The Great Central Road Part 2

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see you w wor about STI Ro I don't sh how much should we just pay for fuel bro oh you just told me was it $340 $267 to top up the tank but um you don't have much choice I guessing out here do you um it's amazing though you come past the RO house and it's just so green I'll show you super green I don't know just you don't expect say hi say hello I think we've counted 129 cars so far I think that's of a game every on place there not much else and they're all varying ages like that is a really really old one coruna where karuna hubs bloody hopeless of this year we a coruna and hold into here for fuel got some got some food um yeah car was good had done all the usual stuff she's eating a potato pie pretty spectacular rerer all right we come out of there how the scenery's changed again is it never been to the N so we're a bit excited the scenery makes up for all the Dr J W pick this up no they're huge and green and just absolutely stunning they go all the way around and of course you don't know what they're call so we'll Google it and drop it in looks like we're coming up to the Border must sign 500 quarantine we'll do that we are welcome to the you going to part behind it we go and get a photo yeah see you in the N there we go cool we made it scenery is just um just stunning really is worth the drive wasn't it oh yeah absolutely and six days to our next cite and it's what 2:00 happy to it's us over doing the usual trick making me film while he Parks up you guys sick of watching Park up videoos yet I know he loves my commentary when he's parking so we're here at Docker River um It's The End into the wa side yeah of the Great Central Road yeah so we hit Northern Territory um you'll see some video up of the rocks of [Music] s so yeah we thought we'd just touch on overall yeah what it was like it was um long it was long yeah it was long I'm fried I'm fried from driving I don't mind we've done it in 3 days yeah uh and that's a lot of driving Yeah couple of arguments on the way yeah yeah yeah but anyway we we we got it done um stopped in at J's Breakaway wton and Docker River here tonight yeah so third night so when you get into this Docker River it it the scenery completely completely changes you'll see it with the with the dry for 6:00 at night now it's beautiful getting really quiet um that's qu to 7 we got a couple of shanies under our belt so we're quite happy ready to get a bed after dinner mhm so road condition uh I wouldn't do it in a two wheel drive I've heard yeah we've heard said say yeah you can do it you probably could but we counted 304 vehicles Dead vehicles Dead vehicles on the side of the road eight of those four drives so the the rest were two wheel drives and and they ranged they ranged in age from some 7s yeah from some H hqs HRS to modern vehicles so so sort of you know take that take that as you will yeah it's a bit of an ey openen for us it's the longest we've ever travel I think it's 800 800 odd kilometers of of um corrugations to here so by by the end of it you are over oh yeah over it absolutely over it um looking forward to see seeing the rock yeah that'll be good yeah so we're going to talk safety so J's break away no problem felt fine wton um and you go in behind a lock gate and we forgot to lock the car and no problem at all there no problem grass the ladies were actually really nice they really sweet yeah we bought bought some bought a painting off one of them um yeah they're all right they just they just making a living so but inside the compound shading water grass um I had a shower yeah probably would have been better in the van but but had a shower so it was it was nice we felt safe we felt Yara we'll do U we'll do theas puga I think is how you say it um and then we're doing South Australia so yeah yeah so this is their 5we trip we'll probably be at home by the time you see this but anyway if you like what we do like and subscribe thanks for watching we really do appreciate it um you know we're not we're not a big Channel but we plan to do this fulltime at some point point yeah L and life so you know get a snag into you
Channel: B & JK Adventures
Views: 1,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zKVGTQt75e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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