Quobba blowholes

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all right just checking everything two weeks we're gone for and yeah so where we going uh qua so two it's a two-day trip isn't it to get up there well it's how we're going to do it over over halfway we have no idea we're just winging it um yeah so anyway we're off still holidays are finished so we should be fine yeah yeah so yeah it's a first in first in best at the blow holes we've never been there before we've always always driven past it all right we're not here you sit up there as a big girl happy dogs in the shop yeah happy now we're just doing a bit of filming cuz we're bored bored we just pass sanes we yeah yeah we did don't know if it's worth it um I want to talk about we put airbags well I put airbags well was the royal we I did nothing so I put the um I you was support you got me a 10 after I finished I did I did um yeah we didn't have uh we didn't have airbags in the back of this we got the BP 51s with the old man U Progressive Springs but what was happening was when you put the Caravan on it would um squash the pr squash the progressive bit and be on the loadbearing part of the spring and it was just an atrocious ride um yeah we put the airbags in it's really nice is it oh yeah w complete Comfort it's amazing barely even know the vans on the back you can't really feel it which is pretty cool no so yeah this is the um the long boring drive it is so here we are a big girl we we were here um a couple of years ago we stayed up stayed up over there but it was later in the year so there wasn't wasn't as many Li but there's a fair few flies around here might be able to see them on the camera in the ears too um yeah so just was just say 3 hours 3 hours to get to qu blow holes from here welcome to wa FES are Next Level we're watching Next Level we're watching uh elnick elnick Adventures oh they did the we belt way yeah and um they covered inlies they handle them they handle like a champ they do they don't Wier they just we're out there we're out there e blood and carry on [Music] anyway gone into canavan and filled up with water um yes we're fully laden we're just going into into quaba going to camp at the quaba blow holes campground that's the plan anyway End School Hall so hope all people yeah we met some there whole bunch of people coming out but we also met a couple at the water station where you can get free water in canavan um who are coming out here choose so you got full service out here so that's pretty good that's the aquarium there on your right might be a car [Music] par that' be cool to have one of them that boat ramp there boat ramp let see looks like there's people camping further down there hey mes what are youing dog big green few camps just going to go down here and have a have a sticky water's right there how nice of that stop we might be staying here tonight I don't [Music] know oh that's nice the water oh bad want the water you found it you got to talk into your microphone I can't I have it's not hooked on cuz I'm on broken stick your hand stick your hand over that cuz it's a window anyway we found it we lost that to the ocean [Music] [Music] start these off down the beach before beautiful spot we're off fishing see if we can get anything so this has been the best day so far it's all been pretty blow hasn't it wind was we're going to see if we can go get some squid uh good luck we've never caught a squid in now life true that was a good confidence Builder nice to know you can have a motor isn't going to break down on you it's not a dead one it yeah really nice spot and apparently that's the aquarium over there so our first voyage is that the boy yeah there's the mar there way not L of f apparently cool so we're going out doing a bit of sightseing today and then um probably don't know what we'll do tomorrow depends how hot it gets sit around wet probably yeah so if you come in and you're at you see the rose of Caravans at the star keep driving past the Shacks it's some really great spots F down yeah don't need to be CED up if you don't want to be it's all easily done be turn around at the end if you need to come back we turned it pretty good there's no one here yeah we were here just before weren't we it is I don't like getting close to the edge I'm chicken just just think get a bit scared in there edges that way [Music] we stopped in and um got some lunch there's a what's it called it's called the blow holes tucko box yeah blow holes tucko box made really good po chips yeah come down give them some support they got fpos over um this is the road to the homestead we're just going to have a quick [Music] look we're just coming in for a sticky beat hopefully that's all right yeah that's quaba so we can get the red BL three [Music] more I'm just going to have a look at this war war memorial site old dog nearly had an accident pretty good she was telling us tell us the whole time back and forth back and forth on the back seat I'm like this isn't right I need to get out of this car yeah luckily rected in memory of the ships company H Sydney lost on November 19941 by volunteers from the Naval Association and RSL of canavan November 1981 unless we forget on November 14 November 19 1941 a battle occurred between Australia light Cruiser hm Sydney and the German Raider the auxiliary Cruiser H SK Coran based on the accounts of German survivors Sydney closed Sydney closed to identify and was mortally damaged by hits from gunfire and a torpedo both ships sank 80 perished in Coran while there were no survivors from Sydney's compliment of 645 the absence of Australian survivors left many questions on the precise circumstances of the loss which continues to arouse controversy these details are all that is known of the sea Battle that took place between H Sydney light Cruiser and the German armed Raider Coran at dusk on the 19th of November 1941 it's very cool German Lifeboat landed at 17 M well and another one landed at Red Bluff okay AC 80 na miles that way so that way yeah get the Drone up and take some footage you can see the station just the house there [Music] wow absolutely stunning definitely be be back to stay I think by the way thanks for all those who served served and are [Music] serving not a bad view just going up and have a look at the um the lighthouse big Lighthouse sorry it's a bit windy [Music] [Music] H last night probably can't hear a bloody thing here cuz it's windy [Music] nice do a hot tip hot tip face north south so face your van north south cuz when the wind comes in blows the Flies acts like a little wind tunnel blows the flies away from you yeah yeah yeah if you if you position your van where it's blocking blocking the wind you're going to get all the Flies behind oh there anyway hot tip as someone says all right here we go right this is going to be interesting because it's it's blowing which we're thankful for it keeps the FES down the FES fles are pretty ordinary um we we're watching other YouTubers was it elnick and and they were doing around this are at the same time and you're just like so April fles are bad but anyway what do we going to talk about then the winds when when you've got a not an easterly it's fine um so to book um quba blow holes campg Grand you come and park up and then you book online so what great is you can then extend with no issue at all just dial up and dial up log not even log in just find the website and um extend your stay yeah which is great um we've stayed six six days which is not like us we were thinking we were going to go up to the homestead and Red Bluff and um but we decided it's a short trip let's just relax we love it enough we'll be back yeah we chilled out here as good as um yeah yeah no it's it's a nice place we didn't get to do the aquarium cuz numpy forgot to bring the um the waterproof cover for the um for the GoPro and good reason to come back and we had to do a little bit of a and we had a bit of an incident an incident with um Miss's finger she sort of cut the I cut the pad of my uh index finger off essentially yesterday um so we tried which is fine so we tried doing a bit of a bit of a home remedy this morning to try and get the bandage off and re redo we couldn't cuz it was all it was actually all stuck to the wound so we had unfortunately it was not something we like to do it we had to go to emergency and well tried tried to adop us but they said we fully W go go to emergency so we did went to canavan emergency that were really good gave me some um happy gas which I've never had before and um basically ripped it off starting again start again yeah but um good to know that you're somewhere that you can do that running and yeah plus that's a little little little not little that's a that's a thing about having a good first a first a kit you know yeah yeah we're lucky we you know saline solution um some b jeene um some good non-stick bandages we we use Band-Aids to start with so yeah cuz it bled it bled quite badly so the the idea is to is to stop the the first thing is stop bleeding um which is what we did but unfortunately the band stuck to the wound so anyway that's um so yeah it's been a fun day but anyway we're moving moving on tomorrow we're going to hit canav and top up the tanks in the the bladder's still full but we'll top up the tanks in the van thinking we're going to go gladon um for a couple of nights and then maybe lucky Bay on the way home but I guess you'll see in the next video this will be the end of this one most likely yeah probably yeah yeah yeah we've had head this spot to all our all ourselves which is very spacious they're absolutely massive here like these these spots where we are you could get two to three vans in here not a problem but um yeah it's good good spot yep anyway see you on the next one yeah thanks for watching
Channel: B & JK Adventures
Views: 433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xDVKyVt4t94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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