Weekend at Denmark

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so what are we going to talk about we're going to talk about um we just wanted to jump in before our next video which is our trip to Denmark and just um say thank you to everyone who watched our what break video because we got something like 30 subscribers added and it's 4 and a half thousand views or something it's AB gone absolutely crazy which we've never experienced before and it's hello to the new subscribers yeah and thanks for comments and questions and yeah it was really good to interact with people so so that was really nice um special shout out to Dean from Red Center Caravans who reached out to us thank you Dean um and offered to replace the broken shop that we mentioned in the video that was much appreciated to totally total surprise we're expect we didn't mind to pay for it was a problem it thanks hi because it's said watches they watch the videos so anyway onto Denmark on to Denmark see you all right we're off again uh where we we're going to Denmark so we're staying at a hit Camp called Rock Cliff Vineyard camping area it's rather warm today and it's even everyone who lives in Perth knows Denmark's typically cool it's going to be 38 tomorrow in Denmark so we'll be trying out the airon off grid oh and by the way we bought microphones we did so hopefully you can hear us finally when we're driving you can they hiding I'm hungry dinner time yeah we what H couple of hours just having something to eat nice it is a very beautiful spot isn't it it is get out of my I'm going to eat last some cool is about 20° cooler than Perth when we got here which is really nice it's going to warm up today it's going to be about 30 at about lunch time and then drop off pretty quickly in the afternoon so the microphones we bought um there's an Australian YouTuber I can't remember his name Ralph something I'll Chuck his photo in there I watched his review and um yeah they're very expensive but got great features um ulans I can't remember the name Chuck it up in there in in a sticker or something that's then there and the box is actually charger as well that's the that's little unit you plug into your GoPro gives you all your levels um hopefully this this hopefully this video turns out because the last one didn't work if that doesn't work blood microphones are going to go in the bin that'll work I think you can hear just I think you can hear just talking anyway [Music] here look at that stunning might see our Seal Swim yeah yeah we saw a seal before well Justin saw it it was right on the shore wasn't it yeah and we watched it swim out it was pretty cool and then it came across along the Rocks it's very nice it's it cold Sinker rocks Sinker rocks come all this way we forgot to bring the Drone we didn't forget oh I forgot no I didn't even think about it to be fair went past like a little pool um like a little Inlet and there's there's people everywhere so we'll drive back through take some food that so on Ocean Beach Road in Denmark just come off gravel back onto the bitman and there the most amazing Inlet beautiful little spot excuse me um and yeah and like it's it's shallow enough for people to stand as they're swimming yeah which is um safe for kids and so many people around there we go that's beautiful there look quieter at this end but look that's up to that lady's thighs how cool that really nice never seen it before I can't believe living wa and take your kids yeah this one is new pachio canoli cream the guy that we said you to I know i' just made it up not a be person um got in there and a peach lemonade Arrangement so anyway and I had a little taste cuz I couldn't decide look at that got a thing for the kids we won't be hanging out here today it's too hot for this this is really [Music] nice [Music] and then this is [Music] it here we are here we are so there's five or six B like this up [Music] here the last first and you can go right to the end it's a big turn around you want to get out so it's pretty much drive in drive out all right we're going down to just some wine tasing yeah we're hoping to well there we go with um the unknown quantity which is the dog are you they do p pizzas gelato gelato fudge so it's Pizza not so this is uh what it looks [Music] [Music] like she doesn't like little dogs apparently so anyway it's for her protection and any this is RO so you can camp across the road then so that's uh I think we said that before yeah you can camp across the road was it$ $25 a night that was $25 okay $25 a night I'm inclined to um yeah that' be nice out there that's all very cool isn't it beautiful you know like that thing on your head don't do you sweetheart no mine's [Music] everywhere worst worst ways to be spending a Sunday afternoon you so this is our last day isn't it yeah we're leaving yeah last day um overcast but it's nice to be able to sit outside isn't it it's not 39° like aest I'm very happy you're back in so you drive up and back in onto these level Bays I think there's five or six Bays up the hill um and then when you're leaving you just drive up the hill turn as's a turn around come back down was so like we said was walked in 25 bucks aight no facilties so you got to be selfcontained but it's pretty nice spot yeah so we got we got Hannibal leor over here Maple hello beautiful oh Maple gets a bit it's only small dogs for some reason small that's part and parcel of having a rescue dog yeah she's got issues got bless she's got baggage anyway so good pizza arrived that nice is that that's dinner it's delicious that's dinner early dinner you're re we missed our trademark parking up video this time just going to show you how you get out of this place and there's a bit of rubbish under here that I wanted to pick up I bought a nice looking setup hey you know we bought this car cuz it was gr it with next the day
Channel: B & JK Adventures
Views: 259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jzkwlMmVWZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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