Quixel Materials TRIPLANAR + DISPLACEMENT in Unreal Engine 5! (step-by-step tutorial)

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[Music] [Music] so UV rapping for a lot of 3D artists is the bane of their existence including me so to those of us that are weak like myself the tripler projection mapping node is a lifesaver and if you come from other softwares like red shift octane vray whatever the tripler node has definitely saved your life if you have worked with models in 3D before chances are if you use Unreal Engine or any software but specifically unreal you definitely will be taking advantage of the quickel mega scans ass sets however the materials are not out of the box ready for triplanar mapping so in this video I'm going to show you how to do that and when I say I'm going to show you how to do that I'm going to use really good work that other technical artists have done and just apply their try playing our material function in the mega scans workflow also at the end I'm going to show you how to have a displacement map input in the master material as well and crucially before we get started I just want to say a huge thanks and shout out to visual Tech art latest video on tripler mapping as well as pent planer and ener whatever that is it's a really great technical breakdown of the tripler material function that we will be using in today's video so go check out his video show its support he has a free download link for the tripler material function that again I'm going to be using in this video um and I'm just going to show you how I can apply it in my own scene and the workflow that you guys could use so again big thanks to this guy not sure what his name is he makes great videos let's get started also show some support to this video if it's helpful thanks pretty simple scene I just got a couple lights a couple cameras some Focus points as actors empty actors don't know why I forgot the name and I have my weird sculptural object that as you can see has no UVS let me drag a material on a bunch of stretching going on uh and I made this in the volume builder in Cinema 4D everything else is pretty normal again my regular default postprocess volume setup so we are going to go from this monstrosity to this guy so as you can see no super harsh visible stretching a little bit around the curved areas but generally really good uh tiling also some displacement on it as you can see on the edge here and let's just get started so once you go download visual te Arts free tripler plugin you will be given these files what you want to do is open up this text file and you'll be greeted with this massive text file which is pretty much the back end of how all materials and nodes are made in Unreal Engine now we are going to paste this into a blank material function note I'm just going to go to my material functions folder right click material material function and then I'm going to call it MF for material function visual Tech art visual ual V yep visual Tech art I was right the first time VTA tripler 02 because I already have my original one now double click to open up the material function just drag it on top here so you can see everything I'm going to zoom out now open up the text file and then go to crl a contrl c and then in the canvas just select somewhere and then hit contrl V and you're going to see a bunch of these nodes pop in and don't don't freak out this is pretty much the hardest part of the whole tutorial and the last thing we want to do is just go to this output result just delete it because we will not use it and there's already one built into the material function after we paste it the next thing you got to do now is just hit apply and save all right cool so I'm just going to leave this window open and then go to my other content browser tab if you don't know how to do that just go up to window content browser and then select your second content browser window now we're going to want to scroll to our Mega scans folder and if you do not have this just go to the plus button quickel bridge and download any Mega scans Material off of their Bridge or off their Marketplace Bridge whatever once you've done that you should see this Ms presets folder and then we will look for MMS default material now this is the if I just go to this guy here and drag in the original so this is what you would typically download by the way this is the tat Stone one of the tzo stone materials if you want to use the exact same one I'm using so I'll just maximize this what you can do is actually doubleclick the instance that is downloaded scroll down and then go to browse to Ms surface material so this is the parent or the master material that controls all of the material instances so what we're going to do is actually edit this guy but not edit the OG one we're actually going to select it press contrl D to duplicate and then at the beginning I'm just going to do mcor msor Vore TP so visual Tech art tripler and then you can just leave it there or drag it into your materials folder whatever you want to do not a big deal just double click to open it up and this is the classic Mega scans material setup now we're going to need to convert these texture parameter 2D nodes into texture object nodes and the reason for that is if we just drag in the new material function we made so I'm just going to undock our window go back to our material functions folder and just drag in this guy that we made you will see it is requiring a texture 2D node which is different to this guy so if I try to connect that up you'll see float 3 is not compatible with texture 2D and you can really take a look at it if you just double click and sorry it's already open here the input is looking for a texture 2D and if you're ever not sure about what input something is requiring you can just right click it and then promote to parameter and now you'll see it has made the compatible node that it needs I don't know why I explained that so weird so we're pretty much just going to recreate these as texture objects so our first one I'll just make some space drag it up here first one will be diffuse and then contrl d will be metalness and d andness d I'm just going to make sure the defaults are the same you don't need to but it's just cleaner I find diffuse default oh and you'll notice here it says VT which is virtual texture which is not what we're editing so make sure you keep an eye on that so I'm not using virtual textures for this one this I'll make black placeholder is white is flat nor cool apply and save now we just got to control D this guy bit so plug metalness into here roughness into there and then normal into there now we just need to make a few scalar parameters so to do that just hold s and click to make a scalar parameter so we can control the tiling so I'll call this tile size and then the default if you hover over is 100 I'm going to make mine 50 and then just [Applause] drag don't tell me it's going to crash [Music] man this is the first time that this project is crashed okay so now I am back uh we will go and make some Scala parameters so I'm going to right click tile size promote to parameter just make the default 50 drag in that guy this guy and then this guy what is going on okay cool so I've hooked up this Scala parameter for the third time into the tile size and I'm going to keep saving all and then we just want to do projection smoothness promote that to a parameter and the default was 0.2 so I'll just leave it at that and then drag this guy in just going to keep saving cuz I am paranoid we can just promote this guy to a parameter drag him into the single sample and if you want a more in-depth explanation of all these parameters again just check out visual Tech art video and lastly plug in my normal map just in case that could be causing it but I doubt it now for some reason when I make like let's see if I can show you guys here uh when I make this normal map booing a parameter you are supposed to make this true if it this is using a normal map input but when I do that oh it's fine actually wait no it might not be fine once we plug it into the final output okay now let's just replace the MF object adjustments parameter inputs with our new ones so diffuse sorry can't click it diffuse goes into diffuse or albo I probably should have named it the same but it's not a huge deal metalness to metalness roughness to roughness and normal to normal normal ah see I get weird normals when I leave this true but when I make it false it looks fine so for now I'm just going to leave it on [Music] false so now that we have everything hooked up let's now test it out so I'm just going to make the window a bit smaller and then click this button to browse to it in our content browser I'm now going to right click it create material instance and I'll just call it MP Stones 01 and just find the folder I think it was this guy so I'm just going to drag him into here and then move and this is the guy we just made save and open him up as you can see this is the current uh state of the material without the tripler so I'm just going to drag in our new material instance you can already see the tiling is working as intended now let's just change the texture inputs so just scroll down to the bottom diffuse normal roughness and then diffuse normal and roughness and the pack textures should still work because we are still going through the mega scans object adjustment uh material function now if we go back to our material instance we should be able to change the tiling so this guy here the smaller the tiles the finer it should be so as you can see the 25 looks quite good now the next step is the [Music] displacement to enable displacement in your project just check out my materials uh displacement tutorial in UE 5.3 once you have that enabled jump back into your parent material that we just made now we'll want to go up to one of these guys here maybe this guy contrl D okay cool and then select our material function the tripler one and then control D and then just drag it down towards our displacement input so for this we can add a few uh extra nodes to help with turning it on and off and some other little details first thing you want to do before anything is Select our parameter texture object and rename it to displacement and we can just select a a default displacement map let me just find one yeah I'll just leave it as this tile one drag it into the texture input make sure I'm saving and then also just drag the tile size into there and then projection smoothness into there and then single sample into this guy apply save now the first thing I want to do out of this is drag it out and type in switch par start typing switch parameter and then I'll call it you use displacement and if I want if this is ticked on to be true I wanted to use it if it is false I'm just going to hold one and click which will bring us a constant value you can also just type constant and that'll bring up the same thing and I'm just going to leave the constant on zero which should be a black value so by default I'm going to leave this unchecked which is false so it'll have no displacement and then save and apply let's just double check out material yep use displacement is now there now let's just check if this works it might look a little buggy but let's just see if it works so check it on give it a second okay so the displacement is working it's just way too strong at the moment uh but we can change that in a second and again if this is not working for you at the moment you can go check out my tutorial but just make sure you have nanite enabled and the a good amount of uh trim relative error so tessellation uh enabled on your object so I'm just going to close that guy down let's go back to our Master material I'm just going to change the default magnitude to something like5 and then save and apply it's looking a little better but let's now actually use our uh displacement map so if I double click the pack texture that it comes with the displacement map is on the blue Channel which is this guy that's why it is named o RP so occlusion for ambient occlusion roughness and then displacement so occlusion roughness displacement now we just need to extract the blue channel so to do that very simple go back to our Master material uh drag a bit out in between these two guys we just want to drag out a component mask grab the blue Channel and then drag this guy in hit apply and save and then now what we can do is drag in our displacement map so sorry once we enable it drag in our displacement map and boom now we actually have a displacement map that matches the Pebbles that we have on our uh model and because we have the same uh tile size node hooked up to it it should always match each other however you could just add a you know your own custom displacement tiling uh if you want it to be finer or smoother if you're making a custom material so you could just plug this guy in if you don't want to have them be the same value now I'm just also going to increase my strength maybe up to one and hit save uh you might start getting some artifacts depending on the amount of tessellation you are giving as well as uh the displacement map that you're using and there are a few like weird workarounds but they're not actually a solution to the problem but for me I like to just play with the normal bias so I'm just going to enter the normal bias command which is uh R tracing normal bias 0.5 and that usually clears it up by default it is on zero so you can just go to 0.1 you can see that's not enough two and then three really I think for this model cleans it up the most and if you want to make sure you're not you know Shifting the shadows and it's getting too inaccurate cuz keep in mind this console variable does kind of increase the inaccuracy of Shadows somewhat depending on how hard you go just set your camera up in a view you like and then go to the where is it why can I not see path tracing give it a sec if I just move here or if I actually go to my camera view and then this is path oh no this is the lit mode and then this is path tracing and you can see it's not too different so clearly our shadows aren't super inacurate so again if I go from this to this not too different maybe I could go up a tab 0.4 and that cleans it up a tiny bit more but in general quite a good and clean model we which we have detailed displacement on and now you can use any Mega scans material with triplanar mapping on an object that you don't need to UV unwrap hopefully that was helpful I use this workflow a lot in a lot of my scenes because tripl art mapping is crucial especially when you have weird sculptural objects like that so like And subscribe please comment any questions you have again hopefully it was helpful and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: ali.3d
Views: 3,799
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Id: -ODCc4Kkick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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