Quite Possibly The Best Ubsunur Yields Ever? #3 (Deity Mod Russia Civilization 6)

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oh a butto in this city i quite like the extra gold but i like my one better and it's more the principle of like can you just get off my cities please like i'm not i'm not keen on you jumping in and trying to spread your your wares to me can you just not thank you oh stopped announcing me japan come on we've been through this you're weaker than i am i've beaten you royally like one two three four of your cities now belong to me and i have appropriated them fully like i they are in my empire just just lay off okay you're not getting him back exploring through sweden's empire they actually have quite a bit going on down here it's a nice empire it's a very nice empire ryan's attention has 100 percent been earned this diplomatic favor is wonderful it's basically like half of my economy is selling it and i'm getting so much like it's it's insane how much it's picking up at the moment i'm also doing very well because everyone's friends with me at the moment i can get all the luxuries from people and because monopoly monopolies and corporations mode is not on the ai is actually improving all of their stuff which makes a difference as soon as you put that mode on the ai is suddenly like uh what is luxuries i i don't understand and you just have to sit there scratching your head going you do understand you've played with this game like so much how are you still confused this is this is stupid a new dedication a brand new world sweden and japan are both in golden ages now so the fun there is going to stop but egypt is in a dark age so we'll keep an eye on that one that could be entertaining hick sunk dracones that could be really fun i'm still settling sort of in places actually i don't have money mentality to push that any further but that could be relatively amusing reformer coinage could give me loads of gold as well it's between those two i think i'm gonna go reform the queenage because the gold is generally more handy but it was close it was close both are pretty decent el greco has two religious works oh okay now that's good that's good that's good we do have a spare religious somewhere so i can i can do this in such a way we want to put one in yokohama and we want to put one in nagoya okay nagoya is there so let's put one that and then we'll pop one there perfect i'm gonna move diplomatic league away finally as well to get raj because 40 i think this is nuts 40 gold 40 food no no not food ryan come on gold to science culture faith goodness me i was looking at that and thinking what are those stats i don't understand like read come on read it and understand you can just see like if i was jackie weaver i would just be shouted at me repeatedly so there is that horrible horrible religion that's been put on me so if i just go kapoomph like that hopefully spreads it across oh no it doesn't it wasn't enough to get rid of it terrible so the trick to this i think is to move away from all of the arts institutes as i can so i want to put this there and pop that there those can move at another point i've got now two art museums that have three for some more religious work if i can get it but i just actually i do need some more religious work uh there's one okay cool cool so they're still appearing that's good and i can start picking up some engineers which works really well as well um i just need to keep an eye out for some uh some engineers that give me wonder building wonder building would be quite literally wonderful i pick up this workshop there's industrialization done cool now all i need is radio what i've got to do to get radio we've got astronomy we still need to build universities i have not built any of those at all uh enlightenment i've already got that's wonderful and build an industrial era or later wonder i am trying to do that i've got the hermitage being built in some petersburg which i thought was pretty good any landscapes yet i don't i don't even know what landscapes are they're just a mysterious force for me so let's just go plump it in moscow why not i'm to 580 culture now i love these games when you just start boosting like this it's wonderful lovely stuff okay in terms of trade routes and things i don't necessarily need to send them to city states but i'm kind of enjoying it until i get to the end of the game with globalization or is it social media which gives me the extra tourism from trade routes it might be social media actually yeah online communities until i get to that point i'm not really going to bother with trade routes too much to other members of the world the known world i guess is one way of putting it but what i will do is continue to send lovely lovely trade routes from all of my new island nations these are all begging for them when i'm picking up the mausoleum as well um it's not in the best city but this is a very good city for production so i can race it through i've just got da vinci sat here that can give culture to workshops and i'd rather do that twice if i can get my little mix on it oh what's this one hunza i always have the one i've been waiting for is that the one i've been waiting for hunza no it's not i'm waiting for the science city state that gives you uh extra science for all of your great works that hasn't popped up yet or if it has popped up it's been killed i can never remember what it was called and to be honest i'm too lazy to research it so no doubt well i'm missing something obvious oh the mains keep doing theater square boosts i'm not i'm not so happy about that could you please stop like these are my great people okay two terms for that artist i want the landscape artists he's mine i'm gonna buy him with faith next turn just to just to spite him hahaha portrait portrait religious okay cool so the portraits i'm you know i'm running out of space this is ridiculous um can i get myself a new art museum if i can perfect go and stick it in there yeah sorry mayans i'm just going to steal that one from you oh no there's another artist shortly after luckily i'm getting 700 faith per turns i can probably steal that one as well if i'm lucky not if i do things like getting distracted by more girdlers but that i mean it's just worth it awesome don't forget every time i get a girl where i get an extra musician point per turn because russia things which just makes it worth it and here is a wild card policy slot now that is worth it just for the extra slot what am i going to do with it well i could get invention to give myself some more engineer points that could be quite fun or i could get myself musician points for now i'm going to get republican legacy because the 20 housing and immunities makes perfect sense i'm going to put that in with liberalism to get myself a few more immunities as well hopefully what that means is my bigger cities like some petersburg are going to be a little happier than once they were it would be even happier still i actually got all my luxuries in properly but yeah we'll see we'll see how that works 73 gold per turn for my favor sure mayans sure let's just let's just agree to never speak of that particular transaction again that was definitely to my favor put it that way more arts institutes being bought every single place i can find them actually the mayans have stolen a few let me just quickly pin in on this one what have you earned you've earned one artist one writer two artists two writers three writers oh dear you're supposed to be my friend and honestly i don't appreciate this what would it take for this stuff okay i think we're gonna have to buy a load of this stuff from them i've got tons of our synthetic species so this shouldn't be a problem but i go and get through the quick deals um i can probably look at this a little bit easier hang on just give myself a little bit extra gold perfect and then we're going to go to great works we're going to go to writing and 300 gold a pop that's great so we can just keep on buying these until we run out perfect we'll revisit that in a turn or three it's actually good to be buying these from the mines because they are the culture leaders apart from me so if i do want to get a tourism victory snagging their ability to get culture and domestic tourists has got to be a good thing got to be a good thing well we'll take it oh a blizzard in russia natural blizzard in russia i love it when that happens right this is the mausoleum it gives all of my engineers a second charge i've been waiting with davinci or george rr martin don't you just wait until you see his portrait it's very very similar um i've been waiting for him so i can use him twice to give my workshops culture twice as chemistry booted uh boosted that's lovely but now i can get the electricity boost beautiful and then we'll get the next one in the zag engineer scientists and merchant points i'm getting some of those so i'll join in on that but i'd quite like to be able to build troops quicker and i think that who's disliked who is the pariah of the world france isn't particularly liked by anybody oh goodness me there's a lot of bad blood i think actually uh japan let's go for japan because we don't like japan so i will go more grievances to japan let's do that four votes on that one see if that goes very oh it might have done you know it might have done let's see if that's worked production japan yes goodness me what a haul of deplore diplomatic points joint first on six lovely stuff when i just got the radio boost as well which is wonderful i'm just gonna flick away from flight and go to steam power briefly because i'm just about to finish the hermitage and that should give me the boost which is great i also need two shipyards i don't think i built any shipyards anywhere really so i'll try and get that as quick as i can i always hate reaching this stage of the game but heritage tourism does need to come in because that extra tourism per turn makes a big old difference it just i feel like it wastes your policy cards if you go for cultural victory and you have to pick all those cards up it's totally worth it they're really really good but it just always feels like there's better things to be doing in mind i am suddenly now again at war with sweden what a what a surprise and joy it is to be alive okay why what's happened who declared on her claire patrick declared war on the egypt and the mayans um i declared war on sweden sweden i think sweden went after the mayans okay well i might be able to actually pinch a couple of border cities here high achilles is pretty strong but they do have some very tough units sweden very tough let me just think about this i need to think about getting my upgrades my frigates would give my cities a little bit of a stronger attack so i could get a forget i mean really i don't i don't particularly care okay oh actually the renaissance here this guy i do care about because this gives me an iron clad and iron clad just make sure my cities are nice and tough let's get mulan back she's gonna be quite helpful in all of this and hercules i just need you to defend i'm gonna defend from egypt's territory why not let's let's actually take advantage of our allies here stick mulan in my city she can just go pew pew um actually i say that that's a pretty strong unit any other heroes haven't been claimed that i might be able to take advantage of beowulf would be yeah just like a fantastic option for me so beowulf through you go that'll be eight turns we'll get that factory sorted and then i'll do it lovely how aggressive are they going to be not at all they are backing off pretty rapidly it's interesting but to say this leaves me an open door to go and basically take their border city um i don't want to take stockholm i wouldn't want to push that you know that far but i mean maybe i do maybe that's what i want to do i don't know what's going on here hang on pine trees if toledo why are you valuing are you just valuing your stuff for way more than mine why would you be doing that i mean why don't we just make this a little bit easier and just ask for this stuff instead am i getting this wrong like why would you be doing this what's what's up with this hang on so if i take this off it's three things for five things yes okay i'll take that perfect i mean what a ridiculous deal anyway the hermitage has four slots for artists four and every time i build this i just regret the fact that i'm not playing sweden because oh my goodness this building is good in swedish hands but never mind never mind this is all fine i think this should give me the flight boost if i'm lucky and i've done that it has ideology oh typically i needed like a tiny bit more so we'll just go and do that i also need a shipyard why did i not build a shipyard come on round think think good thing about all this tundra is i should have quite a few spaces for naturalists there's already one there which is good and i believe if i just start moving some of these tiles around into nice nice little places we should be able to get quite a few in this direction as well so lots of different options for me just going to take advantage of these natural natural wonders as soon as sweden declared war on me i was like right we can we can take advantage of this and spread religion to their cities ah yeah small and scary this game is a lot of moving things around continually like that is something i have noticed but it doesn't matter really lovely i just need to work on making sure all of my museums are themed as well because i can do a lot better a lot better than we currently have done there are some religious artwork okay right you see this is the thing we should be able to get much more going in terms of religious artwork theming at any rate there's my first national park and there is my second the best bit is because they're all next to some petersburg some petersburg should start getting a lot more immunities because it's i think two in the city you build it in and then one in the surrounding four closest cities something like that i forget the exact rules but that feels about right well there it is anshan okay great that is the city state i was waiting for perfect so i've now got two envoys i can go one two and kabam i should be getting and it says about 80. yeah 66 science so all of my pieces of artwork are giving me or sorry writing are giving me science that's awesome is it writing and like some archaeology ones from memory one from relics and artifacts i don't have any relics or artifacts but writing i have a bunch of so that's great oh that's satisfying the mayans were right by a musician but i just bought one with faith and now he these modern era ones are much more expensive so they're gonna need 93 turns to get to it sorry about that but they're all mine there's another national park here these little tiny tundra cities are just great brilliant stuff awesome petersburg is loving it don't mind me while i just chuck religion across the border again oh you must be getting so close now oh yeah oh yeah gotta burger is just about to fall love it there's beowulf as well 86 strength he's a little tougher i can now throw him into sort of various parts of swedish land for instance like this unit this caroline it's a powerful unit i can challenge it to a jewel and kill it immediately which would be rather entertaining for me even got national parks appearing next to rainforests on remote islands it's like cool that's awesome themed portraits wonderful that means i've now got one two three four themed museums but i feel like there's still more to do there's still more on the table so we've got to keep trying so there are some themed landscapes brilliant ken i think i can do another religious one in a second that's cool time now to switch to democracy which should be a lot of fun it's a lot of extra policies we've got here drill manuals is good but i would prefer to have veterans seat because i'm still building harbors and lighthouses and all that sort of rubbish republican legacy frescoes that's all great raj is still really good i'm going to pick up a vissel banking and i'm going to pick up now symphonies because i've just unlocked radio so that's a good time to pick this one up a new deal is one of my favorite cards in the game the immunities in the housing in your big cities means that you start to get some insane cap battles like a seven immunity capital means this thing's getting 20 on all yields it's great two more themed museums actually scrap what i said before one two three four five six seven we've got a landscape a portrait and four religious ho oh and that's actually two landscapes looking at it ah it's beautiful it's beautiful oh look that's a caroline core oh dear and now it's dead oh dear sweden that was a very powerful unit it must have taken you ages to make oh what's that there's a bunch of powerful units all like stuff i mean if you want me to help remove them i can but i mean thank you so much for just coming to me sweden with all of this it's great see i thought this was really funny sweden was again refusing to make peace with me because their military is quite strong so what i did was diplomatically i went around to all my allies and i was just like hey guys do you want to join in on the war and now everyone apart from egypt at war in egypt's just like adjacent and is scared of the sweden's military but that's fine and sweden immediately came to me and was like oh do you want peace and i'm thinking hmm how about no how about no i'm having fun just killing your units here thank you oh democracy vessel banking komasi chingueti roots look at all of this it's a six food six production 18 gold eight culture 11 faith route that will do donkey that will do again sweden you should stop leaving your units out like this that's the third core i've deleted the third ah my first broadcast center it's a good thing that i've got a naturalist on the way to another st petersburg national park that'll help this city just do amazingly well building renaissance walls get a bit more tourism a gilded vault because i just never got around to doing that it'll give me a huge chunk and um oh wow yes 100 diplomatic favor from suzerain's that give me another 23 per turn that sounds like quite a good deal so i i will say yes thank you thank you for that that's the unit number five deleted time to nab i fell just from under sweden's nose that would be good that lets me build three wonders and all of the really cheap early game naval wonders like the colossus and the great lighthouse and that sort of thing are still available so that should be a bit of a laugh look at these buildings the consulates of a chancellor is oh the yields on these are insane i love i i always forget to build those districts and every time i do it i always think like that was a silly move why did i not just do that i don't know uh coal power plants useful but the there we go national history museum is even better i like it that was a sixth core just destroyed just like that so sweden's army has been removed by about 400 400 disappearing army sorry about that sweden oh look they are going to give me a good deal for peace now funny that now this is the thing favorable deals to them we can get you on side we can get you inside just accept accept my love be my friend sweden you know you want to oh my god 106 gold per turn for my diplomatic favor oh my goodness when i get that wonder finished it's gonna be insanely good space race is good social media here we go now we need to start thinking about trade routes with the world so and now i'm gonna start to get uh some traders in and some petersburg and i can start getting routes to japan egypt sweden the mayans all the mayans pretty quickly that should be fine poor mulan she was sat in the city for about 20 turns and all she did was shoot this district and she only managed to do 51 damage to it it's pretty poor i'm gonna have to send her away to exile maybe to this little desert isle just go sit here and think about your life next to these foxes and this random uh alcazar which is just beautiful um maybe go and plot and see how we could take over this kilwa city because i i'm still a little bit annoyed about that kill the city i kind of would have liked that one okay there is a shockingly small trade route range on saint petersburg fine there's one route to sweden uh in order to get a route to japan let's go from nagoya that will annoy them and in order to get one from egypt let's go from kazan again that'll annoy them perfect grant's toys oh hey i was like that guy such a pointless thing but yay for toys uh that'll make me happy and so i want to be spending my faith on more great people which are actually naturally coming six ten six tens three tens i'm doing quite well on that or do i get more national parks i quite like the idea of getting more national parks because i'll be honest it's relatively amusing to see how many i can put down like i'm giving it a good go and generally speaking i've been doing okay i just need to the problem is i've been putting districts down without really thinking about national parks i haven't kept it in my mind the whole game is like something i should be doing which is a little frustrating when you forget about that and then you realize ah damn there's a bunch of places i could have put it down had i thought about it very little pockets some petersburg i mean that's actually i'm going to get rid of some mines like i know the production in this city is insane but it doesn't need to be as high from mines because it's got so many trade routes coming from it so that'll probably be all right okay i felt let's rush the great slide lighthouse now the older the wonder the more tourism they give you which is quite fun also this one gives me movement from naval units which is that's right pointless it's pointless but i quite like it the great lighthouse was always a much better wonder in civ 5 and i always had a lot of fun building it back in the day so i quite enjoy building it where i can let's get the colossus next lovely stuff this one does give me a trade route so that's not pointless there we go social media time this is where we begin to officially get silly collective activism is going to jump in now um i think that's 1160 culture per turn it's not bad i'll take that that's that's okay satellite broadcast as well um again for 104 tourism per 10 and online communities goes in to up the tourism as well so that all in will give me a huge huge boost uh let me just rattle that through 760 but more importantly now if i can get a trade route to the mayans which of course i can kabam that's lovely stuff now i'm going to be spreading 1170 tourism per turn with them where it was just about 500 before now a few people have taken different governments to me fascism oligarchy monarchy autocracy classical republic hermetic order these are very exciting things but my democracy i think isn't it's not giving me too much of a penalty i'd rather have policy cards i think thinking about it i'm pretty happy with my choice really colossus times i love the fact that you see now this is the thing this would be a difficult mod i appreciate because the amount of graphical work that went into these wonders is extreme like if you think of all of the steps of the animation they've put in here like all of the different little bits it's like a stop-motion isn't it all the different photos of where the colossus is i'd love it if someone could put me into the game or like the ursa bear you know what i mean that'd be so funny can i just say satisfaction level 1 million computers and environmentalism on the same turn next turn oh yes my tourism is going to thank whatever is happening here that's that's beautiful one more national park that will time very well with the computer's environmentalism thing lovely still planting woods to make it better though computers environmentalism 1174 culture pertain now tour isn't better and i should say because that's exactly what it is just making it up i've got no idea what i'm doing oh a lighthouse and a shipyard actually that could be quite useful in one of my newer cities like okay that one's actually doing it fine okay well maybe maybe all my new cities have actually built over this infrastructure already no this one hasn't okay let's go to there it's such a beautiful site there's every single one uh that's why i've got 115 bonus from my culture and don't worry globalization is going to be along very soon with the international space agency so my science is going to go crazy i'm still really really annoying everybody by spreading all of my religion around as well just egypt and sweden can't get any peace i really want to three the letter though like if i wasn't an ally with egypt i'd be i'd be very tempted to do that globalization is good for multiple reasons thistle banking raj raj is probably the weakest out of all of my all of my cards at the moment and that is a little bit sad because it's a wonderful card but 426 science has to come in that's it's just too good new deal is awesome as well e-commerce would make my trade routes even better but for now that's fine when i was ravaged by natural disaster yes oh goodness i'd love it if that went through i need more money to buy more artwork i think clearly clearly everybody is thinking the same thing like uh sir he is impoverished he needs helping why would anybody why would anybody vote for that oh i don't know oh i know what i was going to do i was going to put sanctuaries in here wasn't i right here we go watch this so putting a sanctuary it's gonna go boom oh hello and then another sanctuary will bump and then it could get even better and it will get better hang on sanctuary oh my goodness and let's just see if i can if i can wrangle up some more money from somebody yes thank you japan oh i know you weren't really that angry at me and sanctuary oh boy look at that i'm just gonna i'm just gonna leave it on the screen for a second whilst you just appreciate the thor preserve hollow the only thing is this mountain on that tile that blocks me from putting the preserve on that towel so there is this one piece which is this is a terrible piece it's only got four production two gold two culture five they have two science free food unlike these tiles which have six production four gold four culture seven faith four science five food so really what's the point but i mean i love that that is just oh oh yes and finally a very special shout out goes to scott stratton major king kong matthew wilkinson salty tech big night oil traveled ask b paul coffee senjik kroger brand trail mix alex noob cinnamon beard and portland for all of your support on patreon as well as everybody else who comments and likes thank you
Channel: Ursa Ryan
Views: 3,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ursa, Ryan, Ursa Ryan, Comedy, Guide, Civ 6, Civilization, Civ Six, Gathering Storm, Steam, Expansion, DLC, Ultimate, Frontier Pass, Discord, Deity, Potato McWhiskey, Sir Ducks Lancelot, Inquisitive Otter, Boesthius, Civ League, Md, Modded, Russia, Elizabeth, Elisabeth, Russian, Mother, Cossack, Arts, Institute, Lavra, Holy, Site, Faith, Religion, Crazy, Hard, Japan, Start, Hardest, Lose, Artist, Writer, Musician, Combat, Culture, Theatre, Cultural
Id: JuzAwsbJ_tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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