Quincy talks about loving older women and his famous fathers!!!

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listen this young man we bout to introduce you to Ebro in the mornings to show Laura Styles Rosenberg this young man listen it comes from some great fabric women love him already and now he's putting out this is kind of how would you describe this Rosenberg his first single yeah this is like the first big thing I've gotten to know him over like the last six months I've been watching his movement grow he's popping on Instagram the young chicks love this guy light-skinned now he's got a single with a French French Montana called friends first young Quincy is so is your last name Combs my last name my birth last name is brown brown but of course to adoption you know with my stepfather yes yes so you go by Quincy Combs I'll go by Quincy but in one day one day hey well I mean I understand I respect now let's we don't talk to a couple things we wanna play a song right um you are poppin on social media rightly big followers girls love you without any but you've had like a mixtape or some I feel like I've heard I've heard a couple of things from you I've definitely put out some things in the past you know but that was just almost like experiments and kind of like get my feet wet in the music figuring out just did it without really no plan you know behind I was just awesome just experimenting let me kind of see how far I can go with it and really see if I you know there's something I want to pursue over the next couple years this is just a little phase I'm going through you know so it took a little took a couple mistakes and a couple little just time you nice to rap that's how you got to do it you got up you got to [ __ ] it up and get it relation and I found out how to use the voice and game changes you know something that's like so um what I know of your whole history is obviously your dad I'll be sure right um your mother Kim Porter right um she has other children with huff and puff adopted you um can you speak on how that took place and your father not being involved and what that relationship is like I mean it was just you know at a very young age you know of course you know at the end of day you know when things don't work out you know it's not it's not like the end of the world you know and uh I was grateful enough you know puffs to come in as my stepfather at an early age I'm talking like three you know so like like him is all I know you know as far as growing up and having that father figure definitely was a you know once they were placement you know but definitely was a feeling kind of all a father figure absolutely a growing up so you know did your dad fall on hard times is that what happened between him and your mom do you talk about that with him um I mean we we were dressing before you know it's definitely not nothing that you know I'm holding against him back in the day later he we cool now you know like I still be going to his little show looks just like that let's say if he even tried to front like how even know I do impossible well how old were you when he started coming back and you guys started developing a relationship I want to say around like 16 okay yeah 15 16 is kind of when communication started to build were you angry you are angry at him though um I was yeah and then I put out a song actually when I when I starts on you know caught a rat um actually I permitted with Global grind Russell Simmons heard and he was like very very very just like he fell in love with the record basically was it was called led to my father and basically what I did I wrote an actual letter almost like you know in a general standpoint just you know something on text and then I then I uh I made a song to and it was just kind of like yeah obviously felt like warm like Eminem song you know he likes passionate really personal going and going in oh if I see you in the street yes sir if I find I definitely I just say I've been here yeah I want to have any little bit but it was definitely like you know for my heart and truthful in every customer says you know so what did your father say What did he say about the song I mean he wasn't too happy of course but you know it wasn't about him you know it was about me and he understood it you know obviously with explanation and you know obviously quick see and he waking up but you know getting text obviously that's not the greatest thing the way he wasn't I mean he had listened I don't know what was going on but you know he was scorching for a period to him and your mother had a relationship right and then um things got more so good for him for a while right but I was told he had a little drinking thing that was going on with him for a little while is that true that just homers yes his rooms right so he was far as you know Albie was just not involved with your mom and your mom was doing it on but there was no nothing nothing that would like came in between that was on some light alcohol enough but did that frustrate you a little bit more the fact that there was no like real problem and you couldn't understand why he didn't want to be around whoa at a young is luckily kind of my mom my grandma I was the family that kind of you know raised me it was so it was almost like him being gone wasn't necessarily a thing a problem or whatever into got such sorta got to realize it you know at you know a young man at fifteen years eleven twelve thirteen nineteen I used to line school I used to tell uh it's like the back when the matter when he was story time and you know tell what what happened during your weekend or whatever I would lie all the time and be like yeah my dad took me to Six Flags my dad and then my teachers would they do they knew the situation and then uh you know they I contacted my grandma like um you know cuz he's saying that he's doing like all these crazy fun things with his father when we I mean from what we know his father wasn't around he's gonna is this true or is something we need to worry about stuff like that and my grandma I like got worried for the first time because it was never ever ever an issue up until like randomly you know and it was like like like fifth grade or full phrase like that so it was made clear to you when you were young that puff is not your dad dad but he cares for you and you but you were aware that like where is my dad dad yeah yeah it was it was that but then it was like you know why isn't he here like you know puff is you know but it was like I said my family so loving and whatnot it wasn't really nothing that was like you had nothing to worry yeah yeah it was nothing but as a young man or when you do you know men struggle with that like knowing who your dad is like what's he really about what's his fabric like and our you know that happens in teens at twelve thirteen when you're like oh why isn't he none of me um so puff steps in everything is is is moving you and puff ever had falling outs have you ever done that y'all give up [ __ ] dad no never you never hit him with the U n my father and never cuz he he was he more like a supportive like uncle or did he try to be a dad no no it was an immediate like you know take you in as my son yeah it was never like a little awkward stage where it was like you know I'm calling him by his first name first you know you know he's dead he's dead he's yeah good for you man um I gotta tell you the interesting thing I love about Quincy Oh Amber Rose introduced us along to come through I would rosenberg be hanging out with cool-ass Quincy and amber exactly so when amber introduces I remember the first night we hung out we hung if I get an hour too and I looked at him I was like my man you are way too nice I was like you have every reason in life to act like an [ __ ] you know I'm saying good-looking rich but famous parents earlier challenged well that's what I'll try to put together is there is there something about you that sort of ground to you because I'm sure you know other celebrities kids who carry themselves in a different way than you do we went to club the other day he had an appearance I'm like my man we got to get out of here cuz if we don't leave here now it's gonna be a [ __ ] zoo when we need to leave and he goes I didn't finish the time yet that I told them I would be here right man and I was like my god that's how you're supposed to do it even though I'd be like god damn it I'm getting it up in shorts on I'm out of here so what is it you know what is it about your mom or you know just you in general that makes you act like a really regular kid and not a spoiled brat which could have been very easy to happen absolutely 100 mile is the reason that's where this year so rest in peace or so but she definitely shaped me into the man I am now of course my mom too but my grandma really was the you know she was the one that this mushed it in me to be grounded and I mean she the way she just the way she just spoke made more sense in biking you know kind of like translate to me now this is your mother's mother my mother's mother okay and was she can you tell in retrospect that she was aware that she needed to do that like that without the proper grounding like she knew your situation what could happen she knew what was coming she knew that I was good look and she's always scared into end time I say like I'm talking to a girl she's like she got a boyfriend like F dad like like like don't don't trust her don't be going to our house you know nothing like the shoes always did that one always you know give that get the worst-case scenario just is she back down a little bit came down to reality and kind of like pan things up though and glaze over the fact that he just go she knows I'm good looking hey yo rice care [ __ ] man well listen that's what we got to keep an eye on with these little light skins man what do you mean why cuz you know they run around they get love Wow look at him they is you what do you need a different I'm different so don't compare me to another different exactly no no the only that makes you different him is he's better-looking and richer from jump y'all are basically the same so yo um your music and what you're doing right now you stood I mean we're talking about your family but if you go and look at your life and what you're giving to your fans it's not about puff it's not about your mom it's not about none of that it's all about you how are you is that a conscious decision you're like yo I don't need a Diddy cosine I don't need my father like what's that thought process right I mean it was all about you know really gain never that proper respect from people if I'm gonna dive into the music getting it properly like really going to the radio station is really like knocking out the doors like look me not you know mixing meetings getting up speaking like really doing it from from the ground up you know just because it's cool it's gonna be the I'm just gonna happen ever everywhere I go where it's like all Diddy this Diddy that you know you're doing this because of ham boom boom or you may think that you know but then when actual time comes and if I'm able or he's able to release press like what the real situation is in the grind you know me I'm glad to be able to share that I said of just saying you know you know yeah yeah I'm here because of my dad you know I'm actually putting more gratifying wind but in there were that satisfying to me and you know like I act as well you know and in that feel to it you know yeah shocking is it yeah it is the same thing I want to be tree like a you know are you good I'm still I'm good I'm good he's not you just kinda like getting started I'm getting started but I'm very confident as actor like this is definitely something I see take so you what's your strength the music or the actor um on me right now I just enjoy those guns you had you had to choose which one is gonna make you bread for the rest of your life that you noting do you think you know that one you're good at naturally was very is easy for you absolutely did did he feel a certain type of way that you didn't come to him first when it comes to you music um I manases I did but then I didn't like I did let him know what you know I was obviously know doing in the mini plans that I had and of course he had his words you know but he also definitely did wanted me to find my own you know I was trying to make my own beats a one time he's I look I give what you need to make your beats you know boom boom and then you know every other so for five months I'll show like you know I've come this far come this far and then I feel like that should I know know he actually did you know but slowly but surely I started getting them like you know well did he is that kind of do divide when it comes to them when it comes to the music and when it comes to business whether you're his family or not he's my yo fan I should his trash hmm let me tell you how to make it better and you got to put in your work and pay your dues cuz that's how you came up he came up the same way are you in Justin you guys ever knuckled up I mean just as I brolic now playing football he's a swole you older than him a little bit right did you guys ever have a conflict between him being you know did he and you know he's the son and you kind of came in later you know what not at all you know it was it was you and Justin ever fart be come on sir I swear you never know y'all will are y'all how close you guys very close very close you know they hang out together they get drawn together you not make deals they close these two oh wow I'm sure they're I'm sure an in Quincy on the scene where does Justin plays at us ears on the right UCLA UCLA so he's out there too he's out there that's a broad out there records out there so out gross mmm-hmm what you doing with that margin that's a great friend that's been a friend for a very very very long time I've been I've been you liked all the women I like yeah yeah I mean from from a young age I guess you know being surrounded by all the way yeah I may be that mature yes this about me too and you know how to talk to them absolutely you know how to make them feel comfortable you got to you got to and putting your time I put in my time wait until I mean my dad's like that too you like children well now older web I'll huff or Oh Albie mmm Abby's a while let me tell you one thing about alby's older women now all the women now looking about 65 70 years old let's now get there yeah never say is Oh Albie owns his own man I don't know how he's rocking out from like a ruler no light-skinned forty to sixty he's got that thing on different condoms no wishes on your twenty twenty three twenty three Amber's thirty we're not seniors oh yeah but mmm nice is this my ex-girlfriend she was 31 all right in yeah like ages necessarily isn't your fault right into the trap right now hey won't you introduce the new song and welcome to cut back any time on those of you guys tuning in right now Quincy and Amber Rose it hasn't happened yet but if he's a true light-skinned cut from the cloth that he's cut from he knows how to wait it's very much lay back in the grass that's right there's all grass you know yo it'll be alley-oop to you one night Maji so crazy he's gotta close you gotta represent for the light-skinned is that right I sit man intro to song man Quincy Attenborough Quincy in French Montana my phone Murphy
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 436,578
Rating: 4.8727946 out of 5
Keywords: Quincy, Sean Combs (Celebrity), Al B. Sure, Rhythm And Blues (Musical Genre)
Id: Dq4hwWBUFR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 16 2014
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