybe it means that he didn't have fur like the other animals that could be but it seems to imply he was all wrong meaning he was he was widely he was crafty with a small city but you know it's just by the way in english if i say the naked truth what does that mean tell you the real truth doesn't I'm not trying to hide anything it's the naked so interesting the word are wrong naked oftentimes in language doesn't really mean to be cunning it means to be exposed to be open yet here his nakedness somehow is used to describe a cunningness what does that mean let's think about that he's going to say something now the Kaaba and it's described as cunning get the word for cunning is a word that really means naked which means sort of open and reveal as if he's going to be cunning in a very open and revealed way so keep that in mind for a moment now who else was the - hunting is what is like a sly you know widely crafty those type of or synonyms like the sly plus Q tree shaky-shaky sneaky sneaky sneaky you know the word not much by the way you wanted something interesting you know we know that after the flood after the Tower of Babel chef mixed up all the languages so all the languages in the world the sending language the world really just mixed up he / did you know that the only language of the world the only hangar in the language of the world was Russian our kodesh after the door flogged in this week's barcia the tower bubble shall lick stop blushing a cause you created 70 languages so you know that Russian is really just mixed up Hebrew you know Bukharian well for sure that's mixed up here right did you know that English is mixed up people I'll give you an example what's the word for snake in Hebrew not hush interesting if I put the shin first I put the nun second and I put the Hat third what does it sound like snake how I just think the word Natasha if I flip the letters around and I put the shin known that it sounds very much like snake the earth example of one of the words we see that English is just mixed-up blush in a cover I have a book at home with ten thousand words like that very fast let's get back to the story who else was the not the novice was an angel he was an angel what which angel was he according to our tradition he was the that's a time that Natasha was the sutton question but his jet life did not affect the Sultan was placed in his body of this being called the now hush now in Judaism is the Sutton a good angel or a bad angel good angel or bad angel let's go doing his job okay let's get this very very clear please get this right there with me of another thing yeah okay good question let's take a vote who says Satan is a good angel who's who says that of an angel is bad what's the correct answer it's a ton of good angel bad angel so tan I'll expect you tonight in Judaism there can be no such thing as a bad angel the Sutton is God most important to angel his job is to test us to intensify our free choice and thereby allowed us allow us to have greater reward he's the only angel that's happy when we don't listen to him most angels are half when we listen and we follow what they're telling us the s'time doesn't want us to listen he doesn't want us to fail but his job is to test us so that the reward we receive will be even greater that's the nut that's the sub time now I'll tell you something in Christianity the Satan is viewed as an angel who fell from grace an angel who rebelled against God he rebelled against God and he started an evil sort of counter Kingdom to God that's what Christianity believes and in order to defeat the Sutton there's only one way to do it you have to believe in Yeshua that's literally the only way you're going to overcome the Sutton is if you believe in you accept yashka if not you are going to right I don't mean you personally don't be money man you write that right you know that's lieblick now I'll tell you you know I'll tell you something listen very carefully this I'm telling you what number in the secular world the Christian world is considered to be a cursed number six good and what other number 13 13 a star 13 Friday the 13th there's your question in Judaism what number perhaps is our most beloved number 13 when we take a little boy in Bar Mitzvah 13 how many attributes does God have you'd give mommy dose of a sham 13 meters a vision we love the number 13 nothing why we love number 13 so much because the word akkad Shania Sorelle ash ml okay no this is no Israel Hashem is our God a Shem a hard a Shem you are one if I take a let if I take the word hard The Aleph is 1 the cat is 8 the dialed is for what's the kabocha 13 true now what's special at the number 13 your special number 13 anything in the physical world doesn't care for this a little bit deep anything everything in the physical world you'll notice has how many lines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and the space that it contains is called the 13th 13 for us represents all points the complete unity of creation and that's why Akkad is gamate real of 13 and that's why by the way the word Ahava which means love Aleph is one hey is five bases - hey is 5 is also 13 because the idea of love is to try to be cover complete oneness right 13 but the 12 points which contained the 13th the 13 within is the aspect of everything coming together and complete and salute unity and that's we believe it's Jews there's complete unity in this world and you're that musical unity there can be no angels that are separate from God they can't do the bellies bad angels unity and hard means everything is controlled and designated and part of God's plan and well but I'll taste something in Christianity you know why they hate the number 13 because if there's complete unity in the world you know what that means it means the something must work for God well the Sutton works for God what do we need yashka for because all purpose of yoga is that if I just go you can't overcome to something our answer that is yeah yeah what do you do just before what yes what do you need Jesus working no premise of theology is based on the fact that rebellious angel thirteen teaches us a complete unity then that's the whole theology that's at that do you oh thank you that's a pretty pretty pretty heavy reason pretty good six is also the idea six is six exhaust the idea of like for example the Jewish star right you have how many have six points six is also the idea of like of expression out of the physical world unity in the physical world 6 and 12 6 is 1/2 and fifth and 12 is the completion of it and the space it contains into 13 that's why for us we you know well we hold the own like a Jewish star it shows interlocking at six points 6 points is the idea that you can have six points of a merging together of the physical and spiritual you know that's completely sure of the physical world of six and Christianity holding can't have that it's like you know you have one one point of intersection a different discussion so this voodoo stuff angels they're really with us god forbid nothing could be a bad angel right there's no such thing this doesn't right there could be angels which have the job - perhaps you know work in Coco's the tomb and things like that whatever it is but everything is you to find my god and the Sutton is God's most important angel he is not a rebellious angel he's a wonderful angel at the time of mushiya it says that God is going to check the sutton discrete that doesn't mean he's going to take a bullet like in Stalinist Russia and shoot him in the head it doesn't mean that what it mean oh it means what straight time when you do on an animal are you murdering the animal are you uplifting the animal for a higher purpose uplifting right saying that the suttas going to be uplifted back to the place we're going to understand that he was helping us all all he was trying to test us in or that we shouldn't have greater free choice if I got a greater free choice have greater reward in the next world that's the stuff time is here okay yeah you got no such thing as we value something doesn't work the way that's Christianity is not Judaism we're very influenced by outside ideologies so the sudden comes along in the guys in the disguise as it were of the creature called the snake the knife - okay now he's our something but he's the something his job is to test Adam and Eve in order to encourage them to to eat that's the test there's only one test now in the Garden of Eden and it's a real test you know you have to understand that the the tree the a test over ah it has certain descriptions about it descriptions are that apparently it was it was good to smell it was pleasing to the eye it was total aha skill there's something about it they just wanted to to contemplate it to think about it like poetry or sunset there was something enormous li tempt you know and tempt a time tempting about it and apparently they've had all the tests that a human being can face in one one thing no Alton all right they're good all tests in life really are combination of you know of different desires either physical desires emotional desires or intellectual desires all tests in life faultless through categories the exodus apparently was it was good to the eye there was a physical desire it was it apparently it gave you desires of for honor it was intellectually something very very attractive about it and that's where there's a debate in the Talmud what it really was some say that it was Annette rogue the most beautiful fruits that the test of beauty some say it was actually grapes which you create wine from which is the test of emotions some say that it was actually figs which is a cash crop a fig tree to aina which is a test of code of honor and the fourth opinion said that it was actually a bread tree there was a bread tree that it actually was bread that in the Garden of Eden bread grew from the trees and that you know that's when we make the blessing on bread what we say Baruch Hashem eloheynu melech ha'olam hamotzi Lechem Mina arts god you're the source of Oh bless the king in universe who brings forth bread from the earth we don't bring bread forth from the earth do we what do we do we have to plant the seed we have to let the seed rise then we don't have to harvest it Thresh it we don't have to dash it separate it we then have to grind it need it bake it actually there ten steps in the bread breaking process it's very difficult to bring bread part of the earth true that's why by the way when you make the blessing on bread you put your ten fingers on the bread to remind us of the ten processes and have to go from seed to to bread and that's why of course you know this that in the blessing there are ten words you know that right Baruch Hashem volcano Melek alum a motorcy left them in ours and words through - of the ten processes of breaking bread but why do we say God you brought forth the bread from the earth the lie the answers in the Garden of Eden there were bread trees you can go to a tree there was a pumpernickel tree a bagel tree there was a lip Yoshika tree thank you you know there was a not tolki tree there was not this is true there was a non toki tree you know the umbrella breads maybe when I caught that talking not talking there's a Brella pred tree there though what other was there's a tree but there's one problem because windows when they would ripen they would fall he would crack the guy had a little angel standing over the colorful yarmulke and he would catch him yeah and then he would he would bring it you know he would serve with him then you never heard that yeah I heard that if I place the bakery tell me what food what do it what's a bread really really that's a very fascinating what's well as I pray well new faucet different it's a food really really yeah very fast interesting but those were the four possibilities was not an apple was anything but an apple get I was a Renaissance artist I said yeah question could be that's possible that's this one right that's right dice also I I think the kibosh says because in the Garden of Eden bread grew actually from the tree there's only the curse that we said Isaiah Patoka left now with the curse of your brow this one you brow you have to bring forth bread reminds of what life is like in the Garden of Eden but they're all unusual apparently that's not real bright let's just call that okay that's after okay so listen carefully buddy the job of now the Sultan disguised that this knife hush of the snake his job is to test them to get them to eat now if you are if your job you're the Sultan look not I didn't mean your personal yeah right if you if you had the assignment of the knavish of the sudden what might you use as a cunning argument a naked so to speak a cunning argument to get other vltava to eat firstly approaches kava why father because kava didn't hear the commandment directly from God or the know if she was she didn't have a memory of that experience she was part of him but it was whatever it was but it was not a separate entity all the received the command so his job was to teach it to kava know perhaps he taught it correctly probably didn't talk about the whole question but now if you're the snake your God gives you his task get them to eat test them to see if belief that's the test now or they gonna pass this test if they pass this test what creation is done we could bring now we can bring them up the gut to to all about but the perfect stay forever that's the test what would you think would be a good test maybe you would go up to hob and you'd say no wow doesn't that look tasty doesn't look good look at that look at that thing or you might go up to and you say you know if you eat this you know if you get really rich would you know or you might say you know oh it doesn't describe your emotions you know doesn't do something about that grabs your heart like a good sore or you might look at in a sack just don't you want to just that could ever been ever been that this experience has been of us in the beach and the Sun setting and just like a dive into the sunset just want to be part of that experience of you know it's just so overwhelming this intellectual experience by the way but it's so beautiful you know maybe said look at that they just dive into people be at one with it like doesn't it appeal to you to your intellect into you and if one of the good arguments listen to the snakes argument and tell me if you think this is a good argument or not the snake comes to kava and it said and the snake says for yo Marella Isha and he says to the woman off-key uh Morello Kim even if God said loto Clube Kola AIT's a gun even if God said don't eat from the tree of the garden lease it again the knockers comes to the isha and he says off-key on mellow Kim even if God said no tow let me call AIDS a gun period even if God said don't eat from all the trees of the garden question that's wrong with that statement first of all it's a lie God didn't say don't eat from all the trees of the garden God said eat from all the trees regarded right but just that for one that's true good point what else what else grammatically is wrong with that sentence what what's your first name again sir saying wasn't Shanee shitty bless Austin oh ok Shanee if it even even what it's saying how would it work even if God said don't even if God said don't eat from all the fruit all the trees of the garden what do you say is wrong with that yeah there's a comma even if God said don't eat from all the trees of the garden even if God said yeah so go on he stops grammatically it's wrong even if God said don't eat all the trees look even even you when you start something even you got to finish it even if God said don't eat from the trees of the garden , well he go ahead and eat yourself you know whatever it is when he leaves it hanging he only says even if God said all he said even if God said and you know she should say back she'd stay back here you're right that's why I'm not doing it because God said yep and not only that he gets such better argument he could have said look how beautiful this you know look how it's so tempting that he's getting rich from it if you want to cut you we just want to be one with it it's so like a sunset you know go go for it that's the best argument he could come on the crafty snake the nock Russia was the sutton whose job is to that mankind who has all wisdom of God you know all the whiz Bini leaves before him the best argument he can give is even if God said don't eat and he stops market is so weak even if God said don't eat I'm thinking it was posted with all the other sentences she would have just totally ignored it all he wanted he's like engaged in my conversation he said something that I need the question what did you say I I mean please reach again I bear time I read this I'm like it says luxury yeah I said the yoghurt le she says to what half means even off-key I'm elokim even if God said I'll talk to the colleagues of God you have God said like who cares what God said get away she just I care what God said God's God that's an argument even if God said you know God oh boy that's the worst argument could possibly kid give to make me eat I'm lucky you know because God said no and that's the best argument he could give what's going out of this story like who's God God just create a sudden there's a sixth or they just create two or three hours before yes two hours before God they're intimately close with God but but yet they're brought up by my Topher but they're very aware of God the very aware of God they're very aware and that's the best our music even if God said don't eat that's exactly why I'm not get because God said what is the snake what's the first second I know you'll never have to do this job it was his job to do it and what he didn't really want to do it and he was trying to immerse it chanting not even her giving you share it easier so so so I feel like though I know what you're saying you're saying that he's trying to give her a help or a helper would not to do it so to speak the only thing is I would I hear what you're saying I appreciate it where I would disagree is that the jut the job of the Sutton is to make a real test for us because if it's not a real test then how is the reward that we received for passing it's something really substantial there has to be something that really challenged the core of who we are although it's not a real test it has to be a real test and he's giving the best possible test that he could think of that he knows you know with all his wisdom he's the NACA she's the sucker the best thing he could say is even if God said don't eat and he stops as if to apply so what yeah how is that the best possible argument come on now I'm going to ask one more questions another before we put stopped playing together questions like this you know I have a bread baker at home suppose guys set by bread baker to go off at 10:00 a.m. and my bread maker goes off at 10:00 a.m. and I say to myself you know you want off at 10:00 a.m. I'm not happy with that and so I take my bread maker I pull out its legs I ripped the cord out of the wall I opened the window and I throw it out the window would that be a nutty thing to do why would that be another thing to do besides just big a nutty thing to do why would why is that really a diet well who is the one who said it me I'm the one who said it to go up at ten am yours the bread maker have a mind of its own it's a robot it can only do exactly I program it to do like our computers okay there's a question does it angel actually will dozen angels on some level a robots now I'll define it more clearly not really robots we really do have free will to an extent however because the reality of God is so in front of them they therefore have no free will dear what I'm saying if God were to reveal himself right now before us would we still have free will no because his reality would be so clear we could only do that which he wants us to do and that's what God conceals himself before the first after creations when he created man with a Simpson he closed he hid himself in order to allow room for us to have rejoice but an angel in reality does not have free choice because the reality of God is before them in essence really they have as much free choice as a robot because there's no free choice they can only do it that which God wants them to do question who is the one who told God to test other Makabe God question how can you punish him for doing his will the same way I can't take my bread maker rip off its legs throw it out the window it would be ridiculous act because I'm more the program did how can God punish an angel who he assigned the job of testing other behalf then maybe you'll tell me well he went too far no it can't be he only can do that which is in the parameters of that which he was programmed to do that's a subtle that's an angel there is no god there's no free choice to go beyond what you're supposed to do there's only doing the job the job here was to appear as a snake speak to them engage them in dialogue and find the best argument you can to get the deed he did that brilliantly was he happy he failed I dare say no probably none but he did his job perfectly so how did God punish him it's not a good question that's good yeah maybe maybe more than what else can he do told he's to kill you could kick your computer to anything more than that which is programmed to do sarah scan Sarah's computer has a mind of its own I'm aware of that does fall all the surgeons feel like trying tonight but most of ours can only do exactly that which we programmed to do that's all that's all that an angel can do nothing more we have people but in essence the freewill is so so taken away because the reality of God so this is had basically possess listening the possessed was God placed the guy that possesses that sounds like spooky God placed God placed the tsaatan in this being called the snake and that was in order he was in this now hush that's being called the knife hush was that it was a snake that can walk a snake oh he was a snake that can walk and talk he can engage you in very high level intellectual conversation and and and you're not supposed to be surprised by that not supposed to be oh this is weird it's also like well this is very natural yeah sorry maybe our pleasure huh well that's we said the Sutton never gets pleasure when we do what's wrong he's God's angel God wants that we should be tested but that we should have to test he only wants God's desire there's no personal desire was that how can this respect God these propria is programmed to do exactly God once there is no free choice but angel we're higher than angels we have free choice they don't have free choice we do oh so good say go keep that part of my silver yeah okay bye yeah right good good good point that you're right did it look like the snake and we have today I dare say no in fact as I'm saying he walked and talked he stood straight up and an ottoman Eve naturally engaged it in conversation like this is natural with something very you know appealing about it you know very so so just one more let me let me just go a little you're the story I'm gonna go right to the end and listen what happens at the end tell me which one of these is not like the other do you ever watch the session a street remember the game which one of these is not like the other okay we're going to play that game now which one of these is not like the other so God comes after the eight of the eight and the you crush em in leukemia autumn and God calls to other V OMA lo oh yeah so where are you what's happened to you you've changed oh yeah it doesn't mean where are you it means means what was before me is something different where what what's happened to you vo mescal official Martha the Gandhi ear I heard your voice I was afraid Kia Romano Kiba Hebei I'm naked and I was afraid I hid for yoga and God says me he the hockey automata God says who told you that you naked how mean I ate I shared cb0 to build the El Camino Alta the tree which I commanded you not to eat from did you eat from it for your ultimate autumn says hi Isha the woman I shall not sorcery Monday who you gave to stand beside me who know still Amina eight slow huh says the woman that you gave to me advised me right so by the way you know the first act of before we talk of ingratitude in the world right yeah it is right right no the question the question I want in which these three dialogues we're going to hear a dialogue between a chemin Auto a chemin cava and a chemin the snake and I want you tell me which of these dialogues is not like the other okay so first thing first dialogue is God says to autumn and he asked out of the question and he says you know did you he says I mean I ate so shared cp6 on that built a homey medic Arthur did you eat from the did you eat from the tree which I commanded you not to eat from course he answered in a tremendous statement of lack of gratitude since the woman that you gave me told me to do it tremendous act of a tremendous thing you should have said right it's the first act of ingratitude in the world right there then he goes to Kaabah then he comes to hava and he says to cava we go wish em luck in the Isha and God said to the woman nazo sauce ISA what's this that you did the tamil eesha and now her she she on Eve overfill the naka she seduced me he deceived me he convinced me and I ate then v Omer ashamed i lo keem Ellen aha and God says to the snake key Aziza sauce because you did this on Raw Tommy ho Bahama curse that you will be from all the animals in the Caucasus sodium for the if the other was the field I go to a tailor and your belly will you Crawford toka and dirt you'll enjoy a higher home the AVA are she's been how beta Asia and as we hatred between you and between the woman question three dialogues God in autumn God in cava God and the steak which one of these three is not like the other between never understimate which what the boy because he said to Adam did you leave the tree I told you not to okay and then he said to eat why did you do this mmm okay let's listen carefully here this is to get all those conversation is the artemiy says he says Amina AIT's a short CVC ICBC another hobby meadow berkhalter did you eat from the tree which I command you not to eat this is just the autumn the Eevee says nice house I see sir what did you do and to the snake he says key I see scissors because you did this which one of them is not like the other oh the Adam he asks a question did you eat for the tree that community to Eve he says do you know what will not why did you do this and to the snake he says because you did this why doesn't he ask the snake why did the snake to it because he told the snake to do it he does that as mistake why he did it he programmed the snake to do it there's no need to ask the state what's gonna happen angel okay play with everybody good question good I'll be good is he here the question the hailer questions good question yeah it's a good question good question I want the answer I want the answer next week we'll talk about okay so show you here it's very very good but it's beautifully the window and you're so careful the language of the turn it world's begin to open up and you got to know Hebrew for this to do the English does not work of course here after they said the text the text is speaking of so many levels and so many layers and sometimes just analysis the simple meaning of the words give me such depth so obviously to auda me ask the question to EBS a question the stake there's no question how could he ask the stake why he did I programmed you to do it you're my bread maker can't ask my bread maker why you went off at 10 a.m. I programmed you I can't ask the snake while you test it out in this way even this way your program so what's going on over here this story let's see we could put it together time to get a little bit so when we say to you right now is really Rab Hirsch Junction off a Hirsch great German thinker approach to the story I was awakened to it by my friend David David Forman and I'd like to share it with you first thing we see is we had a question that God says that he does not want honored to be alone one would have thought right there he should have made he doesn't do that he has other go to all the animals and creation and date them as it were take them out right like we made fun and Rashi says it's only when Eve was created that he finally saw it say on Zoe's had some yachtsman finally I found some like relate to why did God have to make him go through that exercise and we suggest about her suggests it's because God was preparing Adam and Eve for the tests of the snake God took the Sutton places it in this animal called the nosh this creature called the nosh now who is this creature this creature is an animal or disguised as an animal that can walk and talk you know it's almost like you can imagine like in Walt Disney you have like an animal that kind of be a friend I could talk to you and almost give you a perspective of what the the animal kingdom is like that's the knock-offs now hush was was almost human-like in the way it could stand up and walk there's never been an animal like that in history before and you're not supposed to be surprised by it it's other words there's an animal of creation that's like you you have God the test is the test that the snake says is very simple the snake says aapki on my little kid even if God said eat what does he mean by even if God said don't eat so we asked the question and said women that's a terrible that's a terrible way to make the meat because you should sit back the reason I'm not good either bigger because God said you should have used a more cunning argument like how beautiful these precious Plains like this even if God said put the emphasis on the word said even if God said don't eat who cares what God sent even God said don't eat dot dot dot meaning to apply who cares what God said not who cared what God said because God said it but who cares what God said why do you have to listen to what God says there's another way God speaks to you know what that way is he speaks to you from your animal side just like God speaks to me the animal through instinct and drives and passions God speaks to you through those instincts and drives and passions as well don't you have what I have an animal when I look at that tree I have a desire for it I wanted and it arouses all of my celebratory glands don't you experience that as well you're also an animal why do you have to listen to God's Word that's one way God communicates you it's true doesn't God also communicate you through the words of the animal inside you this is the first day of creation what are you are you fully a soul are you an animal which is the more important part maybe they're equal who cares what God said don't listen to the word this is to the animal I have an animal will tell you what I think I think you should go eat it and enjoy it what's wrong with that didn't God create those drives didn't God create the pleasure didn't God caused that when you see such a thing you start salivating and you start having desires and looking at and getting hungry and we want the want to possess it and be part then God create the drive what's wrong with following the animal and who you are God created that as well what a brilliant argument that she goes have jeans now I dare say that the reason why God first had Adam go to all the animals to see if the animal could be his wife was to prepare him just for that test because he knows that the test the doctor screams he's programmed the doctors for that test but in order to help other them fight that he first wanted to go to the animal kingdom and she the animal kingdom is not him I want you to try to find your mate in the animal kingdom see how different you are from the animal kingdom because when the knockers comes to you and says why don't you listen to the animal in you and not what God's Word is the animals also got created those drives and feelings I want you to be ready for the test if they waited I'm not an animal I tried to find my make of all the animals I couldn't find it that's a very convincing argument it's a very real argument a very real argument and then now hush convinces cava and she eats now it's interesting God then goes at the end of the story he goes to autumn he says why did you do it of course he expressed a tremendous lack of gratitude he blames it on his wife he goes to Eve why don't you do it is this nurhachi she on it's not a knock I can knock much this evening and then it goes to the knock you should because you did this so that's not much why he programmed the direction but then he seems to take the nut hush and what does he do seems to punish yeah we're bothered by quite happy to punish enough - because that's really dude not so so that's what about her she says something so brilliant who says it was a punishment who said it was a punishment why do you say what a punishment it sounds like a punishment but maybe it's not at all all that he's doing he's saying to the nah hush or I Tommy called bahama I'm going to totally transform you Alka contra Tayla you stood upright you look human you're not going to crawl on your belly he says the offer total you're going to have to live in the dust where there's no taste no pleasure no enjoyment all your days for Ava ah she's been covariation and there's going to be hatred between you and the woman and between her see than between you said well who you should vote a roach the human digger those are going to trample your head but I thought this will kennel a curve and you could always try to bite this heel there he'll who sets not a punishment what God is doing with the snake is he's taking this being which was so humanoid which was so like a person and it was like an animal that can say join me in the animal kingdom and he's taking that species now and he's making it so unhuman and there's no animal in creation today which is more than the snake you know we'd like going to the Bronx Zoo and seen the gorillas like we talked about because we're fascinated how similar they are to us we like own the reptile cage why they were fascinated about how different they are leptons are not us we're kind of repulsed by the sight of snakes nobody likes snakes except of course your Lord Voldemort he was a weirdo right the snake is the most unhuman and laughter as an animal which animals fear not just human beings God took this creature which said join me in the animal kingdom be an animal and God reduced it to be so unhuman like that autumn and kava and you and I will never make the mistake again to think that the real essence of who we are is the animal the story is really a story about the definition of which voice you listen to in life you listen to God's voice which is the voice that speaks through Tara and the brain and the neshamah or do we listen to the voice of passions and drives and instincts which we also possess which the animal possesses it's a test of God's voice there's the animal voice and they're both God's creation and I dare say on this first day of creation it wasn't so clear as to which was primary and perhaps his argument is not dead at all the world by the way a friend of mine told me that one time he was listened to a late-night talk-show and there was discussion with a young man from the Christian Right and this man was explaining why he has chosen celibacy before marriage and the the interviewer could front of him with the theological bomb and said to him you know you're choosing celibacy before marriage didn't God create those drives why are you inhibiting the God the drive that got created whose argument was that mistakes this argument as to which voice is primary and they're both God's voices is very alive and well today and of course the lesson of the story is really that really what defines us as human beings is simply to listen to God's voice to hear God's Word and use it to harness and to control and to rule the passions not have our passions drives and instincts which are also God's gifts rule us that's why of course we say in Hebrew the word nella which means a king is somebody who's more his melech his name is brain right is above the slave as hard as emotion and both are above his client which means it's kidneys it's lower part of who he is and that's why I've God course creates the human being with the only animal creation which stands straight up the teachers that head God's Word has to be above heart and both have to be above passions where's the animal kingdom of course we see animals walk on all fours complete line between head heart and passions there's no test to overcome the purely instinctual it's innate but the snakes not punished you can't punish a robot the snake is merely made an example of to teach ottoman even you and I that the argument the snake used who cares what God said listen to God's instinct that he created that argument is baseless God takes the snake he cuts off the legs of the snake as if to say that argument has no legs to stand the argument has no support this animal just wants the glory of the animal kingdom she's not going to call this alcohol its belly there is no support there's no basis and what the snake tried to use to convince you now this first day of creation Adam and Eve had to confront the very essence of who we are we have instincts we have patches we have Drive these are all very good when harnessed in the service of God but primarily the voice that we have to listen to and the voice that makes us really human so this is the guides voice now we're guided by God's Word and we use that to rule the animal and we are yeah question yeah I think I think this is exactly how we did program the snake to do it in other words this Oblivion it's it's brilliant test he was hoping that Ottoman Eve would pass the test free choice would allowed the most to pass the test but failure in the test now says I have to take this animal which presented the idea that you can be in animal the animal is the primary voice I have to save that argument the snake used is baseless as no legs to stand on and I have to make the snake so unhuman like so unattractive it's a never before the game and will never be fooled again how be for success so God was trying to prepare that's what God said try to make with the animals see if you're an animal see if you could find easily comfortably okay me what he was oh so right so that so the now hush whose job it is to test yeah he went right to the woman right what not audible so some say that was out of his fault that he should have prepared her better maybe other than prepare for her or maybe Java didn't focus a lot of the whole question is who is primarily responsible some say both of them but the earth nah fish went to Harvard I thought the autumn could it was stood the test when he was supposed to teach harbor what he learned his job was to prepare for this test parent so the other thing said that there is a rule don't butter up the capital that if you're leaving the house and you tell the kids make sure you don't butter up the couch so we better be sure when you come back there's going to be butter all over up the counter so yeah they would have on their own never ever thought of putting butter on because you can't when you told them make sure you don't put butter on the couch so now that's it not happen sir suggesting by what I'm saying if a shine maybe would have never even mentioned the tree they would have never even touched the tree but here is even more complicated because imagine I would have told my kids don't put butter on the couch and then I would have sent my neighbor over with a whole bunch of butter and say this is gonna look really good it was beautiful on the couch like I don't know it just sees my bath set them up yeah well there was a there was a test it was a test there had to be a real test God wants it to give the ultimate reward and give them the ultimate gift
Channel: The Jewish Torah
Views: 132,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rabbi Mordechai Kraft, Mystical, Secrets, In, The, Garden, of, Eden
Id: _AHco824RDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 26sec (4766 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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